CC 04-30-90
10300 '.1U1<tQ; AVÐroE, aJPERI'INO, CA 95014
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
HErD 00 AFRIL 30, 1990, Cl'lY HAIL, <r.IŒ'ERE}rCE R:X:M A,
10300 'lut<t<t; AVENUE, aJPERI'n«>, CAI..IFURNIA
'!be meetinq was called to order by Mayor Rogers at 7: 00
Counc. PJ::S'ldL:
Goldman, ICqpel, SOrensen, Szabo, Mayor Rega&
staff I'r S )IlL:
City Manager Brown
City ClerK Corneliœ
Director of C'rwmonú.ty D8Y8l"'lA"'='lIL Cowa."1
City Att.ozney Kilian
1. J\dcption of PL" ....11"'1Ù gl1i~lines for the ("_1..
Director of n-mnú.ty D8Y8l,¥""",L Cowan told Cameil that
there would ~. ~"'l-IJ.y be five ""I"':, .....Itt:ees. In reviewing
his l."¥ULL, he clarified that the ref............ to late Winter,
1991, for ~1etia1 of the review period actually means
February, 1991.
Di"'O'-im followed ~ the status of items in the
pipeline durinq ttds nwiaim !-L": - .
By oansensus, Oouncil det:.emined that until the adcptic:n of
the revised General Plan, the prevailinq rules will a¡:ply.
2. st\xly sessim to explore varioos methods of shoJ:tenin¡
City Oouncil IIII!I8tJn;s and prcvi.ciin;J more flexible
sd1edu1i."'V;J of items to be CCI'ISidered.
Director of C'rwmonú.ty Develcpnent Cowan reviewed his
streamlini.n;J strategy with Council.
Came; di"""--ad the possibility that on
CX3'1troversial items the PlaJ'II'Iin:J ChmIi-im wwld be
contacted to testify durinq the Cameil hearin; an:i ~ Sellt
the rationale for their rec:> ····-·wtion. ChmIi-ianers have
Goals COL tt¿E
City Council
meeting streau:-
the cptim of ðcinq that at this time; however, there is 00
pzü("e to follow shcW.d a oooncil.......¡.el wish to request
their testlmc:.ny.
Mr. Cowan said that an certain major r;o-œ, a joint City
CameiljPlanninq ChmIi "'Sion meetinq has been held.
Also ..H .......1S9~ was c:x::n:hIctirq a joint City OounciljPlannirY;J
ChmIi....~ian,lAS1lC meetinq awraximately every six JID'Iths.
By 0CI'1SeJ1SUS, Council ayL....d to a six-mcnth trial period
that shcW.d arr¡ oooncil"""""'er wish the Plannin;J ChmIi_im
chair to be ~ snit at a Council meetinq to provide
infoDDatim, the oooncil~ shall cc:nt.act the Mayor
(Mayor Pro ~'" if Mayor not available) who shall then
cc:nt.act the PlannirY;J ChmIi chair. '!his will be
mentia1ed at the Mayor's l11tx:hec:n.
By 0CI'1SeJ1SUS, Council set a joint Planninq
C)"wmIi ....icn¡'JlSACjCouncil JDE!etin;J for May 29, to be held in
the RàJert W. ~an Chnmnrù.ty center at 6:30 p.m. '!his
will be a dinner meetinq. '!he agenda will include
ilio''''''''''1m of this new p1:()CII>ob'.r8 and the reasa1 for it.
Also to be ili.......'ee<Jd will be these ~1icants who request
that the P1.anr1iJ'g ChmIi ....1m just make arr¡ kind of decision
and serñ them m to the City Council.
Part of the streamlininq Pl- >(""'e will ocndst of qivinq
:more autharlty to the Planninq ChmIi -icn for final
deciiJicn. '!he time for fUing of an "Ift'A"1 will be
1~ so that shcW.d Oouncil wish to revÍ8li a project,
they may file an arpeal. Im'ing the public hearing ~..::",~e
for the Me -aty otdinarx:8, Cameil will be ~lSHíI:ed with
specific &-.."
[)jl3<"luim followed regëmiinq envira1ment:a1 i"P"ct 1:.........Ls
and their Ca1Sideratim durinq the streamlined ~_ >(""'8.
Cameil _....d with the ~- ~sed items la, b, and c,
presented in the l.~ L under zaninq cxxlificatim. Item 2
of that L""!JULL, pert.aj.nin;J to streamlininq the int:.emal
pzOC' ~-, r T~" further analyzing. Council ili.......,_eoo
eliminating the requirement that a plannirY;J aßÙicatim go
to the City Council at their next meet:in:J and allowinq for
sane flexibility in sd1eduling.
'!be City Att.ozney stated that Council oould amerxi the
ordiI1arx:e to state that the ~1icatim wuld go to Cameil
at their next or followinq meetinJ.
CXXJNCIL MEE:r:IN:; (œ-ï88A)
By CX)I1SImsI.IS, CWlx:il agreed to leave this portion of the
ordinaoce as it exists, I:W: to review it again six mc:nt:hs
after the J'1E!I{ za1inq ordir.ance he-. ..- effective.
By CXI'ISel1SUS, Council set three (3) minutes as the limit
for each speaker \d1o addresses Ca.ln:::il umer oral
1"nnn11I'1ÍcatiCl'lS. At the begirarln;J of each ageroa item, the
Mayor will state that anya1e wishing to speak on that item
c::aue arx:l sit in the fra1t row and sign in with the City
Clerk. staff will also prepare a "time hI"7t" m each
item for whià1 plblic irplt is expected. So IIIJd1 time will
be designated for staff u.¡.,w.t., applicant irplt, plblic
ptUticipation and Council ili "'C""",im. 'Ihese times will be
aJ'II'ICl1IXJed at the beginn.irq of the item.
Came. Sorensen stated she is willinq to try that, I:W: if
there are CXIIplaints, she woold like Oouncil to reoalSider.
'ß1e City Att.ozney stated that there will be re1:uttal time.
Came. Sorensen stated that the Council itself _u~1I to
take three steps: 1) listen to each other; 2) no put
dawns; 3) take tums. She~ that use of a speaker
light system in which a ocuncill1_.~-er who wishes to be
reoognized to speak, press a b.rt:tat which activates a
light. 'Ihat ocunci1_.1-er woold then wait to be reoognized
by the Mayor.
'l\oIc other acticr'IS by Oouncil that felt woold ex¡-'Iite
the meet:in:Js ani the need to get mctiCl'lS cut quickly to
help focus c::xJUOOi h_.~ .exs m a positia1 and that dialogue
not occur bebleeh the speaker at the podi\DII and the
Cameil. 'ß1e persat at the podi\DII woold sit dam at the
oc:nc::lusim of his or her remarks, and the ili ="'''''icn then
c::aue back to Oouncil.
City MIInIIg8r &...m anncunoec1 that ~ W(:I'1d be . 1:Icn1
closing dinner. Council det:emined that Wecb H:1ay, May 30,
'<o'CUld be their prefet.:h......
At 8:45 p.m., the meet:inq was adjoomed.
Ci Clerk .