CC 04-03-90
10300 'lutU</:; AVENUE, aJPERI'INO, CA 95014
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
10300 'l1Jt<1(t; AVENUE, aJPERI'INO, c::AL1:FI:ef.IA
Mayor Rcgers called the meetin:J to "rder at 7:04 p.m.
Counc. Fr'es¡"..L:
Goldman, Kqpel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rcgers
staff ~s 'IL:
City Manager Brown
Deputy City ClerK Wolfe
Director of Public ~k.o Vlskavich
Director of thnnI"'Iity Develc:pnent COWan
n-m"'lity RelatiCl'lS Officer Kr:ey
City Att.ozney Kiliðn
38. paq.-t fraD the City of santa Clara for $4,550 towæ:ds
ocnsultin;J assistance to analyze a ~. I' _1 for the
creatia1 of a ba--ll stadium in Santa Clara County.
(a) Res:lutia1 No. 8099: "A Resolutim of the City
Oouncil of the City of O,¡ Authorizinq
Execut.ia1 of a Joint Paærs 1!o,¡L...........IL to Analyze
the IDeating of a Raseball stadium in santa Clara
County. "
Ann Arqer, 10185 Ðlpire Avenue, said she helped that ~t
~Ied in oaJclancl wculd not ha¡::pen here.
Counc. Szabo '""'t'L at! ~ regarc:tiJq tmether or not the
area can suPP ILL two professiCl1al beo--ll teaDB, traffic,
tmether t:aJcperyers shw1d be fundinq biq bJsiness, and
Wether use of County park fUnds for this was ................,date.
Counc. ~ ""!IÞ IL Led the 00I1œþt., mentiminq that this is
a regia1al i<UZlJe and that the City had spent tax JIICI'1ey for
the morim for Tayakawa, the 1IIJI'al, the sports center, and
the senior center. She said that we III.ISt sUI:port the
County's p1:"':IL...... if we expect: them to SUIP>rt ours. She
S+-..ated that this is a token cxmnitment.
Counc. Sorensen said she would vote no; she considers the
Giants as big bJsineæ and CWOSed usin:J park funj ooney.
in entire
study effort -
stadium in
SC County;
initial study
phase only -
motions de-
Mayor Rcgers said that while she likes professia1!Ù.
ba~ll, it wo..¡ld not do anyt.hin;J for QJpertino
financially. 'Ibe C:.ty has a tight t:mget this year. '!he
regia1al argument had the IIDSt merit, but she felt that
l.'ec:reatiŒl needs in the city were higher priority.
It was JŒ:'Ved by Came. I<'qJpel and seoa1ded by Counc.
Sorensen to participate in the entire st:u1y effort at the
cost of $4,550. '!he oot.i.a1 was defeated, with Council
]IIo-..~ oers Goldman, Sorensen, Szabo and RogerE dissentinq.
It was DK:Ned by Came. I<qpel and seoa1ded by Counc.
Sorensen to rronni t to the initial st:u1y P1ase a1ly
(..........""ilMtely $1,500). '!he JŒJtim was defeated, with
Council )fo-..~ .ers Goldman, Sorensen, Szabo am ~s
ñi-- 1'
'!he City Cle...>ic was directed to inform the City of santa
Clara of this dec:isiŒl.
39. [Ij"'<"' of possible twc-tenn limit for Oouncil
City Attamey Kilian said that the GoY....._1t COde ccntains
nathin;J limiting tenDs. 'nIere have been several Attamey
Genet1.a.l's GpiniCl'lS that ccuncils of General raw cities
caJlI..Jt l"";P"l1y adqJt a rule of law limiting tenDs. Mr.
Kilian said be .."......d with these GpiniCl'lS.
Counc. lfq:Ipel read the warding of a similar ..........D:'EI for IDs
Altos. She said she .....,It'I l:1Jæ to see it m the Na\,...~
ballot as an advi.saIy Even if it oa.1l.d not be
l"";P"lly biniinq, it wo..1ld create a Dmal cbligatim. She
felt it wculd emoorage peqùe t~ = for office.
Counc. Hzabo said he believes in the twc-tenn limit.
Irv"oI..~....,Ls have been difficult to defeat. He said he thinks
0Jpertin0 shcW.d œ:. .... a d1arter city.
Counc. Sorensen supported the advi.saIy ballot,
ag:reei.rç that it allows and encxurages good peGple to J:\D1
for office.
Counc. Goldman said there have been 16 electiCl'lS in
0Jpertin0 and a1ly a1e perscI'I has bee., elected to 3
con:;ecutive terms. He said he was against creating
additional ordinances that carnrt be u¡X1eld by law. ~
create an orJ1nanoe to solve a pràJld1l that doesn't exist?
Mayor Rogers felt it is wren; to limit people's right to
elect who they want.
Ann An;¡er irquired atJcut bec~·i1'}:J a charter city an::l was
informed that there is no requirement as far as pcp1lation.
Came. SzaIJo outlined the ~. .~a 11eO"":i'a~ry to œ::>..... a
charter city.
A'lan snyder, 10534 Meteor Place, a 20-year resident, said
he fesls he has lost the feeling of UT1derst.andi.n what is
~ at City Hal!. '!here is a need for a way for
citizens to get their cx:n:::ems heard. He would like to _
ŒJr8 .:. .." «itia"l.
Bernard Kalvelage, 7515 Tiptoe Iane, said the preble of
i1P.r~_d..s in Washingt:a\ is overwhelming. '!his is true at
the state and world ItM1l. He urged Cameil to get with
the ~ '-";L......
Gorden Frolich, 1202 Belknap Ccm't, said he would B\W...L
sud1 an advisory -....Ire. He ......'Y=--ted CCI'1Siderinq allawinq
pec:ple who have net ~ m Council for a pericx:i of time to
seek elec:t:.ia1 again.
It was 1IICMId by Kqpel, seaI'Ided by came. SOI1nIen
and p-ø--ad with Oouncil )Iamhers Goldman and ~8
iliøft .d.inq to direct the City Attmney to ~~ the
wordinq for an advisory _Ua1Jr8 to be placed m the NoI...........
ballot to limit Oouncil' ~ 4œS to two tams of office. 'lhe
-".me would include 1IIm'd1n;J that after a two year hiatus,
!VLW!r Council 11_.~ ~8 CDIld n>n for office: that there is a
ten-year --"-- as Oouncil 111 ~ «r:, includinq time served as
an appointee: and that the restrictiCl'lS would apply
retroactively includin¡ thœe pec:ple m cameil rDI.
40. F-J--t for etd... IL of reo:. ·..·.....ldatiCl'lS frail the Fest
Office Design Review n--ittee for the Qpertino Pest
Office design.
Director of ..........1I'\ity Dev8l'¥"""1t Cowan said the postal
service is looJdnq for advice and CXI'ISUltatim, net
approval. '!hey do net need the City's approval. He said
the letter drafted to serñ to the postal service asJœd that
a scum wall be ocnstnx:ted between the post office and the
residences that face Adriana. It also asks that they
eJq>lore the possibility of a seocn:i3ry ~c:r-s road.
Director of Public ~k.o Viskcviål talked about: traffic and
the optiCl'lS regardinq traffic signals.
City At ty. t·
prepare bal-
lot measure
re two-term
limit for
Counc 11
(Side 2)
Dave McLeroy, 10295 Byrne AvenJe, said the plan ŒÙ.y
benefitted the postal service to the detriment of the
rY'WlWlllnùty. 'Ibe downtown flavor is not there. 'Ibe traffic
plan wat't work. 'n1ere is a d.!In:;J8ra.Is intersectim at
~ia1. He said that we do have Balle ......1L<vl CNf¥r what
the Postal Service can do. A foor lane rœd wculd create
a fire ZŒ1e in the lI'iñt'lle of Manta vista. He stated that he
believes that with the area designated for expansim, the
nw post office will be used for a regimal distriJ:utim
center. In his q>Wm the åIaracter of Manta vista has
been ~"ed. 'Ibe Postal service is not fair dealing and
ethical. 'lbeir t:hecny is that the end justifies the JDBanS.
'Ibe City wants a post office, but there are liability and
quality of life i.....-. Traffic JØJSt be adr:h. J~<ocJ. 'Ibe
City JØJSt give an ultimatum to the Pœtal service reqardinq
the secxn:2ry iWOIX'e. Mr. M:::Isray said he EDq)ØCtS the city
to take a ..LL.....~ positim. We do have bargaininq power,
~-- the Postal Service already has mllliCl'lS of dollars
tied up in this project. 'Ibe buildinq sbø1ld be DK:Ned
tawa%d stevens Creek Boulevard. We need to rethink parJcinq
the traffic.
Mr. Ocwan said he believed that the ŒÙ.y poIo"er the City has
is possible political pcIL"I!r.
Mr. Frolidl had questiCl'lS reqardinq traffic. He said maybe
the City shcW.d build the alternate rœte.
Ann Arqer said she is not very ha¡w with the ......-..qIL tha.1gh
she had favored it at first. 'Ibe ..............Lj' owner hadn't let
the City knew he was sellinq to the Postal SerIioe. She
said she has a prcblEID with the seccrœry rœd at
Peninsula. She cited Balle st:atistics trcm a letter she had
written follaåJç the last meet.inq of the Pest Office Design
l"rMftittee. '!here are CNør 250 haœs that wculd be affected
if the seccrœry rœd were built Wwre ...... ~n"-. She said
it is ~L<~ that the City wooùd want the Postal service
to pIt in the seccrœry rœd. It is oilœ::i for Q.Jpertin:) to
have a local post office, but not a18 that had big trucks
0CIIIinq and going all the time. 'Ihe neighbors shculd CXIII8
fmward and protest.
Patrick Milligan, 10018 Oakleaf Place, said he a,p.aéd with a
lot of what Mr. M:::Isray and Ms. Arqer had said. He said the
cl~ of 85 aoo""" 1oIO.Ùd create traffic prà:>lems m
stevens CreE>Jc Boulevard. He also said the viability of the
restaurant f~n;J the exit t\rlveway was questiOMble. Mr.
Milligan ~ other sites in the City and said maybe
the post offiœ sbø1ld relocate to me of them. He said he
was surprised at the possibility of there being a regimal
post office at this site. '!he issue taUght is whether the
Camcil SUW01ts the plan presented.
ME:". Cowan said the post office cannot locate in a shq:pin:J
center with shared parJdn;J because of security constraints.
Dick Olildress, 11701 Rsgnart canyon Road, said he has
worked with the Pest Office Design CCmnittee and sees this
as a typical case of NIMB'l - not in J1!:f back yard. He said
that Sf'OIIAo "1e has to have the post office in their
neighbœ:hood, and it will create prcblems. CUpertino - ia
the post office. In his cpWm, it is mandatoty to have
two lanes west:bcuIñ m Stevens creek BoulEMmi right away.
'!be Postal 5ervioe has tried to be a good neighbor by
desiCJl'ÚlX1 the site with a solid wall and lamcoœping.
Gazy Hansen, 13762 ~¡"",,-"1S 0Jurt, saratoga, said he is
~ing the Southern Pacific ~ and had suJ:m1tted
an çplicatim for a 1ftiYr:lld use project. He had just lean1ed
about the 1"-' '0 ~ road across the ~ am ~d like
to be involved in negotiatiCl'lS of where the road will be.
He said he hcped the road wcn't alter his ability to provide
a mixed use dsvel..:t..._uL.
Pat stel1mac:her, 10100 Adriana A'Yel'LI8, said it scared her to
think of trudæ goinçr by her back yard. It will be a major
noise prob18ll. She said that in her cpinicn a signal at
Orange is--,~.
Mec:helle Wihtol, 21875 Granada A'Yel'LI8, uJoooð hew we can
allow postal "..r\...:Jœ m Stevens Creek Boulevard if we dat't
allow JC>Ii~ ':rucks. ME:". VisJa:wic:h said that trudæ have
the right to ~~- points by the closest route frcm a truck
route. In this case, Highway 85 ~d be CXI1S1dered the
truck route. Ms. Wihtol said that we will lese the aDbience
of IÞ1ta vist.c U Stevens Creek BoulEMmi is widened. She
OOjected to postal trudæ cuttinq throogh the neighbœ:hood
as they leave the post office.
Ra1 R.1dckas, 10068 Adriana, said hÐ DK:Ned to a¡pertino
because of the rural d1arac:ter. one of his neighbors is
selling his hOJse because of ~t has happeoìed in the area,
and he is CXI1Siderinq sellinq his too because the noise
~d make it i"t> ~ible for him to sleep.
Ms. Alger said she is not a NIMB'l - she has been worki.zx] to
get a good clean devel,¥"""IL.
Nan::y Hertert, san Juan Road, asked how she ~d ê',.,......,~ the
post office. ME:". Viskavich shcM!d the ~....s and "":L=S
roads and the stackin;J lanes by the drive-up mail boxes.
steve Boorne, 21919 corte Madera, said traffic and noise are
prcòlems. He said residents are loakin;J to the Cameu as
their elected lq.<L :S8htative for support.
I (Side 3)
Co..Inc. Kq.pel said arrr delays oc:uld set the project back six
years. It is not an ideal situatim, t:ut we need a
secx:n:iary ........-e and need four lanes m stevens Creek
Boulevard. She said she wcWd like to see gran'ñ broken in
O:m¥::. Szabo ~....d that this is not an ideal plan t:ut that
this may be the a1ly :rea&a'1IÙ)le locatim in the City. He
said he recognizes the limited powers the City has in
dealing with the Federal gcv...........IL. '!he noise of semi
t.ruc::Jœ is of acuoern to him. He said he was in favor of
:t:....Ldping and a seoc:n:Jary ........-e.
Coorx:. Goldman said there DUSt be a way to f:in:i cut if it's
going to be a regia1al or local post office. He said the
Council's respousibility was to make land use decisiCl'lS as
if the City did have control. Mr. Goldman said that baeed
on informatim he has we pay for the services provided by
the post office. He ~ Tot1at additia1a1 CXJSts we will
have to bear in tenus of traffic, noise and jEqlllrdizinq thB
!Þ1ta vista guidelines. Mr. Goldman said he wasn't sure it
a larger facility will nee, ~y provide better service.
He said the plan was a bad a1B, and that we shculd tell the
Postal 5eJ:v'ice we want a local post office, no semi trucJcs
if possible. Coorx:. Goldman said he wcWd not send the
letter SlU"\LLinq the plan.
Coorx:. Sorensen stated oa........... regardin;J truck traffic
through the parXinq lot and frail 280 to the site. She
~....d that t:Iòo lanes W81"8 Jl! 1"~ westbound and asIœd what
wcWd haRJen if the letter weren't signed.
Counc. 1foppel said she didn't know, bIt the Postal 5eJ:v'ice
has listened to the City in the past.
Mayor øogers said this was not a good site as far as the
City is ..............1.e.l, bIt she didn't think the Postal Service
wcWd change sites. Perhaps they OO'ùd fight it
politi,.,.,l1y. Traffic is a real problem. l''''''''Y'e a........-
Peninsula wcWd i'T"'"t SCIIIB bIt nat to the extent that these
facing Adriana wcWd be affectec1. we DUSt try to make it
work as -U as possible.
City Manager Brown said he did nat believe that a regia1al
facility is being planned for this site. '!he expansim area
is for other growth. we need to understand the choices:
1. Keep what we have. 2. TaJœ this vww-b.1nity to i"l"'~
this project. He said there is no OCI'IVenient way to "..........e
the þ1:LS:::I¡t. post office and there is very little parXinq.
In addition, the drive up boxes are m the right side of the
car. '!here seems to be inefficient handlinq of the mail.
Dick Olildress said he had negotiated with the post office
regardin:;J the True Value Hardware site two yearn ago. Sane
other post office is takinq the lœd of QJZ' small facility.
It was IDC1Ved by coone. Kq.pel, secc:njed by Came. Sorensen
and I"'~"'9d with OCJ1Ix:. Goldman rli--:11tinq to authorize the
Mayor to sign the draft letter c:tum:]ed to require that a 12
ft. sam::l barrier be installed al΂ the rorthem bc:Jurrjazy
to attenuate ncisa frail the truck lœdin::J qJeratiCl'lS that
might iIIpact the single family residential neighl.vLl......d; am
to make the ~ regardin;J OŒ1Structic.n of a seoañary
aooe<''' road linJcin;f the traIt parking lot with Peninsula
Avenue across the Scuthern Pacific!Id tracks ..LL-..,,:!=.
Mayor Rcgers said that Council will work with legislators to
make the best of the situatim.
REI "'><5: 9:20-9:30 p.m.
41. c::cnsideratim of <a:IL.........nt providinq for iDpl........l14tim
of santa Clara Valley Source PL'-";Law.
(a) Resolutia1 No. 8076: "A Resolutim of the City
00unci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizing
Executia1 of 'A"L............L Providinq for
,..,.,1... .tatim of santa Clara Valley Nu¥-'int
Source ~'-";Law', With the Santa Clara Valley water
District and Particlpatin;J Agencies in santa Clara
Cbmty. "
Director of Public Woñcs ViskDvic:l1 defined "na1-point" as
dealing with stom drains. He told Oouncil that the
backgramd for the i'L'-";L..... was ocnt:ai.ned in the
DIplementatim PL'-";L..... which they had received.
Nancy a.&1.....LL, 729 st:erd1al Lane, said this is a regic:nù.
prcblem and BUt¥... Led the i'L'-";L......
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel, woc......:Jo:d by Came. Szabo and
I""-W unanima.Jsly to adopt Resolutim No. 8076.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. JCqpt>1, seoœded by Came. Soreltsen
and I""eeed unarrlD::Jusly to ~'¥Llate $64,055 for fiscal
year 1990-91 to fund tt.e City's share of the area-wide
42. Referral frail the Pl~ n-om.i "'Sim Interpretatim of
a minor to the use permit for a hotel to
revise exterior arårltectl1re and add ~tely 2,000
sq. ft. of floor area. Project located m the SCAIth
side of stevens Creek Boulevard 300 ft. east of DeAnza
Boulevard. (~licaticn 4-U-86 (Revised), City Center
Associates) .
(Side 4)
Letter to
Postal Service
Res. 8076
for implementa-
tion program,
Dintctor of o-.m.núty Q;wel..pllt,..L cnRm said that staff
nomally 1NOlrJlS the decisim m minor mD8I.œ......Ls of this
type, b.It due to the significance of the project it had been
braJght to Council. He showø:l site plan ~ incl\ñizg
more parJdn;J, _ well as inteJ:na1 use å1aD;Jes. '!he parJdn;J
plan showø:l theno is emugh parJdn;J to make the plan waèt
and provide a surplus m the site.
Mark :Kroll, PraDetheus Devel,¥"""d., LILL. ..1IJCed Peter Kasal
of Frlzzel Hill Mr:xD:haJse, ardù.tect, and I!Iaid that walter
Hsu, Project Manager for PraDetheus, was .... Si'llt.
Mr. Masa1 described the followinq c:han;Jes to the plan:
'Ihe learninq center has been DK:Ned to what Md been an
ent:ertainDent 10l.lBJe.
'Ihe lœdinq dock was too cp!I1, and has been DK:Ned to the
'Ihe main lc:t1Þy has l:M!n DK:Ned dcwn me level so it isn't
so high and cold.
'Ihe ~ overlooks and integrates with the pmc.
'Ihe pazkinq garage DaZe has been straightened out.
To ..L<....,¡then the X-shape, shear walls have been
:i1LAJL~..ted; there are fewer wiJñows.
H:D:e interest was ~ to the f~. A mm..l was
shewn which included vertical column elements at ead1
Reganiinq the amcunt of seatinq. ~ ...dty for ~ and
barquets, Mr. Mascn said there was rocIII for 300 for ~
and 200 for barquets.
Mr. Hsu said they had tried to 1NO....i",h,e the amc:unt of pWlic
«paœ within the ocnfines of the first floor.
Mr. :Kroll stated that PraDetheus may be back with a use
permit ëq:plicatia1 to aã:l more sexvice pazkinq. 'D1ey will
be a¡:plyinq to AS1IC to aã:l a n"OIIIInUty 01ristmas a- to the
park, as well as more land<>œping. 'Ihe plan does not waèt
with additia1al meetinq "'l""œ. 'Ihe small house -.d.ll remain
on the site and will be used for the OCI'1St%Uctim office for
the hotel. 'D1ey have done sane upgradinq m the house.
(Side 5)
It was m::wed by Counc. Kq:pel, secx:n:!ed by Came. Szabo and
ra'i1s'?d with Counc. Goldman abst.ain:in3 due to a potential
cx:nflict of ~ to awro"/e the c::han:Jes per PlaJ'II'Ún;J
Cnmti..."'ion Resolution No. 4250.
RÐ .,...<:: 10:13-10:15 p.m.
43. Review of length of Came~ meetin:1s and CCI'1Sideration
of q¡tiCl'lS to allow for more flexibility in sd1edu1inq
items and otha::" c::han;Jes in the PL' ..........e thai: cxuld
provide for shorter ageroas and meetin:Js.
Counc. Goldman said he wcu1d withdraw the item since the
lb;Jhes Heiss l"A<' ...._ladatiCl'lS will acih.......a this i-ue.
Counc. Szabo ~-ted that ten min.rt:es be allowed for .:Jral
n-wmonúcatiCl'lS, after whiå1 anyt:I'Ie else would be asked to
sn-it their .:.....,AI'Ls in writing.
City Att.ozney Kilian said Council can leg.'\.timately set
reasa1able time limits
City Manager Brown ...........,..!zed the staff l."¥'LL into four
categories. 1. Items liiOlÇl- M at 1o'OrIœhc.p whiå1 are
mcstly beinq done. 2. P1.anniDJ items - staff is prepared
to beinq a ~ ····-ldatim to Council m this it they wish.
'Ibis would limit the ]'"01IIIhør of items CCIIÚ.n:J to Council for
final ~ and give more disc:retim to staff and the
Planninq n--i -icr.. 3. Analysis of hew time is spelL in
JIIEIE!tin;Js. 4. POlicy limiting times for ~ic irpJt am,Ior
CCI'1Si.deratim of items. 5. C21an;)e ominImoe sayinq Za1inq
;q:plicatiCl'lS mst CXJIIe to Oouncil frail Planninq n--i .....1m
at their next meetinq. 'Ibis would enable staff to ¡i1ase
projects oc:min:J frail the n--i_1m and wcu1d give them more
discretim aver the agen::1a.
Council directed to staff to schedule a study sessim to
ð.1:h...... the length of meetings and to L"¥'L L back with
reo. ····.ÞYdatias.
44. Rt:u......ideration of date of ¡:ublic hearinq for revisim
of 8.lsiness License Tax Ordinance.
It was JD:II.Ied by Counc. lfq:pe 1, seocn:Jed by Counc. Sorensen
and I""~eed unaniJoously to table CCI'1Sideratim of the
8.lsiness License Tax Ordinance.
Council requested that the City Manager contact the 01ambe::'
of C"r'onmPrce.
45. Consideration of formation of a CUpertiIX> Traffic
4-U-86 (Rev)
Study sessior
length of
Revision of
Business Tax
Ord. tabled
Tra ff ic Reduc-
tion Subcom-
t it tee -
re nue gener-
ating options
Mayor Rogers tJtated that the Traffic Reductim SUbJo .....Ittee
already exists and that Cameil )4000,~ -era Goldman and SZðbo
are "......~ oers.
City Manager Brown read a letter frail the 01ariJer of
t'hnmønœ which ncminated John Hailey (Tamem 0:IIp.rt:.ers) ,
O1arles Newman (CE2f Real PL'¥=ty) am wayland Lim
(Symantec) to serve 'Xl a advisozy n"WI'IIIittee to review
transportatim related alternatives and i_-.
Came. Sorensen steted the cpinim that there shcW.d be a
.........ittee, not a .........i..."'im, and that there -, 'I.. to be
broad L"'t'L es wutim, not just O"'..~.ea: ,,_.J .er&. 'Ibere
_u~" to be a clear goal of reducing traffic.
Mr. Brown stated that we need a citizen-or'...errt.ëd .........ittee,
but SY,r~_-œd that Council not qive the chaxge to the
.........i ttee at this time.
Counc. Golc1lœm ~"""ted that that the Oouncil.. ~ -era m
the .........ittee appoint citizeœ to sezvice.
Council, by oa18EInSUS, 8RX>inted City Manager Brown and
Director of Public Works V:lskcvich as staff 1\_... ~s. 'Iho8e
8RX>inted will meet and U'i"U" L back to Council.
Bernie KalV""l"'1"', Tiptoe Iane, said he felt the body shcW.d
be a .........i....ia1 and sbaùd be large enough so people ~
experience traffic daily ca."1 lE!pOLL back to Oouncil and
staff regardiø] wcrJdn¡ of lights, etc. Qw or two ,,_.~ .ea:s
sbaùd sit m a bay area n"WI'IIIi -!al. He said he is
IAIIprlsed the City doesn't already have a traffic
.........i -iat.
Den B.n.1..LL, 729 sterdhal Iane, as)oad Oouncil not to fÓ&."",L
the þi"""""'t transportatim solutia1 - the bicycle - and uxged
them not to overlook the potential of the bicycle.
Director of ChmI"'1ity Devel,¥""",L Cowan that the P1.anninq
l"romIi has traditionally been the city's Traffic
46. letter frail CUpertino ~r of 1'hmø>"Ce snhnitti.n¡
names for Cbamter/City lY'Om!;ttee reviewin;¡' revenue
generatinq C'ptians.
Mayor Rcgers 8RX>inted Came. Szabo, herself, the six people
suggested by the Q\;mIhP.r of I'hmørce (Mark Otterlei, Allan
Bidwell, David ~er, Hetman Hijmans, Keith Simera1 am
Frank J. strazzarim, Jr. ), City Manager Brown and Finance
~ OF "mE ~ 3, 1990, ~ mrnu..R ~
Director Snyder. 'l1'.ree citizens will be ðRJOinted to the
CC1IIIÙ.ttee by Came. Szabo and Mayor Rogers. staff will
report back to Cameil.
47. Seocni readinq ani enacbDent of Ordinance No. 1522: "An
Ordinance of the City Council of the City of QJpertino
Amerxiin¡ sectim 1 of ominance No. 2 by Reza1in;J 10.9
Acres fran City of 0Jpertin0 Al Zcne to City of
CUpertiIX> RHS; Located at the Westerly 'l'elminm of
Rainbow Drive (Billawala - ~licatim 9-Z-88) ."
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, seocn:B:l by Counc. Szabo
and p"eeed UJ1êIlÙJIIasly to read ominance No. 1522 by title
ally and the Dep1ty City ClerK's readinq to ocnstitute the
seocn::i readinq thereof.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, seocn:B:l by Came. Szabo
and ral!i'sed UJ1êIlÙJIIasly to enact ominance No. 1522.
48. Seccn:i readinq and enacbœnt of Ordinance No. 1523: "An
Ordinance of the City COUncil of the City of CUpertino
Amerxiin¡ Ordinance No. 1050 to Specify ~licability of
Set:bi!Ick, Height, atlk, Floor Area Ratio and Si1lli ".,..
Requirements, IDeated stevens Creek Boulevard to the
North and Byrne CXAIrt; ~ Averme to the East;
Granada Aver&.18 to the South and Private lands to a Depth
of 200 ft. East of Byrne Averue."
It was DK:Ned by Coorr.. Sorensen, sec....:Jo:d by Counc. lI:qpel
and p"eeed unanimcu'ÙY to read ominanoe No. 1523 by title
a1ly and the City Manager's reac1in¡ to ........otitute the
readinq thereof.
It was DK:Ned by Cb101c. 5orensen, seoa1ded by Counc. Kq:ipel
and P"'''''9d UJ1êIlÙJIIasly to enact ominanoe No. 15;¿3.
49. Na1e.
S'I2\FF ~~
so. Oral reports by staff ........,~oers. - Na1e.
51. Upjate regardinq tne 2.4 acre parcel located at City
Center (St"J'!VÐ\'1S Creek BcW.evard and DeAnza BcW.evard.)
City Manager Brown Lq..uL-ted that 465 letter had been sent to
fNe.r}' Ja'øm address in the affected area. '!he letter asJœc1
people to call in for 15 minute ðRJOL.L...uls with Dr.
Ste1bel. 'Twenty-five people called, and 22 were seen with
Second read-
ing, Ord.
Ord. 1522
Second re..:rf-
ing, Ord.
Ord. 1523
2.4 acre
parcel, City
CO,1 t inued to
April 16;
SI,OOO ap-
Rev iew
(Side 6)
nore to be seen this week. Dr. Steibe1 said there is not a
clear positim L"'¥L S dLed by the residents, but they are
maving in that directim.
Mr. Brown asJœd that Council authorize $1,000 for tha
pL'-";Law in aå:titim to the original $2,500.
By CXI1Ser1SUS, Ca.Jncil 0ŒItimed the item to April 16 am
ðwL"¥LlatEd $1,000 to oc:ntinue ....ork toward resolutia1.
52. Mayor Rcgers reported m the aù.ld Care Task Fu........
53. ooorx:. ~1 L."..,..,.. Led m the ballot --u:e tor benetit
e¡..-- _·.t tor the flood ocntrol district.
56. I.eqislative Review n-oo...ittee - It was IIICIII8d by cnvx:.
Szabo, -..:aded by Counc. ~1 and I""'e-'Id unanimcusly
to taJœ the follcwinq actiCl'lS regardinq .....'¥sed
~ 58 1853 (~) , Brown Act, meetin;Js of task
fu.........; '" Ill"'" L 58 1998 (sa..." SŒ1), SOlid Waste,
integrated waste IIIi!Ilkoo:I -. it board, local gcM:oL......1t
tec:bnical advisory ~ittee; BUppOlt 58 1858 (Hctibins),
insurame, tinancia1 respc:rlSibility; EPM"...t. AB 2603,
oil Spill and Ra~oose Act.
At 10:55 p..., adjcumed to 6:00 p.III., .._~ iJoy,
April ll, 1990, ~ w. Quinlan n-m"1ity center, 10185
North stelling for joint meetin;J with ~ t1ni.a1 Så1col
District Board of Trostees.
iL~, iJ~
Deplty Citý erK