CC 09-04-90 CITY OF aJPERl'INO, STATE CF CALIFURNIA 10300 'IORíŒ AVENUE, aJPERl'IN), CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (4080 252-4505 œ-797 MINtJ1'ES OF 'mE REX;U1AR CITY cxx.'NCIL MŒl'DC HErD 00 SEPI'EMBER 4, 1990, CXXJNCIL OÐ\MBER, CITY HALL 10300 '1~ AVDIDE, C1JPER1'1N), CAI.IRIRNIA s;u.tJI'E 'ro '!HE FI1\G '!be meetirg was called to order by Mayor ~ at 6: 45 p.m. ROIL CAlL Came. Present: Goldman, Kqpel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor ~ staff Present: City Manager BrcM1 city ClerK COn1elius Director of Public Works Viskavich Director of C'rnmI"'1ity D8Y8l,¥""",L Cowan Director of Parks and Recl:eatim Ccwlinq Assistant to the city Manager Brown Director of Finance Snyàer Public Infomatim Officer Xrey Associate Planner Ciddy Wordell Assistant City Attorney lq)ez ~ It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel, -......ded by Counc. sorensen and I"'ðe'9(i ~y to reIIDV8 Item No. 8 traa the agen:Ja and to ocmtinue Items 19 and 30(a) to the meetinq of septeDiJer 17, 1990. CEREM:IIIAL MA:I:.I.1:òK::i - PRESmrATIœs Presentatim of plaque to cutgoing cable Televisicm Advisozy Carmittee mømher - Bill Fletcher. Mayor Rcgers presented Hr. Fletcher with the Plaque of lIWreciation. -1- e KINtJIlrS OF 'mE SEPmmrn. 4, 1990. mrnIJ..R CIT'{ croNCIL MEETING (œ-797) Recognition of Foothill Bà:by SOX All stars. Following the Mayor's presentation of proclëanations, the Bà:by SOX All stars presented her with a tee shirt. ORAL CXH«JNICATIœs zincvy Fichtenholz, 11458 Garden Tetrace Drive, addressed Council regardinq a Ian1mark Devel'¥"""1t project. He stated that he had been told the trees a.roum the project ~d be upgraded in order that the project be e..............ed. Instead, small trees were planted. Also, he had been infozmed that the location of t.l - ~d be reviEMld by staff. 'Ihe trees provide no shielding of his hc.IIIe; the Jdtd1en win:Icws of the new haDes are lookinq into the ymds of the existinq haDes. Director of n-m11Ùty Devel,¥"""IL Cowan said he will talk with Mr. F:ichtenholz and L'¥o'Lt back at the next mestinq. 'Ihe project beinq t'li"'c"S'sed is still under ooostruc:tim. . Narx:y a.n..øt.l, 729 sten::lahl Iane, harDed out an updated list of ("_1.. ChIInittee EP,~ittees and their --erEhip. Rcberta Hollimcn, 01air of the Fine Arts n.......i ....ia1, ,¡.>L s ¡>,¡,te:i c:nmcil 11_.~ «8 and staff with 1:uIIper stickers readinq "QJpert.ino cares Abcut the Arts". Consent Calendar <:xHmn' ~ Mayor ~ reII7.'ed Items No. 6 am 14. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel, Séo.o..II.:Jo:d by Counc. Sorensen and p"ee-' unalÙ:IIDJSly to ..........vÆI the balance of the 0Œ1sent calendar as .."hnitted, with Counc. Goldman abstaininq m Items No. 15, 16, and 17. . 1. Resolutia1 No. 8218: "A Resolutim of the City Council of the City of QJpertino Allowinq Certain ClêÚJDs and Deman:Js Payable in the ADx:iunts and FraIl the PUnds as Hereinafter Described for General and MJ'"Oe'llanecus Experñitures for the Period Ending JUly 27, 1990." 2. Resolutim No. 8219: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of CUpertiIX> Allowing Certain CV.i""" am Demands Payable in the ADx:iunts and !ran the PUnds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period Ending August 14, 1990." -2- t MINlJI'FS OF 'mE SEPJD!BER <\ , l~~O , R'EæL\R ClT'i cnJNCll, MEEl'ING (œ-797) 3. Resolution No. 8220: "A Resolution of the City eam::il of the city of CUpertin:> Allowinq Certain Claims and Demands Payable in the Amc:Qrt:s and Fran the F\Jnds as Hereinafter Described for General and Miscell~ Expen:litures for the Period Endi.n::J August 24, 1990." 4. Waiver of business license fees for Citizens for a Better Envi.ra1ment. 5. Resolution No. 8217: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizin:J Executim of a Joint Exercise of Pcwers AgreeIœnt and COq:Ieration AyU'CIUC..1t with the Camty of Santa Clara for Fiscal Years 1991-1993." 6. ReDDved frail the ccnsent calen:lar. I 7. Resolutim No. 8222: "A Resolutim of the City Ch.1rx:il of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~inq 0XItract 01an:Je order No. 2 for Sluny seal Project 90-105." 8. Resolutim No. 8223: "A ResolutiŒ1 of the City eam::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~inq 0XItract 01an:Je order No. 2 for Anrual o.terlay Project 90-104." 9. Resolutim No. 8224: "A Resolutim of the City eam::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~inq a...LLaet 0Jan;Je order No. 2 for Rec:x:I1structi of a.nœ, Qztters and sidewalks Project 90-102." 10. Resolutim No. 8225: "A Resolutim of the City eam::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizinq Exec::ut.ia1 of Ihtu-OIo.........1t AyL............1t Beb"8en the City and D8Y8lc:per West Valley Pl.'+""Lties, Inc., A califamia 00rparatia'I, 19400 stevens Creek Eb..ù.evard." 11. Resolutia1 No. 8226: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Aooeptinq a Grëmt of -......-. ,L for si:!"!"1alk Pu1:1' " frail West Valley Pl.'+""Lties, Inc. , A califœ:ni.a Cl.u.r<>1.Atim, Located 19400 stevens Creek BculevaJ:d." 12. Resolutim No. 8227: "A Resolution of the City eam::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Aooeptinq Q.ùtclalm Deed and Authorizatic.n for t1ndergrc:uxi Water Rights fr.;m James L. ¥asd1mitter am ursula K. Kaschmitter, 0ran;Ja AvetUJe SaIth of Granada AvetUJe." -3- MIN!JIES OF '!HE SEPTEMBER 4, 1990, REGJIAR CITY cnJNCIL MEE:l'n.a:> (œ-797) 13. Resolutim No. 8228: "A Resolutim of the City Council of the city of CUpertiIX> ADoepting Grant of F.a_1t for Roadway P.npcsoo frail James L. Y.asdmdtter and ursula K. ¥asdmlitter, Oran;¡e Averu¡e South of GnInI!Ida Avenue." 14. Removed frail the 0Œ1sent caleniar. 15. Mi1Ultes of the adjoorned regular meeting of ~ 13, 1990. 16. Mi1Ultes of the adjoorned regular meeting of ~ 15, 1990. 17. Mi1Ultes of the regular meeting of ~ 20, 1990. 18. Acoeptance of City i:qJravements: a) ReocnstJ:ucti.a of QJrt)s, QJtters, and Sidewalks, Project 90-102 (Bianårl Ca1structim) b) viceroy ccurt StŒm Drain, Prcject 90-6013 (01sey CcI1stzuctia1) c) Olrlstensen Drive street ~uv~....,..t.s, Project 90-108 (Golden Bay cmstroctim) (No Ñr'J...-¡ts M<" -'!IrY) YQt§ ~·.ofI1:S of the City Council MES: lIES: ABSENl': AærAIN: GoldllBn, Keppel, Sorensen, Szabo, ac."...... Na1e Na1e Gol"'-"1 (Iteas 15, 16, 17) ITÐIS mÐVED FKH CXH;Ðfl' CAIÐIDa\R 6. Resolutim No. 8221: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of 0Jpertjn0 Authdrizing Destruct:im of Reoo1ê\1s (Parks and Rec:reatim Department)." It was DK:Ned by Mayor Rcgers, SêOCtœ117.i Counc. ~l and I"'~eed lII'IalÚJIIaJSly to adept the resolutim. 14. Resolutim No. 8229: "A ResoluUm of the City Cameil of the City of 0Jpertjn0 Dec:larinq Its Intentia1 to Order Vacatim of a Partim of OVerland Drai.nIIge FJo...........rt; within the City of 0Jpertjn0 Pursuant to Sectim 50430 Et. 5eq. of the GaIr....._.L COde of the state of califœ:ni.a, Fixinq Time and Place for Hearing and Providinq for Notice 'Ihereof: RainIx:Jii Drive at SaIthem Pacific Railroad Trëlcks." -4- MINlJI'ES OF TIiE ::'U'1J:...œER 4, 1990, REX;UIAR CI'IY CXXJNCIL JoIEErING (œ-797) It wa.'\ JlK: \fed by Mayor Rogers, seoorxied by Came. Kq:pel and p""ged unanimaJsly to adq1t the resolution settÍIXJ the hearÍIXJ for octOOer 1, 1990. RJBLIC HE'.ARTICS 19. ~licatia1 6-Z-90 and Abanda1ment - Bruce Irwin and Carl Zan;Jer - Request for rezcnin;J of ðt¥LUI'-i""'tely .46 acres gross (20,125 sq. ft. gross) frail Rl-I0 (single family resident".ial, 10,000 sq. ft. minbø.ma lot area) to lU-7.5 (sinqle family residential, 7,500 sq. ft. minbø.ma lot area). Prcp:!rty is located at 10572 Felta'1 Way. Aban:knDent of a portim of the Felta'1 right-of-way (ðt¥L......i""'tely 7,672 sq. ft. of roadway). Env:i1:Úi/IIE!Iltal Deteminatim: '!be Plannin;¡ camú.ssim reo:- ....-·Ids the grantinq of a Negative Declaratim. Re() .....-.ded for awraval. (a) Resolutim No. 8230: "A Resolutim of the city cnmcil of the City of O,¡pert.im orderinq Vacation of a Portim of Felta'1 way IDeated sooth t'f Kirwin lane as Provided in Sectim 8320 Et. Seq. of the streets and Highways COde of the state of California." (b) First readinq of Ordinance No. 1536: "An Ordinance of the City Oouncil of the City of O¡pertino Amerxiin¡ sectim 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Reza\inq ~...,.i""'tely .46 Grœs Acres FraIl Rl-IO ~ to Rl-7.5 ~: Located at 10572 Felta'1 way (Bruce Irwin and carl Zanger, 6-Z-90)." Previœsly ccntirued to the meetinq of sept:eDi:)er 17, 1990. 20. ~licatim ~-89 City of O,¡pert.im OxISideratim of _.dI..::.,Ls to the followinq elElllE!ld:8 of the City of O,¡pert.im General Plan: I.and UsejChroft"'1ity Character: 1) Additim of text and policy CXI'I081:J1inq residential Will Sl1lxiivisiCl'lS 2) Additim of text and policy CXI'I081:J1inq land use in areas west of the UIban service Area I::x:u1dary 3) General statistical Update Public Health and safety: 1) Addition of text and policy ooncenù.n; hazardoos waste ~·_I'lt 2) U¡:date of text and policy ooncenù.n; air quality and cxmrunity noise c::haracteristics 3) General statistical Update -5- 5-GPA-89-City of Cupertino MnmES OF 'mE ~ l¡, 199Q, R£æI.},R ClT'i <I1JNCIL MEEI'l."NG (œ-797) Trd11SpOrtaticn Element: 1) Additim of text and policy concentin;J regional transportation pl~ objectives 2) General statistical Update Enviranmental Resa.1rces Element: 1) 1\dditim of text and policy concentin;J mineral resau:ces 2) 1\dditicn of text and policy OOlICo=1.Uing reforestatim 3) General statistical Update (a) Resolutim No. 8233: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of CUpertino ~ ~liœtim 5-GPA-89, city of CUpertino." Director of C'romIInúty Devel~.t Cowan pr:1I ,ILed his lo::y..>LL to Council and was available for any questiCl'lS. Cameil <'Ii .......--9d the possibility of staff 00l'1duc:t:.ing a study to detmmine the specific rn1lllher of jobs in CUpertino. '!here were SCIII8 0a10emS regard.inJ ABI\G figures. Mr. Cowan stated that a sallple suzvey was done by the City and the figures as pl II "Led by the Director of Finance ..ckh......sed the tull--l:ime equivalent of positiCl'lS. ABI\G uses SOcbl 5ecIJrity data. City Manager Brcwn said the City '-'OOld be in a difficult positim to cbject to the ABI\G ra1ll~ Ea:S \D1less it were to do a rigorœs review. A t:1n.mà1ail s1œtc:h oculd be dcne for general .:, "\ "'rlscn. 'n1e Director of Finance will be doing a IIICII'8 detailed study at the em of the year. Cameil œp.....d by CXI1SE!lISUS that the study be dcne. Nancy B.Imett adch. e....o Council regard.inJ policy 2-34. She was intUL....d that this is not a new policy, b1t is refOCDattinq of an exi.stinq policy. Mr. Cowan told Oouncil that the Tanner material (hazardous material) is the a1ly time sensitive part of this ~,\-<sed ameudmealt. '!be rest oaüd be delayed until after the (;nool.. Camlittee ocn::ludes its work. -6- Mrnl1I'ES OF '!HE SEPI'EMEER 4 I 1990, RmJIAR CITY axJNCIL MEFl'ING (œ-797) Ann Arqer, Manta Vista, expressed the opinion that e::.mcil v.œJ.d be jUllpinq the gun if this were a¡:proved prior to the c:œpletim of the Goals Ccmnittee work. She urged them to wait until that is CCIIplete. Follcowin; Oouncil ñi"""'lSsim, Mr. Cowan ~-ted that Cameil CCI'ISider a1ly the Residentia1jInfill Devel,¥""".L, Urban Service Aræ" Tanner, and Di""'OGt> Policy and that the rest of ~qJCsed General Plan Amen:Jment be CCI'1Sidered with stage III of the ~. o("'>C'e. Cameil ay1..eed by 0Œ1Sel1SUS. Comcil also directed, by consensus, that staff initiate the PJ::~" to OCI1Sider Residential Hillside zaninq for the area around the Regnart Rià;¡e sulxUvisim. cnmc:il ~.....t.ed that a table be placed in the Gene1::al Plan shcwinq clarificatim of how the rnmhørs were deteJ:mined as listed m page 23 and that the history and how ær-i..iCl'lS were made also be included. Bob SI.Ddual.s, 841 Lenzen AveraJe, San Jose, L"'t'L l!elltinq the Diocese of san Jose, requested a fUller explanation of the slope density fnrnul". He ~led to Oouncil for a ratia1al awrœcn and stated that the technical update should incl\X3e a history of devel~1t of the property. Mr. Cowan said it was w..,....1t that this portim be considered ~...... it is ]1A -"~ry to reinsert the marginal note m page 23. Nancy 8.Jn'..LL told Oouncil that the 1"'.-1.. lhnnittee is not dealinq with the hazaJ:doos waste JIIIU'\&,. '-'IL at all. staff will clarify m page 61 that the 01pertin0 site st.oewn is not sc::tIed1led as a repository of hazamcus materials, Þ.Jt is a """""1'\Y site. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel and seoc:tded by Counc. Sorensen to cx:.ntin.Ie the hearin:J to the meetinq of SepteIIi:Ier 17, at Wiå1 time the Di QOOS'it property, the hazardous materials portim, the Residential Infill and Urban Service Area portiCl'lS will be Oa'ISidered with the rest ~ heard after the t'Y'OIplet1m of the Goals Ccmnittee, e>roept for the Halsin:J Element, Wich will prci)ably be in NaYeDiJer. A L~:t: : S :I.tative frail stevens Creek Quarry addt"""'eed Cameil ~ the Mineral Resources portion of the amenJmellt. He was informed that this will be considered after the 1"'_1.. lhnni ttee CXII1?letes their work and the Planninq Department will ootify him ~ the hearirx] is scheduled for the Pl~ Ccmnissian. -7- e )-V-90 (Jackson) . App. 5-U-90 [, 4-EA-90 (Taco Bell) . MINIJI'ES OF '!HE SEPI'EMBER 4, 1990, REX;UIl\R CI'IY CXXJNCIL MEE:I'ING (œ-797) '!be JIDtion was adqJted unanim:usly. PlANNING APPLICATIœs 21. ~licatlon No. I-V-90 - Jenny an:i Hugh Jacksa1- Request for variance to Section 8.4.3. of Ordinance No. 1449 to reduce the required seoan::l story setback surcharge for a seoan::l story addition to an existinq single-family residence. '!be pI"q)E!rty is located m the south side of stevens Creek Boulevard, 300 ft. east of DeAnza Boulevard. Emrll......IWtOIItal Detezminatim: Categorically Exempt. Reo ·..,,-·rled for denial. Mr. 0:Jwan clarified that the location of the prc:party is 22460 CUpertino Read. Hugh Jac:ksa1, applicant, told cnmcil that he feels the larçuage of the setback requirements as stated in Secticn 8.4.3 of 0Zdinance No. 1449 was part of the problem. He ""'hnitted to Council oc:pies of O::iunty Ass-For's Book 326, page 50 and gave them b!Ickgrcund informatim regarc:lin¡ the abanda1ed roadway. He also ~l1hni tted ¡:tIotos shoirlnq the view of his haDe and views frail the haDe. Mr. Jacksa1 reviewed ocn:litiCl'lS he feels are unique to his piece of Ì'L'+""Lty and PLS!Irt:a:l letters fran his neighbors E/Xì.tL.....sinq no OOjectim to the ~. i^-sed variance. It was IIICYed by Counc. KqJpel, BeCXIÙ!d by Counc. Sorensen an:i I"'I"'õ'ed unanimously to grant the variance per the applicant's EÐChibit with finr:linqs that there are special cx:n:litiCl'lS, it is r---e~ry for substantial prcperty rights, and it will not prntiI""" material adverse effects m the neighborlxxxl. lID JÎx.5: 8:50-8:58 P.M. 22. ~licatim No. 5-U-90 an:i 4-FA-90 - Taco B&ll COzporatim - Request for Use Permit to CC81St:zuct and cp!rate a 2,000 sq. ft. freestarñinq taJœcut restaurant. Emrll......llllt:.l1tal DeteJ:minatim: '!be Plëll1l'lin.J ChmIi....im Ie-:· ........'Ids the grantin;J of a Negative Declaratim. Iocated m the northeast corner of DeAnza BoulevaIÙ and Bollirqer Read. R&...............Œ!d for a¡:proval. Mr. Cowan stated that the issue r)i"('ll"',;,ed at the Plannirg C'hm1i "Sion was whether or not this application was consistent with the General Plan. 9:l a vote of 4-1, the Chnmic:sion felt that it was. Technical issues ocu::ern traffic, the theImal oxidizer, architecture, an:i ÍI~.....s/egress to the prcpœed deIIelopnent. Also r)i<:r'll'i'S'9d -8- I MINTJl'ES OF '!HE SEPI'D1BER 4 , 1990, RmJIAR c.TI"i CXXJNCIL MEF:ITNG (œ-797) by the Plðl11'liIxJ Canmission, was the right-of-way on Bollinqer am a ros duckout. t Will Harris, construction manager for Taco Bell, told Cameil that the Taco Bell wants to lDCNE! fran its present site because it is a small J:uilclin:] with ootdated equi¡:ment am few parkin:J places. Taco Bell will stay in CUpertino. Mr. Harris reviewed types of Þ.1ildi.n:Js that owld go Œ1 that oorner, such as convenience stores. He said the pl~ devel,...~...."uL '-'OOld be well landscaped and an in:lividually designed J:uilclin:]. '!he existirq restaurant '-'OOld be closed am therefore, Taco Bell is just mavinq, not creatirq a new restaurant. Pete Galloway, transportatim planner for Qmrl. -Means, described the method of establishin¡ peak hair trips. In ngard to level of service, he stated that the r.ity Traffic Erçineer had fa.uñ a D- exi.st.inq I.œ and with Taco Bell m the COUa:C, it stayed at D-. He then subt:racted the ¡,... 7: I It Taco Bell Pø-ak hair trips and the level of service did not d1arge. 'Ih-1 level of sezvice at DeAnza and Bollirger oculd even ÌIIprCve. He r...· ....-JX!ed right turns in and aIt m Bollinger as well as m DeAnza BcW.evard. will Harris said that even when a fast food ..-estaurant is included in a shcppinq center, it is usually free-st:.an:iin and tied in by design of arålitect:ure. In ngard to toxic cleanup, he said the soil was ..1""""t oœpletely aerated. 'Ibis is being dcne to a 30 ft. depth level. '!he blower noise level is 84 dbe., whidl is abave the limit allOWlBd. A noise elX1ineer has been hired and there will be a buildinq to mitigate the noise. It is estimated that the cleanup will be dcne in 22 JD:JI1ths. þ Bruce Maeda, 1063 K:Irse AverJJe, No. 11-204, SUnnyvale, l"t'L!S uLinq Exelted1 Inc., said that Shell Oil is respcrl8ible for the cleanup. Mr. Harris....",... "S'ed the q>Wm that Taco Bell has mitigated 1XJSSible problems and requested that Council aß)roVe the awlication. John Hq>kins, represer¡tin] Mr. am Mrs. LaMonioo, said the cleanup has to be done even witha.1t the project. '!be property has been in the family for 50 years am the L:!Monioos feel that Taco Bell is the best 1XJSSible use of that comer. A relocation is not a rsw use. since this policy regardinq cH o:t'Y"IIlI'agement of free-st.andin:J fast food I'eStaurants, there have been sane a~roved as part of a center. He expressed the q>iniŒ1 that this is the best use the City owld hope for on this site. -9- e MINtms OF 'mE ~ 4, 199Q, ~ ClT:l cnJNCIL MEEI'ING (œ-797) Matt I..aIobú=, property owner, told Council that this property had been set aside to fall back 00 ..men he was older and unable to work. '!hat t.iJDe is here. He wwld liJœ Ta= Bell to IDCIIIe to the =UIt:C, Þ.Jt needs Council's help to brirç this a}:)Qrt:. He thanked Council for their su¡:port. Gorda1 Frolidl, 1202 Bellcnap cn.trt, directed Cameil's attentim to the word, ''Joore'' in the stated policy. 'Ihe pl.u¡,<!?OO Ta= Bell is oot: more: it is just a JIICII1e. His pet peeve is ¡'1<;"t!!; ani the 00s ~ will relieve that problem. '!be envh...."u.:.ut is beinq cleaned: the City is trading a leaky gas station for a Ta= Bell and this is good. Mr. CaoIan did point art; that if Ta= Bell moves, another restaurant oc:W.d go in at the pnsent Ta= Bell site. . Mr. Harris stated that he had several meetinqs with the P1.annin;J staff and made several d1an:3es to the ~. I" >aal before being told a}:)Qrt: the policy regarclin;J free-standin:.J fast food restaurants. Mr. Hc.Pcins said that in J\1na of 1989, he was told that the City Council might be hesitant a}:)Qrt: a free-standin:.J fast food restaurant, Þ.Jt he was not !nfu1e"-od regardi.ng the policy in the General Plan. '!hat he was told in late 1989 or early 1990. He expressed suzprise that the General Plan was that specific and that it wwld be tb§ i.....;¡e. Neg. Dec. granted Oouncil di..,.."e~9d the JDea1'ÚD;J of the tezm "actively di"'CO.lrëlge", as well as the 00s duckcut, the PLu¡,CSed metal roof, and a sign being erected statinq that it was the entrance to O,¡pert.im. It was DK:Ned by Counc. ~l, SEIOCI'Ùi!d by Counc. Szabo and p"e",ed \.II'IIIl1imJusly to a¡:.prave the granting of a Negative """"laratim. . It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel, secx:n:1ed by Came. Sorensen and p"e-9d 4-1 with Counc. Goldman c:lissent.ing, to a¡:.prave the ðR)lication per Planning ccmnissioo Resolution No. 4280 aIIIen:ki to require a red tile roof on the l:iuildinq and that the ðR)licant put up an "Entrance tc the City of CUpertiIX>" sign. ARCHlTECIURAL AND SITE ~ a::MnTI'EE APPLICATIOOS 23. Na1e. -10- MI:NUr'ffi OF 'mE ~~ 4, 199Q, Rm.JI1;R ClTi cnJNCIL MEETING (œ-797) UNFINISHED rosINESS 24. None. NÐ1 RJSINESS 25. Consideration of resclS~on of Resolution No. 8187 establishin:] a yalth sports fI.1rx!. (a) Resolution No. 8231: "A Resolution of the City O::Jurx:il of the city of CUpertino Rescin:iin;r Resolution No. 8187 and Provi.cling for'I\1rf and Maintenance of CUpertin:> union School District yCJ.lth Sports Fields." Marc M:Q!e, 10715 orline COOrt, said he felt the City Council did not have all of the ~eazy lnfomation when Resolutim No. 8187 was adcpted. '!he existing fields are in c1an;JeraJs shape. Altl1cuJh they are school fields, the citizens are looJdn:;J to the City for help. He urged Council to address the bad ccrxtitiCl'lS of the fields and ~ t the staff Z\eC, ....-üJa.tion. Mary Shapiro, parent and "'OCœr L"'t'L sentative, said Mr. McGee is ô..tLL..ct; the fields are dan;Jerous. She ~-"''9d c::cnœms, however, r9gardinq certain terminology as there is no sinqle yt:IUth &pOLls organizatim. She urged that all of the various spœ.l.s groups "'Œ'k with staff. '!he !)toc-''$' is unwieldy for amateurs, as they do not knew who to call. She su;,y.:...teð. that citizens have a sinqle contact point in this matter. '!here is a need to address deferred maintenance m these fields. 'Ihe citizens are not good at o1."ganizin¡ such an effort, bIt are axpera.tive. It was IIICM!d by Came. Kqpel, sec::xnied by Counc. Goldman and I"'I~sed unanimously to adqJt Resolutim No. 8231, establishinq an i~i;,te furxi of $1.1 millim frail the General P\In:i. Director of Public Works Viskavich said he will meet with L"'t'L~eJttatives frail all of the groups and the schools. Mayor Rogers expressed OOI~ ~ fields not beinq maintained and told citizens ti"..:¡,t any field maintenance calls should go to the Public Works Department. When Mr. Ccwlin:] and Mr. Viskavich meet with groups, they will give the group """'.¡ oers a list of wnat gets reported to whan. -11- Youth Sports fun, Res. 823l adoptee J e Hwy 85 . Strategic Plan Jpproved Res. 8232 adopted False Alarm ordinance 1st reading Ord. 1526 . MJN\JI'ES OF '!HE SEPI'Ð1BER 4, 1990, RroJlAR CTI:'i CXXJNCIL MEE:l'ING (œ-797) 26. Review of strategic plan, mem::>ran:1um of un:lerstan:iinq arrl anticipated traffic iJrpacts - Highway 85 arrl I-280 int:erc:harqe . a) ~roval of strategic plan. b) Resolution No. 8232: "A Resolutim of the City Cameil of the City of CUpertin:> Authorizinq Execution of Memorandum of t.1n::Ierst:arñ with the california Department of Transportatim and the Traffic Authority ~inq Timinq, F\Jrrlin;J and Procedure for Interim IDprc:IYements of the Ib.rt:e 280/85 Interc:t1an;¡e." Will KeIIptan, Traffic Authority, told Cameil that there are b.Jdget constraints. '!be northbourxi iJ:provements m 85 are IIDre in¡Jortant than the~. calTrëlns has made a decision and wculd like to maintain a D level of service. If the rœ .1:1.___ belOli D, that will serve as a "red flag" to look at mitigatim. one more STIP cycle will be exmplete before anythinq else. GaxdOh FroUdl asked about the ''up to $3 milUm" to be used for local mitigatim """'''':IreS that might be J'1e("W'e"'ry and was infUL.....d that oould still be used. He ~_e'9d OCIlCo:u.h regæ;ùinq use of the '*'Ord "teDporary" in Item No. 2 of the M:XJ as per Mr. Viskavidl's $I""""''''Y. He was infomed that is not in the -oo""'"'1t itself. It was lIDVad by Counc. Szabo, secandecl by COOne. Kqpel and I"'Iesed \.U'1ðlÚJIo.1sly to ~ the strateqic Plan. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Szabo, secandecl by Counc. Goldman and p"ø-ed unanimously to adc:pt Resolutim No. 8232. 27. Ccndderatim of an ordinanœ revisinq the Q pertino !tJnicipal COde c:hapter pert.ain.in;¡ to false alams. (a) First readinq of Oràinanoe No. 1526: "An Oràinanoe of the City Oouncil of the City of CUpertino A1IIerxiirq sectiCl'lS 10.26.090, 10.26.100 a.~ 10.26.110 of the CUpertino !tJnicipal COde, False Alaxm Service OJarges." It was IIDVed by Counc. }('q:pel, secorx:)ed by Came. Sorensen and I"€'",sed un.aniIIo.1s1y to oon:iuct first reading of the 0l'I'tinan0e with the title amen::led to inc:1ude sections 10.26.120 arrl 10.26.130. -12- MrntJI'ES OF '!HE SEPI'EMBER 4, 1990, REaJIAR CI'IY CXXJNCIL ~ (œ-797) 28. Designatim of Votinq an:! Alternate Votinq Delegates - Annual CÅo:": L=S of Cities, eec:-ohø~ 1-5, 1990, in Ha.Jstcr\, Texas. It was IIØIed by Co.mc. Szabo, seconjed by Came. Goldman an:! pass'9d unaniJJaJsly to appoint the Mayor as the delegate and Barbara Rogers as alternate. 29. CCI'Isic1eratim of an orciinaooe cutlininq the ':- "\ >C6itim, functi.m, an:! duties of thÐ Environmental Review t"nmnIittee. (a) First ~ of Ordinance No. 1535: "1.n Ordinance of the City ocuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amerxiin¡ the CUpertino llmicipal COde to In:lude Q1apter 2.84 Envi.rcrIDental Review t"nmnIi ttee. " It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpù, -....dad by Counc. Goldman and r""ee-' \.II1IIllÌIIII:y to read Ordinance No. 1535 by title a1ly and the City ClerK's ~ to OOdStitute the first readin:J thereof. 30. RIeport; m bid qødngs and award of ......,LLc..:ts. a) Traffic Signal Ðu....__....y & . ,1.J.at System, Project 8602D. (PreviOJSly CXI'ItinJed to 5ept-·~+I 17.) b) Jot:Clellan laid st.cma QItfall at stevens creek, Project 91-102. It was DK:Ned by Counc. lfq:pel, secx:med by ocunc. Goldam and p"øø9d unanimcusly to award the project to B&llicitti and Pellicx:iotti bNIed m their low bid of $33,680 and authorized a 15\ ~ for a total of $38,732.00. Oouncil also authorized use of the Miner st.cma Drain f\II1d (110-6001-953) for this project. 31. Request for ~'¥Liatia1 of funr::1s-Q::IImty center lawn and Lima Vista Park. It was DK:Ned by Came. Fqp)1, seoa1ded by ocunc. Sorensen and I""eeed unanimcusly rea¡:prcpriate $25,000 for the ~an center lawn project (110-8303-953) and $40,000 for LiIx!a Vista Park (110-83011-953). WRrI'I'm CDHJNICATIœs 32. None. -13- Annual Congress of Cities delega ERC 1st reading of Ord. l535 Bid openings Comm. Center & Linda Vista fund e Cupertino Sports Center . . MINUl'FS OF 'mE STITmffiER 4 , 1990, RmJl.ÄR CTl'i cnJNClL MEE'J"IN; (0:::-797) æDINANCES 33. Na1e. RESOWI'Iœs 34. Na1e. smFF t<UU(!~ 35. Oral reports by staff 1IIPInh(>rs. Council received a l~ t regardin:J the stevens Creek Quarry use pexmit. Da1na R:rey infol1ucd Cameil that the Fine Arts Ccmnissim is l()Q)cinq at to ways increase public art. '!be C'romIi OI$im plans to meet with AS1IC regardinq guidelines. 36. Update m status of CUpertiIX> Sports center rehabilitatia1. Followin;J a L"'t'ULL fran the Director of Public works, the City Manager r8Ip!Sted that the joint meet:irç of the Oouncil, Parks and Recreatia1 C'romIi....im and Interim Use C'romIittee be reså1&Juled to 5:30 p.m., NoveIIt..er 13. HI'. Ccwlinq ..... II ¡led Oouncil with figures shcwin;J the lID1thly attendance at the Sports center fran May 5 to August 31. EIIenings, Saturday, and sumay mornings are the prime use t'i_. 'lb!re has been an increase in use each 1IICI'1th. HI'. Dcwlinq will give Council cx:pies of the åIart shcwin;J these figures. By ~_enøus, Oouncil reså1eduled the joint meetin] to NaIr~ 13, 5:30-6:30 p.m. 37. Update m status of City center n"WIJ'lex, southeast VULU"C of stevens creek Bwlevard and DeAnza Bwlevard. OXJNCIL Ruu<J.~ 38. Mayor ~$ seoo..:Jo:d by request that Bill 2154. - It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, came. Kqpel arxl fIë!'''~ ~ly to Governor Deukmejian sign into law senate -14- t MDVl'ES OF '!HE SEPI'EMBER 4, 1990, RmJIAR Cl'IY CXJUNCIL hI2;.nlC (œ-797) Counc. Sorensen annœnoed that she has been appointed to the Intergcvemmsnta Council DI:uq Task Farce. At U:lO p.m., the ~ was adjcumed. t -15- þ