CC 09-24-90 CI'l'Y OF aJPERl'DÐ, STKŒ OF CALIF'(Jt¡NIA 10300 'IUt<!<t; AvmJE, ~, CA 95014 TEIEHnŒ: (408) 252-4505 œ-798A MnIUl'ES OF '!HE ADJamNID REX>UIAR MŒl'DC OF Cl'lY roJNCIL HElD CN SEPl'ÐœER 24, 19!J0, ~ RXM A, Cl'lY HAIL, 10300 'Iut<l<I:; AvmJE, aJPERI'IlÐ, ~ CAlL 'ro ut<Ut:;t( '!be meeting was called to order by Mayor ~... at 7:02 p.m. Counc. Fr,!! HIL: Goldman, Kqpel, sorensen, Mayor Rcgers Came. Absent:: Szabo staff I'reS!!1,t: City ClerK (4u,ù.ius æAL CXHIJNICATIœs - Na1e. INm:XX1CI'Iœs Council and the City ClerK LIL<..lI...... th--1ves to the applicants. Assistant City Attorney l.q)ez L~ted that ---tld Mr. Maffeo be appointed, it foIt I,M not be in Ca1flict with the City otdinance, neither did she believe his appoL.t..u..IL \«'W.d Ca1flict with any Attomey General opinim. 1. Interview of a¡:plicants for the partial tam m CUpertino's o.hl. Televisim Advisœ:y cn-ittee and a¡:p>L.t..u..IL to the cn-itt.ee. Followinq Oouncil interviews of the a¡:plicants, it was moved by o:Jurx:. JCqpel, secx:njed by Counc. Gol-'1 and passed ~ly (~-O) to appoint Katherine TJ:ujillo to the vacan::y m ::he cable Television Advisœ:y cn-itt.ee. At 7:45 p.m., the meet.irg was adjwmed to 7:00 p.m., SepteDi:)e.r 26, Quinlan Chronnrlty center. VE¥ d/!;., CJ: Cler CITY OF aJPERI'IN:), STATE OF ~ 10300 '~ AVENUE, aJPERl'IN:>, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 œ-799 MINl1l'ES OF '!HE REX>UIAR CI1Y CXXJNCIL ME:ETIH; HErD eN OCl'OBER 1, 1990, CXUK:J:L CHAMBER, CI'IY HlILL, 10300 "!UIQ(t; AVENUE, ~, CAI..IFURNIA '!be meetl1g was called to order by Mayor Pro ~.. Kqpel at 6:45 p.m. SAIlJ1'E 'ro '!HE f'L1\G mIL CAlL Came. I'res I!'.I d.: Goldman, Sorensen, Mayor Pro ~$ Keppel Cœrx:. Absent: Szabo, Mayor ~s staff :"-HhL: City Manager Brown City Clerk COrnelius Director of PJblic Works V:iskcvidl Director of Chnn"1ity DeIIel"P"""lt Cowan Director of Parks and Recreatian Ccwlinq Director of Finance snyder Public Infomatim Officer Krey City Attorney Kilian ~ It was DK:Ned by Counc. S01.........., seocn.:à.d by Counc. Goldman and I"""'i'ed unanimwsly (3-0) to reIIICII8 Item No. 11 frail the agema. CERFKIŒAL MA:J:!"UC:i - ~œs Proclamatim in ha10r of "Child care Reocguiticr. week." '!be prncl"""'tim was ðtJOelJLed by Claire NaIIak frail the Santa Clara Ca.mty Child care COalition who then inL<. d'1œd the new 01air of the ocalitim. -1- . KrNtJI'ES OF '!HE œIOBER 1, 1990, REX>UIAR CITY axJNCIL HEFrIN:; (œ-799) Fres ~.Lation of certificate of ~L.L...::.1t to Katherine Trujillo, Cable Television Advisory t'"romtittee. Ms. TrujD.lo a. <:'qJLed the certificate. æAL CXHIJNICATIœs Mr. Cà1en requested that Item ~. 17 be canti1DJed until such time as Mayor Rogers is þL san:. Consent Calendar It was D:M!d by Counc. Sorensen, seoo..:Jo:d by Counc. Goldman and p""e'E!d ~ly (3-0) to oc.nt:inJe AgeOOa Item No. 17 to the meeting of October 15. o::tmm' CAInIDAR It was IIICIVed by 0::Junc. Sorensen, seoo..:Jo:d by Came. Goldman and p"ft'J''E!d unan:!.maJsly (3-0) to ~u-.18 the Q:I'Isent calendar as PL r ..Led. . 1. Preliminary Injunctim, Blaine V. COrnelius, et al., SUperior Court No. 704380. Receive. 2. Requests for waiver of w.iness license fees: (a) Marà1 of DbDes Birth Defects Fcumatim for solicitatim period 0ctàJer 1, 1990 thrwgh Sept"ØIIIhe:t: 30, 1991; (b) United States Missiat for solicitatim period Sept"- ex- 15, 1990 through [\ao. .~ ~ 30, 1990. 3. Mirotes of regular City Oouncil meetinq of september 4, 1990. 4. Mimtes of regular City Oouncil meetinq of sept"...\~ c 17, 1990. 5. Mimtes of adjourned regollar meetinq of september 24, 1990. 6. ~licaticn AS1IC 51,918.1 - cn-Line O:I1stzuc:tim _ Requestin;J review and ~ for a new MH maàúne at an existin;r ~inq center located at the southwest oorr.er of N. DeAnza Bc:W.E"Vard and Haaestead Road. Reo ",,"'.L1ed for a¡:prcval. -2- . MINtJI'ES OF '!HE OCI'OBER 1, 1990, REX>UIAR CITY CXXJNCIL MœI'ING (œ-799) 7. Resolutim No. 8243: lOA Resolutim of the City Council of the City of CUpertino Allc::lWinq Certain (''''i_ and Demarr:is Payable in the ADDmts and FraIl the PUnds as Hereinafter Described for General ani Misœllaneoos Expen:litures for the Period Er¥Iin1 SepteDiJer 21, 1990." 8. Resolutim No. 8244: "A Resolutim of the City Council of the City of CUpertino Allc::1Winq Certain C"l.oi""" and Demarr:is Payable in the ADDmts and frail the PUnds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period Er¥Iin1 SeI*....~.e1. 11, 1990." 9. Resolutim No. 8245: lOA Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of CUpertino Authorizing Exec:utia1 of A/;)L..........rt.. 't1ndergramd or Oller --4 ~ And/or CalmJnicatia1 Facilities' with Scuthem Pacific Transpartatia1 ~, Facility at aJbb :Rœd." 10. Resolutim No. 8246: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil of the City of CUpertino A ;praving Ca1tract c:han;¡e Order No. 2 for AJn.Ja1 OII8rlay, Project 90-104." Y2t§ }ofo...~ oE'rB of the City Cameu AYæ: Goldman, Sarensen, ~ NOES: None ABSml': Szabo, RcgiaL.. AæI7IIN: Na1e l'I'EM3 REXJVED nD! cœsmr CAInIDAR - None. RJBLIC HFARn«;s Mr. a:œn aJåL -ed Oouncil in regan:l to the IIIin1tes of SeI*~ 17, Item No. 4 m the agerœ. He stated that saœthinq was incoLL.....--t. 'Ihe City Attorney advised Oouncil that they can IIICIIe to reaa...ider that item. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman, secxn:!ed by Counc. Sorensen and I"""'~ UI'1alÙJIr:uùy (3-0) to reopeh CXI'1Sideratim of Agenda Item No.4. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman, secx:n:ied by Counc. Sorensen and paesed UI'1alÙJIr:uùy (3-0) to approve these IIIin1tes ëmIE!I'Idin; clarificatim shcwinq that Mayor Rcgers stated that if an investigation detennined that saœthinq else ]'1~-"'oo to be da1e, that waüd be da1e. -3- . App. 6-Z-90, Abandonment . Pu b lic hear- ing closed Res. 8230 adooted Neg. Dec. granted . MINtJIES OF '!HE OCTOBER 1, 1990, REGUlAR CIT'i o:xJNCIL MEF:.I'ING (œ-799) 11. CCI1sideratim of vacation of a portia1 of overland drainage ....--,IL within the City of 0Jpertin:>; Rainbc:M Drive at Southern Pacific Railroad Tracks. (staff requests reIIDVal of this item.) (Previously rem::wed fran the agema.) 12. ~licatim 6-Z-90 and Abanda1ment - Bruce Irwin and Carl Zan; Ðr - Request for rezŒ1ÍnJ of ðt¥L....i_tely .46 acres gross (20,125 sq. ft. gross) fran Rl-IO (single family residential., 10,000 sq. ft. IIÚJÚJIL1IIIlot area) to Rl-7.5 (sinqle family residential, 7,500 sq. ft. IIÚJÚJIL1III lot area). Prcperty is located at 10572 Fel1:a1 way. Abanda1ment of a portion of the Fel1:a1 right-of-way (awroximately 7,672 sq. ft. of roadway) . Env~lIUCIlLal Detennina.tion: '!be Plaruún;r ChmIi ....1m reo -..·~·Ids the grantinq of a Neqative Deo-...J.aration. Re<:'..·,-,ded for~. (a) Resolutia1 No. 8230: "A Resolutia1 of the City Council of the City of CUpertino ordering Vacatim of a FOrtim of Fel1:a1 way IDeated South of Kirwin lane as Provided in sect1m 8320 Et see¡. of the streets and Highways COde of the state of california. n (b) First readinq of Ordinaooe No. 1536: "An Ordinance of the City Oouncil of the ,~ty of CUpertino Amerxiin¡ Sectim 1 of Ordinance N.). 2 by Rezaúnq ~u¡rI-tely .46 Gross Acres FraIl Rl-I0 ZcrIe to Rl-7.5 ZcrIe; IDeated at 10572 Fel1:a1 way (Bruce Irwin and Carl zan;,n-, 6-Z-90)." Fo11owin;J staff ~ !iB1/tatia1, Mayor Pro ~. ~ asked if anya18 fran the public wished to speak m this item. As there was no me \Iho wished to do so, it was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, seca1ded by Counc. Goldman and I""~soed UJ'IallimaJsly (3-0) to close the public hearinq. It was !DOlled by Counc. Sorensen, seca1ded by Counc. Goldman and p"eeoed unaniJDcusly (3-0) to adopt Resolutim No. 8230. It was !DOlled by Counc. Sorensen, seca1ded by Came. Goldman and I"'~S'ed unaniJDcusly (3-0) to aß)roVe the grantinq of a Negative Declaration. It was !DOlled by Counc. Sorensen, seconded by Counc. Goldman and £""'''«1 unanimc:usly (3-0) to awrove ~lication 6-Z-90 per PlaI'11'Úl'Y;J l"nmIi ....ion Resolutbn No. 4277. -4- ~ MINtJI'ES OF '!HE OCIOBER 1, 1990, REDJI1\R CITY OXJNCIL MEEI'DIG (œ-799) It was JOOVed by c:o..n::. Sorensen, secx:n:Jed by Counc. Goldman arrl passed ~ly (3-0) to read O:rdi.nanœ No. 1536 by title only arrl the city ClerK I s readinq to ca1Stitute the first readirJ:¡ thereof. PIANNING APPLICATIœs 13. ~lication 14-U-90, Terry Brown Ocnstruction - Use Pennit to cx::t...L<uct foor (4) det:ad1ed single family dwellin;;s of bwLVl"i""'tely ?-,200 sq. ft. floor area each. P1.~lt is located at the northeast .......,u..r of Lanita and C>ran; e Avenues. Envh....1UlC.l1lal Review: '!be Planrú.n3 C'nmIi ....1m re-:~ ··..-rm the grantinq of a Negative Declaration. ~~ .......11ded for çprcval. Terry Brown, 1IR'1icant, was available to answer any questiCl'lS frail c:o..n::il. 'Ibere were none. Al F\Ientes, santa Incia ~, O,¡pert.im, said that he does have a problem. Mr. Brown's suI::o .d....act"..ors on his last jà:l were cited iIn.Jmerable times. B&fore startinq this devel,¥""",L, Mr. F\Ientes stated that Mr. Brown shcW.d look at the BUbo uL<aetars he is using and that there should be an investigatia1 regardinq the J"I~ of public safety violatiCl'lS m the last jà:l. T.I:uc1œ were parJœd in the middle of tl:1e road with no signalpersa1S warninq and diIectinq drivers. 'Ibere were also envh....lUlC.lllal violatiCl'lS. '!be City Att.ozney told Council they oculd direct a mirL1te order be sent to the .........."¥Llate department to revieIor the histozy of Mr. Brown's ather awJ,icatim and di't'eCt that close attentim be paid to this. Mr. Brown told Council that he was aware of two parJcinq ticJœts. 'Ibere have been many OCIIplaints by Mr. F\Ientes and 0Jde Enf.....""""""",L did investigate them and to the best of his knc:wledge, anly two ticJœts were i.....>ed. c:o..n::il in¡uired al:x:A.1t the 1Io'CZtlinq of the cc:n::litim requirinq that certain u. H not be J:eIIICM!d. Disc"....lm also took place re;¡ardinq varlatiCl'lS on the foor haœs so they did not look identical. Mr. Brown said he can make them look different frail the street; however, the fvv4>Lint is established by setbacks. '!here is five feet more than originally thœght alcn:1 Lanita, so that setback ooold be varied. -5- 1st reading Ord. 1536 App. 14-U-90 . ;-.leg. Dec. granted . 1st reading 0 Ord. 1538 ERC alternate . MINUI'ES OF '!HE OCIOBER 1, 1990, REGJI.AR CITY a::xJNCIL ME:El'm:; (CX:-799) It was maved by Counc. &""",,_en, secxlUd",.x by Came. Goldman ani pelssed UJ1êIlÙJIIa sly (3-0) to ~uo.re the gr¡mt:in;J of a Negative 1)D('1aratim. It was DK:Ned by Counc. So1....--.1, sec:xnied by Counc. GoJm-1'1 and I""ft-~ I.1r1IUrlJooJsly (3-0) to ~ the a¡:plicatim per Planning C'roIni....1..m Resolutim No. 4295 IImenJe.:! to include a ccn:iitim that the bay tree m Lot 3 be pl. nrved and the willOll tree in the pJblic right of way in fra1t of Lot 1 also be preserved if the Directar of Public ~kø fims it is feasible. It was DK:Ned by Counc. &.,..eL en, seo....:Jo:d by Counc. Golcbœm and peif'sed I.1r1IUrlJooJsly (3-0) to direct that a MimIte order be sent to COde Enfœ:~,l to review the 8ß liœnt's previCA.1S 'P1bdivisim rllilding al~ McClellan Rœd and to ~ the 1::W.ldinq of this devel,¥"""IL for any possible pJblic safety prå)lems. ~ AND SITE APPRJVAL CXHœl'lEE APPLICATIœs 14. Nate NEW IIJSINESS 15. Ca18:ideratia1 of ordinance settinq }'L' ~n-es ani fees, pon-its for cperatim of vehicles. (a) Fimt readinq of Ordinance No. 1538: "An ordinance of the City Oouncil of the City of 0IpBrtin0 Addinq 012Ipter 11.37 to Title 11 of the 0IpBrtin0 II.Jnici~l COde 1I1ià1 Sets Forth the Pl·<",-~n-es and Fees for the T~ of Speci..l Femits for the C\ÃL..tim or H::M!ment of varic:uJ Vehicles. " It was DK:Ned by Counc. SOl... -en, seoaldad by Counc. 1".J>1m-1'1 and p"e-ed I.1r1IUrlJooJsly (3-0) to read O%di.nance No. 1538 by title a1ly and the City ClerK's readinq to oa1&titute the first readinq thereof. 16. Selectim of Cameil altemate for Envixa1mental Review O:mIIittee. By 0CI'1SE!J1SUS, Oouncil ðR)Ointed Counc. Sorensen to se::ve as altemate to the EI'1vÍLUI......./tal Review lhmIittee. 17. HI:'. Sparky 0:Jhen ~ use of 0Jpertin0 Library. (PreviCA.1S1y CXI'1tinued to the meet.inq of Octc.œr 15, 1990.) -6- HINUl'ES OF '!HE OCI'OBER 1, 1990, RmJlAR CITY CXXJNCIL ~ (œ-799) WRI'ITEN CXJMJNICA'l'Iœs 18. Na1e. æDIm\NCES 19. Seocnl readinq and enactment of ordi.narx:8 No. 1537: "An 0Idinance of the City Cameil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amerxiin¡ Secticn 1 of ordi.narx:8 No. 2 by Rezalinq ~....i"""tely 6.1 Gross Acres frail P Za1e to PR Za1e; IDeated m the Northwest COmer of Stevens Creek Boulevard and stellinq Rood, Pamer DeAnza Racquet Club site (City of CUpertino - 2-Z-90)." It was DK:Ned by Counc. Sorensen, secc:med by Counc. Goldman and I"'''~ unanimcusly (3-(» to read ordi.narx:8 No. 1537 by title a1ly and the City ClerK's readinq to o...t...titut:e the s...:::u.d readinq the1:eot. It was DK:Ned by Counc. s........ '!la, MCu.:Jo:d by Counc. Goldman and p"e-gd unanimcusly (3-(» to enact Ordinance No. 1537. RESOU1l'Iœs 20. Na1e. STAFF !<I:òtUUti 21. Oral L~ ls by staff -~ oers and ""hlli ....im of written l~ls - Ncne. 22. Update m status of City center ~lex, southeast ............. of Stevens Creek BoulevaJ:d and DeAnza Boulevard. Council directed that this be reIIICMId frail future ðgeI'das. CXXJNCIL ~::¡ Counc. I!'q:.pe1 anncmaoec1 that "1'$'~'æ ~d be available as a means of transportatia1 to next year's Gilroy Garlic Festival. Counc. Sorensen reviewed the dates of the visit of students ani adults frail Tayokawa, Japan. At 7:20 p.m., Cameil adjourned. ~ ~ ý;; . City ClerK· . 2nd readi.ng Ord. lS37 Ord. lS37 enact