CC 03-26-90
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Cl'l"l OF cuœmm, STATE OF CALnœID.
10300 lUK!<!:; AvmuE, C1JF'ERI'INJ, CA 95014
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
HErD eN MARai 26, 1990, CXIŒ~ RXMS C ANDD,
CI'lY HAIL, 10300 'lUK!<!:; AVENUE, aJPERl'DI), <::ALIR::RŒA
CAlL 'ro œŒR
'!be meetin;J was called to order by Mayor Pro ~.œ KcßJel
at 6:38 p.m.
Came. P.ì. S- IlL:
Goldman, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Pro ~.. Kqpel
Co¡nc. AbIw-It:
Mayor ~
staff PL gIlL:
City Manager Brown
City ClerK COrnelius
Directar of Public Wcu.k.o Viskcvià1
Directar of Finance snyder
Assistant to the City ManIIger Brown
Director of Parks and Rlecreatim Ccwlinq
Halsing Coordinator Norling
1. CCI1sideratim of the Oil Spill Preventia1 and Respalse
Act, AB 2603. Key features in::100e oil spill provisia1S, strict liability and ..LL...~
penalties, $500 millim oil spill superfund, and
mæxfatary protec::ticm cx:nt.iD;¡ency plans for the entire
By ....... HI1SUS, Council CXI1tiruId this item to their meetirq
of April 2.
2. Resolutia1 No. 8077: "A Resolutim of the City Camcil
of the City of O,¡ ~ILinq Grant Deed for
Aoquisitim of DelI11za JblI"qJØt Club."
It was DK:Ned by Came. Szabo, ~.:Jo:d by Counc. Sorensen
and p"e-~ UI'1al'ÚJIICUSly (4-0) to adept Resolutim No. 8077.
3. study session to ocndder alHitia1al sooroes of
City Manager Brown ani Director of Public Warks viskovich
reviewed the need for additional sa.IrOeS of revenues and
q7tiCl'lS for the rais:in;J of f\.trx:m. ~iCl1S ñi.....'9wð
included "",-~........·.L districts, utility taxes, and excise
taxes. '!he purà1ase of c:.pen space is a protective """'EI'Jre
as there is ocn::ern devel'¥""".L of certain areas.
O1arles N7-~'1 stated that he is against the ¡:md1ase of
Deep Cliff Golf CWrse, Blackberry Farm, and the }CAi....'I:"
quarry. As a rosir-.......'1, he finis the utility tax the
m:JSt cbjectianable. He urged :nm::il to CCI'ISider the
i"t"'ct such a tax would have on local ros~'!''æ. He felt
the ¡:md1ase of the prqJerties mentia1ed would not add
benefits and that the citizens are adequately served by
pr:seut parks.
City ~ Brown stated that staff is "....._irq it is a
high priority to protect these prt:p!rties and it fl-
there is no other way than pn:à1ase.
Oouncil '"':L.......d that it is a high priority.
'!he City Manager stated that the CXJSt of land will get mare
expensive and it the Oouncil believes that the City should
establish a visim for the future, 00unci1 should give
staff directia1 and they will deve1c:p the details.
Oouncil, by....:. relWUS, requested mare infœ:matim and
8)0"'·\.]88 xegardinq an "..---.....L district and
bp].8IIBI1tatia1 of a utility tax m all utilities. 'Ihøy
recpast:.ed a L"'t'UL l m these items at- their JII88t.inq of May
21. At the Oouncil meetinq of April 2, they will
reoc:tlSitkn- the date of the p.Iblic hearinq for the rosu-
liœ1.... tax ordinance. By ocuunsus, they directed staff
meet and 10ICrlc with the rosiness lioa... tax ....-ittee m
the varic:uI reverua generatinq msthcds ñi..... el! (utility
tax and . - d. district).
At 7:55 p.m., it was DK:Ned by Counc. Ifq:ipel, seo....:Jo:d by
Came. GoldllBn and ["'.."'«\ unanimoosly (4-0) to adjoorn the
meet:in:J .
L2 ~-
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