CC 04-11-90 . ~. . . CITY OF aJPERI'IN), S'1?TE OF ~ 10300 'lut<t<t; AVEMJE, aJPERTINO, CA 95014 'I'EI..EPH:NE: (408) 252-4505 KINtJI'ES OF '!HE JODll' MŒl'DC OF '!HE aJPERI'IN) CI'IY a:xJNCIL AND aJPERI'IN) UNICIf SQÐOL DISIRIcr B:Wm OF ~U2;:;, HErD CIf APRIL 11, 1990, QtJINIAN CXM«JNrIY CENI'ER, 10185 N. STEILIN:; R:W>, aJPERTINO, CAI.J:lItRaA œ-787B '!be meetinq was called to otàer at 6:25 p.m. by Mayor ~s. 0:11nc. F-- IlL: Counc. Goldman, Kqpel, Sorensen, SZðbo, Mayor ~.. þ staff Prn _.L: City Manager Brown City ClerK COrnelius Director of Public ~k.o Viskavich Assistant to the City Manager Brown Director of Paxb and Røc::reatia1 Ccwlinq Directar of n-mnrlty D8Y8l,¥"""íL Cowan Director of Finance snyder CUpertino unim Sd100l District Board of 1I'rh~tim: Boal.l.._·~cs Joan C. Barram, St:eII8 Chell, TcmIIy Shwe, Elaine ¡frlte, sandra JIIIIIIIS CUpertino unim Sd100l District staff: SI.Iperint:eman del Prado, RID. Jim Paul Qux:Jc carr JUdith Felz Jerry Matranga Pat T"""""Wl Follawin:] introduct.iaw of these Pl S IL, Mayor ~.. anncunced tl1at the City of CUpertino had a1e item of bJsiness that was r- MY prior to the joint meetinq. Oouncil deteJ:mined tl1at the need for this item of J::iusiness came up after the posting of the agema for the meetinq and follawin:] that deteminatim, it was IIII:MId by Counc. Kq:pel, &ecŒ1ded by Ch.1nc. Sol."'Lert and [""-ad UMl'limcusJ.y to adept: Resolutim No. 8099, "A Resolut.ia1 of the City Oouncil of the City of 00Jpertin0 Detetmininq to Undertake ~;~ Without RJrther Act:ia1 tJràer Divisim 4 of the streets and Highways COde, City of CUpertino SLL....t and Traffic IDpact Fee J\i!i'S ~.- IL District." ORAL CXHIJNICATIœs- Na1e -1- ., . School Dlst. Master Plan . . , I MINtJI'ES OF '!HE JOINI' MEE'I'!N:; OF '!HE CITY CXXJNCIL AND aJPERI'INO UNICN SOI:JOL DIS'IRIcr B::WID OF ~J.'= (œ-787B) 1. Revia.r of CUpertino unim 5ctJool District Master Plan. 'iVette del Prado, SUper.intelœnt of Schools, distr:ib.Ited pacJœts of informatim. 'lbese pacJœts incl00ed the District's Missim statement, strate::Jic plan goals, ~c breaXdcJwn, infomation regardirq the facility modeJ:nizatim ~"':ILaw, estimated acreage of ."m>r;otianal sites, and california's K-12 schcol finance systeon. Dr. del Prado reviewed the ..........."}' sheet an:i :introducec~ Jeny Matrarr;Ja. Mr. Matranga reviewed the facility modeJ:nization .fIL"':ILCIW handaJt. In regard to reserve sites, Dr. del Prado said the District plans to keep them that way for a Im:J time. In regard to junior high schcol ~'-";L""'" the district is r-ðn_einq the electives þL'-";Law: tl1en they will be able to identify heM to 1IIt'ñA'I"lÙ.ze these facilities. '!he visim for elementary schcols includef. fwr basic 0 "1 <:1'J=ILs: clas..............: a 9'1ided leaminq center: a student: village, inclutin:¡ day care: and an administrative wing. Pat T........,.., reviewed ead1 of these fwr c. ·,t-:ne..Ls and what they ~d include. Dr. de: Prado said the Garden Gate S<::ix)ol will have the first 9',iliM leam1nq center. She pointed out heM the oost of hwsing i~ the hirinq of teaå1ers and expressed CCIIiœl1, regardinq parents who have lm:J oamutes and therefore, little if any time to spend with their d1lldren. She anticipates the OCIIpletiat of the elementary schcol JD)<'/O·uizatia1 in 1995. '!he D:XJemizatim of junior high schcols '1IIi!1.Y be started before that, so there may be a slight averla¡:ping. '!he mjority of funds for this p..'-";Law oaoe :frcm the sale of clœe:i schcol sites. other funds oaoe fran develcp!r fees, the student: care providers and the state deferred maintenance ~"':ILaw. '!he District EDCpeCts $10,750,000 :frcm the calabazas site. '!be Governor ~"'> ...._,d;¡ a 3% oost of living adju..L..:.1t for schcol districts next year. '!he schcols are hq)inq for JlDre: this IIØ1ey goes towards day to day expel IS es. Disc.."ðim followed regardinq the acreage of various schcol sites and the District office site. In BaDe cases, fields oc:uld be reoŒ1figured to derive more playing fields. '!be modernizatim ~'-";Law will have little. effect on the acreage for playinq fif'.lds cn::e the p1:'-";LCIW is oarplete: however, there may be a t:eIrpora%y loss of BaDe fields durin;J canstructim. -2- MINtT1'ES OF '!HE Jomr MEE:I'ING OF '!HE CITY caJNCIL AND CUPERTIN::> UNICN SCHJOL DIS'IRIcr ID1\RD OF 'IR.J::iT= (œ-787B) 2. Review of City of 0Jpert.iIX> parks an:i open spaœ plans and yooth sports needs. City Manager :Iown thanked the School District for the information an:i stated tt.at it s """ like it is time for the City and School District to formalize their \oIOrkin3 relatia1Ship. DL-ector of Parks and Recreation Ccwlin;}' presented an oveJ:View of the City's open space el.....ellt which in::1.uded an inventory, review of condition an:i amenities for (yr:uth) ~Ls fields. He"'^i-'L E"?ed the belief that there ~d be value in a t:hree--..-ay dialogue between the City, the School District, and the field tJSerS. He reo:. .......1'!ded l00kirq at developing the un:Jeveloped portim of schcol sites, as well as the level of maintenance of fields, identityinq the ~e.ry amenities, and identityin;}' funciin;J sam::es. Counc. Goldllllm said he has met with a ro-"" of the active "'i"-'LLs groups, includi.."1ÇJ AYSO, CYSA, Little League, Sottball League, and track participants. 'Ihese grc:AJpB L~ If .d.. abcut 3,000 d1ildren; nd:Jody t'li"""'JL -- with the need for the bprovement in the schcol facilities, b..tt there is still a need for more fields and fields in better canditia1. 'Ihe yooth ~ts ,IL"':IL....... are all expan::iinq and the d1ildœn are g:rcwinq, resulting in the need for larger fiEllds. 'Ihres fields will be tEqxn'arily lost this year (Jollyman, stevens Creek and Garden Gate). He urged that the School Dicrt:rlct N"e-ooe their priorities and look at presm:vinq the existinq fields until la1g-'texm plans can be JIIIIIde. '!his ~d result in a 6-12 IIart:h delay. Dr. del Pl...:}." said the SChool District hopes to OCIIplete Garden Gate an:i stevens Creek socn and is \oIOrkin1 with Mr. Ccwlinq to I"boc.tIfigure the open spaoe an:i get more fields. Mr. Goldman said he is requesting that the SChool District delay its plans. Disc"....ion follCM!d regarding delayinq the abar.:1o.........IL of the Wilson Park site. Dr. del Prado said she is willin;¡ to look at specifics and then see hew the District can meet the demands. Perl1aps a City/SChool part:nerBhi.p oculd be mede. DeAnza COllege facilities are unavailable for tYWl'll'lnùty sports use. 'Ihe high schcols are heavily used by their own teams. It was suggested that a joint meetiIx:J between U:'t.lLCSUltative of Fl..........L High SChool, FoothilljDeAnza l"nnnlnùty College District, City COOncil an:i CUpertiIX> -3- Parks (. Open Space pJans · ~ I ·1 I , MINUn:S OF '!HE JOINI' MŒl'DC OF '!HE CITI <XUCL AND aJPERTIN:) UNIŒ saÐOL DISlRIcr B:)A¡¡D OF ~= (œ-787B) Uni.a1 School District wa1ld be useful. OIrrerrtly high schools and the CX)1lØ38 have a policy to d1arge for use of their facilities; however they oculd à1ange their policy. 'Ibis is a lY'WmO"1ity-wide issue. By cc._JSUS, 11_.. ers of the Sd100l Board and the City Oouncil directed that their r -rective staffs loaJc at a partnership at this time and try to inYolve the high schools and lY'WmO"'1ity CX)1lØ38 district at a tuture date. staff was directed to oaII8 œck with no -dat.icn8. '!he partnership is to incl\ñe IIIIÚJ1tCIi!Inc of the ~Ls fiA],œ. Dr. del Prado IU'Ir1C:IUOOed that the IIå1col district is look1nq at attar-sc:.hool intrmø.mù. ~Ls. '!he City ~--ed interest in that also. At 8:40 p.m., the 1IIBEItinq was adjcumed. &~~. -4-