CC 08-20-90 , C1T'i OF rnPrnmIQ, m'ATF. OF CAI..:rromIA 10300 'lU<H.t; AVENUE, C1JPERI'INO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 MINt1I'ES OF '!HE REXõUIAR CI'IY axJNCIL MEE:I'IOO HErD CN ~ 20, 1990, CXXJNCIL~, CITY HAIL, 10300 'ÍU<Kt; AVENUE, aJPERI'IlÐ, CALIR:IRNIA CC-i96 '!be meetin;J was called to order by Mayor Rogers at 6:45 p.m. SAI11I'E 'ro '!HE FI.1!G mIL CAlL Counc. Present: ICq:ipel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rogers . Counc. Atsent: Goldman staff Present: City Manager Brown City ClerK Q)me].ius Director of Public ~k.o VisJa:widl Director of Finance Snyder Assistant to the City Manager Brown Director of Parks and Recreatim Ccwling City Planner caughey City Attorney Kilian ~ - In regard to Item No. 20, will Harris, ocnstructioo manager for Taco B&ll, told Council that he did not want this item oart:iDJed to the next meetinq. D!..CIi"I,a"im followed regardin;J the possibility of oc:nmct.irJ¡ the hearinq and then t:aJciD} acticI1 00 5epteId:)er 4 after Counc. Goldman had watd1ed the video of the hearinq. It was IICII'ed by Counc. Szabo, seocn:Jed by Counc. Sorensen and ras~ed 3-1 wit.~ Mayor Rcgers dissentinq, to taJæ all public testiJJa1y at this meeting and make the dec:isim m the ~lication at the meeting of SepteDiJer 4. Counc. Goldman ",rill watch the video; hcweYer, shoold he ocme to this meetinq, the decisim will be made tonight. -1- þ e Consent CalE:ndar . . , . I I I i i I ! MINUTES OF '!HE AUGUST 20, 1990, REX;UIAR CI'IY CXXJNCIL MŒl'ING (œ-796) It was JIDVed by Came. SOrensen, sec:c>OOed by co.mc. ~1 and pase~ unanimously to continue Item No. 19, ~lication 5-<;PA-89 to september 4, 1990, am. to I"E!IIO\TQ Item No. 16, aweal of A51\C Resolution No. 1541. CEREM:tITAL M1><.I:.L'J:;K;i - PRæENr1\TIaIS-Nane. ORAL cx:tHJNICATIaIS-Nane. ~ CAIamAR It was JOCJVed by Counc. ~l, secorxied by Came. Soransen am. pa!!!'sed unan:im:Jusly (4-0) with co.mc. SOrensen abstainin; on IteIœ 9 and 10, to awrove the Ckrsent calendar é1S sl1hnitted. 1. A¡:prcval of $200 grant reo ......-rded by the cable Televisim J\dvisOJ:y C"romIittee. 2. Monthly rictivity ~L, July, 1990. 3. Monthly aJdget and Treasurer's Report, July, 1990. 4. Resolutioo No. 8211: "A Resolutim cf the City CaJncil of the city of CUpertino AlltJWin;J Certain C]"i""" and Demands Payable in the Amamts and FraIl the PUnds as Hereinafter Described for General and MisoellaneaJS Expenditures for the Period E:I'xiinq Þ.ugust 10, 1990." 5. Resolutim No. 8212: "A Resolutim of the City ocuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin:J Certain Cl"i..... am Demands Payable in the Amamts and frail the PUnds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and ~ for the Payroll Period Endbg JUly 31, 1990." 6. Resolutim No. 8213: "A Resolutim of the City ocuncil of the City of Q pertino 5ettirg Date for O:Jnsic1eratioo of Annexl.r¥3 Area Designated ''Upland Way 90-05" , PrqJerty IDeated on the East Side of Upland Way BebJeen RainOOw Drive and aII:D Road: AprIroximately 1.28 Acres, Norman (Am 366-03-15)." 7. Request for awrq¡riation fran the general furñ for Activity 1000 (City Council) for Citylink online service with full text and legal service. -2- M!}\m'FS OF THE ~ LO, 1990, REnJl},R CIT'i cnJNcr~ MEEI'ING (œ-796) 8. SUløIlCtJS arx1 ~laint: plaintiff. Rece:!.ve. 9. MimItes of the adjourned regular meetirJ;J of August 1, 1990. Troy P"",:,ell Jenkins, 10. MimItes of the regular meet:'~ of August 6, 1990. 11. MimItes of the adjourned regular meetirq of August 9, 1990. 12. Acceptanoe of city projects: a. Hdndir.ap RaDp Installatim, Project 90-4002, (P & F CC:r1structim, Inc.) 13. A/:x:ept:ance of mnicipal iJrpravements: a. Gin-Ill T. .:>hwe, 10656 North Blaney Avenue b. Grover Btyan and Jeffrey watkins, northeast 001.1.... of Pesadenll/Granada 14. Resolutim No. 8214: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oounc!..l of tha City of CUpertiIX> Authdrizing Exlecutim of ~ÓY_IL A"..--....L BebJeeJ, t.'1e City and D8Y8lcpr M. s. Partnership, a califœ:ni.a General Partnership, dba Ia Ma11cba D8Y8l"P""'1t ~, 21000 stevens Ct'8ek Boulevard. " 15. Resolutim No. 8215: "A Resc,lutim of the City Oouncil of the City of O,¡pert.im J\cceptinq Grant of ¡;O"........ L for Rœdway Puxpœes !ran M. S. Partnership, a califœ:ni.a GenPral Partnership, cœsistinq of ~..z·i_tely 0.01 Acres, IDeated at the Southeast comer of stevens Creek Boulevard and Stellinq Read." vote f.Io-..~ eJ:S of the City Cameil AYES: NœS: ABSENI': ABSTAIN: Kqpel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rogers None Goldman Sorensen (Items 9 and 10) l'I»IS REHJVED FKM CXH;ENl' CAInIDAR - Na1e. FUBLIC HE'.ARI}Q; 16. Consideration of aweal of ASAC Resolution No. 1541 filed by Tanjem Carp.rt:ers, 10400 North Tantau, awroxilnately 600 ft. north of I-280 (COntiroed fran July 16, 1990.) (staff requests removal; issue resolved.) (Previously reJl¥JVed fran the agen:1a.) -3- ¡ I , ¡Appeal-ASAC Res. ¡No. 1541, Tandem I COIr.puters I , . Appeal-ASAC 51.905.1. Terborg . Appeal-9-U-83: Gregory Group' . MINl1I'ES OF '!HE />JJGJST 20, 1990, RmJIJ\R CITY cnJNCIL ME:ETD«; (œ-796) 17. AfP""" 1 of ASAC decision regardi.n;J ~lication ASAC 51,905.1, Jà1n 'I'ertx>rg; property located at 22335 Regnart Road, lot 22 of the Regnart Ridge subdivision. AfP"""1 filed by steve Arrlrews, 22338 Regnart Road. city Planner Cal¥JheY reviewed the history of the a¡:plication ani arP""l with Council. steve AlLh._s, 22338 Regnart Road, one of the 1:JL~ owners, a"hnitted, ,v.,...,......"œ pertain:in:¡ to the city ordinances and letters frail neighbors \\/ho awroved the 1:JL'-¥ =-!Iei project. He then reviewed a history of the ....L· 'i'.Js'ed develcpœnt. '!be issue s. ..,.. to be Wilding a heme that pl-~es the neighborhcxxl, the cxmm.mity as a \\/hole, and fits into the hillside. I¥J1I1 Carlta1, 10092 Bianchi Ca.Irt, addressed Ca..n::il regard.irq oa¡ce;m pertaining to an ~"""-·IL. It 'M13 pointed out that the ....-"",IL in questim a¡:plied to Agenda Item No. 21. Iance ('---l~t, 22336 Regnart Road, said he was ~l1ed that the ~ "'''''''OC'iatim Arà1i.tectural P.eview n--ittee ~ this pl.~secl heme. Frcm the bottaD of the hcuse to the roof was originally 47 feet, new r-i'~ to 45 feet and WQ.Ùd be a lIØ10lith m the ridge. '!he letters frail neighbors did not include ane frail Dick Q'~. Mr. Ges8e1braå1t stated that he beheved st:eYe had as1tGit for ane bIt did not get it. 'lbere is no reasa1 not to ~1.y with the 30 ft. CCR height limit. He urged Oouncil to iIeI'Xi it bI!Ick to AS1IC for re-<lesign. Jà1n ~y said that they are <:b:qping tha height of the hcuse to Jl feet. Mr. r.&""""'l does ~ this and Mr. JacIœa1, \\/ho owns the neighborinq lot, also SURJOrts the }-AI.1I.J1.-~1. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel, secx:njed by Came. Sorensen ani p"~e'!!d UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly (4-0) to close the ~lic hearing. It was!IIJVed by Counc. Szabo, secorx3ed by Counc. Kqpel ani I"'ðð'!!d u:nanino.1sly (4-0) to grant the aweal based m an average height of 31 feet. 18. Afr-l of Planninq Ccmnission denial of the minor amelJdmellL request by Gregory Groop, Inc.; ~licatim 9~-83 - Seven Sprinqs Devel..J~,.....It, 'oo'eSt side of stelljn;J Road, southerly of Rainb.:M Drive. -4- · MINtJ:'ES OF '!HE AUGUST 20, 1990, REX:;U11IR CITY cnJNCIL MEITING (œ-796) City Planner Ca1.¥3heY reviewed the prq:>osed c::harY:}es with cn..mcil. þ James Jacksa1, 1."¥L s!mting' the Gregory Group, said that there is a perception that t-.bere have been t.rE!Iœ:nr::b.I charges in the seven SpriIgs project since it was first ~~sed. He then 0CIIpU"ed the initial þL'¥::>6al to 1IIhat has been built and stated that it is pretty DJJCh the _ project exœpt that the tc:M'1haJses have been deleted. '!be haDes wcW.d be aI:xJut 5,000 to 5500 sq. ft. surro.mded by open spaœ. 'Ihere are 40. 3 acres in <Ymwn núty open EIlJaOe. 'Ihere have been changes mainly Qecanse it's a I'D, Planned Devel~It; however, the essence has not c::harged. QIan; es listed were: there are no solar roof panels, no recycling center on the site, no tc:M'1haJses, and r.o ~lic park as a park dedication fee was paid. In regard to CXIIIIIIE!I'Its that these wcW.d be big haJses m little lots, Mr. Jacksa1 stated Sevens Sprinqs is less dense than surra.tntin;J area. ISS'..... in a¡pertino that oouoern the <Ymwn1Td.ty are privacy, big 00us'!!S m little lots, ~ to passE'xsby £ran the QI'",,;side, general .........núty feel and ocntrol of private yard area. 'Ihese are not i.......... here. Mr. Jacksa1 urged Council to grant the aRJE!al. He stated that there were also L"¥L s ,lLatives fran the Gregory Group available to answer questiCl'lS. Avie Katz, resident of seven Sprir¥3s and president of the Bo!u:d of Directors of the haœcwners association, said he had revie¡/ed the architectural drawinqs and visited the site and felt the døvel"'P"""lt wcW.d enhance the .........núty and will blenj well. Most Seven SpriIgs residents are in favœ.· of the devel"'P"""lt as a good thin;J for the neighLu..l.o.:..l and .........núty. steve wallace said the haneowners are p]...."""'" with the VL'I"-"""'J. A few had sane canoezns regæ:din:J OJtside a~. '!be Gregory Group held an open hoJse for the residents to provide them an CJR)Orbmity to see the plans. Rúl ZeitJDan said if the ~ are so miIX>r and the PléUllÚJ'XJ C'nmIi ....ion denied them, there is saret.hi.n:J E'.1se goirg m. It SCIUI'K:!s like the Council shaù= support the PléUllÚJ'XJ C'nmIi ASion. Upon beinq asJœd aI:xJut the PlanrLi.n;j Camlission's seoccld f:irxi1n:J on this awlication, Mr. Caughey resporx1ed that there was not DJJCh tii """""..ion or testimony on the item, J::ut it was include.i in Ckmn. Fazekas' JIOtiC'n. It was JICVed by cwnc. Kq.pel, seoonded by 0Junc. Szabo and pa.!;'sed unanbtIoosly (4-0) to close the ~lic hearing'. -5- j MINUI'ES OF '!HE J>.UGUST 20, 1990, REX;UIAR CTIY CXXJNCIL MEE.TING (œ-796) Dlrinq CaJncil tii"""l9Sion, varioos 1I-1hers expressed ooncerns regardinq the çpearanœ of extreme density, reducing the 1'1UJIi)er of lots for larger haIIes. 'lbe fact that these will J'X1t be seen by general p.¡blic goinq by and will be J::W.1t m interior lots was also mentia1ed. It was DK:Ned by counc. I<cwel to refer this back to the Planning ChmIi"'..ion for l.~t and request that they look at: ptilrin:J the I'IInnho>r of \D'Ú.ts and any other optim. City Att.ozney Kilian infœ:n.e.l Oouncil that if the I'll........... of lots ware ~, it walld require a new tentative map. 'lbe a¡:plicant is willing to go back to the Planninq ChmIi ....im with plans for perhaps, just one of the larger ~lans being requested rather than both of them. '!be previous motim died for laCk of seoorxi. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Szabo and seocnded I:7f Came. I<ìJppel to I'\!fer tha applicatim back to the Planni.n:1 l"nmIi oaeim for re-evaluatim. Mayor Rcgers expressed cancern that amenities might be requested that were J'X1t envisia1ed oriqinally. '!be motim was adcpt:ed I.II1IIIÛmI:UIly. 19. ~licati.at ~-89 City of O,¡pert.im Q;nJideratim of _Idme.tts to the followinq el......íLs of the City of a¡pertino General Plan: Ian:! Use¡n-mnú.ty C21aracter: 1) Additim of text and policy oc:nceminq residential infill subdivisiCl'lS 2) Additim of text and policy .:x.-..-.uinq land use in areas \leSt of the t1J:ban Service Area bamdazy 3) General statistical Update Public Health ë!J'Id Safety: 1) Additim of text and policy oaaoenù.rg hazardoos waste management 2) Update of text and policy oc:nceminq air quality am CCI!IIIJIÚty noise c:haracteristics 3) General statistical Update Transportation Element:: 1) Addition of text and policy oc:nceminq regia1al transportatim planninq oojectives 2) General statistical Update -6- MINllI'ES OF 'lEE AUGUST 20, 1990, REGlJU\R CITY CXXJNCIL MEETING (œ-796) EnvhUl....../tal ResGurces Element: 1) Addition of text aro policy resources 2) Addition of text aro reforestation 3) General statistical Update Previously oantirn.1ed to september 4, 1990. 00I1C'er1'Iin] mineral policy c:crrernin;J PUINNIN:; APPLICATIOOS 20. ~licatim No. 5-U-90 aro 4-FA-90 - Taco Bell OJ1.~CLtim - Request for Use FeDnit to 0a1Struc:t: and q¡erate a 2,000 sq. ft. freest:.arxiin: t:aJœcut restaurant. Envh"'lUICIttal Deteminatim: 'Ihe PlanrWlq ,..",."i ....im r.-J> .......Ids the grant.izg of a Negative no".",~tia1. I.cx:ated on the northeast 001...... of DeAnza Boulevard aro Bollin:Jer Road. P<>o:. ....-x!ed for a¡:prtMÙ. . Mr. Harris said that when he requested to be heard, he 1IIBimt that he wanted a tiAr-isim taú.ght. In lieu of a public hearinq at this meetinq and a decisim m Sept'_ 4, he ......'1'" like to ccntinue the entire application to sept"_..I~ 4. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel, seocn::Jed by Counc. Sorensen and ~~nd 3-1 with Hayer Rcgers di.ssentinq, to cx.ntirJJe ca1S1.deratim of ~licatim Nos. 5-U-90 and 4-FA-90 until the meetinq of September 4. 21. ~icatim No. 16-U-90 and 26-FA-90 - David BardVY't. - ~-t for Use Pm:mit to oa...L<\JCt a 5,900 sq. ft. sinqle st:Œy (> .......>"Cial 1Juildinq with related site iJIpraveme.nts; demolitim of two E'IXi.stinq detaå1ed -11in]s. EnviraDenta1 Deteminatim: 'Ihe P1arøUng ,..",."i....t.m rec....·....1ds the grant.izg of a Negative ",,<,1 '''-atim. IDeated m the southeast 001...... of Stelling Road and stevens Creek Boulevard. ~. ....-..ded for ðßIroYëÙ. Follarin;J review of the application, Council asked if the demolitim of the sinqle-family residen:Je wculd result in ~ losiI¡q their liviI¡q quarters. Mr. caughey respalded that the residence is rented; the family liviI¡q there will get any required legal notice. The City does not provide relocatim assistance. -7- App. 5-U-83, Tacc Bell App. l6-U-90 [" 26-EA-90,Banducci MrntJl'ES OF 'mE ~ST 20, 1990, RmJlM{ ClT'i o:1JNCIL MEET:rnG (œ-796) '!be City Attorney said that in order to prcI\I'ide such assistance, it woold be neoe5!:'!\ty to irx:lu:1e sanething to t:.l1at effect in the General Plan or to enact an ordinarre addressi.n;J this issue in general. <::oorx;il reviewed a color palette for the develq:meut r:ave Banducci, awlicant, told Cameil that basically he does concur with the staff ~ ...,oÞrrlations. '!here is, however, one exception which is the deletion of one of the parJd.n;J spaoes in front. staff informed Cameil that the developnent does have a suzplus of parking. I¥I'II'1 Carlton, 10092 Bianchi way, said she was oa1OeD'1ed regardinq the ilLq.:sed Bianchi way access. '!here is a residence for the I'Ii....bled a'1 that street an:i she is 0ŒJ0emed regardinq .ùx:reased traffic and woold prefer no !K""'e"e off that street. Residents had not received natioe regardinq the application and she requested time to ilL~ a petitim. 'ItIere are 27 units for I'Ii""lbled and çpruximately eight pecple in a foor-plex. 'lbere is also the family in the residence to be dellDlished and about three or four others. Oouncil inquired as to the need for the Bianchi a,.......,.,e. Mr. caughey replied that the Stelling _~ð is right turn a1ly. '!he issue is entrance ftuD stevens Creek Boulevar.i and persa1S ..............sdúng frail the narth. Another colleen. is the bus tum-out an:i traffic safety. It n .... the secx:n2ry ~e frail Bianchi way is ~'1'!1ry. He then SUJ9E!Sted that pert1aps part of the parJd.n;J lot oculd be z..cx:tlfigured and a sidewalk be prcI\I'ided. Ms. Carltal said that Bianchi Way does have a sidellalk kut there is a tight turn in one portim and electric wheelchairs cannot maneuver wel1. 'Iherefore, the ..LL....t is used. '!be need is to get to stevens Creek Boulevard and not Stellinq Road. Biand1i. way is dedicated an:i to City standards, kut is not fully i:apraved. victor castella, prqJE!rty owner, said there is a jog in the street and lack of iaprovements because Mt-. Bianchi has not dedicated the nece<'''ary property. -8- . MINUl'ES OF '!HE AUGUST 20, 1990, REGJlAR CI'IY CXXJNCIL MFXITNG (œ-796) upon be!.n::J asked by Cameil ~ lack of notice, Mr. Caughey stated that notice was sent to the property owner and the management. lee Ann Jacquin, 11220 Palos VErdes COOrt, asked about the date of notice an:l wa.c¡ informed the date m the notice was JUly 27, and the affidavit of mailing also shews JUly 27. Notice was sent to Palo Alto and to BianàU Way. It was 1IPVed by courx:. KI:JWel and sec:x:med by Counc. Sorensen to refer the awlicatim to the Plann:i:nq cnmdAsion to resolve the Bianchi Way ..............,. with the statement that Council does not SURJOrt it. Also, the residents of Le 8ea\Ùieu sha.1ld be noticed. . Following ñi......lSsion, the JOCJtion an:l secxnl'o/ere withdrawn. Council ñi.".."",..ed further a¡:proving the project, DXXlified to close Bianchi Way, the extension of the IIIaSa'Iry barrier across that frontage, and lardo;caping. It was moved by courx:. Szabo to ðW1ave the. project DXXlified to close Bianchi Way, to substitute larXI<=œpinq, and exten:i the IIIaSa'Iry barrier across the Bianchi way fra1tage. If the applicant chooses, he may go back to the Pl.annin;J C'rwmIi....im to deal with a~e. 'Ibis shall be a natioed public hearinq, particularly to Is Bealùieu residents and then sha1ld 0CIIIe back to the City courx:il. It:Jtim died for lack of secx::ni. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, seoc:n:Jed by Ccunc. I<q:pel and p"eøed unanimously to approve the grantinq of a Negative Decl3ratim. Mr. castella said that perhaps saII8 DXXlificatim oculd be da1e that he 10IQÙd be willing to pay for and then Bianchi Way ...,......,ø oculd be rtq)E!l1ed. It was moved by Counc. KcJwel, seoonded by Counc. Sorensen and peI"'~ unanimously to awrove the awlication per Plë1l11'linq CCmmission Resolution No. 4279 withalt aooese to BianàU Way and exterrl the masonry samd wall belúnd 5 ft. laOO$œping. '!his results in deletion of comition No. 25 and a revision to Exhibit AS-1. ~: 9:20-9:34 P.M. t -9- . App. ASAC 51. '104.1. Rt. 85 . MINUTES OF 'IlIE AIJGtJ&r 20, 1990, RmJIAR CITY o::xJNCIL MEE:l'ING (œ-796) ARCHlTECIURAL AND SITE APFRJVAL o:HfiT1'EE APPLICATIctlS 22. ~licatim AS1IC 51,904.1 - City of D.Jpertino - Request for review and ~ of ret.aininq walls, sound walls, and bridge design for RQ1te 85 thJ:"QJgh CUpertin:>. Ro.u...u......1ded for approval. FolIowin;¡' staff ~l seJltatim, Mayor Rogers said that she had received a petition fran residents in the Rcse Blossan¡'Can'iage Circle area (&-9 area) and requested that the sound wall in their neighborhood be a 10 ft. maxim.Jm height to keep the 1OOUl1tain view and light. Mr. Viskavich said he had just received that petitim tonight and will fœ:ward it to the Traffic Authority. '!he Authority can ~Liate with them. Nan::y Hertert 0a1Structicn. route? inr:pired about traffic m M:::Clellan durinq Will the City eliminate that road as a Mr. ViskDvidl said that delivery t:nx::Jcs can use City streets for delivery, how8v&r, the City will encourage use of SCIIIB ..L<....t other than MoClellan. 'Ihis was a geed point arxl he will follow up Q'1 it. It was 1IDYed by Counc. Sorensen, seoc:nded by Counc. IC'q:pel and p"'ee'lld unanimcus1y to ~ ~licatia1 ASAC 51,904.1 per AS1IC Resolutia1 No. 1558. UNFINISHED EŒINE$ 23. Na1e. NEH aJSINESS Tree planting 24. ~L m tree plant.in;J ~'-";LQIII in the City of program CUpertiIX>. Appeal-SCC approval for Stevens Crk. erry It was 1IDYed by Counc. Kqpel, seconded by Came. Sorensen and p"aaed unanimously to aß)roVe and iJtplement the pr"':lLaw. '!hey ~ that staff naùtor regarding the l1l.III'ber of ~ residents pm:hasL-q trees. 25. Di......'''dm and request for positim regarding OJp&..~'s ~1 of the Santa Clara Ocunty Planl'\in; cnm.i....ion 's ~ of stevens Creek ~ use pennit. -10- MINtJl'ES OF '!HE 1II.X;(JS'I' 20, 1990, REX>UIAR CI'lY CXXJNCIL MEETING (œ-796) It was IIICIVI!d by Counc. Ifq:pù and seoc:I'1ded by Counc. Szabo to ÇPI'OV8 the l'L' ope sød letter in c:x:tr..q.lL. Mayor Rcgers stated she ~ like to make SCIIIB minor c:han:Jes . Nancy Hertert thanked Oouncil for tneir oct.c..m regardinq this i-ue. She asJœd if it wculd help to widen the road and possibly iJ1Stall a step light and if so, Ii«JUld the Quarry cXl.'ltrib.Jt:f!. Mayor Ro.:ær.o and Director of rnm."'1ity Develc.pœnt Cowan will be atten:hrq the BeaM of SUpelvisors meetirg. Ms. Hertert stated that the supervisor ~ brQ.Jght up the i a'"']8 of a 2C>-year lJmi.t did so because he was oct........11ed about the applicant's ability to finaooe mad1ineIy. '1he JDC:Jti.cn was adcpted UI'1aIÚDII::Uùy. WRI."l'nN CXlHJNICATIœs 26. Ncne. æDINANCES 27. Ncne. RESOWl'ICHI 28. Ncne. ~ .I<UU<.I.~ 29. Oral L"t'ULt.s by staff 111 14tt&. Directar of ParIes and Rt....._tia1 Ccwling di""'---¡d a mE!IIIO the Parks and Recreatim ChmIi -iat had sent to Oouncil regardin;J their I'""O ··..-·ùstiat to place underlyinq zarl.n:J of 2o-acre parcels for urxIøvelqJed land to be effective August 1. Di.sn1$9im followed regardin;J sen:lin:¡ this to the Planninq (h...d_im arx!/or the ("~1.. n--ittee. Mr. Ccwlinq told Council that the mE!IIIO is a statemeld. m the ChmIi....im's views. -ll- MINIJ1'ES OF 'mE 1IUGlJST 20, 1990, 'RFOJlAR CITY CXXJNCIL Ì'lU;J:.u«; (œ-796) city MIIMger Brown expœssed ca1OeU. that if t'.18 Council fomally refers it to the (,~1.. C'nIonittee, it may be intaxpreted as direction to ca1Sider that. 5tJ!ff is tJ:ying to net give specific direction to the ('JV01.. C'nIonittee. It was DK:Ned by Counc. ~l, seoa1ded by Counc. Sorensen and pllSl>ed unaniøøm1y to note and file the memo. 30. Update a1 status of City center """",,lex, sa.rt:høast ............... of stevens C'.œek BoulevaJ:d and DeAnza Doulevard. '!he City Manager stated there was no LqA.'LL at this time. At 10:20 p.m., Oouncil adjcmned. -12-