CC 06-04-90 CI'IY OF aJPERITNO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 'lut".I(t; AVENJE, CUPERTIN::>, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 œ-791 MINUl'ES OF '!HE æ;uL\R CI'IY CXXJNCIL MŒI'DC HErD 00 JUNE 4, 1990, CXXJNCIL 0iAMBER, CITY HAIL, 10300 '.l1.J1<t(t; AVENUE, CXJFERI'IN:>, CALIR:RŒA '!he meet:in:J was called to order by Mayor Rcgers at 6: 45 p.m. S1illJI'E 'ro '!HE f'L1\G mIL CAlL Came. IT!!! ,ilL: Goldman, ~, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor ~s staff Prese-lIt: City ClerK OoJ:nelius Director of Public 1oA.rLk. Visla::Nidt Director of n-m"'1ity D8Y8l,¥""",t Cowan Assistant to the City Manager Brown Director of Finance snyder Director of Parks and Recr8atim Ccwling Public Infomatim Officer xrey City Planner Caughey (arrivecl 7:06 p.m.) Deputy City Attomey IqJez ~ - It was DK:Ned by Came. Szabo, seo....:Jo:d by Counc. Sorensen and P"--ed unan±mc:us1y to ocntirnJe cx:nd.deratim of Item No. 10 to the meetinI¡ of JUne 18, 1990. c::EREXIŒAL MÀ:nuc:; - ~œs Mayor Rcgers 1'L ssnted a proclamatim in halOr of Flaq [By to Bill COq>er of the American Leqiat. æAL CXJHJNICATIœs Arm An3er, Ma1ta vista, stated that she was tired of the """"" .(On¡ of 0J:pertinc wat.c:.hdcq taJdn; so IIIJd1 time. SI~ told Cameil that if they had 1'1C7t:hin1 new to say, then she did not think those prc!!.!1Jt should listen to them. -1- . MINl1l'ES OF '!HE JUNE 4, 1990, REGJIAR CITY CUJNCIL MEF.Tm; (œ-791) Karl Paradise, 20281 Pinntage Parkway, told Council that he had written a letter to Gorl::Iachev sayinq that the O,¡pert.im watdJdoq graJp invited him to talk at a City Council 1IIeE!t:inq. D.Jpertim I s Council meet:in:Js are gcod """""t'les of free f'II: n :h. SUbjects are limitless and apathy is not tolerated. Rùl Halstead, CUpertin:> Waterfall, addressed Council regardinq Go1:bachev's visit and stating that he thinks it is iDpIrtant. '!be visit is driven by perestroika. 'Ibere are l-,a1S fran the Soviet unim for CUpertiIX>. In regard to final decisiOl'1-1lli3kiJ'g bein:J da1e by the Planning ChIn; ~ia1, Mr. Halstead urged Cameil to keep the power with elected. officials where it belCJn:3S. '!be Goals OCIIIIIittee has failed to zero in at key iSSl-. Mr. Halstead said he hqJes that it will be da1e in fUture meet:in:Js. He is CXI'1CE!med that CUpertiIX> decisiCl'lS be infozmed, indepenjerIt, and .~·~·..eor L"'t'L :sentatim of the peqùe. '!he systan of laws in the u:ùted states is prized. Mike Wilkins, 10837 Northridge SCpare, President of 0JpArtin0 Tennis (,l: :.. , said that the board of the club ~ -- thanks fv...· the pm:hase of the CUpertino Sports Center. He said he had heanl that Galle people think the Tennis Club is boycott.in;J the Center because of the fee stnJcture. He said the Board has taIœn no official stand. He then read frail the Club newsletter in which a letter was printed frcm him to the ~'t'Sh.ip which told aIxut the Sports Center and urged its SURX>rt. a::tœmr CAInm1\R Director of n-om.nùty Devel'¥"""1t Cowan requested that Item No. 7 be r&lDVed frail the 0Œ1sent calerœr. It was IIKMId by Counc. 5orensen, seocn:Ied by Came. J<'cRX!1 and ret"*~ UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly to approve the balance of the 0X1sent calerœr as AI,¡""itted. . Consent Calendar 1. Resolutim No. 8145: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of CUpertim Allowinq Certain Claim; and DemaIx:!s Payable in the 1IDnD1t:s and Fran the PUnds as Hereinafter Described for General and ~llaneous Experñitures for the Period Ending May 18, 1990." -2- . þ M1M1I'ES OF '!HE JUlIE 4, 1990, REnJU\R CI'IY CCXJ"NCIL MEE'I'IN:; (œ-791) 2. Resolutior. No. 8146: "A Resolution of the City Cameil of the city of CUpertin:> AllCMing Certain Claims an:i DeIDarx3s Payable in the Amc:Qrt:s and fran the F\.In:Is as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period Erxiin:J May 25, 1990." 3. Resolution No. 8149: "A Resolution of the City Cameil of the City of CUpertin:> Authcrizinq Executim of ~ with Gates M::Da1ald for Administration of the Worlœrs /"'roIp"nsation Pl"':lL""'." þ 4. Resolutim No. 8148: "A Resolutim of the City Council of the City of CUpertino Setting Date for COnsideration of Annexir1g Area Designated 'Oran:;Je Avenue 90-06', PIq¡erty Located m the East side of C>ran:¡re Avenue Between olive Avenue and Alcazar street; AR;n.........i_tely .15 Acre, r:tú.llm (Am 357-19-33) ." 5. Resolutim No. 8124: "A Resolution of the City Cameil of the City of O,¡pert.im Makin;J DeterminatiCl'lS and A¡:provinq the Annexatim of Territory Designated 'orange Avenue 90-02', loppr\:I"i"""tely 1.73 Acres Located m the East and West Sides of orange Avenue Between GrIInada Avenue and ]ol"""'"'n Avenue; Brown (ARIS 357-17-048, 49, 77, 78, 79, 357-15-12 - 21761 I.cmita Avenæ, 21771 I.cmita Avenue, 10130 orange Avenue, 10120 orange Avenæ, 10216 orange Avenue) ." 6. Authorizatim to transfer funds fran Park and City Hall Bcn:l funds to the General FUrd. 7. Rsmaved!ran the 0Œ1sent caleniar. 8. ADoept:anoe of DLmicipal i:apravements: a. Ias and Terry L. ~i""3I' Project, 10088 and 10090 Peninsula Avenue. 9. Resolutim No. 8147: "A Resolutim of the city Cameil of the City of QJpertino ~ing cart:ract 0'Iaß18 Order No. 1 for Reccnstnlcti.m of 0Jrbs, Gutters, and Si.dewa1Jœ, Project 90-102." -3- þ . MINUTæ OF '!HE J1..,'NE 4, 1990, RÐ:;(JIJ\R CITY a:tJNCIL MEEI'ING (œ-791) vote Members of the City Cameil AYES: OOES: ABSmI': ABSTAIN: Goldman, Na1e Na1e Na1e Kq:pel, Sorensen, Szabo, Rogers App. 4-U-86 ITEMS REHJVED FR:M ~SEm' CAInIDAR 7. ~lication ASAC 4-U-86 - Prcmetheus Develcpœ."1t 0:IIpany - Request for review an:l ~ for a cœprehensive laroQt"';oping plan for an <:pm space area at the southeast oomer of stevens Creek Boulevard and DeAnza Boulevard and for the Da.1bletree Hotel site located easterly of the <:pm space site. Re.......,,,,,,,,,ded for~. Director of f'r0m01Tlity Develcpoent Cowan:informed Cameil that the ~licant wwld like to remove the portion of the ~licatim regard.in;J the lal'ð~rinq for the ("I 'Jel1 ~œ area m the 00l.1tar. . Fhil Halstead asked about the points on the ends of the hotel; he thwght they had been squared off. Mr. Halstead was :informed that originally they had been I'aIJ'Vjed; however they had been revised to points. Mr. Halstead also as1rað hew III.ICh of the oorner park had been z-it""'«! for additimal parIdn;J. He was informed that ~tely 3-5' had been used for additional parkirç. It was DK:Ned by Came. }C(gJel, 8eCCI'XÜ!d by Came. Sorensen and p"e<:'ed 4-0 with Came. Goldman abstain:in:; hAt-Jo'1Se of possible ca1flict, to ðt¥LvVe the laroczcaping plan for the future hotel site per ASlIC Resolutioo No. 1535. CX:r1sideratim of the lan:l"'"<lpin;J for the existinq park 'T"œ (ASlIC Resolution No. 1536) was continued. PUBLIC HFARINGS . 10. ~licatim 3-Z-90, 5-'IM-90 and ll-FA-90 - First Baptist 01urch, Menta Vista - Rezaninq of ~tely 2.07 acres fran BQ (Quasi Public arlldinq) to Rl-7.5 (Single Family Residential 7,500 sq. ft. IIÚlÙ1IImI lot area) or such other Za1inq classification as -j!-Ai'! awL'-YLiate by the Pl~ Ccmnission or City Cameil. Tentative Map to suIxlivide 2.07 acres into nine (9) lots ran;rin;J in size fran 7,600 sq. ft. to 10,300 sq. ft. Envh...""",,1tal Determinatioo: '!he Pl~ C'rmn; "'Sioo t"AO .....Þrx: s the grantin;J of a Negative Declaration. '!he prc:perty is located 00 the -4- MINUI'ES OF '!HE JUNE 4, 1990, REX;UIAR CITY CXXJNCIL MEE:l'J}IG (0:-791) narth side of McClellan Road, 130 ft. I«St of Byrne Avenue. Reo .....ended for denial. (Hearinq continued frail meetin:] of May 7, 1990. ) (Request this be oa'1tinued to JUne 18, 1990.) (a) First readinq of Ordinance No. 1530: "An Ordinance of the City Cameil of the city of CUpertino Amerxiin¡ secticn 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Rezminq Awroximately 2.07 Acres frail ~ Za1e to Rl-7.5 Za1e; located on the North Side of M:::CJ..ellan Road, 130 Ft. West of Byrne Avenue (~licatim 3-Z-90, First Baptist 01urch, M::nta Vista) . " Previœsly contirnJed to the meeting of JUne 18, 1990. 11. A¡:plicatim 5-Z-90 Jim Sisk Rezoninq of ~"...d""'tely .9 acres frail Rl-I0 (Single FamUy Residential 10,000 sq. ft. lot 1IIÍlÚJII.mI) to Rl-7.5 (Single Family Residential 7,500 sq. ft. IIIÍlÚJII.mI lot area) . Envh...........llal Detezmination: '!be Pl~ l'hIwfti ....im rec· ·...-.ds the grantirg of a Negative Declaration. 'lbe ~'¥"Lty is located on Stellin:] Road narth of M:::CJ..ellan Road. Reo ....-rx3ed for a¡:proval. (a) First readinq of Ordinance No. 1528: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the city of QJpertino Amerxiin¡ Section 1 of ordinanœ No.2 By Rezaún;J ~.....ri""'tely .9 Acres fran City of O,¡pert.im Rl-I0 Za1e to City of QJpertin:> Rl-7.5 Za1e; Located m Stellinq Road North of M:::CJ..ellan Road (Sisk - ~licatim 5-Z-90)." Director of r'nrmnú.ty "'L·¥~l with Council. p.m.) I'C was lIOVed by Counc. J('qpel, seconded by Came. Sorensen am r"e~ lU1alÚ.IIIOOsly to ~we the grantinq of the Negative Declaration. Devel..."......1t Cowan reviewed the (City Planner Cl!ßx: Jey enters 7:06 It was DK:Ned by Came. Szabo, secorrled by Came. ~ and paesed unanimously to a¡:prcve ~lication No. 5-Z-90 per Pl~ Cœmission Resolutim No. 4266. It was moved by Came. J('qpel, seconded by Came. Goldman and I""<;'~ 1.JI'Iar1ÍnrA.Ily to read Ordinance No. 1528 by title only and t-..he City Clerk's readirq to constitute the first readirq thereof. -5- App. 5-Z-90 Keg. Dec. granted I I i I . list readlng of Ord. l528 I I · Xer iscape guidelines · Neg. Dee granted Res. 8151 adopted · MINtJI'ES OF '!HE JUNE 4, 1990, REGUIAR CI'IY o:xJNCIL MEErIN:; (œ-791) 12. City of CUpertin:> Xeri"'""-<lpe Gui<Ù>.lines - ~licatim 51,054.4 and 36-FA-89 - Consideratim of adc:ptim of low water 11.9ð1Je laro"""""pinq guidelines for new and substantially ~led devel'¥"""ILs. Envhu_ttð.l Detemination: '!be P1ararlrç t"nmIi....ion r....::.....-.-.Js the grantinq of a Negative Declaratim. (a) Resolutim No. 8151: Council of the City Xeri&.ro"'r>e Guidelines." "A Resolutim of the City of 0Jpertin0 J\dqJtinq City Planner Caughey reviewed the lJl.' y.JSed guidelines and infœ:med Council they tIOOld awly to åevel'¥"""rt:s that CXIII8 after their adcptim. DÍJ><'I'''dm followed regardin;J the use of decorative fountains and the £IU..H=otion that if they are in cplratim, signs be posted sayinq they c:x:rn:ain reclaimed water. It was pointed out to Council that the guidelines do not awly to single-family haDes. By consensus, Cameil requested that on page 6, turf/tree separatim, a 0.....-'1t be included that rcx:Iœ oculd be used instead of planting groon:i caver and/or shrubs. Ann ArK]er, K::I1ta Vista, said she did not want water sacrificed. She suggested that there be placed in the n........+ino 50ene a request for respa ~'!S' to a questim askinq if citizens tIOOld a~L decorative fountains beinq used if they oontai.ned reclirlmed water and tIOOld they àJject if they oontai.ned fresh water. In the ~. .::-a of t.akinq a straw vote, Came. Goldman and Szabo El\lRXAted fountains not beinq used and Came. Xqpù, Sorensen and Mayor Rcgers ~ fountains using rec:J",im..rl water with a sign posted sayinq so. It was moved by Counc. Goldman, seccn:1ed by Came. Szabo and I"'''sed with Counc. Sorensen dissentinq, to delete the paragra¡n pertainin:] to used water m page 7 of the guidelines. It was JllCl/'ed by Came. Goldman, seccn:1ed by Came. KqJpel and pali'sed unani1nc:usly to awrove the grant.inq of a Negative Declaration. It was JllCl/'ed by Came. Goldman, seccn:1ed by Came. Kq:pel an:!. pa'i'sed unani1nc:usly to adept Resolution No. 8151, awrovin:J guidelines as amencJaj. -6- MINU!'ES OF 'lEE JUNE 4, 1990, RmJIAR CITY o::xJNCIL ~ (œ-791) PI1INNING APPLICATIOOS 13. None. ARCHITEX:lURAL AND SITE APffiO\JAL CXI1MITI'EE APPLICATIœs 14. None. UNFINISHED RJSINrnS 15. None. NÐi RJSINrnS 16. Rq..,n,l at bid openinqs and award of oontracts. a) street Maintenance, Slurry Seal, Project 90-105. b) Vioercy cnJrt storm Drain, Project 90-6013. c) Annual overlay Project, Project 90-104. It was IIICIIIed by Counc. Kq:pel, seocn:Jed by Counc. s.......L en and ra--ed UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly to award the street Maint:enImc::'e, Slurry seal, Project 90-105 to Valley Slurry seal, CO. for $191,608.33 and authorized a $28,700 ~ for a total award of $220,308.33; to award the Vioercy cnJrt storm Drain, Project 90-6013 to Casey construc:t:im for $12,700 and authorized a $1,900 ~ for a total award of $14,600; and to award the Annual overlay, Project 90-104 to Wattis construc:t:ion for $156,033.09 and authorized a $23 ,400 ~ for a total award of $179,433.09. All awards are based m lowest bid received. 17. Request fran Parks and Recreation C'nrIIn;=i.m to receive p.1blic l'Y'ftIIIIØrrt; m the need for a park west of Foothill Boulevani. (Neighbort1oo.1 "N" in the General Plan). Director of Parks and Recreation Ccwling 1.4- E1 ..Led the request and the reasa1 for it to Cameil. He E!ßP1asized that this would be a meet:in:J for p,¡blic (> ....~ It and not a p,¡blic hearinq in the legal definition. It would not be given a legal notice in the newspaper, nor would an official mailing go oot to the area. It will be mentia1ed in the C"J1I"!Ø'I"t- i.no scene. Nancy 8.D:nett, 729 sterrlahl Lane, expr-eed the opinim that goirg to the people was good. '!here are no residents at that location yet and there are places in CUpertin:> where there are people ani no neighborhood park and the people would like one. She urged Cameil oonsider the city as a wr.ole. -7- Bid open togs Park west of Foothill Blvd. · · Sports Center interim use · MINUI'ES OF '!HE JUNE 4, 1990, REX;(JU¡R CITY roJNCIL MEE:I'DC (œ-791) Ann ~ expressed oc........." that the city was going ovemoard. 'Ibere is a lazge CcAmty park right at the location t.'1at ,...ill be reviewed for a neighborhood park. Also, hcmes have large yards. Differont facilities are available to everyme. '!he City talks about thin;Js that aài more fees, and then talks about affordable hcusing. It was DK:Ned by Counc. ~, sec.:t..lt:.l by Counc. Goldman and P"~e....o unaJÚJJaIsly to ..........uv'EI a meetin;J of the ParD and Rsc:reatim n-...ni -1m to receive public .. ....-,L regardinq a potential park in the Foothill area. '!he policy m brinqinq hearings desired to the City Council prior to t'Y'OmIi "EIim scheduling will be placed m the iIeXt joint meetinq of the City Council, Planning n-...ni_im and Architectural and site Approval o:mnittee. 18. ~iuL.u.:.1t of Council,,-·~oers to regional agela::ies. (a) santa Clara cnmty Transportation n-...nio...im (b) ~"9OC'iatlm of Bay Area GaIIemments - alternate Oouncil ðR)Ointed BartIara Jl'rtpel to oa1tinJe as the City's lqdS .ILative to the santa Clara cnmty Transportatim l"nmIi....ia1 and Marsball Goldman as alternate to the Associatim of Bay Area GoYeJ:nIIent:s. WRI'l'lm <XHIJNICATIœs 19. Na1e. CIID.INANCES 20. Na1e. RæOwrIœs 21. Na1e. STAFF ~::¡ 22. Oral reports by staff ,,_.J -e.:rs - none. 24. Clarification of CUpertiIX> Sports Center Interim Use o:mnittee's reo> ··..-lIdatim (Report with pœsible actim) . Mr. CcwlirxJ explained the o:mnittee's re<>.......·ldatim in regard use of the CUpertino SPorts Center. -8- MDUÆ OF 'mE JUNE 4, 1990, REClJu..R CIT'i caJ1.1CIL MærING (0::-791) Di"",,""'ion followed regardinq what an interim plan would in=l\XJe and the potential oœt of brinqinq the Center up to code ani a 1OO:t'e useable oon::liticn. Sharon COlman, ~r of the Interim CCmDittee said RFPs have been difficult to get as the cx:muittee cannot answer questiCl'lS that are asIœd by potential bidders, such as ..men will it open. '!he Cœmittee needs to knew if the Da1ey will be available to brinJ the Wilc1in:¡ up to code. Director of Public ~k.o Viskcvich said there has not been eI'D.Igh exploratory \It1rJt to give detailed costs. If Council wants that Wilc1in:¡ preserved for the f...........' uses, the expenditures wœld ......L.:Ibly be valid; however, he watl.d not like to make the estimated oœt aVI'I i 1 able for p.lblic infomation until the bids oc:me in. Council did mq.,.. '."' CXJuoe.rn regardinq authorizing a $400,000 expenditure without Jcrx:Jwin;J what work wœld be da'Ie. Mr. Viskcvich stated he wœld try to v.. s_.L an eoc........l.c analysis at t.œr:>rrow night's QI"9't meetinq. It wœld be a best guess, hypothetical analysis. Mr. Ccwlinq stated that he e:xpgc:ted to brinq a detailed analysis to Cameil at their JUly 2 meetinq. 23. status of user fee stu::.'y. Directar of Finance snyder told Oouncil that it is anticipated that the user fes study will be I"I'WOpleted SOCI1 ani, in JUly, Oouncil will receive a list of ~--œd fees for City services. 25. Update m the status of the City 0Bnter O::IIplex, southeast 001.11e1. of Steveœ Creek Boulevard and DeAnza Boulevard. Director of C'nmonú.ty D8Y8l,¥"""IL Cowan told Oouncil that City Manager Bram will update the status of the OCIIplex at the next Cameil 1IIeE!tiIxJ. Farakh DeBoo, O,¡pert.im waterfall resident, requested clarification regardinq the mirror bnage Wilc1in:¡ to be Wilt ani the number of credit available. Followirg discuss3..m, Mr. COWan said he wœld be ham' to meet with Mr. ~aoo in his office to di..,..,,"'$I it with him am pl.~ him informatim. -9- I I , I I ! (Slde 3) I I I I User fee study City Center com- plex . Le ~ i 5 1 a t i ve Re'.'iew Camm. Closed Sess ion[ . . MINUræ OF '!HE JtNE 4, 1990, RmJI.AR CI'l"í CXXJNCIL Mœl'm:; (œ-791) CXXJNCIL l<U'U<l::; 28. Ca.Irx:. Goldman - Legislative Review I"r....tittes - Cameil I.U'Ia1limoosly ðigle.:.l to t:ð)œ the followinq actlm regardinq Pl' p: :;00 legislatim: SUWOrt AB 4085 (Bates), haœlessness preventim, and Federal legislatim pertairaing to affoMable hcusinq. . M<ee AB 2590 (VaBOa'1œllos) and sa 1765 (Alquist), cut in cigarette tax reveJ'IJes, ccst shift to pay for state Board. of Equalizatim at cities expeuee hidden in state hrl;JPt bills; SB 2882 (Presley), No- and lOW' _"'I-"=LL}' tax cities, Pl.........dent-øet:tinq reductim in r8IIeI"J.Je transfer i"PC ~sd m cities in Riverside cœnty . '!be City ClerK was directed to bring SB 2882 to a..!! .~.1ym¡m ~'s attentim partia1larly. C"'T~ ::i1::õtu(Jil At 8:46 p..., Cameil adjoomed to a Closed Sessim in Ca1t......._ RealI A to di......_ labor negotiatiCl'lS, GoIIernDent Q)de Sec:tia1 54957.6. Oouncil recx:nvened in Cameil a.-.ner at 9:07 p.m. Ccunc. P4. r 1 It: t'"~1~, JC'q:pe1, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor RogIels staff p~ T IL: City Clerk QJme1ius Assistant to the City Manager Brown It was D:JYed by Counc. Sorensen, seoaldtod by Counc. J(q:pel and pa""q'ecI l.II'1alÚJIIC:Ay to authorize staff to oa'1t.iraJe negoti.at.iaw with the Operating Fn;¡inesrs unit and to direct staff to Pl~ the r- ftfta'ry 1ŸroI-m. for signinq with the IIIi ooœllanecus unit as directed in Closed Sess1a1. At 9:08 p..., Council adjourned to 7:00 p.m., JUne 5, 1990. .(./:iYdÆ, City Cl -10-