CC 08-01-90
10300 lut<Kt; A"JENUE, aJPERl'IN:), CA 95014
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
'!be meet:in:J was called to omer by Mayor Rogers at 7: 10
Counc. PI:s [lit:
Goldman, Kq:pel, Szabo, Mayor Rogers
Came. Absent:
staff PL S!1d.:
City Manager BrOlIn
City Clerk COmelius
Director of Public worts Viskovidl
Director of C'rwmITI1ity D8Y8l'¥""".L Cowan
Assistant to the City Manager Brown
Director of Finance Snyder
Director of Parks and ReG.l...atim Ccwlin:J
Public Informatioo Officer KI:ey
city Att.ozney Kilian
1. Resolutim No. 8186: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of QJpertino DeclariJJ¡ its :rnt:Amtia1 to
order Vacatia1 of a Partia1 of Feltm Way IDeated Sa1th
of KiJ:win lane as Provided in S8ct.iat 8320 et: seq. of
the SLL_ts and Highways 0:xJe of the state of
califorl'lia, Fixinq Time and Place tar Public Høarin¡
and Providing for Notice '!hereof."
It was JOOVed by Counc. JCrfpel, seoc:nied by Counc. Goldman
and passed unanim::usly (4-0) to ~ Resolutim No. 8186
which sets the pililic hearirq for the meetinq of September
4, 1990.
CXXJNCIL 1-IEEI'lliG (œ-794A)
2. Request fran Santa Clara Ballpark Joint ~
Authority (JPA) for review of ballpark financinq
PL' p--"""'] arxl re,¡ joint powers ag1:eeJloelrt: authorizinq
specific taxin:J authority to the JPA.
city Manager Brorm said that he ~d defer cœments to the
others p:r ,sent with technical infonnatim.
Ran Ga1zales, -r of the Board of SUpervisors arxl Joint
~ Authority, introduced /'Ii_lf arxl atl1er
l~L : sentatives of the J1.~ 1JL S ellt. 'Ibese incl\X1ed Larry
stone, City of SUnnyvale CcU'ICil, and stan Berliner, legal
advisor. He reviewed a let:ter to the JPA frail the Giants.
'!be acticm to be oansidered by Cameil is a¡:proval of the
JPA ac;¡leeué.llt. Also, if Council awraved the JPA, they
~ requested to ëSRJOint a lepnse-Jrt:ative. Mr. Ga1zales
reviewed a location map, site plan, the Santa Clara ball
park element, a $"_"1' of the Giants ' 1JL' '(. """1, and
l'L...y:sed p,lblic costs. t1nkr1cwns are still a possible.
envL...........ttal :I:øpact L"'t"JLL and the Ieslie Salt 1JL'¥"Lty.
'!he financing mechanism 1JL' 'l" rro is a utility users tax.
Sha.1ld reveru.¡e !ran that tax eJO:'Ded - - fie:, the JPA could
look at and possibly lower the tax or pay off the bc:n:is at
an early date. '!be tax sunsets at the payoff of the bc:n:is.
Mr. Gonzales stated he is aware of CUpertiIX>' s dll_
(possible city utility users tax for puràIase of ~
'3paœ) . 1fcT.æver, the JPA is asJdn¡ no Dm'e of O,¡
than it is of other cities and the COUnty. He stated he
~d be glad to wor'Á with SUpezvisor McKenna to do
everythinq possible. He _............. the c:pWm that this is
a ax::e in a lifetime c::hance; let the voters decide. He is
not asJdn¡ the city's en.ior~IL, merely to give the
voters a c::hance to decide.
Larry stone, 1373 Bedford AverA.Ie, 5unnyvale, stated that he
felt the primary benefit to the area is intanqible. A
professional ballpark 1o'QÙd help Santa Clara COUnty Me:> .....
a well-roorx!ed met:rqx>lita."1 area. He also urged that
Council let the voters decide. Upa\ beinq aa'-'l toIhy if
this ~ a regiŒ1iÙ i"....Ie, H:!rgan Hill, Mente Sereno, Los
Altos Hills, and scme nt'Wl'llllnUties ~ not beinq asJœd to
place such a measure m their ballot, Mr. sta1e stated that
the JPA used cities with a benefit base and he 1o'QÙd hate
to see the JPA ''unravel'' because cities like I.œ Altos
Hills ~ not involved. '!be projected benefits are taxes.
not spen.iinJ.
MINm'F.S OF 'lm ~ 1, 1990, IDJroRNED REruL\R Cl'N
Mr. Gonzales stated that until last week a Ccunty œAÙ.d not
i"F""" a utility tax. NC1il it can, so the CaJnty can join
the JPA. 'Ihœe involved fæl they have the major players
involved. TimiIg is very inp:>rt.ant. '!be Giants woold like
this resolved this year for b.1sineas reaSCI'IS. '!he ballpark
r-,~6 to be oœplete when their Ip..ase expires in 1994. '!he
JPA has also made a camn.itment for a decisim this year.
Mr. Gonzales said that arr¡ tax, arr¡ time, -,-'I", JOCJre time
to be studied. voters will get a lot of infonnatim to
debate. HII felt that the current ballot """"''''Jre and
PL,-V'-sal is the best that can be done at this time.
Cameil ñi ..,...,eaed the pœsibility of ~inq it m the
ballot in March or at sane later time. 'lhey were infVL....d
that the Giants 'lllQ.Ù.d not consider a Marål ballot .........Jre.
Mr. Gonzales told Croneil that the total package cost was
$152 millim including' the lease of the land for a 30 year
pericxl or 10hen the ba1ds arc paid off.
stan Berliner, 10 "11M<iÞ., Bc:ulevard, san Jose, told Council
that they had tried to identify all costs to c.......L<1.ICt the
facility. It is a $152.8 millim in 1995 dollars. It the
task camat be aoc..ul'lished for that 8IID.II1t of 1IIa'1Øy, the
""-"'1ity can st:.q) the trMsactim. ~tinq e:V- w
includes the lease of grcund ~<)E. If the JPA CðlI1..Jt
reach ~..........L with Isslie salt ~ny, the deal will
also terminate. '!he fair market value of the land beinq
c:antr:ib.1ted by santa Clara is $42.3 million. It is
estimated that QJpertino woold pay $4.3 million for the 30
year pericxl. '!he City sha.1ld ses a reveme stream trail
advertisinq, use of loges, an::! luxmy ~. '1\10 }IL'l <1M
fl._way i.nt:.erd1anges woold cost an additimal $7.5
millim. '1hese funds 1òCUld <XIIIB fran !ofAaCDJre A funds or
there 1òCUld not be el'ICU:#1 mr::ney to oœplete the project.
'!he JPA will decide what to do with the IIIa'1Øy 10hen a
positive cash flC1il ooamI. He ~.d CUpertino join m
a ocniitimal basis-that """"*'9 JIr:1lW'_y be returned to the
""-nrlty or be used to retire the bond: J early.
!.any stovall, 1562 Pqpy Way, said he had I"''''3'3d out a
letter prior to the meet in]. '1here is a new $.05 a gallm
gas tax for already OIffrloëvl<>ð traffic. He liKes œ"t'ball
hIt feels it sha.1ld be uelf-su¡:p:>rt~. He mentia1ed that
there is an ~ t-œzñ for goverT'II1Ient to S\w 'L L
sports. He asked if ot.'1er b.1s~ses wantin::J to <XIIIB to
this town 'lllQ.Ù.d get government SURJOrt. '1his is not an
anti -Giants i Q"'JE!. Mr. Stovall spoke in su¡:port of good
gave:uau':.IIL and urged Cameil to take a st.ron::J staro against
financ::inq the JPA. He is pro-Giants and wants t..'1em to make
their own Da1ey.
a:x.1NCIL MEE:I'ING (œ-794A)
Mark Silverman, 21431 Milford, CUpertino, spake in Slß>Ort
of the project. '!be pJblic view of this reqim 'oIhich wa.ù.d
be created by the Giants stadium is j".''''''''·urable in his
c:pWm. 'Ihis is mt an exorbitant tax œrden. He urged
Council to p.xt the ""'''''''ure en the ballot and let the voters
Marc H::Gee, 10715 Orline c::cmt, President of the Q.¡pert.ino
Natimal Little League and Giants SlIpp ·, said he had
oaœ originally for the next item m the agenda. He
expl-~ed 0CI1œrTI regarding two tax -"'1reS being m th2
same ballot. Wwld both be in jec.pardy? He read selected
p"ee""J'*' frail a letter quatin,J a memo frail the city Manager
to the Council and expressed oot~ that the voters waüd
have to à1cose bet:IJeen the two. city 1IIana9"""-'lt does mt
feel both can pass. If the City's _sure is jec:pardized,
residents will Iâ.:¡L..L that. Mr. H::Gee stated that the City
woul.d mt eoct.....ically benefit frail a GUmts stadium as we
are too far away. He urged Cameil mt to plt it m the
NCIIIeIIbn ballot.
Raxanne Beverstein, 1061 NaI/eIIi:)er Drive, Q¡pertino,
of the ("_1.. Chnnittee, ~....d with Mr. McGee. She
~-...-9ed a need for open ."ace and said f\.Injs are scarce.
She also urged Oouncil mt to plt the Giants stadium
-"'.Ire m the ballot and mt to join the JPA.
James COlvin, '.9514 Gree1'Jo¡cod c::cmt, GUmts ø,W ILler, said
he did mt feel the cities can get the rec....c04tim they need
as it is too expensive. It samds like QJpertino "",,11'1 get
mc.ney b!Ick frail the JPA whiå1 ""'11d be used for r.........atim.
He urged Comcil to let the voters """"ide.
Reed Sparks, 10695 Merriman Road, told Oouncil he had
raised the $4500 for 0Jpertin0 to join the JPA originally.
_11 1;ul1-- 'Tea did it; that's 10hmt the mc.ney (...- freD.
He stated that this group respa1ds to the GUmts. He urged
Council to p.xt both measures m the ballot as both oculd
pass with gcod eëmpaign ocntriJ:Altians.
William Wilson, 11149 sutherland Avenue, said he did SUß)ly
saoe of the money to Reed. He felt this was a gcod deal
for CUpertiIX>, mt Qëo$ed on eocllœd,cs but m blprcvin;J the
quality of life. '!be two """""IlreS need mt be an eitner/or
pl...........itim. '!be question is does the Cameil trost the
voters to maJœ a decision on this. Mr. Wilscn stated that
he had two 0a10etTIS: 0JpertiIX> - ,j9 the open space and
the open ~<"'e and ballpark go together. If bath were on
the ballot, he wa.ù.d work for both. If the ballpark is mt
on thP. ballot, he will vote for open space wt he cannot
work fœ: it and his wife will vote against it. He stated
that these two lo'L'-¥ .....15 are about the SI.'IID8 thinq; they are
not 0 "'t.eting. A It utility tax for the lo'L"lOed ballpark
will give BalIS -aure for error; a surplus is all right.
He felt it was a good lo'L' ~l and urged Council to b:ust
the citizens to exmx::ise their j.vigJn<>'1t in NoIt~...
Dick Weaver, 21426 Rumford Dri'/8, said peq>le expect to pay
taxes m sd1oo1s, parks, libraries, not for ball club
owners or luxury box users.
ShaIa1 COlman, 22555 Ki11st Court, said both j....I1.... OCU081.h
regia1al properties. Council sha:1ld prioritize the
-....1I'es and the City sha1ld look at cpm ~ot> first and
then look at other things.
Ken Jmes, 0CAJI'ISel, said that he feels the J:8êIBCI1IIble
~ is to pIt matters to the voters. NothinJ will
~ UlÙess they a¡:plave.
Mr. Ga1zales told Council that the JPA had not reviewed the
l~ brt: will m Friday at 4: 00 p.m., in Santa Clara.
Oouncil di......1Ssed the feelinq that all the cities in Santa
Clara cnmty, as ~1 as the, shalld be vctinq m
this as it is a regia1al i.....le. New wordinq for the
-"'11'8 was di......--9cl that the City ~d not.. be t'Y"I1OIIitted
if the voters of 0Jpertin0 said "no".
K1.yor Rcgers stated she was not OCIIIfortable with keeping;J off the ballot and that a good ~ign lY'!I11d get
the City's -aure p"e-'9è! anyway. 5aDe infamatim
regardinq the Giants' stadium ~d not be ilV"ilable until
the electia1. Still, she stated, she ~d pIt the -aaure
m the ballot.
It was DK:Ned by Oouncil I<'cp;el, seoca.:Jo:d by Counc. Goldman
and p"' 3-1 with Mayor ~s die~ ,¡l..1lY3 to adept
Resolution No. 8191 aÃ...u,..sinq suppo.t.l far the JPA effort
and not authoriz~ the tax -"'11'8 in NoveI!tIer and amerñed
to state that the Council ~d BUßOrt the -"'11'8 if the
election were held in March, 1991, or saætime after that
and ~d be oamtywide.
~C;: 8:50-9:05 P.M.
3. Consideration of placement of a measure on the November
6, 1990 ballot for a utility users tax (gas,
electricity, and tele¡:i1one) or an excise tax ($65 per
residelre/$65 per E!IIployee) .
roJNCIL MEE'I'IN:; (œ-794A)
(a) First readin] of Ordinance No. 1534: "An
Oràinanoe of the City Council of the City of
QJpertino Pl..:y....irY;J the I:npJsitim of a utility
Users Excise Tax an:i Orderirq the of oS
PL~itiŒl Therefore to the Electorate of the
(b) First readinq of Ordinance No. 1535: "An
Ordinance of the cj ty Cameil of the City of
CUpertino] the ~ition of an Excise
Tax for the Availability and Privilege of Use of
certain Kmicipal Facilities and Orderinq the
511hni of a Pl.~itiŒl Therefor to the
Electorate of the City."
(c) Resolutim No. 8187: "A Resolutim of the City
Oouncil of the City of CUpertino Fstablishin¡ a
Youth Sports Reserve F\Jrñ."
City Manager Brown gave a recap of hew the City had reaå1ed
this stage and stated that the first priority was to save
the land.
Brian Godbe, consultant, reviewed the results of the
supplemental survey. He said that either -RIJre stands a
marginal chance for S'~II. '!he utility tax is sensitive
to oost. There "IR"""'t'B to be a slim majority of su¡:P OLL to
p.¡råIase Blackberry FanII. Arrr """'I"'I.Ire '-'OOld need a
substantial "''''''P'i<.Jn to register voters, target voters and
identify voters. He ~ ....-'1doed that any ~ign include
direct maili.n:]s. He said he oculd not un:3ersoore ena.Jgh
that if a substantial """",i<Jn is not :iJ!pleme.Jled, any
-wre '-'OOld lose. '!he way it looks at this time, a
utility users tax has the best chance of being approved.
statistically, that is a toss-up.
A straw vote cx::muct:.ed by the Mayor showed that all
oooncil........., plcs=l1t SlIßX>lted a utility users tax
measure in November.
Mayor then opened the ñi R1"'11" to .......ners of the
p.lblic an:l requested that they limit any c.....-.Ils to three
mi1u.ttes an:l that they not be repetitive.
Narx::y aJtnett, 729 Stendahl lane, said NoveiIIber is the time
fo¡: the election. '!be last t1NC tax measures in the area
did pass by a slim margin (Palo Alto an:l IDs Altos). It is
inp;>rtant that any ...-....Jre be su¡:porbrl by the City
Cameil, the Chamber of Chnrnørce, an:i the school districts.
MINtJI'ES OF '!HE 1\1.XVST 1, 1990, ADJa.rnNED :REX;{JlÆ CITY
ca.JNCIL MEEI'ING (œ-794A)
au-ist.ine camell, 10386 Anson Avenue, said there are not
enough ycuth sports fields in CJpertjno. She pl"''')ed her
team, 00ðChes, and parents to su¡:{VlL the """""".II"8.
Shara1 COllDan said that the ParKs and Rec:reatim n-i -im
straw vote matched that of Council. '!be t'Y'WIWIIi -1m does
favor a utility users tax. She urged special attent:im to
the 'NOI"dinq of the -ozure and that the city inc100e
pl~ies, sd1ools, and fields.
william Fisher, 22631 Queens Oak Ocurt, with the Foothill
Bcti:Iy Sox League, said he was one of thœe sw:veyed and the
pe:rsa1 doinq the survey oculd not answer his questiCl'lS
requestinq an ~lana.tion.
Mr. Godbe inforlll&.l him that thœe c:x:mucting the survey
were not su¡::p:sact to answer questiCl'lS. '!be idea was to
replicate the votinq booth.
Mr. Fisher said he is r'li"""IP'inted that fields are not in
the ballot -""JrIe. Still, he would ~t the ........JrØ
and the Bcti:Iy Sox will su¡:p... Lit.
J\ùian Rice, 10221 R1ar lap Drive, resident across the
..L< frail Blackbeny Fann, said this is a beautiful
area. It is rarely used by QJpertino pecple. Golfers CXIIIB
frail other cities. In regard to the piaúc area, t'.a has
ta1Jœd to pecpJ.e fran Daly City, South san Fnmcisoo, and
other pl~, He asked if it really belc:n;JB m the
0Jpertin0 ballot am shculd QJpertino fI.Irxm be used. He
suggested it be a 0CU1ty park.
Allan Bidwell, ll021 aù;i) Read, President, O'-mIer of
l'romIoo-"'Oe, said the board positia1 paper does not
nec-~arily speak for all ""'- """,J oers. He read the
board's letter into the reoOJ:\l and urged that the t:no.l.
/"ronnittee do their jab, then the Council oa1Sider a ballot
-"".II"8. If that would not be possible, his preftr....._
would be the utility tax. However, he did point cut that
all merd1ants at the oaks Shcg:¡inq center are against art:{
tax 1I"IA:IIIalJ:re.
Da1 Allen, 7465 Plum Blossan Drive, expr-~'S!d ocuc;.am as a
bus!r---" regazdirq a utility users tax and pointed CA1t
the enOJ.1IiÍty of such a tax for big business in oaIpIrlscr.
to residents. He was c:iistuzDed regazdirq the survey
tellinq the diffexellCie in IIØIey and not saying the
largest ðIID.D1ts wo..ù.d be fran. He felt this was a
r'li"gervioe to bus.iJ-a........'1 in ClIpertino. '!he business
rrorm11'lity will pay IIIJCh more than residents. He stated
that a e:........",O'1 of the business CCI1m..Il1Íty is 1oVhz.t is the
cœNCIL ME:E:'I'DC (œ-794A)
grand design of the city. What are the goals and
à:ljectives? He stated that if the city were to artiaùa'te
its dream and design, then tl1e.....-e may be saœ SlJf\.uLL traI
b.1siness and a -CDJre might be Sl.lCX'<?"eful. He urged that
the City not use an QItside OCI'ISUltant and the CWlx:il be
involved in any ~ign. '!be City c:annat hire it dcne.
'!be majority in favor of such a tax is fragile. He urged
that Council provide leadership.
Herman Hijmans, 19875 stevens Creek Boulevard, '"'h' ...1Ad
o ....~ Its made by Mr. Bidwell and Mr. Allen. He urged
Council not to look at new taxes only. '!be sales tax - i.
to be l00Jœd at. '!be City m;~'" a sales tax advccate.
Karen Kes~l, 10404 Melissa coort, said she will vote for
the tax as she wants open spaf."'l. She stated that suc:h open
space is ne-'-' if CUpertino wants to maintain its
Arr:b:ea Harris, 1052 'l\Jscany Place, said she did not feel
Resolutim No. 8187 regardinq yooth sports fields, shcWd
be held hostage to the electim. '!be City does not have to
DIy ~~ty, just devel~ what is av>oilMle. She has
already sent Little League parents a letter ~ the
coortenay Heater, llll Milky Way, said that quality of life
steII'S frail re\oosl0;4}C8 for land and urged the ~ sm:vaticn of
............... ground. Q1e can create more ny using less.
Carol Si"t""""'\, Valloo ShcR?ing Center, ~ium store
manager and L"i'L SHMtive of the retail '"'""'""''''1ity, said
halsinq and traffic are the highest priorities. <:pm 'P"'9
is iDportant, tut the Goals Oœmittee is locJdnq at
priorities. HcwsYer, if the City does ¡;ut a -aIJre m the
ballot, she felt it shcW.d be the utility users tax.
Patrick Milligan, 10018 Oakleaf Place, favored saving cpen
space am favored the utility users tax. He did ~ e
cxn:ern regaJ:ding a tax on ¡::ba1e lines as those lines are
being used DX'8 and more for l\IJ\fing infozmatim 1otù.dl
results in the need to l\IJ\fe fewer pecple. He ~ e.....
CC41C8J:n regaJ:ding that tax when it is saving rœds. He
also expressed cxn:ern regardin:J the shortness of time
before the NoIrBIi:Jer election. He offered to help as III.ICt1
as he could.
Allen Snyder, 10534 Meteor Place, ~ the
camnittee for Informed Citizens, said that cpen space is
defined as natural use C'f the land, whereas park is land
with develcpsd amenities. He asked ..midl the City was
talJdn:J abwt. '!he area already pays for Mid Peninsula
Rø:Jia1al Open Space and ooonty parks, both of whid1 get
taxes for cp!n spðOe. CUpertiIX> citizens have 2700 acres
of open space nearby and do not lack for that amenity. In
additiat, they have 102 acres of parks. SUnnyvale
maintains school property which increased their rec:reatim
facilities. M1y doesll't QJpertino do this? '!hat "",,1ld be
da1e regardless of the tax """"""IrE!. Mid Peninsula and I.oø
Gatos I:xJu;Jht land jointly. We shculd look at BœBthinq
liJœ that. If the City buys land, it shculd be re&eJ:Ved
only for 0Jpertin0 residents. Of those who lcti:1ied the
City to b.1y the tennis club, a¡:proximately 500 pecp1e, anly
100 were frail 0Jpertin0. SUnnyvale p.¡ts tennis oc:mts in
neighbort¡ood parks ~ \ole shculd have da1e this. Mr. snyder
urged the City to talk with ather cities and worIt with
schools and use school facilities. Also, he su.,.-._"""1:ed the
City talk to those who blplement land aoquisitiCl'lS for Mid
Peninsula Reqia1a1 Open Space District. He ~ - gad
OCI-....u;¡ regardinq the f:isca1 respollsibility of the City.
He stated that what CUpertino calls a lY'WIWN"'1ity center is
anly for organized activities~ there is no d:ì.,¥,,"in ..-_
Wally DPan, 22322 Bahl street, said Rancho San Antaùo is
the l1I1IIIhø-r a1e park for visitors. '!he City _u~.. to
p.m::hase the Fl.&...,L Older SChool site. Many ather cities
have utility user taxes and J::uainess can withstand it. He
I"'O .....-. dad that Council spell things out and be very
specific with the voters.
DaIwin 'Ihra1e, 22958 Cricket Hill Road, asJœd if the
"""""'Ul:'e oculd be written to J:MI.... the future stream of
revenues if the money were not '1, ~.
IBo Hoefer, 20076 Ia ßoda, read a letter signed by Nick
I.azaneo. Mr. Hoefer said that the City Oouncil was talJdJg
about parks, not cp!n ~ and ~"""ted they get their
ooucej",Ls straight and realign their goals.
Eleanor WenIer, 20076 Ia ßoda, said voters had already
expr-sed their opWm and voted no. '!he original suzvey
says the people are ham' with CUpertino. '!he City has
unaffordable ha.1sinq rr:N~ residents da1't need IIDr8 parks.
She expressed OOIIOQ.CT\ regaràinq continued spendinq and
present citizens in regard to services. Blackberry Farm is
regional and shalld be p.¡rchased by Mid Peninsula Rø:Jia1al
Open Space District.
COONCIL MEE'!'nC (œ-794A)
She was int<.u......d that the Open SplICe District WQÙd not
take it as they a1ly tuy prc.perty in its natural state.
'!he City has talked to the Chmty and other agancieø.
Disn-im followed abcut plttinq a cap m TIØW!'j collected.
Ken Ja1I3S, cn.msel, said t.'1e tax ~d go into the General
f\1n:l. '!he General F\tnd ~d pay the TIØW!'j for tx:n:1s. Arrf
cap m IIØIey oollected ~d waken the City's financial
analysis regarding' =edit '*'Orthiness.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. ~1, seocz1ded by Came. Goldlllan,
and l""ftft!!d 1.IJ'IIUÚJIØJsly (4-0) to read 0ràinIIn0e No. 1534 by
title a1ly an1 the City ClerK's readinq to OCI'1Stitute the
first readinq thereof for a utility users tax.
'Ibe seocn:l readinq and possible enacbDent is sd1edu!ed for
l\u;JUst 9.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldmim, &eOCa.:Jo:d by Came. J&t:Ipel,
and l""e-'1d unanimcusJ.y (4-0) to adqIt Resolutim No. 8187
1obic:b included potential use of these funds sIn1ld the City
enter into an __IL with the n.......L unia1 High SåIool
District regarding' yart:h sports field maint.enanoe at 8CIII8
future date.
At 10:55 p.II., 00unci1 adjcumeci to the regular mestinq of
August 6, 1990.
City ClerK