CC 09-17-90 CITY OF aJI"ER1'IOO, S'I1\TE OF CAL1:Ft:!MIA 10300 lUHKt; AvmJE, ~, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 0::-798 MINl1I'ES OF '!HE RF.X;UIAR CITY OXJNCIL MŒl'DC HErD CN SEPIDœER 17, 1990, CXXJNCIL 0iAMBER, CITY HAIL, 10300 'lut<t<l:; AVEMJE, aJPERl'IN), CALIR::eUA Mayor Rogers called the meetinq to order at 6:47 p.m. SAI1JI'E 'ro '!HE FU\G A 1I'aDeI1t of silE!l'D! was obsel:ved to ha10r the ..- .IY of Dep. Paul aJsh. mIL CAlL Ccurx:. PIes_íL: Goldman, Kq1p'!,l, Sorensen, Mayor Rcgers Came. Absent: Szabo staff Pres eflt: City Manager Brown DepJty City ClerK Wolfe Director of Public Worlæ visJa:wic:h Director of n-omo"'1ity Devel,¥"""IL Ccwan Director of Finance Snyder Director of Parks and Recreatia1 Ccwlinq Assistant to the city Manager BI:am Public InfcmlBtia1 Officer Rl'ey City Att.ozney Kilian ~ - Ncne. c:EREH:JŒAL MA:.L"1U0 - ~œs '!he Ha10rðble Rise Piàx:.n, K.lnkip"'l Or:urt Presidinq J'Udqe, aooepted a proclamatim decl.arin;J "o:nrtit:uti.a1 Wec!k." Mayor Rcgers l'L i .tlðd a resolutim reoogHl.zing september 18 as "Beat the BacIoJp" day in O.1pE!rtino to Director of Public Works Viskcvich. ORAL a:HIJNICATIœs Ken Kelly, 20200 Lucille Avenue, said that he and his wife are residents at villa DeAnza. He said that City staff had told him that residents older than 65 \oIho live in apartment CCIIplexes wcW.d not be eligible for the senior --ption urx:1er ~"'1I'e T, the utility ....ax measure. Mr. Kelly SlX.Rested that a form which ¡ easy to understand and CCIIplete be designed so that .seniors can ð.R>ly for the exenption. -1- Constitution Week Beat the Backu Measure T · - Library usage :icClellan Road bike traffic e Consent Calendar approved e Mll/lJI'ES OF 'mE SEPI'EMBER 17, 1990 crT'{ axJNCIL ~ (CC-798) City Manager Brown apolc:gized for the misinformation am told Mr. Kelly that apartInents are residential units and residents except those aver 65 will pay the utility tax. A fonn is bein;¡' drafted. Sparky Cà1en said he had a <:xIIIJlaint about the Library. He had been escorted fran the Library by Sheriff I S deplties am Code Enforcement Officer silva. Mr. Cct1en said he felt that he had been doin;¡' nothin;J wr<:n:] and that he had been treated tmfairly. Assistant to the City Manager Brown said that Library staff had reported disruptions caused. by Mr. Cct1en I s behavior. She said that a¡;:parently Mr. COOen's definitim of disruptive behavior was different !ran that of those who Lt:¡.'ULLed the incidents. Mayor Rogers thanked Mr. Cct1en for his information and stated that if investigatim shewed that sanethin3 more m-"'~ to be done, that \iIOOJ.d be dale. Al Fuentes spake regarclinq a safety pràJlem m M::1Clellan Road where fan- new haDes are beinq tuilt. He said he had talked to Assistant to the City Manager Brown and to Public Works Director Viskcvich. '!he road is situated in such a way that there is a hazard for anyaIe ridinq bikes dcNn the hill. He had tried to have parJdn;J restricted in front of the new haDes. safety """"'''''IreS 1IIJSt be taken new. Mr. Viskcvich infOI1lled Council that staff is wrJdn:] m """"''''IreS in the area and have been in ocntact with Mr. ruentes. stripinq will be dale t:ut there is net E!I'D.Igh roaD for bike lanes m that part of the road. Mr. Viskcvich will PJ: esent a staff Lt:¡.'UL L at the next meetinq shcMinq the """"'o:ures planned. CXR;Em' CAInID7\R o:Jurv::. Sorensen removed Item 10 and Mayor Rogers removed Items 5, 9 and 13. It was!lW:Jlled by Counc. SOrensen, sec:xnjed by Ca.mc. Goldman and passed unanimously (4-0) to i!R'rcve the balarx::e of the 0Œ1sent calerñar as ..,h,';tted. 1. Affirmative Action Annual Report. Receive. 2. Resolutioo No. 8234: "A Resolution of the city Ch.Incil of the City of CUpertiIX> AllOio1ÍIq Certain Claims and D 3IIaI'lds Payable in the Amc:Qrt:s and fran the Fl.IOOs as Hereinafter Described for Salaries am Wages for the Payroll Period Errling lI1J; USt 28, 1990." -2- þ MINl1l'rn OF 'IRE SEPl'EMBER 17, 1990 CITY cx:xJNCIL !oIEEI'ING (œ-798) 3. Resolution No. 8235: "A Resolutim of the City Cameil of the City of CUpertino Allarl.n;J Certain Claims and DeIJIanjs Payable in the AnoJnts and Fran the F\In:1s as Hereinafter Described for General and Misoellaneous Expenditures for the Period Erdinq SepteIIiJer 7, 1990." 4. !ot:nthly Activity Report, August, 1990. 5. Remcved fran 0Œ1sent calen:3ar. þ 6. Request for waiver of bJsiness license fees for Girl Sowts of Santa Clara camty annual oooJde sale. 7. Resc>lution No. 8236: "A Resolution of the City Oouncil of the City of CUpertino J\dqJtinq a Visim statement m the Arts in Santa Clara camty. II 8. Resolutim No. 8237: "A Reøolutia1 of the City Oouncil of the City of O,¡pert.im Makinq DBteminatiCl'lS and Appravinq the Annexatim of Territory Designated 'Upland Way 90-05', ARn\»oi_tely 1.28 Acres IDeated m the East side of Upland Way Betwaen Rainbcw Drive and aù:j) RcaId, Nozman (Am 366-03-15)." 9. Rsmcved fran COnsent calen:3ar. 10. RemaIIed fran 0Œ1sent calen:3ar. 11. ~icatia1 AS1IC 51,641.2 - Delr-Ven Iiw¥J - p..q.-t for review and ~ to ~i ~ fra1t elevat1m of an eldstinq restaurant located at 20588 stevens Creek BcW.evard in the c:rœsroads Shqping center. R&..····-·ded for~. 12. ~licatim AS1IC 51,917.1 - Bauer, SheP1eni, and Rœs - Request for review and approval to ~i~ the exterior elevatiCl'lS of an existinq office ¡"I1i1dinq located at 21685 Granada Avenue, ~tely 100 ft. west of the northwest cmner of Granada Avenue and In¡:1eria1 Avenue. Reo ...,-.rxJed for apprcval. 13. RemaIIed fran COnsent calen:3ar. 14. Resolutim No. 8238: "A Resolutim of the City Cameil of the city of CUpertino Authorizing Execution of IDprc:M!ment Agreement Between the City and DevelqJer 'lbaIIas R. Franz, 10143 Iockwcod Drive." -3- I e Budget & Treasurer's Report ABC license I I I ! I I JIIþ IO-U-90, ! Smith and Smith! MINUI'ES OF 'DiE SEPI'EMBER 17, 1990 CITY axJNCIL MEEI'IN.ì (œ-798) 15. Resolutìm No. 8239: fA Resolution of the City CCUncil of the City of CUpertino Aoceptirg Quitclaim Deed and Authorizatim for l1nc!ergrcAJrxi Water Rights frail 'IhaIIas R. Franz and Patricia J. Franz as Trustees for the 'IhaIIas and Patricia Franz 1986 Revocable Family Trust, 10143 I.oc:kwcod Drive." 16. Resolution No. 8240: "A Resolutim of the City Council of the City of D.Jpert:ino ~ing the Final MIIp and Inprcvement Plans of Tract No. 8325 IDeated soutœast Corner of DeAnza Boulevard and ~ JaId, Develq:er Mariani Group of Oœpnies Acoeptinq 0IIrtain F"'-=-"'"'1ts; Authorizing Signinq of Final MIIp and InproYemer.t Plans; Authorizinq the Executic.n of 1\oq¡t..e......IL in Cl...u_..--tim 'lberewith." 17. Request O>.-her )fooo.~ oers. for Council directim regarding ~ of of n--roe ,,_.J -ership dues for Council YQ!;§ JoIo-..J oers of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENl': ABS'I2UN: Goldman, Na1e Szabo Na1e ~, SO:rensen, Rcgers I'I'EM3 REH:WED FH:M cœsmr c::AIÐm1\R 5. Ma1thly 9rigPt and Treasurer's Repœ.l, A1J;Just, 1990. Director of F.i.r1aooe snyder answm:...:l Oouncil's questia1s. It was DK:Ned by Mayor Rcgers, &eCa'Ided by Counc. Su..__. and I?"'ee-ad unanl:an1sly (4-0) to aooept the ...........L as E I,h1Iitted. 9. ~licatia1 for AlcOOolic 38'.......".. Cl....L<ul liœnse: Marina Foods, 10122 Barxiley Drive. It was DK:Ned by Mayor ~s, a........:Jo:d by Counc. K~ and p"e-=' UMJÚJIICUSly (4-0) to register no cDjectia1 to the issuan::e of the license. 10. ~licatim AS1IC IG-U-90 - smith and smith - P<>qI-t for review and a¡:proval for final larx:'<>œping, irrigatim, and lightinq plans for a previously approved ,_.. .!øl of an exi.stin:] bank located at the southwest CXlrner of Rodrigues and Scuth DeAnza Boulevard. Reo:· ....->1ded for a¡:proval. Counc. Sorensen expr-~ CXI'1OeIT1S with the t:urninq 1IDI1E!IIIE!I1t. Director of t'roIImImity D8Y8l............1t Cowan said that iSS'Je wculd be addressed at buildinq permit level. -4- MINOI'ES OF '!HE SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 CI'IY CXXJNCIL ~ (œ-798) Mayor Rogers .. ....-·1l.ed that she would like DKJr8 trees ratl1er than fewer as shown 00 the drawin:J. It was m::Ned by Came. Sorensen, sec:xrrled by Counc. ~l and pass'9d unaniJDcusly (4-0) to ..........U'<le the a¡:plicaUm per Architectural and site l\RJrOIIal l"'nnmittee Resolutim No. 1568. 13. ADoeptanoe of IlUlÚ.cipal bpravements: a) Grosvenor InternatiŒlal - stevens Creek,ITantau b) Ubaldo Perez - 22619 and 22629 stevens Creek Boulevard c) 'I\1la Estates - 'I\1la I.ðne d) Rebert Sd1wartz - 11061 stellinq Road e) Grant C. Gustavsa1 project stellinq Road¡Rà::Iinde11 Way staff was requested to place the 'WOrds ''No ER ~ Linq docI""""1ts required" m the agerña when si1lli 1 ar items ~. It was DK:Ned by Mayor Rcgers, e...ca.Jed by Counc. Kqpel and {'<'9Md unaniJDcusly to accept the iJIpravements. PUBLIC HE:ARnG; 18. ~liœ.tim 6-Z-90 and AbIuiI:&.......,.IL - Bruce !%win and Carl zanger - P<><;p--t: for rezminq of ........... ~-tely .46 acres gross (20,125 sq. ft. gross) frcD Rl-IO (sinqle family res:i.denti3l, 10,000 sq. ft. IIIiniJDJm lot area) to Rl-7.5 (single family residential, 7,500 sq. ft. m:iniJDJm lot area). PL'+""LLl' is located at 10572 Feltm Way. AbimcL......,.IL of a portim of the Feltm right-of-way (àM-IL..vI-tely 7,672 sq. ft. of ~). Envh........../tal Determinatia1: '!he Pl.ar1ninq (h...Ii....1m rec:> ..··-Im the grantin;J of a Negative Declaratim. Reo .....Þrded tor approval. (a) Resolutia1 No. 8230: "A Resolutia1 of the City Council of the City of CUpertino ordering'Vacatim of a Portj m of Fel <:a1 way Located So.lth of I(inJin lane as Pravided jn Sectim 8320 Et Seq. of the streets and Highways Q)de of the state of califorrua. " (b) First readinq of ordinance No. 1536: "An Ordinance of the City Cameil of the City of 0Jpertin:> Amerxiin¡ Sectim 1 of ordinance No. 2 by Rezaninq ~tely .46 Gross Acres Fran Rl-lO Zone to Rl-7.5 Zone; I.cx::ated at 10572 Feltm wa}" (Bruce !%win and carl ~, 6-Z-90)." -5- It h-Z-90 and ilbandc'1ment or Felton Way continued . . HINUl'ES OF '!HE SEPI'DŒIER 17, 1990 CITY <XXJNCIL MEE"I'IN3 (œ-798) It was m:IVed by Counc. ~l, seoan:ied by Came. Goldman and p"......ed 1.II'1al1.iJJnJly (4-0) to c:mtiJ1ue this item to the ()ctà)er 1 meeting. 19. ~lication 5-GPA-89 City of CUpertino eansideratim of ameJ...bue.d..s to the follCMinq el_It...5 of the City of CUpertino General Plan: I.and Use/ChmII"'1ity Character: 1) Addition of text and policy cx:ncerninq residential infill Sl1lxiivisiCl'lS 2) Additim of text and policy oa.ceminq land use in areas 10IeSt of the Utban Service Area bourx:Jary 3) General statistical Update Public Health and safety: 1) Addition of text and policy cx:ncerninq hazarda1s waste management 2) Update of text and policy cx:ncerninq air quality and t'Y'WIIIn"'1ity noise d1aracteristics 3) General statistical Update Envi1............/tal Determinatia1: '!he Pl8l'lIÙ.D1 ChmIi....im reel .......·ds the grantinq of a Negative Declaration. (a) Resolutim No. 8233: "A Resolutim of the City Council of the City of CUpertino J\dqJtinq an 1wIE!Idu.:.IL to the I.and use¡n-mnrlty Character and Public Health and safety Element of the General Plan." Director of ChmII"'1ity D8Y8l,¥""",L Cowan ~ S ,¡Led the staff L~t.. Ihil Zeitman, 22907 cricJœt Hill Road, said he ~d like the 1oIO:rd "actively" inserted before the worå "enoouraged" in the shaded area in the margin m page 2-14 of the land UsejChmllnúty Character el"....."L unâar the sectim titled catholic CUJrd1 Plq)erty. Nancy annett, 729 st.ermhl Lane, asked if this were the last time tl1ese sectiCl'lS of the General Plan can be adh:*~ed under B1ase II. She requested that Cameil hold off on consideratim of the Di 'XV'9 property because there will be JOOre p.ù>lic i1rput. -6- MINUI'ES OF '!HE SEPI'EMBER 17, 1990 CIT'i ro.JNCIL ~ (œ-798) 0::x.In::. Goldman said that at this time they are not maId.n3' a camdLuo,,¡lt en the future use of the DiOOOC'~ prcperty, t:ut lIIE'.rely providinq narrative on what has haRJE!t1ed in the past. I).¡rin;r stage III after the Goals Ccmnittee CXII'pletes its task, Council will ad:iress issues. It was IIIJVed by Counc. ~, seocn:)ed by COo.mc. Goldman am passed unani.JIoJsly (4-0) to close the ~lic hearing. It was IIIJVed by COUrx::. Kq:pel, seoc:nØi by Counc. Sorensen and p"..a.>ñ unaJ'ÚJIICUSly (4-0) to grant a Negative Declaratim. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, seoc:næd by Counc. I<'q:pel and I"'ee-' l.II'1aIÚJIØ.1Sy (4-0) to a¡:prove ~licatim 5~-90 as 1I,ryH f'ied and to adopt Resolutim No. 8233 adcpt:irç the _.:b....IL. ModificatiCl'lS are (1) Page 2-14, Ian:l U8ej/"'rwmll"'1ity Character, Catholic 01Urc:h Property - 01an;Je note in shaded area in margin to read, " . . . as an open speloe ~ JEve or an urban park is actively enccm-aged." (2) Page 2-28, Ian:l Usej/"'rwmllJrÚ.ty Character - ReIIIaIIe Policy 2-3!K:, Mineral Rescuroe Elctractim. 20. Þ[p»tl of AS1IC ,..,tsim filed by Gary ~els, Sign Designs, Inc., pertainin:J to cxn:titiCl'lS of a¡:praval of ~licatim AS1IC 51,910.1 - ARCD, 10625 North DeAnza Boulevazd, statinq that said cx:niitiCl'lS significantly alter the identity of the site fran ather ARCD SIIIog' Pro facilities. Mr. Cowan ~ SMIted a l~t to Cameil mñ stated that the appellant was ~ T It.. Gary McDEmiels, sign Designs, Inc., 204 """'PJS way, Modesto, "'R""llant, read a code sec:tia1 regardin] violatim of the L<-..~.-r1t law. He said in his opWm the City had no power to c:han;Je a registered L.. -~rk. City Att.ozney Kilian said the regulat·on means that the trademark can't be ~, t:ut that Council oculd detemine the size of the sign. Bob Milliken, franchise manager for the SIoogpzO ~"':ILaw, said the name had been chan:Jed fran MP&G 'l\IneUp to ~o Experts and '1'estinq and the colors have been chan:Jed, t:ut that there had been lit' c:han;¡e in the size of the signs which had been previously awroved by the City. Di ~1~sion followed regardin] whether or not the signs had been p..¡t up before an awlicatim for their a~roval was filed. Mr. Milliken said nonnally they '-'O.Ùd seek a~roval -7- i Public hearing !closed I Negative Dec. 5-GPA-89 ¡approved. Res. 8233 adopted I I I I e Public hearing closed Installation 0Wgns before, a_cation for approval Appeal of ASAC 51,910.1. ARCO. referred back to ASAC . MINUI'FB OF 'IHE SEPI'OO!ER 17, 1990 CI'IY CXXJNCIL MŒl'DC (œ-798) bPfore install:in:.J signs. HaNever, in this case Arco œlieved that the cha.n1es to the sign had been done within the guidelines placed on the previous a¡::proval of the MP&G 'I\meUp signs. It was 1IWJIIed by Counc. Kq:.pel, seoc:n:led by Counc. Goldman am l"'''''oo UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly (4-0) to close the pmlic hearin;J. City Atto:rney Kilian gave the q:¡Wm that <b.mcil had no ability to d1an;Je the ~""k to one that looks different, oot they had the ability to enforce the sign ordinance. In answer to Council questiCl'lS, Mr. cowan stated that all signs IIIJSt be approved imividually unless they are part of a pre-~ center plan. He also said that in his q:¡Wm Cameil had grcunjs to deny the sign because of the color. He said that if the whole color ban:l is cx:nsidered part of the sign, the sign is too big to CXIIIply with the ordinance. If a1ly the part where the words are is cx:nsidered to be the sign, the size is within the ~ ran:JB. By 00a-..1SUS, Oouncil ~....","«1 displeasure that the signs had been installed before an a¡:plicatim for aRX"OIfiÜ had been filed and asked ðbcut having illegal signs remavec1. Mr. Cowan said past policy had been to infonn a b.lsiness that their sign was illegal and give them the cptia1 of takin:J it dawn within a given period of time or a¡:plyinq for "K'LU'Ial. City Atto:rney Kilian quat:ed frail 0Jpertin0 MJnicipal COde Sectia'lS 17.12.080 and 17.12.090 ~ ASAC's role in "WL<Ñinq signs. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, seoc::med by Counc. I!"qpel and l"'~~'9d ~y (4-0) to refer the a¡:plicatim back to AS1IC with the follCMinq: (1) Direction frail the City Attorney regardinq trademarK law; (2) Council 0 ····-·,ts made at this meetin;J includinq lettinq them know that at least two CJcu:1Cil Jofo-..~ .exs have ~ feslin]s aI:x:m: signs beinq installed before a¡:plicatiCl'lS for approval are filed: (3) Directim that the sign be room~ to include a1ly the wordinq am elW11atinq the yellow ban:l across the J:uilc:tin] . city Manager Brown stated that City Attorney Kilian will advise staff m haw IIIJCh discretim AS1IC has. Mr. cowan said the aR'lication will be on the September 24 ASAC agenda. By consensus, Cameil allowed the signs to remain up durinq the time the a~ is in progress. -8- M:rn\J1'£S QF 'mE ~ 11, l<j<}Q CT1"l cmNCIL ~ (œ-798) Mr. Kilian said Arco may want to prrrl...... evidence that this is a registered tr;.ñøm:ork. 21. Art'"'''' 1 of ASAC decision filed by Gary McDaniels, Sign Designs, Irx::., pert.a.iniJY;J to ocnlitiCl'lS of a¡:prcval of ~lication ASAC 51,911.1 - ARCD, 10550 South DelI11za Boulevard, stating that said cx:n::litiCl'lS significantly alter the identity of the site fran other ARCD Sloog Pro facilities. It was DK:Ned by Came. Goldman, secx:n:ied by Came. Kqpel an:i I"'e_ed UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly to close the PJblic hearing. It was DK:Ned by Came. Kqpù, secx:n:ied by Came. Sorensen and p"ee«i ~y (4-0) to refer the awlication bacJc to AS1IC for the identical review as Item 20. 22. ~lR of ASAC denial of ~1ication AS1IC 51,905.1 - Tilt Family Entertai:rment center for a sign ~~ for the facility located in Vallco Fashim Park, WOlfe Read sœth of I-280. Arr-l filed by Craig B. S~, 01aiman of the Boa1:d, Nickels an:i Dimes Incorporated Director of """""'111ity Devel'¥""".L Q:Iwan pns!l/ted the staff L"'i""L L. Came. Kqpel stated that she had a real prcblem with signs beinq ¡:ut up before approval and that she 10ICUld vct:e against suå!. signs in the future. Mr. Cowan ~ Oouncil's cpwtiaw regardinq size (sign is within allowed size limits) and tot1et:her a ~ -.\. ...ary sign pemit had been taken cut (1.Il1Icmm). He said that staff has evaluated the AS1IC fi.niin;Js and does not ø,jL_ that the signage wculd create traffic hazards. Frank ManJ, NicJœls and Dimes, Inc. 175 calvert Drive, answered questiCl'lS aba1t a t'_.\. ...ary permit and WfrI the sign was ¡:ut up before~. He said that a1ly the "Tilt" part of the sign is up, an:i they have a ta\p:lrazy permit for that. '!he part that says Family Entertainment center is not. 'lhat portiœ of the sign is aboot 30t smaller than the original drawin:;J as lee· ·...-tiIed by staff. Mr. Q:Iwan explained staff's S1-".:f-jestiCl'lS that the nec:n signs be downsized and 1II.1ted. Jàm Entioott representing westfield, Irx::. , owners of Vallco, said Westfield supports the awlication. -9- I I I Public hearing closed ASAC 51, 911. 1 , ARCO, referred back to ASAC (Appeal) . Public hearing : lsaed . Ippeal granted. ISAC 51.906. 1 , 'il~ . MINUIæ OF '!HE SEPI'EMBER 17, ).990 CI'IY CXXJNCIL ME:E:'I'DC (œ-798) It was DK:Ned by Counc. ~1, secc:.med by Counc. Sorensen and I""ðð'E!Ci \.II1IUÚJ!D.1s1y (4-0) to close the p,lblic hearinq. Came. I<q:pel went on Ie.:::u...l that she wwld not aß)roVe any future signs if they were p.It up before ~licatiCl'lS for ðRJrOVal were filed. It was DK:Ned by Counc. ~1 and secc:.med by Counc. Soreneen that the ~licant be limited to me sign, and that Sign B be approved in the location of Sign A. Mr. COWan said that the typical awroac:h is to allOol a cloth bimner as a t.eDp:>ra.zy sign. Counc. Goldman asked if this were typical ~ùc~dnre - to p.It a pezmanent; sign in m a t~,\ orary basis until it's ~. City Manager Brown stated that the%e is no pem.it for a perIIIi!InI!nt sign to be p.It up under a ~-"\' 'Lary pem.it. staff will not allOol this in the future. Counc. Sorensen asked if there is a þL' ~11"8 for substantial fininq of nmir-~n ~ p.It up signs without ~. Counc. Goldman said he wwld SUW'\LL a fine. City Attamey Kilian said there is no pr~1I'e for i.....tin;r a +-"ioOrðJ:y pø.....it for a prmœment sign. 'Ihe penalty for an illegal sign is to i'L' T~Ite. 'lhere is no i'L' -c"""'e to penalize over and abave criminal law. 'lÌ~ DDtim failed wit¡, cn:ncil "",-.J oers Goldman, 5œ:et--. and .~s dissentinq. It was DK:Ned by Counc. s.....'..L en, seoooJed by Counc. Goldman and p""e«l 3-1 with Counc. lfqpel ~ia~ H.Linq ~ grant the app-1 and to ðt¥L..we bath signs pm¡uant to Planninq No' ..··...,ldatiCl'lS as follOol: Sign A: 'Ihe len;Jth of the "Family Entertainment Center" let:1:erinq be l"""'t~ to 10 ft. 'Ihe "Tilt" let:1:erinq be z-'I"- to 3x3'. Replace the mLuLe..1 finish backgrcund with a more t'Y'OIf"'tible material as ~ to the tile and overall mildir¥) materials. If the ~licant wishes to use nea'1 lights, the nea'1 tubirxJ should be E!l"""'-d or 0CIIIeI'ec1 in order to remain in OCI'1fOl1lliUQ! with the City of CUpertino MUnicipal Code Sectim 17.28.010 (d) . '!his wwld allOo1 the colors of the nea'1 light to show through ~1et; have saIII!'owbat of a IIIJted intensity. Sign 13: As it exists. -10- MINUl'E5 OF 'lHE SEPI'I'....MBER 17, 1990 CITY CXXJNCIL MŒI'ING (CC-798) 23. ~licatim 2-GPA-90 arrl 30-FA-90 - CUpertÌIJO Hotel Ventures - Request to amerrl Table 2-A of the Iarrl Usejf'rnonl"'1ity 01aracter Elen.e¡.t of the General Plan to in::rease fran 240 to 250 the allowed )"IInnhør of roans within the hotel oarplex autl10rized for site A I.In:3er said Table. Envh....IUIt:,Utal Determination: '!be Plannin;J camnissim rec· ....-I')js the grantin;¡' of a Negative Declaratim. '!be prc::p!rty is located Q'1 the sart:h side of stevens Creek BcW.evard, 300 ft. east of Delmza Boulevard. Reo ..··-·ded for a¡:praval. (a) Resolutim No. 8241: "A Resolution of the city Council of the City of CUpertim ~ an Ameudmellt to the Iarrl UsejChnrrl"'lity 01aracter El.......IIL of the Oœprehensive General Plan." Director of C'romIInúty D8Y8l'¥"""It Ccwan presented a staff L"T"'L t. Walter Hsu, QJpertino Hotel Ventures was p1: 0 S Hit to answer questia1S. It was DK:Ned by COme. Kqpel, secx:rñed by Counc. sorensen and p"eðed unanimcusly (4-0) to close the pmlic hearin:J. It was DK:Ned by Counc. ICq:pel, seoo..:Jo:d by Counc. sorensen and p"ð~ 3-0 with Counc. Goldman aI:Jstaininq to grant a Negative Declaratia1. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Fqpü secx:med by Counc. 5u.L.........1 and I"'ðe-' 3-0 with Counc. Golm....'1 abstaininq to ..........we ~icatim 2-GPA-90 per PlaI'11'1inq C'roIoni -iat Resolutim No. 4291. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Fqpü, BeC""...œi by Counc. 5u.L....dBn and paeged. 3-0 with Counc. Goldman abst:aini.n:J to adept Resolutim No. 8241. 24. ~i.cati.a1 !H;PA-89, 2-Z-90 and 9-FA-90 - City of QJpertino Ca1sideratim of General Plan Amer.œ......L to .ÈS!gnate the CUpertino Sports center CX1Iplex site "Parks and Recreatim" frail its former designatim as "Private Recreatim". Rezaninq of approximately 6.1 acres frail P (Planned Devel~ with Residential, Recreatia1al and In:::identa1lhnnPrcial Use Intent) Za1e to PR (Parks and Recreatim) Za1inq classificatim, or such other Za1inq classificatim as ~ a¡:p~riate by the Plann:in;J C'roIoni'''"'im or City Council. Envh............Lal DeteImination: '!be Plann:in;J Chnmi-im reo:'- ...._IÙS the granting of a Negative -11- Public hearing closed Negative Dec. 2-GPA-90 approved Res. 8241 adopted e pec hearing closed Negative Dec. for 5-GPA-39 5-GPA-89 approved Res. 8242 adopted Negative Dec. for 2-2-90 2-2-90 approved First reading of Ord. 1537 . MINUI'ES OF '!HE SEPTIMBER 17, 1990 CI'IY o:xJNCIL MEE:I'DÇ (œ-798) Declaration. '!be prq¡erty is located m the mrthwest comer of stevens creek Boulevard and stellinq Road (fVL....... DeAnza Racquet Club site. Reo· ..··-lJded for awrcwal. (a) Resolution No. 8242: "A Resolutim of the City Council of the City of ().]per'tim J\dqJtinq an Ame!"..:IIIc.1t to the rand Usejf'rftontrrlty OJaracter Element of the Cœprehensive General Plan." (b) First ~ of Ordinance No. 1537: "J\n Ordinare of the City Cameil of the City of OJpertim Amerxiin¡ Sectim 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Rezcn;n;, ~tely 6.1 Gross Ac:res frail P Za1e to PR Za1e: IDeated on the Nortm;est COJ:ner of stevens Creek Bc:ulevard and stelling Road, ForJ\Ier DeAnza Racquet Club site (City of ().]per'tim- 2-Z-90)." A staff :r:~L was prasl..t.ed by Director of f'rftontrrlty Devel~i.L 0::Jwan. It was DK:Ned by Counc. ~, sec:xnBl by Counc. Sorensen and l""Iee'!!d unanbDcus1y (4-0) to close the p,lblic hearing. It was JD:II/ed by Counc. ~, sec:xnBl by Counc. Goldman and I""e~ 1.II1alÚIIDJsly (4-0) to grant a Negative T'Iarol.....-aticn for ~licatim 5-{;PA-89. It was DK:Ned by Counc. JCtypel, seoaldtod by Counc. Sorensen and I""ee..... unanimcus1y (4-0) to ..........<.N8 ~icatim !H;PA-89 per Planninq n--i....tm Resolutia1 No. 4290. It was DK:Ned by Counc. 1fqpù, sec:xnBl by Counc. Su..........n and p"eeed unanbDcus1y (4-0) to adc¢ Resolutim No. 8242. It was IIICY8d by Counc. l&ypel, sec:xnBl by Counc. Goldman and I"""....... 1.II1alÚIIDJsly (4-0) to grant a Negative Declaratim for ~licatim 2-Z-90. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel, SEIOCI1ded by Counc. Goldman and I"""....... unanimoJsly (4-0) to ÇPl:ove ~lication 2-Z-90 per Plannin:¡ C'rwnmi....c;;ion Resoluticn No. 4289. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kq:pù, secarxied by Came. Sorensen and pa!ò'~ unanino.JSly (4-0) to read ordinance No. 1537 by title a1ly and the DepIty City Clerk's readin;¡ to cal6t.itute the first readinq thereof. -12- MINlJI'ES OF 'THE SEP11J1BER 17, 1990 CI'IY cn.JNCIL ~ (œ-798) Jd1n EOO.i=tt, Westfield, Inc., explained why they are awlying for the signs. He said they need shq.~oeJ:s frail all aver the region. '!be center is n:rt: visible frail the freeway. It has good a"""""''' but J'X) visibility. Highway 280 is a major sc:uroe of aJStaners. '!he OOildinq signs can't be seen, that is the reasal a pylon sign has been i'L' ~. '!beir prefereoce is for the fr-.y signs. '!bey identify the center, major tenants and are directional. Westfield prefers the DXrIIJIIIe1It signs because the pylon signs da1't give 1!Dtorists time to exit attar they see them. Mr. EOO.iCDtt said that Westfield has the ~t of sears an:i Penneys. He said the project architect was PI asent. Ann Arx:Jer, 10185 Ellpire Avenue, said 0Jpertin0 stnlld be proud of Vall=. '!bey brin:J UIOœIe to the ...........1TÚ.ty. She urged that Council give Vall= every CCI'ISideratim to let the world kr1cIw of the fine develcpœnt we have here in the City. Herman Hijmans L"'t'L SElItinq the 0Jpertin0 Qumh:>r of ~roe read a letter into the reoœ.d. Oouncil was " ....-œd for beinq willinq to review the sign ordinance next sprinq. HcM!ver, the Q\;ormhø.... believes that the Westfield awlicatim mJSt be acted m new. Council was urged to "M'Lav8 the sign at this meetiI¥1. Counc. Kqpel stated that she was not . Mk S 00 to the signs J::ut waüd like further study on the sign ordinance. She said that in her opWm, six to eight JID1ths is not that law;r to wait since the center has been in existeme for 15 years. She said she waüd like to see the name of the City in the sign. Counc. Sorensen said she felt Vall= _U~" the signs J::ut she waüd like to wait for review of the sign ordinance. She asJœd abcut the possibility of a t -.,. 'Lary sign. Mr. Endi=tt said the signs are very expensive. Counc. KcR>el ~-ud approvinq a state r.._way sign siJnilar to tl1e me near Valley Fair. Mayor Rcgers said that is not a state sign, it is on Valley Fair property. She said it waüd be a year until the sign ordinance is OCIIpleted and she felt that was an exceptionally law;r time to wait. Counc. Goldman salci he waüd ooject to a 68' high sign. He ~ that maybe the PI0:-<G of the sign ordinance needs to be aooelerated. He stated the opinim that it was inawropriate for Cameil to listen to so many "1['1"""'1.. -14- MINtnES OF '!HE sEPJ.'E11IlER 17, 1990 CIT'{ cnJNCIL MEFTIN:; (œ-798) PIANNING APPLICA'l...CNS 25. ~lication No. 15-U-90 an:!. 33-FA-90 - Rebert H. Lee & Associates - :Qequest for use permit to teoŒ...L<<Jct an exi.stiIJ;¡' service station with inc:rease of b.1ildinq area frc:m 1,300 sq. ft. to 1,950 sq. ft. EnvÍLUIIWe1.tal DeteIminatian: '!he pl.aI1l'1inq /"n'dmi....im reo ........Ids the granting of a Negative Declaratim. '!he prcperty is located an the northwest ~l.er of DeAnza BculevaJ:d and Bollin:;Jer Read. Rlec..·..-·œd for ~. Director of t"romII11'\Íty Devel'¥"""1t 0:Jwan presented a staff LqÁJrt. By c:a1SE!I'ISUS, Council directed staff to make sure the 1~Ì1Y:J does not i~ the view of the cashier frc:m Sheriff's cnúsers. Mort Sherin, unccal real estate department, told ca.mcil that the water district has not signed off on site cleamp. Tony Quijalvo, o:.wtructim En;Jineer for the project, said he had written to the water district last 0ct:dJer and had still heard nat:hirg frc:m them. It was 1IICMId by Came. Kq:pel, seccrdecl by Came. sorensen and p"'~eeð unaIÚJIIO.ISly (4-0) to grant a Negative Declaratim. Negative Dec. It was 1IICMId by ca.mc. Kq:pel, ~ded by Counc. sorensen am p.-eE'ed unaIÚJIIO.ISly (4-0) to COWL"'" ~licatim l5-U-90 per planninq """",",,i-im Rssa.:t.utia1 No. 4288 amended to include a c:x:niitia1 that the applicant be required to include a "gatøey to 0Jpertin0" sign øimi1ar to the a18 nq.Uzed by Taco Bell m the . »oCSite side of the ..L<rlt. ca.mcil:requested that the applicant work with the water district board. 15-U-90. Robert H. Lee, approved ~c:: 8::>0-8:55 p.m. ~ AND SITE APPR:JI1AL CXHŒ'l'ŒE APPLICATIœs 26. ~lication ASN:: 51,908.1 - Westfield In:x>J:p:>rated - Request for review and ~ of a sign e;,.. "1.'Lim for a ncn-b.1ildinq mcurrt:ed freeway oriented sign for an exi.stiIJ;¡' regional shq:pinq center located at Wolfe Read between stevens Creek Boulevard am I-280. Reo:- ........œ:l for denial. Director of Cammmity Develcpnent 0:Jwan presented staff's L~lIlIt:ldatim. -13- MINUI'ES OF 'mE SEPIDœER 17, 1990 CIT'l croNCIL ~ (0:-798) of the sign ordinance. 'Ihe IIDre /\SAC decisions eouncil overturns, the IIDre a~s are enc:curaged. He said he felt there was no justif!.catim to override ASH:; r..........uu""ldations. Mayor RcxJers said AS1IC has made tedmical decisiCl'lS and it was up to Council to make an eoculdÍc one. She said Vallco ca;)'t be <YWIp'Ied to any other institutim in the City. Cameil has the ability to help. ~ the JDCI"JIJI'Œ!I1 signs are preferable. Came. Sorensen asIœd again a!:JQrt: t~''l()J:azy signs. eounc. Goldman said he wa.tl.d still \.1IiX>ld the AS1IC J:...............ldation. It was m:wed by ownc. Goldman, seocn:ied by Counc. Sorensen and I"'e....... 3-1 with Came. ~ clisse:ntirç for the reasa1S stated earlier to refer the matter to ArdUtec:b.Iral and site ~ Q:mI\ittee for them to again look at the mcn.IIIIe1"It signs a1ly; direC!tim """ùd include a EI'-ry of taUght's r'li..'.."....im and inclusia1 of the 1oIOrà "CUpertino" m the signs. Came. Sorensen stated that AS1IC has a unique "J:¥'Lt..mity to oc:me up with ,ñA:o.. they wa.tl.d like included in the sign ordinance. 27. ~licatim AS1IC 51,199.15 - IJJCky Stores Request for ~ to shorten the horizcnt:al len;th of sound wall adjacent to the tnIck deck sezvinq an existinq retail center located at the northwest quadrant of DeAnza Boulevard and M::Clellan Read (M::Clellan Square). Pee, ....-·ded for denial. 'Ihe staff Lq.óL t was presented by Director of n-mnrlty Devel,¥"""d.. Cowan. steve O1ristian, aråú.tect 1IICrki:n:] with IJJCky Stores, said he thaIght that iDplementing staff's ~m of ~ up the winq wall rather than remaving the section wa.tl.d achieve the desired results. Anne H:Jore, 10364 Paradise Drive, said that part of the pràJlem is noise fran the rxrrveyor that carries the boxIes fran the tJ:ucks. Truc:Ics have been 1.D1loadinJ for years, and the E!lV3'ines aren't turned off. In her opinim, nothinq wa.tl.d be gained £ran charY;Jirg the wal1. Ms. Mxn:e showed Cameil copies of letters fran Cali and the garbage cx:rrpa..f sayin:J they were aware of the ordinance am wculd abide by it. However, garbage tJ:ucks !'XU oc:me -15- ASAC 51,908.1, Wes':field, referred to ASAC MINUTES OF 'mE SEPI'ŒBER l7, 1990 CITY CUJNCIL ME:ETIN; (œ-79a) at 5:30 a.m. 'l11e ordinances were ~ed to be designed so as to eliminate loopholes, ì:ut I..ucky has found l~les. For '""""T1e, Ms. M:x>re said trucIœ! arrive at 5:30 a.m. b.1t don't actually begin unloadinq until 8:00 a.m. Ran:ly Nemec, 10374 Paradise Drive, made the followin] points: 1. '!he zoning oroi.nanoe is net 00eyed or upheld; he cited violatiCl'lS that he had 1.<¥'LtecJ.. 2. Tlucks are net the a1ly sam::e of noise - ~'T~ing, forX1.ifts, enployees, beer parties - 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 3. '!here is also noise fi:aD unloadinq a1to the a:mveyer rollers. Mr. Nemec; said residents need I.II'Xiistumed sleep. He as.1r-' Council to u¡i1old the AS1IC z:uling and hold IJJcIcy and the landlord respor¡sible and suggested that the recycling area be DK:Ned and that U\GCX) and the m-"fers be restricted to certain haJrs. Maybe treadles and "!peed Þ"'I"" in the alley and parking lot oculd be used. ÐIplayee parldnq and after haJrs traffic needs to be ocntrolled. '!he City shculd l8\IY stiff penalties and hold IJJcIcy and the landlord aoccuntable. Maybe fI.uñinq for a sea.1rlty force shculd be prcwided by the owner and tenants. Mr. llemec; .,.,.....itted~. Bill Hoffman, manager of the IJJcIcy store, said he was aware that there was an CO]Oinq problem bIt denied that the trucks are there before 8:00 a.m. He said that he had never been oc:ntact:ed by either Mrs. K::.óL.. or HI". Nemec;. Mr. Nemec said that Mrs. L.....'s oœplaints hadn't been made to the manager. Mr. Hoffman said he was wUlinq to talk to the neighbors. Mayor Rcgets said it '''It'''''''~ that there was need for better enfœ:ce.u£:.Jt and that the manager 1oIOrk with the neighbors. Mr. Hoffman said trucks have diffiaùty getting in, that's Wiry they had requested the 1III'rlif'ication to the wall. Came. Goldman said he waüd favor takinq no action until a meetinq with the store manager and the residents, facilitated by staff, had taken place. Mr. Nemec stated that it is net just IJJcIcy trucks ì:ut all the delivezy trucks that cause the problem. '!be landlord shculd also be involved in the pl.>("<'C'a. Mr. Nemec said he has retained legal camsel. Came. Goldman said he still wants ev&ybody to get together . -16- MINl1I'ES OF '!HE SEPI'EMBER 17, 1990 CTIY a:wCIL MEE'I'IN:ì (œ-798) Ms. M.Jou, said she met with 'd1e manager of Ral¡i1's (before the store èwoo ....nA lJJcky) and neighbors and evezyone had a.,¡L..e..l that the smaller truc:Jœ ca.ù.d deliver to the ftaIt of stores. '!hen I.I..Icky came in. She said Sheriffs Dep.rt:ies think that the ordinance is mt !:Iein;¡' violated. came. Goldman su:}1eSted that neighbors set up amt:her meetinq with the new management. Mrs. MooJ:e said she had talked to the fODDer manager ani he had ignœ:ed her. She called the district manager ~ sent an observer. 'I\/o weeks later she received a call st.,,~-tinq a meetinq and ayL.......eI.t with the new manager. 'lhings were all right for a Wile after that, then he 'oIOUldn 't talk to her any more. came. Sorensen said she was inclined to wait on this awlicatim until the parties can meet. Counc. J(q:pel supp:>rted that the parties meet, b.1t stated that she also S\.JRX)rted ASlIC's :r:e.::- ....""'1datim for denial. Mayor Rcgers said she wasn't sure that an:Jling or shorteninq the wall were the best fixes for the prà)lem. Assistant to the City Manager Brown said that if neighbors feel they aren't getting a respcI'ISØ frail the Sheriff they sbculd CŒItact the City. staff can make Sheriff's deputies more aware of the regulatiCl'lS. Ms. Brown stated that there had been no CXIIplaints to COde EnfOl..........1t regardinq this prà)lem in four years. Mr. NEmec; said when the prà)lem cxx:urs, he v.mts i"""""'bte help, not to wait until day time when COde Enfo:r:œme¡1t is av>oil~le. It was DK:Ned by Came. Goldman, seccn:3ed by Came. Sorensen and passed UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly (4-0) to ct1'1time the "11"1'"""1 for 60 days; to direct staff to meet with the residents, the landlord and the major tenants to work cut an equitable methcd of how the prà)lem can be resolved; to direct staff to report back in 60 days with a respa'ISe plan; to direct the parties meetinq to look at an alternative to the present situatim with the sam wall; and to direct that durin;¡' the 60 days the ordinance be enforC$.l to a more effective dé,µ.~, both by the Sheriff and COde Enforcemellt. Counc. Goldman su;]gested that the manager of I1lcky meet with staff so he understan:is the ordinance. -17- ASAC 51,199.15, Lucky, contin- ued for 60 day' Parties to meet MrnIJ'!'ES OF 'mE ~ 11, 199Q CTI"í CIL1tCIL ~ (œ-798) Came. Sorensen said the City Manager sha..ù.d =tact the Sheriff. Mr. Cowan or Ms. Brown will be in touch with Mr. Nemec this week. UNFINISHED RJSINESS 28. Na1e. Næ RJSINESS 29. CCIIplaint ~ noise intrusion of machinery frail day care center in the vicinity of 5ta1ydale Drive, Mr. Richard M. IJ.eberman. Mr. Richard IJ.eberman said that he and his wife, Elaine, have lived at 10261 sta1ydale in the crestcn a~ for eighteen years. He gave salle bac:Jçgroorx:l of the p;:à:>lem. Air ocn:iitiminq and heating units are near his pr'q)erty line and he had been told the units oculd not be relocated. '!be SChool District said there WêIS vezy little they could do. Later they came back arñ said they oculd IIICVe +j- _ 1:uilð.L-g and place shrul:i:Iery aIUII'Xi it. A year and a ualf later it went in. Mr. IJ.eberman said they have been faced with the noise for a year. He had been told that the hcurs of operation for the center would be 7: 00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., I:ut in reality it operated frail 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. He had held a meetinq with salle of the Bœrd -~ -EElS in his back yard and they had said they WQ1].d not like the noise in their yards. A realtor had written a letter saying that the problem WQ1].d affect the value of the prcparty. Mr. IJ.eberman said the District had no right to i:øpin;¡e a1 the privacy or value of private pL'+""Lty. Mr. Li.ebexman said that barriers had been 1:uilt Q1 the air ocn:iitiminq I:ut that did not solve the problem. He had called many officials inc:l\ñinq Yvette Del Prado, Mayor Jctm Plurgy and SChool Bœrd ...........~ .ea. He felt that he was c:au;¡ht in a bJreauc:ratic nightmare. 'the inside noise problem has finally been solved - they keep their wimaws closed. art; the wtside noise problem still exists. He felt that the response by officials had been vezy inadequate . Assistant to the City Manager Brown said that COde Enforcement had gone to Mr. IJ.ebennan I s arñ taken sam ~. '!bey had not detected noise ordinance violations. -18- MINtJI'ES OF 'lEE SEPI'E1o!BER 17, 1990 CITY CUJNCIL MEE:I'DC (œ-798) City Attorney Kilian said tbat the Sd1oo1 District is subject to the health and safety ordinances and tbat Mr. LiebenDan can seek private action against them as a !'1I..IÍsan:::e to be abated. Came. Sorensen said it 'NWld be .........."¥Liate for this matter to be referred to the Sd1oo1 Board and asked if there had been a p..Iblic hearing before tbat body. Mr. LiebenDan shewed Council a letter written by Counc. Szabo to the District. Came. Goldman asked if Mr. LiebenDan had a solutim, and he said the units oculd be eI'Y""II""'.1lated. Came. ~ said Mr. LiebenDan shoold pl S.!1Jt. his case to the Sd100l Board, not City Council, as the body that oculd take actim. Came. Sorensen asked tbat cede Enfu..............L check the sound levels again. Counc. Goldman also ~-œd tbat Mr. Li..L..........n p.¡t forth his case to the Sd1oo1 Board as he had to Oouncil, give them an "M'ULl..mity to act, and if he didn't get results to OCIIIB back before Caln::il. 30. FA;. .._._Iadatia1 fraD Parks ard Recreatiat rr-i -1m regarding QJpertino Sports Center Master Plan rr-ittee. Director of Parks and Ra.u:eatia1 Ccwling said he had J'¥) aà:litiCl'lS to the written L~ and was _i bhl. to answr questiCl'lS. Counc. Kqpel said she 'NWld like to see bio Council !fo-..~ .era on the lY'O'/OIIittee, makinq a total of eight -...J era. Mayor ~& a¡:p::Iinted Council }oTo....~ -fi8 Sorensen and Goldman to the lY'O'/OIIittee. She will be in ta.ICh with the ~.r of ('0 ....~> oe president to ask them to a¡:p::Iint a .-mer with sports backgroun:1. 31. Report m Þid openirg and award of CXI'1tract for Traf:ic Signal Emergency P1.~L1m System, Project 8602D. Director of Public Works viskcvich clarified the staff r............ermtim. -19- Counc. Soren- sen and Gold- man appointed to Sports Center Master Plan CODDDittee . Traffic Signal Emergency Preemption System, Project 8602D - Steiny & Co. . . MINt1l'ES OF 'lliE SEFTEMBER 17, 1990 CITY a:uNCIL MEFrIN:; (œ-798) ccunc. sorensen asked staff to follow up with the Sheriff's Department regardin; participation in the project. It was DK:Ned by Counc. ~, seconded by ccunc. Sorensen and Feeed unan.im::Jusly (4-0) to waive the irregularity regardin;J test results: to award the project to steiny and co., Inc. J'>:><>ed on the lowest bid received: to authorize ~illture of $150,000: to authorize staff to appraII8 a d1an;Je order adclirJ;J $46,997 to the v..IIlL..dCt to include all intersectiCl'lS when the funds are ~ by the Board of SUpervisors: and to direct staff to add stevens Creek Bculevani at Blaney Avenue to the list of locatiCl'lS where the system will be installed. 32. P-l-t for authorizatioo to Uplement peI1IÙSSive left turns. Director of Public works visJa:wicn 14 s mLed staff I S I18Ii ~ . ····-Idaticn wtU.cn was for a focus graJp to review the device and make a reo ....-mtim to the Traffic Reductia1 n--ittes to brinq to Council before UplE111E!lJt:inq the device m the streets. Mr. Viskavicn asked for Oouncil clli:ecti.a1. ccunc. Goldman said this wt'A.Ùd be a mUque signal in the state. '!he Traffic Reductim n--ittee had agrll!led to CCI1t:act the City Att.ozney re its use. City Attorney Kiliðn said the Vehicle COde states that local .."......1es do not detemine signage to be used. Den Froliå1, 22276 Hartman Drive, said the existinq calL..CI.,8 ..........--.h to peI1IÙSSive left turn is a OjL_1 ball. '!he n--ittee felt this was dangercus and felt the new sign with an aã:litia1al infomatia1al sign was sater. PeJ:baps Oouncil nr-~" to oc:ntact: legie1atars regardin;J the possibility of a bill to use the sign m an experimental or dema...L..cd.ia1 basis. '!he Traffic Reductim n--ittee thinks it is iDportant to pI~'. ccunc. Goldman said he wt'A.Ùdn't 1IIiM callinq the legie1atars. Mr. VisJa:JVicn said it is a lenfthy pIO<-'a to get a device ~ by the state. He expla.i.ned the reasons for choosinq Portal: '!be o:mnittee wanted to use the device an stevens Creek Boulevard to make the inte.roannect: flow better, and R>rtal is the least travelled cross street. -20- HINUr.8S OF THE SEPIÐœER 17, 1990 CITY CXXJNCIL MEE'I'Il«; (œ-798) city Manager Brown suggested taking the idea to caltrans and the legislators cancurrently and doing tests withalt risk to see if the sign is underst:an:!able. Mr. Frolic:h ~-ted t.aJ.Jd.m to legislators first an:i askirx¡ them if we shculd go to caltrans. Mayor Rcgers, Counc. Goldman and possibly a staff ..-..~ er will oc:ntact state legislators an:i caltrans regarclirg a¡:proval of the device. 33. Repent regarãin¡ tree plan for Los Arcos project m Gardenside Lane. Director of rnm.11Ú.ty Devel,¥""",t cowan p1.ð.._,Led I::IacI<gJ:oond m the matter. Mr. Zincvy Ficbtenholz, 11458 Gazàen Terrace Drive, shewed the locatim of his boose in relatim to the devel'¥"""lt. By 0a1SeI'ISUS, Oouncil directed staff to oc:ntact the applicant to deteœine if he 1òCUld voluntarily agree to shift a tree into a locatim that woold meet Mr. Ficbtenholz' àJjective. 34. ~L L.u.:.,L of cnmcil -·~.eIS to Human Services lhmIittee. Public Infomatia1 Officer Krey expbir,ed the fun::tim of the lhmIittee. She said there are t101o Oouncil ~ in additia1 to the City Manager and herself m the C'rImIittee. Mayor ~s l!RX>inted cnmcil )(o-..~ e1:S Sorensen and C-....lmn..I'\ to the lhmIittee. WRlTI'EN CXlHJNICATIœs 35. None. œDINANæS 16. St.u..od readinq and enactment of Ordinance No. 1526: "An ordinance of the City Call'lCil of the City of CUpertino Amerxiin¡ sectiCl'lS 10.26.090, 10.26.100, 10.26.110, 10.26.120 and 10.26.130 of the CUpertino ø.micipal COde, False lùazm Service 01arges. n It was moved by Counc. Sorensen, seoc:n:Bi by Came. Kqpel and I"'e~'Bd unan1mcusly (4-0) to read Ordinance No. 1526 by title only and the DepIty City ClerK's reading to constitute the e.e.ou...I readinq thereof. -21- Permissive , left turn device Tree plan, Gardenside Ln. Counc. Soren- sen and Goldman appointed to Human Services Com. Second reading of Ord. 1526 e Ord. 1526 enacted Second reading of Ord. 1535 Ord. 1535 enacted . . MINUl'ES OF '!HE SEPl'EMBER 17, 1990 c:I'lY o.:uNCIL MEE:rIN:; (CC-798) It was IDCIIIed by CIWrY:. ~1, secx:n:Jed by Counc. sorensen and pae'5'ed UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly (4-0) to enact 0J:'dimn0e No. 1526. 37. Seccn:i ~ and enactment of 0rdi.naJx. No. 1535: "An ordinance of the City Oouncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amen:iin;J the O,¡pert.im !bùt'!jI""1 Code to In::lude 0Iapter 2.84 Envira1menta1 RBview /'nrni ttee. " It was DK:Ned by CIWrY:. Koppel, secorded by Counc. Goldmeln and pEl9'5'ed ~y (4-0) to read 0rdi.naJx. No. 1535 by title a1ly and the Dep1ty City ClerK's ~ to constitute the seocni J:'82Idin:¡ thereof. It was DK:Ned by Counc. ~l, secx:n:Jed by Counc. sorensen and I""~~ed UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly (4-0) to enact 0rdi.naJx. No. 1535. RæOII1l'Iœs 38. Ncne. S'mFF 1(t;tU(.I.::; 39. Oral L"'iJVlts by staff _.Las. CXXINCIL 1(t;tU(.I.::; 40. Mayor Rcgers stated that Ocurx:il shculd _ . M^JSitiCl'1 to PL' ~itiCl'lS 126 and 136 a1 the Nav ~ «r ballot. 42. Counc. ("~"""""1 - Traffic Raducticn /'nrnit;tee - He L"¥JLLed atten2noe at a reqia'Ial leadership fOIUll1 held at stanfo:m. 43. Counc. Sw...._. said she had attended the senior volunteer lunc::hea1 and (> ........xJed the seniors. She po.:. ....-ded that evmya18 see the IiIDtos a1 exhibit at the ()únlan CBrt:er. Counc. sorensen said the Japanese visit is såIeduled octcœr 5-8. Director of Public Worlœ Viskcvicn J:"L II . .Led a staff L"'iJVl t regarding ooogest.ia1 ~It. At 11:25 Sept _.~ -- Hall. p.m. , the meetinq was adjourned to MŒ1day, 24, 1990. 7:00 p.m., 0:II1f""...106 J¡ocm A, City /) X6.4lk (¡)~ Dep1ty City Cler -22-