CC 05-24-90
10300 'lvt<!<!:; AVENUE, aJt'!:.I<.I.'.u«:J, CA 95014
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
caJNCIL HElD ctI MAY 24, 1990, o::JlF'ERENCE RX:HS C , D,
10300 'Ivt<!<!:; AVENUE, aJPERl'D«>, CALIFORNIA
'!be meetinq was called to called to order by Ma}"Or Rogers
at 7:02 p.m.
counc. Present:
Goldman, :KI:JI:pel, Sorensen, Mayor Rogers
Came. Absent:
Came. Szabo
staff Present:
City ClerK Ccmelius
Mayor Rega"S introduced the Camei.lmes1œrs and staff
J?nsent and explained the 1nteIview and appoLlt..auc.,t
process .
InteJ:views and appointJnent to Architecture and Site
A¡:praval ChmIi ttee.
Followinq interviews of the applicants, it was DK:Ned by
Counc. Fqpù, ...........:Jo:d by Counc. Gold.øan and ra$'~ed
unanbncus1y by these ~ øe,lt to ~int 'Ihcmas Weber to the
partial teJ:m m Architecture and site A¡:praval ChmIittee.
InteJ:views and ~:iut...- IL to Cable 'I'elevisim Advisory
Followinq interviews, it was mcved by counc. l<cHJel,
seccr1ded by Counc. Goldman and l"''\!'3ed unanimously by these
present to ~int D!vid Keller to the unexpired teJ:m.
At 8:15 p.m., Council adj~ to 5:30 p.m., R. W. Quinlan
CcmmJnity center, May 29, 1990.
/ ~~
C1T'i OF ~, STATE OF ~1A
10300 lUr<KJ:; AVENUE, ClJPERI'INO, CA 95014
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
cnHJNI'IY CENI'ER, 10185 N. S'l'EI.LIN:; R:W>,
FoECJWi.rq dinner (5:30 p.m.), the meeting was called to
or:3er by Mayor Rcgers at 6:05 p.m.
Came. Present:
Goldman, Kc:ßJel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rogers
PlaI'1l'lin;J Calmissim Prnent:
Adams, Fazekas, Mann, Mackenzie, Claudy
Architecture and Site Approval Cœaittes Ill: r: Ill:
Hoxsie, Jaclœa1, Lim, Weber and Gcn;J
staff 1'ret_1L:
City Manager Brown
City ClerK cornelius
Director of Public ~k.o Vi.skcviå1
Director of ChmonUty D8Y8l___,L COWan
City Planner caughey
Afi'sociate Planner Wœ.d.oll
Planner I ROOillard
City Attorney Kilian
1. Request for ~"t'L1atim and authorizatim to hire
CŒISUl.tants to assist in various areas of preparatim
of the General Plan.
a) Halslnq Elemead.
b) Ocnsultant
c) Urban Designer
(Item of business for City Cameil)
Hiring of Genera
I Plan consultants
Advisory body
appearance at
CeCil mtgs.
M:INUm; OF 'M MAY 29, 1990, Mll(L~ ~ em C!n1CIl.
MEE:I'ING (œ-790B)
Director of Ca1m.ln.i ty Develc.pœnt <::u..oan told Ço.mcil he is
askinq for a total of $37,000 for the hirinq of three
OCIlSUltants. He is estilllatinq a total of $210,000 for the
preparatim and OCIIpletion of the General Plan. staff is
d1ec::ki.n¡ refereoces of the potential OCIlSUltants.
Cameil <'Ii ........'ee'E!d the possibility of the Mayor ~
the Mayor of the City of Mountain View to provide a
refm:t=I&AS for Mr. Friedman, '-Iho is beirq considered as a
c::a1SUltant for CUpertiIX>.
It was mcved by Counc. ~1, seocn:Ied by Came. Goldman
and p""o;;Ðd!nJsly to ~,"¥Liate $37,000 fran the
General F\1nd for the hirirq of the three oansultants
requested. If the Mayor has an '-M'ULWnity, she will
0ŒIt:ac:t Mountain View's mayor.
2. DU'CI1"aim and direc:tim;J relatialShip between
the City Council and City advisory boards includinq:
a) ~ Council requests a l.œrd 01air to "'l1"'""~
at a Council meeting. Reasa1 for this new
Planninq C'nmIi 01air Claudy said he is not
entmud,astic about this j,tL. i "...·d .
Oouncil eIIplained it 10ICUld be under ex.~Lia1al
ciramøt:ances and not a reg1.'.lar 00CUJ:renœ. It was pointed
wt that CDmcil does not always understand what ~Ied
at the Planninq CCIIInissim and it is helpful if ~
~ and gives both sides of the argument.
01airpersat Claudy expressed 0CI1Cem that as the City
Cameil transfers Dm'e authority to the Planninq
C'nmIi, Planninq CCIIInissim ~ will bee> ..... l~
and City Council IIIE!etin;Js shorter. '!here would Dm'e and
Dm'e Planninq C'nmIiasion meetin;s.
DJ9C'1SSim followed regaxr.lin; the possibility of Dm'e
detailed, particularly in the case of ASlIC.
City Manager Brown stated that it has been his
UI'Iderst:arñin that the request for the Q1air of a
rnnni ....1m to "'IT"""'t" before Camcil would be m an
eJo· "1·Lim basis. He uzged them to be careful that a
rnnni....ia1E!r not be required to be ~L s~11t on every issue
with a controversy. He erv:o.Jraged the Cameil to trust the
MJ:mJm; ot' THE Mk'i 29, 1990, MDC1J:mED RmJIJ>:R CTl"l cnJNC!L
MEETING (œ-790B)
cx:mnissions an:l WQ.Ùd like to see the request for a
personal ~ retun1 to being on an exceptional
basis, to aà:i clarity to exmplex issues. D..1ring
n; QI"'I'''''ion, it was pointed wt. that Camcil can watch the
meetirgs on television.
Mayor Rogers agreed that having saneone there as an
exception was the '-"-"'lJLUI, Expanded information in
minutes, particularly ASAC minutes, to give reason why
members voted as they did WQ.Ùd be helpful.
PlaI'11'1inq Camnissioner Adams said that if the i'hnm; "8ion
decision is ~ed, Camcil makes a political decisim.
'!he ChIIInissim makes a decision based on facts. If it were
neoessary am he were asked, Mr. Adams said he co.ùd ~r
before Cameil on an exoE'ption basis. If Cameil makes a
decision based on facts only, they will make the same
decision as the PlaI'11'1inq O:mnission.
cx:mnissianer Mackenzie said that if Cameil does make a
request for an appearance by a ocmnissianer, they will
tJ:y. If it oocurs all the time, they may ask for a ~
in policy. He su~':I.....-œd that Cameil authorize the
Camnissim to send _"1e to the Cameil meeting when they
feel they WQ.Ùd like to.
AS1IC """""'ere Mann and Fazekas CCIIIIIIeI1ted that it WQ.Ùd
prtJbably be rarely that attendance WQ.Ùd be required an:l if
the Cameil were just l00kinq for facts ani the final
decision, any """""'er of the advisory body oculd attend.
Basically, sanecne WQ.Ùd be asked to attend if the decisim
or the reasons for the decision were puzzlinq after readinq
the record. Also, if a t'Y'WIIIII;"8ianer felt particularly
straqly, that ..........i ....ianer may attend and speak. Perhaps
mre detailed f~ WQ.Ùd be of assistance to Council;
however, ..........i....ic:ners may shaw up and prese¡1t their views
at any meet:in:J. To represent the advisory body of which
they are a mPJnhø,.., they shculd get cancurrenoe of the other
1JI<!IIIherB .
By consensus, Council agreed that the request for a
PlaI'11'1inq i'hnmi....ianer or ASAC member to attend and provide
testima1y WQ.Ùd be on an exception basis. Sha.ùd the
mPJnhø-r of an advisory body feel strorgly, he or she is
welcane to cane and pnsent his or her views.
b) Cameil q>inions re;rcmiin;r interpretation of
the General Plan and the PlaI'11'1inq
i'hnmi....ion's role (Item sul:lnitted by D:rI
Mackenzie, PlaI'11'1inq commission) .
Counc. interpre-
tation of Genera
.MmJl'ffi OF 'mE W-Y 29, 1990, ADJOORNED:RI:X;lJIAA CITY cnJNCIL
MEE.TING (œ-790B)
Director of c:œm.mity Develcpnent c.owan said that the
General Plan caJ1IY.1t be written so tightly there is no rcx:m
for interpretation. '!his plan is not meant to be that
Di.:r"'ò'sion followe1 regarcli.IxJ \\t1at authority there is to
tuJ:n down a devel..,'l-,..."uL because of architectural desi9l"l or
other matters of persa¡al taste ani q¡Wm. 'l11e General
Plan ca1SUltant will look at the issue of architectural
guidelines. In the past, a oonscioos decision was made to
allow for a variety of architecture. 'l11e 0D:rel1t General
Plan does refer to a diversity in style. What ~rs toO
be m -led is less diversity in quality. Possibly the City
could legislate good architecture withaIt sayinq
specifically \\t1at a buil~ JmJSt look like.
'!be City Att.ozney pointed oot that anythinq of that nature
wculd have to be in legal, written guidelines.
Mayor Rcgers pointed oot that Items 4, 5, 6, ani 7 of Mr.
MacJœnzie's """,,i ttal will be aà1ressed durinq the General
Plan pJ:<X-'ð.
Council and lYONfti....icners rli."..",,'5ed Mr. Maclœnzie's
question regarding ðWL"i'Liate fozms of civic leadership
for lYONfti ....ia\m:e.
City Attœ:ney Kilian stated that there really were two
separate iaeo-. ~ a body is actinq as a judge, _.¡ ....-L'S
shaIld refrain fran takin;J evidence outside the hearinq.
If evidence is acquired outside the hearinq, it shaIld be
explained at the hearinq to provide due þL' <-,,-s. In regard
to the previous issue of the Valloo ice r:inlt, that
partia.ùar Council wanted to ~iœ 1od1at ""-1Uld CXIIIe to it,
not have a lYONft; ....1m or a lYONft; ....ia1er make that
decisim. It is a matter of policy. 'l11e City Council can
state their positim. Does this Council want to give
direc:t1m as to \\t1at it will ooosider?
Counc. Szabo said the lYONft; "'Sion has the authority to have
meetirçs aba1t thirgs within their general scq¡e. He wculd
have no objectim to this.
Pl~ (hnmi ....ianer Adams asked if saneone oculd look
into liability suits of a person against saneone tJ:ying to
initiate a d1a1'ge. He referred, in particular, to a
segment on the 60 MirøJtes televisim show of the previcus
MEE:rm:; (œ-790B)
DÍSC"lssim followed ~ possible c:han;¡'es in workload
and shift of decisions to ASAC, Plannirq Camdssicm and
Mayor Rcgers ~""ted that if a project involved a great
deal of staff worlf/ma1ey or a significant c:harge to policy,
it wo.ùd be a c:n.Jrtesy to first brin:1 it to the city
Cameil for authorization.
City Manager Brown said he walld prefer any significant
work In'-";LCIIID to be (xh.......Lùally approved by the City
Because of the need for Plar1r1inq ChmIi ARianers and AS1IC
.._.~ -eb to attend their regular meetinq in City Hall, it
was r---ðSry to ocnclude this joint meetinq prior to
finishin¡ the agenda.
By 0CI'ISeI'1SUS, the three bodies agre.eJ. to another joint
meetinq scmstime after a marth.
At 8:15 p.m., Oouncillldjwrned to May 31, 1990,6:30 p.m.,
OCI1fbL..._ RoaDs C and D.
City Cl