CC 08-06-90 þ CITY OF aJPERl'INC), ST1ITE OF CAI..IF'ORNIA 10300 '1tÆR1:; AvmÆ, Q.;t'LKL'.ll'IO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 HINtJl'ES OF '!HE Rm.JIAR MŒl'DC OF 'mE CI'lY caKIL HElD 00 AU:;UST 6, 1990, CXXINCIL 0iAMBER, CI'lY HAIL, 10300 '!UI<I<I:; AVENUE, C1JFERl'DI:), CAI.:IR:RŒA 0::-795 SAIIJIE 'ro 'mE FU\G '!be meetinq was called to order by Mayor Rogel. at 6:45 p.m. mIL CAlL Counc. Fres eItt: Kqpel, Szabo, Mayor Rogers Counc. Absent: Goldman, Sorensen staff PL nut: City Manager Brown City Clerk COrneliU/3 Director of Public Works visJa:wic:h Director of rnm.nù.ty D8Y8l,¥"",,4. Cowan Assistant to the City Manager Brown Director of Finæx:e snyder Director of Parlœ and Rscœaticn Ccwlinq Public Infomatim Officer EnIy Halsinq and services Coordinatar Norlinq City Attorney Kilian ~ - Na1e. CEREH:tIIAL M U'!1:K:) - PRESmlTATIœs rr--- illation of plaque of ~...A.aticn to a:bart RI.1ttenberg, former Energy Chlwfti -ia1er. Mayor Rogers presented a plaque of ............claticn to Mr. RI.1ttenberg for his savioe to O,¡pert.im. Presentation of certificate of ~ilæ...e.lt to Debra Friedenberg, Energy Camnissimer. Mayor Rogers presented the certificate to Ms. Friedenberg -1- . MINt1I'ES OF '!HE N..1GJST 6, 1990, REGUIAR CITY CXXJNCIL MEE'I'DC (œ-795) ORAL cx::tMJNICATICNS Mike Astorius, 10490 Pineville Avenue, reviewed his letter to Council and presented a brief descriptim of the situation. He requested that Cameil amend Ordinance No. 1449 ~ to R-l ZŒ1e& arxi that any additiCl'lS to residenœs address adjacent prq¡erty owners, i.e., when a secxni story additim is I:uilt, the City enforce a good neighbor policy and notify neighbors L, advance of any ooostructim. DÍB'""Il"$im followed regardinq City review of seocn! story additiCl'lS. '!be City Att.ozney stated that this issue will probably <XIDe up in the fall (approximately octcìJer) as part of the 1ob:>1e land use code review. . Mr. CCMan stated that these additia1S are administerial a1ly and there is no cliscretim; therefore, no notice is given. City Att.ozney Kilian stated that Oouncil oculd really not ñiAt'!llSS this i...... any further as it oculd possibly be a violatim of the state's Brown Act. He~ that Mr. Astorius write to the Planninq ChmIi-im and ask them to a.:kh......s this i -ue. Irv CJa'1ens, 10480 Pineville, said he ac;p:èoal with Mr. Astorius and felt there was a lack of oc::rD!r11 for neighbors and the nei.ght:mhcod. Consent Calendar 'Ihe Mayor ~--ted he leave his name and aekh. SO he I'Y'AI]" be notified when this matter C' ........ betœ:e the Planninq n-i -im. crtISEm' CAInIDAR Mayor Rcgers removed Item No. 31. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel, seoc:n:1ed by Counc. Szabo and p"e~ ~y to awrave the balance of the 0Œ1sent calendar as s".....itted. . 1. Resolutia1 No. 8192: "A Resolutim of the City Council of the City of CUpertiIX> Authorizing Desb:uct:.ia'I or Certain Records (BJildinq Division) ." -2- ) MINtJI'ES OF '!HE AI:GJST 6, 1990, RÐ:;UlAR CI'IY aL'NCIL MEE:I'ING (œ-795) 2. Awlicatim for an Alcohol Beverage Control license - Wolfe Creek cafe, 10123 N. Wolfe Road, '2049. 3. Resolutim No. 8193: "A Resolutim of the City Ca.mcil of the City of Q1pertiIX> Providinq for the Delegatim of Authority to the City Manager or At-\u.l.¥Liate Designee to Investigate and Resc.lve General Civil Liability Claims Filed Against the City of 0Jpertin:>." 4. Waiver of J:usiness license fees for ~ign california. 5. ~lication AS1IC 51,903.1 - steven Wallace - Request for review and ..........U'Ial of final site and aråútecture for a single family residence in the ~ area of the Seven Sprirçs døvel'¥"""IL. '!he site is located at the oorthwest coma of PL<.dpect Rœd and stauffer lane. :ReI:" -...-'1de::l for a¡:proval. 6. Resolutim No. 8194: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of 00Jpertin0 J\dqJtinq a MeIDorarJ3um of t1n::Jerst:aIñi Betwees. the City of 0Jpertin:> and the ~tinq Enqineers ~l No.3." 7. Resolutim No. 8195: "A Resolutim of the city Oouncil of the City of O,¡pert.im Fixinq the ÐIployer's cmtrib.1tim under the Meyers~ state Ðlployees Medical ani Hospital care Act." 8. Resolutim No. 8188: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of O,¡pert.im RiepJ:'-";L......J.n:1 $100,000 frail the Seniors and ~'¡""'n-'I lÞ.Ising FUnd to 'nolo ~ for $50,000 Each to be Used for 'nolo GrQJp HaDe Projects to be D8Y8lc:p!d by Halsing for Irñeper.de11t Pecple." 9. Resolutim No. 8189: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of Q.1pertino Authorizinq the City Manager to sign <n1tracts for Allocatim of Sixteenth Year (1990-91) C'nm'In1i.ty Devel'¥"""1t Blex-k Grant PUnds for 'Ihree B.Jman service Agencies." 10. Resolutim No. 8190: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of QJpertino Approvinq C'nm'In1i.ty DE!'lel~.t Block Grant Cart:ract Be.bleen the C:Junt:y and the City of CJpertino for Fiscal Year 1990-91 and Authorizing Executim of Agreement." 11. Minutes of the regular meeting of July 2, 1990. 12. Minutes of the adjoomed regular meeting of July 3, 1990. -3- I MINtJI'ES OF '!HE NJGUST 6, 1990, RmJU\R CITY ::xxJNCIL MEZI'IN:7 (œ-"795) D. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of J\.ùy 16, 1990. 14. Minutes of the adjourned regular meetinq of J\.ùy 16, 1990. 15. Minutes of the regular meet:in:J of July 16, 1990. 16. Minutes of the adjourned regular meetinq of J\.ùy 16, 1990. þ 17. Resolutim No. 8196: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of OJpertino Allowinq Certain C'bi_ and Demarx:1s Payable in the Amoonts and frail the PUnds as Hereinafter Described for General ani Mi-llanecus Experx:Iitures for the Period Endin;J JUne 30, 1990." 18. Resolution No. B197: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowinq Certain Claims and Demarx:1s Payable in the Amamts and frail the PUnds as Hereinafter Described for General and MisoeJJ.aneaJs Experx:IibJres for the Period Endin;J JUly 13, 1990." 19. Resolution No. 8198: "A Resolutim 01' the City Oouncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowinq 0erta.:I.n Claims and Demands Payable in the Amamts and fraD the F\Jrœ as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and WI!Iges for the Payroll Ferlod Endin;J J\.ùy 17, 1990." 20. Request 8k4-"'¥Liatim of unexpezxJed furxJs for Department of Chllll'l1rUty Devel<¥-It prior year project. , 21. Reso:;'utim No. 8201: "A Resolutim of the City COúncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autharizinq Exec::utia1 of Agreement Between the City of QJpertino and 'l'arñem Q:mplters Incxn:porated Relatinq to the InstallatiCl1 of Traffic Signal Sy3tem and safety Lightinq at the Intersection of North Tantau AverA.18 and Entrances to Parkin] at 10435, 10300 and 10400 North Tantau AveraJe." 22. Acceptance of IIIJI'lÍcipal içravements: a. Tract 7662, Rcdrigues Avenue Co.d..:.-Mayco. b. CUpertiIX> Inn, N. DeAnza Pr:p!rties-DeAnza PLq-. ties/Vidavià1. c. Teny BroI-in, 22762 Alcalde. d. Maxine Dtu........d, 10040 and 10055 CaJ:men Read. e. william Kiret project at Pasadena¡I.anita. -4- · MINUœs OF '!HE AIJGJ~"T 6, 1990, RmJIAR CITY CXXJNCIL HEE:I'I}C (œ-795) 23. Resolutim No. 820::. "A Resolutim of the City Cameil of the City of '=uper: in:> AwravilX} rot Lille Adju..t.-IL Det\Ieen Tho Parcels of Iarù Without a Parcel Map i.r1 1Iccord.aJn! with Sect:an 66412(d) of SUb:livÙlim Map Act as Amended Januazy 1, 1984 Between rot 32 and rot 34, Map of Menta vista Park, Northerly of Palm AV8I1Je and Westerly of Scenic ~lrcle." 24. Resolutim No. 8203: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of CUpertiIX> Authorizinq ExIIcutia1 of DIprovement ~L..........L Between the City and DeII&loper William A. Kinst, 10130 p.......A"'1êl Avenue." 25. Resolutim No. 8204: "A Resolutim of the City O::Iuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Aooeptinq Qui~L"J..i", Deed for Water Tank and Þ--o¡o Rœd f1:œ\ 'Ihe Rœ.an Catholic Bishop of san Jose, in Ca1junc:t:.im with 'Ihe Forum, Rancho san Antonio Project, Fcothill BculøvaJ:d,lCristo Ray Drive." 26. Resolutim No. 8205: "A Resolution of the City Oouncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizing ~ltim of Quitclaim Deed of rot 195, Tract No. 7993, Seven Springs Devel,¥"""IL, to the Gregœ:y Group, Inc. 27. Request for ~"'PI'.1atim fran masbar &tom drain fund to update the master &tom drain stU'1y. 28. Resolutim No. 8206: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Awrcvinq c....L<aet Q]ange Order No. 1 for AnnJa1 OVerlay Project 90-104." 29. Resolutia1 No. 8207: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡.prcvinq c...1L<aet Q]ange Order No. 1 for Sluny Seal Project 90-105." 30. Resolutim No. 8199: "A Resolutim of 4;he City Oouncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Aooeptinq Qui~"''''i", Deed and Authorization for t1ndergrourñ Water Rights f1:œ\ William A. Kinst, Margaret w. Kinst, and IJ.ewellyn W. Kinst; Northeast COrner of I'a""""ena Avenue and Iallita Avenue." 31. Removed fran the CC11sent Calerx3ar. 32. Resolution No. 8209: "A Resolution of the City O::Iuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Establishin¡ a axJget R:>1icy for the Cable Televisim Advisory Callmittee." -5- . 'The Cupert ioo " nom . Weed abatement hearing Res. 8208 adopted I- I MINUTES OF '!HE NJGUST 6, 1990, RÐ:òUI..AR CTIY OXJNCIL MEET:DG (œ-795) 33. Resolution No. 8210: "A Resolution of the city 00unci1 of the City of O,¡pert.im A¡:proving Caltract 01arge order No. 1 for O1ristensen Drive SL..-t DIpravements Project 9O-1C8." Vote foføn~ oers of the City Council AYES: ~¡, Szabo, Mayor Rogers roES: Goldman, Sorensen ABSmI': Ncne ABSTAIN: Na1e ITEKS mx:I\1ED F1Qf '!HE a::tœmr CAInIDAR 31. p.... ····....datim frail the Parlcs and Rt........atim O-O-i....im to name the ()1inlan l'romII"1ity center Ill.Ùti ~ I'OCIII "'D1e O,¡pert.im RealI." It was DK:Ned by Mayor Rogers, S8Oa1ded by o:unc. ~1 and p"e-1!d unaniJIIcus1y (3-0) to appraII8 staff reo.·· - ðatia1. PUBLIC HFARIlŒ 34. Hearinq reqardinq ",e-æ-"1t; for weed abatemeJlt. (a) Resolutim No. 8208: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil of the City of CUpertino Prcvidinq for Lien 1\ss-~ and for the COllectia1 of SaIIIB Resultinq frail the Abat:.eœ1,L of Public Nuisances." It was DK:Ned by Came. Kqpel, S8Oa1ded by Counc. Szabo and p"ð~ unaniJIIcus1y (3-0) to close the pJblic hearinq. It was IIICMId by 0Junc. Fqpù, seca&:1t.d by Counc. Szabo and [""--ed unaniJIIcus1y (3-0) to adept Resolutim No. 8208. PIANNnC APPLICATIœs 35. Na1e. ~ AND SITE APÆCoJAL CXHŒTIEE APPLICATIœs 36. Na1e. UNFINISHED WSINESS 37. None. -6- MINtJI'ES OF '!HE AVGUST 6, 1990, RmJIAR CITY cnJNCIL MEEI'IN:; (œ-795) tmJ WSINESS 38. Recpest fran universal Restaurant (IIœrIá1ana Restaurant, 20625 Alves Drive) for teDporary outdoar use of two shi~inq OCI1tainers. Kcià1i Tokunaqa, 20625 Alves Drive, said he had not been aware that the outdoar storage containers were illegal. '!be restaurant is very SI~'ilful, doinq lots of b.lsiness and :- "I.. mora space. Now that he is aware of the situatim, he plans to get a pemanent stoLayo:: area. He is requestinq a teøp:>razy (one year) use of the outside storage 0CI1tainers. Mr. ocwan said Oouncil may want to give a short ~ so he has the VHJUL t..mity to meet with the restaurant manager. He~ that t"_·t<>1.aJ:y use be ~ allowinq two mcnths for '"....ittinq drawin;¡s ani six mcnths for OCI1St:r\x:tim. DÍF'I'....im followed regardinq thefts that have oocurred !ran the outside storage area. Council requested that beer ani wine be stored inside the I:uildinq, not in the outside area. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Szabo, seccnBi by Counc. ~l and I"'eMd \II'1IUÚJIDJsly (3-0) to ap,.4.0\/8 the use of the 1:.eDporazy stOl:~ oc:ntainem for three mcnths. If plans for a pemanent stOl:ayo:: facility are SI'....itted and 0CI'IStructia1 started by that tJme, the aùldinq Divisim may exten:i the use of the teDporary stoJ;ay.. ocntainers for a reaBa1IIble amc:mrt: of tJme. 39. Request fran thø ~ of ChmIø>'08 for t-.t'mu:y use of 2.4 acres in City Center Q:lrplex for parkin¡ durÍ1J3 s¡:ecial l'L.......A.ianal event (CCUntry Festival, August 11 and 12, 11:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.). Betty Bidwell, CUpertiIX> Ommher of 0.......>'08, said she waüd prefer the tJme a¡:praved for parkin:] to be a little less specific. '!be CCUntry Festival will be cpen until 5:30 p.m. on Saturday ani 6:30 p.m. on Sunday. She reque&'ted that Council IiR'rove the teDporary parkin] !ran 10:00 a.m. to sun:!awn on August 11 and 12. Karl Paradise, 20281 Pinntage Parkway, spoJœ in q:positim to use of t..'1e parcel for anyt:hin:] €'Xœpt c:pm space. He read fran the General Plan regard.in:;J the meanin;J of cp!l1 space. -7- Universa 1 Rest. Use of 2.4 acre parcel (Town Cen- ter) MINtJI'ES OF 'nŒ AlŒST 6, 1990, REUJL1\R CI'IY ü::XJ'NCIL MEXrnC (œ-795) It was IIICIVed by 0:Amc. ~, secx:n:ied 'r:r¡ Came. Szabo and I""'''--1 (2-0) with Mayor Rogers a1:>stainin;J, to '"t¥LuV8 use of the parcel for teIp:r.:'ary parJd.n;J m August 11 and 12 iran 10:00 a.m. to sundown. Mayor Rcgers ~ that she abstainod because she does serve as a -.I oer of the ~r of I"'rwIoN:>rce Board. In rega..""Ci to the iSSlJe of \h!n the use of the trian:Jle parcel will be heard, the City Att.ozney stated that there has to be a use to 0CI'IS1der for Council to hear. No plan has been slIhnitted by the ~L'¥"LLi' owner. Mr. Paradise stated he was asId.n3 the City to CCIIply with the pemit that said after five years, it will be opened lI9 as cpen space. Mr. Kilian stated that c:pen ~oe is not r--e~~ily a park. nw City _u..... an applicatim and ir¡:Art: trail the devel~ before OCI'ISiderinq a use. Mr. Paradise said the 0Jpertin0 General Plan defines c:pen space. Mr. Kilian replied that it does not adh:e..a what open "'I"""9 means for this particular dev8l'¥"""It. He does not believe the city Oouncil can do JIUå1 withcut an a¡:plicatim frail the devel~. 40. Resignatia1 of Bill Fletd1er fraD the cable Televisim h:lvisOIy n-ittee and OCI'ISideratim of an interim appoLd........aL. Came. Kq.pel DK:Ned that the positim be left vacant until January at which time appoLat..u.aaL co1ld be made almq with ather vacancies. 'D1e motim died for lack of seen..:!. Came. Szabo and Mayor Rcgers ~ted an appoL,~1t prior to that time. ~licatians will be received until Seph.mhø.r 18 with :1ntexviews held and appoL.L..u.:.IL made m September 24 at 7:00 p.m. Cameil aooepted Mr. Fletd1er's resignation with lo:yl..t and requested that a plaque of appreciation be prepared for him. -8- HDIUTES OF '!HE AInJST 6, 1990, REnJU\R CITY o:xJNCIL MEETING (œ-795) 41. Request fran the Parks and Recreatim Ccmnissim to c:orrluct a joint meeting with Los Altos Parks and Recreation n-...n i .... ion. Cameil received the owrtesy notice frœ¡ Parks and Recreation Chnmi """ion. It was IID\Ted by Counc. Kqpel, seccn:Jed by Counc. Szabo and l"".."gd UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly (3-0) to ~ the joint meetin:] as ~qJOSed. 42. Review of ilL'¥' ~ modification to the false ala1:m ordinance. (a) First readinq of ordinance No. 1526: "An Otùinanoe of the City Coorx:il of the City of CUpertiIX> Amerxiin¡ SectiCl'lS 10.26.090, 10.26.100 and 10.26.110 of the O,¡pert.im lb1icipal 0:Jde, False AlaIm Service Charges." Gordon Frolic:h, 1202 Belknap Calrt, said he had written a letter to the City Oouncil last January regarding this issue. Neighbors have to listen to alarms that go off¡ deputies - . -- the authority to rH ""XJtil-.."t alarms. 'Ihe orcUnanoe recovers the IIIa1ey b1t dœsn' t do anyt:hi.n:J for the neighbors ~ have had to listen to the noise. Neighbors no Imger call the Sheriff's Deparbaent regarding alams going off. 'Ihey are a public l1I.Ú.SalX:e. It was 1IICJIIed by Counc. Iq:pel, seccn:Jed by Counc. Szabo and p"....gd ~y (3-0) to read ordinance No. 1526 by title a1ly and' the City ClerK's readinq to ocaJ&titute the first readinq thereof. 43. Designatim of votinq delegate for League of california Cities Annual Cc:nfØL.......... It was DK:Ned by Counc. Jl'lypel, seccn:Jed by CkJoJnc. Szabo and l""'....gd unan:iJIoJsly (3-0) to ~int the Mayor as votinq delegate and the Mayor Pro ~e as alternate. WRI'll'EN cnKJNICATIœs 44. None. ORDINANCES 45. Sone. -9- False Alarm Ordinance LCC delegate . MINtJl'ES OF '!HE },lQJST 6, 1990, REX;UIAR ClT'{ cx::tJNCIL MEFITNG (CX::-795) RESOl1Jl'ICNS 46. Na1e. STAFF ~~ Diocese property 47. Oral L~ts by staff 'IN''lnhf>rs. 48. Report fran Parks & Recreatim mlti-age1cy meetinq on the neighborhood "W'. - ·:....d ....im regardinq Dj~e ~'¥"Lty, Council received the L"'i'VL L. . Bob SUmmers, Finance Dixector for the Bishcp of san Jose, said the Dio:7ese will ~te fully with the City. '!he Dio:;esEI DI.ISt receive a fair return in devel'¥"""lt of this lam. '!he prcperty is for sale, I:ut there is no devel'¥"""lt plan at this time. '!he d1urt::h has heard the pleas for open spaoe. '!his is a OCIIplicated piece of gro.uñ. He reiterated that the d1urt::h will work parallel with the city. Rev. &Jgene Bayle told Oouncil that the prq¡erty left is the legacy left to the Diooese!ran san Francisco. san Jose Diocese is not an old ale. 'lbere is a need to oc:nvert the real estate to JIaey for endcwments of ~'-";L- in santa Clara 0cA.Inty. '!he d1urt::h needs to relocated st. Jœ!!{i1 COllege to an mban settinq near a major Catbolic university. 'lbere is a need for a new parish and other facilities for the area. '!he d1urt::h is beinq asked mare and mare to solve the prcble:œ. of poverty and haDeleE- . In additim, àn.1rd1es, sd1ools, and ather facilities need repairs. Also, JIaey is n--~-~ for fUrther ..m'<"lltia'Jal "'MA'Ltunities for lCM-incane families in santa Clara CoJnty . 49. Update of status of City Center oarplex, SCA.1theast corner of stevens Creek Boulevaxd and DeAnza Boulevaxd. '!his matter was previQ1S1y ñi"<",,,........ At 8:10 p.m., Cameil adjoorned to August 9, 1990, 7:00 p.m. . ~ City erk j -10-