CC 05-07-90
Items con-
10300 'lU1<1<1:; Avm:Œ, aJPtl<J.'.I.NO, CA 95014
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
MINtJl'ES OF 'l1iE RmJIAR CITY cnJNCIL huil'.uG HErD ell
10300 'lU1<l<l:; AVENUE, CIJPERl"n«), o.I.IFC:RŒA
'!be meetinq was called to order at 6:45 p.m.
Sl\WI'E 'ro '!HE FI},G
Came. Pres :lit:
Goldman, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rcgers
co.m::. Absent:
staff Pres_IL:
city Manager Brown
Deputy City Clerk WOlfe
Di%ector of Public Wœ.kB viskcvidl
Assistant to the City ManIIger Brown
Di%ector of n-mnù.ty Devel'¥""".L Cowan
Di%ector of Finance snyder
Di%ector of Parks and Rec.l..atim Ccwling
Public Infomatim Officer Krey
Deputy City Att.ozney lq)ez
It was DK:Ned by Counc. sorensen, by Cbmc. GoJ~
and ~,,~ 1.Il1al'I.imcu3y to Item 19 to JUne 41 to
remove Item 36 fran the ~..da (aw-1 withch......í) I to table
Item 37 per êÇplicant's request: to remove Its! 38 tJ:aa the
agenja (êÇplicatim withdrawn); and to CXI'1tirua Item 47 to
May 21.
Proclamatim ha1or'in;r Jim Wallœr as YÞrA Volunteer of the
Mr. WalIœr received the proclamation.
Proclamations honoring Youth Sexvic:e OrganizatiCl'lS.
Representatives frcm Hanestead and CUpertiIX> High Schools
were p1:=sent to receive the proclamatiCl'lS.
Proclamation honoring Jim Marble and Kathleen Critteroen as
CUpertino Volunteers of the Year.
Mr. Mart>le and Ms. Crittenden received their
prcx:lamations. Mr. Marble acknowledged the honor ani
thanked O:iuncil.
Reed Sparks, 10695 Merr:l:man Road, said $1,590 had been
collected so far for the feasibility study reqardinq a
stadiwn. He said .......,I....:ib.ItiCl'lS had been cx.mi.rq in at the
rate of abo.1t $700 a week and he expected to read1 their
goal in a few -.-Jœ.
JoIm Plun;¡y, 20720 Garden Manor CaIrt spoke reqardinq tbs
1:"-' ~ ballot ----v:e for a two tam l:imit for Council
~rs. He ~..Irow't 1oI1y CXIr1duct an electim m an advisory
measure which can't be enforced and which wcu1.d cost the
City $10,000. He said council might want to rethink this.
Mr. Sparks said there is a groJp seekinq signatures lICii for
an initiative Wicb w.ùd l:imit all state ......-ly ter4B.
Council might want to wait and ses the outoaDe of that.
cœsmr c::IUDIDI\R
Mayor Rcgers J:'1i!IIICI\I8d I~ 2, 3, 4, 16, 25 and 28.
It was DK:Ned by o::Junc. &............1, seoa.:Jo:d by Counc. Goldman
arñ pell'ðed unanbDJaly (4-0) to ðK&W8 the balance of the
Ca1sent calendar as --itted.
1. Ar¥L"¥L1atim traI __.era! fund tor 0Iannel 53 to
reiDbn:se the Activity tor CXM!I1:~ of Highway 85
pJblic hearin;¡ø arñ adjcumed 1IIB8I:J.n;s.
2. Remaved frail Q... IL calerxiar.
3. Rellx7.fed frail a..._ IL calerxiar.
4. Remaved frail Q... IL calendar
5. Resolutim No. 8112: "A Rssolutim of the City Oouncil
of the city of ~ Acoeptinq a Grant of h..-...·.l
for Emergency h· - frail For\DR Lifecare, Inc., An
Indiana corparatic.rI, and the RaDan catholic Bishc.p of
san Jose, A 0.1 Homia CLL~atim Sole; IDeated at
Cristo Ray Drive¡Rcute 280 and st. JOSE!Ii1 Ave=e."
Consent Calen-
dar approved
KINl.'l'ES OF '!HE MAY 7, 1990 CITY o:xJNCIL MEE.TIN:;
6. Resolutim No. 8113: irA Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of ~ AoceptinJ a Grant of F...""""""'1t
for water Line h:rposes !ran the Ranan catholic Bishop
of san Jose, A califœ:ni.a Corporatioo Sole, IDeated at
Cristo Ray DrivejRcute 280 and st. Jc:>seph Avenue."
7. Resolution No. 8114: "A Resolution of the City Council
of the city of O,¡ Aoceptinq a Grant of FA_..t
for storm Drain Pw;pcses frau Forum Lifec:are, Inc., An
Iniiana CuL1JVL..tim, and the Ranan catholic Blshq> of
san Jose, A califœ:ni.a COIpOratim Sole, IDeated at
Cristo Ray DrivejRcute 280 and st. JCJSEPl Avenue."
8. Resolutim No. 8115: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of CUpertino J\cIoeptinq a Grant of FA-It
for storm Drain PI..L.,c iW !ran the Ranan catholic Bishop
of san Jose, A califœ:ni.a eorporatim Sole, Itx:ated at
Crh."to Rey DrivejRcute 280 and st. Jose¡:b Avenue."
9. Resolutim No. 8116: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of CUpertino J\cIoeptinq a Grant of -_lit
for storm Drain Retentim Basin Pl.u.l·:Ses frail Forum
Lifec:are, Inc., An Iniiana <:oqx¡ratim, and the Ranan
catholic Bishop of san Jose, A califœ:ni.a COrporatim
Sole, IDeated at Cristo Ray DrivejRcute 280 arñ st.
JOSE!lñ Avan.æ."
10. Resolutia1 No. 8117: "A Resolutim of the city Oouncil
of the City of O,¡ Accepting a Grant of F............d..
for Public Utilities frail Forum Litec:are, Inc., An
Indiana C01.)A4...tia1, and the Ranan catholic Bishcp of
san Jose, A califamia ~atim Sole, IDeated at
Cristo Ray DrivejRcute 280 and st. Jœ ~I Avenue."
11. Resolutim No. 8118: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of QJpertino J\cIoeptinq Grant of _........... It
for Roadway Pl..Ll :ses frail Forum Lifec:are, Inc., An
Indiana o.....1JV1.ðtim, and the Ranan catholic Bishop of
san Jose, A califOlTÙa cmpœ:ðtim Sole, IDeated at
Cristo Ray DrivejRcute 280 and st. JOSE!lñ Avenue."
12. Resolution No. 8119: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil
of the City of O,¡ J\cIoeptinq Grant of FA-_.,L
for Roadway Pu1.1<FOO fran Jeffery O. M:ÐoIen and Tina M.
!t:EWen, Itx:ated on Merriman Road."
13. Resolution No. 8120: irA Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of CUpertino AoceptinJ Quitclaim Deed and
Authorization for tJndergroJnd water Rights fran Jeffery
O. !t:EWen arñ Tina M. !t:EWen, Merriman Road."
14. Resolution No. 8121: "A Resolutia¡ of the City Cameil
of tis City of OJpertino Approvin; 01ange Order No. 19
for n-wnnomity Center B.1ild:ir.g¡Kemorial ParI< Expimsim,
Project 2001."
15. Aooeptaxx:e of City projects performed under c.:;.ILLdCt:
(a) n-.nn.11'1ity Center arilciing,/MellDrial Park E:xpimsim,
Project 2001 (E. A. Hë.thaway and CO.) . (b) Traffic
Signal M:xtificatim at DeAnza¡Mariani and at Iazaneo,
Project No. 5004 and 5004 (A) (steiny aM. CO.) . (No
~ dcC'.JIIII2I'1tation r--'ð!\r}'.)
16. R£maved frail CaIsent calerxiar.
17. Resclutim No. 8123: "A ResolutiCl'1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Approving the Final Map and
lJIprt:M!IIIent Plans of Tract No. 8297 located m vista
Drive; D8Y8lcper, James H. SisIt; Acceptjn;J certain
Easements; Authorizinq Signin1 of Final Map and
~vv_IL Plans; Authorizinq the 1õ;)œcutim of
J.,µ............,t in a....-.'1:im '!herewith."
18. Resolutim No. 8111: A Resolutim of the City Oouncil
of the City of O,¡ Þdjustinq the Sixteenth
(1990-91) Pl.'-";LCI1I1 Year l'rwmII17Úty D8Y8l,¥"""IL Block
Grant (aB;) Allocatim,"
19. Rssolutia1 No. 8124: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of O,¡ Makinq Dsteminatia1S and
Approving the Annexatim of Te:l:ritory Designated
'O%'anIJe Aveme 90-02', ~uLi-tely 1. 73 Acre IJx:ated
m the East and west Sides of Oran;e Aveme a.t.4 'un
Granad!a AV8I'J18 and ~1~ Avenue, Brown (AIWs
357-17-048., 49, 77, 78, 79, 357-15-12)". (OWners
zw;r-t this item be CXI1t:iJued to JUne 4. 'Ihis will be
da1e with of 0Œ1sent calerxiar.)
20. Rssolutim No. 8125: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Makinq Detezminatim and
~ the Annexatim of Territory Designated 'olive
Aveme 90-03', ~...'i1Mtely 0.08 Acre located m the
North Side of Olive Avenue Between orange Avenue and
p;o~ Avenue, Reynolds (Aæ 357-18-030 olive
Aveme" .
21. Resclutim No. 8126: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of CUpertino Makinq Det:eminatiCl'lS and
Approving the Raou..yanizatim of Territory Designated
'Upland Way 89-~2', ~u.,i""'tely 4.201 J\cres located
at the Erñ ot UþJ.and way sooth of Rainbow Drive, Miller
(Am 366-03-050 - 11835 Upland way)".
22. Request for waiver of solicitar'sjJ::usiness license fees
for 1990 filed by (a) World Friendship Society, ID::.
(b) GL....'l-""'.
23. Mimttes of the regular meet:in:J of Mard119, 1990.
24. Mimttes of the adjœrned regular mestinq of March 26,
25. ReIIrNed frail 0Œ1sent calerñar.
26. Mimttes of the adjœrned regular meetinq of April 3,
27. Minutes of the adjœrned regul~ mestinq of April 11,
28. Remcved frail 0Œ1sent calemar.
29. Min.Jtes -.l the adjœrned regular maet.inq of April 30,
30. Resolutia1 No. 8130: "A Resolutia1 of the City Council
of the City of QJpertino Set:tinq Fees for
Dlpl.......,.d.atia1 of ordinance No. 1525 Regulating
Facilities ¡f)ere Materials fI1iå1 Are or talid1 May
Be(", ~.- 'n:Jxic r"""-œ Are Fcurd."
31. Aooeptaooe of IIIJI'1icjpal iDpravemenb: worthinqtcm
OWYrolet, 20955 stevens Creek Bc:W.øvard. (No
al1¡:p", Unq Ñro""""'ltatia1 J-""'>"UY.)
32. Resolutim No. 8131: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of QJpertino Allowinq Certain C)..i..... and
DeIIIands F8yable in the AIIIcunts and FraI the PUnds as
Hereinafter Desc::ribed for General and MisceJ.1aneam
Exper¡dituns for the Period Endinq April 20, 1990."
33. Resolutim No. 8132: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil
of the City of CUpertjno Allowinq Certain ClaiJ:& and
DeIIIaråI Payable in the AIIIcunts and trail the PUnds as
H8r' Described for Salaries and Wages for the
Payroll Period Endinq April 24, 1990."
34. Resolutim No. 8133: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City o. CUpertino Allowinq Certain /"'1..i..... and
DeIIIaråI Payable in the AIDcu1ts and frail the PUnds as
Hereinafter Desc::ribed for Salaries and Wages for the
Payroll Period Endinq April 10, 1990."
vote ~- -eIS of the city Cameil
AYES: Goldman, Sorensen, Szabo, Rogers
NOES: Na1e
ABSEm': ~1
ABSTAIN: fo:)gIaL.. (IteM 24 only)
2. ~ of lImeudmellt to the City's inv....t-:,It policy
to authorize H..ttual PUnds for investin::J resezves for
Certificates of Participation debt i""",,,,,,,,.
It was DK:Ned by Mayor Rcgers, secade.J by Came. Sorensen
and P,,,!,o-ed \.D'1anima.1sly (4-0) to amerxi the City's Il"1vEat-:,IL
Policy to authorize H..ttual PUnds fO"'" investin::J resezves for
Certificates of Participatim debt i"""""",.
3 . ~icatim AS1IC lO-U-89 Mariani D8Y8l,¥"""IL
C4.......ðtim. Requestinq review and a¡.p.....nù. of a
~dØ1Øive J.arrle. "'I,ing plan for a 147 unit townhaDe
devel_.__IL located at the SOltheast 00......... of DB1Inza
Boulevam and Haœsteacl!ald. p.o.:- ...-'Ided for
It was DK:Ned ~. Counc. sorensen, seca.:Jo:d by Counc. Szabo
and p"e.!d UI1IU'ÜJIø.Jsly (4-0) to ðßIt'OY8 the awJ.icatim per
Architectural and Site ~ OCIIIIIittee Riesolutia1 No.
1530; to refer the plantinq of the ~ and DeAnza
Boulevard _b'1S back to AS1IC; and to authorize the
Director of Public ~b to mdify the traffic island at
the Blue Jay entrance.
4 . ~licaticn 3~0 Crouta\' s Ir-...JL.,..rated.
Recpestinq review and . ..............nù. of a ~.t.ensive
land~inq plan, I:.uildinq colors and materials for an
apprtMId œstaurant in an existinq I:.uildinq located at
10100 South DeAnza Boulevard ~tely 400 ft. frcm
the southeast ..........r of Stevens Creek Bc:W.evard and
DeAnza Bculevard. R<>o for approval.
James McNiven, 22400 Skyline, La Ham, showed drawinqs
with the new colors and pn-sented the color palette to
Cameil expressed 0CI10ernS with the color and the palm
trees .
..::t was DK:Ned by Counc. Szabo and sec:x:mecJ. by Came.
Sorensen to serñ the a¡:plicaUon back to ASlIC with a
statement that Council did not feel that this was in
k'3E!pirq with the d1axacter of CUpertiIX>, and that Wen
these ;<=- are addressed it caDe back to Cameil. 'Ihe
Re'o. 8122
April 2
approved as
'\pril 16
"inutes ap-
proved as
motion was defeated with Council ~rs Goldman, Sorensen
am Mayor ~.. di.ssenti.n:J.
It was lIIOVed by Szabo, secanded by COI.Inc. Sorensen
am I""eegd UI'IaIÚlID.1s1y that the item be referred back to
ASAC stating oc:n:Jer11S with colors arxi palm trees; that
I:W.ldinq l"""nnits be i........" independently of aw:rc:-.ral of
these iteDø by ASAC, tut that the OuIa.cL'D be addressed
pr:: '7r to Q<'01["\Tq of the tuildinq; and that ca1Sideratia1
or the color arxi LL -- be brcu;¡ht back to Oouncil.
16. Resolutim No. 8122: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of O,¡ Aß¡rcvinq the ~licatim for
Grar.t PUnds under the RåJerti - z-aerq - Harris U:tt:Iðn
Open SpIce arxi Rec1:i&atim PL'-";Law."
Director of ParIes and Rec:li&ation Ccwling answered¡
regardinq the use of the funds.
It was IIICWd by Mayor ~a, sea::a.:Jo:d by Counc. Szabo and
I""e-gd ur1IIJÚ:IIIcuIly (4-0) to adcpt Resolutim No. 8122.
25. Mirutes of the regular mestinq of April 2, 1990.
It was IIICIII8d by Counc. Rogers, seoollded by Mayor Szabo and
p"p-ed. ur1IIJÚ:IIIcuIly (4-0) to approved the mirI1tes with
paz.~~1 4, page 3, amended. to include a sentence
regardinq d.i.socurt:ews drivinq.
28. MiJ"I.ltes of the regular mestinq of April 16, 1990.
It wa9 DK:Ned by Mayor Rogers, seooI.:Jo:d by Counc. Szabo am
!?,,-gd ur1IIJÚ:IIIcuIly (4-0) to ..........U'J8 the mirI1tes with the
follc:llolin¡ _""-.Ls:
Page 7 , par-~~ 4, seo....:1 sentence, amended. to ræd,
"1be ..,t.ia1 failed .. "
Page 9, last paragra¡:n, last sentence to read, "Oouncil
a¡p:'OIÆd the installatim of rod -' bars upcI1
~1etia1 of the sluny lJ1.'-";L....., the installatim of
25 DP1 II¡: ::1. limit signs m Mann Drive to be located
where it bee> ..~ a straight DLL....t after the curves
created by its separation frcIII Adriana Avenue,
SI"..lective enf01:Ca:wo::JIt in the neighLudAAAl and a p.lblic
awareness 1JL'-";Law to be iDplemented by the Sheriff's
Department. "
35. CCI'ISideratim of aIIIE!Idment to the CUpertiIX> ø.micipal
Code ëIIIIerXiin;J tilDe of payment of Oa1Stzuction tax to
the tilDe b.ù.:i.dinq pemits are i .....-..1.
(11) Flrst: reað.im of Ordinance No. 1529: "An
ordi:nanoe of the City Council of the City of
QJpertino Arne11din1 section 3.32.050, Time of
Payments: Refurrjs, oonst:ruc:tion Tax, of the
CUpertino M.micipal Code. It
Direct,:,!" of Finance Snyder pus_.Led the staff report.
It was DK:Ned by Came. sorensen, seccnied by Counc. Gol(]m¡m
and I"''ö'sed ~y (4-0) to appraII8 ordi:nanoe No. 1529
whidl a:men:1s M.micipal Code sectim 3.32.050.
It was DK:Ned by Came. Goldman, seccnBi by Counc. Sorensen
arxl p"ð~ed UJ1êIlÙJIIasly (4-0) to read ordinance No. 1529 by
title a1ly and the Mayor's reading to 0CI'IStit:ute t..'Je first
reading thereof.
36. lIr1?-l of AS1IC decisim regardinq QnÜtion No. 10 of
Applicatim 51,392.22 filed by Dimiel R. ortiz,
Reel/Gk..J..uan & Associates. 'Ibis ocnditia1 pertains to
the size of the sign for !tX.orola offices m Mariani
Averoe and DeAnza Boulevard. (ÞR-l has been
witbdrawn. )
Previoosly J:'8ŒJIIed fraD agenda.
37. Applicatia1 4-Z-90 7JJM-90 and 18-PA-90 - City of
O,¡ ~ Sc:b:Iol District - Tentative
Map to 8'1bdivide 9.6 acres into 43 residential lots
ranginq in size fraa 6,085 sq. ft. to 13,400 sq. ft.
Reza1inq of COWLurI-tely 5.6 acres trail M (Public
arlldinq) to Rl-6 (Sinqle Family Res.i.dm1tia1, 6,000 sq.
ft. minimJm lot area) or such other Za1inq
"",....ificatia1 as 1, .....1 ..........'-¥L1ate by the P1.anrún;r or City Council. Envi.rcrmental
Det:eruúnatim: 'Ihe ?lanning rn-ill4lim reo:· ......., Ids the of a Negative Declaratia1. 'Ihe prt.perty is
the fœ:mer site of wil.sa1 Sc:b:Iol: lands I:x:unded by
Price Avenue, Wilsa1 Park and santa Clara Valley water
District Channel. ~-t frail applicant this be
tabled. )
Previoosly tabled.
38. ~lication l-Z-90 and 8-EA-90 - Rat E. Tripiano -
Reza1inq of ~tely 0.61 acres trail Rl-I0 (Sinqle
Family Residential, 10,000 sq. ft. mirú:øun lot area) to
Rl-7.5 (Sinqle Family Residential 7,500 sq. ft. minim..1m
lot area) or such other zŒlin;¡ classification as ñ"""""""
~iate by the Plannin:J rn-i....ion or City
Cameil. EnvUOIIU..,¡/tal Determ:i.naticn: '!be Plannin:J
First reading
of Ord. 1529
Appeal of
4-Z-89 and
City and CUSD
~ >I st Baptist
Church, Manta
rnnmi....ian ~""-"-"......&ls the granting of a Negative
Declaration. '!he prc.perty is located on the narth side
of MCClellan Road, 425 ft. east of stellinq Road.
(A¡:plication has been withdrawn.)
Previously rem:wed fran agerœ.
39. ~lication . -Z-90, 5-'lM-90 and ll-FA-90 - First
Baptist 0UJrc:h, lbrt:a vista - Rezaninq of ðku-.d,""'tely
2.07 acres fran B2 (Quasi Public Mldinq) to Rl-7.5
(Sinqle Family Residential 7,500 sq. ft. IIIÍlÚJIL1m lot
area) or such other zaninq classificatim as "'-_1
~'-¥Liate by the Plannin:.J or City
Council. Tentative Map to subdiviœ 2.07 acres into
nine (9) lots ranqing in size fran 7,600 sq. ft. to
10,300 sq. ft. Envil....lllalttal Determinatim: '!he
Plannin:J Chroni RSim reo ".'."'1 Ids the;J of a
Negative Declaratim. '!be prc.perty is located m the
north side of ~ellan Road, 130 ft. west of Byme
Avenue. Fe" ····-rdeJ far denial.
(a) First reëIdi.nI of Ordinance No. 1530: "An
Ordinance of the City Cameil of the City of
O,¡ Amendin:.J Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by
Rezaninq ~u,ri-tely 2.07 Acres ftan B2 Zone to
Rl-7.5 Zone; Located on the North Side of
~ellan Road, 130 Ft. West of Byme Avenue
(~icatim 3-Z-90, First Baptist 0Iurà1, Ma1ta
Vista) ."
Director of Chmonúty Develc.puent Cowan reviewed the staff
Clayta1 StoIœs, pastor of Ma1ta Vista Bible 0Iurà1, gave a
1listœy of the ~. . - 'i". He said Planninq Chroni RSim' s
denial was based m (Xh.~.rn for p.. ,9rVatim of the oak
L< .s and the configuration of stxuctures as they bear a'1
the b: HI. Mr. StoIœs felt that they had stayed within
City guidelines with the present plan. He said artx>rists
were PJ: : 5 e¡1t to answer questions. Drawin;Js shcwinq the
à1arv3es t... the street were shewn.
Counc. Goldman asIœd for clarification of a PJ:' 'L--1I>:nù.
i.....Je. He asIœd if Cameil sha1ld look at this
p.. S~ILation since it is new material and staff has not had
time to prc!L.L fintings m the the c:haIçes.
It was!lClled by Came. Goldman, seconded by Came. Sorensen
and passed \.D'1al1iJoously (4-0) to hear only the P1-"'1')S¿Ù that
was Presented withoot any charxJes not previously seen by
the PlëU'U'1ÍlXJ Ccmnission.
Hr. cowan anawered 1-'L' ~rcal questions.
Mr. stokes asked for clarificatim reqardirg the Rl-7.5
Za1e and the Planned Develcpnent Za1e.
It was moved by Counc. Szabo, seconded by Came. Sorensen
and f>eI!J'eed unaniJDcusly (4-0) to return the item to the
P181'11'lin;¡' ChmIi ....1m for their reevaluatiŒl of the Rl
cxb,.q¡L with the new information whiål shews the """"''''.lnIS
taken for tree protection.
Came. Sorensen ~-œd the awlicant be in taJch with
the neighbors.
Mr. 0Jwan stated that this will be m the P181'11'lin;¡' agenda for the May 29 meetinq.
40. CorIsideratim of an ordinance to create miniDmI
standards for sb:uctural safety in hl1i1dirçB
CD'1ta.ininq unreinfUL....d IIIasŒIIY lJearinq walls.
(a) First readinq of orclinaJD! No. 1531: "An
Ordinance of the City Council of the City of
CUpertino Ad::Un¡ 01apter 16.60, unreinfUL....d
MasaIry ailldings, to the OJpertino ltmicipal
Director of n-mnú.ty Devel'¥"""1t 0Jwan þL II .d.ed the staff
L"'t""'Ll, and BI1i1tiirç Offioial Antau:x:i anstceted quest.i.CI'IS
frail Oouncil regardinq the Los Angeles ordinance and time
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, BeCXIt.:Jo:d by Came. Goldman
and ~"-ed unanimcus1y (4-0) to close the public hearinq.
Came. Szabo ~ ad CU.......11S regarâin:J the two year time
frame; he felt it sbculd be me year.
Mr. Cowan stated there wa.1ld be considerable oœt involved.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Szabo and seocnied by Came. Goldman
to amem the ordinance to state that OCI'IStJ:uc:tion IIIJSt be
OCIIpleted within me year. '!be JOOtion failed with Oouncil Goldman, Sorensen and Mayor Rogers dissentin:.J.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, secxn::1ed by Came. Goldman
and r<'~~ unanimcus1y (4-0) that the draft ordinance be
It was moved by cn.trx::. Sorensen, secxn::1ed by Came. Goldman
and P"""ed unaniJDcusly (4-0) to read ordinance No. 1531 by
title arùy and the Mayor's n.adirr;J to constitute tt.e first
readinq thereof.
ublic hearing
Seismic safet:
First reading
of ord. 1531
P.C hearing
c d
of Wilson
SC:l001 site
MINU1'ES OF 'mE w..y 1, 199() ClT'l CXX,1NClL ME:EI'!NG
41. (a) Ca."ISideration of abandonment of a portion of
former wilson School site.
(b) COnsideration of tablin;J aban::1orøœnt of a port!m
of former Wilson Sdlool site.
City Manager Bram presented the staff report.
Ron Bierman asked aba1t tablin;J the matter to July 2. He
said the PléU11'1Ín:J Chn!I; ",^Qion had not reo .".._.~ awraval
of a Negative Declaration as stated on the Cameil agenda,
J:ut rather had cœrt:i.rnJed the item.
Nancy B.1rnett, 729 st:.erohal Lane, said tablin;J the motim
was a good idea. She asked how information regarclin¡ the
q¡tiCl'lS regarclin¡ Wilson Park/fi....oOhL Older would be
ñ;ð~-il"\ated to the t'YWm111TÙty.
Mayor Rogers answered that they would be p.¡blicized by
means of the n_>+i""" Scene. neighbœ.1xM:1 ~ and
OIannels 53 and 30. She read the q¡tiCl'lS into the r&::uLd.
It was JDCJIIed by Counc. Sorensen, secxnù!d by Came. Goldman
and paesed unaniJDoJely to close the p.¡blic hearing.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Szabo and seocnded by Counc.
Sorensen to table any CXI'ISideration of aban:k:noent of the
site until further notice; to direct staff to ToIOrlt with the
CUpertiIX> Unim Så1col District, yooth sports groops and
neighborhoods on utilizatim of Wilsc:n and fieu....IL Older
School sites; to direct staff to develcp an cpen "'I"'œ and
sd1oo1 facilities master plan; and that the Så1col Board
and Cameil review the staff report by J\1ly 2.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman, SE!OO"XJed by Counc. Szabo
and p"'ft'!''!Id unanima.1s1y (4-0) to amend the motim to state
that Oouncil fnnnoo 11 Y recp!Sts that the CUpertiIX> U'nia1
Så1col District delay any ÍJIprCI\Iement m the Wilson site
until the cpen "'I"''''' and sd1oo1 facilities master plan is
in place. '!he original motim as éII!II!OOed p"e~
unaniDr::Jusly (4-0).
Came. Goldman thanked staff statin:J that this was a
CCIIplicated issue and that lots of effort had been made.
42. ~lication No. 5-'IM-90 - First Baptist 01Urch, Ma1ta
vista - (See Item No. 39).
No action required; rezanirq prevoosly returned to PléU11'1Ín:J
OTnm; "'Sion.
43. None.
44. None.
45. Request fran Foothill-DeAnza ChIImI"'1ity COllege District
for $150,000 to be used toward restoratim of the
Griffin Heme on the Foothill COllege eëmp.JS.
City Managt¡.t" Brown said the City does net have the IIØ1BY
for this project.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Szabo, secx:n:1ed by Came. Sw.__1II1
and p"eeød \IMlÚJIQls1y (4-0) to regretfully decline to rum
this since the City's tinzmcia1 CCI'1di.tim precludes it.
Mayor Roge1... recognized tMt the project is~. and
as,Ir..., that the letter to the District ocntain the
SUJ;ao-tlm of seekinq grants.
Griffin Home
46. Ca1si.deratim of an ~.........IL with Measurex a....~At:i.a1
for a traffic signal system em a.ù:b Road at Results
(a) Resolutim No. 8128: "A Resolution of the City
Oouncil of the City of QJpertino Authorizinq
Executim of ~-..-d. Be.tween the City of
Qpertino and MeasureIc CCIL~atim Relatirç to the
Installatim of 'h'affic Signal System arñ safety
Lightinq at the Intersectim of a.ù:b RaId and
Results way."
Director of Public WóLk.. Viskavich ~ sented the staff
GoLduo, Frolich, Belknap Ccurt, said he travels in t.'lat area
and has written to Mr. Viskavich aIxut the prà:llems. He
asked ~ the signals Wl':W.d be and ~ they Wl':W.d be
Mr. Viskovich said the two signals Wl':W.d operate
essentially as one. '!be a.ù:b Road signal is a f~
Mr. Frolich said Measurex is a friendly neighbor arñ that
enployees can I t get out of the parJdn;r lot 1'10!07.
Res. 8)28
:';ept. Dr.
Reading of
urgency Ord.
Urgency Ord.
1532 enacted
Ann Arger, Ellpire Avenue, agreed with Mr. Frolich. She
said there shculd be an IDp!rial Avenue exit fran Measurex
b.1t was oorx::erned regardin;J the iJJprovement to IDperial.
She also ~"'--=ð ccuoem abœt cars beinq cau;¡ht en the
railroad tracks.
It was DK:Ned by Ccun=. Szabo, seccnied by Counc. Goldman
and I"'e"ed unaniJDa.lsly (4-0) to adc¢ Resolutim No. 8128.
47. Rq....u.L on September Drive NeighL......l-...ud Traffic
Previously oc:ntinued to May 21, 1990.
48. CknIideration of an ordinance prctúbiting the
eliminatim of Ivrli ly wastes in p..¡blic.
(a) First readinq of ordinance No. 1532: "An
ordinance of the City Oouncil of the City of Addinq 01apter 10.30, Pråúbitinq the
Eliminatim of _ny waste in a Public Place, to
the ØJr>icip"l Code."
It was DK:Ned by Counc. ("~-"1, seo....:Jo:d by Came. Szabo
and p"eged unaniJD:::usJ.y (4-0) to ..........we ordinance No. 1532.
Nancy 8n...oóLL, 725 Stendhal lane ~ sd 0U0........."118 with
the ordinance. Assistant to the City Manager Brown said
this ordinance PI'laœs a prwicus CI18 :regaráin;J
~ p..¡blic behavior.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman, seo....:Jo:d by Counc. Sorensen
and r---sd unanimamly (4-0) to read ordinance No. 1532 by
title a1ly and the Mayor's reading to oo.Dlitute the
reading thmeof.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Szabo, -......:Jo:d by Counc. Sorensen
and p"~.'!Id unaniJDa.lsly to enact ordinance No. 1532 as an
w.'F'....-y ordinance.
49. CknI1deratim of fomatim of a a..O:'2Þ"tim Management
PlarInirg Þqercy for santa Clara Ca.Inty."
(a) Resolutim No. 8129: IIA Resolutim of the City
Council of the City of QJpertino SUpportinq the
Fomation of a a..-,¡uStion Mar.ð...J""""'~',L Planning
}qerc¡ for santa Clara Ca.Inty and Agreeing to
Participate in Said }qerc¡."
city Manager Brown said Cameil had ~ the fuœt1C1'1S
of the COnqestioo Management Planning }qerc¡ at an earlier
meeting .
MINt1I'rn OF 'IRE ~" 7 , 1990 CITI <DJNCIL MEE:l'Il«;
Counc. Szabo said he wculd like assurance that cities IILISt
~..ay in tl1e agercy. Mr. Brown said that if they didn't
stay in, they wculd lose their subventiCl'lS.
It was mOlred by COOrx::. Szabo, seca1ded by Came. Sorensen
and p"eeed unaniIoously (4-0) to adept Resolutim No. 8129
subject to assurances tllat for subventim pn:poses a'Ily the
ŒP Þqerr:;y wculd not be more restrictive that state law.
50. Na1e.
51. Seoald readinq and enactment of Ortiinan:e No. 1525:
"An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of
0Jpertin0 Aå1inq 01apter 16.42 to Title 16 of the
QJpertino 1t.núcipal COde Regulating Facilities Where
Materials ¡fÜà). Are or ~ch May -. . ..- TcDd.c ("-"''''lIS Are
starø:i. "
It was IICMi!d by Counc. Sorensen, secouded by Counc. Goldman
and P---T:1 unanimoosly to read Ordinance No. 1525 by title
a1ly and the Mayor's readin:;J to ca~tute the seo....d
readinq tI.........r.
It was KJII8d by COOrx::. Sorensen, seoo..:Jo:d by Counc. Gnl_It
and p- s:! unanimoosly (4-0) to enact Ordinance No. 1525.
52. Seoa.d readinq and enactment of Ordinance No. 1527:
"An Ordinance of the City Oouncil of the City of
QJpertino A1D8ndinq 0rclin2I00e 1449 (Sinqle FIIIIIily
Resids1tial Za1e), 0rclin2I00e 1451 (AgriaJltural
Residential Za1e), 0rclin2I00e 1450 (Reø:idøntia1 Jlill.flt9
Za1e) , Ordinance 1452 (Agricultural Za1e), Ordinance
575 «()1p1ex Za1e) and 0rclin2I00e 779 to Provide for
~1........ .L of EIcistin:J Dwellinq units Destroyed by
Involunta%y ActiCI'IS or by a... _ sqtBnt of Natural
Disaster. "
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, secollded by Counc. Goldman
and p"eeed UMlÚJIWSly to read Ordinance No. 1527 by title
only and the Mayor's readin:;J to cal&titute the secoud
readinq thereof.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, seca1ded by Came. Goldman
and p-eeed unanimously (4-0) to enact Ord:i.nanœ No. 1527.
53. Na1e.
Res. 8129
Second readir
of ord. 1525
Ord. 1525
Second read in
of ord. 1527
Ord. 1527
Reverse re-
Change of
meeting time
Chateau Cuper-
tino parking
I p~el
STI>.FF ~::;
54. Oral reports by staff mPmhP-rs.
Director of Public Works Viskcvich reported that the
estimate for repairs and mclifications to meet code for the
CUpertiIX> Sports Center was $350,000-$400,000. '1his
incl\X1es estimates for major roof repairs and other
structural repairs, no aesthetics. (00lE: '1his i~"'JII was
infomatiŒIéÙ only; no action to a¡;propriate fun:Is was
taken. )
Director of Snyder reported that it had not been
~"..ty to enter into reverse ~ ayL.........uLs as
a¡:prcved by O:Amcil.
City Manager Brown said that May 29 is the date for regular
Planninq and AS1IC mestinq because of the ~ia1 Day
holiday. 'Iherefore, Oouncil may wish to åIar¥;e the date of
the joint mestinq with these .."...."i...c;:ians.
By 0CI'ISenSUS, Council åIan3ed the time of the mestinq to
5:3D-8:15 p.m., May 29. '!be regular Plannin; and AS1IC
meetings will begin at 8:30 p.m. at City Hall.
55. status repo:t.L regardinq parkin;¡' supply at Chateau
O,¡ and update a1 the 2.4 acre parcel used as a
t'_.,"'LcoIy parkin¡ lot in the City Center CCIIplex.
Director of I"nmonúty Devel'¥"""1t IhJan þL H1Jtè the
status report and answered questiCl'lS regardinq valet
James Mehta, 251 Chateau QJpertino, had q.¡esticns abcut the
aàiitimal ten parkin¡ ~ being valet parkin¡. Mr.
Cowan ëU'lSl.æ:ed that the key factor is that the 25 IIpI!ICBS
will be provided in the parkin¡ st%uct:ure and it waùd be
an advantage to the residents to have 25 indepeud....IL ~
rather than BaDe valet ~çæ. '!he intent had been 1:0
provide parkin¡, not services.
Mr. Mehta said he didn't see hew valet parkin;¡' is
feasible. If parkin¡ is all in the garage, it wculd be
close E!1'ICAlgh for residents to park their awn cars. Mr.
QMm said he will 0C1l'M!y to Mr. Vidovich the need for the
spaces to be on the first level and é!'.........,...ible to
City Manager Brown presented an update regardinq the
meetirgs with Dr. Sh·iœ.l. He said Dr. Steibel has
c:ootinued to have private r!i"C'1ssions with residents in the
neighborhood an:i will fOI'IIIÙate agreement3.
Farokh DeBoe, 10257 Nile Drive, said that the two cptiCl'lS
(125-150 ur.its or housing on the triangle) S ....." sJœwed
with the housing credits available (59). HP. asIœd Wny cnly
these options \æI'e œin;J CXJnslderecl and why Dr. St-.Abe1
isn't ccnd.dering lower density cptians in hi8
oansideratiCl'lS .
Mr. Bram said that sane of the di..,.."....iCl'lS are
confidential at the request of participants. '!be cptiaw
advanced were not made by the City b.rt: by participants.
Mr. DeBao said that the City needs to provide infomatim
regarding credits to Dr. St-"ibe~.
Mayor Rcgers said the infomatim has been or will be
l"'ee'9d m. Regarcli.n] pmlicity, Mayor Rcgers said the
newspapers can't be oc:ntrolled ~ that she hqJed the
14' <-'" being use:l waüd læd to III1tual urxierst:an:lin.
Mr. nool!oo said residents are participatinq and will III!IJœ
their views knc:M1.
Mr. Cowan ans.æ:&.l cp!StiCl'lS aba1t ha.lsinq credits.
0:IUnc. Szabo stated that the mirror i~ buildinq is
o....a.q;Wal. at this time - no lIßÙ.icatia1 has been filed.
Mr. Mehta said Dr. Sh.i....l has :i.nterviaøi 30 pecple with
di~':FI.L views and that there IIIJSt be SCIII8 who want open
~. He knI.!ai that the 60 pecple who signed the petitia1
fraD 01ateau Q.Jpertino an against any ccnstructim m the
t:rian¡le parcel. He quoted fraD ~ :)lutim No. 5817
regarding ~.. to open ~œ, and 1IB'Itia1ed 1Ÿv'oI"""'1ts and
statements fran the developer whidl also indicated open
Mr. Cowan said that the 1983 General Plan is very clear _
the t:rian¡le is ocntained in the area designated "ge..-Al
tuilding" .
By oa sensus, the matter was cc::nt.:imJed to May 21.
56. P.I.'-";L- L"'t"'LL m núsance abat........L at All-American
Shcg:Iinq Center.
Assistant to the City Manager Brown L"'t"'L Led m backgrcund
and recpirements of the n.ú.aance abat.......,L. She said there
is no aJtside st....u...".. now and that 9""~ cans have been
JDCJVed and the lids closed. However, there is di""'). -....oIL
between the owners and neighbors when it .. ..- to plantinq
and the height of the wall. steps are beinq taken to deal
with the fish odor. '!be market tenants are anxious to
Mayor Rogers annc:A.II'ICed the Bay Area Cable ExceJ.lerr:e
Awards to be held in Newark on Friday, May 18, and
reported that the QUld care Cœmittee had mat.
Came. Goldman said the Traffic Reductim SUbcx:mnittee
had met and planned the scq>e of their task. Da1
F'rolich was ðR;X)inted chair and will aet up
BUbo ..."ittees m signalization, shuttle, and traffic
deman::l ~·1L.
Counc. Sorensen Lq,vL led on the lIIeE!tiIç of the Dz:ug
Abuse Council and said they are ready to do a survey of
the IV'OIONnUty to determine r--~ and how big the
prà:llem is.
City Manager Brown ~ s:¡1ted the :t"E!<' ..··"""IdatiCl'lS of the
I.eqislative Review Cœmittee. It was DK:Ned by Counc.
Szabo, seocnjed by Came. Goldman and P"--sð.
unanimcusly (4-0) to take the followinq actiCl'lS
regarding ~. v:øed legislation:
C\.~ AS 3458 (Friedman), attomeys fees, settlement
offers; AS 4298 CW. Brown), recyclinq, glass, """"'""Ire
~. ~øes significant changes to bottle bill, pot:entia).
negative i~ct: on city an:bside recycling p1:'-";L......; SB
2733 (Rœenthal) , playgroonds, IIIin:iJIIJm staroaM sand
l:eL<ufitting. SIJR:Iorted SB 2165 (Boatwright),
annexatim I~LiatiCl'lS, creatim of 'IIWIbtim Ì4' -:--e
to resolve disputes over p%q)erty tax exà1an;es m
annexatiCl'lS; AS 1820 (Sher), AS 939 clean up;
PL'¥'""itia1 107, financinq for ha1sinq ¡.4:~...... for
hcmeless, elderly, haJrlj~ and families with
Mayor Rcgers adjourned the meet:in:J at 10:25 p.m.
~~£ ~>Up
City Clerk