CC 07-02-90
10300 'Iut<l<I:; AVDroF., CUPERTIN::>, CA 95014
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
s;u.tJI'E 'ro '!HE f'L1\G
'!be meet:in:J was called to order by Mayor Regal> at 6:50
Came. Present:
Goldman, Kqpel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rcgers
staff PreS_It:
City Manager Brown
City ClerK COrnelius
Directar of Public ~k.o VisJa:wic:h
Director of n-m"'1ity D8Y8l'¥"""1t Cowan
Director of Finance snyder
Assistant to the City Manager Brown
Director of Parks and Re.......c04tim Dtwlinq
City Attorney Kilian
~ - Ncne
c::EREJDŒAL MA:.I:~ - ~œs
Mayor Rogers IU'Ir1C:IUOOed the fomatim of a relief fund for
victims of the earthquake in Iran and mentia1eci that
dcnatiCl'lS oculd be sent to Americares.
a::tœmr CAInIDAR
Came. Szabo rBIIOIIed Item No. 22. It was DK:Ned by Came.
Sorensen, seo....:Jo:d by Oounc. JCt"tpel and p"ee..... UJ1êIlÙJIIasly
to aß)roVe the balance of the 0Œ1sent caleroar as
1. Request for City of QJpertino ~p received
£ran 0:Ipe.rtin0 SWi1g Bard.
Consent Calendar
2. Request for AlcOOolic Beverage Control lioensEo, cafe
Jazz, 20';30 Valley Green Drive.
3. Resolution No. 8157: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of eupertiIX> Authorizing Exscutim of
Seccn:i lI1!1eudlllel/t to Agre.....:../t to Provide Wϝ raw
EnfOJ:ceuent }qerc¡ ¡'~e to the caJ.ifœ:ni.a
Identification System."
4. Resolution No. 8158: "A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of QJpertino Authorizinq Execution of
Agree......IL II Between the City of CUpertino and Rancho
san Antonio Retirement Halsinq corporatim, a
califœ:ni.a NcqJrofit ~ Benefit cmporatim, Cristo
Ray Drive Forum Project."
5. ~licatim AS1IC 41H1-87 watkins n ....-rcl.a1
PL_ ties Request for ..............nù. of a precise
laro~ing plan for a previcusJ.y approved retail
center. IDeated at the narth side of stevens Creek
BculevaJ:d BElt-lUll Barxiley Drive and saiå1 way.
Pe- ~" ....-. dad tor approval.
6. Resolutim No. 8159: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of 0:Ipe.rtin0 Authdrizinq the Directar of
Public Wœ.k.o to Sign ~icatiCl'lS for state-Ir-l
Transportatim D&........L<..tim P~'-";L"'" PUnds."
7. Resolutim No. 8160: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of 0:Ipe.rtin0 J\dqJtinq a Memorandum of
U'I'òerst:ancti Between the City of QJpertino and the
O,¡ Ðlp10yees a"9OC'iatim."
8. Resolution No. 8161: "A Reso1utia1 of the City Council
of the City of 0:Ipe.rtin0 Amerxiin¡ the Cc:nfidentia1
0·,1. "'I:".Iasaticn Pi.~ClII""
9. Resolutim No. 8162: "A Reso1utim of the City Council
of the City of QJpertino Amerxiin¡ the Management
n '''l.ensation PL"':ILaw."
10. Resolutlm No. 8163: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of O,¡ Fstablishin¡ Salaries for
PositiCl'lS Not Within a Schadule of Pay Grades."
11. Resolution No. 8164: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of 0:Ipe.rtin0 Amerr:iin;r the Rules m
Ccn:titiCl'lS of Ðlplcyment."
12. Resolutlm No. 8165: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil
of the City of 0:Ipe.rtin0 Fixinq the ÐIployer's
Ccntributia1 under the Meyers-(".--.. state Ðlployees
Medical and Hospital care Act."
13. Resolutim No. 8166: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of 0:Ipe.rtin0 Inc::reasing Amc:Qrt: Paid Toward
Insurance PremiUIIII for Camei h_.~ oers."
14. Resolutim No. 8167: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of QJpertino Amerxiin¡ Resolutim Nos. 6901,
5214, 7255, 7540, and 7867, City Att.ozney's
o ·'1 .ensatiat. "
15. Resolutia1 No. 8168: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of CUpertino Authorizing Executia1 of
A,ø............,L for O:Jnt.inJatim of Vallco Park cal Train
Shuttle Service 'Ihrough JUne 30, 1991, and Authorizinq
Total Payment of $8,855 frail the Envi1:....""""1tal T'np'o'-*
F\Jrñ. "
16. Reso1utia1 No. 8169: "A Reso1utia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of QJpertino Set:tinq hearinq to Provide for
Lien As8'--...·t18 and COllectim Resultinq FraIl
Abatement of Public Nuisances."
17. Resolutim No. 8170: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of CUpertino Makinq DeteJ:minatiŒ1S and
~ the Annexatia1 of Territory Designated
'Oran:}B Aveme 90-06', ~.....n""'tely .15 Acre IDeated
m the Fast Side of 0ran:}B Averue Betwen olive Averue
and Alcazar SLLœt: Ihillm (Am 357-19-33). n
18. Acœptance of IIIII'1icipal iDprovements:
a) Tract No. 7976, stel1in.J/M=Clellan Road, H. W. and
19. Resolutim No. 8171: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of CUpertino Allawin;J cm-tain Claims and
Deman:ls Payable in t..'1e Amamts and FraIl the PUnds as
Hereinafter Described for General and Hi ""('] lanecus
Expenditures for the Pericxi Endinq June 15, 1990."
_ No. 8173
20. Resolutim No. 8172: "A Resoluticn of the City Council
of the City of CUpertino Allowinq certain Claims and
DeJnanjs Payable in the AIoounts arxl fran the ~ as
Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the
Payroll Pariod;J Jtme 22, 1990."
21. Claim for damages filed m behalf of Bryan Fhillips.
Reo ..··-ded for rejection.
22. REm::Jved fran the 0::I1sent Calendar.
Y2t§ Mo...J e.. of the City Cameil
AYES: Goldman, JCrrpel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor ~&
NJES: None
ABSml': None
22. Rssolutia1 No. 8173: "A :Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Regardinq Hcldinq of Public
Hearinqs by n-oi....iCl'lS and C'aIIIdttees."
Counc. Szabo inquired about the 30 day notificatia1 to
Council and ~-ud it be 25 days instead.
'lbe City Attarnøy pointed cut a diffe......_ of cpiniCl'lS m
st"aff regardin;J 0:Qx:il directia1 and stated that he ~
to maJæ sure that the City Camcil was aware of what the
resolutim 10ICUld do and that this was what Oouncil wanted
to achieve.
Di"""' followed reg¡m:lin;J "'"Epinq the Gene1:cù Plan
ame¡duc.IL guidelines in effect ex.:q.oL for the need of City
Oouncil pemissim to initiate Gener:al Plan ame¡duc./L
It was DK:Ned by Come. Go an, ~ by Come. SOLe._ell
and P"~~ed ~ly' amend the City of CUpertiIX>
General Plan Rsvieli Pro ...111":! originally adcpted August 24,
1984, so that the last paraqra¡ñ states, "If the City
Council or P1.annin;J n-oi«sion, as the case may be,
authorizes a public hearin;J, .... "
It was DK:Ned by Came. Goldman, ~ by Counc. Kqpel
and I"'~~ed unanimously to adept Resolutioo No. 8173 amended
to delete the General Plan Review Proc<>tiI'?e as a>nended JUly
2, 1990.
MINl1I'ES OF '!HE JUU{ 2, 1990, RmJIAR CITY a:xJNCIL MEE:'rI}«;
It was DK:MId by Counc. Szabo, seccn:!ed by Came. Goldm!ln
and peI'õ'900 UJ1êIlÙJIIasly to amend the 30 day time pericd to
28 days.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldm!ln, sea:n:Jtr:1 by Counc. ~
and ¡->a'''¡'oo Ul'1IIlÚ.IIIWSly to ~ Rasolutim No. 8181 as
previously amen3ed to 28 days and aIIIBI1dinq the General Plan
Review &. ~me so the last pllrca,L...,h states, "If th8 City
Cœncil or P1.annin:J as the case may be,
authorizes a ~lic hearing ..."
23. Request trcIII santa Clara a:..mty Taxi Associatia1 for
amerd.-íL to rates, fares and tariffs for the c:pIratim
of taxic:abe in 0Jpertin0.
(a) RiIIIIolutia1 No. 8175: "A Røøolutia1 of th8 City
Council of th8 City of QJpertino ~ Rates,
Fax. and Tariffs for the Operatiœ of Ta'Ci.........."
aill :;bøvlin, 615 Bird~, San Joee, L_ T I íUnq th8
santa Clara City Taxi" > iatia1, waa av>oillohJ. to II11IIII1111r
arrt quest:icxw of Oouncil.
It was JIK:IWd tIy Q:unc. Jrrn:>-l, ..........dII.d tIy Q:unc. s....._ I R1
and P---Y':1 ur1IUÚJID.1aly to cloøe th8 public hearinq.
It was DK:Ned tIy Q:unc. JI'I'tt'el, .......dII.d tIy Counc. &...._ -
and I"'ee'ld Ul'1IIlÚ.IIIWSly to ~l Resolutia1 No. 8175.
24. ~icatim 3-Z-90 an:! ~O - First Baptist 0U:t:h
Matta vista - R8zaúng of aw....,n-tely 2.07 acr. trcIII
BQ (().IUi Public '!l1ilt'li'1ÇJ) to Rl-7.5 (Sinqle FaIIily
Rssid8ntia1 7,500 sq. ft. IIIinbum lot area) or ather
such zcn1nq...J A."ificat:ia1 as ..- -- .........."'t'L.1.ata tIy th8
P1.annin:J no-i...i,.., or City Oouncil. Tentativ. 1IIIIp to
"1bdividø 2.07 acr. into nine (9) lots in size trœ
7,600 sq. ft. to 10,300 sq. ft. EnvirtnIental
Detem.inatiat: '1he Pl.annin; ChIOIIi"'ia1l1e<:__ -m the
grantinq of a NeqatiV8 DBclaratia1. '1he )'L"t""Lly' is
lcx:ated m the narth side of McClellan R:JIId, 130 ft.
west ot Byrne Averue. PA~ . -.-.-. de.1 far approval.
(Q:r1tirued trcIII meetinq of J'une 18, 1990.)
(a) First nIadinq of Ordinance No. 1530: "An
Ordinance of the City c:mrr..i1 of the City of
QJpertino Amend.i.zç Sectiat 1 of ordinance No. 2 By
Rezaún;J ~u,n""'tely 2.07 Acres fran BQ Za1e to
Rl-7.5 Za1e~ Located m the North side of
Rea. 8l8l
Taxi rate increase
Public hearing
Res. 8175
App. )-Z-90 and
McClellan Road, 130 Ft. West of Byrne Avem¡e
(~lication 3-Z-90, First Baptist O1urch, M:x1ta
vista) ."
Director of C'rIm'ITrrity Develq:ment: Cowan answered Council
questions .
Ken Ramsaville, Bay Area CaIsul taMs, told O:Juncil he
WOlld awJ:eciate their approval of this devel'¥Ja:.l.L.
Barrie COate, Los Gates, representin;J the First Baptist
01l.1rd1 of M:x1ta vista, arborist, resparled to Council
questiCl'lS. He stated that the trees pnsently 00 the
prq¡erty are not expensive to maintain. OJrrently, they
are receivi1ç' no maintenance. '!be tree a1 Lot No.3, at
this time, _u...... dead wcod rE!IIDIIal. '!be trees need saœ
surface fertilizing: pruninq is usually for the benefit of
the þn."""WJ'Ier, not the tree. What is required oculd be
da1e new. '!be point is ..mat shaùd not be da1e, suà1 as
averwatering and soil rY'OI'f"'ction. Mr. COate said that
trees on Lot 2 oa1ld live another 100 years: these a1 Lot 3
oa1ld live possibly 50 years and the ones on Lot 6 are
relative ya1R3Bters and oa1ld live a lcn¡ time.
Fertilizi1ç' by an arborist oculd help, DIt is not
absolutely neoese."Y. A haœcwner oculd maintain the
trees. Oller a period of 5-10 years, haDecwners oculd kill
the trees frail averwaterinq and suffocation.
Mr. Rcu'IsaVille said that the haœs }'L."...sed are 3,000 sq.
ft. plus garage. PortiCl'lS of them are twc-stories. EI!Iå1
f...v4u.1nt is 1500 sq. ft. Square footage includinq the
garage is ~.Ji-tely 3600-3700 sq. ft.
Mr. T:Im Yuen, 10445 san Fernando AvenJe, made (. ···.-.,Ls a1
the p1.annirç proc:-a. He said the }'L..l'L.....l was deY8loped
withaIt ...,t-Qivision rights investigated. As planned, the
road has to go thrcu;¡h his prcperty. '!be develcper ignœ:&.l
the p1.annirç preference for PC (Planned Devel,¥""",t). '!be
process was a war of attritioo at the Plannin:.J C'rImIi ....ia1:
Mr. Yuen came back many t:Imes. In re:.Jard to McClellan Rœd
é."~", he feels it was not fully investigated. '!be
Plannin:.J O:mnission did not take into oc::f'ISideration the
condemnation plùC"""" that WOlld be neoe5"":ry. He provided
backgrcund behini his bane purchase. His bane WdS selected
because it was a quiet location with little traffic. Mr.
Yuen stated that this developœnt had an iJ!pact on his
property which really resulted in the takin¡ of his
prcperty. His lawyer had told him that it was not proper
an:l there were other alternatives. He ~.v-'S'9d cxn::ern
regardin:] the oak tree on Lot 6 an:l stated a preference
MINUI'ES OF '!HE JULY:1, 1990, RÐ::.UlAR CI'IY ro..'NCIL ~
that the City maintain the trees as that WCA.Ùd be lION
reliable than having the hcmeowners do it. He also stated
that the setbacks an the develcpnent we...-e a shortccming.
He expressed the cpinion that é.'1'V'<>e" iran lok:Clellan Road
WCA.Ùd be better and that other recent devel'¥.....1ts had been
~ with aooess on lok:Clellan Road. He expressed
oancem regardinq the blim curves. Mr. Y'Uen said the
eminent "¡"""i" shalld be for the greatest public good with
the least private ~. '!here shalld also be proof that
the t.aJd.n; of land is ~E'ary for the project arx:l it be
for public use.
I<'ermeth Rlillips, 10410 san Fernarx:lo Avenue, said that at
the last 1IÚmlte, the Planni.."XJ C'hnni decided to force
the developer to i.nprcve san F'eman:3o. 'Ihis is a narrow
street. He reo ····-'xhl ¡:uttin:J in sidewalks an san
Fernan::Jo with a red Za1e m the oo......r of the curve arx:l the
road be brtught up to cw.L~..L City standards for new roads.
Rylan I1JJœ, 10434 san Fernarx:lo AveruJe, expressed OOh....m
regardin:J traffic and the taking of land. He requested
that the trees be presezved and there be an extensim of
san Fernan::Jo access. He said there was no teeth in the
pl\.t<sed tree pr :servaticn oc:n:titiœs. In regard to the
tree m Lot 3, he said the az:I:x:1rist' s original l~ L said
that it badly --,:W water arx:l fertilizinq; the dn.1rt:h was
not interested. He ~"1:ed that the L< H be "--:'led to
the City as historic L< ,. and that Lots 3, 4, 5, arx:l 6
share a driveway arx:l Lots 2, 7, arx:l 8 share a driveway. He
pointed oot that 1990 has been ","","1 "'t'ed Year of the Oak by
the state leq1s1ature and reviewed the estimated values of
the;J b: : as. He ~ted that there be no
oo...:1t...l4tim of property arx:l that there be clearer marJdnq
on the shazp tum. He urged Oouncil to CCI'ISider all facts
and not be swayed by last IIÚmlte "'W"'" 1 s.
R1yllis Y'Uen, 10445 san Fernarx:lo Avenue, said that alt1nJgh
fairness, equity and ethics are less tan;Jible, they are
just as iDportant as other ;_~ being ñi",<,,'''''ed. She
said that the dn.1rt:h sold her and h2r husband the land and
new they want it back. 'I11e flyer advertising their heme
IoIhen they purchased it said it was on a cul-de-sac with a
private settinq. '!hey were not told that the pr'TQeed
devel'¥""".t WCA.Ùd use their property. Mrs. Y'Uen said that
she and her husband were not officially notified of the
first public hearing at the Plarming O:mIú.e"io:m. '!be
mailing list used was incorrect. A letter was sent to Bob
l.eon;J of Saratoga Inve'3tment CaIpany and not forwarded to
them althcu;Jh Mr. l.eon;J knew that they owned the property.
She asked if her rights didn't mean as I1U.lch as the
ROOert I.ecn'J, 20329 P1nntage Parkway, said that 104len he
bou;¡ht the p:t'q)Ørty frc:m the dn1rch, be did not !crIa.I what
the future of the c:hurd1 was. An agent sold the p:t'q)Ørty
and he perscI1ally had little 0CI1tact: with the YUens. In
regard to the notificatim, Mr. I.ecn'J said that his partner
had said he had talked to them. At the Plaminq
C"nTmIi ...<ian, the hearing had been adversarial and there was
no rocm for talk.
Warren M1aley, Bay Area Consultants, was available for
questicms frail Council and stated that the churc:.h has 00
peak ha.1r traffic so shoold not aà:1 to an:rt:!lll ootqestim.
Clayton staIœs, of the Ma1ta vista Bible 0nIrc:h, was
available for questions frail Cameil.
Gayle Bate, 10422 san Fernando, said that the two lots at
the end were originally part of the d1urch i'L...........ty 1oIh1d1
the d1urch sold. '!he hcmeowners have attended Planni.r¥1
ChrIniRElim and City Council and remain firm regardinq
keeping the integrity of the neighbOJ:~. 'lWo hOliSM have
already been c1a1e and now the church is askin;J for more.
Mr. COate addressed the measurement of the l1. Hf.
Diameters are """'''''.Ired at the 4-1/2 foot level. '!here are
not 60 :in:h diameter t.1: ~ TT m or near the i'L'+""Lty. He
showed pictures of trees and stated that they woold be
better off with the pavinq remcved. He pointed. out a
si:ub-cut tree.
ublic hearing It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman, seccn:1ed by Counc. Kqpel
closed and I"'''''ed 1.JMlÚJID.1s1y to close the p.lblic hearinq.
Council ~.....d that all possible steps IIIJSt be taken to
protect the LL --.
'!he City Att.ozney said that a p.lblic ..L<oodt is p.lblic use.
If Council determines that McClellan Rœd is less safe,
they woold be allowed to use c:x:n:Jemnatim. In regard to
oonseJ:Vatim ....-......ILs, Mr. Kilian said there are three
cc:noen1S regardinq the tl. s S': 1) HeM to cxn:iitim the
ðWLvva.l to require taJdn;J care of the t... -- during
oot...L<ùCtim. 2) A oandition to keep negative influences
ëMay. 3) Hew to enforce affirmative duties m p:t'q)Ørty
owners .
Mr. 0:7.Ian su::JgeSted the City require an annual report frail
an arborist to be paid for by the prqJerty owner.
Cancern was ~_oed by Cameil reqardinq lazge N:aæM m
small lets. Follc:JWin] further tii"""'R$im regarding
reduction of size of the haœs on Lots 6 and 7 to which HI'.
Roonsaville éi9L.....1 (no larger than 2500 sq. ft. each plus
the garage) and tii"""""o;;ion of certain other o::niitiCl'lS, it
was JlX:\fed by Counc. Szabo and sec::xn1ed by Counc. Koppel to
aR>rOlfEl the applicatim per Planninq rnnmi Resolutim
No. 4272 with the follcwirg IOOdificatians:
1. ::i.L1<U:.'.1' WIDENIR:;
'!be applicant will c:cIIplete street iDprcvements
(wideninq) m San F'ernaIù:I Avenue at the BlacIcbE\rry
Farm entrance to the satisfaction of the City
ED]1neer. '!be Director of Public WorJœ shall detemine
whether there is adequate width for pedestrians and
vehicles and, if r--~ary, widen the ..L<~ at the
turn to Blackbery Farm. (Falrth paragl.~. aJllØude..I.)
17. ~l:t<ICI'Ictr ctr SIDPE DIS'IURB1INCE
'!be property owner shall reocnd a deed re..L<ictim m
Parcels 5, 6, 7 and 8 which shall preclude modificatim
of the existinq land 0CI1ta1rs and destructim of
vegetatia1, and 10trlch shall pràÚbit gradinq activity
for any p.¡zpose dawnslq¡e of the 359' elevatim line.
'!be deed restrictim shall expressly pràÚbit d1mping
of excavated soils frail other areas in the ~1I:xtivision
m the creek bank m the \leSt side of IDt: 1.
20. 'IREE ~l:l<\I'ATIctr
D) ~ PRAC'l'Tt'"F..<:
4) Reao,i TRi decIdn:r:
a) At the precise deve1,¥""",L plan stage,
cIec::Id.1xJ DUSt be outlined an the plans within the
consezvatim ---... .L;J the tJ: - - . '!his c1ec:1dn:J
shall be a IIÚ.niJII.DD of 10 ft. - 15 ft. frail each of the
protected tree trunJa¡ and DUSt extend at least to the em
of the tree c:anq>ies. '!be exact cmnmt of space bet\¡ee¡.
the trunk and the c1ec:1dn:J shall be detennined by staff and
a certified artxdst and cannot be less than 1/3 of the
total tree CëI1'1CF.z' area.
E) ~1:t<ICI'I00 00 'IREE REM:!VAL
'!be subject cx:ntition is interx:led to ensure the
greatest chance for 1~ teJ:1n survival of the
specimen trees identified for retention. HowevP.r,
App. l2-U-88
in the event that any such L. ,Ii IIIJSt be r8IIIOY8d
due to irreversible di--~_ or hazardws
ccn:li t.i.c:I1s, as dete1:mined. by the C'nrmII "'1i ty
D8Y8l______rt.. Director in OCIlSUltatiat with a
certified arl:Jorist, said tree I1!IIICIYal permit shall
be i.....~ with the explicit ccn:litia1 that use of
the "11_ beneath the canq¡y of said tree shall be
restricted in the same mamer as if the specimen
tree _ still pl.~s ,.L.
'!he intent of this provisia1 is to nm:JYe any
imentive to intentimally hazm or weaken the
tree suål that its I1!IIICIYal tIOUld allOll for use of
the underlyinq land for activities, such as
install&tia1 of pools or watm:-intensive
lam~tn:J, Tod1ich tIOUld otherwise be precluded.
A l:xn1 of $10,000 shall be requinId for ead1 of
the four oaks an:! a spruce tree d1.1rinq
24. Lots 6 and 7 shall contain residences no larger than
2,500 sq. ft. each, plus the garage.
'Ihe 1IIJtim was adcptsd with Came. s......... nn and Counc.
l""""'tt dissentinq.
It _ maved by Counc. ICqpel, secx:rùId by Counc. s................,
and p"eged Ul1IInDcusly to c:x:ntirua Item No. 26 to an
adjc:mned meetinq m JUly 3, and authcrize the treasurer to
pay bills based upcIl t!1e old h~.
It _ DK:Ned by Counc. JI'q:pel, seo....:Jo:d by Counc. s........ nn
and l""eesd Ul1IInDcusly to also cx:nsider Itaas 31 throogh
the em of the _.da to JUly 3 followinq the hearinq of
Item No. 26. 'Ihe JUly 3 meet:in:J will start at 6:45 p.m.
RÐ~<;;: 10:10-10:20 P.M.
25. ~1 of Planninq rmoni....i.on a¡:prcval - ~licatia1
No. 12-U-88, pizzeria uno (Arthur Gunther), 19930
stevens Creek Boulevard. Alt-l filed by Victor J.
victor Dervin told Oouncil that, as related to traffic,
there were clistinct parts; the outdoor area was not
included in traffic oamts and it was InoI enclosed and the
parJdn;J lot is not big erx:u.Jh. Cars enter frt:m stevens
Creek BcW.evard, go to the back of the lot, fin:!. it is
full, car exits, enters the space in back of the furniture
MrntJl'ES OF '!HE JUU{ 2, 1990, RÐ:;UIAR CITY cx:xJNCIL MEE:I'DC
store. '!he art:door seatiIg area was meant for limited
use. Mr. Dervin'!> ëlf{"""'1 was based on the traffic
intensity performance s1:arrlard.
Jim JacIœa1, representin;¡' Arthur Gunther, said that this is
net urœr the trip end restrictim. A restaurant had bean
there befOl:e that guideline was in effect. '!he Pl.annin;J
/" and city Cameil policy erxxmages a1tdoor
di.nir¥;1. Originally, there were 190 seats :imoors and that
amamt remains the same. Exhibit A of the applicatim
shows a certain amamt of irdoor seating and a certain
amamt aItdoors. '!here has been no chan;Je in the canvas
top (awJ'lin;:). '!he chan;Je is that winda..Is can be lowered
when the weather requires. '!he awellant has made a
mi .........mptim believing that this is the first IID\Ie for
more permanent irooor seating.
Mr. Ccwan said the pt'q)erty is umer the trip end
naL<ictia1 and if council feels that the modificatim the seating :imoors, the trip end CŒ1Straint applies.
Arthur Gunther said he did net realize he ---..o.... a buildinq
pemit for the modificatim. He has tried to keep the same
exterior rlA.. ... and the trellis has been retained and will
be pIt back for the same~. He reviewed the
history of the original applicatim.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Fq;:pel, secxn:1ed by Counc. Sorensen
and p"e-eci \.InIInimaJSly to close the p.lblic hearinq.
It was IIICN8d by Counc. Szabo, secxn:1ed by Counc. Kf'tt:>el and
p"--9d unanimcusly to deny the '''It'""''1..
26. Hearin;J to adept Fiscal Year 199<>-91 operating h~,
establish app1:~1atim limit and ..........we the grært:.inq
of a negative n.:.r-1<!intim for the Five-Year capital
~~&L P.L~CIW.
(a) Resolution No. 8176: "A Resoluticn of the City
Council of the City of O,¡ Establishin¡ an
At.¥L,,¥.ciation Limit for Fiscal Year 1990-91."
(b) Resolution No. 8177: "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of O,¡ Adc.ptinq an
~ting and COnstruction aD;Jet for Fiscal Year
199<>-91 by Ratifyinq Estimates of Revenues to be
Received in Each F\md ani ~'-¥Liatin:J Marles
'!herefran for Specified PL'-";Law Activities ani
Aa:x:unt:s and settinq Forth Ca'xiitiCl'lS of
1Id:ninistering said B.D:Jet."
(Previoosly 0CI'Itinued to J\ù.y 3, 6:45 p.m.)
Public hearing
FY 1990-9l Budget
App. 3-U-90,
Jo11yman Park
mas ter p 1an
27. Na1e.
28. ~lication AS1IC 3~0 - CroutaI's IncolpcJLc1t.ed -
Rsquest for awraval of a precise ~l'ing plan and
buil~ colors for a previoosly ~ restaurant.
Located at 10100 scuth DeAnza Boulevard, sa.ttheast
<.An.lae.r of scuth DeAnza Eaàevard and cali AveßJ8.
Rt,(. ....""'1ded for awraval.
Jamis Mac:Niven, 22400 Skyline, Ia Hcn:2, l,¥- ,S dLln::J
croota1's, said that the buildinq as it exists looked very
bland tot1en the use of beige was tried. 'n1ere are other
palm L< - in 0Jf8rtin0 and the valley and Mr. Mac:Niven
""'tAI--"ed the opinim that the palm trees .f:'L"1...:sed for
Cralt:a\'s woùd be in Jœepinq with the area. '!he.f:'L' 'Y ~l
.f:'L nroed uses a III.1d1 lighter pink than the previous
.f:'L' ~1. Use of other b. -- was explored, however, they
did not fit.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Szabo and secc:I'ded by Came. Kqpel
to COWLUIfe the aßÙicatim per AS1IC Resolutim No. 1551.
Di.."" followed regardinq the color and the use of palm
L< -. '!here was particular ..............11 that it not be a
bright pink. Also, ,.H~easure was ~-- that the
.f:'L' 'I:<'Ø"I1 still ocnt:ained the use of palm U
'!he moti.a1 p"e-...., with Counc. r.ð1.-" and Came. Sol~_9I'1
l'1i-~ uUng.
29. Na1e.
30. Review and approval of revised master plan for Jollyman
Park renovation.
Director of Parks and Recreatim Dtwling reviewed
bac:lcgrOJnd of the Jollyman Park renovation wi th Cameil aM
the plan that was awraved previously. He stated there is
a need for a c::han3e in the design of the parkin] lot and
entrance. He presented a modified master plan wen
:iJx::1uded the ent:rance beinq m::JVed in a northerly directim.
Q:rn!rns of the residents in the area included the traffic
on Stelling !aid and the need aM locatim of the rœtrocm
and a Cctlœ$Sim buildinq.
James Gallivan, 7618 Eldenlocd CCUrt, said Jollyman shoold
be II'Ore of a neighborhcxxi park and not a sports c::œplex.
'!be cost to the City for the..... ",.osal is $1.1 milUm;
there will be a $10,000 a month maintenance. He expresEïed
a prà:¡lem'¿th that am the feelinq that the lIIŒIey ~d be
~ to better use in the classroan. He said the locatim
of the restroc.IIVsnack shack is bad. He reo .,.._,.ded that
the two :restroaDs being PL' 'l<eed be oanbined into one. He
.....".. _e-' the q¡inion that the cost estimated is
prå1i.bitive and su;¡gested that loam am seed be used to
even art: the field and that Jollyman be Jœpt as a
neighboJ:hood park.
Mr. Dtwling said that no new fields are being NŸ1.ø<i.
Ross Mc:O.ù.loch, 7459 De Ia Farge Drive, said he didn't Iax:Jw
if the snack shack and :restroaDs were a bad idea. '!be
Little League - i.. the revemI8 frail the snack shack. He
su"".,.."""tecl that the re..LL"""",/sœck shack be more """'1L<ally
lOC'lted. It is a small park. He BU:J:p:o"""tecl that b.1ildinq
not be closed during the year but be left cpm with
SCIIIIEIthing centrally located fO'C' both fields.
Sherri stPin, 7~5 I)"""", a nutritiaú.st, said she does not
want a n ,":%I"'D at its .....~ loc:atim. She also spoke
aqainst a ønack shop. She said the yart:h sports groops are
there to provide exercise and net junk food. She asJœd
ClJe&tiCl'lS regardin] bleachers and their heights and was
~.... n_i there ~d be three tier alumiraml bleachers. She
said that there are already vagxants in the area and she
wanted good surveillance. She ~ eed .:x».c...m regardin]
litter, mged for patrollinq of lip:: ~1"'J am "fP'!""J ed to
Oouncil to make the park a safe place.
Maureen Peon, 7573 I)""".. Drive, said that she shared
Sherri 's CXI'ICE!mS am asked 1oi1at to do if there were a
prowler. She was told she shcW.d call 911. Ms. Peon said
the residents are m permanent guard duty. She~
there be no snack shack, l::ut that Little League have
fI.Indraisers during the year.
R. L. carlsat, 7562 no""".. Drive, spaIæ in ~t. of
organized sports and mged the City to provide 1oi1at they
need, but not at this small park. He stated that the
..... 'to' .....1 cost too III.ICh lIIŒIey for three m::nths of the Little
League S--<OIY\. Also, aesthetics is a prà:¡lem. Mr. carlsen
stated that the secœd restroc:m is not m-~.ø<i.
(CX::--' 9 J )
Mark ~, 10715 Orline CoJrt, of the 0Jpertin0 Natia1al
Little League ani also a referee for A'iOO, said the field
is beirq used currently and is not beinq maintained. He
said the park's ''Palm trees" is the restroaD,Isnac:k shack.
Little League requires storage roan for III!Ú.lTtenIInC
equipnent and m-~" the snack shack. '!be oallOBssim starñ
will make DDre than O,¡ Little League is IIIIIkin:¡ new
sellinq thin;Is off a cazà table. '!be Little League charter
allows a1ly me furDraiser a year. '!his wculd not allow
for the raising of enoogh m::re¡ . Jollymlll1 was a108 an
i:qIraved field¡ he wculd like it to return to that. t1pc:n
beinq asIœd about the possibility of oad:¡ininq the
l....LL........ and cuzve of the 1)"""" Drive bourmry, Mr. ~
said that wculd be all right; however, ball players wculd
&till go to neighbol11ood 001SeB to use the facilities.
Teny Hoffman, 11525 Up1an:i way, CUpertino Natia1al Little
League, said he has been involved in QJpertino sports two
years and 5unnyva1e sports seven years. 0Jpertin0 is the
a1ly sectia1 of the Natia1a1 Little League that has no
field facilities at parks and no snack shac1œ. '!be
participants ani fans wculd be DDre likely to buy thin;¡s if
the snack shack is close to their locatim.
Jo Celio, 1047 COlcny Hills Lane, said Jollyman has always
been a pane for kids to play ball. She did net beliEMI the
family area r....L......... shcu1d be OCIIbined with ball game
t_L..u:u. separate areas shculd be available for separate
age graJpS.
Jack waters, 7547 De Ia Farge Drive, said he did net want
the L..-L......... and snack bar right across f1:aD his hoJse. He
.......... egd sJœpticism aba1t litter CuL..ul ani Bl¥JO'D""ted
a1ly me n...LL....... or oad:¡ined restroaDS in the center of
the park.
Patsy I1.Iniewski, 7624 De Foe Drive, asked ocunc:il net to
pIt the I.....LL....... in the comer as planned as it i'T"'~
raore pecple. She Sl..N=""ted perhaps just me restrcx:m ani
then the other blilclin:J beinq just a snack shop.
Co.Incil t'liRn'~~ oad:¡ininq the restroaDS ani the locatim
of the blilclin:J. '!hey æ:..r-""<.'I the need for good
visibility for safety's saJœ and poor visibility for the
It was II¥:Mi!d by Came. ~l, SE!CXJnjed by Counc. GoJdman
and pa<:'!*'d 4-1 with Mayor Rcgers dissentin;, to a¡:prave the
i'L' 'iJOSØd Dr:XÜficatim E!)O "'i'l that the oad:¡ined'snack shack blilclin:J shall be relocated slightly
to the east of the QJZV8 in the parlt alcn;r the ~ of
the QJZV8 to I)_a Drive æm.y trca the }'L~ty line J::ut
still visiN. to public safety arxl other vehic1_ drivinq
by (See Exhibit A). '!he seoad I_t......... shall be
eli.Ja.inated. Mayer Rcgers ""'1-" -......, prefbL.....c.. for the two
Oouncil WIllI int... ...AlI that the -vii ~1.cati.œ shculd be
started around the end of 81---. '!he l~ port.icn will
be ~ II. 'Ibe Little Iægue WIllI urged to poliœ the
grcunda. In regant to a basJætball ccurt, Mr. Ccwlinq
replied that will be evaluated and oculd be an alt&mate
plan in the bid p--.".. By...o& In_, Oouncil ~.-1.
At. 12:30 a..., ocuncil adjourned to 6:45 p..., 'l'- '1>oy,
JUly 3.
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(T1'Il OF ~, ~ OP CM!PCRID.
10300 'lUKl<l:; AVЫJE, CUPERTIN::>, CA 95014
TEIEPfI:IŒ: (408) 252-4505
CI'lY exu«:IL HErD (If JULY 2, 1990, CXU«:IL awmER,
CITY HALL, 10300 'lUKl<l:; AVЫJE, aJPERl'I1«), CAI..IR:RIIA
CArL 'ro æIER
'!he meeting was called t:> order by Mayor Ib;pBrs at 6: 05
Came. PL HIlt:
Goldman, Kqpel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rogers
staff PrSsellt:
City Manager Brown
City ClerK COrnelius
Mayor Rega.. amcunoed that Oouncil waùd new adjourn to a
Closed Sessia1 for labor negctiatiaw with the City
Manager .
At 6:25 p.m., Oouncil l"eC:DM!ned in Oouncil ~r.
Counc. PreS_It:.:
Goldman, SOleLBn, Mayor Rogel..
staff Pres !'lit:
City Manager Brown
City Clerk COrnelius
City Attorney Kilian
It was DK:Ned by Ccunc. s........ m, 1IeCQo.:Jo:d by Counc. 1'"....1-"
and l"'ee«l unanimcus1y (3-0) to ............". a 5\ saluy
ID::rease for the City Manager and padcage as per other
At 6:27 p.m., the meeting was adjoorned.
City ClerK
10300 'lut<t<l:; AVENUE, a.'t'U<.l'.uI), CA 95014
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
CI'lY HALL, 10300 'lU<tQ; AVENUE, ~, CAI.IFC:RŒA
SAI.l1I'E 'ro '!HE FIÞ.G
'!be meeting was called to order by Mayor ~.. at 6:50
Counc. !"res Hit:
Goldman, Kqpel, SOrensen, Szabo, Mayor ~
sta-Ff PreS<'lIt.:
City Manager Brown
City Clerk COrnelius
Director of Public ~k.o Viskavic:h
Director of Chml1'dty Devel,¥""",L Cowan
Director of Finan:Je snyder
Assistant to the City Manager Brown
Director of Parks and Rsc:reatia1 Ccwlinq
City Attorney Kilian
26. HearinJ to adept Fisc:a1 Year 1990-91 ~ hrigPt,
establish ..........'-¥Llatim limit and ~u>18 the g:rant:inq
of a Negative """""'ratim for the Fi~Year capital
Inprcveœnt p¿.~GIII.
(a) Resolutim No. 8176: "A RIIIsolutia1 of the City
a:u.cil of the City of QJpertino Establiahinq 1m
~'-¥Liatim Limit for Fiscal Year 199D-91."
Director of Finan:Je snyder reviewed his l"'t-'JL L with
It was IIrNed by Counc. Kqpel, seoalded by Counc. Sorensen
and I""""«t UJ1êIlÙJIIasly to close the public hearing in
regard to establishin¡ an ðwL'-¥Liatim limit.
FY 1990-9l
Public hear ing
Rl's. 8176
Public hearing
Res. 8177
MEE:l'nC (œ-793A)
It was JIX:IIIed Ì7j cnmc. ~, seoo..:Jo:d by cnJnc. Sorensen
am pa",ged ~ly to adcpt Resoluticrl No. 8176.
(b) Resolutim No. 8177: "A Resolutim of the City
Council of the City of 0Jpert.in0 At:Iqrt:inq an
Operatinq and O:r'Istructim 9.Ià]et for Fiscal Year
1990-91 by RAtifying Estimates of Revenues to be
Received in Each F\m1 and Awr-vydatinq
'n1erefrcm for Specified PL'-";Law Activities and
Þ.coa.Ints and 5ettinq Forth Ccn:titiCl'lS of
Administering said 9.J:!get."
Director of Finance Snyder reviewed his L"¥JL t with
'!be city Manager addressed Cameil ~ the request of
QJpertino Library and stated that after review of the
request, he did not feel it was a wise deletim. He
recJ' ....-. ~ that their request for an increase be included
in +.:he 1990-91 h~.
Gerald M.1lvey, Vice C1ai.Ipersa¡ of the Library t"nnmi_im,
told Council that the requested fundinq is required to
maintain the CULL....L level of sezvios. sunday is the
busiest day of the week at the l.ibraIy and in view of the
usage, he \mjed that the rec> ·..·--'ñd increase in funds be
granted. Volunteers are used significantly in vazyinq
"'~ities Wen the library is open. MaJ:y Ann Wltll_,
QJpertino Librarian, can provide statistics.
MaJ:y Ann Wallace told Cameil that the library does use
volunteers, !Jut they cannot be used to taJœ the place of
trained staff. 'Ihey are used to supplement that staff.
It was DK:Ned by Came. Kqpel, seoa.:Jo:d by Counc. Sorensen
and I"'-sd UJ1êIlÙJIIasly to close the public hearinq
rega.rc:Ung the qJeratinq and oct1St:ruc:tim Þ"7t for the
next fis<-al year.
It was DK:Ned by Came. Ifqpal and BeCa1ded by Counc.
Sorensen to adqñ: Resolutim No. 8177 ameJdeù to include an
additiCl1al $9400 for the QJpertino Library.
Director of Finance Snyder sul:Initted a PL' ~ amen:1ment
to Sectim 3.1 statinq, '''!he City Cameil's intent is that
MEEI'IlC (CX::-793A)
cpm1tirY;1 expeIlBBI!! frc.m each separate fun:l will not .... .......1
operatirq resaJrCU for the 199C>-Gl J:u::k:Jet. '1'0 that end,
the City Manager is directed to achieve that balance
t:h.rcugh the operatia1al savin:Js or revenues that ~
estimates .
To the extent that reverues ~ expen:iitures, the City
Manager is authorized to carry that ___e aver into
departmental ocntingencies for the subsequent fiscal year."
Came. Kq:pEol acoept.ed the ammrlment as did Counc.
upan being asJœd questiCl'lS regardinq the $8~0, 000 increase
in the Capital ~uv_jL PL"':ILC'.JIl, Mr. Snyder stated that
sum reflected $500,000 for the CUpertino Sports center and
$350,000 for Jollyman ParK.
Followin:J questi.cns regardinq the definitim of "fast
t.rackint' , Mr. VisJa:wich defined the fomal bid J;AL' 0('-- and
"fast 1:rëIckint' \ihiÒ1 Oa1Sists of infODlllÜ. bids,
sÚll1lt:anecu<3 warJc, and solvinq prct¡lems as they are
\.IlX'XM!l'ed. He explained the differenoe betweeI, the tnnM1
and inf~l bid ;AL''L~e. He stated that he oculd provide
the infomatim regarding the J;AL' <-".... in writirq.
Came. Goldman directed that each task and activity have
full SCNtiny.
City Att.ozney Kilian -q?1Ained that in -~ICY situatiCl'lS
when the formal bid ;AL"~ _e camat be dcne, the City
Manager can a¡:praYe inf~ 1 bids. Fœ:mal bids JØJSt 0CI!Ie
to city Oouncil. If a job is estimated to be CII8r $50,000,
the fODlllÜ. bid ;AL' <:--- is iDplemented if it is net an
emergerx::y repair.
Came. Goldman ""'to'L~....ed omœm regardinq the definitim
of "fast 1:rëIckint' and the possibility of violatinq City
ordinances. He asJœd hew the soope of warJc was determined
under the "fast track" method and deteminatim of the
specific soope of work.
Mr. viskDvich said there is an aHJOinq list develqJed
durinq the 1o'Ork.
City Manager Brown said that soumed as if the cost of roof
repairs at the center was the a1ly possible candidate for
beinq aver $50,000. If the estimate for the roof is aver
the amamt allowed and the need for repairs is net an
h,,,,,,'w"H"te E!IIIeZgenCy, the regular pIOC-b,'1"8 will be
~ (œ-793A)
Came. Goldman then asked the sequence of t.enant
iIIprovements, Le., carpet, wallpaper, etc. Will the
iDprcvements be dale and then potential vendors be shawn
the site or will the 1oIOrk be dale to the vendout' d1oice?
Mr. Viskavid1 replied that at this time, it is planned that
the ilIprcvements will be dale and then the facility will be
shawn to potential V8hi...... '!he 1_ should be a higher
IIIIDD'1t ........"".... the roildinJ will be in an iDprcved state.
'Ihe City will provide the basic t:hfIIIe and colors. '!he
venjor oculd then pay to do any ~ extras.
'!here was JDOre di .....1SSim regardinq the interim use of the
facility and the City's inv.....t......,L in it.
Counc. l"~'-r¡ ~ .......... the opWm that the..... ,,:sBd
$100,000 for appearance iJIpravements wuld be better set
aside :md used as vendors 1_ the pt'q)8rt:y and tell us
their - ~"'. He urged Council to recousider expenditure of
these fI.1n1s until a solid venjor is in p"'~.
Mr. Ccwling stated that the RFP 14-ùC"""e is clearly haDp!red
by the ccn:titia1 of the roildinJ.
Mr. Brown said that he asø>mWI the i!IIDIInities will be the
last things dale. staff oculd ask vl!!nJol.. ~t is best for
them and oaœ back with r""-:' ····-'1datiCl'lS. Mr. Viskavic:h
said the roof, kitchen «;I"ipl-·.L and other basic
r----ities oculd be ~eted, b1t no de....u.ative features
dale. HcwBYer, the City wuld then have a roildinq that
wuld not be OCI'ISistent. He asked Council for direc:tim.
Counc. Goldman said he was not askinq Mr. Viskavid1 to
slew down, b1t did ask who was selectinq the carpet and
other amenities. Doesn't that oaœ to Oouncil? He
~-œd there be &allples for tenants to c:booea fran.
Came. Goldman stated that he wuld like to ëIIIII!!Iñ the
m:7tion to include a delay of tenant inpravements until
Cameil receives infomatim fran the RFPs.
Came. Kq:pel stated that she believes she will not d1arJ3e
direction and there is a m:7tim and secxni m the floor.
Mr. Viskavid1 told Council that the plan is to use the same
color theme as the rY'OIWIIInùty center and City Hall. It will
oaœ to Council first. Mr. Viskavid1 is not defendinq any
partio.üar ..... ,:-eee, b1t does want Cameil directim.
MEE:1'1N:; (œ-793A)
'I11e City Attorney stated that in 1989, the california
Public Ccntracts Code was revised and those usin:1 the
uniform J\cxnmting system (City of a¡pertino uses this
system) ooold use the infomal bid procl'ee for projects up
to $75,000. It does require an ameniment to the City's
current ordinance.
staff was directed to return to Cameil with such an
ordinance. 'I11e Director of Public ~k.o will lc¡.1ULL to
Cameil with the list of 1Dprovements and their costs as
they "'ÇIC'I1IIII11ate.
Folla.rinq Cameil request for a definitim of "tenant
ÍlIpraVements" as . H< nd to code bpravement.s and the
desire for uniform carpetinq t:hrc:u:;¡bwt the buildinq, Mr.
Viskcviå1 stated that tenant iJJpravements are ocnsi.dered
cazpet and paint. 'Jbe plan is for a bluish-gray carpet and
white walls.
'!here was no seocnd to Counc. Goldman's _""-,L.
Came. Goldman then st.,...--œct an illlllln:b-IL to the IIIOtiat to
define tenant ÍlIpraVements as cazpet c.rñ paint. Counc.
~1 and Counc. Sorensen aoc"'!·led the 8merll:h..e,,,L and the
matim as ameroect ws adq:Ited UJ1êIlÙJIIasly.
Mayor Rcgm:s ~-ted that Camcil ocnsider a t1oIo-year
~ in 1991. Counc. Sorensen suggested a Citizen Review
Cœ!mittee for the ""7': next year.
Ann An;Jer stated she was glad to hear that the library is
qettinq their ~ furœ. She asJr-' quøstiaw
reqarcli.rq the furñ åIar¥Je for 7'~ clean-up and ~
furñ the ..L<.-t .H~ing would be oaainq t%œI. She_
infn~ there was nc å1aBJe in those two it:&IB and they
wtW,d reœin as they are i'L Sl.,Uy.
31. Request fran the City of ItJs Altos for a resolutia1 of
no åJjection to the PL' ~ reorqanizatim of
~tely .26 acres t%œI CUpertino ØP1ere of
influence; prq:¡erty located m st. Jœ!ph Ave:ue, just
south of current ItJs Altos City limits, "st. JOBeP1
Avenue 90-1".
Los Altos
'St. Joseph 90-01'
Wilson Park/
Fremont Older
site plans
MEEl'ING (œ-793A)
Al tel:natives:
(aj Resolutim No. 8178: "A Resolutim or C:nalrrerx:e
by the City Council of the City of 0:Ipe.rtin0
Rega..rt:lin:J the PL· p::osecl Rearganizatim of
Uninhabited Territory Known as 'st. Jose¡:h Aveme
90-1' by the City of IDs Altos."
(b) Resolutim No. 8179: "A Resolutim of the City
Council of the City of CUpertiIX> Set:t.inq Date for
Calsideratim of ArInexin;J Area Designated 'st.
Joseph Averuæ 90-1' by the City of IDs Altos,
Property m st. Jose¡:h AV8rI.Ie Scuth of
Ouu,.1t IDs Altos City Limits."
(c) No 0Ian:Je.
Mr. Cowan rev~ the request received tzaa the City of
Lœ Altos for a c::han;Je in the of infl\BDt.
I3cb SI·..··....· .., repreøentinq the Bishcp of San Jœe, said the
prr::perty in cpISticn did belCl1q to the tbm::ñ and the
feeling is that this is a ploy of IDs Altos to clœe ~ft
to the SE!IIIinary. 'Ihe àuJrc:h is against a àmnge in the
sphere of influence.
Dr. David a...d..., FIIrlœ and Recr8aticn,
~--'9cl ag:k:~iL with Mr. ~·.._·_..a. 'D1øre:is Qu..I,.auUy a
large I!IIIDD'It of traffic m Cristo Rey. RarIcbo san Anta1io
is very I"'P11 'I" as a III1lti-re.:ä...atimal area. 'Ihe )'L'¥"L'ty
in quest.ic:n 11Il!I'J t-. ..- a strategic piece of land in the
future for 8/X' -ft to NC.l..atim.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. ~, seoc:nded by Counc. Sorensen
and P"~'!I'ed unanimcus1y to direct that there be no àmnge in
the sphere of influenoe.
32. Review and selectim of me of the three plans for
Wilsat ~ Older Så1col site solutia1.
Mr. Dtwlinq reviewed the plans. Plan A waüd require
aà:litia1al reverue. students \Ialld ccntirua to use the
site until ~ck Så1col is OCIIplete. Plans B and C
co.ùd serve as n-lwp plans as no aà:litia1al resooroes are
n ~. 'Ihe Parks and Rec.:reatim :hnni "'-",im had
unanimcus1y ~'8d Plan A.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kq'pel, seoc:nded by Counc. Goldman
and I"'''9ed unanimcus1y to qprave Plan A, ret:ainirx;J 5.6
acres of play fields lit Wilsa1 ParX and purå1asing all
F),~IL Older frail aJpertino union Så1col District. '!he
0JpertiIX> unim Sdlool District will develop the 18 lots at
Wilson !'k':hool site as a¡:proved in their Cl.u.LtslIL snbdivisim
MEETING (œ-793A)
33. Cansideratim of a resolutim urgiIq a 20% water
cutback ~ the state.
(a) Resolutim No. 8180: "A Resolutim of the City
Cameil of the City of CUpertiIX> Urginq a 2M
Water c::utback 'Ihrooghc:A1t the state of california."
Came. Kq:pel requested that Council adept this resolutim
for the p.IIpOSe of IIEI1'1dinq it to the League of california
Cities for their october cxnfE:u,u,..".
It was III:JIIed by Counc. ~l, seconded by Came. Sorensen
and passed \.1I'1i'II'limaly to adept Resolutim No. 8180.
34. Report frail interim use l'Y'W'I'Iftittee regartlin;J t_.t"L<Sty
plan for 0Jpertin0 Sports Center.
Director of PaJ:iœ and Rscreatim Dtwling said there have
been SCIIIe chan;Jes in the plan since it was oriqinally
devised, as there have been chan;Jes in the situatim. '!be
interim plan takes the City thraçh 1990. '!be item was not
ili"'<:"lS'eed at length by the Parks and Recreatim n--i_i.a\
at their last meet:.inq as it was ~ curfew at the
()linlan n-mll'1ity Center. However, the n--i_ia1 did
r&. ....""'1d, by a 4-3 vote, to ednse tt.e Interim Use
CCmIIittee's reo ····-datim with the deletim of the sand
volleyball ocurts. Items 4 and 5 are no la¡ger no- sry.
'Ibis is a t_·t vXary plan and when there is mare infozmatim
regardinq the D,i 1 <'Ii rg and Ve1d......, an interim plan will be
develc:ped. '!be master plan will be _i1"~e in 3-5 years.
Dick I.åImiller, 1191 stafford !)rive, and T'-'~~I of the
Interim Use n--ittes, said there are SCIIIe philcsc::ptical
i"'9'_ left to diAn'GG. '!be næI8 of the facility ......--n
ocnfusim, there are prcblEIIIS of reY8I'IJ8 ."....m:atia1, and
the method cf financinq """-'9'1' prcblEIIIS with possible
tenants. He requested that Oouncil CXIIIIIJI'Ùcate ite
philosqny to the l'Y'W'I'Iftittee. '!be ,.,...,."ittee wculd like to
see uses ,.;;her than tennis there, !Jut requests that Ocuncil
aß)roVe tl-...;:! t-'\ÙLary plan as amended by the Parks and
Recreation, then have the interim tYWmIittee
re-evaluate the five unlit cnlrts.
Allen 5nyàer, 10534 Meteor Place, asked if anytßI had
talked to other cities with similar facilities.
Mr. DtwliIq said he had talJœd to others, !Jut the ~ of
facilities of the center makes it a unique situatim.
Mr. Snyder asked if perhaps the city oculd be gettinq in
over its head.
ater cutback res
Res. 8180 adopted
Cupertino Sports
~ (œ-793A)
Di"""''''''''im followed regard.i.nJ the idea of a City Ca.1ncil/-
Parks and Rec::r:ætiayInterim Use rn....ittee joint meetin¡.
Several ocunci1.........n....S stated that the pUlO&C:l(iJy is that
very SOCI'1 it should be a IIUlti-sports facility and that the
City m-"''' to m:JYe to get saaethinq besides tennis at that
locatim as that was '<krj it was p..m:hased. A master plan
is -r;:\ed quickly and tl'.e center should be a true
1IIJlti--8p(nts facility.
Counc. Goldm11n ~.."....--ted that the interim cxmdttee be
given a 9o-œ.y limit and the Parks and Recreatia1
rn....i ...icn 0CIII8 back with a timetable for preparatim of a
master plan.
Council ñi""""eeed the desi.rability for a master plan to be
developed for the entire ~ial Park ~lex and not just
the Q.lpertino Sports center.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. K.oppel and seoalded by Counc.
&n.... Hn to ~U'J8 the staff reo=- ····-·ldatim as _1IJe..1 to
delete Item B and direct ~uatia1 of the five unl '-,
ccurts. '!be m::Jtim was adcpted unaniDr:IUsl.y.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman and seocn3ed by Counc.
Keppel to direct the Parks and Recreatim rn....i ....icn to
return to Oouncil with a timetable for a master plan Vúål
in::1udes the 0Jpertin0 Sports center and the Mr..u...L.ia1 Park
~lex as SOCI'1 as possible with the clear directia'1 that
there be a 1IIJltiplicity of sports at the 0Jpertin0 Sport
center .
E::i Hirsc:hfie1d, -¡ Ell of the:interi.JD ..........ittee, said he
was unclear abcut the period between the t--.,. ...ary plan and
the master plan. '1bere is no possibility that the master
plan will be in p1_ by 0c::t:ciJer 1. '!be center will be
ready in 0c::t:ciJer. He ~_--ted that Oouncil direct the
interim ..........ittee to re-initiate the RFP process and keep
that ..........ittee for that pro_e.
'!he previoos DDtim was adc.pted unaniJDcusly.
It was moved by Mayor Rogers and seoc:n3ed by O:u'x::. K.oppel
and pel91!'ed ~y to direct that the Interim Use
Carmittee shall remain active mrtil the interim use is
REr.:ESS: 9:20-9:30 P.M.
MEITING (œ-793A)
City Manager Brown suggested to Oooncil that it the interim
rY'OmIittee to OCI'Itirue, they have ~ directim. He
suggested a joint meet:in:J held at the Sports center and
that a tour be included at that meeting. '!here TOI11ti be a
short agenda listing i~"'" being debated at this time.
'!be meetinq oculd start m 'l'" day at 5:00 p.m.
By c::x:nIenSUS, Mr. Dtwling was directed to þ1. T ,jL to
cnmcil at their meetinq of JUly 16, a list of i....n..... and
questiCl'lS fran the interim CYWIWIIittee. A joint meetinq was
mt sd1eduled.
35. ~e for selectia1 of o...~m ~·"".L Plan
Þqercy l_ S_ILative fran West Vall~- cities.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman, secx::nB:l by Counc. Szabo
and rass«i unanimcus1y to I~ ····-·d that CUpertino be the
L_ s¡,.d:4tive and the City ot ...··I~.ell be alternate.
It was IIICIII8d by Came. Szabo, secx::nB:l by Counc. 5œ:e...l8n
and I"'Ie'3«i unanimcusly to nc:minate Ccunc. Kq:pel as the
L~L e-entative if the selectia1 is done by perBa1. If
Counc. I<'qJpel is defeated, the Mayor has the latitude to
IUt another name m the table, includinq her own.
By 0CI'ISenSUS, Oouncil approved the follCMinq: 'lhe
reo ·..·...·ldatim that L_ s _d.atia1 to the o....".-tiat
Mana." .-. .L Plan Iqttrcy fran the West Valley cities be by
city with the L_ V t..Latim and rotatim determined by
preferential vote. 'lhe appointee cculd be defeated by a
3/5 vote and art:! city ooùd dIcose to pass by JIICIVinq CŒI
step down. If a vac:arcy were to occur in the
L_ st lLative'S positim, the alternate would 1IICI\/8 into
the positim and the city of the vacating oamcil ,,_.J C'
wo.lid rotate down CŒI step. 'lhe alterrnte wo.lid then sm:ve
the additia1al full tem deperx!irç m the balance left in
the vacated tem. If a vac:arcy oocurred in the alternate's
position, the rotation wo.lid ocntinue. '!he L_ es !'uLative
and alternate may be advised, t:ut mt directed in their
vote, exi::q·L in special c:i.rcumstanoes, with a 3/5 vote of
the city.
36. Request for release of oontin.:Jent lot in seven Sprin;¡s.
It was m::IVed D'f Came. ~1 and seoonjed by COline.
Sorensen to authorize staff to release the fifth lot.
FollCMinq discJSSion regarding possible sale of the lots,
the DDtion was adc¢.ed unaJ"I.i.m:x:;ly.
CPMA rep.
Seven SprinRs iot
Stevens Creek
~. .~ ~ ¡O,." '_"_.', .7"1""~-
MIN!.1nS OF '!HE JUU{ 3, 1990, ~ REGUIAR c:rtY CDJNCIL
MEE:I'IKõ (œ-793A)
It was ~_""ted that the pouible sale of tM four
remaininq lots be re K'''"'''i1'led in .........."'.d_tely three 1IIa"Jt."W
or so.
37. Request for clirectim regardin;J santa Clara co.¡nty
Pll1l11'1inq ChmIi ....ion referral - 5tev8œ Creek Quarry use
pend t.
By oa1SeI1SIJS, Council c:lirec""...ed stðft to FAX the County
P1.annin;J a letter :reo:. ~dirq they 8IItabl1øh a
yearly CIlpeldty limitatia1 tor the entire cpera1:ia1, limit
recyclinq ':>aBed m analysis of a 10-20 year thIa period,
and limit extensim to a five--year period. QJuncil also
authorized staff to file an 'lß'""'1 it the County Planning
ChmIi ~ the 8RÙic:atia1 as ra:pested by the
38. Mayor Rcge1:B ~ aIxut a letter ngardin¡ st.
Alù:&._B ArIEnian ChD:å1.
HI:. Cowan stated he was gett.inq mare data and the c:burt:b is
çplying for scme minor å1anges.
39. SeocuJ readinq and --.:' IL of ordinance No. 1524:
"An Ordinance of the City Oouncil of the City of
CUpertino Amerxiin¡ QuIpt""'l' 1l.24.l5O of the o.;.rtino
!brl.cipal COde Rslatin:¡ to stq:pinq, st:.anr:!in¡, or
Parki.Jq m Soenic Boulevard. II
By cx::I1SEIrSUS, Council Ca1t.irJJed this item to the ~ of
JUly 16 and requested a staff L.........t.
40. None.
41. Oral reports by staff 11_.~ oE([$.
Council received a L.........L regardinq the Fourth of .JUly
planned activities.
42. Update m status of City center CXIIplex, saltheast
comer of stevens creek Boulevard and DeAnza Boulevard.
MEE:rIN::; (œ-793A)
Mr. Brown said he does have a dratt I.~L tJ:aa Mr. stiebel
which he will forward to Oouncil prior to th8 I1BICt Cit'¡
Cameu meetinq.
45. Counc. ("'-'¡ - Leqis1atiV8 RIIview no-ittee - It 'iIIaS
moved by Counc. Szabo, seoouc1&J by Counc. Jfqptl arx:l
I'<'9ð9d unan.imcusly to qpose 58 2447 -.:tinj
Mello-Rcos legislat".icn.
At 10:40 p.m., Oouncil adjaJm8tl to a Cloøed sesaia1
regardin;J a 1_ ðCþ.........,L with O,¡ thicn Schcol
District and the possible lease and p.¡ràIase of prcparty.
Oruncil announced tlmt m JUly 16 at 4:00 p.m., there will
be a study sessim to reviøi th8 results of th8 survey
regardin:¡ a p:¡øa.1b1e ballot """"11'8 and to qiva lltaff
directim m a tax .....~"..u:a.
Cameil recc:I'IW!I'1ed in qø1 8 i<'1'1 at 11:40 p.m.
CD..1n:. B. Ii ~_L:
Goldman, JCq¡pel, Su....._., Szabo, Mayor Rogers
Staff Pl r .L:
City ManIIger Brown
City Clerk OamIllius
Direct:or of Public 1i.u:k. VisJcøvid1
Directar of n-m"1ity DIIYal,I -tl Cowan
City Att.ozney Kilian
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Jrq:Ipel, ........c' by O:UX::. Su.... 11.1
and p"ð'"-"'d unan.imcusly that: lltaff I'L' .; ~ as per Cloøed
sessim reganiínq lease of œrtain øchcol sites tor use as
cp!J1 space. Regardin:¡ the possible ~1i"iticn of Wllsat
and Fl:eu....IL Older sites, there was no need for act.ia1.
At 11:45 p.m., Council adjaJm8tl to 4:00 p.m., Mr:n:åy, J\:ly
16, for review of th8 survey and c1irecticn m a possible
tax mA;itqn"f!.
Citf ClerK
Legialative Revit
Closed Session