CC 11-08-90 CIT'i OF aJPERl'INO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 '1= AVENUE, a.JPERl'J:N), CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (4080 252-4505 MINJI'ES OF 'mE ADJaJRNED REX>UIAR CITY CXXJNCIL MŒl'DC HErD 00 NOVEMBER 8, 1990, KJUI.'I -usE R:œ, smrœ. CENIm 21251 STEVENS æEEK Ð:XJIEVARD, aJPERTIN), CAI.IFtJRNIA CC-SOlA CAlL 'ro ORDER Mayor Rogers called the meetinq to order at 6:00 p.m. mIL CAlL Came. Present: Goldman, I<'cgJel, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor Rogers staff Present: City Manager Brown Deplty city ClerK Wolfe Director of Public Works viskcvidl Assistant to the City Manager Brown Director of ChmII "'1ity Devel'¥"""1t 0::Iwan Director of Finance Snyder City Planner caughey Hoosinq and Services COordinator Norling City Att.ozney Kilian œAL cx::IHJNICATIœs - Na1e. 1. DÍ'i"ç"""'im regardinq Ì'L"",<sed rate increase requested by Los Altos GaJ:bage ~ny. At the request of City Manager Brown, this item was IIICMiId to the em of the agenda. 2. UL~ICY Ordinance No. 1541: "An ordinance of the City Oouncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Providinq for a Proc-"n-e for the Grantinq of ~..ry Ccn:titia1al Use Permits, and Declarinq the lli.~1CY '!hereof." City Att.ozney Kilian told cœncil that the ominanoe WQùd be in effect for only 45 days unless returned to them. It was lIIJVed by Counc. Kq:pel, seoc:nied by Came. Sorensen am I"'''aOO unanbDously to read ordinance No. 1541 by title only am the City Attorney's readinq to CCI'1Stitute the readiJ'q thereof; to enact urgerq Ordinance No. 1541; and to set the fee at $75. -1- · KJ:N!JI'ES OF 'lHE NOVEMBER 8, 1990, ADJOORNED RmJI.AR crrY CXXJNCIL MEE:l'ING (œ-80lA) 3. Westfield, Inc.; Vallco Fashim Park regia1lÙ. shq.ping center, WOlfe Read between stevens creek Boulevard and I-280. ~licatiŒlS 2-GPA-89, 7-Z-90, 9-U-90, l-DI\.-90 and 17-EA-90 (reza'1ÍD] sc:utheast comer of WOlfe Rœd and Vallco Parkway: use pemit to allow expansim: devel'¥utOIlt. ~eemeht. to provide future develcpnent: in aooordance with entitlElllel'ts granted by the City: envL.""......./tal detm:minatia1). AR:Ilication AS1IC 51,908.2 - a¡;:peal of cxnlitiCl'lS of ðWl<MÙ filed by Jåu1 E. Endicott. ~lication AS1IC 51,908.1 - eJroeptim for a na.-tW.ld:in;J DICIUl1ted f~ e'Hay oriented sign. · (All items pertaininq to Westfield, Inc. were 0CI'Itirø.Jed fran the meetinq of ()c:tà)er 15 and will be continued to the meetinq of NoIIeJd:)er 19.) Director of C'rInmI"'1ity Devel'+'Ul:"',L cowan harñed cut an cutline ..-- ~dbinq i~- Z""i.-ñ by co.mcil "....\J oers regardin:J Vallco Fashim Park expansion. In answer to a questim fran Oouncil, City Att.ozney Kilian said that a devel'¥"""lt œp........&.1t is specifically authorized umer state law to be a method in whiål a developerfprcperty owner can have the right for ~oval of a devel,¥""",L vested at an earlier stage than the þl1i1dirq permit level. It is a zaúD;J dedsim, but it is more than just a zaúD;J decisim. It has the effect of tieinq the City's hams frail d1an;Jin;¡ the plan ba.-ñ upon Wat the ðo,¡L..........1t provides. It gives the developer a sense of certainty Widl helps with financinq _..... of the ability to tie the City's hams in tenIS of d1an;Jin;J art:! of the zaninq or the a¡:p:'CYals that are granted umer the Devel.......,etlt hp:eauc.tt. '!his ext:.ems not only to the City Council but art:! ballot .-;-,"':ares - referen:1a or initiatives that wculd atteupt to downza1e the pLVf~.rty. A Devel,¥""",t h, L..........1t wculd withstand art:! such challenge. It is a very powerful tŸv"o!......l'!t. It is a great advantage to the deI1elcper and if the City and the developer are of the same mini and desire the same type of project, it often works very wel1. A Devel'+'Ul:"'1t 1.greement JIIJSt be adcpted after a p.1blic hearinq and the measure is subject to referendum liJœ arrys · -2- MINtJI'ES OF '!HE NOVEMBER 8, 1990, ADJŒJRNED REnJI.AR CI'IY CXXJNCIL HŒI'ING (œ-80lA) other law; it is passed by ordinance. '!be unique character of it is that it cannot: be mcxtified unless both parties agree to it. n¡e referen:ium period is 30 days after enad,J....ut of the ordinance. Iijnn sedt.ay, an l1J:ban eoalCllÚSt, was introduced by Mr. COWan. Mr. COWan explained that Ms. Sedway has been retained by the City for the Goals Ccmnittee project. By 0CI'1SE!Z'ISUS, Council ~.......d to begin with sectim III, EoaIY'mice, of the di",<",aaim outline. Ms. Sedway said that a detailed eoo......J.c study ooold be difficult and time-ocnsumirq. She said that the Valloo expansim may have no i"t"'''': m the strip centers, bIt there is a potential for negative i"t"'cts to the extent that tenants may be similar to these in the }AL,,<!ed expansim. The positive i"P"r-t would be a broader marIœt brinqinq in IIm'e sales tax. If they did the study they .....,1t'I 100II. _ _ the ~oe m stevens Creek Ballevard as to haw viable it is, how .......~tive it would be with Valloo and whether tr.ere is an aver SUß)ly of retail. Ms.~ said they would need to knc7.r Wat is wanted in the Grarñ Boulevard oc...,qJL. The depth of the study is up to cnmcil. Ms. Sedway said her sense is that the goal for the Grarñ BallevaJ:d is for more of a downtown ann. a¡:here with enp¡asis m restaurants. 'n1ere are more indepe¡L1t:.iL retailers in a downtown; the à1ains 90 to the malls and are not direct .:- ·'I.etitors with the smaller centers. Mr. Cowan said that the Grarñ Ballevard has not been defined. Cameil diarnaaion followed regæùi.n;J whether the expansion would take away !ran ather retail kAJsir--_ in CUpertino and ~t would be <\00:> "I,li.shed by signing the devel'¥"""rt &, L..........lt. Ms. Sedway said that doirq a study oculd definitely help Cameil see ~t the i"t""ct of the expansim would be. When asJœd if adding an and1ar tenant to Vallco would enhance sales tax, Ms. Sedway said that this needs to be looked at carefully because of the .......~tition with Valley Fair an:i stanford shqpirq centers. -3- þ l{IN[!l'ES Of 'IHE MJ\'lliBER 8, 1990, ADJCJ.JRlW RmJJ:AR CITY CXXJNCIL MEETING (CC-80ll\) Came. Goldman said he did not want to make tlús a case of one or the other - Vallco expansion or the Gram Boulevard - b..i.t he \VWld hate to make a decisim that \VWld last 20 years withc.ut infomatim on the retail climate - is Vallco going to attract additia1al retail to the City or will it transfer fran one area to~? Also, what will be the iIIpact on the general retail land use. Maybe the timinq is not the best. Council shculd have the best informatim before maJdn;J such a decision. Ms. Sedway said the study \VWld be dooe m an hourly basis with a "",vi".,," fee of $10,000-12,000, deperxlin;J an hew IIIJCh material the City can provide. Most studies are JOOre, bIt a credible job can be dooe for that amamt. city Manager Brown asIœd Council to consider what \VWld haRJen if the study is dooe and it shews that expansim will bring JOOre retail sales to O,¡pert.im bIt will have acme hatmful effect m the Gram Bculevard scheme. 'lben, ~~ m that infomatim Council does not want to do a devel,¥"""lt _........../L. If in six IIICI1ths Westfield 00- with a major department store that Council wants in the rnmItrrlty, are they going to say no. Part of what Cameil is askinq the study to detemine is are they going to say yes to this kind of devel,¥"""IL. Came. Goldman said he \VWld rather make the decision with knowledge instead of intuitim. 'Ihe use pemit c:.pt.i.a1 \VWld still be av>oilable if a devel'¥"""lt _.........It is not signed. Ms. Sedway said the study ......11d be CX1Ipleted in aI:n1t 30 days. John Ðñioatt, L"'t'L S.!1.t..inq Westfield (Vallco) said he does not know what the Grand Bculevard oO........L is. No one has been able to define it or tell 1úm what it \VWld adUeve. What he does know is that tl1eJ:e is a 1.1 millim sq. ft. shqpinq center that is in O,¡pert.im today, \IOI'ki.rYJ and trying to 00 "i..;te. 'Ihe Gram Bculevard oCb...q.tL has a little way to go, it may be a great idea, it may not even be retail when it's finished - it oculd be a wcrXIerful civic center. Fran what he uroerstood aba1t it, Mr. Erxlioatt said he believes that it \VWld take ten years to blplement. Cameil has criticized Vallco by saying that they are not ........~itive with other centers. One of the reasons is that there are other depart:œnt stores in the area that are very ........P=titive that have IDCII'ed in since Westfield's oWl1ership. Valloo ne-"'~ to IOCWE! to get a department store. stanford is considered Valloo's -4- NINl1I'ES OF '!HE NCI'JEMBER 8, 1990, AIDCURNED RÐ3UU\R CI'IY CUJNCIL MEETING (œ-80lA) c"'I>etitor, rot stanford has six department stores, Valloo has three. He said they are tryinq to ("'i~' FraIl a retail point of view Vall00 is a regia'lal shq:pin:¡ center; most of the retail o..JStaners there cane frail outside D.Jpe':tino. If Cameil is asJdn;J for an attractim to ~1ild m, Valloo is that. Vall00 doesn't (>"IE'te with strip centers, nor \/CUld the Grand Boulevard .:. "I.ete with Valloo. '!he kirñ of stores in the Boulevard \oICUld net go in a regional center. Further di<lrl'''''ion followed ~ Council's feelings that this WQ.Ù.d be a major dec:isim and they want to Oa1Sièer it very carefully and with as DrJål infomatim as pœs.ible. Mr. Erñioott said he is net as DrJål CXI'1Cemed with the oost of the study as with the poss.ible delay in a¡::praval. He said he "'''I1]d see me mc:nth goinq to tt'.ree. It was DK:Ned by Came. Szabo, seo....:Jo:d by Counc. I&g)el and P"~-9d unan:im:usJ.y to direct that an eoo.k.oulc study as c:utlined durinq di<lrl'....im be dcI1e for an am::JUnt net to E!JOC't'ed $12,000 with the results beinq pJ:ei3~Il6d at an adjoumed Council meetinq to be held January 2, 1991. Council requested a oc:v.f of the draft as SOa1 as poss.ible; Mr. Cowan said it shculd be av;oil.....le a toIeE!k before the meetinq . Jim Eller, att.ozney for Westfield, ~ for a definitia1 of Grand Boulevard. Mr. Cowan said that had net yet been defined, rot the feelin:¡ was that it WQ.Ù.d have a "'l'$C'iAl sense of place. Folladn] suggestiCI'IS frail Council as to the informatia1 they wtW.d expect; frail the study, Ms. Sedway said she will net start until there is an c:utline Council is a:.mfortable with. Mr. Endioott said the L"'tJULt will be hased on .."""''''t'tiCl'lS. Council may keep P<-~J.n; mak:in] a decisiŒl. <::oor!cil 11~,~ ...rs in:licated they were net a:.mfortable with ~~Ú1X] the matter. -5- . MIMlI'ES OF '!HE NOVEMBER 8, 1990, ADJaJRNED REX>UIAR c:rrï CDJNCIL MEETING (œ-80lA) Mr. 0:Mm said the r~l.. O::mIIittee will have a definitia1 of the Grand Boolevard. 'lbeir 1."'t'VL L m NoI."eItIer 20 will be vague and it will take other l'Y'WIoIIi....iCl'lS three mcnths to translate the Goals O::mIIittee eXh..qJL into scmethin:¡ real. He said the ~ of work for the study wculd be OCIIpleted early next week. PFf"F..C:S: 7: 05-7: 20 p.m. DiSCl1t;O"im of Section I of the art:line, Design, followed. . Mr. COWan said the ~Vf:oC ~oo use peI"Jlit defines the buildinq envelcpe. '!here need to be guidelines for staff or AS1IC to review when Iouildinq pemit applicatiCl'lS CXIIIB in. '!he 1'IIr'Yi..l is designed to show the architectural mass. '!he architect also has drawirgs. TerIy Ferrara, Westfield architect, shewed the 1III"rløl. He pointed art: areas of the pt'1-'; '9d expansia1 inc1udin¡ the Rcse Bowl area, briàJes, the sports center and a seocud level m the I. Magnin store. He also shaoIed parJdrq facilities. Mr. Endioc:Itt said they ~·I.aee an ðI},µ."'Y"te 300,000 sq. ft. for bolo ""I'-d,.......t. stores. Mr. Ferrara said the ~·I.:.,¡,ü creates a ca~L of UIban <!pace or a ocurtyaJ:ã defined by the briÓ)eS and the center; there will be water, seatinq and J.arriacapinq in the ocurtyard. Mr. Endi.oott said this shw1d have the effect of unifying the center. Mr. Ferrara distrib1ted ~ showinq the UIban storefJ:att effect they want to éI.å1ieve. Allan Falk, a resident near Valloo, said he is ocnoerned about the expansim. He had questiCl'lS reqardinq the ocurtyard. þ Mr. Endicott said the pw:p:JSe, with Tandem expansim, could be a design for interaction between the bolo properties. Mr. Ferrara went to item 4, parkin:¡, how the project wculd look and tire squealing mise. He explai."1ed the ci.rculatim in the center and said rcu;¡h OOIICl..te wculd stop squea1inq tireE. In regard to questim 5, han:lic.a¡:ped éY"""""'''', the old sectim OCIIplied when Wilt. '!be new me will of course OCItply with present requirements. -6- . MINl7I'ES OF '!HE OOllEMBER 8, 199C, ADJ'aJRNED:REX;(JI,A;a CI'IY aXJNCIL ME:E:'I'DC (œ-80lA) JàJn Halley, Tan:!em, said there are IX) specific plans tor the area i~btely adjacent to the þL''lœ-ed expansim site. 'Ihey are stOOying a general plan oc.....,¥L for the entire Tan:!em """PIS, and specifically wbat we 1ia1ld do m that site. Mr. Hailey said that as l'L''iJCsed the Valloo expansim shoold l'L s uL no I'YWIp'tibility prå:)lem. With regard to the aràrltecture the œin questim is We leads and We follows. If Tan:!em leads, it 1ia1ld be a design å1allenge for the Westfield aràrltect to make sure the transitim is RI"""",",ðful. If Westfiald leads, it'", a design d1allenge to Tan:!em's aràrltect. Mr. Ccwan asIœd if we need total aràrltect:ural hazmcny between the center a."'1d offices. . Oouncil ~-d that a blerxi oculd be adrl.eved ~ch 1ia1ld prevent dishama1y while allowin;J diversity. Dj""",,-iat followed regardin] the possible need to widen Wolfe RoBd. Mr. Hailey said IX) traffic oomts have been da1e bIt it is not U1'U:'eaSa1IIble to .......- that it woold be widened. Counc. lfq:ipel stated that Tan:!em and Westfield 1ia1ld both have to make a cxntrib.Jtim toward any wideninq, not just the last me to hni 1 ð. Directar of Public Wo.Lk.. Viskovich said based m 1:Julldcut acoordinq to the CWoL...IL General Plan there 1ia1ld be no wideninq. Di..........im followed m Item I.B., pl' <.-"~ for final review of aràrltecture and site¡larxWœpinq. Mr. Cowan stated that Westfield wants staff to ðWLwe with aro-1 possible to Oouncil. 'Ihe P1.annirq ...",.,.i ....im J:OIO ....-'1ds AS1IC review with staff aau-wal. Di""""....ia1 followed regarding the possibility of havinq an aràrltect m staff '..no 'oICUld review aràrltectural guidelines as to ocnsirtenc::y and We \«JUld review projects as they go fozward. 'Ibis perscn 1ia1ld be dealing with technical i'SS'-., not just setbacks, trees and oolors. Mr. COWan said that in the City of o.~ll, architecl:s volunteer their time m a rotatin;¡ basis to help m ardútect:ural and site i<cc,"øa. At this time, me member of CUpertino I s AS1IC is an a....'"Chitect. ~ -7- t MINUI'ES OF '!HE NOVEMBER 8, 1990, ADJaJRNED REX:V1AR CITY cnJNCIL ~J..uG (œ-80lA) Council and staff ñi arI'9S'9d the likelihood of a redevelUiAUt,uL agel'C'j to irclude the prq:Jerty under cansideratioo. It was staff opinim that the chanoe of the City benefittinq was marginal at best. Mr. Ernioott stated that CO! of the prin::iples of a devel'¥"""lt ~...........t is to know that tl1ey can do EICJIIethirg before the gram:l rules are set. '!he principle of design review is to qo within the City to the ..L<UI~ teåmical I:x:x:ly that ycu have to review 1041at has been da1e based m the guidelines, am then if there's no decisim possible there to qo to the Council. '!here was further ñi"'C'19aim as to 1oi1ether an architect. m staff ~d help or hurt: the ilL' o(""'a. Mr. COWan said that a policy OO"lñ be established that AS1IC -ñership woold always irclude an architect. Alan Bidwell, General Manager of the J. C. Penney store at Vall,- stated that Penney's is a 20\ landcwner of the area iIL~Sect for devel,¥""",L and do abaIt fifteen peroellt of the center volume. He felt that Vallco is a regia1al shq:pinq center. A survey of 26,000 sI1qJpers shewed that only a _11 pmCE!lttage are QJpertino residents. He said he hcp¡!d to see this ~. -O-~ 8XP""ited. Am Anger, Dlpire AV8I'UI, aid &he woold like to see 0Jpertin0 as a first t'!b..... city. D8Y8l'¥"""1t III.ISt be dcne in S+-"'y- - the City l'IUSt qo alcn¡ with ~'-";L .1'. In her opWm, Vallco ne-~- 1IDJ:e high c]....... tenants, and they can't seek them withcut the EP1ß)OlL of Council and citizens. A regia1al center does net take _y the need for specialty shops. She said she di.dn't want to have to qo to san Francisco or SCIIIeWhere else to shq). Paul Ilgenfritz asked if the ilL" _a will be hià::1en for a JID'1th and then o::me to Council with a major diffex~lIoe frail wiJat is shewn here tc:.night. He said he woold like to see the oCb.qJL of the street level retail remain in the devel"¥""'llt ayL...........L. He asked if it ~ possible that it could be reDDVed at saoe future JDeE!tinq and net ~ back in the final design. Mayor Rogers stated that as she uOOerstan:!s the develUiA....ut agreement, the street level retail is ircluded rrM, Wt there woold be discretion as to the final Ì1Iplementatim of the CC4ó::VL. All hearin:¡s will be ~lic. 01an:]es can be made 1.mtil the develcpœnt agL...........t is signed. Fran then on developer woold have to oanfonn to the guidelines regard:in;J iIrplementation. -8- MINtJI'ES OF '!HE N<::JVDIBER 8, 1990, ADJaJRNm REnJlAR CI'IY <nJNCIL MEE:I'ING (œ-80lA) Mr. Ilgenfritz said he wu.ùd like to see the street level retail <:X:II~L remain in the agle.....:..IL. By consensus, camcil directed that the PL- ,:-eee for final review of ard1itecture ani sitejlaro"'"""pinq be staff reo ····...l1datiC'Ori with approval by council. Council considered Item II, Land UsejHoosing, of the study cutline. Followin::J rli...cussim of whether office use should be excluded as a possible land use, Mr. Er¥:ticott stated that Westfield wculd like to retain the existin; office space. '!he jobsjhcusinq balance was rli""""~'i1ed, inc11.11::lirç possible mitigatim fees. Mr. COwan stated that there is an "e---__¡l of this in the initial "n--........,t received by Council. '!his inc1uded the projected hoosinq need that wculd be generated by the project. Neither staff nor Planning C'romIi ....ion sought hoosirq mitigation frail the develc::per . Di""""eeim followed as to whether there is a need to require mitigation """''''IreS. Mr. COwan stated that the Halsinq Eleme¡1t will be rli",<"ø-9d the SIIIIII8 night as this item so cnmcil will Mve a policy h-n œx m miål to base their decisim. -a«! m that infomatia1, Council rlec:lri«i to make the decisim re land usejhcusinq at the Januazy 2 meetinq. Mr. Endicott stated that Da1ey is goinq to the City for mitigatia1: Council will decide hew it is used. )jan,.."i.a1 followed regardi.ry:J Sectim IV, Public Art. It was Oouncil CXX1S8I'ISUS that the devel,¥""",t <B::IL..........1t should include a prevision req.rl.rinq PJblic art. Mr. Cowan reported m Item V, developdlellt ~..........Its. He stated that they are used in aver 200 california cities and are for varioos periods of time, sane for aD little as five years . Counc. Sorensen requested rli """",,,ion of the ice rink taU.ght as it ar:plies to the develcpnent agreeuent. city Attorney Kilian bUted that Coor>cil may wish tc.' schedule another stOOy session. -9- MINt1I'ES OF '!HE NOVEMBER 8, 1990, ADJCXJRNED REX>UIM CI'lY a:xJN~ ME:E:'I'DC (OC-80lA) A wanan who said she is a seven-year resident of ~ asJæj ha.i IIIJCh extra sales tax Vallco has brc:u:3ht. In her opWm Vallco në-~" a better tenant plan. Expansim ala'le is not the êSl'lSWer. She said she does net think the Council ca.ù.d say they 1òI.AÙd not chatY;¡e their min:l for 20 years. Mr. Errlicott said that $60 millim has been invested in the center. He estimated it brinqs $300,000-$400,000 a year to the City. Jàm Hailey, Tandem, said it is iqx>rtant to Tandem that Vallco is a healthy regia1al shcg)inq center; there is a syDi>iotic relatiŒl8hip between the center and Tandem. Increasmg .......~titim ¡mag retail centers has resulted in a shrinking supply of the best tenants. Flexibility and B¡:[s:1 will help brinq good tenants. Allen Falk said that he and his neighbors had met and shared oa'Dm1S regardinq in::reased trip ends and traffic. '!he 1IIrY'kol shcM¡ a massive strJCture. He said he had a major oa--rn with an agr.......JL that wculd tie our h.m'œ for a lcn¡ time, and it "R"""'red the scales are ti¡pad in the di.rectim of Westfield. Mr. Endicott clarified that the devel,¥"""IL ~--.....It t'Y'Monits Westfield to retaininq the ice rink, providinq child care and a parX-and-ride lot Wether or not they develop anythinq. I)j """''''eim followed regardinq the possibility of a shorter tezm for the "': L...........IL. By CXI'ISenSUS, Council set NoIi~ 27, 6:00 p.m., Oouncil ~r, for a study sessim to OCIlSider the devel'¥"""¡L ð,¡L.........nt and candi tiCl'lS. RÐ 'l":<tC;: 9:00-9:05 p.m. 1. D1"<"15s1on regardinq p1:¥lö'sd rate increase requested by Los Altos Gaxbage ~ny. Director of Public WorXs Viskavich pl. so ented backgrcurñ infonnation m the franchise agl............IL and rate structure and ~ gra¡tIs CXIIparing CUpertino's rates with those of ot:W>..r cities in the area. He said a p.¡blic hearing m this matter is scheduled for November 19. He re.:- ·..·-ided that the contract be re-opened and re-evaluated. If the in::rease is aR'roved, 1IDl:'e franchise fees and resource recovery fees will be generated. -10- MINtJI'ES OF '!HE N:IIlEMBER 8, 1990, ADJ'C:URŒD RmJlAR CIT'i CXXJNCIL ~.I.'~ (œ-80lA) Cameil req..¡ested that sd1edules shcwi.n;J a....L...Il. and i'LupCE:OO rates be i!V"ihhle at the p.lblic hearing. staff was also directed to provide intomatim m V\at the City has in the way of reserves and tranåúse fees. Mr. ViskaIridl said that staff wcoùd be 0CIIin¡ bI!Ick to Council in about six DICI'1ths with a i'L.!V_l for (. -·cial recycling. An inverted rate structure "-'CUld al80 be oansidered. 'Ihere have been ~ with H-P, '1'aI1d8a and others regardin;J. . ····.A'l'lCial recycling. He said there is no lifeline rate, but the inverted rate structure sbculd have the same effect. Joe Renati, Ios Altos Garbage co., said that staff had been very coq>erative durin;J lii"""1"",iCl'lS. Ann An;¡er said she ~d not be able to attend the No\,_.~ «r: 19 meetinq. She """"P1 iment:ed INXX) m their service. At 9:45 p.m., Oouncil adjamwd to a -~--r>' sesø1m to Iii""",.... the purchase of Rl~)d:....u:i FaJ:m and P'L.,.....dL Older Sd1oo1. At 10:30 p.m., the meetinq was reccmvened in open sesøim. All Oouncil 11_.~ oers were i'L s ..L as WBll as the follcwinq staff 11_.~ >6t[s: City Manager Brcwn Deputy City ClerK Wolfe Director of Public Wlà.k.o Vis1a:wiå1 Director of n-"1ity D8Y8l..........IL Cowan Director of Finance snyder èity Attorney Kilian It was IIICMiId by CDJnc. Kqpel, ~L1td by Ocunc. Szabo and I"''5'~ed lmanimcus1y to direct: staff to meet with SàIcol District and tt1....._rry FaJ:m L""i'L Ii llatives for negotiatim for purå1ase of i'LVJ:.é1.ties alœg lines Iii "'C'19~ in closed sessicn. At 10:32 p.m., the meet.in; was adjamwd to 5:30 p.m., TI'~ay, November 13. '" 't --fAÆ;t: /J ).H;/. : I~"ty City Cl~ -11-