CC 01-03-89 I' ,. . þ þ CI'IY OF aJPERl'INO, S'D.TE OF CALIRJRNIA 10300 'l~ AVÐIUE, aJPERI'Jm, CA 95014 TELEP.HaNE: (408) 252-4505 MINUl'ES OF 'lEE REaJL;R CI'IY caJNCIL l'IUa".u«; HErD JANUARY 3, 1989, CI'IY HAIL CXXK:IL œlIMBER 10300 'lUl<l(t; AVEKJE, aJP.ERrIN:>, <::'ALIFtRfIA œ-759 The meetin:J was called to order by Mayer Plurçy at 6: 45 p.m. SAII1l'E 'ID 'lEE FIN:; ROIL CAlL COlmc. Present: Gatto, Keppel, Rcgers, Mayor Pl~ COlmc. Absent: Jc::t1nsa1 staff PrUI!!1;t! Acting City Manager ViskDvim City Clerk Carneli3 Assistant to the City Manager Brown D:ixector of Finance Snyder Director of Plannin;J and Develq...'"81t 0::IWiim Director of ParIæ and Rec.l...atim DcwliD;J Assistant City Attorney laslie !.cpez Iœ'I'KJŒJŒNIS - Ncn!. CERI!JDfIAL MkJ.".LU<::j - ÆES!NI7aICIIS Pres_Aatim of plaque to Rå:)ert Peck ~ar his service m the Energy rnm.i RlJJim. Mayer Plun;w ~ S_iLed a Plaque of AppI:8ciaticn to Mr. Peck. ORAL CClHJNICATICIIS Joe Cleaver and Harriett Gardner pi: as iLed infœ:matim ~ the visit of students fran Fereslavl, Zalessk¥, U.S.S.R. Gloria Eincteir. fran Santa Clara, a tead)er of the Russian l~, served as intezpreter for 10 students beb~ the ages of 10 and 16 fran Pereslava, Zalessky. lbe students present.:d gifts to the City of 0Jpertin0 and a trio saJ"g two folk sorgs. -1- MThlJ'I'æ 01' '!HE JANW.RY' 3, 1989, RÐ:;(JlAR CI'IY a:::uNCIL MEE:I'I1C (0:::-759) It was aI'I!1OlD'X:IEd that Œl March l~, the SUperiIJterdant of Schools am two teachers will be visitin;J OJpertino. ~ c:AI.ÐIDAR Coorx:. Rogers reaK:Ned Item No. 9 ard City Clerk OJrnelius rE!IIDIIed Item No. 10. It was moved by 0Junc. Gatto, secx:.Ded by cwnc. Rogers an:i I"".........1 4-0 to ~ the balarx::e of the Ck'I1sent Calendar as sul:mi.tted. 1. Resolutim No. 7699: "A Resolutial of the City OJuncil of the City of OJpertino Makin;J DeterminatiŒlS and ~in;J the Annexatim of Territory Designated as "AlcaUlr Averue 88-OS"¡ ~tely 0.21 h::re Located m the 5a1th Side of Alcazar AveøJe Between ~ Averue and Byrne Avenue, Clark,lLee (Am 357-14-38)". 2. Resolutim No. 7700: "A Resolutim of the City cwncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ ccntract 0W¥]e order No. 3 for Traffic Signal Modificatim and Sl.é6t ~uv.......íls, Prunerià;Je Averue and Wolfe RaId, Project 4024." 3. Request for _V}'Liatim of $6,500 frail the ~.....al fund to Cbannel 53 to 0CNer costs of cablecast.in:1 PJblic hearinJs regarð.in;J Highway 85 an:i ather specialjadjcumed cwncil 1IIB8tin;Js. 4. Resolutim No. 7701: "A Resolutial of the City cwncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acceptinq a ~Clltt Deed of Real PLvy= lj' frail Gi.""'J'4Ÿ Group, Inc., Lots 187,188, an:i 189 of Tract No. 8067, Lot 194 of Tract No. 7993, Seven Sp:rin;Js, Rainbow Drive." 5. Acc'eptanoe of City projects perfn1"'lOlooi! under ~..l.aCt: Miscellanecus water Main Rspl~ It, 1987-88 - Project 88-109 (Pacific Un:Ja..<p.wm ocnstruct:.ic:I). (No <ÎO""~tim I'IEIO-"I'IY.) 6. Resolutim No. 7702: "A Resolutim of the City ~il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin;J Certain C]"i- an:i ~ Payable in the Amcunts and frail the P\Jn:is as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period Endirq Dec-·¡.er 13, 1988." -2- MTh1Jl'ES OF '!HE J}.NUAR'{ 3, 1989, RErUV.R CI'IY CXXJNCIL MEE:ITN; (œ-759) 7. Resolutim No. 7703: "A Re&olutia1 of the City OJuncil of the City of CUpertino Allowin;J Certain Clabœ am Deman:is Payable in the A1IDmts IIlñ fran the F\màs as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Pericx:l Erxiin1 Dec-i.er 20, 1988." 8. Resolutim No. 7704: "A Re&olutim of the City OJuncil of the City of CUpertino Allowin;J Certain o...i- IIlñ Deman:is Payable in the A1IDmts and FraIl the F\màs as Hereinafter Described for General and Mi.F-l , aneoos Expenditures for the Period Erx:lin} ¡)AI_.J er 16, 1988." 9. ReDI:M!d. 10. ReDI:M!d. 11. Resolutim No. 7705: "A Resolutia1 of the City cwncil of the City of CUpertino Settinq Date for oansideratim of Annexin:.J Area Designated as "GranBda Averue 88-10", PL.........ty located m the 5aJth Side of Granada Averue Bet.wen orarge Averue IIlñ Byrne Averue¡ ~......n-tely 0.21 Acre, Bc:iùin." 12. Request for waiver of business license fees filed by 1-~" to JUstice Foundatim. I'l'Ðt; REXWED FB:M cœsmr CAIÐG:IAR 9. MinItes of the Regular Maetin¡ of "",<-,J ..r 12, 1988. It was JŒM!d by cwnc. ~6, seoadod by cwnc. Gatto IIlñ p"'.....,..¡ 4-0 to ctt¥Lvv'8 the m.imtes with page 4 _Ided to shew Item No. 17 rather than No. 24. 10. Mira1tes of the Adjcumed Regular MIIet:.in;J of [I$(_.Jo4 ([' 13, 1988. It was JŒM!d by cwnc. Gatto, .........dtd by cwnc. Iqpl and p"'....ed 4-0 to ctt¥Lv.'e the m.imtes with page 8, nøxt to last line iIIIIerx3ed to read " ... 'no ~-, was not viable..." RJBLIC HE'ARIlG) 14. ~nd refinan:::in¡ of the o.......t...x:+-..im of and inprcJvements to the sunnyview I11theran HaDe (22445 Cupertino Road) via Certificates of Participatim. step1en Tabor calh. r<;¡'!!d cwncil and aJ1IDII'O!d that he is available to answer questiŒlS. It was moved t:1.i 0Junc. Gatto, secaùId by 0Junc. lO}arB IIlñ ~"0;-1 4-0 to close the public hearin¡. -3- ': M:INtJI'ES OF 'lEE JÞN1ÞiR¥ 3, 1989, REGUIAR CI'lY CXXJNCIL ME.'I;:TING (CC-7 59) It was mewed by 0Junc. Gatto, aeccnded by CCAmc. Kq:Jpel and pa......ñ 4-0 to r,aaffinll the pœiti.Q1 prwioosly tl<k.an by OJuncil with tho lIL1c¢ioo of Resolutim No. 7695. PlANNI1C APPLICATICIIS 15. Na1e. ARC'HI'l'æIURAL AND SITE APP£UJAL CXHnTl'EE APPLICATICIIS 16. Na1e. UNFINISHED ElJSINESS 17. Na1e. ~ ElJSINESS 18. Request for !Wt:hcrizatim 4;0 sen:i 0Jpertin0' s ~~. IV .....1 to Gill Cable. It was moved by cwnc. ~.., secx:med by 0Junc. Kq:pel and p"'......ñ 4-0 to direct the City Attorney to sen:i a oamteL~..'t":....] and r'8qI-t a respellse fran the cable '""'t"""'IY within 45 days. 19. Request for cwncil authorizatim to urge the Fair EQlitic:al Prac:tices thrni_icn to &-·,..L can:iidates stat.-....tts printed in the sæple ballot trail ~,¥"""itim 73 prohibitim of use of p1blic furœ for øeeJdn;J elective office. It was IIIOII8d by 0Junc. Gatto, ...........dt.d by 0Junc. ~. arñ J?"'-'9d, 4-0 to direct the City Cledt to cx:nt:ac:t the Fair EQlitic:al Prac:tices thrni_iŒl ~ that c::amidate ()Jalificatiaw stat8IIents be e--,I. "- !ran ~. ...,::nd Regulatia118530. 20. Directim regarclin;J trial court fundir.J. Mr. }U)ert ()1inlan of QJpertino inf,,~ ..-'I oux:il that a tentative ...p:..........¡L has been reaå1ed and that m January 10, 1989, the cnmty will meet to CX'I'IS1der ratificatim. other cities involved are aJ..s.> meetin:J this week to CCI'1Sider ratificatim of that ag.............¡L. P--'lb, legislatim ÌJ'I ~'pec:t.ed to deal with certain aspects of the "low tax-no tax" city bill. Mr. ()linlan re<:h......11ded that OJuncil "K'La\Ie the ~.-.d. and notify the cnmt}'. It was IIIOII8d by 0Junc. Gatto, secx:med by 0Junc. Kqp!l and pas~ 4-0 to a¡:prave the ~. ~sed ..,¡l........../L for the 55%/45% split arñ direct that the cnmty be notified. -4- · · · \ MD«1l'ES OF 'IHE Jl\NUAR'l 3, 1989, IŒGJI.AR Cl'IY axJNClL h!:.I:;J:.LI'G (œ-759') cwncil act1m was subject to Si...i lAr ac:ticn bein;J taJœ.n by other cities and thE! cwnty. ~'J.'J."Uf CXlMJNICATICNS 21. Mayor Plun;w al1l'D.lnCed that he had received a letter traa the 0Jpertin0 Federated 101 .'. Club, Fri.endII of the Q.Jpertino Library and the Q:pertino Histariœl SOCiety. 'Ihis letter was ref........cl to staff for a .L~L. œDINANCES 22. Na1e. R&9OII1l'IQIS 23. Resol<1tla1 No. 7706: "A Rsso1.uticn of the City cwncil of ti'3 City of QJpertino 9""....LiD¡ the San Franc:iøoo Bay Area Ridge Trail." It was IIICMId by cwnc. lÞJer&, .......cJt.d by cwnc. Gatto an1 r---'-:'I 4-0 to ..c'IL¥l Resolution No. 7706. grJ¡FF ,KUU<U. 24. Oral ...........ts by staff 1._.1«LII and ..,......¡...i.a1 of written .L~ls. CoJnci1 set a pJblic hearinr¡ œgardiD;J Pa1te 85 for 'I" ~, JanJaIy 24, 1589, 7:00 p..., to be held .in City Hall CUJncil o--....ø(. 25. Uþdate m p...~itiŒlS 68 an1 73 - . _..,~ign fUrr:!inI¡. o:unci1 received the ~ L. CXXJIC.'L 1<IStUU7:i 26. ""-n ~ was appointed to 88I:'V8 lIS altcnate to the Int:ergcIYernæn cwncil. At 8:C2 p.m., cwncil adjourned to '1\- jay, Jaruary 10, 1989, 7:00 p.m., Confm......... Rcan A. ----- ,~(~ Ci Cl~ -5-