CC 01-10-89 .. .... CI'IY OF CIJPE:RTIm, STATE OF CALIFœITA 10300 'I~ AVENJE, aJPERl'IJÐ, CA 95014 TEIEHDŒ: (408) 252-4505 KINUl'ES OF 'IHE ADJaJRNED REmIAR CI'IY CWNCIL Mœl'IH:; HErD J1\NUARï 10, 1989, <X:IIFERDa R:X»I A, 10300 '.l~ AVENJE, aJPERl'DI:), c:AI.IPI:Rf.[A œ-759A The meet.ir¥} was called to order by Mayer Plun;w at 7: 05 p.m. ROIL CAlL Cct..ux:. Fr!S' l..~L: Gatto, JciInsa'I, Keppel, ~ (arrived at 7:09 p.m.), Mayor Plun;w staff Pl. E" ,L: City Clerk Oornelius 1. ORAL <XIMJNICATICIIS - Na1e. 2. INl'ERVIDf OF APFL.o!CANre FCR CXHŒSSIŒ/aMnTl'EE V1\CANCIES . Appoint.,",.oIls to thrni....icns and rn-ittees: Fine Arts thrni ....im It _ DDVed by 0Junc. Gatto, aao....d1.4 by cwnc. Jà1nøcn and passsd 4-0 (OUr.. B:)gela -..... ,L) to ðRlCint the ;Ux,n\J~¡ts Sheila Et:tin]er and R/:i)erta Hollimcn. T.iñrëu:v rn-i_.i.m It was JciInsa'I appoint ¡tdtlow. (At 7:09 p.m., cnm::. Rcgers arrived.) moved by 0Junc. Gatto, seo....d1.4 by 0Junc. and ("'ft-sd 4-0 with cwnc. RcgIa1.6 absent, to the ÌJV"III,J ...ts 'Ihe1ma PþItein and Carolyn By CXI'1SelISU3, OJuncil directed that Agnes I.oàmer be asked to oantinue \mta the positim is filled. Recruit::DY...nt pl.' -:'eel'!' will start to fill this positim. Ard1.i.Cec:t:ural and SitP. Aa>roval Ckmnittee J'..; was moved by 0Junc. Gatto, sec:a1ded by 0Junc. Jc::t1nsa1 and ~"'iled unanim::lusly to appoint the :iJx,n.¡ ....¡La wayne Ga'!q and Patricia Jacksa1.. · . MDVl'ES OF 'lHE JJ\NUAR¥ 10, 1989, ADJCX1RNED RmUIAR CIT\C a:orcn. MEZrDÇ (CXJ-759A) Ensrav t"\'"'IIMIIiAliiim It was UI\I8d by Ca.1nC. Joonsm, II8Ca'Ded by 0Junc. ~. and p---'-:" unanimoosly to appoint the imo..·Jo(Qlls J. cœrtenay Heater and JUdy Ki:rlchImt. PlAl"8'\tn:r no-i_i-m It __ UI\I8d by cwnc. Gatto, --"*~ by 0Junc. Jqptl and P"' I èI unanimoosly 'CO ÇPQint the ÍJ'Y'" n,~ .... Ils Dtnùd Maclclmzie, IAural. SuteusEIn, and NiåIolas Szabo. At 9:05 p.m., cwncil adjourned. ~~c...-/ City Cl