CC 06-21-90 þ CITY OF a.JH:RJ:'nI), STATE OF CALIFCRUA 10300 '101<1<£ AVEMJE, aJPERI'IN:>, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (4~8) 252-4505 KINtJI'ES OF '!HE ADJCXJRNED REGUlAR CITY caJNCIL MŒl'ING HErD œ JUNE 21, 1990, CXXJNCIL 0iAMBER, CITY HAIL 10300 'roRRE AVEMJE, C1JPERl'IN:), CALIFCRUA œ-792A CAlL 'ro ORDER '!he meet:in:J was call'3d to order by Mayor Rcgers at 5:37 p.m. C:JUnc. Present: Goldman, 1<'cg:¡el, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rogers . staff "n!!i!lIt: City ClerK COn1elius Public Informatim Officer Krey œAL CXJHJNICATIœs - Nale. 1. Establishin¡ guidelines for performance review of the City Manager. Mayor ~s stated that Council will be evaluating a list of characterlstics and actiCl'lS includinq 9""'1.. previo.uùy set and what had been done to adrleve these 9""'1... Specific items will be ñi......'e....... such as these 9""').., t:hirçs that are beinq are done well and areas Were i:aprcvement oculd be achieved. It was also suggested that Cameil ask the City Manager what he wants to do in regard to his own professia1al devel'¥..".,L. Mayor Rcgers stated that there will pràJably be another retreat at..mich time new goals 1oIa1ld be ñi......,se«l. staff Pres ¡¡,¡It: City Manager Brown City ClerK COn1elius Director of Public Works VisJa:JVid1 Director of """""""'1ity Devel,¥"""IL 0:Iwan Assistant to the city Manager Brown Director of Finance Snyàer Director of Parks and Recreation ;):Mlin::J Public Information Officer Krey City Attorney Kilian HaJsinq and Services coordinator Norlir.g (arrived 7:40 p.m.) þ --1- MINt1l'ES OF '!HE JUNE 21, 1990, ADJ<XJRNED REGJIAR CI'IY roJNCIL MEETING (œ-792A) 2. Review of FY 1990-91 Eb:¥?-t. City Manager reviewed the ~ions presented. Rd:Jerta Holl.imat, 01air of the Fine Arts Ccmnissim, clarified Wrrj ~t bec:"',,- a line item in the ~. Jan Rindfleisch, ~t Gallery, introduced an int:e:m and docent am explained the canc:ept of ~t. She stated that she will be ~ring before the SUnnyvale City Cameil next week. Djal"'l'''''ian follcwoed regardin;J insurance and lighting for the art pieces m loan in the City lcti:1y. Ms. HollÍDa'1 stated that difficulty arises regardin;J loaned art because the galleries have to provide insurance. In Los Altos, loans OCIIIEI directly fran the artist, rather than the gallery. It is 1JSI"'l1y outdoor, visible art. Upa1 Cameil's ~-tlat that when the City borrows art, the City provide the insuraroe, Assistant to the City Manager Brown said that the pieces 'o.'C:Uld have to be a¡:praised, b.tt this can be dale. She will c:heck with the City's insurance braIœr and let the Fine Arts rnroni....im knc:M . Ann Arqer, Ma1ta Vista Hc:IIIeowners ~""e.u...jL Associatim, felt that the item of major iDport.arDa is to Jæep the sezvice level and to cmtinue fighting blight and CXI'1tinJe the liLL..et sweepinq. Disro'....im follcwoed regardin;J the Resource Reoavery Entezprise fWñ. Director of Parks and Recreation Ccwlinq said that his so.)J""""'-ud cut in the youth noon i'L"':IL....... at the schools 'o.'C:Uld mt result in a visible loss of service. In regard. to a potential shift of night traffic enfVL.........::..L to the regular \D'Ú.t, the City Manager stated that there 'o.'C:Uld pràJably be SCIIIB loss of revenue as mt as many tickets might be i""'1«i and probably SCIIIB loss of respalSe time. He said he 'o.'C:Uld brinq Cameil an analysis of a party ordinance after the 1:OOget. 'Ibe analysis will address such thin:Js as the ordinance's effectiveness as a deterrent, heM III.ICh revenue oculd possibly be generated, and is there a pràJlem in this regard in the City of 0Jpertin0. -2- · þ MIN1.Jl'ES OF 'mE JUNE 21, 1990, ADJOORNED RFI;(JLAR CITY <XX.1NCIL MEE:TIN:; (œ-792Aj In regard to tJ:ansfer of ¡;,~J.iewa1k maintenanœ to the p-cqJerty owner, Mr. Viskcvich said a1ly san Jose "'~---es the prcp!rty owner. If the pt00">e9 were initiated the owœr 1òQ.Ùd be notified when the sidewalk J1e "Vwi repairs. If it was rxrt: da1e "rithin a certain J1I1IIIh1ar of days, the City 1òQ.Ùd do it ani file a lien agajnst that prcperty. '!he avm:i!IC}e oost of the prcperty owner 1òQ.Ùd be approximately $400. Allan Snyder, Meteor Place, said the City has p.¡t eor;oolyptu& trees m his ..L<....t and they have r;oi"-ed the sidewalk. Also, the city plts in trees whose roots clog sewers. He urged Council rxrt: to transfer this oœt to the pJ:'q)erty owner. In regard to rxrt: iDplementirg a c:han;Je in lam"""'I'inq with the morim, it 1òQ.Ùd mean the previc:usly suggested pl~ and benches 1òQ.Ùd rxrt: be d::Ine. In regard to the new positia1 of Halsin;J Specialist, it was thooght that increased revemes in the housing area cx:W.d offset the salary. Another suggestim eu.......l!inq ~ of size and paper for the 0JeertiIX> Sœne will be OŒISidered at the end of the cw'L.../L bio-year oct,lLaet. '!he Finance Director pointed cut that the ~ of O....~...... has rxrt: spent the entire $10,000 J:ujgeted fx' .',t: this year. He~ Oouncil authorize $2,500 for them this year and save the ex:istinq $7,500 for them if they need it. '!he Library has requested additiŒlal fundinq for additiŒlal staff and to provide the ability to stay qø1 more sundays each year. DIrinq <'Ii ......'CI'!Iim of q,tim 1 and q,tim 2 it was ~ that pexhaps a CX'IIbinatia1 of the c:ptiCl'lS oculd be iDples....uLed to help MrrCIIor the gap betwee¡, General P\md Rsverues anticipated and expen:tit:ures anticipated. Allan Snyder as)rat! j,f Council had. looked at the use of vollD1teers. He was Ï11fonned they are used in the CUpertiIX> Library and the Senior Center. He suggested that perhaps 0Jpert:jn) cx:W.d ask for vollD1teers arxi have an ac::ca.mtin3 of them so that pecple are aware. It was suggested that an item be placed in the 0JeertiIX> Scene requestin3 vollD1teers. Mrs. ArJ;Jer asked if Da1ey were taken cut of the reser.res to balaJ'ICP. the h.ó;Jet, when IoICUld it be ¡:ut back in. Ehe was in!vu....d ncthirq IoICUld be taken cut of reseIVe. -3- t MINUI'ES OF 1HE JUNE 21, 1990, ADJCXMŒD RER1I.AR CITY CXXJNCIL MEETING (CX::-792A) Daxyll Lieb said he had had about 34 years ÐCperience in goverrønent am. that Optia1 3 soun::!ed best to him. 'ß1e city Mar1ager shwld report back with arr¡ d1aJxJes. By CX'41SeI'1SUS, Council agl.......l on ~m 2 (Awraving the operating budget with m.perxlitures ~irç:revenJes by 3%, authorizing the City Manager to transfer funds between departments and projects to meet an overall reduc:tia1 of E!)(pE!1'1ditures within the reveme received, am re-:.....-.ding that art¡ acklitmal savinqs be cazried fozward to the 1991-92 department ~ñgPts.) with direct.i.m m art¡ service reductiCl'lS . Came. ~1 requested that Cameil call 5unnyvale Council and urge them to sun-u.L the ~t. By ocnsensus, Council took the follCNinq actiCl'lS: ~ a $5,000 line item for the ~t Gallety with ret:entim of the $14,000 in grants. 'Ihis is to be regarded as seed IIICI1ey and ~t shculd not CXD8 back in the future for increases. ~ $10,000 for the Sister City pt'-";L...... Directed that any fundinq for a city broåIure, I!I.mÙ. poster, p.zrc:hase of sallpture and ¡:i1ato mc.ntage be deleted. '!be City will d1eck m insurance for art m loan. ~ transferrinq expeI1.SefI for ha1sehold hazardcus waste and the sprirq!fall cleanup pl.'-";LCIIID to the Rssc:iuroe Rscavery F\Ind. Oouncil was informed that law enfl.u......_IIL data was av>til'lble for any cx:unc:dl_..e:t who wishes it. (City Attorney Kilian arrives 7:40 p.m.) Oouncil detemined that it will not transfer night-time traffic to regular patrol, nor will it transfer øi-"." rallt, cuxb and gutter repairs to J'>. ......:IWnerS. Oouncil deleted morim ~ frail the hlri;JPt and r-hv-'l nccntime ytuth p:to.p.CIIID to 34 weeks (mid sept-. >E\r to JUne 1) . Cameil did not delete the Halsinq Speci.alist positim. '!be Shq> QJpertino ro>t]'-t was ]:"I'IIiIv-'I to $2,500 am the City will <:any fozward the unexpended balance in the OYomher Wdqet fran the ~u,ut J:iuà; et year. Council did not authorize an i1x::rease in funds for SUOOay Li.brazy services and urged use of volunteers. staff was directed to investigate the possibility of a formal volunteer pl."':ILaw am report back. By consensus, city set their oonfererx:e and meetin::J budget at $25,000 for the 1990-91 Fiscal Year. -4- MINU'~~ Of '!HE JUNE 21, 1990, ADJOORNED RmJIAR CIT'i <:nJNCIL ME:E:I'IN:; (œ-792A) Any cuthacks in Cable 'IV /GaYernment 01annel area will be OCI'lSidered as part of OptiŒ1 2. Dl."'O'CU1im followed regardinq the possibility of iIx::reasinq fees at the senior Center. Possible chazx; es inc1u:!e a higher """'.~ oership fes or a resident and nat-resident fee. Allan Snyder said there really is no place for seniors to meet other than the Senior Center. He stated that he does not get Cable 'IV: he reads the 0mertiIX> scene. He mentia1ed the ocst of p.lrChase of the CUpertino Sports Center and f_ beinq charged to use the tennis oaJrts. He stated that if Council were going to make everythinq pay for itself, then they shculd go ahead and do that. City Man; er Brown said the Senior Center will be part of an overall City fes review this year. staff will brinq that infozmatim to Council ~ the review is cx:IIpleted. Mrs. Arqer said she is still CCI10emed with the City Oouncil travel h"7t- and aslrat'l if all these meetin;Js were iJIportant. Followinq ñi"""_iat regardin;¡ a balanced operatinq tudget, it was reiterated that ~ 2 with the directim that followed as the decisim. If it is not !¡;'~eful, next year will be ditt__.L. At 8:50 p.m., Oouncil ac!jcurned to a closed sessim regardin;J purd1ase, sale, exå1an;Je, or 1_ of real prqx!rty - O,¡pert.im Sports Center (Gov.............rt. COde SectiŒ1 54956.8). Cameil reocnvened in Oouncil Qunrr.ø.r at 9:00 p.m. Came. Prn:uL: r~l'-T1, Kq:pel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rega& staff Prn IlL: City Manager Brown City ClerK O""....lius Director of Public wc.dœ Viskcvidl Director of Finance Snyder City Attorney Kilian City Manager Brown said that staff requested guidance regardin;J $400,000 frail the Park D8Y8l'¥"""1t Tax for brfngi11;J the O,¡pert.im Sports Center up to code. It was IIIOIIÐd by Counc. !fq:pel and seccnjed by Came. Szabo to authoriz:3 $500,000 be plt in the bJdget for repairs to the Sports Center and amenities. -5- MINtJm) OF '!HE JUNE 21, 1990, ADJOORNEf) RmJIAR CIT'1 CXXJNCIL ~ (œ-792A) DÍS""'....im followed regaL'tting a master plan for the facility and the possibility of this expellditure beinq a waste sho.ùd the master plan call for a d1arçe in the building. Mr. Brown stated that the odds are any ~ will be additiCl'lS to the existinq buildinq or an additia1al. bl1i1dinq SCIIII!IWhere m the site. 'Ihe cw.u"IL structure will prà:lably stay. Mr. Viskavictl said that if the City K"'Ep9 this buildinq for a lcnj period of time, the $500,000 wculd not be a lot of JIICI'Iey . Mr. Brown infonaed Council that he believes the master plan will be oc:uplete within six mcnths. Counc. Yq:pel stated that she wanted this buildinq i:øpraved by the end of the year. Mr. viskavictl said that if the City Council wants, the project can be fast tracIœd. Many Jets will be dale s:im.1ltanewsly: there will be an infnnMl bid !'L'<;--' It will not be a tumIœy ~".tim. 'Ihe project <:X:I'tld be started in JUly and oc:upleted in the fall. If it is Oouncil's desire, be will start. as soa\ as the JIICI'Iey is _il..h1e. OCUl"IC. lfqptl stated that she includes that in her 1IICItiat. CaIne. Szabo _-d to fast track. 'Ihe IIICItiat _ adopted UI1IUÚ:IIICUSly. It _ DK:Ned by CaIne. Goldman, ~.:Jo:d by Counc. Kq:pel and pa~ed unaJ1i--_ly to incll.Ù! in the Þ"'?t, $350,000 fraD the Pm:X [)oñicatim Tax F\Jrñ for Jollyman Park and $100,000 fraD the General F\Jrñ Reserves for the General Plan oa'ISUltant. At 9:10 p.m., the ~ adjcurned to JUne 24, 1990, 11:00 a.m. , City Hall Oouncil QunnhA,. for a Closed sessim for perforJllal'X:e evaluatia1 of a ncn-elected official. cti# ~ -6-