CC 10-15-90
10300 TORRE AVF1roE, aJPERl']ID, CA 95014
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
HElD 00 œIOBER 15, 1990, CXXJNCIL~, CI'lY HAIL
10300 'lut<!<!:; AVENUE, aJPERl'IK>, c::ALIFCRIIA
'!be meetinq was called to order by Mayor ~s at 6:47
SAl.Ul'E 'ro '!HE f'L1\G
Came. Pres=-lJt:
Goldman, I<'q:pel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rcgers
staff Present:
City Manager Brawn
city ClerJr. COrnelius
Director of Public works VisJa:wic:h
Director of ewm.1TIity Devel'¥"""1t cœan
Assistant to the City MaNIger Brown
Director of Parlæ and a........tia1 Ccwling
Director of Finance 5nyder
Public Infomatian Officer Krey
City Attorney Kilian
Iœ'l'FCIŒMEmS - Na1e
c::E:REK:mAL MM'I"'..:RS - PRESmrATIœs
Proclamatim '-'larinq oct:c:Iber 20-28 "RBd lW:ixn Week".
Mayor Regas prasn/ted the proclllDatiat to I'athy Nellis,
01air of the 01pertin0 Druq AbJse Oouncil 1oÒ) X'eIpISted
that staff wear red rllixllS for this week of oct:c:Iber 21-28.
She also dist:riJ::uted a hot line am! av>on"h1e to schools
am 1!S .
Ann An;Jer addx%sed Council reganiing the drwght and the
neces..ary cut:back in water. She felt that the City shculd
wait before plantin;J the lawn at the ()1inlan n-m1Tlity
Center. She pointed art: that sprinklers were m saturday
MEFI'ING (œ-800)
durin;J the day. '!be people had been asked to cut back en
use of water 20% an:l did so by 38%. She stated people
don I t trust govemmerrt:.
Director of Public WorJæ Viskavich stated that plantinq tl1e
turf had first been planned for Sprin;¡' of 1990. It was
delayed because of the drooght. '!he City has saved water
else.nere. '!be lY'Wm'I"'1ity has dme a goc:d jei>. '!he City
has not used more water than allowed. '!he plantinq will
prcII1ide goc:d dust control. He will à1eCk on any saturday
waterin:.J. An article will be placed hi the n_.rt.ino
Nancy an:n..t.t, l:eµ. s _,tinq the FairgroYe Neighborhood
organizatim, aà:1ressed coonc:il. 'Ibis is a new
organizatim consisting of 48 families, both rentars and
owners. Ms. annett i.ntroduœd other L"¥L sentatives frail
the organization ~ addressed i .,..,..... such as neigh}::artlcod
parJœ¡ traffic prà>::'eœ, particularly at Miller and
BollinJer¡ and ""'I:'L....."ed an interest in Neigh}:orllood watd1
and earthquake preparedness. It was stated that the
organizatim SUWOl:'ts JofA;o....1I'e T. It is 1-1/2 miles frail
their neighborl1OOd to the nearest park. 'lhey 'oIa.Ùd like
n..........L Older develcp!d as open space. Ms. annett
reiterated that the groJp has a great deal of interest in
answers to traffic prå:>leœ and neighbot:hood parks.
Patrick Milligan, 10018 oakleaf Place, ""'I:'L-~ed SlJR>Olt
for the Fairgrave Neighbors As.......; aotia1 and encaJr..." ....., It
for neighL...,Ll......d groups. He stated that Wen the r;ompoign
for ~-"Ur8 T is oœplete an:l the Citizens (;Noll.. CCIIIDittee
is aver, he will go back to neighbortlccd group~. He
m",,--œd that perhaps there oculd be neighl:xnhcod ooun:;:lls
in O,¡ and felt he 'oIa.Ùd ~ towards that.
Gary McDaniels requested that Item No. 12 œ rem::MId frail
the calendar. It was moved by Counc. I{q:pù, seaouded by
Came. Sorensen and passed unani.ma1s1y to awrcve the
balance of the 0Œ1sent calendar as sul:Initted. Mayor Rcgers
and Counc. Szabo abstained on Item No.2.
1. H:I'1thly Activity Report, 5epterJber, 1990.
2. Minutes of the regular City Cameil meet:in:J held
october 1, 1990.
MINtJI'ES OF '!HE ocroBER 15, 1990, REX;UI.AR CI'lY caJNCIL
ME:E:'I'DC (œ-800)
3. Resolutim No. 8247: "A Resolut.ia1 of the City cooncil
of the City of O,¡ Allowi.rg' Certain ('.....i...... and
Dema."!ds Payable in the Amounts and Fran the F\Inds as
Here:inafter Described for General and Mi.soel.laneaJs
Expen:titures for the Period EI1dirç oct.àJer 5, 1990."
4. Resolutim No. 8248: "A Resolutim of the City cooncil
of the City of QJpertino Allowi.rg' Certain Claims and
DeIDa:rx3s Payable in the Amounts and !ran the PUnds as
Here1naft-~r Described for Salaries and Wagaø fer the
Payroll Period Erdirq sept _.~ oeJ: 25, 1990."
5. Request for åwL'¥Liatia1 frail General F\D1d for
earthquake repairs.
6. Resolutia1 No. 8249: "A Resolutiat of the City cooncil
of the City of QIpertino A¡:provinq o...L<aCt Qmn;e
order No. 1 for!t::Clel1an Rœd. 5taI:m Drain at stevens
Creek, Project 91-10':."
7. 1\coeptance of city projects perf':'. ..oM ur1der ......1L<aCt:
a) Traffic signal H:xlificatim m Pruneridge at
Hewlett Packard and at Tantau, Project 4026 and
5007 (n-.m."'1ity Electric) .
(No ñnroo'"""'1ts nee _e~ry. )
8. Resolutim No. 8250: "A Resolutiat of the City cooncil
of the City of QIpertino ~ a Grant of ----.L
for stcma sewer FraIl the o:mtty of santa Clara, I.cœted
at Ro.Jte 280 arid st. Josep¡ Averue."
9. ReqI--t for "HÁ'¥Llatim of envirtnaental i~ funds
to pay for traffic ocunts.
10. 1\coeptance of 1II.IlÙ.cipal i:qn:ovements:
a) DJ.ra Style HaDes, Miller Aveme narth of Athen/ood
(No ñrçI-'1ts r-eary.)
11. Alcd101 Beverage o..lLLul license filed by CraIta1's
Inc., 10100 South DeAnza Ba.1levazd.
12. Rem::wed frail the 0Œ1sent CaleJ1dar.
ASAC 51,9l0.l
a ppea 1
MINlJI'ES OF 'lHE ocroBER 15, 1990, RmJJ:AR. Cl"TY roJNCIL
MEE'l'I}C (æ-800)
Vote KfJI>I:Jers of the City Cameil
AYES: Goldman, Kt::ßJel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rogers
tKJES: None
ABSml': Na1e
ABSTAIN: Rcgers, Szabo (Item 2 only)
I'J'EIo!S REMJ\1ED FlQ{ a::mmr CAUMY\R
12. ~1ications ASAC 51,910.1 and ASAC 51,911.1 - ARa) _
Request for a¡::pLV'Ial to replace exi.stinq
1:W.ldinq"'1OOUlIted signs and to reface existirg nanJIIIel1t
sign at two locatiCl'lS; 10625 North DeAnza Boulevard and
10550 Swth DeAnza Boulevard. Rec> ...,-,x3ecl for
Gary 1i::Daniels, 10204 ~ way, M:Jdest:o, said that
several CCI'1ditiCl'lS ~ before Cameil were not part
of the~. He ~1:ed a review of the tape
recordinq of the AS1IC mest:inq and requested that
Oa1Sideratim of the item be oa'1timed to the next mest:inq.
He stated that ASAC did allow the trademark with part of it
It was DK:Ned by Counc. JCrrpel, seoa1ded by Counc. Sorensen
and p"e",«! unani:ar:usly to cx:ntirue ocnsideration of this
item to the next 1IIE!F...inq and to direct staff to revi_ the
tape and meet with the applicant. If additiaW.
clarificatim was _u'il:oñ, staff wculd take it back to AS1IC
for intetpretatim. If the staff LqAlLL was in error,
<::u..L.....--t1m wculd be made and the applicatiCl'lS will ret:mn
dizec:t1y to Oouncil.
13. ~l of Planning n-.-i"",im denial to divide a
me-acre lot into two lots; filed by RI::n1ld E.
Tripiano, Tripiano Ccnstruc:tim co., Inc. Prq:Ierty is
located m the north side of H'::JClellan Road
i1R>L".rl-tely 120 ft. west of Bamy.
Director of C"nmo1T'\Íty Devel~,L COWan reviewed the
history of the applicatim with Council.
Ron Tripiano, 1264 Brookirgs Lane, SUnnyvale, addressed
Council and was available for questiCl'lS.
Malcolm Finlayson spoke in c.wœition to the a¡:plication.
He stated that there were inaccuracies on the plot tlIat Mr.
Tripiano presented. '!be al"Y'Þ<;S road is a1nrt: 36 ft.
further than it shows on the map.
Fenta1 Hill, 20915 McClellan Read, neighbor to the west of
the prq¡erty, spoke in su¡:P 'L L of the application. He
recalled ro prrni.... ~ a nnrrmi t:ment for ro further
subdivisim m that prcperty. He requested that Council
start solving the traffic problem m M::Clellan Read. He
did not feel than any sacrificin:} should be all one way.
'D'1e owner is sacrificinq SCIII8 land for wi.denin;J of the
road. Mr. Hill did not feel that tearinq down the garage
was a viable cptim.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. ~, seocn:!ed by Came. Sorensen
and f'elelsed Ul1!IlÙ.ID:JUsly to close the PJblic hearin:}.
Follawinq Council di..,........·im, it was DK:Ned by Came. Ifq:pel
and seoc:n:Jed by Counc. Szabo to grant the "IIt"""'1 per
original lot line with two lots a1ly and with a 6-8 ft.
fence being built ara.n:i the entire prcperty if the
neighbors wish it and with ocn:litiCl'lS as per Attachment 1
to the staff U'I-IULt.
'D'1e motion was adqJted with Counc. Goldman dissentinq.
14. ~licatiCl'lS 2-GPA-89, 7-Z-90, 9-u-90, 1-DA-90 and
17-EA-90, Westfield, Inc. - General Plan Amelà.-.L to
:increase the devel,¥""",L cap for the Valloo Fash:I.a1
Park regia1al shq:pinq center frail 1,385,000 sq. ft. to
1,645,000 sq. ft.; Reza1inq of ..........uP-tely 5.9 acres
at the saJtheast 00....... of Wolfe Rœd and Valloo
Parkway frail P (00, MI., Office, Hotel) Planned
Devel,¥""",L with 0 ...._. cial,ILight
In:1ustrla1¡Office¡'Hotel intett to P (00, MI., Office,
HXel, Regia1al Shcppinq) Planned Devel'¥""".t with
o .......,cla1/Light In:1ustrla1¡Off~
Shcppinq intent; Use Pmmit to allow net expmsiat of
the Valloo Fashim Park reqia1al shq:ping center lor
260,000 sq. ft.; D8Y8l'¥""".L Agl.........,uL between the City
of O,¡ and Westfield, Inc. to assure future
deve1'¥"""1t of said Valloo Fashim Park acccm:1inq to
land use entitlements granted by the City for a fixed
time period in exd1arçe for defined PJblic benefits
granted by Westfield, Inc., an:i providing for other
benefits and ooliqatiCl'lS to the signatories to said
ëagleelue:11t. Envi.ra1menta1 Determination: '!be Planning
o-onmi'"^..i.m h.............rls the grantinq of a Negative
Declaration. Reç. .........I)jed for approval.
2-GPA-90, 7-2-90
9-U-90, l-DA-90
ME:E:I"D«; (œ-aco)
(a) Resolution No. 8251: "A Resolutim of the city
cwncil of the City of CUpertin:> ~ing
~lication 2-GPA-89, Westfield Irv::., to Increase
tl1e Develc:pnent cap for the Vallco Fashim Park
Regional Shcß>1rg center."
(b) First readinq of 0J:'t:linar0! No. 1539: "An
Ordinance of the City Council of the City of
CUpertino A1Dendin;J sectim 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by
Rez01'Ú..n;l ~tely 5.9 Gross Acres Fran P (00,
ML, Office, Hotel) to P (00, ML, Office, Hotel,
Regional Shcß>1rg) Zcne: Located at the SC7.ltheast
COmer of WOlfe Read and Vallco ParlGiay
(Westfield, Irv::., 7-Z-90)."
(c) First readinq of ordinance No. 1540: "An
Ordinance of the City Council of the City of
CUpertino ~ing ~ic:atim 1-DA-90,
Devel~ h;p:..........,L, B8t:ueeh the City of
CUpertino and Westfield, Inc."
(d) Resolutim No. 8252: "A Resolutim of the City
Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizing
ExeC'lltim of Devel~1t ~..........,t. BebIeen the
City of CUpertino and Westfield, Inc."
City Att.ozney Kilian explained the CXb.-"L of devel~1t
ðo,µ.~..,..él\t. and stated that the City Oouncil J11iJ.Y want to take
testm:ny reg¡¡ this 8RÙicatia1 am then oart:in.Ie
OCI'1Sideratim to another meet1nq.
DiSC" follawed regazàin;J the ~. lAnd açp:.........1t and
~. t
cagesc.J..Œ1 manc..J-.-tl .
Mr. Kilian explained that the ...".............IL a1ly binds the City
of CUpertino.
Mr. COwan explained that the law states that devel~1t
ayu,.......ILs entered into prior to JUne of 1989 are e:'-'\'L
fran the oagestion ~IL requirement. He is oot
clear about these after that date.
cwncil, by oansensus, detemined that these 8ß)licatiCl'lS
wtW.d be continued to a study sessim Iohict. wtW.d also be a
pJblic meetirg. 'lberefore, the roc:m selected for the
sessim shalld be large enough to hold ~'t'S of the
pJblic. Notice of the study session will be published in
the November issue of the. OJpertino scene.
MEE'I'lll:; (œ-800)
Mr. cowan pointed art: that the ~Lup.JÞE!d ayL~.L r>oi-_
the cap m the totdl square footage of Valloo. '!be area
referred to as the rose bcMl WQ.Ùd be the topic of
tonight's rJi"C"1SSion. He described the relationship of the
site to Tardem prcperties. '!be proposed devel,¥"""IL
incllX!es a sky bridge and a Ws tunx:Art:. '!here will be a
loss of trees. '!be deve1cpœnt âyL=wt:I1t provides
assurances to the devel~ aver a lan; period of time: in
this case, twenty years. With this Jdnj of an ZlyL....,....,..t,
the devel~ can react quickly to potential lessors. '!be
City WQ.Ùd be assured of CX'I1tinuance of the ice rink and of
child care. '!be Planning Chnrni "":Jim wants the ice rink and
child care tied to the life of the center, not the
deve1...put:11t ayL....,....,.It. ~ detail WQ.Ùd be forthcx:min;r in
the study session. '!be City Att.ozney needs to examine each
item in detail after Ca.1ncil provides in¡:ut.
Jå1n Erxtioott, Westfield, præented an oveJ:View of the
a¡:plicatim Wat Westfield is tryinq to adùeve and 1I41ere
they feel they are at this time. He expr-~ed o.........n\
regardin:;J any major d1an;Jes caning up in the ~....,....,.,t.
'!be General Plan Ame1.J_"L is .....sed m a traffic study and
Westfield has r-"uLiated with the City in good faith. '!be
ice rink currently is beinq renovated. 'Ihi.s is directly
related to the devel,¥"""d. agl.~.L. Westfield has ~.....d
to allocate 75 parJdn;J ~oes m the site for paDc and
ride. '!hey also ag1:eeå to keep the child care facility for
the tezm of the èllyL....,....,.IL. If the C01rx:il adt..tJLs a
city-wide child care ~'-";Law, Westfield will keep its
CUlL.."t facility or join in the city-wide ÌJL'-";L...... 'Ihi.s
deve1~ ~....,....,.IL allows the a¡:plicant to go cut and
negotiate with the IaxJwledge that they will be able to
oanstzuct a ~~ t.-:...L store. Square footage has been
detemined based m existinq traffic and 8i",; 1 ,,~ centers
and Wat trips are available for the site.
Donald B.n."n$tt, 729 stendha1 lane, said he lives
a¡:proximately a mile south of Vall00 and any further use
WQ.Ùd have a negative i'T"'ct m his lifestyle "--'-. of
additional traffic. He exp1:,=soo the c:pWm that others
feel the same way. He sees no persa'Ial benefit in
enlarging Vall00. 0JstaDers generate sales tax, not mare
stores. When there are additional non-residents usinq the
center, he believes it has an envll:01-=1tal and traffic
i'T"'ct. '!be deve1cpœnt having the least i'T"'ct wculd be
haJSing. 'lhere cxW.d be ",iY<rl 't:YPe& of housing, such as
apartme:nts and single-family dwellin;Jg. fotllti-wry
housing WQ.Ùd be aœeptable at that location.
MEErING (œ-800)
Patrick Mc!fahcn, former d1ai.r of Save the Vall00 Ice Rink
Ccmnittee, said that previous res~-rch ocncluded that the
develq¡er said the ice rink was a 11a'1-profit facility for
p.1blic use. T' s can be crœ'eoo. and I' s dot:t.1d at this
time. He expræsed ayU'''''ICIIt with the PlaJ'1l'lin;J
reo ...,""Imtion that the ice rink be tied to the life of the
center. Ice rinks are not going in any DDre and 20 years
pasees quickly.
Ms. H. I.c:.tJez, 531 Wagman Drive, san Jose, urged camcil
that if there is DDre devel,¥"""IL, they pay close attentim
to handicap """~C":' at Valloo. When in a wheeld1ai.r, she
could not get into the ice rink to see her d1lldren skate
and sanetimes the fire 'loors are d1ained stuJt. iI1eelchair
açoess is located only at J. c. Penney and the E4uL1U111.
She is hesitant a1xJut goin1 to Vall00.
Edward A. Jajko, 6235 Shady Grove Drive, "':JL....d with Mr.
aJrnett. Also, he stated that Valloo is defined as a
reqicnal shqping center. '!he citizens will have to live
with it and any expansim. He felt the þL' ~<>eal is way cut
of place in 0Jpertin0 and cbjects to the idea of a
devel'¥"""tt "':JL--=<It bindinq the city for 20 years.
It was clarified that westfield wculd be makinq payments
for envh....lIue1d:al mitigatim.
Mr. Jajko said he cbjected to the ~"l-oeal and IIEU1Y of his
neighbors cbject. rtiAooll y, the area shculd be for
sinqle-family haJsin1, realistically, four or five staries,
bIt no DDre.
Nancy anr...LL said that as a nei.ghbomood associatia1, the
g:rwp has not taken a ~ific pcsitim m this. '!he r_l..
OcmIIittee is talJcin;J about Ietail and other parts of the
city. can the area SUlp:.ll all of this Ietail? O,¡
is not cæplyinq with the jœjhcAJsinq ratio requireDant:s
and this will threw the balance further cut.
OJarissa Pohli, 10615 Glenview Avenue, lives near]'s
Drug store across the ..LL....t frail Valloo and has been
livinJ there for 16 years. She stated the þL' ~l scums
gcxxl, especially with a sports and facility. She
does not feel traffic is cut of oa.L<ul. She asJrAIi if
citizens have saœ say a1xJut what oculd be built there if
the awlication 1rIere a¡:proved.
She war. informed that her testimony is irpzt. What goes in
is up to the develq¡er. Ms. Pohli oculd talk with
Westfield le¡.4.,;seilrl:atives and cane to future hearin3s.
'!here will be IIDre rH CU"llSsion at the study sessim.
MIN\.JI'ES OF '!HE OCIOBER 15, 1990, Rm.1I.AR CI'lY o:uNCIL
~1EE1'ING (œ-800)
Ann Anger said that she is proud to be a citizcm of the
United states, but ñi ""'WOinted in '</hat is h;oI~ in
this ca.mtry. Vallco has been an asset and is the bi~
revenue generator for sales tax. It has lost BaDe good
shqJs such as I. Magnin. Vallco is tryin;r to attract BaDe
nice devel'¥"""lt and m-~" backinq £ran the city and frail
the peq>le. '!he peq>le here want evezythinq, private
tennis club and golf ocurse. '!be rest of the world goes
full speed ahead, but Q.¡pertim is stagnatim.
Upon being asked about stcg:IinJ the 7:30 a.m. mall walJdn;J,
Mr. Bd:) Wahlquist, Vallco General Manager, said that is a
rum:>r that started saœ time aqo. It is a false rumor.
'!be mall walJdn:J is still in effect.
Mr. Kilian suggested that Council COl'1tiJme the p,lblic
hearin;r to a study sessim or awther City Oouncil ~
with the st:udy sessim in the interim.
It was DK:Ned by CI::JuD::. Goldman, seccn:Jed by CI::JuD::. Sorensen
and I"'''''«i unanimcusly to oc:nb...-1: a study sessim m
'Ihursday, NovembeJ: 6, 6:00 p.m., locatim to be determined,
with study sessim to be annoonced in the Scene and
continue the p,lblic heariIg to November 19. '!he study
session shall include an ec..........ic avm:view. Ccuncil gave
staff di.rectim, includinq: a) keep the ice rink; b)
enccurage a hotel; c) cxme back with an e>-u!.le of '</hat the
devel'¥"""lt oculd look like under the }'L'¥sgd guidelines
and d) this is not an .........."¥,date site for office. Look at
retail, hotel amjor 1xJusin;J.
~: 9:30-9:43 P.M.
15. ~1 of cxn:iitiCl'lS of ~aval of app].icatim AS1IC
51,908.2, sign }'L'-";L..... for Vallco Fashim Park, Wolfe
Road betwen stevens Creek Boolevaro and Rcute 280.
~1 filed by Jå1n E. Endioott, Westfield, In::.
It was DK:Ned by CI::JuD::. Goldman, seccn:Jed by Counc. Fq:pel
and I"'''''OO unanimcusly to continue these items to the st:udy
session of November 8 ani the p,lblic hearinq to November
16. ~lication AS1IC 51,908.1 - Westfield, In::. - Request
for report of the Architectural and Site Approval
camni ttee regaJ:dinq a sign exœptim for a nc:n--aill.dinq
mounted freeway oriented sign for Vallco Fashim Park
regional shq:ping center located at Wolfe Road :beb.ieen
stevens Creek Boolevard and I-280. Rae· -.......Jded for
Appeal ASAC
51,908. 2-Va llco
Appeal ASAC
Chi ld care
MINlJ1'ES OF '!HE oeroBER 15, 1990, mxxJIJ.R ClT\/ caJNCIl,
MŒl'DC (œ-BOO)
It was moved by Counc. Goldman, seocn:1ed by Came. J("qJpel
an::1 pa9ged unaniJlD.¡sly to ca1tiroe these items to the st1Xiy
session of Novem:Jer 8 and the pJblic hearinq to Novem:Jer
17. A¡:plicatim No. 9-u-90 - westfield, Inc. - Use Pamit
to allCii net expansim of the vallco Fashia1 Parle
regional shopping center for 260,000 sq. ft. (See
Agerxia Item No. 14.)
18. Na1e.
19. Na1e.
"Visim for Child care in the City of OJperi;". A
:t"t"JLt. m d1lld care m-~"', 9"""1.., and stra~
prepared !:7f Moo1:.. Iacofano t;oltsman.
'!he 0CI'1SUl tent was not p:t : II' I It.. in 0...... -eJ: .
i'L' >C"""''Ÿ>t'I to the next item.
21. Treasurer's and Ari;JPt ~L, 5epI'_.~e:t:, 1990.
Director of Finance snyder reviewed the r~L with
Oouncil. Discn....tat followed regarding the fœ:mat used.
Camcil IK' ""l,t...ed the L"t"JLL and directed that Mr. snyder
meet with Counc. Goldman.
20. ''Visim for Child Care in the City of 0Jpertin0". A
L~t. m d1ild care needs, 9"""1.., and strateqies
prepared !:7f 1t..uL.. Iacofano Goltsman.
Assistant to the city Manager Brown þL s .Led the l::~ t. to
Mayor Rcgers }Al II' ,ILed certificates of Ap¡..La;1atim to the
~'l'lies participatinJ (QJpertino Natia1a1 Bank, ~e
0c:IIpIter, Inc., Deboor, res Altos Gart¡age co, Pacific Gas &
Electric, Terry Brown o:nstructim, DeAnza Prcperties,
Measurex, Tandem CCIIp1ters, Inc. , Hewlett-PackaJ:d, cali
Financial Mar&e:aJ"""'-'1t co., '!he GL"':/UI-y Group, and PraIIetheus
Develcpnent co.). '!he OCI'1SUltant, Mr. Iacofano, ild......h~
Carolyn Vert!e'¡en, who p:t S ,ILed a slide shew to Cameil.
MEETING (œ-800)
It was IIDVed by Counc. Sorensen, secanded by CCAJlx:. Goldman
and I"'eaed unarúJDcusly to ~ the LqJUL t and direct
staff to iJ!pl........t the reo ..··-rxmtiCl'lS as follows: (1)
Adcptim of a resolutim expressinq the Cìty's t'Y'OIIIIIitJDellt;
to child care; (2) IJlcxn:pœ:ate lan;¡uage in the General Plan
that aclaXlWledges child care as an essential t'Y'OmIItrrl.ty
sezvi~ to be 0CI'IS1dered in lam use policies and
devel'¥"""lt él/:ju,."......tts; (3) 01an:]e:r.a'1ÍlXJ regulatiCl'lS and
permit pJ:ocMI1,... to remove barrifæs to nE!ii child care
1:us.i1--~';!S; (4) waive special use permit fees for child
care l:usirees';!S; and (5) Develq> p:)licies with incentives
to enoaJrage develq>ers to tuild child care centers.
Council also directed staff to prepare resolutiCl'lS and
ordinanoes to iJ!pl.....ll the Cameil directim and ðyL-cl to
OCI'ISiðer hirinq of a child care coordinator alcn:J with
nnlificatiCl'lS to the M::nta vista Recreatim center as part
of the 1991-92 h1ñgPt i"-"1~1.
22. Repo1.L m bid openinq and award of \.A,IliL<aCt, Jollyman
ParK Iht-u."".......tts, Project 91-9101.
Director of Public Works Viskavich pJ: ULiLed the staff
N(1I ....-. œtiœ to 0Jur¥::ll.
Follcwinq ñi..,..,....ia1, it was DK:Ned by Counc. Goldman,
se........:Jo:d by 0Jurc. Sorensen and p"aeoo (4-1) with Counc.
Kqpl c:lissent.inq to award the project to collishaw
Ccr1st.ructim for its CCIIi>ined base bid plV'J Alternats 1 in
the total amamt of $957,390.00 and authorized ather ccsts
as reflected in the staff LqJULt, I::ut with a 5\ CXII1t.ingerx:y
rather than a 7-1/2'. Council also approved the transfer
of the 5t frail tha Sports center h1rlgPt to this project
with the ather 2-1/2' frail the Sports center Þ1ñgPt to be
transferred to the General F\Dù.
Counc. Kqpel stated for the reoœ:å that she voted against
the matim """""1Se of the å1an;Je frail 7-1/2' c:xxrt:in;Jency to
5' CXII1t.ingerx:y.
23. Naninatim of l~ sentatives to North central and
Northwest FlOCX: CGntrol Za1e Advisory Ccmnittees, Santa
Clara Valley water District.
By oansensus, Counc. Sorensen was ë!RXIinted 1:EpL sentative
to both boards with Hr. Viskovich as alternate.
24. Hr. Sparky 0:i1en regardirg use of QJpertino Libra..--y.
Mayor Rcgers anncux:ed that she had spoken with Hr. 0:i1en
arx:l he is ciirec::t:inq his ooocerns to the cnmty of Santa
Clara. 'Iberefore, he '-'OUld net be pJ:,S'~ this eveninq.
- 11-
Bid opening,
Jollyman Park
2nd reading
Ord. 1538
Ord. l538
Res. 8254
Review Carran.
MrnUI'ES OF 'lEE ()(,¡()BER 15, 1990, RmJI1\R CI'lY CXXJNCIL
~ (œ-800)
25. Ncne.
26. Seccul readinq and enactment of ordinance No. 1538:
"An ordinance of the City Council of the City of
0Jpertin0 Adding 01apter 11.37 r...c) Title 11 of the
0Jpertin0 M.micipal o:de ~d1 sets Forth the
PL",.,. and Fees for the T.....JanCe of Special Pm:mits
for the Operatim or K:M!ment of Various Vehicles."
It was DK:Ned by Counc. ~l, seo....:Jo:d by Counc. GoldDen
æn p"e-~ unan:iJJr:Jusly to read ordinance No. 1538 by title
a1ly and the City ClerK's readinq to ~...titute the sean!
reading thereof.
It was IIICM!d by Counc. Kqpel, seocn:Jeci by Counc. S01:eLsn
and p"eeed unanimcusly to enact ordinance No. 1538.
27. Resolutia1 No. 8254: "A Rssolutim of the City Oouncil
of the city of O,¡ SI\v...tinq the ~1 of
Senate Bill 2557, urqing the Protect.iat of ciU. traa
the state tIo~ PL· <""",e and ~ 'U-... L.inq Ad8;¡uat.e
~ F\mdinq for Cities and COUnties."
It was IIICM!d by ChIne. Goldman, seo....dt4 by Counc. Su..aLE!I'1
and p"e-t::l 1.Il1iUÙDII:ŒIly to adept the reso1.utim amended to
include the sd1col districts, as well as cities and
STAFF =uü;:;
28. Oral L"'¥'LLs by staff """".oers.
Mr. Viskaviå1 requested that the City Oouncil :.à:l an item
to the ~uda of the study sessim of NaIIeDi:>er 8. 'Ihi.s
item wr:uld pertain to the Ia; Altos Garbage CC:Irpany
fra1x:hise with the City.
33. Counc. Szabo - Legislative Review Chnmittee - It was
DDVed by Came. Szabo, secx:njej by ~. Goldman and
p"eeÐ(i unan:iJJr:Jusly to adq1t Resolutim No. 8256 urginq
adcption of the Natiooal Water Manay",wcuL Policy.
MEErIN:; (œ-800)
At 11:30 p.m., Ociuncil ðdjoumed to a closed sessim to
tii....."'9 perk1inq litigatim (Gaven1ment COde sectim
54956.9(a) - PraD. XX VB. City of 0Jpertin0.
At 11:37 p.m., Oouncil 't'dOŒ'I\/ened in Cameil ~.
It was DK:Ned by Mayor Rogers, seccnjed by Counc. s..............,
and p"'e-9d UlII!II1imcusly 1:0 direct the City Att.ozney to
cxntact the ather attorney regardinq potential settl-...,L
of the lawsuit.
At 11:40 p.m., Oouncil ðdjannsd to 6:00 p.m., NoI......... 8,
Closed Session