CC 06-05-90 , . t CITY OF ClJPÐUINO, STATE OF CAI..IFCRaA 103CO '!UI<M!:; Avn.l.JE, CUPERTIN::>, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 MINUl'ES OF '!HE ~CXJRNED REX>UIAR MfFl'IH:; HErD 00 JUNE 5, 1990, CITY HAIL CXXJNCIL ~, 10300 'I~ AVENUE, aJPERl'D«:), CAI..IFCRaA œ-79lA CAlL 'ro I.Jt(lJt;I( '!he meetin:¡ was called to order by Mayor Rogets at 7:05 p.m. Counc. PI:" -= AIL: Golc1man, ICq:Ipel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Roget\!l staff ~ ~ IL: City Manager Bram City ClerK COrnelius Dizec:t:or of Finance Sr1}'der Director of Piuics and Recreatic:n Ccwlinq Director of Public ~k.o Viskovic:h Director of Chmo"'1ity Devel,¥"""IL Cowan Assistant to the City Manager Brown Public Infomatim Officer Rrey Haßing ani Services Coordb1ator Norling æAL CXJHJNICATIœs - Na1e. Review of Preliminazy ,,~, 199<>-91 Fi"'<""l Year City MIIT.ager Bram PL II mled a review OCI1Sistinq of an c':erview and backgrc;Jum. Dizec:t:or of Finance Sr1}'der in- 5 ..Led the revenJe and fund projectiCl'lS. l!ecause of '1 trlmsfer of fIm:!s fraD ParK and City Hall Bon:l PUnds to the Ger......! F\1rxi that will occur JUne 30, Council was told the beqinn.1nq "'''9"t balance will have .............ri-tely ðJ1 additia1lÙ. $400,000. 'Ibe I'8\IeB1eø projected are realistic and not ..,..--.vative. tJpa1 beinq asIœd if he could c:::han3e it bacJc to the DICIZ'8 ocnservatjm reverJJe projectiCl'lS, Mr. snyder stated that there is still margin for EIllVL am if it were cx:.nveri:ed to the DICIZ'8 OCt'!SetVative estiJDate, the projected deficit wwld be increased by a¡:praxiJDately $400,000. Mr. 5nyåer stated that if Council desired, the previous prac+-..ioe of including last year's informatim oculd be reinstated, as oculd tmy c.'1ar¥; e that ~d help Council as they reviewed the document. Mr. SI1}'Ò<>..r mentia1eci new positiCl'lS that were included in the J::ujget as FrU~. jted. -1- :Side 2) r . (Side 3) . . I I MINtJI'ES OF '!'HE JUNE 5, 1990, ADJOORNED RmJIAR CITY caJNCIL ~ (œ-791A) Mr. BrcMI listed furxli..-q categories that TNere mt inc1lŒ1d in ti1e preliminaIy Wdget, such as $400,000 for the CUpertiIX> Sports Center, $100,000 for interim use of the Sports Center, awroximately $125,000 for General Plan consultants and an avemm m Jollyman Park. '!be fiscal forecast did mt inclu:ie gas tax or the sluny seal and overlay PI"'::ILc:uœo as previOOFly d;.:rn~~ed. Mr. Brown reviewed ti1e administratim section of the Wdget. City ClerK COrnelius reviewed the City Clerk and duplicatirq portiCB'lS of ti1e Wdget. Public Infomation Officer Krey reviewed the p.1blic infor-..atim section. Len Ðatd1elor told Cameil that there are at least six pieces of leqislatim pend:in:J that 1o'ClÙd reqt.ire cable televisim bills to list the fran:nise fees separately. At least three of these pieces of leqislatim inc1u:ie stata..&ILs that what revemJeS the city receives frcm the franchise has to go back into cable televisim. In reviewing the Fine Arts portim of the budget, Ms. Krey told Council that there is $2,000 in the Þ1tigPt for the Ð.J¡i1rat Gallery; they are requestin:¡ $5,000. Jim Jacksa1, lI_.l.el of the Ð.J¡i1rat Board of Directors, said this is a _11 additi.cnù. CCI1tribItim for culture. '!he Gallery is a p.¡blic and private partnership. He urged Oouncil to help make Ð.J¡i1rat a cultural center. '!be r-:p-t has the SlJRX>rt of the Fine Arts ChmIi....im. Ann Alger, Ma1ta Vista, said the DeAnza COllege is wcrJdnq to be a cultural as -n as -Y"Atianal oollege. nú.s wculd give the City &aIIB prestige. She urged Oouncil to do whatever the City can affŒà. Helen Lewis, "_.~.er of the Ð.J¡i1rat Gallery Board of Directors, ~""-~ed the q>inion that we shoold treasure the fact that we have the E.\I¡:i1rat Gallery; $5,000 will help leverage $9,000 fran SI.Inn}"Vale. Jan Rirxifleisch, Director of the nx¡;nrat Gallery, said that CUpertin:>'s cx:ntrib1tim last year did help as leverage. -2- I MIN{JlR) OF '!HE JUNE 5 I 1990, ADJOORNED RB1JIAR ClTI a:L'NCIL MEETING (CC-79lA) þ Rcberta Hollim:Jn, O1air of the Fine Arts Camnission, said part of the Chrmi«sion's charge is to foster, preserve, and encourage art. It is che.qpø..r to donate to the Eu¡i1rat than to start a gallery fran scratch. '!be camnission reo ....-.ds a grant of $5,000. In respcnse to a question fran Ca.irX::il, Ms. Rirxifleisch said the SUlInyvale grant process started last fall. '!beir c:ourx:il will be votin:J on it next week. '!he gallery's Wdget t.'ús year is $125,000 cash; next year it is ~xpected to be $160,000 cash. DeAnza COllege gives a~,-vUDate1y $75,000 cash. Ms. Krey told Council that the Fine Arts camnissi~'n wants to CCI'Itinue the art in City Hall lJl."':ILaw ani -:equests $15,000 to p.JrChase the mart>le sculpture currently m loan to the City ani have created a px,to 1IDJ1tage of :;ane area of CUpertiIX>. 'Ihi.s $15,000 is not 1:u:Jqeted. She infoImed. Cameil that the rnm."'1ity RelatiCl'lS and Infomatim portim of the tu:k]et includes the Sister City P1-"':ILaw. only $8,500 was Wdgeted and it shalld be $11,000. '!his J:ujgPt includes $16,675 for the Q\;mIh<>r of C'nmIArce and $35,000 for fbDan Sezvices. other items requested for next fiscal year that are not inclOOed in the "'''7t are a CIty brochure Widl ~d cost fran $7,000-10,000 ani a poster of the III.Iral in City Hal!. 'Ihi.s 1o"C:W.d cost $6,000 for 5,000 ~ies. Sale of the poster could be a fundraiser. In the J:uSget for the Govc..UIIIClIt Televisim 01annel, this year's capital cutlay was anitted, so the increase is not as IIIJå1 as it ~t'S. Director of Finance SI1yàer reviewed the section pert:ainin:¡ to the Finance Department. '!be General Sezvices bJdget was reviewed by Assistant to the City Manager Brown. She informed Cameil that the various activities maintain the status quo except for Insurance Administratial. 'Ihi.s covers only the administrative cost and what is m-~<>d to be set aside for anticipated claims. 'n1e Rec::reation section of the bJdget was reviewed by Director of Parks and Rec::reation Ccwlin:J. He pointed aIt chan:;¡es and new positiCl'lS. Clts were made at the City Manager level ""1"" l1in:J $35,000; these were lÞJ6tly fixed assets. Additia1al savinqs could result with 00 aàtitia1al staffin:J; hcM!ver, the results 1o"C:W.d be lower level of service. C:¡",eses offered are self-5URX>rtirxJ. General -3- (Side 4) e M:J:NtlID) OF IHE JUNE 5, 1990, Al1100mœD RmJIAR Cl'1Y CWNCIL MEETING (CC-79lA) FUnd SURJOrted ~L"':ILoJrS cculd be elbninated. In regard to the Senior Center, the City oculd look at different - e1:ship fees for residents and ncr¡-residents. Mayor Rogers pointed out that me of the d1arges of the Parks and Recreation Camnissim are projects of historical value. She requested that a historical oojective be NŸ!<¥i to next year's 'NOrk program. Mr. Ccwlin:J said that the intent of rec:reatim fees is to 0CJYer the direct cost of special "l"e-98 and events, as well as averhead. '!be cost of c:p!l:'atinq the J::uildin:], with the e,..<:>:¡Uon of the Sports Center, is not inclu3ed in fees. It has been a ¡iúJ.osqiúcal positim of oxmcil's to keep the fees low and attemanoe high. Council ñ i "'''''seed the of the expe¡wtures. fees was mentia1ed. need to rec:x:M!r a higher peroent:age '!be possibility of n.ising senior . Director of Ch....nruty Devel,¥"""IL Cowan stated that the n-m1l'1ity Devel,¥"",,4. port.icn of the bov!qPt does not include costs for stage III of the General Plan, At¥L.....1mately $100,000-125,000. He distrib.1ted a list of additia1a1 services that will be provided if the preliminary bo.ñ:]et is adcpt:ed. RÐ ..~: 9:37-9:50 P.M. (Side 6) '!be Public WorD portim of the bo~ was reviewed by the department Directar, Bert VisJccvich. Oouncil ñi ..,..."e"'«1 the possibility of an cperatinq deficit as well as cxnJÍderatim that it was a planned deficit. Counc. Goldman pointed out that the Five Year Forecast shews a 0ŒIti.nJed deficit and felt Council shculd direct the City Manager to out the h~ and CXIII8 bI!Ic:k. Mr. 5r1}'der pointed out that at the time of }AL.,....ratia1 of the Five Year Forecast, the IIICIre cxnrervative method was beinq used. Counc. Szabo suggested that the City Manager p.ù.l the hv!qPt :back to a break t!I'è!I'I positim. '!be City ManIIger preferred tJ,at both the Jollyman Park site and O,¡pert.im Sports Center be loo\œd at as part of the capital IDprcYement P.L"':ILaw and not the cperatinq budget. He felt that there was a reasonable å1ance that at the errl of the year, the cperatin:J revenues will match the cperatinq expen.titures. Traditionally, the departments do not spend as IIIJCh as they J::Wget and there will be savÍß1S in expe¡mtures. He said that Council oculd give it to staff as a goal to achieve. . -4- w;}I:Jl'ES OF '!HE JUNE 5, 1990, ADJCURNID ~1.l\R CI'IY roJNCIL .MEI:.TING (œ-79lA) Came. Goldman said that this year he <D.lld give the charge to balaooe the i::A.Jd;Jet by the ern. of the year arxi asJœd if the City Manager were willin:] to be evaluated on that. Mr. Brown said that already $140,000 d1arged to the Genera] Fund sha.ùd not be. nus is the total of the Hoosehold Hazardoos Waste Pl"':lLaw and the sprirq¡fall cleanup. Followin;J up on Counc. Goldman's suggestion, di"""1SSion followed regard:iry;J pJ:09u=s L"'t"'Lts. Came. SzëÙ:'O said he had sane suggested cuts and will give them to the City Manager. Counc. Goldman said if a Cameil111PJ11hør thinks of an item that might save sane IIIOI'Ie"Ù it <D.lld be pJ:: S :hted to the City Manager. A à1an;Je of level of sezvioe, policy, or cut of a pl<-yLaw oculd not be iIrplemented withoot all Cameil_oers ¿q:pravin:]. 1!dm.inistrative type d1an:]es ca.ùd be iDplemel/t;ed by the City Manager, such as a more efficient way of doing scmet:h:in:J. '!be City Manager stated that reviE!WÍ1'X3 the preliminary I:ui;Jet with the }AL'-";L...... removed fran the General Fund eJq;)elditures as previously mentioned, there ~d be $533,000 General Fund operatin;J shortfall. '!be expectatim is it will not exist at the en:i of the year. Mayor Rogers did not 8I1ß)vLt the previous ~m of ~....nù.. Counc. Szabo said he ~d li]œ to see a I:ui;Jet that actually breaJœ even, a I:ui;Jet that the City Manager is CICI1teIIplatinq (candidates for I:ui;Jet cuts) . Mr. Brown said there is aba.tt a 3-1/2\ deficit. He will meet with deparbœnt heads and after that, ~d liJœ another h~ meetinq with Council. Came. Sot... I EII1 said she 1o.'aÙd liJœ to see an iJx:rease in recreatim fees and an :increase in fees at the senior center. Came. Szabo will pl s:..L his list of suggested cuts to the City Manager. Ann ~, M:x1ta Vista, asked when the ~lic ~d get to give its irq:Jut. She said that she has a whole list of thin:Js that oculd be cut. Mrs. ~ asked haw 1IIJd1 the City was planning on speniin; on transportation. When Highway 85 is done, CUpertiIX> will have to oonoentrate on transportatim within the City limits. PUnds have prE!I'iously been set aside. She as).:ed what ~ to that $4 million. She was informed it was still in reserve and with interest, is now ..lnn<ot $6.9 million. It is called the Park Develcpnent and I.arxi Acquisition ReseJ:ve. '!be name had been changed to that fran the Highway 85 Fund several years ago. Mrs. ~ stated that CUpertiIX> needs -5- . HrntJI'ES OF '!HE JUNE 5, 1990, ADJCURNED REGJIAR CI'IY ~ MEF..TIN:; (œ-79lA) the Mary AVernJe OVerpass. She ~-~'I!d caacexn regardirq CUpeJ:tiro's expenditures on parJæ. 5Unnyva1e is leasinq school sites as parks. If the school -- ~.. these sites in the f'ut:ure, they will be avaJ.lable. With the ~an rhftnonrlty Center, people knew about it as it was part of the five year plan; the Sports Center was pJràw¡ed out of the clear blue sky In respollse to a special interest qrwp. She felt it was done in sec¡:eL. '!he City Cameil hovigPt includes too 1II1Ch for travellinq; yet the Cameil wants to cut service to the people. By 0ŒISeI'ISUS, Council set June 21, 5: 30 p. m., to continue OŒI5ideration of the J::u:Jget. At that time, there will be a closed session pertaininq to the CUpertiIX> Sports Center. Requests for items that were not included in the preliminary J::u:Jget dOC""""T1t will be considered June 21, as will requests for ëàtitiooal fundinq. 2. Resolution No. 8151: of the City of Guidelines. " "A Resolutim of the City Council a¡pertino J\dqJtinq Xeri~ (Side 7) Director of F\.Iblic WOrks Viskavich stated that it was ne<:""'"'t'ny to adq1t Resolutim No. 8151 at this time as the grant .....,-~1 ine will pass prior to the next Cameil meet:in:J. He k.... _n_ aware of this need after ,IL~tim of the agerDa. . It was JDCYed by Came. Szabo, BeCXI1ded by Came. Goldman and P"'--sd unanimously to adept Resolutim No. 8151. '!he mestinq was adjourned at 11:05 p.m. ~ß/~ City ClerK : -6- .