CC 04-02-90
10300 1ut<Kt; AVÐroE, aJPERI'IOO, C'A 95014
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
10300 'lU<l(!:; AVENUE, CIJPERl'DD, CALIFtRrrA
'!be meeting was called to order by Mayor ~s at 6:45
SAII1l'E 'ro '!HE f'L1\G
Came. Present:
Goldman, Keppel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rcgers
staff I'resi!'llt:
City ManIIger Brown
City Clerk ~...lius
Direc:tar of Public Wœ.Jc. VisJa:wic:h
Director of ChmllnUty D8Y8l,¥"""IL Q:Iwan
Direc:tar of Finance snyder
Assistant to the City Manager Brown
Direc:tar of ParXs am Recreatim Ccwlinq
C'rwmI"'1ity Relatia1S Officer I<:rey
City Attorney Kilian
It was IIICMId by Counc. Kqpel, secx:ma1 by COOr¥:. Szabo and
P"'''''9d UI'Ia1'Ú.JIr.UIly to l"'-""L¡.......e Item No. 31 to the meetin]
of April 16.
~ MA:I..~ - ~œs
Proclamatim hcnJrinq delegatia1 frail Pereslavl-Zalessky,
CUpertiIX>'s Sister City.
Mayor ~.. iuL..··""""'" Harriet, who LIL.."""""'"
students and others frail 0Jr Sister City,
Pereslavl-ZalesÐky. '!be head of the delegatim received a
proclamatim frail the City. Host families IoIeJ:e L,L....'h~.
Proclamation declarin:J April as califoxnia Earthquake
Preparedness Matth.
A proclamaUm declarinJ April as california Eart:hquaJœ
Preparedness M::nth was presented to Assistant to the City
Manager Brown.
Cameil presented a floral arrargement to steve Ccwling in
ðWJ;:eciatim of his staff's efforts for the ()linlan
Chnn1111'1ity Center græxI. ~.
celeste DIvis, financial advisor, acl.h.......¡¡ed Cameil
regarding the Men..t..ial Park expansim. She infomed them
that the City's bcn:i ratirg for Certificates of
ParticipatiQ1 has been upgraded fraa A to Al by Moody's, A
to A+ by stan:iard and Poor 's. She also told them that if
general obligatim ba1ds were sold, the City's ratinq wculd
be AA. A savinqs in interest rate of .05% will be realized
because of this upgrade in rating.
Paul ilgenfritz, 10260 Dmube, &.l:h--1!d Cameil regarc:U.rx¡
senior hcusinq \mite at Town Center. He reviewed his
written (h' .....rt..s to Oouncil. He stated there were
!t!R and senior \mits than I"ruJd have been allCM!d per the
General Plan. He requested a respcI1Se in writinq.
James Mehta, OJateau 0Jpertin0, said he can't stay up until
the end of the ~.cJa and wished to speak 1'XIii.
By c... _ !11SUS, Oouncil approved.
Mr. Mehta read a written rYWm111PÚ.catia1 regarding Mr.
Stiebel and RI,-itted a petitim to Oouncil.
aú.l Hal.stead, 0Jpertin0 watc:txb;J, spoJœ reqardirq the City
Center in general. He said the J"II.......... of prcblEIIB are
expandjn;J. 'Ihere are lawBuits regardinq h,i 1 ding
inspectims. In regard to O1ateau 0Jpertin0, the døvelcper
got a rr. office building, the eliminatim of !t!R
requirements, ultra 101i financing, and 10 vacant units
oc:rJVerted to 101i inocme \mits. Mr. Halstead requested that
the anputheatre have a pmlic use 0CM!I'1al1t r&l:)u¡.ded.
Katherine M::Ke11ar, ÜJCille Avenue, said that last year she
was the president of Public RelatiCl'lS !bm:itable and wished
to 0 .......·IL regardirq the item 'IIJrivor selectim m the City
Center item. She stated t}Jat last time and tonight, the
update m the trian;¡-le was the last item m the agerx:Ja.
M:INt.1I'æ OF '!HE AffiIL 2, 1990, RffilJIAR CI'lY <XXJNCIL MŒl'DC
'Ihere IIIJSt be openI1IÍIXÙ3dne on both sides for q:en
rnrm"'licatim. She requested that at the next City Camcil
meet:iIç, this item be IDCIfed up in the agerœ. She~ if
CaJncil woold CC4'1Sider it earlier, rot with a time limit.
Jan Rirxifleisch, meJI\!)er of the santa Clara co.mty Arts
CaJncil, presented a framed poster to the City thanId.n:.1
0Jpertin0 for its su¡;:p:>rt of ''Hands m the Arts".
Bcb O1adwick, also with the Arts Council, adcIressed Council
regardinq "city Cannec:t" art pl'-";Law funded by the Natia1al
EròJwment for the Arts. A ~ entitled "Toward a
Regia1al Vision" will be cx:nmcted April 28 at the Trita'1
}41'_1111. '!here will be LCf:'L s ,lLatives fran City Councils,
the Arts cnm.i and staff.
Reger Så1aJa::J!or of 01rist:ensen Drive said that he saw a City
vehicle in pemit parking area with t'-'O eaployees in the
frcr.t seat: there s r -0.-1 to be J'X) emergency. Another
vehicle drcIIe in and also parMd in anat:her pemit parking
spot. Mr. Sd1akcw ~ ~ City vehicle 1oICI'derinq
why they were parlœd in a permit parking spot. '!he driver
of the ether vehicle, which was fran ro&E, did IIICY8 his
car: hcwever, the City vehicle was not DK:Ned and the driver
:r:espct~ to questiCl'lS in a c:1i.scnIrt.ecu manner. Upcn
being as"'""" by the City Manager, Mr. Så1aJa::J!or stated that
this ooaJrred at 10:45 in the~, it was a white van
with the City logo m the side, there was CI18 male in the
van IoIho ws CXI'IdI.1ct.inJ business with the l'G&E driver.
'!he Detter ws referred to staff.
0::Iunc. Sorensen teIIX70Ied Item No. 28: Counc. Goldman r&IICIII8Ct
Item No. 26. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kq.pel, seo....:Jo:d by
Counc. Sorensen and l""e-c1 \Il'IaJÚJDr.U;ly to ðRJ1,uV8 the
balance of the 0Œ1sent calerñar as "",.....itted.
1. Resoluticn No. 8079: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of cupertino Setting Date for consideratim
of Annexirg' Area Designated 'orange Avenue 90-02' , ,
I.oc:ated on the East and West side of orange Aveme
Between Granada and ~11Ml"1..1' Ave!nJe: A¡:praxima.tely 1.73
Ac::res, Brown (Ams 357-17-48, 357-17-49, 357-17-77,
357-17-78, 357-17-79, 357-15-12)."
Consent Calendar
2. Resolutim No. 80<30: "A Resolutia1 of the City Council
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizinq Dest:J:uctim of
Reoot:..Is Microfi 1-1 (F:inaœe Department)."
3. ~licatim AS1IC 28-U-88 (Revised) landmark
Devel'¥"""1t - Request for review and awroval to revise
the ~ larxi5c-apinq plan for a 36-unit townhaœ
deve1,¥,,=,IL located on Gazdenside Lane narth of
Pì......pect Read. Reo:> ·........,Ided for .............rcù.
4. Claim for 1'b."""JÐS filed by Old Town Roofinq.
Rec· ...._.~ for rejectim.
5. Claim for I'b...""Je& filed by Claudia BlacJæa1.
Reo .....-¡ded for rejectim.
6. Claim for ñ....-:¡es filed by steve Me1mza. Reo ·...-.ded
for rejectim.
7. Resolutim No. 8081: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of OJpertino setting Date for ccnsideratim
of Reorgani.zatim of Area Designated 'Uplarxl way',
PL'¥"Llý IDeated at the Erñ of Upland way south of
Rainbow Drive; I.wLUI'-i....tely 4.201 Acres, Miller (Am
366-03-050) ."
8. CJ",illl for m.--J!IØ filed by J. F. Hcurigan ~ny.
~> ....-'1daJ for rejectim.
9. Resolutia1 No. 8082: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 J\dqJtinq PL' .,....~ for Grantinq
Film Pendts."
10. Resolutia1 No. 8083: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 setting Public Hearirg to
ccnsider Amendinq Sectim 3.32.050 of the O,¡
KmiciI"'l COde to Revise Time of Payment of
Oc:I'Istructim Tax."
11. Resolutim No. 8084: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Approvinq Desb:'UI::tim of
Certain Reoot:..Is (Traffic ErJ;Jineering Divisim)."
12. Resolutim No. 8085: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Approvinq O..ULLC'ct C1Jan;Je
Order No. 2 for Traffic Signal )bÜficatim on
M:::Clellan Read at stellinq Read, Project 90-101."
MINtJI'ES OF '!HE APRIL 2, 1990, RÐ3UIAR c:rIY caJNCIL }ou:.z:;.l'.u«:;
13. Resolutim No. 8086: "A Resolutim of the City camcil
of the City of CUpertino lIcoept..irJ} Grant of -..........,«.
for Rœdway PU1;p: r ee fran Rhoda f\Jnk, Cc:I1Sistinq of
Approx.1mately 0.06 Acres, Located Dolores AverJJe."
14. Resolution No. 8087: "A ResolutJ.m of the City camcil
of the City of CUpertino J\cc.eptinq ()Ú Deed and
Authorizatim for water Rights frail Rhoda
f\Jnk, Dolores Avenue."
15. Resolution No. 8088: "A Resolutim of the City ca.mcil
of the City of CUpertino ~ cart:ract QIan;Ja
Order No. 3 for ~fic Signal M:xtificatia1 m
Pruneridge Avenue at Hewlett PacJœrd Driveway and at
Tantau Avenue, Project 4026 am 5007."
16. J\coeptanoe of lILDÚ.Cipal i:apravements:
a) Tract No 7866, DeI:>. It, stellinq RcedlCcry ~
b) craig Clarlr,IB & J Devel"¥""'ít, 21914 Granada
c) craig Clarlr,IB & J Devel'¥"""It, 21835 & 21841
Dolores Aver&J8
d) Craig ClaxX,IB & J Devel~....eht, 21821 Dolores
e) craig Clark, 21851}fA·" """ Avenue
f) Tr8c:t No. 7661, 0Jpertin0 Town center, Torre
g) Tract No. 8067, SØ\.en Spri1ç¡
h) Tract No. 7994, Seven ~
i) Tract No. 7995, 5eYen ~
j) Tract No. 8098, 5eYen SpriIgI
17. Resolutim No. 8089: "A Rssolutia1 of the City ca.mcil
of the City of CUpertino ~ Parcel MIIp and
~UIÆ!IIIE!IIt Plans of Prcperty IDeated m stevens Creek
Bculewrd and Barñley Drive, D8Y8loper stevens
Creek/CUpertino Asf""'"iates, a califœ:ni.a Ger.eral
Partnership, Authorizing ExecUtia1 of ~"".....e1«'
J\o.jL..........It; Authorizing Signinq of Parcel MIIp and
~VV"IIIC..t Plans."
18. Resolutim No. 8090: "A Resolutim ot' the City ca.mcil
of the City of CUpertino ~ OkJ.."1;8 Order No. 6
for stevens cre&.1t Boulevard ~C\/I'.saenbi, oran:Je to
R1ar Lap, Project 4022."
19. Resolutim No. 8091: "A Resolutim of the City Council
Authorizinq Executia1 of ~vvcwejt ¥.........It Bt.tlÆ.en
the City and Developer Rancho san Anta'Iio Rstirement;r CL..i'VLatim, a california NI..¥Lufit !t.Ib.Jal.
Benefit CLLi'VLatim, an::l ~ing the IIIprcM!ment
Plans, Forum R1ase I, Cristo Rey Drive."
20. Resolutim No. 8092: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of 0JpertiJ10 J\coeptin:J a Grant of ~--·.L
for Water Line P..u.l'cses fran the RaIIan catholic Bishop
of san Jose, a california Sole CL..i'VLC1tion, Located
Cristo Ray DriV9."
21. Resolutim No. 8093: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ing Parcel Map and
IJIp:rovement Plans of Property IDeated m Villa Maria
cnu:t, Developer PerIy and Jmes Devel-.pue¡Jt,
Authorizinq ~Itim of IJIp:rovement ¥.........JL;
Authorizing Si.gnj.rg of Parcel Map and IJIp:rovement
22. Resolutim No. 8094: "A Resolutim of the City cnmcil
of the City of 0JpertiJ10 settinq Date for OCI'ISideratim
of Annexing Area Designated 'olive AverJJe 90-03',
Prtp!rty Located m the North side of þl~ AverJJe
Between ~ Awme an::l ~9<"'Iør¡a Aveme; OCI'ISistinq
of ~....-i-tely .08 Acre, Reynolds (Am 357-18-30)."
23. Resolutia1 No. 8095: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allcwinq cm-tain Cl..i1llA and
DeIDim:!s Payable in the Amœnts and FraIl the PUnds as
Hereinafter Descri.bed for General an::l Misœllanecus
Expeuditures for the Period Endinq March 23, 1990."
24. Resolutim No. 8096: "A Resolutim of the City 011nCil
of the City of QJpertino Allowing cm-tain C1..i1llA and
Demands Payable in the Amœnts and fran the F\Inds as
Hereinafter Descri.bed for Salaries an::l ¡'lageS for the
Payroll Period Erñinq March 13, 1990."
25. Resolutim No. 8097: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil
of the City of CUpertino Acoeptin;J Grant of ~......-,t
for Roadway P..u.~< E"9S fran 'D1e RaIIan catholic Bishop of
san Jose and Forum Lifecare, In::. an In:1iana
Co~ðtim, OCI'ISistinq of A¡::proximately 0.39 Acres,
Located on Cristo Ray Drive."
26. Remaved fran the Ca1serrt: calendar.
KrNUl'ES OF 'mE 1\PRIL 2, 1990, 'REX1JI1o.R CIT'i cœNCIL MEEl'I}(;
27. Resoluticn No. 8101: "A F<esolutim of the City Cameil
of the City of CUpertim Appravinq Lot Line AdjualWCIIL
Between 'I\«) Parcels of land Without a Parcel Map in
Aooordance with Sectim 66412 (d) of SUbdivisim Map Act
as Amended JêU'IUiU}' 1, 1984, APN 342-22-48 (Entantirx»
and APN 342-22-56 (Sdmù.t), Soutt.'.Æ!St COrner of COrdcva
Road and Hex""" ""'" Road."
28. Remaved frcm the Calsent calerxJar.
vote MeIIiJers of the Ci tv Council
}(q:Ipel, Sorensen, Szabo, Rcgers
26. Resolutim No. 8100: "A Resolutia1 of the City ~
of the City of 01pertin0 stating Int:entia1 to Abandcn a
Portim of the Fot1IIer Wilsat Så100l Site IDeated in the
vicinity of Price Avenue and Scut:h Blaney Aver1I8 and
Settinq Time and Place of P..Iblic Hearinq to OC8'1sider
and Take Arr:i Actim."
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman, seccn:B1 by Counc. Sorensen
and p"e-ed unartimoosly to the resolutia1. staff was
directed to notify everyme in the area, as well as
I'eCI...atim groups that use the site. It was directed that
this item be highlighted in the next j-ue of the n-.+inn
28. Resolutim No. 8102: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil
of the City of 01pertin0 Appravinq CCnt:rIIct Chan;Je
order No. 17 for Chrm"'1ity Center R"ildin;r/MeIlLl1.lal
ParX Expansiat, Project No. 2001."
'Its bid iu-" ~- and need for à1ange orders were tii..,.."e'Md.
Salle .............1' was expl6-.ged regardinq the CXI1t.ingencies
alla.1ed. Counc. Goldman and Counc. &..L",,_en will meet with
the City Manager and Directar of Public ~k.o regantinq the
bid 1'L''''- and chan;¡e order 1'L' <' "- and will !."'tA'Lt back
to Cameil.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, seccn:B1 by Ccunt;!. ~1
and I""'--d unanimcusly to adept Resolutim No. 8102.
Wilson School sit
Fees for
tenant im-
Res. 8098
Water Rates &
Drought Plan
1mIJI'ES OP 'mE A'PRIL 2, 199Q, m:m.AR C1T'i cmNC1L MEErI1C
Followir..; an E!)q.oL -iŒ1 of COlleen, ;iliazt the bare dirt at
the new Chrm1TÚty center, the Direc:tc:r of Public Works told
O::iun.=il that the City will oa'ISe%'W water in ather parks
and will be planting at the new l'"romII~.ty Center in about a
IIIJI'Ith to a JIDJ'1th am one half. 'Ihi.s joo will be 0Œ1tracted
wt and is not part of the 0CI1tract for the OOildinq of the
l'"romII1TÚty Center. Also, the recx:nfiguratians of Jollyman
Park will be initiated this SUIIIIIeI".
At 7:45 p.m., Mayor Rogers anncunoed that at 9:00 p.m. the
0::iun.=i1 will review hew IIIJd1 of the agenda has been
Ca1Cluded am decide if the lIIE!etinq will 0CI1tinue to the
followin;J night.
29. Ca1sideratim of a resolutim mœndinq Resolutia1 No.
7454 to include stan:Jards for døteI1Dini.rç fees for
tenant ~.
(a) Rssolutim No. 8098: "A Resolutim of the City
Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 AmBnd1:ng
Resolutim No. 7454 to Include stamams for
DetP..nù.ninq Fees for Tenant ~""_d.s."
Director of n-m"1ity D8Y8l,¥"""IL Cowan reviewed the
)'L' ~Bed fes sà1edule with Oouncil.
Ann Arr;Ier of Ib1ta vista asJr..rt hew to detemine a ~ific
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpù, -.....:Jo:d by 0:Junc. s....... nn
and p"e-ed unaniJIØ.IS1y to close the public hearinq.
It was IIICIIed by Counc. ~l, -......:Jo:d by 0I::un::. s....... nn
and p"eged UMJÚJIIaJsly to adopt Resolutia1 No. G098.
30. Hearirx;J to cx:nIider an increase in water rates and
adcptim of a drcu;Jht plan.
(a) Readinq am Enactment of Uk':J"'lx:y ordinance No.
1524: "An Ordinance of the City O:Juncil of the
City of QIpert:ino Fstablishin¡ RestrictiCl'lS and
RsgulatiCl'lS for the Ccr1SelVatim of water and
n..r-l"'rinq the t1rgenc:y 'lb' Di!IOf. "
(b) Resolutim No. 8078: "A Resolutim of the City
Council of the City of QJpe;¡."tino IJx:reasing water
Rates and J\dqJtinq Inverted Rate structure."
KIWl'FS OF '1m: AmIL 2, 1990, REnJl}.R crri <D:JNCIL Mæl'OO
It was DXJVed by came. Sorensen and sec:xnjed by came.
Kq:pel to close tl1e p.¡blic hearing.
Dick Weaver, ~ord AYel1IJe, said that there is a wet and a
dry ......."""1 and rates shculd reflect that. He does net feel
that large users shculd be m the _ stroct:ure as other
users. He is net sure that the rate stroct:ure will have
the desired effect. He r~' ....-.d!\d that the City locate
the high users and assist them to r-JlV"A ca'lSUllptim. He
""'~ 1i'3'!!d SUßJ01 t for the p.¡blic uses of water and
51.qgeSted that the City review the plan trequently.
'!he motim to close the p.¡blic hearinq was adopted
Director of Public Wo..k.. Vis1a:Nicb said that there is no
fair DBthcd; hcw8ver, he beli8v85 that the a18 being
I~:> ····....Ided wculd be the best DBthcd possible.
Disc"...ia1 follCWlld regardinq an additia1a1 incz:eIIse in
fees CMIr and aboII8l:hat being r-o- . .:Jo:d by staff. An
ëIIIICU1t SUu --œd was an 18' irIcreue to IIIIIJœ this year a
pay-as~ year.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. KqJpel and seooad!\d by o:amc.
sorensen to adqJt: a.oJ.utim No. 8078 as J:.(~ -·dId by
staff. Counc. Szabo IIICIII8d to I!IIIBIS the resoJ.utic:n to
reflect an 18' ! nc:rease this year to be 0Œ1Btant far tIoID
years; IIIOtia1 died for lack of seexiUI:l. 'lhe originallllOtia1
l'"'--ed UMlÚJIII:QI].y. Oouncil directed that staff lIII1Ùuate
the effect of the resoJ.utia1 and cœ8 1xIck in JUly ar
August with 6 L........ L.
It was IIICIII8d by 0CUrr.:. !'q;ipel, MeX*ðod by Q:unc. Szabo am
p00-9d UI1IIJ'IimaJaly to read ordinance No. 1524 by title a1ly
and the City Clerk's readinq to cr::nrtitute the readinq
Oouncil tli""",nd the shIIpe of the playinq fields owned by
the Sd1col District. and the det8rlaratia1 of these fi.lð-
because of the drI:u;)ht.
Q:unc. Goldman DK:Ned that staff cœ8 1xIck with cptia1s
creatinq a policy by W1.å1 the City OO'ùd e¡.-'1.,L the Sd1col
District and p.¡blic ,,¥",...1es with sports fields used by
å1ilclren trail the aràinar1ce~. 'lhe motim was
seoc:I'ded by Szabo and failed with Q:unc. Kq:pe>1,
sorensen and Mayor ~.. tlie-mt:inq. 'lhe City Clerlt was
directed to send a letter to CUpertino I S leqi.slators
regarcUnq wat8r waste by agri-a.u- and SCIuthem
Public hearing
lst reading
Ord. 1524
Toxic Gaqes
App. 27-U-89 &
31. Ca1sideratiŒ1 of an ordinance to regulate facilities
that use materials that may form taxic gases.
(a) :r~l'st readinq of 0r.dinan::Je No. 1525: "An
Ord:inance of the City Cameil of the city of
CUpertiIX> Þàlinq Olapter 16.42 to Title 16 of the
CUpertino M.micipal COde Regulatinq Facilities
Where Materials ¡tåd1 Are or ~d1 May Beo Id..
Toxic ("""'~es Are stored."
(Previously cmtinued to tœ IIIE!et.inq of April 16.)
32. ~licatim No. 27-{]-89 and 38-FA-89 - p¡.~~
COL~..tim - Request for Use Permit to 1.-.. ñAl an
existinq retail center to er>o>"1 us 39,500 sq. ft. of
.:- ··..-r-cial¡office 0C["I08 and 23 dwellinq units,
inc:1\ñinq 10 units of affordable hcusinq for senior
citizen. Envh...........iLal Detetminatim: '!be PlarIninq
no-i....ia1 :r-. .........Jds the grant:inq of a Negative
~1 "Atim. '!be prcperty is located m the narth side
of stevens Creek Boulevard westerly of Mann Drive.
p.o. . ....-'1de..1 for Ç\AL....nù. with ocniitiCl'lS. (0:I1tin.Jed
frail the IIIE!et.inq of March 19, 1990.)
'!be Director of n-m"'1ity D8Y8l,¥"""it }'L suited the staff
r9< ,,-·-·-)Jatim to. Oouncil.
Teny Brown, a¡:plicant, said the ~GIII}'L I uted had been
døv8lc::ped after <'Ii ..,...,.... tCl'lS with staff and the "..i <7'....... ,
holJeo.¡e1, , he was not really in favor of that design. He
pl. r! d..ed a new exhibit 1oIúd1 was an adaptatim of his
oriqinal me. He said he had been told by the neighbors to
qive retail a chance and he ~ lika to do that. He
asJrad that Council CXI'1Sider his FebruaJ:y 20 }'L'v....] ~'L
that all residential west of ClaJ:k's Auto store ~ùd b"
deleted. It would be a .. ........ cia1¡office devel'¥"""lt with
a new buildinq in the sootheast 00........ and the existinq
buildinqs r-. .1..1 ed. '!here would be I!WLU'¡"""tely six
dwellinq units upstairs in the new buildin;; with no
specifically designated senior units.
Ray Peck, 10380 R1ar lap Drive, came fOIWard to speak.
Mayor Rcgers requested that there be a five minute r--e
after which Hr. Peck and others þL s_IL would have the
'-'J:¥-'L Wnity to provide :Ì1'1pUt.
~: 9:0Q-9:05 P.M.
Upcn J:"eCCI"IVeI1, Mayor Rogers reviewed the agenda and told
those Ì'.L sent that the meetin;J was ~tely one boor
behini times that had been estimated. She Sl.lÇRested that
at the en:! of cxrøideratim of Planninq J\¡:plicatiCl'lS,
Council adjan:n to 'I\.lesday night and start with New
aminess .
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Szabo, SEIOCI1ded by cœrx::. Kq:pel and
pa"~ unarWlD.uùy to adjan:n the upc:n ccnclusim
of cxrøider¡,tim of Planning ~licatiCl'lS and reocnvene
T' "kty, April 3, at 7:00 p.m.
Ray Peck, 10380 R1ar Lap Drive, reviewed a survey that had
been ocnduc:ted in ti'.e area.
Patrick Milligan, 10018 Oakleaf Place, reviewed Policy No.
2 of the stevens Creek BculevaJ:d plan line pertaininq to
the old Menta vista plan. He eqiJasized that the site is
Za1ed ne.i.ghl:xn:hco·:....·-l"Cial. '!he Menta Vista design
gl1i ...1 ines designates this as a neighborhood shcpping
district with pw1..-L<ian orient:atiat. He expnossed SUw'''' L
for Terry Brown's i'L..1......1 to Jœep the site in a .:.....->cia1
Shirley aJIg, 22285 So.rt:h DeAnza Circle, said she does
believe that O,¡ does care and urged that affcm!able
b:iusinq units be included in the deIIel,¥""",L.
Bill Niegel, 21837 ~ Drive, ~_e«! 8I4,"...L for
the latest plan. He did express UA.......h regarding the exit
cnt:o Mann Drive. He stated that såIcol children walT. in
that area and so..:ìFD-œd a separat!m between inoc::mi%ç and
outgoinq traffic, i.e., traffic III.ISt enter fran stevens
Creek Boulevani.
Ann Arx]er, Menta Vista, said she favored Mr. Milligan's
idea, if it were possible. 'lhi.s is the last parœlleft
for a little shcpping center. She also stated that people
in the neighlA..Ll&.Ml1II.ISt ~Ipp01.L the center.
Gertrude Welå1, 10605 Garooigne Drive, Santa Clara ocunty
Council of 01uràIes, said b:iusinq is a JOOral i.....]8,
especially senior b:iusinq. She urged miYM use for the
site and suggested Cameil look at ABI\G reports. '!here
shculd not be traffic or density prå>lems at this
locatim. A "sense of place" n;-~" pecple of all in:. .._
and ages. She SU¡:~ ted affordable senior b:iusing.
MINUmS OF '!HE AFRn.. :¿, 1990, ~ CITY CXX1NCIL 1'U:Z'.1".ue;
Wa~ 18 I£venfeld, 10120 R1ar Lap Drive, urged Oouncil to
1'L iuva the site as retail. He felt the put retail
fallure was because of the old ~~, 1ac:k of parldnq,
and poor cxn:titiCl'lS. It did net encourage quality retail.
West CUpertiIX> is largely unserved by retail and there is a
high spendin:; ~ility. He .....f~-œd the wstem
per:iJDeter of the center be a YL......, belt or parkinq area and
net saoethi.n;J the people will be fightinq OYer a year trail
new. A ff!lll residential units ~ùd be acceptable it they
are not a l-U-~.,.1-.íL far DDre.
Eva Barr, 10552 Ia lb:Ia Drive, __ -øc1 OOIlC81.h regantinq
the 1ac:k of affordable hcusing in QJpertino, espe.:-i..lly for
Dave M::I.eroy, 10295 Byrne Averua, ~i.....:I'-cl that retail
won't 1oIOZic. ~ørø didn't 1_ for 1ac:k of busbw88
tut for ather rNSCnII. He urged Oouncil to maintain and
i:DpraYe the cpality of life in that aœa. In regam to
seniors, he felt this is net the site far ..u.or affœdable
hcusing and "~-u.d Oouncil look .1--........ in the
~"'Ùty. Be"~" q led 'IWny Brawn'. latMt ....." - ~] .
Lee Am Jeq.Un, 11220 PIIùœ Verde court, Aid the City baa
neqlectecí ha.1aing far ~'.~. 'DIm:e 18 a need
for ..u.or hcusing. She ~ that Oouncil think abca1t
hcusing. She did SI M" 'L L saa retail tut felt that there
wculd be Ihdted ~ at thc8e local store. Sbo U....LD
will still CJO to D8Anza Boulevard.
Denise ~i9'l, 21906 Mente court, SU¡:pc.t.ta:l Mr. &.....,'.
plan with the 1Idju.l-rt. to the MarIn DrlV8 IlXit. She
recp!ISted that the WBtem perimøt:er be ~ a YL-'
belt forever. If ,.... .ry to haV8 residmtial unite, IIhe
s.....~ four, tut no lIIOI:'8. If they are oriqinally
designated senior, they 8hculd I1IIIIUn as senior units. She
urged that Oouncil allow a1ly as 1IUCh to be b1ilt as
parJdnq will allow.
Nancy Hertert stated that people have said seniors !'I88d
speciAl stores and setViœs. Seniors O"ua&.Uy get a.rcuxi
and folie need for "'['9Ci ..1 stores and setViœs is a false
Mayor ~rs pointed cut that in regm:d to the request that
the ~ perimeter remain as a ~......, belt, future Councils
camat be bwI'ñ.
TerIy Bram said this is a 0 .···-"Cial deve1,¥"",IL and the
residential ID'Ú.ts would be incidental if at all. He stated
that roc::m is left for expansim and actually, what has been
called the "YL~ bP..J.t", could eventually be used for
parkin::J, if J"IeOð<'~:uy. He stated that there oculd be,
perhaps, 6-8 apartJœnts; but, that will be determined by
the fuuLpdnt of the b.1i1diJq. Makinq these as low UIOCtuts
senior housing units would not be eoot.:.uically viable. He
expressed the opinim that he uoes feel senior housinq has
roc::m m this site, but the neighborhood di .....JL as. He also
infœ:me.l Council that if the graffiti is still on the walls
at the sbcg>in;J center, he will have it rE!IIX:IITed. He said
the original Scheme F, as PL s_.Led, was barely
eocuanically viable; with the staff reo ..··-.dation, it is
not. 'lhe parIdn;J oc:.nrt:raints are significant.
Council rH......-"'«i the possibility of residential and
whether or not . . ····-"'Cial would \oICt"k on the site. Also
dilOÇl'eeed ws potential future deve1'¥"""1L of tœ west side
of the site. COuncil eq:hasized that the owner or
subsequent owners IIBY awly for future deve1,¥""",L of the
westerly partim. 'Ibis would be da1e under a new use
It was IIIaII8d by Counc. JCqpel and secxn:Bi by Counc.
Sorensen to refer the a¡:plicatim to the Plannin:.J and to CXIII8 bBck with a L"¥JLl within 90 days.
A majority of the CXIUIY!il_....... exp1-..e9d sun-'LL for the
plan as ,,'-itted by Mr. Brown at the meetinq, with the
b.1i1dinq m the scutheast 00........ possibly three stories
\lith retail m the ..L< level and the u¡:per stories used
for senior citizen apartments. Council ,Ii......'eeed the
possibility of usinq City ha1sing funds for an elevator in
that 1::,nil"il)]'. If the I:IUildinq is three stories, a
flexible pexkinq plan would be CXI1Sidered. 'lhe lower level
of the 1-.ui Minq m the SCA1theast C01.III..r would be used for
('i ....-rcia1 with the ha1sinq ID'Ú.ts upstairs. 'lhe
awlicatia1 will be CXI1Sidered by the Planninq ChmIi "'9im
at their May 14 meetinq and will be brtUJht back to the
City Oouncil within 90 days.
33. ~licatim No. 4-U-90 and 3-FA-90 - Mi.d1ae1 and JUdy
M:Xõrain - Request for Use Permit to provide a 150 sq.
ft. ~.d story additim to an existing detaå1ed
residence in a Planned Devel'¥"""1t Za1inq district.
Envh.........lLal Deteminatim: 'lhe Planninq
reo ..··-nJs the grantinq of a Negative nø,.,]aration. 'lbe
PL~f is located on the on the north side of Granada
Avenue 250 ft. west of Byrne Avenue. Reo ....-'X1ed for
App. 4-U-90 [,
~eg. Dec.
pp. l-U-90
~eg. Dec.
Michael M:1õrain, 21867 Granada Averme, said the neighbors
do BlJW01.L the additim. In suzveying the neighbors, they
did not cxntac:t three of the neaxby renters, b.Jt they will
not have a view of the addition.
Alex Wihtol, 21875 Granada Averme, said the additim will
benefit the neighbortxx:xi.
It was IIICII8d by Counc. ~, seoanded by Came. Sorensen
and pM'e-' unaniJIaIsly to aß)roVe the granting of a
Negative Declaration.
It was IIICII8d by Counc. IC<:gJel, seoarled by Counc. Sorensen
and l"'..e'9Cl UI'IaJÚJIOJsly to a¡:prcve ~licatim No. 4-U-90
with the fin:iin]s that tne Pl' ,,:sed use is in ocnfonnanoe
with the general plan and not detrimental to existinq uses
in the Za18; the }tL'¥"Lty is adequate in size and shape;
the use will not generate levels of traffic beya1d the
~city of the existinq ..L<-t system; the l'L'i^lied use is
not detrimental to health, safety, l"""'''tI, IIICIJ:ëÙs and
general wlfare of the neighbamood, nor injurious to
Pl~ty and iJJprcvements in the neighbcn.I&AAl; and the
awlic:ant has dema...L<..ted ' "'I..J.l inq reaBa1S to deviate
!ran tne setback standards. 'Ihe awlicatim was app:raved
based m Exhibits 1-3, date Februa1:y 16, 1990, ~ as
may be amenJed by the follCJWÚ'J3 a:ntitim: arlldinq colors
and material for the ~ additim shall matål these
previously approved by Architectural and site ~
34. ~icat:ia1 No. HI-90 - Teny Brown Q:I1struc:ticn _
Request for Use Pemit to oc:notn1ct a c:Jetached
residence m an exist:ing lot within a Planned
D8Y8l,¥""",L zarlng district. EI'1ViItnDent:a
Deteminatim: Categorically E>-'I -L. 'Ihe prcpert:y is
located m the east side of Soenic Boulevard, 500 ft.
narth of Palm Averme. ~ ...._I&]ed for awraval.
It wa..; DK:Ned by Came. Szabo, seoarled by Counc. Kqpel and
l"'''",ed unanimously to awrave the grantinq of the Negative
It was DK:Ned by Came. Szabo, secxnied by Counc. Sorensen
and pass'9Cl unaniJIaIsly to aß)roVe ~lication l-U-90 per
Planninq t'hIwniR$im Resolutim No. 4249 with a condition
MñA1 stating that tne buyer JI;.JSt; be informed regardirJJ
noise frc:.m Blackberry Fazm.
35. ~lication No. J-U-90 ani 2-FA-90 - Crouton's, Inc. -
Request for Use :'ermit to CX1I'1Vert the fomer Barclay's
Bank site to a dine-in restaurant with 115 seats ani
i.rx=identa1 sale of beer and wine with food orders.
Envit ....1IIa:.I1tal Deter.ninatim: '!be PlaJ'll'Ù1J;J Chnrni "$im
rec:> ....-rns the gralltinq of a Negative Decl'U:ation. '!he
prqJerty is located at 10100 sooth DeAnza BoulevaJ:d.
pø.. ~ ....-. ded for approval.
Council expressed c:x:n:::ern regarciin; the ~. 'P ~~ color and
palm trees.
James MacNiven, one of the owners of crart:a'1's, said the
l:cl.1dinq has been left as the a1ly l:cl.1dinq close to the
street and it 'NOOld be i"V'"""ible to hide. 'Iherefore, he
feels that a distinctive fun character to the bui.1.c:Unq
'NOOld be ~,¥date. Ex>"",L for ane -·.oér, 1!SAC did liJœ
the palm trees; however, he was wlllinq to d1an}e the
color. '!be þL~;,J design is to give the l:cl.1dinq
sy!.ouaL<y'to get rid of the indentatim in fra1t.
It was JIIDYed by Came. JCrtpel, seo...dta1 by Counc. Sœ.... -1 m
and l""--~ Ul'IaJ'ÚJIXJUsly to ~we the grantinq of a
Negative no.r.1aratim.
It was DK:Ned by cwnc. Jl'q:Jpel, seccn:1ed by Counc. Sorensen
and P"--ro Ul'IaJ'ÚJIXJUsly to ~we the awlicatia1 per
Planninq n--i Resolutia1 No. 4248 with corxiitim No.
15 aDIe.Iù.d to require mat it go to Architectural and Site
Apprcval o:ami.ttee for fm'IMl review and then OCIIIB back to
Council m the 0Œ1sent calendar.
At 11:30 p.m., Cameil é!djc:umed to April 3, 7:00 p.m.
Apr. J-U-90 &
Neg. Dec.