CC 08-15-90 crr'i OF CUPERI'INO, STATe: O'P CALIFI:eIIA 10300 lUK.~ AVEMJE, aJPERI'IN:), CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 MINt.JI'ES OF ThE AnJOORNED RmJIAR CITY CXXJNCIL MŒl'DC HElD 00 AIX;UST 15, 1990, CXXJNCIL 0iAMBER, CITY HAIL, 10300 'J.ut<I<I:; AvmÆ, aJPERl'INO, CALIR:IRNIA œ-795C CAlL 'ro ORDER '!be meeting was called to order by Mayor Rogers at 9:32 a.m. COlmc. Present: ~l, Sorensen, Mayor Rogers COlmc. Absent: GoldllBn, Szabo staff P.I. SHlt: City Manager Brown City ClerK COrnelius City Attorney Kilian ORAL CXlMJNICATIaiS - Ncne. 1. FtItential MeIIIonIrùJm of tJnderstarñinq - n.","...uL Older Elementary Så100l site, teDB of acquisitim (QJpertino Unim School District). City Manager Brown L"'t'ULt.ecl that the District had directed their attorney to review the HXJ and possibly adc¢ it at a meetinq m lI1.J3USt 16. He had been infçn ..~ that there would be no major åJan;I8s. '1bere may be saIIB l8ß,JUêllg8 d1an:Jes; the site is an estimated 40 acres. 'Ihe exact l"'.......... of acres ...onM be in a final lease ~_d... 'Ihe School District wants lan;¡uage sayin.J that the if -....me fails, there will be an ~"¥L1ate time limit to OCI1Sider other c.ptiCl'lS (~. n..hly Sprinq). HI:'. Brown stated that he feels the date wculd not be negotiable, but me of their d1oic:e. If the Board does not ~rt:e the Memorandum of t.Jnderstan:lin . pr~or to the "-·"1 ine for "',hftittin.J bIpartial ðl'1iUys:LS, ref Ell""....,. to a written AyL..........L regarding' n.........1t Older ElE!lllel1t:azy School site will not be included in the :i:oÐartial analysis of the ballot """""'1r8. -1- · . MINtJI'ES OF 'IHE A[X;UST 15, 1990, ADJŒIRNED RmJlAR CI'IY CXXJNCIL MEEI'I)Ç (œ-795C) It was DIC\I8d by Counc. JC'q:ipe1, seoa:aJt.:l by Counc. sorensen and p"ee-' UI'IIUÚJIØ.1sly (3-0) to authorize the City Manager to ___tte a MIIIIcrandum of t1nder8t:andinq with the QJpertino unim Sd'Iool District with IIICdificati.a18 OCI'IBistinq of flexibility in lan;¡uage regardinq the ac:r8I!Ig8 and time limit and to authorize the City Manager to negotiate any lan;¡uage ~ with the Sd100l District att.ozney. '!he meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m. ~~ Ci ClerK - -2-