CC 03-19-90 '/ , CITY OF aJPERl'IN:), srnTE OF CALIF'CRITA 10300 '1~ AVEMJE, aJPERI'INO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 MINUmS OF '!HE REX>UIAR CITY CXXJNCIL MŒl'DC HErD œ MAR:::H 19, 1990, CITY HALL CXXJNCIL 0iAMBER 10300 1U1<1<t; AVENJE, aJPERl'nÐ, CAI.I:FœrrA œ-786 '!be meet.in¡ was called to order by Mayor RogIns at 6:45 p.m. SAIIJI'E 'ro '!HE f'L1\G mIL CAlL Counc. PL g IL: Goldman, Kq:pel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Ib}e1:s staff Pl. IlL: City Manager Brown City Clerk COrnelius Director of Public ~k.o Viskcviå1 Director of ChmII"'1ity Devel,¥"""d:. Cowan Director of Finance Sny1.. Assistant to the City Manager Brown Director of Parks and Recreatim Ccwlinq n-m"'lity RelatiCl'lS Officer R:rey City Attorney Kililsn ~ It was JIIOIII8d by Counc. Szabo, ~.:Jo:d by Came. Sorensen and J?"I'1's'9d unarú.mcusly to CXI'rt:iraJe Item Nos. 35 and 47 to the meet:Jn;r of April 2. CEREM:IŒAL M1a"uac:; - PRESm:l7\'I'Iœs - Na1e ORAL CXHIJNICATIœs Rúl Halstead told Oouncil he thc:u;Iht he oculd be heImi under oral ChmII"'IicatiCl'lS rather than at the end of the agenda in relatia1Ship to the item sd1eduJ.ed under staff Reports. He stated he did have other ncn-related i.......... to mentim. In regard to a City center hotel and the Ov...,..... park, he read to Council his letter dated March 19 abjectinq to the c::han:Jes made by the Planninq ChmIi-ion at the meet.in¡ of Marc:h 12 withcut a p.lblic hearing. -1- ·/ .. . MINtJI'ES OF '!HE MARCH 19, 1990, REX>UIAR CI'IY CXXJNCIL :€ETING (œ-786) Paul Ilgenfritz, 1026<5 Dmube Drive, stated that "dJe vote taken NOVE!IIi:Jer 20, 1989, had irregularities. In regard to }.¡:plication 3-{]-86 (Revised), he felt that Mr. Vidovich, the develcper, had been OIlertXl'lpeI1Sð.ted for the 31 1.nÚts. He revi9Wed historical infODnation regardirr:J this item. Jim Mehta of Olateau CUpertino, said that L1fonnatim regardirr:J a 6-story, high density è.uilctirxJ beirg è.uilt in front of Olateau CUpertino had been withheld fran tenants. InfoDnatian regazàinq a joint driveway was aJ so withheld. He expressed oc:fn!rn regëm:iÍnJ lack of parkiIr;¡ and stated that the triangul~ piece sha.ù.d be open ocpaœ. He urged more parking for Olateau CUpe¡-:tiIX> arxi <::pen space for the whole area. Rúl Halstead read his press release dated March 20, 1990, pertainin] to ~. i-~ ¡'od c::hanqes for elected and a¡:pJinted officials. þ Tall De1wsa'I of .J\m1or Careers requested 11 dlan;Je in the City's solicitor ~. <'eeS. J\mior C3reE!J:S is an organization that tead1es ycurJ;J peq>le jet> skills and is also a recreation ~L'-";Law. 5everal h1.1n:irId yo.zths are in the ~"':ILaw arxi they c::hëIJ'ge frequently. A $50 per perscn solicitor's pezmi.t fee is expensive. He asked if it ~ possible for the organizatim to pm::hase a certain J1I1IIIho:or of pezmi.ts that ocoùd be shared by the YCurJ;J peq>le in the Pl'-";Law. He was directed to p.¡t his request in writinq to the City ClerK who will foxward the infcn:matim to the ..........'¥Llate staff ,,_.J -er. Jàm Marshall, 1110.1 Scuth stellinq Read, ~.sed Oouncil regardinq solicitors who go deer to dcJOr. He said he had sent in a soondoff to which he ha'j not yet received a reply. He also inquired aba1t the City center fo.mtain and the b.1s step on stevens Creek Boulevard near DeAnza college. He stated that the b.1s does not always step in the þL~ place, b.rt: stqJs elsewhere, which blocks traffic. He told Council that Wen he had addressed the group previously bio redwood trees ~ dying at Jollyman Park; TØi it is six. He did receive a letter fran City staff b.rt: he woold prefer that the t.l T be cared. for. He also mentioned trßt at Linda vista Park, there ~ electrical aJ.tlets without 00IIerS. \lso, play equii'"uèuL at the lbrt:a vista Recreation Center has loose mIts and bolts. -2- MINtJI'ES OF '!HE MARQf 19, 1990, RÐ.:;UU>.R CIT'i CXXJNCIL MEEJ'IN; (œ-786) ~' c:AIENDI\R staff reqœsted that Item No. 7 be removed. Mayor Rogers ~ Items 27 I 28: an:l 29; CCUJ');;, Goldman IeIIX:IV8l Item No. 11. It was IOCIVed by Came. KI:HJel, seoc:n:Jed by Counc. Sorensen and P'I'Ssed unaniIrnJsly to a¡:prove the balance of the Consent Caleroar as sul:mitted with the exœptioo of Item No. 12, as Counc. Sorensen abstained on that item. 1. Resolution ~!o. 8056: "A Resolutioo of the City Coun:::il of the City of CUpertiIX> AlIOWÍl'¥1 Certain ('"]"'i..... and Demarxis Payable in the ADnmts and Fran the PUnds as Hereinafter Described for General and Misoellaneous Experxiitures for the Period EOOinq February 23, 1990." 2. Resolutim No. 8057: "A Resolution of the City Cameil of the City of CUpertiIX> AlIOWÍl'¥1 Certain ClaiJœ and DeIIIaJæ Payable in the Amamts and Fran the PUnds as Hereinafter Described for General and MisoeJ.lanea¡s Expeuditures for the Period EOOinq March 9, 1990." 3. Resolutim No. 8058: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of 0JpertiIX> AllCMinq Certain C! ..i..... and DeIIIaJæ Payable in the ADnmts and frail the PUnds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and wages for the Payroll Period EOOinq February 13, 1990." 4. Resolutim No. 8059: "A Resolution of the City 00unci1 of the City of O,¡pert.im AllCMinq certain ('"]..i""" and DeIIIaJæ Payable in the ADnmts and frcm the PUnds as Hereinafter Desc:ribed for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period EOOinq Februa%y 27, 1990." 5. !b1thly Activity Rspo1.L, FebIuiny, 1990. 6. ~licatim ASN:. 28-tJ-88 - I.a:ndmark Devel,¥"""ll - Request for revie", and~.:MÙ for perimeter fencinq and soorñ wall to an approved plamed townhaDe devel,¥"""lt lc.cate:i on Gardenside lane, north of Ra.i11bcM Drive. PJeo ..··""1Jded for ~. 7. ReIIrNed fiun the 0Œ1sent caleroar. 8. Requæ.t for appropriation of $625.00 frail the general fund to caver cost of November, 1989, election. 9. AloctlOlic Beverage O:ntrol license applicatiCl'lS: Marie callemer Pie Shq>, 20750 stevens creek BoulevaId: Tea Garden Chinese Olisine, 10457 Sc:uth DeAnza BoulevaId: He Ho Restaurant, 20041 Boll1n:Jer Road. -3- Consent Calendar MINUI'ES OF '!HE M1IRai 19, 1990, REX>UIAR CITY axJNCIL MEE:I'ING (œ-786) 10. ~ of minutes of the adjoorned regular City Courcil meeting (study sessim) of FebroaJ:y 2 and 3, 1990. 11. Remc'ITed frail the 0Œ1sent calendar. 12. ~ of minutes of the adjoorned regular City Council meetin:.J of February 21, 1990. 13. ~ of minutes of the adjoorned regular City Council meeting of February 26, 1990. 14. ~ of minutes of the adjoorned regular City Council meetin:.J of February 27, 1990. 15. Resolutim No. 8060: "A Resoluti/"Jl1 of the City Council of the City of O,¡pert.im Settin;J tete for Ca1sideratim of Annexinq Area Designated 'Byrne Avenue 90-0J', PL_ L)' IDeated m the East Side of Byrne Avenue beboieen }Ioo.....sa Averua and Granada Avenue: ~....,ri-t.ely 0.38 I\cre, Hall (Am 357-16-44)." 16. ClaiJD for tW.~ filed by Nagin Fatal. Re.:- ....-'Ided for rejecticn. 17. Resolutia1 No. 8061: "A Resolutim of the City Courcil of the City of 0Jpertin:) ARJravinq cart:ract 0'Iarçe Order No. 5 for stevens Creek Boulevard ~ov"",=,,Ls, Oran; e to ihar lap, Project 4022." 18. ~1icatim No 12-u-88 - pizzeria uno Restaurant - Q1e year review for """'1'1 ianoe with Use Pemit Ccn:titiCl'lS m a dine-in restaurant located m the SQIth side of stevens Creek Boulevard 400 ft. east of Blaney AverJJØ. 19. Resolutia1 No. 8062: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of 0Jpertin:) ARJravinq a...L....ct ~ Order No. 1 for Traffic signal Modification m M:JClellan RaId at steJ.lirg Road, Project 90-101." 20. Resolution No. 8063: "A Resolutim of the Ci1..y Council of the City of O,¡pert.im ~ing Ccntract 01an;Je Order No. 16 for l"'nmII"'1ity Center aill.din;¡/Meøm'ial Parle Expansim, Project No. 2001." 21. 1Io:>:"'l'Lance of City project.o; perfonoed urœr CXI1tract: a) DeAnza COllege sidewalk Installation, Project 89-108 (Golden Bay CCI1struction) -4- · MINtJI'ES OF '!HE M1IRCH 19, 1990, REX;lJIAR CITY a:X.iNCIL MEE:I'ING (œ-786) b) Cœi:>ined proj ect - MXlellan Road I11prcvement Project 89-4009 and North stellirq Road wideni.rg Project 90-4005 (P & F Canstructim) c) Foathill/Cristo Ray/starlinq Traffic Signal, Project 5009 (HaoIard Electric) 22. Acceptarwœ of 1II.DÚ.cipal iIIprovements: a) '¡'ract No 7574, Torre and stevens Creek - Vidavidy'OIartier b) Tract No. 7575, CUpertiIX> waterfall, Rodrigues and Torre - Mayco c) Terry Brown project on Pasadena/Granada d) Tract No. 7728, Olive Avenue - H. W. & Associates 23. Resolution No. 8064: "A Resolutim of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 Aooeptin;J Grant of F..............rt; for Riœdway Pu1:p<:ses frail Dllvid I-Ito/a Yarq, Jan-FWu and SUi-<hin:1 Ko Hwu, ccnsistin¡ of ~tely 0.003 Acres, IDeated 10249 Pa~ AVerJJe." · 24. Resolutim No. 8065: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of QJpertino Aooeptin;J Quitclaim Deed and Autharizatim for ~ water Rights frail DIIvid I-Ito/a Yarg, Jan-FWu and SUi-aúJJ¡ Ko Hwu, IDeated 10249 p.......-. Aver1Ie." 25. Resolutim No. 8066: "A Resolutia1 of the city Oouncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ Parcel Map and IIIprcIYement Plans of Prcp!rty IDeated at 11234 a1l:b Road, Develcp!r Elmer 8.1Xta1 and D'I.ee 8.1Xta1, Autharizin] ~1tim of :f:bt.u............,t Ag:I.eEillelht; Autharizinq Signinq of Parcel Map and DIprcvement Plans." 26. p-p"'""'t for waiver of business license fees frail united states Missim at san Jose. 27. ReIrx:Ned frail tho: 0Œ1sent calemar. 28. RemcNed frail the CaIsent Calemar. 29. ReIrx:Ned frail the Qn."'elIt Calemar. · I'I'EH> lIDIJVED FR:M a::tœmr c.\InIDaT\R 7. ~lication 1ISAC 51,889.1 - Designers COllective - Request for review and ~ for miIX>r remodeling of an exi.st.in:J service station and a¡:proval of a Planned Devel~1t sign plogLQIIl. Reo .,...~ for approval. -5- . . Vacation- McClellan & Madr id . MINl1l'ES OF '!HE MARai 19, 1990, RmJIAR CITY c:x:xJNCIL hu:J:.uC (œ-786) ~ King of Designer's COllective, rep:resentinq 01evra1 USA, IrY.:. , said that he did want to rem:we the signs frail the c.arq-,y. '!he roc-œmen:Iation frail AS1IC was a.:~ldble. It was moved by Counc. Szabo, seoc:njed by Counc. ~ and p"e",'9d \.II'IaJÚJbOOsly to awrove ~licatim ÞS.AC 51,889.1 per AS1IC Resolutim No. 1523. 11. Awroval of minutes of the regular City Cameil JDEI8tin;J of February 20, 1990. '!he City ClerK was requested to reviE!li the tape of the meet.inq of FebroaJ:y 20 to see if the rw""""'"" of unit-.a was part of the matim pertaining to oattinJanoe of applicati.a1 for ì.-.. .""'1 and devel,¥"""IL of the TIue Value Hantware Store site. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman, seo....:Jo:d by Counc. ~ and p"e~ 4-0 with Counc. &"'04-.1 aœtaininq, for ðp£)luVal of the miraJtes. 27. Mc:nthly Treasurer's ~L - Pebruazy, 1990. It was requested that ~.. be used in the figw:es. Directar of Finance Srl'der said this <T!I'ld be dale with a ch!Irx; e in the CCIIp1ter plogl.aw ~ shcu1d be K" "loli8hød in a few 1IICI'1t:hs. 28. Ac- "".tðnce of initial po h. -·.:1atiCl'lS frail the InteriJa Tennis Center n-nittee. Oouncil received the names of the nrwnni ttee ............,... 29. Resolutim No. 8067: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of O,¡pert.im set;t.inq Date of Public H8arinq to CtI1sider Traffic Mitigatim MeasuretI m Mann Drive." staff was directed to notify the neighbamood as 8CXI1 as possible. It was DK:Ned by Mayor Rogers, seoadod by Counc. 1C"ß)8l and p"ee"'è unanimcus1y to aß)roVe as sutmitted, It:eDø 27, 28, and 29. PUBLIC HEARnœ 30. CtI1sideratim of vacati n of a portion of McClellan ~ narth of Madrid Read -6- MINUTæ OF '!HE W\RCH 19, 1990, RmJI1\R CITY CXXJNCIL MEE.TIN:; (œ-786) (a) Resolutim No. 8068: "A Resolution of the City Cameil of the City of CJpertino Orderin] Vacaticn of a Portion of foi::Cle11an Read North of Madrid Read As Provided in Sectia1 8320 Et Seq. of the streets and Highways COde of the state of california, Retainin;J it aft PUblic utility F...""""'""It, Public Service -""""'""It, Sanitaxy Sewer -..-....d., and Pacific Bell F...~." (b) Resolutim No. 8069: "A Resolution of the City CoI.Iœil of the City of O,¡pert.im Aß:Jroving Parcel Map and ~uV'E!Dekd. Plans of Prc:.perty IDeated at 21934 McClellan Read, Developer James Sisk, Authorizing F\œcutim of ~""'eDe11t ¥_.L; Authorizing Signinq of Parcel Map and ~"",eaoe.IL Plans." (c) Resolutim No. 8070: "A Resolutim of the City Cameil of the City of O,¡pert.im Acœptinq Q.1itclaim Deed and Autharizatim for tJndergrcund water Rights traa Jàm W. Bell and Patsy Ann B&ll, 21984 McClellan Read." It was DK:Ned by Counc. JCq:pe1, seoc..:Jo:d by Came. Gol_r¡ and p"--rd unanimcus1y to close the pJblic hearinq. It was DK:Ned by Counc. JI'qJpeJ., -......:Jo:d by Counc. sorensen and l""e_\'d unanimcus1y to adept - 1 :>lutim Nos. 8068, 8069, and 8070. 31. Hearing' to ocnsider abII.t:-...L of 1"I1isaooe at All American Shopping center, narthwest .............r of SCIuth Blaney AvenJe and Bo11in; er lQId. (a) Resolutim No. 8071: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Olderinq Abat.eœ1.t. of Public NUisance at All American Shopping Center." Assistant to the City Man!Iger Brown reviewed events that have oocurred in this matter since the written L~t dated Mart:h 11, 1990. 'Ihere is aztside stuLIaF because there is mt encu;Jh roan inside the hnildinq. Fish is no 1<n:}BI beinq washed aztside. '!he Assistant to the City Manager believes the owner will apply to add m to the b.ù.ldinq so there will be roan for oovered ~. Also, the awlicatim will request revëlllpirq the circu1atia1 system to get rid of the fish odor. '!he ootdoor pagirq system is mt beirq used. '!he staff is r... .....-.dinq ñi_11tling of the system. -7- Public hearing closed Res. 8068, 8069, 8070 adopted Nuisance abate- ment-All Americar Shopping Center MINUTES OF '!HE MARCH 19, 1990, RmJIAl CITY roJNCIL MErl'DC (œ-786) City Cameil c:ptiCl'lS were reviewed. Council enoc:uraged that ¡:hates of the graffiti be sent to the Sheriff's Office as the group doinq it may be identified. Also, it shoold then be reDDVed. Darlene 'It......,..., 20097 Jàm Drive, a custaner of Tin Tin, told Cameil there is a tr'emer1cbJS odor prà:>lem. When the cwnty Health Department investigated "live" fish were floating in the tanks dead. other stores with fish da1't have this. Also, live fish splash water at the carpet which also smells. Assistant to the City Manager Brown said she has ta1Jœd with the Health Department and Tin Tin is in OCIIpliance with tl1Ø hecùth IUles. Elly Werner, 20076 I.A Rcda 0Jurt, told Cameil she does have slides of the market and area l:ut will for&.JO showin;J them unless they 1esire. In respCllSoe to the staff L"¥'LL, Ms. Werner said that not all per&a1S got mailinqs and a1ly me notice was posted; there shoold have been at least two. '!he graffiti is still there. Not all 7'~ cans have 0CNel'S. stares to the left of Tin Tin (Ho Ho Restaurant, etc. ) have unccNered d!.mpters. '!here were ...d..... today by the d!.mpters. Perishable food is stared cutside. '!here '1r-~" to be a higher wall bet:u9en the sbcß>inq center and the residential area that woolld totally close the œnter off. '!here is a PA system inside the store also. It is so lcud the noise gees into the neighborhood. Ms. Neu.....· reqœst:ed that there be no PA system inside the store eitha:'. Victoria Så1wart said that her mother and children do not shop at Tin Tin anymore. 'lhey cannot fin:l thin;pI in the store: there is too IDJCh odor and traffic in the. neighbortxxxi. Mazgaret I:IIpink, 10870 South Blaney, had a si1lln..... OCIIplaint. She said she used to shcp at the store and would like to again. Frank Na1g, 20062 I.A Rcda 0Jurt, said the shqpinJ center ::;hculd nct have two restaurants. 'Iher9 will be nr:n::e odors, cxx::kroaå1es, etc. Mary Ann 0Irertal, 10743 South Blaney AVernJe, expreased the same OCIIplaint regardi.rq traffic and odor. -8- e MINUIES OF 'lliE ~ 19, 1990 t Rm1IÆ CTIY a:wcrL MŒI'.U«i (CC-786: Niex>l Legan, san Jose, speaking m behalf of the owner of the Tin Tin Market, said that she has met with scme of the rrmoIIInrlty and does want to work with them. 'l11e owner is sensitive to the neighrœ:hooj oa.oems. SaDetimes these frail other alltures de."IOt 1.111derstam cur c::ax:erns. Mrs. I.eqan is workin1 with th.'! owners. Shqpinq is a persmal thinq. 'l11e owner is wining to give tan:s of the store whidl serves a large Asian pcpùatim. In rAgard to the odor, the owner has been told to rBIDYe the dead fish. He is trying to iDr}rave the filtratim system in the tank and the air ccn:lit'.mer above the tank. It was ~ that pezhaps a tile flex>r with a drain wo.ùd help; alsc, a separate roan for fish cleaninq. Mary Ann 0IIerta1 asked why aJStaœrs frail other rYWIIInI"'1ities were beinq bro.Jght in. 'l11e neighborhood is reinq alienated. . Elly Wemer said that she took a tcæ.- of the store and came cut ':JL-n. 'l11e tile in the fish area is filthy; it is a matter of cleanliness. Pr'lY~I1"'~ and fish are broJght in txx- and the E!IIpty boxies are p.Jt outside. '!be people at the store have p.Jt live fish down the outside drain. Ken IaIOint, 71 EnciIX>, Atherta1, told Council that his f~in-law owns the center and is ttyinq ~ eliminate the prà:ùems. 'Ihey have a bid cut m repairs to the brick wall, paint:.irg of the back of the h'i1dings, and plantinq the rear strips, and are tryinq to work with the neigbbœ:hood and the City Council. He .."L -- with the three reo" -·-·-datiCl1S. It was DK:Ned by Counc. ~l and seccnjed by Counc. Go1.dllllm to close the p.lblic hearinq. Director of n-mnúty Devel,¥"""IL Cowan said he will di ..r...... raising the height of the wall with the owner \bin he çplies for the enclosure. Oc:uncil di.....'ee1!d enclosing the trash bins, remcval of the odor, repairinq the wall, maintenance of fra1t and back of the center, and sanitatim. It was ~ted that a field trip cn1ld be taIœn. Mrs. Legan as1n:wi that saue Jdnj of a quantitative yardstick be given in regazd. to the fish odor so that it cn1ld be mAacztJr8d. . -9- e Park Fees . . 1IDllTl'ES OF 'lHF MARCH 19, 1990, REGJIAR cr:J:l CXXJNCIL 1'Œ.l.TI1«i (CC-7S6) It was IIDVBd by Came. Sorensen an:! secxn:Jed by ColIne. ~] to take a ~ield trip i""""",,iJotely. '!he mctim was defeated with Co..Inc. Goldm!m, Szabo an:! Mayor Pcgers votinq no. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel, seoa-.ded by Counc. Sorensen and I"'Med unarrl.DnJsly to adept Resolutim No. 8071 with Item b to be ameJ'1ded to inc11X1e that the gazbage oa:tainer shall be covered, the wall repaired, there shall be a maintenance p1:"':ILaw for the center, the use permit a¡::plicatian will incllXle increasing the wall height and enclosinq trash oa1tainers, the odor shall be SI.JR.1L-~ed or reJII:M!d, and that a p.¡blic hearin:¡ will be c:axJucted within 90 days and shall inc11X1e a field trip: there shall be :iJJprayed eanitatim pl.' '^-1n'"eB. By OCt¿ msus, Council agl.....d that the hearin:¡ in 90 days (JUne 18) will not be just regardirç the odor, b.1t will review ITOI{'liance with all cx:n:titiCl'lS. 32. <::a1sideratioo of raisinq park fees (h.._JlSUrate with 01pertin0 prcperty values. Director of Public Wœ.k.o VisJa:wic:h reviewed his LqA'Lt with Oouncil. Ann Arq.1r, !b1ta Vista, said this ,.....)8 came up last year. 'Ihe O,i,,*¥ Act is for ""~visiaw. Sinqle-family lots that want to iDprave do not 0CIII8 UI'XEr the "'1bdivisia1 ardinanoe. She had cx:.ntacted the Pacific T_ Foundatia1 in regard to this item. She asllWl if sinqle lots wculd CCIII8 under the...... ......sed parX fes sd1eœJle and was inf... ..-"1 a1ly if it is a vacant lot m 1otú.ål the owner wants to hnil,.. Mrs. Arqer said this was not in ð(u 'kd4nce to the infœ:matia1 frcm the Pðcific T--... Foundatia1. Mr. Viskoviå1 ~.....,eed the opinim that this was an equity i ~CII.Je. Elmer aJxtc:n, 11234 I:lti> lb!d, said he took me paroe.l with an exist.irq resideme and divided it iJlto two lots. He had to pay two park fees. QJe house already exists there: his fees were $10,500 per lot. Mr. VislcDviå1 stated that the ~ Act does not re:xJgn.i.ze ex:ist.in;J haDes. He oculd be credited if he can aheM that he had previously paid park fees. City Attorney Kilian pointed cut that use of the QlÚ.IIiJy Act is voluntary. Cameil oculd dJccse to just use AB 1600 if they wisbed. AB 1600 is for new deve1,¥"""IL a1ly and requires that a nexus be shcM1. '!here IIIJSt also be an annual L,,¥-,LL and update. -10- MINtJI'ES OF '!HE MARŒI 19, 1990, REGJIAR CITY CXXJNCIL MEE'I'IlÇ (œ-786) Jàm Marshall cited V'.!rious ex¡mples which he used for clarificaticn. It was 1DCIIIed by Counc. ~1, sect'I1ded by Came. Sou...!!8I'1 and P"'~~.gd ~y to close the public hearing. It was 1DCIIIed by Counc. ~, sect'I1ded by Came. Sot. nn and ra':1<¡o9d with Mayor Rcgers di.ssentin:¡ to ~ ~m 1 using ().liDiJy Act and AB 1600 park fee ~'n----,t methods; to ccnfirm the Clu.L",,1t land value at $1.5 millim per acre; to aß)roVe use of park fee JOOnies collected to reiJabJrse the General Fund for IIICI'IeY spent m the park ~L"':ILaw; to ðwL1.Ñ8 in oc....q1L that fees established will 0CIII8r principal and future increases in park fees due to ""''¥''L ty value increases wil1 be used to offset interest. RE)...x.~: 9:00-9:05 P.M. RJBLIC HEAlUNGS 33. ~icatim No. 9-Z-88 - Noor Blllawala - Request for reza1inq 10.9 .......'0'0 frcm agricultural residential to Hillside Residential; westerly temims of Rainbow Drive. Envh.........lLal Detenninatim: '!he P1.annin¡ n-onni-ion reo· ····....ds the grantin;J of a Negative Deçlaratim. Ree, ····-·Ided for awraval. (a) First readinq of ordinance No. 1522: "An O:tdinanoe of the City coonci1 of the City of O,¡pert.im Amerxlinq Sectim 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Reza1inq 10.9 Acres frail City of QJpe:rtino Al Za'I8 to City of Q.1pertino R!S; IDeated at the westerly Temira.Js of Rainbow Drive (Blllawala - ~icaticr1 9-Z-88)." It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel, sect'I1ded by Counc. Szabo and p"'e"«t UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly to grant the Negative Declaratim. It was mcved by Counc. Kcß>el, seoorIded by Came. Szabo and p"'ee.gd UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly to aß)roVe the awlicatim per P1.annin¡ n-onni_ion Resolutim No. 4246. It was 1DCIIIed by cnmc. I<q:pel, seoorIded by Counc. Sorensen and p"eeed Ul1aIÙJIIaJs1y to read ordinance No. 1522 by title a1ly and the City ClerK's reading to CCI'IStitute the first reading thereof. -11- App. 9-Z-88 Neg. Dec. grante 1st reading Ord. l522 . App. [[-Z-89 Neg. Dee. grWd 1st reading Ord. 1523 App. L 7-U-89 & I 38-EA-89 , . MINtJI'ES OF '!HE MARCH 19, ] 990, REnrIAR CITY roJNCIL MEE:rIN;; (œ-786) 34. AR>lication No. ll-Z-89 and 43-FA-89 - City of CUpertiIX> Amerxiin¡ zOl'1inq ordinaroe to ~ity ~licability of setback, height, bùk, floor area ratio and similar requirements. Prq1erty is the area Jxunded by stevens Creek Boulevard to the narth and Byrne ~; 0r'al'xJe Aveme to the east; Granada Aven.J8 to the swth and by private lands to a depth of 200 ft. east of Byrne AverJ.Je. Envh......."..l4l Determinat.i.a1: '!be Planninq l'nIwni ....im rec:. ....-œ the grant.in.J of a Negative r--"""'!I.tim. R90="....~ for approval. (a) First readin;J of Oràinance No. 1523: "An Oràinance of the City Oouncil of the City of O,¡pert.im Amerxiin¡ Oràinance No. 1050 to Specify ~licability of Setback, Height, aük, Floor Area Ratio and Similar ~1i........ILs, Located stevens Creek Bculevard to the North and Byrne~; 0r'al'xJe AV8I'I.Ie to the East; Granada Aveme to the Sc:uth and Private Iands to 11 Depth of 200 ft. East of Byrne AV8I'IJ8." It was maved by Counc. }{q:pel, secxnied by Came. s........._1!I1 and pelE'lIed unan1mcusly to grant the Negative r--l aratia1. It was DK:Ned by Counc. JCq:p!l, secxnied by Counc. Goldman and passed unan1mcusly to ..........uv'8 the ~licatim per Pl.ar1ninq l'nIwni ~ia1 Resolutim No. 4247. It was maved by CaJnc. Kqpel, seccnBi by cnmc. Su......_1!I1 31'Xi p""....... unanimcusly to read Oràinance No. 1523 by title a1ly and the City ClerK's readin;J to o......titute the first readin;J thereof. PIANNm:; APPLICATICIIS 35. ~licatim No. 27-U-89 and 38-FA-89 - P:O'"""-1a~ CL..i"'Latia1 - Ri;wJ-=rt for Use Petmit to .-.. .iAl an existinq retail center to ehè' ..I........ 39,500 sq. ft. of '" ....-'l"'Cial/office ~oe and 23 dwellinq units, includin:J 10 units of affordable hoosinq for senior citizen. Envirtnœnta1 Deteminatim: '!be Plarr.in.J rnrmi"'..ion ~:.....-'Ids the grantinq of a Negative Declaration. 'nIe prq¡erty is located on the north side of stevens Creek Boulevard wsterly of Mann Drive. Feo ....-..ded for awroval with cxnlitions. (O:ntinued frcm the meetinq of FebruaLY 20, 1990.) (PreviCQ>ly 0CI'It.inJed to the meetinq of Apri~ 2.) -12- MINtJI'ES OF '!HE MARCH 19, 1990, FŒX:;UIl\R CITY roJNCIL MEETIN:; (œ-786) ARCHITECIURAL AND SITE APffiOVAL a:MfiT1'EE APP"....ICATIctIS 36. None. UNFINISHED BJSINESS 37. Na1e. }ID¡ BJSINESS 38. proc..ñl1T'1! and assi'=Puu=llts for the selectim of 11_.. .eL& of the CUpertiIX> Goals rnm.ittee. !ofÞn. oers to be selected April 2. Sharon Blaine, DeAnza Circle, urged Cameil to rec......ider the selectim proo-a and to cpm up the appoild..,_tls to citizens at large. 'Ihirty peq¡le are not a lot to serve m a goals ocmnittee. She exp1.èo>sed CU10ern that Oouncil ~d select pecple whœe cpiniCl'lS they already knew. Se:r:ving m the citizens 9""'1.. t'YWI'I1\ittee is an '"'M"-'LloJnity for peq¡le to ....... ..- involved and knarm. Council <:X:I'ùd let everya,e who ...'....itted an llRÙicatim serve. '!bat .....,1r'I make the t'Y'Om!ittee broIIder than that 1otú.à1 served in 1980, œt it ~d still be closed. If Oouncil did let all the ðR>liœnts serve, they cculd have a stee:rirç t'YWI'I1\ittee ~ with the larger graJp. 'lhere wre 106 ðR>licatiCl'lS; this "II........... cculd ~ through subc. ..."ittees. Ann An:]er mq.... '3'9d CII:IL--=aIL with Sharon Blaine; thirty peq¡le are too few. Council will pick a special groop. Kathy Nellis, ,,_.J eI of the 1970 91""'1.. t'Y'Om!ittee, said that original ocmnittee was not selected. She went fraa the goals ocmnittee to the Planninq rnm.i....im to the City Council. What maJœs O,¡pert.im the city it is are the volunteers. She exp.. ---d \II1derstarñin; that Oouncil does want the goals t'YWI'I1\ittee to be directed, however, a .,...__t idea cculd be 1IIiecoed. She also urged Council to make sure that there is not a tuilt-in bias; that the CY'MmIittee is not weighted cne way or another. She asJœd if the categories and the ðR>licant:s :tep:¡:: sent all areas of CUpertiIX>. Ann An:]er remin1ed Council that the ~ of influence JIIJSt be iœlu:led. Counc. ~ announoed that Den Lake did withdraw his name. She also rem:in:led everyone that there wculd be a p.¡blic hearinq at the Planninq rnm.k'!lion that wculd allow for additional p.¡blic irpIt. Cameil1N'!Jrhers oculd call the ðR>licants and interview them. She exprea~'!!d suwort for the method of selectim previously chœen. -13- Goals Committee e . P &. R Conun. appointee Street &. Traf- f~mpact Fee A~ment Dist MINUI'E5 OF 'lEE MARCH 19, 1990 I lIDEAR CI'lY axJNCIL ~ (CC-786) City Manager Brown also noted that meetin;¡s of the oamnittee 'NOUld be p.¡blic and suggested that all awJ.icants be rotified of meetin:Js and that they be kept infUL....d. '!be issue is to have a focused group to carry it t:hro.Jgh. Di"'C'1ssim followed ~~ ~ up the ~licatian pz:ocess and the rn"""""" of persa1S to be appointed to the l"'J"\Al.. Camdttee. City Manager Brown said that the a1ly d1ange if DX'e 10IIere i!RXIinted 'NOUld be the rn"""""" of mailings and the T1I~ m the suÞo .....ittees. Assiyu_IIL to l'Y'ImIittees will be harxtled by facilitation, rot by the cat:..agories chec:Jœd. Nancy a.trnett, 729 sterxiahl Lane, said there had been good inp.rt: tonight, I::ut it was a c:ban;Je of tules. Her husbalxl had ~lied, I::ut withdrew so he wculd rot o..'/....te with her. '!here may be other similar situatiCl'lS. She suggested that Ccmx::il extend the ~licatim period. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman and seo....:Jo:d by Mayor Ric:Igers to delay the decisim regardinq appoiuL......LB for a18 week. 'D1e IIDti.a1 was defeated with Counc. JI'q:pel, Soreuun, Szabo and Mayor Rcgers ilie- .Linq. Di..,..'....icr. followed regardinq the poesibility of rec:peninq the awlicatim I:'L' 'V.......e to April 2. 'D1e majority of Oouncil said they woold rather rot. 'D1e City Manager reo· ....-œd that if all of the awlicants were i!RXIinted to the Citizens 1"'_1.. Camd~ that they select their own steerinq CCIIIIÚ.~. It was DK:Ned by Came. Szabo, wo....:Jo:d by Counc. I"'J'I]""""" and p"-nd with Counc. Fq:ipel ili e"1' JLinq to i!RXIint all those ~ had ~lied to thI:I Citizens 1"'_1.. n-onnittee, \4'ú.ch shall organize as they å1cœe. '!he City ClerK was directed to remove this item fraa the April 2 agerxIa. 39. ~Llt.-It to the Parks and Qecreatia¡ n-onni....im for a partial term en:iin::J January, 1991. It was DK:Ned by Came. KcgJel, seo....:Jo:d by Came. Sorensen and ~'S'sed I.1I'IimÍIInISly to i!RXIint Dennis I.cw to the partial term on the Parks and Recreation n-onni '"91m. 40. Iq:.praval of financin; iI"('111nØ1'Jts related to the "SLL.....t and Traffic Dlpact Fee Assoc""""1t: District." -14- ~ OF M tœŒ 19, 1990, RmJI.AR CIT'i alJNCIL ~ (œ-786) (a) Resolution No. 8072: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of CUpertiIX> Awroving Ban:i Purd1ase COntract, Official statement and Related ~nnørrt:s and Authorizinq Actions With Ræpect 'Ibereto, City of 0Jpertir0, street am Traffic IJIpact Fee Ass""~ District." It was DK:Ned by Came. Goldman, secxnBl by Came. J«:g>el and P""""" \.U'\a1Ú.JIØJSly to adopt Resolution No. 8072. 41. Awroval of financing doconnørrt:s for i"""'Jin¡ Certificates of Participatim to finance the QJpertino Sports center acquisitim (Memœ:ial Park expansim project) . (a) Resolutim No. 8073: "A Resolutim of the City Cameil of the City of O,¡pert.im Awrovinq, and Authorizinq and Di.rec:t:.i.n;J ~rt:im of Ameudmm/ts to site T_~, T_~ Ao,µ...........lt and ~ of T ""'I'*' and Authorizing and Directinq Certain ActiCl'lS With Respect 'lhereto." (b) Resolution No. 8074: "A Resolution of the City Oouncil of the City of OJpertino Awroving, Authorizing and Directin¡ Exec:ut:J.<.c1 of Certain T -.... F:1nancinq ~-m. and a Purå1ase h;¡L........d., Appravinq a Preliminary Official stat:--IL, and Authorizing and Di.rectinq Certain ActiCl'lS With Re~ect 'l1'.......t.o." It was IIICIYed by Counc. s........ nn, ..eo.....:Jo:d by Came. JC(ß)el and p"'e-'!Id unanimcus1y to ~L Reøolutia1 Nos. 8073 a.m 8074. 42. ~ of City's inv....L....:..1t policy. Director of Finance SI'1yder told Oouncil he also wished to iliAt"O,.... a money manager for the City and repn:d1ase "":IL~/ts . It was IIICIYed by Counc. }{qpel, e...::....:Jo:d by Came. Szabo and p"eeed \.U'\a1Ú.JIØJSly to aß)roVe the inv.....L....:..IL policy as t:111httitted. levent Ersoy, 1320 Primrose way, urged Council to wat.d1 the ratio of risk/rate of return. He mq;¡ested tr.at this type informatim be :iJx:luded in the lIICI'Ithly l:epœ.t. -15- Res. 8072 adopted Certificates of Participa~ion (Cupertino Sports Center) Res. Nos. 8073 & 8074 adopted Investment polic e ICC Fee . Congesticn Mgmt. Plan Bid openings . tmmEs OF 'mE MM\æ 19, 1990, RmJ1AR CITi' cnJNCIL ~ (œ-786) It was lOCIIIed by Ccurx:. KqJpel, secxnjed by Counc. Sorensen am I"'I'9sed Ul'lal1inr:Jusly to authorize the City Treasurer to use the services of professional IIIa1ey managers with the fi.ndin;Js tlJat this item came up after the post.irq of the agerœ. '!he Director of Finance stated tlJat he will L"¥'L L b!Ick to Council if he entered into reverse repurchase a.;µ_IL9 durinq April. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman, seoc:.n:ied by Counc. ~ am p"'c""ed unanimoosly to authorize the city Treasurer to enter iJ1to am ~.rt:e reverse repurchase .."............ILs in April if f'C""'C""'ðazy net to eyneed $2 millim with the fi.ndin;Js tlJat this item came up after the post.irq of the agerña . 43. Reoa...ideratim of Intergcvernment Oouncil fes. It was DK:Ned by Counc. J{qpel, seoc:.n:ied by Counc. &""__10 am p"ðcoed unan:i.JlDmly to authorize payment of $2,000 to IGC. It was IIICM!d by Counc. JCrt'pel, seoc:.n:ied by Counc. t"J'Io1_tt and p"'CI-ed unaniJDcusly to authorize staff to tIL......-- a letter for the Mayor's signature tlJat the City 10ICUld liJœ IGC and the santa Clara 0::Junt:y Cities Associatic:n to be open and di..,..."ae possible cansolidatim. '!he letter shall EII1CCUrII;¡e key pecple frail each organizatim to meet. 44. Cl..~m ~ ._,¡t Plan - PL Ef[¡¡latim of priJœry }ALt..}..~la. It was DK:Ned by Counc. ~, seo....:Jo:d by Counc. /:(11-" and po'Clnd unaniJDcusly to ðwLuv'e the plan as:œ(. -1CIIod 17/ the joint l'Y'mftittee and PI: a811ted in the staff L"'t""'L. Councih_'~-e1.. will give any irprt: to Counc. ~. 45. Repent m bid openi1çs and award of cxntracts. a) O1ristensen Drive street Drprovements, Project 90-108 It was DK:Ned Counc. I<qp!l, seconded by Came. Goldman and p"''!'~ed I.Il'1aIÚDrJUsly to award the oontract to Golden Bay for $56,619.50 ha!;ed m the 1~ bid am authorized a 15% CŒIt.in;Jerx::y for a total proj ect of $65,112.50. Council also authorized the use of Minor Read I1Iprovement F\md No;. 120-4009-953 for this project. -16- MINUI'ES OF '!HE MAmI 19, 1990, ~ CITY CXXJNCIL MŒl'DC (œ-786) b) Sidewalk Grin:iin;r, Project 90-106 It was DK:Ned Counc. Kqpel, secxn; ed by ~. Goldman and I"'ðeed 1.II'WÙJIn1sly to award the 0Œ1tract to l\1Iix) Erçineering for $14,632 """"«1 m the lowest biå ;:.'1d authorized a 1.5\ 0CX'Itirqency for a tat:al project of $16,827. 46. Deslgnatim of sourœ reductim and recyclinq task force for santa Clara QJunty. (a) Resolutim No. 8075: "A Resolutim of the City Council of the City of CUpertino Designatinq a Sooroe Rsduc:t.im and Recyclinq Task Force." It was DK:Ned Counc. Kqpù, secx:n:Ied by Came. Sorensen and p"e-gd unæUmcusly to adept Resolutim No. 8075 with directim to look into the possibility of recycling plastics. 47. ReIr'...ew of N...,¥'int Sooroe ~.........IL with the water district and participating QJunty agencies and r-}I-t for ..........'-¥Liatim. (a) Resolutia1 No. 8076: "}. Rssolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorlzinq ~ttim of 'A"L.........,L Pravid:ln:J for DIplS81t:atia1 of santa Clara valley N...,¥'int Sooroe PL'-";L.....', With the Santa Clara Valley water District and Participating Agencies in santa Clara QJunty. " (Previously ocntilued "CO the meetinq of April 2.) WK¡",nuf <XHIJNICATIœs 48. a:Jute 85 Esthetics Review n-nittee Meet:.in;J - A letter had been received in City Hall March 19. As Council c1eteJ:mined the need for actim came up after the pa;tÌnI of the agenda, Mayor Rcgers was ðRXIinted to atten:i the April 5 meetinq. A letter frail the City of Los Altos regaràin:J the closure of st. ,Jose¡:h Avenue - As the letter W"dS received by the City March 19, Cameil detennined that this item also came up after the postinq of the ageroa and by ocnsensus, directed that a letter be sent with the Mayor's signature sayin:¡ that CUpertiIX> prefers b;o "<X'eesœ to that prq¡erty. -17- Source reductio & recycling tas force Res. 8075 adopted Nonpoint Source Agreement Rt. 85 Esthetic Review Committe· St. Joseph Ave. closure ", . i City Center I 2.' "m '0<0'1 . . MnIDTES OF 'UlE MARCH 19, 1990, RÐ;UIAR CITY cnJNCIL MEE'I'DC (œ-786) ORDINA¡'K:E,S 49. Na1e. RESOIl1I'Iœs 50. Na1e. S'I1IFF ~~ 51. oral l"f:'VLLs by sbff "_·~~rs - Na1e. 52. Update regardinq the 2.4 acre parcel located at City Center (stevens Creek Boulevard and DeAnza Boulevard). City Manager Brown infcmoed Council that Mr. St"~H:)t'J has cxrrt:acted IIaIt of the principals in the matter. Director of C'romonúty Devel,¥"""IL Cowan reviewed the 1979 General Plan iœ1udinq the Town Center policy cmi also the 1983 update. He said that early in 1982, Oouncil had adc:pted a fairly preciM plan for Town Center 10ñich deleted the PJblic open ~, ~ for the p.¡blic p"'~ m the ............. of stevens creek Boulevard and DaAnza Boulevard. At this time, there is no perñinq 8RÙicatim for dsYel,¥"""ll in Town Center .... ~'L for a miner _.dI.-.L for the plarø1ed. hotel. Without a new Za1inq çplicatia1, there is no IAL"I""LLr døv8l,¥"""IL potential for the tri.an;Ile. Rùl Halstead, 0Jpertin0 Watd1dcq, sa.~ that the 1982 Iinc::o-,t _ superseded by Iinc::o...-¡ts traD 1983, 1984, etc. Paul ngentritz, 0Jpertin0 Waterfall, said that there is no p.¡blic open ~ in the center of Town Center. It oould a1ly be iDpl........rt..ed m the trian]le parcel. Mr. Halstead reviewed a broct1ure he had p.¡blished. Sally waite, O,¡pert.im Waterfall, said that ~t is o.u.u.uUy in the area is en::ugh. QJpertino is c:rverb.1ilt. A density bcrJJs shculd be given as an eJ«:"'i'Um, and then a1ly in return for saIIE!thin;J for the p.¡blic gocxl, such as open spaoe. David Townsly, 10166 Danube Drive, spoJœ in favor of the 2.4 acre triargle beinq kept as open spëlœ. OJrrently, it is a parkÏIJJ lot, not open space. He stated that cress validatim of many doctDnents ccnf1.rm the need for open space . -18- · . KINUTES OF '!HE MARCH 19, 1990, RÐ:;UI.AR CI'IY axJNCIL MEE:I'nC (œ-786) Bruce Pass, CUpertino Waterfall, said the open sp!I08 oCh.qJL is oot new. 'l11e intent to have open space is part of this devel,¥""" It. He expressed the feel~ that the City has 00 right to consider an applicatim to develq> the tri.an3'le. He feels it is a right to have q>en space as per City Ò'V"''''''''1ts. He expressed SUR>.... t for "00 rise". Mayer Rogers told these pz !!Sent that the Council has heard that they feel that the City has prnni...." and owes them q>en spaI""'. 'Ihe l""'.......it for the parIdn;J lot was exten:1ed to the first meetinq in A1.çust am will oot be ilia"'..e........ until that time. No applicatim has been filed. Peq>le said they wœld listen to the .-ii..tor, b.1t will oot give anythinq. She encouraged the citizens to work with the mediator and l,.,.c..... part of the .G:,xw'l'. 'Ibis item was 0CI1tin.Ied to the staff Lq.¡Olt sec;tim of the agerœ for April 2. a:uNCIL Kt:òtU<1~ 55. Counc. Goldman - IBgisati~ Review l"'nmIittee - oooncil unanimcusly voted 'co take the follcwinq actia1 regardinq pending' legislatim: Oi.~ AB 2779 (Iswis), awiness License Tax, e>o-'1.,lia1 for any ): usiness cperatinq in a City less than 80 hems per year: SB 2565 (Watøcn) , Transient Occupancy Tax, ~""""""4.-settinq ~'-";LGIII to restrict use of 'lOl' røvenJes: SCA 43 (Dsvis), Brown Act, reoardinq of closed _iat ili.."'"....iCl'lS: and AB 33458 (Fri"""""'1), AttornIIIyB '"-, settl_1t offers. At 1l:2.) p.II., Oouncil adjcun1ed to 6:30 p.m., Marål 26, Cc:nferenc.e RcaIIs C and D. ?tt~. City Cl . -19- Legislative Review Committee