CC 11-05-90
10300 lUl<1<.t; AVENUE, aJPERI'llI), CA 95014
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
SAUJl'E 'ro '!HE FI1IG
'!be meetirq was called to order by Mayor Rcgers at 6:45
CC:unc. Present:
Goldman, !Cq:pel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rogm:s
staff Present:
City Manager Brown
City ClerK Cornelius
Director of Public Worlcs
Director of l"romo"'1ity D8Y8l,¥""",L Cowan
Assistant to the City MarIage1: Brown
Director of Parks and Recreatim Ccwling
Director of Finance snyder
Public InfOImatim Officer Krey
Hoosin:¡ and sezvioes COordinator Norling
Halsinq Specialist Gil
City Att.ozney Kilian
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kq:peJ., secxaded by Counc. so.._ ren
and p"eeed UJ1êIlÙJIIasly to ocntinue Item No. 33 to the
meetirq of November 19 and to I'E!IIIIJY8 ItEm No. 28 frail the
agenda as the 'Ilt""" 1 has been withdrawn.
c::EREM.::IITAL MA:.I:l'~ - ~aG
Captain D3rrold'Ihanas iuL<...hx:ing Assistant Sheriff laurie
Smith and Captain Gale strwd, new west Side statim
camnaroer .
Captain 'Ihanas addressed Oouncil and expr~aød his pleasure
in havin:¡ sezved in CUpertino. He then inL<· .,,~ Captain
Gale straxl.
MEETIN:; (œ-801)
Mayor Rogers presented Captain 'Ihanas with a Resolutim of
Captain strood thanked Captain 'Ihanas for his assistance
durinq the transition.
PJ:I:)o:::l.......tioo in honor of Armed Forces Day :reoog¡dzing +:ne
ccntrib.rt:ions of waœn in the militaIy.
'1hree l~lseutatives of the WAVES accepted the
prnt"l.......tion fran the Mayor.
Betty COllaluca, President of the Bay Area WAVES,
int:roc:Juced Vivian Ieary and Gloria FanIell.
Dinwin 'Ihra1e ð.1.h.-........ Oouncil regardinq the NoIIIE!IIiJeJ: 6
election. He stated that voters are frustrated with
federal and state gcv....u.._It. }(A:o"'u:e T was me of the fw
clear-cut measures m the ballot. '!he """"''''UJ:'e was not
oooJœd up by the City, b.rt; was suwœ:ted by many groups.
It is a lCII'Y:J-teJ:m inve..t..-It in quality of life as wll as
a good IIICI1etary inve..t..-,L. He uxged the voters to SUW' 'L L
Council's leadership and vote yes m T.
CXH3ml' CAInm!\R
Came. Sorensen rEIIIC:MId Item No. 23. It was DK:Ned by
Counc. Fqpel, seccn:Jed by Counc. SOL... f9n and p"'e-ed
unarU.mcI..sly to ~cve the balance of the 0Œ1sent calendar
as anhnitted with Counc. Szabo aI::Ist:aininq m Item No.6.
Follawinq a request fran a 11_.1 ~r of the plblic, it was
DK:Ned by Counc. ~, seocn..It.d by Counc. Goldman and
I"'vsed unanim:Jus1y to :remave Item No. 10 for
reo.... ...i.deratim.
1. Resolution No. 8255: "A Resolutia1 of the City Council
of the City of CUpertino J\dqJtinq a Citizen
Participation Plan for the Seventeenth Year (1991-92)
C'nmIo11'1ity Devel'¥"""1t Block Grant (a:ø;) PUnds."
2. COOsideration of broadeni.n] the soqJe of the Seniors
and Hamjr-~ Halsing fund and its oversight
=-nittee to ~ ·'1..·..' all affordable haJsinq projects.
MINUI'ffi OF 'lHE 00IIDffiER 5, 1990, RÐ CTl"í <mocIL
MEE:I'ING (œ-801)
3. Resolutim No. 8253: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of CUpertino Resci1x:linq Resolutim No. 7881
ani ~ a General PL"':ILaw Description for the
Affordable Halsing Furrl."
4. Resolutim No. 8257: "A Resolutia1 of the City Council
of the City of CUpertino Declarinq W 1,. Growirç m
Certain Described Property to be a Public Nuisance."
5. Resolutia1 No. 8258: "A Resolutia1 of the City Council
of the City of O,¡ Settinq D!te for CCI1s.ideratia1
of Annexinq Area Designated 'Qran;Je Aveme 90-0a',
PIqIerty IDeated m the West Side of 0ran:1e Avenue
~ e en san Fernando Aveme and Alcazar Averue¡
~u..i-tely .37 Acre, YëIß] CAIN 357-15-60)."
6. Minutes of the Sept~ 26, 1990, adjoorned regular
meetin:¡ .
7. 51...··· "IS and Calplaint:
sandor Ruzsa, plaintiff.
8. ~1icat.ia1 for AlcOOolic Bever~ a...LLul License,
Carlos MJz¡:ñy's, Inc., 10741 North Wolfe ~.
9. Aß'roYal of grants 1""'. ...._IJded J:7f the Fine Arts
,.,...,."i ....ia1.
10. RemcYed fran the 0Œ1sent calendar.
ll. Resolutia1 No. 8259: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of CUpertino Authdrizinq ExBa1tia1 of
Mb.........dJm of understandinq Bebn en the santa Clara
Valley 01apter of the American Red 0.__ and the City
of CUpertino."
12. Resolutia1 No. 8260: "A Resolutia1 of the City Oouncil
of the City of CUpertino Authdrizing EIœcut:.ia1 of
~uy.........d.. A/1.L...........IL Betwen the City and D8Y8lc:plr L.
ta1 COffey, 10161 Carmen ~."
13. Resolutim No. 8261: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of CUpertino Accept:in;J ()Útclaim Deed and
Authorizatim for t1I'x3ergrwnd water Rights frail L. ta1
COffey and JUdith COffey, Northwest: cmnex of Janioe
Averue and Carmen Road."
14. Resolutim No. 8262: "A Resolutim of the City COOncil
of the City of CUpertino Accept:in;J Grant of F.._, ít
for Roadway Purpcses fran L. D:I1 COffey and JUdith I..
COffey, CCI1sistinq of 1\R>rOXimately .048 Acres, IDeated
Carmen ~, JUst North of Janioe Avenue."
15. Resolutim No. 8263: ";\ Resolution of the City Council
of the city of Cl.'pertin:> Aroepting Grant of """-æ;
for Roadway PUl:txëes frail L. Da1 COffey am J'udith L.
COffey, oc:nd.stirx¡ of ~raxi.mately 0.02 Acres, IDeated
Northwest corner of Janice Avenue and carmen Road."
16. Resolution No. 8264: "A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of CUpertin:> Authorizirx¡ ""'-""1tim of
IDprovement ~L.......cut Between the City and DevelqlØr
Jon-F'Nu Hwu am SUi-Qlinq 1(0 Hwu, 10244 Ðlpire Averue."
17. Resolution No. 8265: "A Resolution of the City Oouncil
of the City of CUpertiIX> A/ QJitclaim Deed and
Authorizatim for t1ndergroord Water Rights frcm Jen-FW
Hwu and SUi-Qlinq 1(0 Hwu, Southeast 0........... of
university way and Ðrpire Avenue."
18. Resolutim No. 8266: "A Resolution of the City Oouncil
of the City of O,¡ Aroepting Grant of """_·It
for Roadway Pul}^-ses frail Jen-FW Hwu and SUi...aú.rx¡ Ko
Hwu, 0a1sistin;J of AppraIdmately 0.009 Acres, IDeated
Southeast 0........... of university way and Ðlpire Averuø."
19. Resolutim No. 8267: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil
of the City of O,¡ Authorizinq Exea.tticn of
IDprovement ~..........Jt Between the City am DevelqlØr
Jamis Mac Niven, 10100 DeAnza Boulevard."
20. Resolutim No. 8268: "A Resolutia1 of the City ~
of the City of CUpertiIX> 1\¡:.prcJIrinq Cl..IL<CICt Qmn;Je
Order No. 1 for Traffic signal Ð-...."......y Vehicle
p..ðo::u.,Um System at Var1o.Is Intersecti.a1s within the
City, Project No. 8602D."
21. Aooeptance of city projects:
a) Ar1r'aJal overlay, Project 90-104 (Wattis)
b) Slurry Seal, Project 90-105 (Valley Slurry)
(No doc".....11ts required.)
22. 1Icx:eptance of IILIlÚ.cipal iJIpravements:
a) Fban, Singer, Jahnke project, 10221 Adriana
(No doc:uments required.)
23. Reroved fran the Consent Calerrlar.
MEEI'ING (œ-801)
24. Resolution No. 8269: "A Resoluticn of the City Council
of the city of 0Jpertin0 Allcwinq certain ("",i_ and
Deman:is Payable in the Ano.mts and frail the F\uÜI as
Hereinaf+" Described for Salaries and Wages for the
Payroll Period ~ October 9, 1990."
25. Resolutim No. 8270: "A Resolution of the City Oouncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Ailcwinq certain C!h.i_ and
Deman:is Payable in the 1IDomts and FraIl the !\mdø as
Hereinafter Described for General and KisceJ.lanecu¡
Expen:litures for the Period ~ October 19, 1990."
26. Resolutim No. 8271: "A Resolutim of the City Oouncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allcwinq certain CJ"i- and
Deman:is Payable in the 1IDomts and frail the PUnds as
Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the
Payroll Period ~ Octaber 23, 1990."
~ J-fo-..J era of the Citv Council
AYES: Goldman, Kq:.pel, Suu",lSeI1, Szabo, Mayor a...".:....
N:>&S: Na1e
ABSEm.': Na1e
AæmIN: Counc. Szabo (Item 6 a1ly.)
l'I'ÐiS RFHNED nul cx:R>ml' CAI.Ðmi\R
10. Request for a'I8 mc:wrt:h extensiCI1 of previcus Oouncil
a¡:p:cval for +-'~..:4ArY use of a portable stœ._
cx:ntainer in an existinq restaurant p¡u:idrq lot,
IJœnc:nana Restaurant (Alves Drive). Reo:' ..··....ded for
A L"'l-'L :..: ,.tative of the Dœnchana Restaurant stated that
they toaùd like a 60 day and not a 30 day extensia1.
Director of """""'nú.ty D8Y8l,¥"""d.. Cowan ~....d to the 60
day extensim, but no 1IDre than that.
It was DK:Ned by ocunc. sorensen, secc:nied by Counc. (".ðl_",
and I""ðeOO unalÚ:IID.1sly to extend the +-.\. 'La.Cy use for 60
23. ~ of Fine Arts l"rIIwni....i.cxt }IL'lp06al for fundinq
of acquisitim of grand piano for Orlnlan lhrIInonú.ty
Center .
It was moved by ocunc. SOrensen, seccn:!ed by Came. Kqpel
and P<""~ unaninnlsly to ðfProVe the þl' ~] to cbtain a
Ikenohana Res t.
CDBG funding
\SAC 5l,920.1
MEEI'ING (œ-801)
27. Report m past perfœ:mance of agencies receiving
""""''''1ity Devel'¥"""1t Block Grant (<::DB;) plblic service
grants in meetinq planned oojectives and request for
guidelines for settinq priorities for Seventeenth Year
(1991-92) <::DB; funds.
Halsing and Services Coordinator Norlin] was available for
any questiCl'lS fran Oouncil.
Arlyne JUne, Executive Director of Project Match, said that
the group has c:x::1Ipleted 14 IIBtches in O,¡, therefore
ad'lieving 2/3 of their goal. 'Ihis is not reflected in the
staff 1:~t. '!he camty used to fun:i social services, b.1t
they dcn't have the 1lrrtE!Y any nx>re; so, they say that
agencies shcW.d go to the cities. '!here is no duplicatim
of services. She feels that Project Match is servin:¡
0Jpertin0 S!~9fully. 'Ihis is a ooonty-wide flgeJCj with
office ha.1rs in OJpert.inJ's Senior center. '!he age1Cj has
an e:xœllent track record and O,¡' s fundinq is
'Ihe total match PZ'-";Law receives $200,000 ca1Sistinq of
ca'1t:rib1tiCl'lS fran united way, the state, the camty, and
cities. She will serñ the lo'L'¥'LLiCl'lS to Counc. Goldman.
It was DDYed by CCUnc:. Kqpel, seoc:n:Jed by Counc. sœ...._E!I1
and p"e"'«t unanimcuJly to apt.4.vVe the priorities as
lo'L s d,al with the followinq à1anges: Item No. 2 was
ëIIIIended to say "de ., ~j8Size" rather than "discattira1e";
Item No. 3 is to be reviewed and tomen the fundinq cycle
(. ......... around, staff will þL ~ ..L alternatives; Item No. 4
is to be tried for me year; and Item No. 6 was amended to
say "Affordable" rather than "Seniors and Han:tica¡:ped".
28. ÞrP-l of Plannin.J rnr...i-im denial of the minor
8111B1-.J1oeht requested by Gr.~ÿ Grwp, Inc.; ~licatim
9-tJ-83 - seven SprinJs Devel'¥"""It, west side of
stelling Road, southerly of Rai.nbow Drive. (1Ifr'<""] has
been witMrawn.)
'This item was previalSly J:'E!m::IITBd fran the ageOOa.
29. 1Ifr'<"" 1 of AS1IC denial of red neon sign fascia for '''Ibe
original Mel's Restaurant" at 20803 stevens Creek
Boulevard, ~licatim ASAC 51,920.1. Barry Olin,
Walker & Olin, appellant.
MEE:l'ING (œ-801)
Director of Ch'nmnrú.ty Develq::ment COWan pointed out that in
his opinion, the neon is an ardútectural detãil and not a
sign. It is a matter of interpretatim.
Barry Olin, ardútect, presented Cameil with vi...""l,. of
the proposed building.
Mal Weiss said the building has the feelinq of the 50s.
It was IIKJVed by Counc. ¥qpù, seccn:Ied by Counc. Goldman
and p"eeed unanilIIoosly to close the p.1blic hearing.
It was IIKJVed by Counc. Goldman and seoa1ded by Counc.
Sorensen to the ~ of the ;oq:p-l. '!be DDtim
was enacted with cnmc. ¥qpù and Came. Szabo nie-etd..inq.
It was pointed out to the City Oouncil that there had been
no DDtim to close the p.lblic hearinq m Item No. 27.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Szabo, seccn:Ied by Counc. 1C<:g)e1 and
I"'"...ed unanimcusly to close the p.lblic hearing per1:ainin;¡
to the ChmInrlty Devel'-'1-l"=lt Block Grant p.lblic service
30. ~lication U-U-90, 13~0, and 19-EA-89 - Sàn'ato
Devel,¥"""IL ~nies - USe Pelmit to demolish 564,000
sq. ft. of in:1ustria1 bl1ilding ~ and oa...L<~
785,000 sq. ft. (net) of office T".... with related site
i:apravements; tentative map to divide an existinq 32.5
acre parcel into six (6) lots rarçinq in size fraD .06
acres to 1.2 acres, with me (1) additicnü. lot to be
held in (' ..... r¡ ownership. IDeated m the east side of
North DeAnza Boulevard. betwes. I-280 and Mariani
Avemæ. Envira1mental Deteminatia1: '!he Planninq ree:· ··..-·Ids the gr¡mtinq of a Negative
Declaratim. RB-:.'> ....-.deJ. for approval.
Director of ChmInrlty Devel,¥"""IL COWan reviewed areas of
0a10em previwsly expressed by the Council and Plannin;r
Chnmi -lion and -.-.,"'mes taken to mitigate them. '!he
1:'L'-'1>QEi''!!d Negative Declaratim is subject to a mitigatim
monitoring pl."':ILaw.
Glen Bari:n.1r, ~le, Director of Real Estate, said that
they had listened to the neighbors and redesigned the
project. ~le will be oo-developer am co-geueral
partner, co-owner, am the sole tenant of the pl'~
deve1q::ment. 'Ibis location will !::-eo:> "'''' the national R & D
headquarters of Awle am represents a lorq term cxmnitment
to CUpertino.
App. ll-U-90,
l3-TH-90, 19-EA-8
MEE:I'ING (œ-801)
BcD ~Intyre, Director of Design ani Devel,¥"""IL, said that
~le is prepared to make a CY'ImIi tment to be a good
cm:po:rate citizen of O,¡ '!hey will offer the use of
sane facilities for public fuœtiCl'lS. Ead1 furx:tim will
be reviewed for case by case use in the anpå
~le will address the 0CI1CE!rJ1S of Larry way citizens.
'!here will be sane m-site retail provided to help rM1v.e
traffic. ~le!.E!pl. s'E!l1tatives have met with Larry way
citizens. arllc:iin:Js No. 5 ani 3 will be have closed off 00 the neighbomood side. '!be Wil~irxJs beinq
~L' !-,:ssd are not of a oooJde cutter design. '1here are
setbacks m the foorth floor to create a rM1"""'" sense of
mass. '!he misiest mechanical equipnetlt is as far fttm the
neighbors as possible. '!he size of the laroCU"'''If'''' blffer
has been increased. A nine point 'I1JoI ~'-";Law has been
prepared and it is anticipated there will be awl......-i""'tely
$100,000 1IIOrth of public art m the site.
Disc" followed regaràinq a ocu::eln of expansim of
peak boor traffic because of flex time. Also, ~e may
want a satellite dish. If so, it 101aÙd be ..w.......ecl. '!he
architect, Bill Valentine, will œ1h.-=s that iCUJUe. ~le
is cxn¡i.derinq mav~ the ~'s store fttm Barxiley way
to this site for euployees. ~1f.! is not a direct seller
to the public so there will not be more 0CIIp.lter sales in
CUpertino. 'Ihe partnership of Sà:lrato/~le will not be
tied dawn until the dRÙicatia1 is ~ as .."hnitted.
Bill \Talentine, of IÐK, }AI. S HIted slides shawinq the
overall site plan and sanples of the}Al.' ,<:sed exterior
JOOn Sà:lrato said that transfœ:mers will be inside a
Mr. Valentine said the roof does slope dc:iwmiard fraD the
sides t:awanls the 1nitY!l e so that small satellite dishes
will be below the parapet.
Mr. Sà:lrato said they are still sbx1yirg havinq their own
substatim m site. Switch gear 101aÙd go in a garage and
the substatioo will be ooocealeà.
~s: 9:03-9:13 P.M.
Wes Wiegal, Larry Way, said that this was an acceptable
pr'Jject and there are many good t:hirçs abwt it. He did
questim what kiIx:l of trees 101aÙd be used in the
landscapirg because of potential allergies to the
neighboIhood as well as COIIœIn ~ the lack of a
wall at the end of Mu'iani.
steve Prosser of J.arry Way, said he liked the project and
he believes that ~le will be a good neighbor.
Ann An;¡'er saiJ she was ham' to see ~:i.e will be here
permanently. ~le is IcncM'1 everyo.t1ere. She hcpes that
the City cameil will ~te as m.Jd1 as possible.
Concerns ""'i'L -~ by Council ~ i.nc100ed thŒ..a
regarding traffic and whether or not the TJ:M will be
5']~~ful, revenue generation for the City, housing
in-lieu fee, a wall by J.arry Way, LL --, a condition
regarding the use of the anprltheater for certain DUtually
élI,u,,,,d upc:n events, scmethinq in writing regarding ~le
and Scbrato's 50/SO ownership, and ~ of
'lbe City Attorney pointed cut that there is a requirement
that there be a nexus between furdæaental gcverrtIIE!I'1t
interests, a fes, and devel'¥"""lt. Ua""'l1y, this nexus is
shewn thrcu;Jh the y=ìercÙ plan by identifyinq in the
hcusinq el.......IL a need for ncn-residential develq¡ers to
provide housin;J or an in-lieu fee. If the developer
volunteers the fee or ðo,L...... to it, then it is not an
j 'X;IJe.
Another OOaìoe1.1. ""'i'L---" was that if all of the I::uildingB
do not ultimately get milt that t:bBre be a ccn:Utim
saying that the undeYelcped area area wculd be laro~
and not left as is.
Jàm s...L..ato, developer, said that the . HJUL Wnities for
ride sharing were cpite extensive at this site. In regard
to reverue .".,......ated by a sales tax, it wculd be ~ible
if a developer had to ~ sales wculd occur in ead\
I::uildinq. ÐIployees sperd their JlCDf!Ij in O,¡ so the
City does receive sales tax. A large per..-lLage of
property tax goes to CUpertino sd1ools. 'Ihere is also
sales tax frail ~le's ~ store. In regard to a
suggested ocn.titim that ~le has to be the IY'Y"J1[""TIt, even
thcugh ~le may be a partner initially, it is iIrp:Jssible
to knew ~t can hëq:pm in the future and he needs
flexibility. SUch a ocn:ii.tim wculd not work. Apple may
have the best of i.nte:ntiCl'lS, tut thfn;s do å1an;e.
It was DK:Ned by came. Szabo, seocn:Jed by Counc. Goldman
and J:"If>'ò'ed unaniDnlsly to oc:ntinue OCI'ISideration of this
aI=Plication to the meetinq of November' 9 , with the
follcMnJ direction to staff: look at ext:en:lin:J the wall
on Lany Way; OCI'ISider a ocn:ii.tion that shcW.d sane of the
ME:EI:'lNG (œ-801)
I:W.l(\inqs plamed to be roilt tc:Mards Ù1e erx:l of the
timetable not be Wilt, that lan:.iscap1n:J be required and
the siz.! and potential allergies ~ trees in t.Ò}e
laro«œping be considered; add sane loose wordin;J of a
oorrliticn requir1n:J ~lic events at the æpútheater;
consider ~ of transfoDDerS; add a housinq
provision (can be in-lieu fees) and a oonditim pertainin:;J
to reveruJe generation. Council also directed that Min.lte
Orders be sent to the Planninq ('".....Ii.... ion stating that in
stage III of the General Plan pt~'!', the goal statement
pertaininq to an UIOCJII8 producin:;J goal frcm office and
in:Iustrial devel'¥""".t be OCI1Sidered and that a
consideratim for a housing mitigatim fee or 0ŒISb:uct:.ia'1
requirement in the housing elESuc..L of the General Plan be
included. staff is to 1IIork with ~e and Sù..tLcd.o
Developuent ~es m these items.
31. Na1e.
32. ~icatim AS1IC 51,910.1 and AS1IC 51,911.1 - ARICX) -
Review of oonditic:n5 of ðMJ1.\Na1 for planned
devel~1t sign pt'-";L....., located at 10625 North DBAnza
Boulevard and 10550 SOOth DeAnza Boulevard,
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Gol-." seccndiad by Counc. lfq;pol
and l"'e-«t ~y to uphold AS1IC Resolutiaw 1577 and
1578 with Ccn:titim No. 16 Ø!IIICY8d frcm bath.
33. PL· i^"""'1 for f'urñiD;J of human services organizaticnJ.
(PrevialSly oontimed to the meetinq of NoYember 19, 1990.)
34. Report m bid cpminq am award of ......ILLaCt,
cont:ractual Janitorial services, Project 90-109.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Kqpel, SE!CXI'1ded by Counc. S01:E!llnn
and pa9Hd unanimously to award the contract to DeAnza
arl.1dinq Maintenance for their al temate total bid of
35. Fstablishin¡ schedule
a¡;p>intments .
dates for advisOJ:y
MEFI'ING (œ-801)
By consensus, Council set NaveIIi:Ier 2Q-ee. _..~-er 5 af. the
period for filinq of ~l"ratiCl'lS of intent; Demr-œr
6-Jð111.1aZY 7 as the period to file awlicatiCl'lS; 7:00 p.m.,
Jð111.1aZY 14 as the date for interviews for the Fine Arts
t"'nnmi_im and PlanrU.n; t"'nnmi....i.m; and 7:00 p.m., Janary
15 as the date and time for interviews for the Cable
Televisim Mvisory t"'nnmittee, Librazy t"', and
Parks and Recreation t"'nnmi
36. Review and O····_11t on revised 1990 strateqic Plan and
Measure A Expenditure Plan.
It was :anved by Counc. Goldman, seoc:nBi by Counc. Kqpel
and paesed unanim:Jusly not to ,~ the revised plan.
37. Request for City Council to initiate reza1inq of
Intematia1al Baptist ChIrch site (Am 342-14-101) frail
R3 (MJ,ltiple Family Residential) to BQ (<)1asi Public
aùldinq) to allOlor for ~tim therein of a child
care center. Located m PEmDanente ~.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Keppel, seoc:nBi by Counc. SareiISen
and I"'e,!,~ unanim:Jusly to initiate the ¡.JL()(_e to ccrsider
the reza1inq.
38. letter frail Feznanjo Zazueta, Quoi1"lM1'I of the Board of
Directors, Mexican Heritage Organizatim, regardinq use
of califœ:ni.a flags.
It was DK:Ned by Counc. Keppel, SéOOi~ by ocunc. Sorensen
and l"'''-å unaniDøJs1y to aßIl'O\I8 the loaninq of the flags.
39. Na1e.
40. None.
srAFF ~::;
41. Oral lepOl:ts by staff n_J~t'S.
'!be Director of Public Works ¡.JL SD1/ted a report regardinq
the Highway 85 Me100rarxium of Urñerst.anciirq with Los Gates.
1990 Strategic
Plan, Measure A
Ex. Plan
Intn'l Baptist
Church rezoning
MEEl'DC (œ-801)
At 11:00 p.m., Council adjourned to 6:00 p.m., Na\¡............. 8.
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City ClerK