CC 08-09-90 CI'lY OF aJPER1'INO, SIro'E OF CAI.IR:eIIA 10300 TORRE AVÐIUE, aJPERl'INO, l"'!'. .15014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 MINt1l'ES OF '!HE ADJOORNED RmJlAR CITY axJNCIL !'II:òI:iJ.'~ HElD CN AIx;usr 9, 1990, CITY HAIL CXXJNCIL ~ 10300 ~ AvmJE, aJPER1'IN:), CALI:l'I:RŒA C'C-795A CAlL 'ro œDER '!be meetinq was called to order by Mayor Rogers at 7: 03 p.m. mIL CAlL Came. I'reSi!'J.It: Kqpel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor ~S Counc. Absent: Goldman staff T'::'<õ'!"!IJL: City Manager Brown City Clerk Cornelius Director of Public Woñœ ViskrNidl Director of Finance snyder Assistant to the City Manager Brown City Attorney Kilian ORAL CXlMJNICATICNS - Ncne. 1. 5eoa1d readi:rq and enactment of ominance No. 1534 PL,+"","ing a utility user tax of 2.40% m gas, electricity and telep¡cne utilities, callinq a ~bl Dl.llÚ.cipal electim and pl..,..t.ng a -aura m the No\teIIi)er ballot. (a) Ordinanoe No. 1534: "An om1nance of the City Council of the City of O,¡pert.im Pl.. '1<:iSinq the T~ition of a utility Users ~ise Tax and Orderin::J the SlIhni -1m of a Pl."'f:o-ositim 'Iherefor to the Electorate of the City." It was ooved by Counc. JCqpe1 and secx.&Jt.d by Coone. Sorensen to read ordinance No. 1534 by title only and the City Clerk's readin::J to CXXIStitute the secxni readi:rq thereof. -1- KINl1I'ES OF '!HE AU:;USl' 9, 1990, ADJ'CXJRNED REnJU\R CI'IY a:u¡cn. foIEE'I'mò (œ-795A) City Attorney Kilian read into the record a larguage c:ban:Je m page 3 of the ordinance. '!he clarificatim III!Ide is to refer to ~identia1 service users of 65 years or older rather than senior citizens 65 years or older. '!he wtIIàin:¡ m the ballot .......'"'Jre remains the same. '!he DDtim was adcpted 4-0. It was DK:Ned by cnmc. K/:::g:)el and SEICCI'1ded by Counc. Sorensen to enact ordinance No. 1534. Mayor Rogers asked if anya¡e 1J.L S E lit wished to speak m the matter. No CI'I8 came forward. '!he Mayor read into the Iecord a letter received frail came. Goldman expressinq his suppoIt for the r.........~tia1al open space _~Jre. Came. Sorensen stated that althcugh. she had not been 1J.L S~lt for the August 1 mest:inq, she had reviewed the video tape of that mest:inq. '!he DDticn to enact thP. ordinance was adcpted unanimcusly by those pnsent. It was maved by Counc. Kqpel, seoc:rJded by came. sorensen and p"ee..A unanimcus1y to direct the City Attamey to prepare an bJpartial analysis of the ballot "/IIM"'J%'Ie. Cameil de'C.emined that it was noooe~!lIY to ocniuct another meetinq prior to the August 17 "--"1 ins for preparatia1 of the iJlpartial analysis and any argument in favor of the """"''''Ire. '!he meetin;J will be held at H:rœy, August 13, at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall. Items for the agenda inclme a resolutim in regaM to acquisition of fL.........L Older ElementaJ:y Sd100l site, cd:h.-sinq cx:acerns of the I::uIiness nt"OIOI'Itrdty, and a clœed sessim to di"',........ potent:iallDJs regardinq terms of acquisitim of Blackberry FaDI and F1::~.'C Older ElementaJ:y SdxIol site. At 7:16 p.m., ~æljamm~~ city Clerk -2-