CC 09-26-90
10300 'Iút<I<I:; AVENUE, aJPEIU'INO, CA 95014
TEj~: (408) 252-4505
HErD eN SEPlÐmER 26, 1990, ~ a::tHJNITY CENœR,
'!he meetirq was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Mayor
Rcqers .
Came. I'reS!1'llt
Goldman, JCqipel, Sorensen, Mayor Rogers
cnmc. Absent:
PI.annin; lhmti....f.a}era Present:
Adams, 'Faze1noo9, Mackenzie, ChaUmn M~ñy
PI.annin; lhmti ....icÐa.. At:sent:
lhmti o:sim R.t:t& s: lLatives:
RàJert Haxsie, Ardrltectural and Site ~
lhmti ttee
Jane Chiavacci, Cable Televisim Advisory lhmtittee
CWrtenay Heater, EneIg'
Rcœrta HolHIIIt'Wt, Fine Arts lhmti....:lm
Julie g,i"1tis, LibraIy lhmIio:sia1
Wally Dean, Parks and Rdcreatim lhmti ....ia1
Darlene 'lhu..1I1S, Public Safety lhmti ....1m
staff !'resent:
City CleJX O""lIo:1.ius
Director of Public Works VisJa:wic:h
Director of n-mnùty Devel,¥"""lt COwan
Director of ParXs and Rec::reatim Ccwlinq
HCJusirq and 5ezv'ioe Ocxmiinator Norlinq
Jls"OC'iate Planner WOrdell
City Attorney Kilian
Parks & Cor.un.
Services Sub-
City l~entity
Subcor.uni t tee
Mayor Rogers announœd that there wo.ùd be a Danent of
silence for Cro6sÙ'XJ Guard Raymcn:i Fosnaugh.
WELCX:'tŒ nma::ucrroo
Mayor P-Jgers wel, n..,,) these prese¡1t an:i annaunoed that the
p.l.."pœe of the IIIeE!t.irg was for the Council to receive an
interim l.~Ll and give guidance to the Goals C"nmtíttee, if
Di"""'''osion regardin:J the subjects of city identity,
noosing, transportation, parks, and ecouaulc devel,¥""",L.
Daniel Iaoofano reviewed the steps of the Goals camú.ttee
and the remaining steps to oarplete the pl<JC"'>es.
Prese¡JtatiCl'lS ToIere given as follows:
Parks and Chnml1rú.ty Selvioes S,,¡""""""ittee pl ! ,¡Latim was
given by Dama Austin who stated that there DUSt be
inc::reasecl density an:i heights in certain areas to maintain
OJpertino's quality of life. She mged that privatejp.lblic
sector ties be strengthened. It wo.ùd be helpfUl it
neighLud......d grt:qJS ToIere directed by the City and not just
be f........d for sinqle i........... She reo ··..-Ùtod that main
focal areas of 0Jpertinc be established with walJcways,
¡:ublic re&L<..........., etc., an:i r<>o:> ····-·Ided that the Genm:al
Plan increase the 11''''''''''''' of qJe1'1 ~oe ac:œage ~
fran three acres per 1,000 to five acres per 1,000. In
regard to the seminary ~'+""Lty, the suþ(.....ittee
reo ....-'1ds cluster hcmJing with 0·..·· ., qJe1'1~ or an
--tia1al institute. '!he suþ(~ .....Ittee believes that
MemoJ:ia1 Park shcW.d remain as it is and there be Dm'e
1IIi"..., uses in 0Jpertinc. Such areas as Town center and
Vallo::> village could have higher density and 1IIi"..., use
witha1t infrinqinq m neighbœ:hoods.
Patrick Milligan presented the :t:,¥-,Lt frclll the City
Identity SlID ..··..;ttee. Mr. Milligan stated that a higher
density wwld be allowable on the }ok)torola site if any
traffic prå:>lems ToIere solved. For the City center area,
the sul::o ..."ittee is rec· ".'--ùin:J higher density with a
retail mix. Mr. Milligan then reviewed his version of the
remaininq ~rk.
<X:rn<;::n, MEE:l'ING (œ-798B)
Mr. W. Bloem presented a report frc:m the Ha.lsirY;J
Stlhn-wnnlittee and Mr. Loren Mahoney did 60 for the
Transportation SUbo:mnittee.
FollOlo.'irY;J a report frc:m rBvid Wheeler ŒI behalf of the
Eooncmi.c Developne..""1t S11hn-wnn1ittee, included
:reo ····-rdatiCl'lS for an increase in OOsiness license fees
and OOs:inesges be encx:.uraged to cant:rib..tte to government,
the Hüyor opened the meeting for 0 .....-..ts frc:m ather
5111:>0 .....ittee ~.
Ann Arqe:r of the City Identity groop, enpmsized the
i:aportance of maintaining neighbortxxxl quality. She said
that there is blight in CUpertino, specifically in the
Manta vista area. She felt the blight was not being
addressed by the City. She stressed the lIeed for <Y'Wm1111Ùty
Rebert 1qIkins, also of the City Identity grwp, said that
the interest of the t'Y'Wm1111Ùty at large may not be
adeqJately a.}:h_e-' in what was presented in the Generc:Ù
Plan. He stated that there are saœ who want slower growth
and «:pm spaoe. He said that major areas have not been
ñi"<,,.,,~ and others need more ñiRnl9$ion. He stated that
the t'Y'OIOI'Iittee had not } a chance as a grwp to cákh. -
the c::::u..L....jL General Plan and that more time is ----ùvt for a
quality ~t of lastin:J value.
I.event Ersay of the Ecc:n::IIIic D8Y8l,¥"""IL SUb:- .....ittee, said
he did agree with the L"'lJULL exx:""t'L for allowinq higher
density land use. High tech eapJ.oyees have DK:Ned here for
«:pm ~. He reo ····-·Ided that Council .....-.-jL<..te in
generating sales tax frail these who work in QJpertino.
Jàm SObrato, also a 1\ of the Eo........1.c D8Y8l,¥"""d.
Sub:- .....ittee, felt that the þlúC""'i' was being rushed and
felt it wculd be advisable to have another;J with
Michael Friedman.
W. Bloem ~....d that it wculd be nice to have more time,
but durinq a len:.Jthier }'L' <:-"''i' more volunteers may be lost.
RECESS: 8:35-8:48 P.M.
Shishi.r M..1kherjee, stated he had served a1 the
Transportation suhn-wnnlittee, but wished to address housing
and City identity. He expressed su¡:p:>rt for the "ca:r:rot"
awroach for public transit. '!be stick is here and a
bigger stick is CXJIÚ.n;J. Affordable, COI'lI1eIÚ.ent, and energy
efficient hcusinq is r-v1øñ. He su;¡gestec1 that thare be
two lines for shuttle bJses in ~in:>, one north-swth
Economic Dev.
CXXJNCIL MEE:l'm:; (œ-798B)
arxl the other east-west. He said the ......"-9'L of a grand
boolevatù was qood; there should be BaDe 1Ù>lic transit m
it. He expressed the opinion that the 'l'ransportatim
SUbo .,. , I ttee has not justice to it.
Mayor lhJers then asked if any JIIPII>hers of the 1Ù>lic
pres.ant wishe::i to I.JI .'UlrÞ~ IL.
?\ gentleman residirJ;r on Nonnandy Way addressed Oouncil
regarclin,¡ the Ecx:n...uic S1,hrrotwnittee. He expressed alarm
regazà:irq higher density and growth and cx:t.::..m regaràinq
size of school '"'l",e'3'!!S. He also ~t up the heavy
tzaffic m stellin:J Road.
Linda Hagen adh-",ed Oouncil regardi.n;J haJSinq. She felt
that ya.¡n:¡ families are not La¡.u. s;,.,Led an:i the CY'ftOIIittee
- JEJ to focus m ~t maJœs a city and a neigtüx'Ll.......d,
which is people. '!be HClJsinq Element has been derelict in
meetinr::r 9"""'1.. regardinq lOll-iJlCCW: hcusin¡. '!he City does
not seem seriou8 about it. ::::18 urged that Cameil ~ nd up
the }'L'" 1'JfT and that the City meet human -:- 19.
Ger'8 Boyle, Dio: : se of san Jose, spoJœ regantinq st.
JœE!li1's SE!mina%y þ..'+""LL)'. He ~lained that this was the
ånIrdJ. 's patrimcny an:i they desize to transfer the rt'ðl
estate to capital to better meet the needs of their
minist:zy. He reviewed a history of previoos sales and
leasinq of po:t'tims of their land.
Bob Haxsie, L"¥L s_,Linq Architectural and Site Approval
Chnn1ttee, said that sc:met:.imes eo.......u1c deve1.........IL
sacrifices the quality of life. In raJ8rd to signs, he
asked ~t the ("_1.. CcmIIittee saw as increased "ign
Mr. Wheeler said there is oo........m in the J::iusiness l'Y'OmIInUty
that signs are not visible enough. 'I11e potential
()"I~tim of bigger signs was di..",e9ed, particularly b:M
to irx:rease visibility without sacrificinq esthetics. He
suggested there be guidelines for a <, ...,. '1 theme, b.rt: not
requirements as his preference was not to have everythi.nq
the same.
Jane Chiavaoci, Cable Televisim Advisozy Ccmnittee,
suggested that these opiniCl'lS be taped so they can be shawn
to everyme. She has heard oœplaints in the OCIID'IIJnity
about the inability to fim addresses ml::.ui1din;¡s. She
felt that a oc:nsistent way of rn~inq on major streets
wculd be helpful.
Coortenay Heater, Energy Camlisslm, spoJœ about the need
to CU'!SeZVe energy. He su;¡gefrt:ed that there be a
re-evaluatim of what social responsibility means am uxged
a glå:1al perspective in regard to local actiCl'lS and that
the City E!IIèrace a sustainable society.
RàJerta Holli:mcl'l, Chair of the Fine Arts C'hmI;, said
the C'hmIi wants the city to be an art center and felt
that there is a need to mentim art specifically in the
City Identity element. She ~d like to have schools
bee> ..IÞ a t'Y'OIIIIInù.ty gatherinq place a1C8 again and that 'ß1a
oaJœ and DeAnza college be develq:Jed as a cultural center.
JUlie Shields, Librazy C'hmIi....ion, said that her CY'OmIi....ion
had not had an "M"'Ltlmity to di "'"'189 the r'E!'<' ....-rdatiCl'lS
of the Goals Calmittee. It will be placed m the agen::)a of
their next meetinq. She pointed out the growth in the use
of the LibraJ:y and the fact that it is prcbably creatinq
t:l.-affic prå:)lE!1Œ1.
I8rlene 'Ihu....., Public safety, c:OCpl~"«t OC.~,
regarding traffic gridlock and air pollutia1. She felt
tMt CUpertino - i.. to iJlcxn}'X)Late earthquake ~~
into all aspects of planning, incl\.ld:inj ha.1sinq,
transpartatim, and ~......ic planninq.
wally Dean, Parks ani Reclècitim Chmti ....iat, said he had
heard IX) C' ........,d:s regarding ootluol of open ~œ throogh
ZCX'linq am inquired about the Parlcs and Ro........atia1
l"'nnmiAAicm's J:ICIIo~1O. .'-'~a1.
Mr. Ccwlinq said the City Oouncil had ~x",,·Led that
:tA ..···....,datia1 J::ut did not wish to prej.w'liœ the 1".-1..
CClmdttee by forwardinq that infomatia1 to them.
Mayor Rega... stated that since it had been brcught up at
this meet:in:J, she ~ like that infomatim given to the
åHJL'¥Liate SlI~ittee.
Mr. Dean said that younJer dùldren are having a difficult
tiJœ findinq fields to play m because of devel'¥"""lt.
Jåm Claudy, Chair of the Planning C'hmIi....iat, said that
the Planninq acts on the General Plan and
specific é1R>lications. He was pl""''''''''¡ that the
I"'O ..·,-lJdations were not CALL....... in regard to devel'¥"""lt
restrictions, J::ut felt that many j..."'..... still need to be
addressed. He felt that the Eoollcmic Devel'¥'""'1t
SUhrv'wnmittee was the only me that had addressed BaDe
difficult 1"""'..... and cane to decisions that may not be
pcp.1lar. He urged the BUbo ·...d.ttees to get down to IOOre
Energy Comm.
Fine Arts Camm.
Library Comm.
Public Safety Com.
P & R Commission Comm.
S'~ifics of goals am strategles am expres:.:ed the opWm
that the subcamnittees need to .interact.
Vie Adams, Plð1'11'1i.rç l"rwnmi....i.m, felt that lengtheninq the
Goals Camnittee ~~ my rXJt be ~"'azy and expl._ssd
the need to blend views and goals am make sure that the
eœ,uanÍc viability is reasmable.
Daryl Fazekas, Planninq l'hIwniqaia'1er, liJœd the gr¡uñ
ba.ù.evaJ:à CXI'-.qJl and Fn.qJeStM it be tied in with rapid
transit of Balle kim. He ~ -ed the opWm that light
rail is not ê'R;Xo."opriate for Qpertino, but that a cable car
a<:qI,i red thraJgh corporate spa1SOrS and grants might be a
creative way to provide altemative transit to shq:pers and
others .
Den Mackenzie, of the Planninq l"rwnmi....ion, said that
0Jpertin0 - i.. 91""'1.. that can be adúeved. We need to get
global and local t.hi1ÇB da1e and need to allocate the
infrasb:ucture fairly. '!he affordable hcusinq co.LqlL is
good; there is also a need to maintain the hills and
indivM"' privacy. Affordable hcusinq equals density.
He aslr...... if offices and hcusinq pay for t:t-elves.
Mr. M",~ said the City as a ~le is shut œ.t of office
b.ilt'Hrgs. '1hi.s can be ne< -azy for the sake of security
of certain !::iusi - -es, but woold like to see saoethiJç m
the ground floor of office bllilt'l:lrgs that oculd be open and
invitinq to the pmlic.
Mayor Rcgers brought the t'li..,..,' back to the Oouncil.
Counc. Sorensen (. ....-rx3ed the l"nImIittee """"~ oers for their
work. She stated the need to balance density with
eoo.......i.cs. '!he gr¡uñ ba.ù.evam co...::q;L is visimary as are
Balle of the r'''(' ........I'!ded altemative methods of
transportatim. Came. Sorensen specifically mentia1ed
bicycles as a means of transportatim. Affordable hcusinq
is a prcblem because of the reluctan::1e of residents to have
high~ity hcusin; in their neighbœ:hoods and because of
otlJer <Yft{"'tibility LC\SUeS. She felt the ..........nùty
t!I'd:Iwment fund shcW.d be investigated. She suggested that
t..~ Goals Camnittee members shculd recognize that
~L"";- i.. neœssazy and urged them to CXIIIe up with a
definite strate:y to iItplement goals.
Counc. Kq:pe1 felt the reo:, ..",,prrlations of the Eoco::mic
Devel.c:pnent SUb> .....ittee for additional growth in order to
irx:rease revenues were very soorrl. She felt an auto r:f."N
was I'XJt the way to do it, Þ.1t :in::reasirq the n.æiness tax
and in' an entertainment tax might be
~'-¥Liate. She also liJœd the ooncept of miYOWi use
devel'¥"""lt. Inc:reased density in Vallco with a hotel is a
good idea. She ~v-9'1!d surprise aver reo ..··-·&tiCl'lS for
inc:reased density in the ':L'cwn Center. FUrà1ase of S&Rinary
property WQÙd be difficult as the oamty does net have the
m::ney to buy the 1""'+""L Lÿ' and the seminary has a.lr8ady
provided a great deal of cp!I'1 space. She ~ r-ed the
need for cautia1 regarciin¡ increase in signs. She
~-œd that the /",,,,,,,,1.. l"nmIittee have two more meetings
and then provide Council with informatim ngardinq hew
many more they feel are J :: -wi. She stated thsre should
I'XJt be :1 need for a lcn;r extension of time.
HarRhall Goldman stated that the /",,,,,,,,1.. Ccmnittee's jœ is
to fW a visim. He cUd I'XJt believe the goal was to
.....>rlmi ze revenJ8, Þ.1t to _>rlmi ze fulfillment of livinq
thrco.:gh a jœ, a place for families, frierx:ls, and a sense
of greater C'Y'MOIItrú.ty. 'Ihe oc:mnittae should ooosider hew
large a pc:p.ù.atim they want in Q.Jpertin;., hew IIIJd1 park
land, and where higher density areas should be located.
Look, overall, at what kin:! of city CUpertiIX> should be
then look at hew to get there. J:\1rinq that ptO<;'H't?
tradeoffs should be Oa1S1Œu:ed. Mr. Goldman said he
believes there is a need far: better quality of design and
OCI1Stroc:tim. 'Ihe transportation issues are also very
iJIJx>rtant;. other i a...__ to think abwt incllX1e retail and
~..ere it should be located; hew IIIJd1 retail can the city
""Uort. In regard to housinq, there is a need to provide
housing for yQnJ families and for seniors sane way.
Pezhaps the help of Cól.1JUL..tiCl'lS oculd be erùisted to fW
solutiCl'lS. He stated the ("'""",1.. cœmittee should take more
time if it is :-r-......', Þ.1t I'XJt too IIIJd1 Jll)J:'e time. If t.~
...........ittee cannot reach a 0a1Sel1SUS, he stated they should
pl : 8" ~J It more than CD! visim.
Mayer Rogers urged the ...........i ttee ",.""¡.,,.-XS to continue to be
visimaries Wile l00kinq at specifics. She ocn:::luded by
thankin;J them and urqinq them to keep up the good work.
At 10:10 p.m., the meetinq was adjoomed.
, Cou ne. Koppe 1
Coone. Goldman