CC 05-21-90 , \ CI'IY OF aJPERI'INO, S'I7\'I'E OF ~ 1030C 1úf<R£ AVENUE, CIJPERTINO, CA 95014 TEI1J~: (408) 252-4505 CC-790 MINTJI'ES OF '!HE REX>UIAR crr'i CXXJNCIL MEE."I'IN:ò, HEW Ctl MAY 21, 1990, CII'Y HAIL CXXJNCIL 0iAMBER 10300 '~UI<I(t; AVENUE, aJPE:Rl'DD, CAL:IF'<RUA Sl.uJI'E 'ro 'mE f'L1\G 'lhe meetÍl'xJ was called to order by Mayor Rogers at 6:45 p.m. mIL CAlL Came. Present: Goldman, Kqpel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rogers staff Pres_IL: City Manager Brown City Clerk COrnelius Director of Public Works viskavich Director of rn-1I'\ity Devel<..pø=llt <:kIwan Assistant to the City Manager Brown Director of Finance snyder Director of Parks ..m Recreation Ccwlinq Public Infomatiœ Officer xrey Hcx.1sin;J and smvioes coordinator Norlinq Administrative Specialist Jocius (i\rrlved 9:20 p.m.) City Attorney Kilian ~ It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel, secaùed by Counc. Sorensen and passed I.Il1ëIJ1iJDr::ly to reJIDYe Item No. 19 frar¡ the ageOOa and 0Œ1t:inue Item No. 21 to the meetinq of June 10. CE:REM::taAL MA:J.'lU<::> - ~œs Certificates for Special 01ynpic Participants. '!be Mayor presented certificates to the Special 01ynpic participants !ran Garden Gate School and CUpertin:> High School. -1- p"cial Olympic ert1f1cates þ MINtJI'ES OF 'IHE MAY 21, 1990, RÐ3lJl.AR CITY cnJNCIL ~ (CX::-790) ORAL CXlHJNICATICJoIS Karl Paradise, Pinntaqe Parkway, said it had been 103 days since BOO COWan arbitrarily deleted a key policy fran the General Plan. 'Ihis policy had established the character of city Center and this deletion was done withalt due pr'"'Ç'OOe am p.Jblic irp..tt. Alan Hess, architecture critic of the san Jose Mercury News, echoes the citizens' conoezns. An article by Mr. Hess states that the center does not reach out to the City, oart:ains a I1Ol1-Œ!script park on the .......L'...r of Stevens Creek Boulevard am DeAnza Boulevard. Mr. Paradise quote:l fran the article. Mr. Paradise stated that he is a ",."".,..,.. of the CUpertino Wat:c.h:kJg group am the City needs a Council that will create a livable CX1!IIIJ1'Ú.ty. '!he group's calls for refcmœ have fallen on deaf ears and there have been attEmpts to silence the group. t James Mehta, O1ateau CUpertin:>, exp:--~9d two oonceInS: one, OŒ1Sb:uctim noise at 6:00 a.m. i..x:ludirJ;J Saturdays; two, b.1ildinq materials, especially nails fran the Oa'IStructim m the O1ateau CUpertino driveway. He would like this prevented. Mr. Mehta was inf~ that if there is a noise problEm, he oculd call the o:xie EnfUL...........1t Officers at City Hall after 8:00 a.m. and they would respcni to his oaIplaints. David Tamsley, 10166 Danube Drive, said there is a disturbinq trend of averdevel'¥"""lt aJ1d exploitatim in City Center. 'Ihe PlanniIx] rm.nk"im made chan;es in the hotel withalt a p.Jblic hearinq. Also, Mr. Vidovid1's boxy b.1ildinq next to O1ateau CUpertin:> was ebjectianable. Givinq the P1.anniIJ;J C'hmI;"'3ion more control will worsen the conditim. 'Ihe City _U~" a balance of d.evelcpnent, n::Jt an ~ð. Mayor Rcgers told Mr. Tamsley that if he would leave his name and ...kh. - and request notificatim when certain items are m the agenda, he would receive that notification. Paul Ilgenfritz, 10266 Danube Drive, said that part of Cameil's jeb is to look out for citizens. '!be b.1ildinq next to O1ateau CUpertino is against the General Plan. Newo¡¡paper articles such as the ane in the san Jose Merc:u%y News lowers property values. staff says the silent majority favors giveaways in ~ to develcpnent. Mr. Ilgenfritz WQÙd like to see that. t -2- MINtJI'ES OF '!HE MAY 21, 1990, RmJI.AR CITY cx:::uNCIL MEE'I'I}C (œ-790) Rúl Halstead said the park shcW.d have had a covenant recorded requiring pJblic use. He urged the City CWr¥:il to listen to residents and prevent. averdøvel'¥"""lt. Gorda1 Frolic:h, 1202 Eelknap <n.1rt, said he is me ot the silent majority. He does not deny citizens' right to speak, œt their cause is as invisible as their dog. 'n1eir goal is to brinq this City CWr¥:il to their knees and that's al1. Let the City Council go m with their b..Isiness . a:t6ENI' ~ A I1IE!II'ber of the pJblic requested that Item No. 4 be Z"E!IICVed. Counc. Szabo rem:wed Item No. 9 am Mayor Rcgers rem::wed Item No. 18. It was DK:Ned by Came. Szabo, secorx!ed by Counc. ~l and paes'9d UI'1ðIÚ.1IO.ISly to approve the balance of the 0Œ1sent calerXlar as snhnitted. 1. Monthly Activity Report, April, 1990. 2. Monthly Treasurer's Report, April, 1990. 3. ~licatim AS1IC 51,894.1 - GŒ Mobilnet - Request for review and ..........uv.ù of an antenna tower located in a mini-storage site adjacent to the 280 fre£way and Mary Avenue. RBo:> ....-Ided for ..........uval. 4. ReDcved frail the 0Œ1sent calemar. 5. Resolutim l~. 8134: "A Resolutia1 of the City Council of the City of O,¡pert.im Allc::JWin;J Certain Claims and Demarx:Js Payable in the Amr:iunts ani FraIl the PUnds as Hereinafter Described for General and Mi'K'('llaneoos EJ.penditures for the Period. Endinq May 4, 1990." 6. Resolutim No. 8135: "A Resolutim of the City Cameil of the City of CUpertino Allc::JWin;J Certain Claims and Demands Payable in the Amr:iunts and fran the PUnds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period. Endinq May 8, 1990." 7. Request for ð¡..J.1L..,..Üatim for City Attorney. 8. Request for apprq>riation for lease payments CI'\ Wilsal Park. -3- Consent Calendar . MINtJI'ES OF '!HE MAY 21, 1990, RmJIAR CI'IY c:x.,'NCIL MEE:I'Il«; (œ-790) 9. Removed fran the Ca1seI1t calerrlar. 10. update m status of possible utility taxes an:i ~s~=-tt districts. Receive information; 00 action requested. n. ABC license a¡:plicatians - Togo's EateJ:y, 10122 Barxiley Drive. . 12. ~roval of Cable Television Mvisory O:mnittee grants. 13. Resolutim No. 8137: "A Resolution of the city Cameil of the City of CUpertin:> lwt.'1orizin;J Execution of ~ee.iIE!Ilt with the City of SUnnyvale Providing for Interccr1nect of Water ~tems for Emergency Puzpœes." 14. Resolutim No. 8138: "A Resolutim of the city Council of the City of 0JpertiJ¥) Authorizin;J Executim of Deferre:i ~..........IL with Rebert T. Martin and Sheila D. Martin for the IIIp:roYement of FraItage Alax¡ 10382 Orange AvenJe." 15. Resolutia1 No. 8139: "A Resolutim of the City Council of the City of O,¡pert.im Authorizin;J ~m of Deferred Ia"L..........IL with 'l'Ur'q Pinq 01anq and IJ.nja L. 01anq for the ~UÝ_lt of Fra1tage Alanq 10408 orange AvenJe." 16. Resolutim No. 8140: "A Resolutim of the City Council of the City of Q.Jperti."1O A«(""i'Linq a Gzëmt of F.Jo..........1t for stœ:m Drain Pl.npcses fran RdJert Item Lxated Viceroy Court." 17. Resolutim No. 8141: "A Resolutim of the city Council of the City of CUpertiraO lIpproII'inq 01an;Je order No. 7 for stevens Creek Boulevard n..,.,1.OI/'ements, Orange to !bar lap, Project 4022." 18. RellDved fran the 0:I1sent calerrlar. vote MeIrèers of the city cooncil AYES: Goldman, Kqpel, Sorensen, Na1e None Na1e Szabc, Rogers OOES: ABSEm': ABS'I7üN: S.íliS clal::J. ITEMS REMJVED FKM a::tœmr CAIDm\R 4. Claim for damages filed by Nicl101as Skordilis. Recanmended for rejection. -4- !illIUI'E:S OF 'mE MAY 21, 1990, RmJI.AR l.TI"i aJJNCIL ~ (CC-790) Nicholas Skordilis, pl:q)E!rt:y owner, 10227 Beamon Drive, ¡;aid that a city staff --.r had told him that whr-aver had planted the tree so close to the sewer line was I'ØJligent. Mayor Rogers r..ated that residents are responsible for street trees. Mr. Skcrdilis asked if he oculd have that in writinq. 'n1e City Attornt!y stated that C1pe.rtiIX> receives its direction fran ABAG. It WQ.Ù.d be a breaci1 of ayl........IL if the City were to deal direct with the claiJDant. It was moved by Came. }('q:pel, seoc:n3ed by Came. Sorensen and pass'9d unanlmcusly to reject the claim. 9. Request to mdify J::u: get OCI1trol authority. CoJnc::. Szabo said he thœght that this had been ayL......l to at a work sessim and asked if the line item infomation WQ.Ù.d be available if wanted. '!be Director of Finance stated that yes, it WQ.Ù.d be. He is just askinq that the City Manager have the ability to IIDIIe the IIICI'1ey within the J::u: get as it exists today. '!be Oouncil could get a L<}JUl.l. Mr. SnyàPr stated that he will make this infcmaatim part of his Treasurer's Report if it is done. It was DK:Ned by Coone. Szabo, s.ac.....:Jo:d by Came. ~ and P"~-ed unanimcusly t:c- ðt¥LU'.'e the 1""'qI-t. 18. MiraItes of the n ~ar meet:inq of May 7, 1990. Mayor ~.. requested that the first parCllp.~l of Item No. 54 add a clarifyinq staté..."...L that no actim was taken and this was infomatim a1ly. RJBLIC HEARItQ; 19. ~1 of 1\SAC denial of ~lication 1\SAC 51,873.2 requestinJ nea1 signs for the windows of Miyake Restaurant, J0625 South DeAnza Bc:cl.evard. (~l filed by otsen Signs on behalf of Mr. Miyake). (Previously witb:lrawn.) 20. 1\ft'A"1 s filed by Tarñem Q:mplters, Inc. an:J Dooq Akagi - AS1IC denial of request for Tandem signage, arlldinq 4, 19191 Valloo Parkway (northeãst oomer) and arlldinq 200, 10435 Korth Tantau Avenue (north of 1-280). -5- ppeal-ASAC pp. 51,868.1 (Tandem) e . \ppea 1 of \pp. 1- TM-90 . MINUTES OF '!HE MAY 21, 1990, RmJIAR ClTY CXXJNCIL MEEITNG (œ-79C) Director of Cammmity ~elcpnent Ca¥an reviewed his report with Camei1. Jon Boyes, site Develc:µnent Manager of Tandem CaIp1ters, said that Tandem has nine pr-opanies ab.rttin;¡ the frHMay. One has a sign at this time. He felt it was ~iate for Tandem to establish its identity alon::J the freeway. !here are m cw.L""IL plans for more signs. Requests for more signs WOJ.ld oocur only if there 'oVere a c:han:Je in the real estate lY'WIftII"1Íty, which he doeR not expect. '!he signs requorsted are the same size as the current sign. It was m:wed by Counc. Kqpel, seconded by Ca..Inc. Sorensen and passed \.II'IalÚIIn1s1y to close the p.¡blic hearin;¡. It was lOCIVed by Counc. Kqpel, seconded by Came. Sorensen and passed unanimously to a~rove the grantÍ1'x1 of the appeal. Cameil di",,",,~-sd fotminq a s>Jb:- .....ittee with ASlIC and the ~r of n ..-, oe to look at revisinq the ClI.LL""lt sign ordinance. 'Ihis oculd be put into the future work plan after the oazpletim of the General Plan. '!he City Manager stated that staff will bring Cameil a J:~ . .-. datim regardin¡ the time fnmIe. 'Ihis item will be ~ to the agenda of the joint 1IIBIItinq. Also, at the joint 1IIBIItinq, will be a di"""'''",im regardinq the settinq of policy. 21. ~1 of ASlIC's decisicn regardinq lamscapinq, Awlicatia1 51,890.1 - All American Shc.pping Center, narthw8st 0........... of Blaney AVPnUe and Bollfn; er RaIId. ArP-l filed by Ken IaPoint. (PreviCA.lSly ocntirA.1ed to the meetinq of JUne 18.) 22. Appeal of Plaminq Chnni~im denial of A¡:plicatim 1~0 to suJ:xUvide a me c1...... parcel at 20867 Jot:Clellan RaIId. ~1 filed by Tripiano Canstructim ~. Director of lhmo1l'Ú.ty Develcpnent Ca¥an reviewed his report with Cameil. Rc.nald Tripiano, representin;¡ Mr. and Mrs. DiSalvo, said that he felt that the Plannin:J Chnni....ion was frustrated by the tilre they got to the Flick awlicatim and, therefore, a~rcve:i. it. Mr. Disalvo's property was then landlocked. He feels the only i .....:Ie regard:in;J the ....~ flag lot is which side do we have it m. Mr. Tripiano stated ti'.at he sees staff has N!dAd O:niition 14, paragrëqi1 2, that was not in the original awlication. -6- MINlJI'ES OF THE MJ\.Y 21, 1990, RÐ.7JIAR CI'IY o.xJNCIL MEETIN:; (œ-790) Malcolm Finlayson, 10459 Bonny Drive, said there must be an alternative to a 15 ft. flag lot. Mrs. Flick asked Iohy the city e>:pected neighbors t') get together. '!bey have had no problems, the CiÞj did. Callmissions have socked in the DiSalvos over the years. Mr. am Mrs. Fl ick are leavirq in June and seem to be expected to ckrIate prq:erty for a road; they were not go:in3' to. Mr. Disalvo's a¡::plic.ation should get a¡::pI'Olfed; it won't bother anyone. There has always been lots of traffic allowed on McClel"an Road. She urged CaJncil to grant the appeal. Mr. Cowan clarified the suggE'£ted donati= of lam for road wideninq . Clarence nick, n::clellan Road, acXJressed COuncil regardin;J the staff design. He said this design includes 1/3 of his property. Mr. 'I'anaguchi woold lose 20 ft. of his haDe. '!his waüd mean a 60 ~. roadway for five or six hanes; the current street is less than 30 ft. wide, sexvinq lots of traffic incl~ '-:~. 'Inere a...""8 many one car a=ide:Jts. Mr. nick said he has sat in Cameil ~~ and heard testiJrony aç,ainst traffic m ot1'1er streets am those streets get closed, arxi more traffic gets ~ to McClellan Road. '!be intersection of DeAnza,lPacifica¡- McClellal1 Road was ilIp'OIIed "CO :iJtprove the flow of traffic to McClellan Road. Sola ani 'I\1la Court devel-.p_,Ls closed in the DiSalvo property. In 1977, the City Cameil said it ooold be develq¡ed by flag lots. '!he only aooess these pecple have is to McClellan Road. Fifteen feet is sufficient ..,.......,e. Mr. Flick saw no valid basis for rejectim of the ~l. He and his wife were wat:chi.n3 the Cameil meeting m television and dashed down. '!bey had expected this item at a later time. Peq>le do watch the meet:in:J m television. CUpertiIX> sha.ùd do saœthin::J about McClellan Road. Many of the a=idents occurrinq are the result of planning errors-trees and curbs. Mr. Finlayscn said that the ageroa item says only two lots; he saw plans for three lots. He urged Council to think of the future and what a"""""'~ means. Mr. Tripiano asked if he ooold just reserve the right to cane back. A letter fran Mr. Disalvo was read into the record. (City Clerk's Note: Side 2-10 minutes of the: cassette tape.) In the letter, Mr. Disalvo requested that the Cameil let them I::ui.ld one hc.\1œ and they will donate 10 ft. to the City; they will build 6 ft. fences. -7- ! (Side :) - AP1.i., 6-U-90 6- 5-.90 . MINUl'ES OF THE MAY 21, 1990, Rm1IAR CTI"í CroNC L MEITIN':i (CC-790) It was IIDVed by Came. ICrßJel, secorrled by Courx::. Sorensen and r"'~~'9d unanimaJsly to close the p.Jblic hearin3'. upon being asIœd, Hr. COWan stated that the 1:W.ldinq in back IoU..Ùd be required to be sprinklered. DiAn'Elsim followed regardi~ lOCIVinq the driveway to the other side. COncern was expr-<>oo regarciin:J a past decision that resulted in landlocking pzqJert:y. Mr. Tripiano said that he has worked with Hr. and Mrs. Flick as IIIJCh as possible. In regaro. to m:JV~ the driveway to the other side, that is where the DiSalvo's garage is located. It was IIDVed by Counc. Szabo and secondej by CCAJnc. Kqpel to deny the 'Iff""" 1 and u¡::t1::>ld the Plðnni1J;J ChmIi .....1m decisim œsed m the fact that the design is detrimental to the neighborlxxxi. '!he DDtion r"'~~ed with Mayor Rogers and Came. sorensen ili-ldL.in3. PIANNn«; APPLICATICHS 23. ~lication 6-u-90 and 5-FA-90 - O1arles Reynolds _ Request for U_ Pemit to construct a 1,400 sq. ft. ~ sinqle-family resideooe in a Planned D8Y8l'¥"""1t zaú.n] district. EnvllOUl..../tal Detelminatim: '!he Plannin:J ChmIi ....ion reo' .......FJds the grantinq of a Negative Declaratim. '!he property is located m the nartheast 001:1...r of 0rarx1e and Olive Avemes. p.o. u._._~ for éÇþLuval with cxnii.tiCl'lS. ChIck Reynolds, a¡:plicant, aèk:Iressed Council regardinq þL"l. 0( nd dedicatim. He requested that the 45\ lot oaveraç,.. include a credit for land dedicatim (5 ft.). In regard to park fees (ordinance No. 1479), if there were a previous b.1ildinq a'1 that lot, he was told there would be no fees. 'Ihat subdivisia1 is 73 years old. He has had the lot for 10 years. It is not a big lot; it is not a big haJse. He e:xpect.ed a rea&c:I1ëIble relatiŒ1Ship ):)eb;een the haJse and the fee and, in his c:pinion, it should be no more than $4,000. Director of Public Wœ.k.o Viskcvicn said that in aooordanoe with City Cameil's ordinance, the park fee is $15,000 approximately. If previous payment had been made urder the ()úJItJy Act, that payment: would be credited against the cw.u..1t fee. '!he fee is œsed on the amamt of people the devel,¥"""llloU..Ùd generate. -8- MIWl'rn OF 'l\1E }O.Y 21, 'l99Q, mrnI..Þ.R CIT'i <:nJNClL Mrnl'Jm (œ-790) Mr. c:D.Ian said that figure quoted by Mr. Reynolds is the figure that would be aslrQ(') if a townhc1.Jse 1òeX'8 goin¡ in. City Attorney Kilian stated tl1ere is a ~. >OeErEl an ðR;>licant can use to OCIIIB back at a later time an:t "'R""'" 1 the fØIV:U1t of park dedicatiat fee. '!he park dedicatim fes has not yet been established by staff. '!hat is a æparate pl' ~e !ran the use 1""""i t ðR;>licatim. Mr. c:D.Ian stated that in regard '-0 the 5 ft. dedicatia1 credit, the floor area ratio is haBed m net size after dedicatim; there is no prcvisim for such credit and he cannot have a larger ha.1se withcut a variance or c:hange in the ordinara!. It was lIOVed by Counc. ~l, seccn:Jed by Came. Sorensen and paesed l.II'IðlÚDK::QÙy to grant the Negative Decll\ration. It was DK:Ned by Counc. ~l, secañed by Counc. Sorensen and ["'ee'3d UI'1I!IIÚKIUsly to apprcII8 the applicatim per Planninq rhlni_ia\ RBsolutia1 No. 4254 with a ocniitim ~ to require the CXMt.rin:¡ of artf wells m the prcpert:y. p:;. -'S: 8:58-9:02 p.m. ~ AND srm APPRJVAL CDHl'l'l'EE APPLICATIœs 24. Na1e. UNFINISHED wsnœss 25. Na1e. NDI ElJSDŒSS 26. :Reo:- ··..-·wtia1 trail the 0Jpartin0 Sports center Interim Use O:mnittee ~ status of building. 5harc:n COlman, '" ~ oEOC of the Sports rhlnittee, answered questiCl'lS of the Council. She stated that the re-:....·-·ldatiCl'lS had not been reviewed by the Par.ks and Recreatim rhlni-im. '!he rhlnittee was requestinq that its lifetime be extended so they can oc:.nt:.in.Ie workin3' m i.......... '!hey wculd like to look at the possibilities for use of the },II; 1d1B.J and will OCIIIB back with a plan as well as the total SlIID of IIICI'Iey requested. '!his will go to the Par.ks and Rb......atim rhlni....ia1 and then to the City Council. Council requested that Pooo ....-, dation No. 1 as presented be reworded. -9- (Side 3) Cup. Sports Cente Interim Use Comm. . App. 81,004.l8; [.,lndscaping Or...) . . . M!NUl'ES OF 'mE M1>:l 21, 1990, IID:;t;'!.1IR em cnJNClL ME:ETINC (œ-790) It was m::wed by Co.lnc. Kq:.pel, seconcled by Counc. Sorensen and p"'!'sed \.Il1aI1.i1tn¡sly to approve ':he recanmendations of the O:mnittee with Item No. 1 ærended to read, '''!he ChmIittee will continue to evaluate alternatives and DD1ificatiCl'lS to the b.1ilc:lirq am return with a pr~. 'lhe plan will be presented to the Parks and Recreation ChmIi-im prior to presentation to the City Cameil." 27. ~lication 81,004.18 - ~It of Ordinance 1449 (Residential Sin3le Family) ZOile, Ordinance 1451 (Agricultural Residential) Zone, and Ordinance 1452 (Agricultural) Zone to add regulatiCl'lS provic:lirq for 1IIaI'datory installation of frart: yard landscaPin3 for new CŒlStruction am substantially ~led existinq deve1'¥"""It, and provic:lirq for the review and inspection of said laro<lr<lpin;J. Reocmnerrled for denial. (a) First readin;J of Ordinance No. 1528: "An Ordinance of the City Cameil of the City of QJpertino Amerxiin¡ Ordinance 1449 (Residential Sinqle Family) Zone, Ordinance 1451 (Agricultural Residential) Zone, and Ordinance 1452 (Agricultural) Zone to 1\dd Re:Ju].atians Providinq for Maroatory Installation of Fr-:Int Yard I.andscaPin3 for New Cx1struction and SUbstantially ~led Existing Devel,¥"""lt, and Provic:lirq for the Review and Inspection of Said I.andscapi.n;J". Jeff !t::Ðien of Merriman Read, said that he is ~llinq and if the þL'¥-sed orùinance were in effect, he waüd fall urx:Jer it. He ........_ð9d à:>jectiCl'lS on both a cost and aesthetic level. Council sha1ld be l00kinq at ways to lower, net raise costs of buildin;J. '!be}'L' 'IA-£ed ordinance just creates more paperwork. He reviewed the ite118 the City has ~ in both time and costs. He fesls the }'L' ¥ _1 will oertain1y require a review of fees. In regard to esthetics, laro~ing is a matter of indivM...'l taste and he anticipated that the property owner waüd have burden of proof. He I"A<" ...._J Iåed Cameil net pass the ordinance. He does have his buildin;J pennit approved, so the ordinance waüd net affect him; however, the cost of goin;J thrt:uJh all the things required by the City was $45,000 and nothing was c:han;Jed. Dick Childress, Regnart Canyon Drive, felt that the pr:posed ordinance was discriminatory and ",nñ~ costs. (Pat Jocius arrives 9:20 p.m.) Mr. Olildress stated that the ordinance was just more goverrment control am will not solve what is really only a miIX>r prcblem. He said the xeriscape ckx::ument ~L,¥~Sed by the city is extremely detailed. CUpertino is overregulating; this ordinance addresses oœpatibility which is inappropriate. -10- MINUrES OF 'niE MAY 21, 1990, RmJIAR CITY CXXJNCIL MEE:I'JN:; (œ-790) Ann ~er, tt:Jnta Vista, disa.,¡u",,"} with Mr. OUldress. She Gtated she is sorry to do this because he had upgraded ~ vista. CWnc:. I<q:pel pl~ this ordinance based on new haœs. '!his also talks abcA.rt: existing hanes. Came. Koppel was t.a.lid.n;J about minbrum lan:lscaping. Ms. ~ cited sane new hooses in the M:>nta Vista area that had weds to the win:k:1..r sills and ¡JEq)le li vinJ there. She ~ the ordinance not a¡:ply to nmxieling. Elly Werner, 20076 Ia Rcda CcA.lrt, said she basically agl. 'TE' with what Ann An;Jer had said. Iand.."'";opinq builds pride of ownership. A builder has sane respausibility and shcW.d make sc.œ kind of effort. Ms. Werner a¡:proves City Cameil actions that will help pride of ownership. Reed Sparks, 10695 Merriman Road, said his fees \ære a little under $30,000 a coople of years ago. Is it possible for the City to take part of the fees, give that DKmey to the develcp!r to p..rt in land"'""l'in:J or co.ùd this be done thrcu;¡h the wed abatement ~9. Mr. Cowan said that at this point there has been no rHAl"'J'"""im of Mtkwi cost to the hcmecwners. '!his WtAlld be another item m the final checklist for the builclin¡ inspectors. 'ßle builclin¡ inspector WtAlld make a jl1r~nt. Mr. Oúldress pointed o.It that the ordinance requires ...'....i....im of laro"'<"ape plans with the builclin¡ permit plans. A<;sistant to the City Manager Brown explained that the weed abatement pl' ~S' was used by the Coonty Fire Marshal when the To'!! -i<: \ære determined to be a fire hazard. It was DK:Ned by Came. Kqpel and secxn:1ed by Came. Sorensen to aß)roVe the ~L' 'l":sed ordinance. '!he DDtion was defeated with Came. Szabo, Goldman, and Mayor Rogers disselltinq. 28. O:B1sideratim of Calmmity Develc.pœnt Block Grant (CDB:;) f'urx:lin;J requests fran Hoosing for In:!epen:ient Pec.ple: $50,000 for a groop haDe for six lC1.ol-incane seniors (in ooqJeratic:n with Project Matdl) and $50,000 for a groop haDe for six c1evel,¥"""ltally di~led yœng waœn (in OOC{oeratic:n with the Hil F'aIrxiatic:n). (a) Resolution No. 8142: "A Resolution of the City Cameil of the City of CUpertiIX> AR>rovinq the Allcx::atic:n of $100,000 in Cbma11'lity Develc.pœnt Block Grant (c:DOO) FUnds to Hoosinq for Jl'X3epen:Jent Pec.ple for Fstablishment of 'IW Group Hanes and Authorizing the Ðr"C" ¡tic:n of Agreements in O....a.ection '!herewith." -11- CDBG funding requests . <.Side 4) ÍJ~velopment Intensity ~anual . Ord. re: leaf blowers . MINtJl'æ OF 'mE MAY 21, 1990, REX:;tJIAR CI'IY CXXJN<..'IL ~ (œ-790) Housing 3I1d Sezvices Coordinator Norlin;r was available for questions fran Cameil. '!be m:mey is a ane-time cœmit:ment: am is a loan. It was m::IVed by Counc. ~1, sea:nied by Came. Szabo ani P"~s'9d unaJ'ÙJ1n1s1y to adept Resolution No. 8142 with Item B.l amerrjed to iIx;lude the CUpertiIX> Urban service Area. 29. City of CUpertiIX> Developnel1t Intensity Manual (File Ref~~ 81,003.24) - Discussion of consolidated refE!J:e..~ maIUJal descr:iliin;r various existinq regulations of non-resiàential land use intensity, iIx;l\Xlin:J Floor Area Ratios, TIPS am special regulations of various plant'lÍJ'J;J areas. Re.c......ut:I ded for awroval. (a) Resolutim No. 8143: "A Resolution of the City Council of the city of CUpertino J\dqJtinq Devel........""'.L Intensity Manual." It was IIICIIIed by Counc. ~ an::l secc:med by Counc. Szabo to adept Resolutim No. 8143. Cameil di··c"eeed the amenities ~'"'I) exclusim and its awlicatia1. Counc. Goldman requested that the motim be amended to eliminate the amenities qpaoe exclusim. Dj """'''9im foll~ whether or not this IoICUld then have to go back to the Planr1!n3 t'hIoniRSim; it did not. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman to IIIDeJñ the motiœ to exclude the amenities S!?ëI.ce exclusim. Counc. Szabo sec:x:n:Jad the amendmehL. '!be amelIdmeIIL failed with Counc. }((:gJel, Sorensen, Szabo and Mayor Rcgers di"aentirç. '!he motim to adcpt Resolution No. 8143 was adcpted with Counc. Goldman cii.ssentinq. 30. Di..,..,'....im of possible ordinance regulatirç leaf blowers (8. Rogers). '!be use of leaf blowers was di"'CIlSsed in b;Q aspects: 1) noise; 2) usefulness. By consensus, Cameil agreed to oonsider this item at a later da~. 31. ~LL on bid c:.peI'lÍrXJ and award of project: Interoa1nect Sallplirç Detectors, I:'eAnza Boolevard at I.azaneo Drive, Project 110-996-953. -12- ~ OF rnæ MÄ'i 21, 199Q, JID:m1IR crl"i croNClL MF£mC (œ-790) Director of Public Works Viskovich requested that camcil reject all bids, authorize the infonnal bid pI""'"""'e and allow up to $12,000 for the project. It was:mcvro by Szabo, seoc:n:1ed by Came. 1CrßJe1 and I"'a....... UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly to awr<::I\M Mr. V1skavich I s ve.tbal re........w.e. dation. 32. Cansideratim of Joint Powers h,¡l.""""""'IL relatinq to potential stadium facilities analysis. (a) Resolution No. 8127: "A Reso).utim of the City Council of the City of CUpertino Authorizinq Exec:utim of Joint Fewer h,¡L""""""'IL Between tho Coonty of santa Clara and the Cities of ("Ant l-.ell, Q.Ipertino, Los Altos, Milpitas, Santa Clara, Saratoga, and 5unnyvale Relatinq to Potential Stadium Facilities Analysis." City Manager Brown stated the City new has $2,340 in the fund, SO $2,210 is still needed. 'Ihe Oouncil oculd wait until the em of the week to send the check and frart; the remaini:nq 1IØ1ey. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman, seoc:n:1ed by Came. Sorensen and pel8sed unarúmcusly to make a payment of Wat furåI are available m May 28 with a final payment m JUne 15; all payments will be fImjs received traI1 private SQJrCeS. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman, seconJed by Came. Kqpel and pe~eed unarúmcusly to adept Resolutim No. 8127. 33. Report m bid cpeninq and award of project: Traffic Signal Maintenance m various int:ersectiCl'lS Citywide, Project 8602. It was DK:Ned by Came. Sorensen, ........:Jo:d by Counc. Goldman and I""ee'9d UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly to reject all bids. 34. selection of date for 1990 civic SeIvice Award Ce.I:: E!IuO\ IY . By =nsensus, <nIrx::il selected November 1 for the ceremony. 35. Request for study session on Rø.rt:e 85 traffic I!KX!eling. By =nsensus, Council c:hcse Mây 31, 6:30 p.m., Conference ReaDs C and D for the study session. -13- i rPA-Glants I , I stadium · (Side 5) · Emergency Plan · MINUI'ES OF '!HE MAY 21, 1990, REnJI.AR CI'IY a:x.mcrL MŒl'DC (œ-790) 36. Report on 5ept.eI!Der Drive neighborhood traffic criteria. BOO Jodoin said the main collcern of the neighborhcxxi is not to get adlitianal traffic t:hrc:u;Jh the neighborhcxxi. '!bey want the Ore Grarñe neighborhcxxi not to be part of the base cc:u1t. In the base study, Area B (Ore Grande) shcW.d be left rot; this is outside traffic. Came. Szabo requested that the camters be in different locatiCl'lS. He wants to -"'lIre haw many ca..... pass in fra1t of eaå1 ha.1se. He demonstrated haw this ooold be dœe. Mr. Szabo stated that the origin of the car is inIIIaterial; what 0CIlU1ts is the p.......x of cars. '!his did not seem to be the neighbœ:hood' s ....... .....rn. Mr. Viskeviål stated that his staff will gather the data and pr:nnt it in several ways. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, secx:njed by Came. Goldman and p"'ce'Bd unanimcusly to awrave the staff rð..o.A,.."",datim with ad:titianal camters as requested by COlIne. Szabo with data to be loalœd at with and withart: "B" in t:¡¡e base; staff is to brin3 data when the seocn:i cc:u1t is dœe, at whiål time Council will decide whether or not to have a public hearing. '!be neighborhcod is to be notified when this will a~ m the agema. 37. Ameld......L of Ul._--!l ordinan::» No. 1532, eliminatim of hnilily wastes in a public place. (a) Ul.___y Ordinance No. 1533: "An Ordinance of the City Oouncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amerñinq 01apter 10.30, Prohibiting the Eliminatim of JIrrlíly Waste in a Public Place, of the O,¡pert.im MJnicipal COde and Dec:J..arin;J the Ul.___-y '!hereof." It was DK:Ned by Counc. ~, seoc:nJ&.l by Came. Goldman and p""....... unanimcusly to read ordinanoe No. 1533 by title mly and the City ClerK's readinq to oa1Stitute the readinq thereof. 38. p.o.:, ..·..p11datim fran the Public safety canmission for ac:q,tlm of the City's Ðnergency Plan. (a) Resolutim No. 8144: "A Resolution of the City Cameil of the City of CUpertino Adoptin;J an Emergen:y Plan for the City of CUpertino." -14- MINUTæ OF '!HE MAY 21, 1990, REX;UI.AR CI'IY CXXJNCIL MEE:I'IN:> (œ-790) Assistant to the City Manager Brown stated the city has worked cut an ~.......... t with 0JpertiIX> rrwnn.11'1ity Services ani they will manage the volunteers in a nan-emergency time. If Council is in ~"""""",L, the emergency plan will be nxxlified to reflect that. Counc. Sorensen requested that the city CXJOrdlnate with the School District in regard to radio equi¡:ment and have a radio here at City Hal!. In regard to staff tra.i.nin1, she said that in the school district 5-10 people leam CPR and first aid. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, secx:n:1£d by Came. Goldman and p"ðeed UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly to adept Resolution No. 8144, adcptinq the &.:...'FI...y Plan, with priorities ameJ'Xied as follows: 1) save human lives; 2) Provide for the need of survivors; 3) Protect }AL_tÿ'; 4) Prel!~rve gcvernment; 5) Provide PJblic informatim; 5) Provide direction and \A, I,LLol for emergency cperatiCl'lS; 7) Restore essential services. Council ~.....d, by ...... IIBNIUS, that QJpertino l'roIIIr.lI'1ity Services will ooardinate the volunteers in non eme..~1CY t.tmes. It 10ICUld not be IIIIIlIdatory for the volunteers to participate in this. Oouncil will receive amended cq>ies or the &.:...'FI...y Plan. WKJ:.I:J.Uf CXlHJNICATIœs 39. Na1e. œDINANCES 40. Seexul readinq and ~L......1L of ordinance No. 1529: "An ordinance of the City Council of the City of O,¡pert.im Amending' Sect.icn 3.32.050, Time of Payments; ~, Ocnstructim Tax, of the QJpertino M.micipal COde. " It was DK:Ned by Counc. s..........l en, seex:o:Je.l by Came. KqJpel ani p"ð",ed UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly to read ordinance No. 1529 by title a1ly and the city ClerK's readinq to c:cnsti.tute the seccn:l readinq thereof. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, seocn:1ed by Came. Kqpel and I""e"1!d UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly to enact ordinance No. 1529. 41. Seochl readin3 and enact:ment of ordinance No. 1531: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of CUpertiIX> J\ddir.o:T 01apter 16.60, UI1reinforced Masonry arlldirqs, to the 0:Ipe.rtin0 M.micipal Cede." -15- 2nd reading Ord. l529 Ord. l529 en3cted · 2nd reading Oed. i53l Ord. ]53l en3ct~d · City Center update · MINUl'ES OF THE MAY 21, 1990, REX;UlAR CI'IY a::uNCIL MEETING (œ-790) It was lOOVed by Came. Sorensen, secorx:ìed by Ca.Inc. Goldman an:i P""sed ~ly to read 0rcI.inarre No. 1531 by title orùy and the City Clerk's readinq to constitute the secon:i reading thereof. It was DK:Ned by Came. Sorensen, seocnæd by Ca.Inc. Goldman an:i passed ~ly to enact Ordinance No. 1531. RESOIIJI'Iœs 42. Na1e. ~ !<U'UKl~ 43. oral L"¥'Lls by staff ""',,,Lexs. DirE.ctor of Public Works Viskavich told Council that he was unable to locate the specific IIIJ.lch ~'i'''ry to keep seed moist durinq the day, so hø will not be able to plant the bacJc'. lawn of the new <yo_"unity center. '!he front IIICUn:3s will be planted an:i non--potable water will be used. 'Ib keep the dirt down, he will have SCIIIethin:J a~lied to the grt;A1J'rl. 'Ibe City has received a OCIIplaint regarcli.n;J the chiller m the roof of the C'Y"WION1T1ity center ~ noise. staff is in the PL~ of tryinq to fix this. Public Infomation Officer xrey ~ that 01annel 53 had received secmd place in t..ec:hnical excellence, professia1al category in the Bay Area Excellence ~titim. '!he p1.'-";LGIII receivinq the award was ''Water O:nJervatim in CUpertin:>". 44. Update m 2.4 acre paroel in City Center Q:mplex. City Manager BrtIwn ~ that there is no update at this time. He aslrAd 00unci1 if they ~d li]œ to broaden this item so they ~d receive an update m the entire City Center cœplex, incllXiinq O1ateau CUpertin:>. It was moved by Came. Keppel, seocnæd by Counc. Sorensen and r<'a'19CÏ 4-0 with Came. Goldman abstaining because of possible ca1flict, to a~rave the City Manager's suggestim. staff was directed to notify the neighborhood of this d1arge. Farokh OeBoo, CUpertino Waterfall, presented a SUIIIIIary of his thoughts to the City Cameil. He stated that this is not an attack on anyone personally. He hc.pes that the city -16- Mru\J1'rn QF 'mE M1>..'l :n, 199Q, mnJI.J.R CITY CX1u'NCIL MEEl'ING (œ-790) f;taff provided Mr. Steibel all infcrmation. Mr. I)?Boo stated that confidentiality is one thin:], but he and others in his grœp wa1ld like to knc:M what is goin;¡' on. Is Mr. Steibel meant to divide the neighbors or reach hanoonioos agreement? Mr. Brown stated that ñi""')L......ent does not mean tiltin;¡' the facts. Residents have requested confidentiality because of intimidation of leadership of the group at City Center. Mr. Ste1be1 is there to put a voice of reasoo in the process, b.1t is not c:ptimistic that everyone will be happy. Anycne wishinJ to talk to Mr. Steibel can call the City Manager's office for an appointment up to June 4. CXXJNCIL ~~ '!he City Clerk was directed to research whether or not an alternate for ABAG had been selected, and if so, please put that under the .........."¥Liate name m the agenda. 47. Came. ("4"11.-'1 - Legislative Review Ccmnittee - Oouncil ~y 8'1[\' \L Led the Ccmnittee' s :r................datim to ~w \L L tundinq for a Bay Area rail P1-c.,¡L..... and to ""1RX>rt: SB 2748 (~), asbestos, rem::wal cost reccvery; N:A 46 (M. waters), taxation of insurance <YWlp'lnies and to "M<~: AB 2766 (Sher), vehicle registratim fees, unless amended to provide 40% of the vehicle registration surcharge revenues to local governments in this area; AB 3385 (l'ergusm), manufactured hoosinq; SB 2443 (Torres), binding arl:>itratim, local government E!IIployees; AB 3540 (Hauser), rent OCI'ltrol, analysis required in hcusing element. Council requested a ocpy of AB 1820 (Sher), 1'B 939 cleanJp and AB 939. CciIn::. Szabo requestal î:ilat the City Cameil eJ.&....... Pì~itim 119. Althcugt: it is not a city issue, he felt it was an i.....Je of good gcIo....,.......IL. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sza.1x>, -..::.~ by Counc. Sorensen and l"'''~ with Counc. Goldman dissent.in;J, to eJ.Juu.e Pì~ition No. 119. At 11:35 p.m., Council adjourned to O:mference Roan A for a closed sessim m two items: 1) lë100r negotiatiCl'lS, Government COde Section 54957.6; 2) sale of prq¡erty - Bruce Irwin and Carl Zðn)'er, Government Code Section 54956.8. At 12.25 a.m., Council reca,"ened in Cameil 01amber. -17- I I I Legislative Review Committee Closed Session KINUl'ES OF '!HE MAY 21, 1990, REX:;UIAR CITY cnJNCIL MEE."ING (œ-790) came. PL , .l: Goldman, J<q:pel, Sorensen, Ezabo, Mayor Rogers staff Pl, i iL: City Manager Brown City ClerK Comelius City Att.ozney Kilian r..hnr -...ri"t-ilYlA It was IICM!Id by Counc. J<q:pel, sacade.l by ca.mc. Sorensen and I"'-9d unarU.maJsly that staff ilL' <>eed as per closed sessim. At 12:30 a.m., Cameil adjoorned to 7:00 p.m., May 24, 1990. ~. 4L.~- City Cl -18-