CC 11-13-90 CI'lY OF aJPER:I'IN:), STATE OF C1ILIFCIRNIA 10300 'lùI<I<I:; AvnroE, CIJPERl'DI), CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 œ-80lB MDIUI'ES OF '!HE ADJaJRtŒD REX;UIAR CITY <XUNCIL MŒl'DC HErD eN N:NfIomER 13, 1990, CXIŒERENCE HXMS C & D, CI'lY HAIL, 10300 'l'ut<.t<t; AVENUE, aJPERl'nÐ, CAI.IFœŒA CALL 'ro œDER '!he meetinq was called to order by Mayor ~s at 5:34 p.m. Council Prœ E11t: Goldman, }{q:peJ., sorer.en, Szabo (arrived 5:45 p.m.), Mayor Rogers Parlæ and Recreatim ..·,.....ti"""icmers i'resellt: a...d.., (left 6:25 p.m.), <:01""'''1, Minnick (arrived 5:40 p.m., left 6:40 p.m.), SJœels, 'lbra1e Parks and Raoo.;¡,..at1a1 o--ni....1aners Absent: Dean, IDw Interim Use ...,...."ittee Pro"s uL: Dick I.åmdller, ni Hirschfield, R1il Zeitman staff Pres_,L: City Manager Brown City ClerK COrnelius Direc:tar of Public ~k.o Viskcviå1 Director of Paries and Becreatia1 Ccwlinq Rec.L..atim SUpervisor ~ ORAL CXHIJNICATIœs Dr. Q:nXn inf".......~ these ~ s_Jl that it was ne<-'e.."Y for him to leave at 6:20 p.m. Report and lee· ..··-rdatialS frail the Sports Center Interim Use ...,...."ittee. DiIect:or of Parlæ and Rec.....atim Ccwlinq reviewed historical infomatim and 1."'!A'L bed at the use of the facility and the financial status. He stated that in order to be financially SI~'Õ'ful, it needs to offer more than just tennis playinq. -1- · · Interim Use Conuni ttee comments · MINUl'ES OF '!HE NOVE'MBER 13, 1990, AWOORNED REX>UIAR CITY CXXNCIL MEETING (œ-80lB) Shara1 COlman reported on the teIiporary à:>jectivœ of the /"Y'II'IInittee and reviewed reo ·,......ided uses. (Counc. Szabo arrives 5:47 p.m.) M:>rt Schorr, resident of Q.Jpertino, asked for more infonuatim regardinq tl-.e finan::ia1 .lq.'UL t }'L S ,Iled and the coordinator's ocntract:ual fee. p,e was inf...........d that the coordinator receives a salazy of $500 per week. He coordinates the facility and the tennis reservatiCl'lS. Mr. Ccw~inq stated that ncI18 of the reo:' ·..·-·ldatia'1S were ~, oot each ...............1: of the OCIII1Ú.ttee will .:-....-·tL at the erñ of the Pl S !.Jttation Chuck J"'rvi:Jsen, CUpertin.::!, asked abcut the salad." of t:!w part-time cployees at the center. D:I'I McCarthy replied that part-time euplcyees there are paid m a rarge that goes up to $9.00 per hour. 'lbere are eight part-time EIIployees: one is m duty in the eveninq and durinq prime time there are two there for 8Wlu¡,d"""tely two hours per night. Ms. COlman reviewed the three cptims available whim are: cx.ntracti.rg with Jim '1\1mery, cx.ntracti.rg with Benjamin Rcl:bins, et al., or ~ '-'IL of the center by City staff. Council then asked for ('. ...._1 rt:s frail ather l'Y'OIOIIi ttee møn~e:rs. Dave a...d... told Council that he we",)it hesitate to pIt in a high profile situatim at the center. He has negative feelings regarding r_L<lctinq citizens' use. In regard to Optim C, staffinq by the City, there wculd be BaDe Imq term subsidy prà)ably requized. 'Ibis leaves Optim A, cx.ntracti.rg with Jim TU'"II':['. He stated that this was the most reasœable cptim in his opWm and staff shoold neç¡vLiate regarding fee structure. Ed Hirsålfield said that a substa."1tial aJID.II'1t of iJloœ.a at the center is received frail -~ -ere of the CUpertino Tennis Club 'Who want 0"\ ..titive rates with ather p,lblic facilities. ReveruIe oculd be generated in nan-peak hours with an E!IIIi1asis m leBSCl'lS in these off hours as well as sanctia1ed ta.unament:s and pro tours whim brin] in attendan:Je fees. He urged Council to get as mx::h use of the facility as possible. -2- MINUI'ES OF 'mE NCIIJEoIBER 13, 1990, Aro'crJRNED RmJIAR CIT'l cx:xJNCIL MEETING (œ-e0lB) Fhil Zei bnan wants the residents of 0Jpertin0 to get the DDSt benefits fran the facility. He urged tc'Ital I1SðJØ of the center. He re<:, ....-·ded III.lltiple use and lessa1S c1ur'i1Y:J the day am prime time use by ~idents. Dick Id1miller said that it WðS reasa1able to ~ the same kind of subsiclias as other City r-......atim facilities. Fees have to be, Wt they can't be dete.-~,ed until the cost base is known. Expca¡1ses shown are based m URagI8 durinq daylight savinqs time am withalt use 01 the kW.lding: therefore, they should be expected to go up. He suggested the City look toward a T.t.",,"a:C type qJeratim, Wt p1:O<:'eed with both ocntrëIctors in I"JooyULiatinq. Don M:::Carthy said the I'Y'OIOII; ttec is tryinq to .:'eC.JCI1Cile firlances and tt.a philosc:pú.cal o...LqJL of a pJblic facility. utilities and staffinq bills at o..,.u-able private facilities run $34,000-35,000 per ìID1th. He fGlt that Optim A (Jim 'I'L_II....) is the best c:ptiat. TtIere is a need to i'L.......te the tllt'!n ity to local residents Mr. 'r~",,"a:C has a track r&CuLd in the area in "Ihi.à1 the facility will be used. '!he City Oouncil will need to decide heM 1IL1å1 of a subsidy the City will provide. R'''''+""ra Keppel ~ eod. IR ~rt for Optim A. She has a cx:uoern abc:ut the five l:::ùighted ocurts and wants a use for them besides temU.'. Shara1 Chl....." also '""'*""" eli a prefØL......... fur Opticn A and wanted staff to negotiate with these ..nhnittinq both OptiCl'lS A and B. She felt the need to brinq in a person with experience to qJerate the center. Mr. Ccwlinq stated that no-i ....ia1er wally Dean was unable to be p1:=snlt, hcwever, he has ~-""""'" a prefErL.h~ for Option B with the l'Y'OIOIIit.-..IL frail the cx:n;or+-ium. Mayor Rcgers (, ....-.Jded the tTOmtittee 1I_.i oers for their work and asIœd for 0 .......·Ils fran Parks and Ra::.......atim CY'01'I11i"Sicnars who were not m the Interim Use lhnnittee. Joann Minnick ~ðL""':¡ EØ~,œ:t for Option A. She urged that the facility be lIV"ilable for these who cannot afford fees. All citizens have a right to use it, as it was booght with the citizens' 1ID'Iey. Dazwin 'Ihrane eJCpr%sed ca~ regardin:J the two PLUJ:~S. He feels that there is insufficient infO%1llatim for a decision. He felt it WQÙd be adwntagecus to see the difference in cost i>1 I'UI'II'IÍn1 the center as a public facility VB. a private facility. He feels the vendor m- ~.. -3- I I , P & R Commission comments MrntJl'ES OF 'mE oovtMBER 13, 1990, Aroœm1rn mnrI.1>.R ClT'l CXXJNCIL MEETING (œ-aOlB) to kncw up front what court fees would be and what le&Ða'1 fees wa.ùd be. '!be facility m -II) to be a~sible as possible to the general ~lic. He woùd like to see an analysis of the operatim of similar facilities iIx:1udinq the rntmhPr of """'~.ers, anraJal fees, and revernJeS generated. Of the two PL'¥ """}s received, he preferred the one sul:Initted by Mr. Trenner. '!here is no pro foma of projectim in either pl.vy.-..:al and he felt that was ~!1azy. (David Caldocl leaves 6:25 p.m.) Mr. 'lbra1e felt that it was ne<:"""""ary to have rn1ll'lhø1"S in ozœr to maJœ a decisicrl. Dean SJœe1s felt that saœt:hinq besides tennis shculd be inoo1.pol.ðted into the tuildinq so that all pecple of the t"Y'OIIInnUty will use the center. He also preferred Mr. TL...n¡,er's þL' ~), but does not want just racquet ~'Orts and his þL'J1.'CEëÙ IiAalA with racquet spotts a1ly. Mr. SChorr said please da1't fv1.yaL the tæpayer. 'lhis is not just a tennis center. It is ~eary to c:harXJ8 the feolinq toward the center. '!he tëuIpayer is the 7'1~ one OCI'1Sideraticn. Richard Hose, 0Jpertin0 œsident and fcnmer 11_... er of the DeAnza Racquet Club, said the club had a <h.vy-.1n time at 7:00 a.m. and many pecple attendeJ at that: time. '!he Sparta Center opens at 9:00 a.m.; if it opened at 7:00, there "-011'" be :more n_..J -. s. Qurk J~ CW:fL....d with Mr. 'Ihra1e's..... .-....-,ts regm:din;J tha need for dollar figures before any r.."..,LiatiCl'lS taIcin¡ place. It was DK:Ned by Counc. Iqpl and seoa.:Jo:d by Counc. Sorensen to rHAhoond the nrwnittes, refer the l'L,¥"",,lA to staff, and to brinq back a "Ip":"ific l"(' ·-·--datim to the Parks and Rec:.k.c04tim n-niqim and the City Oouncil with the figures as suggested. I)j "'"'19$im followed zegardinq amending the m:ltim to have staff r.."..,Liate with both p¡u:1:ies sn-ittinq l'L"i^-""""lA. Ccuncil t'li"'C,,,"«t 10Ihether or not the þLq<JElðls were specific E!I')OOgh to respc:n:l to. (Joann Minnick leaves 6:40 p.m.) City Manager Brown stated that there is a three step prooes'5'. one, the RFP with a general stateDlE!llt of qualificatiCl'lS. 'IW, staff put together a !IDle precise bid ðœnmø'1t and negotiate with both venders. 'Ihree, staff bring back a recuwdldation and state why they are makirx¡ that reo:. ·..."""11ation. -4- þ KINl.YIm aP 'lHE N:II1ÐœER 13, 1990, AD:RXJRNED RmJIAR CIT'l CXXJNC:IL 1'JUa..ur:; (œ-aOlB) CCIunc. ~.... qiLed the City Manager's interpretatim to be arpli«2 to her mticn. council reiterated that they had already awraved that the five unJ..icþted oaIrts 10ICUld net æ used for tennis and that public ~ . is inpJrtant. '1he interiJR plan is to in::1ude SCII8thin;J beøi-- tennis a1 those courts. Ccunc. r""]_,, nq.¡ested more iniODllatim a1 why the ...........ittee is reo· ....-rJdinq a snack bar and net a restaurant. '!be mot.ia1 was ~Led unarrlmcusly. At 6:47 p..., Oouncil adjcurned to 7:00 p.m. in the Oouncil Q'I-...I er . &4&" City 8rk þ ~ -5- CI'lY 01" aJPERI'INO, S'ßTE OF CAI..I:FC:RUA 10300 '10RiQ; AVENUE, aJPERI'IN:), C'A 95014 ~: (408) 252-4505 œ-801C MINtJI'æ OF 'IHE ADJCURNED REX>UIAR Cl'IY axJNCIL l'II:2i.l:.uG HErD CN N::IVÐœER 13, 1990, o::tJNCIL aÐUmER, Cl'IY HAIL, 10300 '!ut<Kt; AVEHJE, r.tJPERI']R), CALIFtRŒA CAlL 'ro ORDER '!be meetinq was called to order by Mayor ~s at 7:02 p.m. Council Present: Goldman, ~l, Sorensen, Szabo, Mayor RcçJers staff Present: city Manager Brown city ClerK OOn'Ielius Director of Public Woliœ Vi.sla:lviå1 Director of rnm."'1ity D8Y8l,¥"""IL Cowan Assistant to the City Manager Brown Director of Parks and Rec::reatia1 Ccwlinq Director of Finance 8nyI:1er City Attomey Kilian œAL CXlHJNICATIQ¡S - Na1e. 1. Election of Mayor and oath of office. It was I:ICN8d by Counc. Szabo and æ.......:Jo:d by Q:Junc. Sorensen to ncminate I'Ioom..ra ICrß:Þøl for Mayar. It was maved by Q:Junc. ("~1_.,, secadod by Q:Junc. Kq:peJ and ~<;,?ed unanimcus1y to close the naDinatiCl'lS. Bazbara Kqpel was elected Mayar by a I.:II1IUÚJIIOOs vote. '1he City Clerk administered the oat-'1 of office. Bazbara Rogers thanked eaå1 and ØITerytI18 for helpinq to make her year as Mayor a good year. cnmc. Szabo thanJœd COurx::. Rcgers for her leadership and expressed ~reciation for beinq a1 the City Oouncil with her. -1- MIN!JI'ES OF '!HE ~ 13, 1990, ADJCORNED REGJIAR CI'IY roJNCIL MEE'l'DIG (œ-80lC) 2. Election of Mayor Pro ~.. and oath of office. It was DK:Ned by counc. 5vL....l9l1 and sec....:Jo:d by Counc. Rcgers to elect Nick Szabo as Mayor Pro ~... It was DK:Ned by counc, Rcgers, secxn:Jed by Counc. Goldman and p"e-"d 1.InIU1iJD:Iusly 'co close the naDinatiCl'lS. ccunc. Szabo was 00]--' Mayor Pro ~$ 1.InIU1iJD:Iusly. '!he City Clenc administ.eœd the oath of office. At 7:07 p.m., the meetinq was adjcumed to a reoepticn in the city Hall là::òy. 1:b dÞ.,~ City ClerK -2-