CC 01-24-89 ~. CIT'i OF ~, STATE OF c::ALIFCeIIA 10300 '!utQ(t; AVE1roE, aJPERI'IN), CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 MINUl'ES OF '!HE ADJCXJRNED RmJIAR CIT'i CDJNCIL MEFrIN:; HElD JANUþ.Ry 24, 1989, CIT'i HAIL CXXJNCIL Œ1IMBER lOlOO '!utQ(t; AVEmE, crlM:;KJ.'.uÐ, CALIFORNIA œ-76OA '!he meetin;J was called to order by Mayor Pluny at 7: 03 p.m. Courk::. Present: Gatto, Jåmsa1, }(qpel, Rcgers, Mayor P1uny staff PL S .IÍL: Actin;J city Manager Viskovich City Clerk CDmelius Director of n-núty Devel'-P'""'.L cowan City Attorney Kilian ORAL <XIHJNICATICH3 - Na1e. Mayor Pluny :r:evi.-:I 8I/8I1t:s that had occurred during the previCAJS public hearin;Js and the a....Lák.t status of the kuilclin¡ of Highway 85. Came. JåInsa1, Rogers, and }(qpel and Mayer Pluny stated that at this point they ~ the staff reo ........&tia1 as s,,_ittecl. c:1oonc. Gatto said he believed there shculd be no Mary Aven.Je a. . and the ot:her 1IICIV8IIØ1t is the ŒÙ.y ooe that shculd be analyzed. Actin;J City Manager V.iskovich ~ the steps involved in an enviramIental ..-- - It. of the two alternatives. '!he ",n- - -. It. ToICUld be da1e at bath federal arx1 state level and waüd be an l8 to 24 JD1th }AL' oC' _a. Upa'1 its beir¥1 pointed art: that the General Plan lists Mary AverJJe as a local ..t........t, Mr. Viskcvià1 said that perhaps the circulatiat el......el.t of the General Plan woold need to be intezpreted and perhaps General Plan Amer,,;h......L hearings oculd bP. h61d siDultanecusly to the envh..........atal ..~-~~ }AL' O"""a. '!he amer.dlu.a.L waüd CXl\Sider designating Mary as a collector or arterial, if neoes~~>y. -l- MDIDI'ES OF 'IHE JANUARY 24, 1989, ADJCURNED REX;UIAR Cl'IY a:xJNCIL MEEI'IN:> (0::-760A) will KeIIpta1, of the Traffic Authority, verified that the l8-24 mr::nth estimate for envh....c=..l.al review was ao::urate in gene..."ëÙ. Mary Avenue "."""""a woold have an hp'ct m I"""",..atim lams. 'Iherefore, the plO<-'a is mre il'Vol."Jed ard it can add time to the envh.........jl.al ~.O"""'ð. If the Mary Avenue alternative is elbninated ard the focus is m "no aooees" , the ,,~--""'IØ1'\t time co.ùd be I""'h'Ced to ~"""'i"""tely 6-12 Da1tns. Dooq sta1e, Fl=o.Jl.t un1m P.igh SdJ001 District, introduced --..¡ .eIB of the District who were pl: s'!mt. He stated that as a board, they felt they have been left art: of the 1-'L' -:--a. '!be school board did ccn:iuct a hearin;J m Deo:-·J.er 6, 1988, \oIhicb was attended by Bert Visia:wich. Mr. sta1e stated that the board does not feel that their quest1CX1S were answered. He "",hftittecl tinnnnør¡ts pertaj.nin¡ to that school boarà meet:in;J arx1 the minutes of that meetin;J . Marshall Goldman, QJpertino resident, told Courk::il that this is a very E!lDJtia1al issue. He felt it was the oouse.BUS of citizens arx1 "'W""'t"ecl to have the Sl.JW<Al of SCIII8 Camei, "IØI.¡ .ers, that put:tin;J an off-rcmp in a nei.ghbort1ood is not in keepin;J with the CY'OmIInúty. Q1e co.ùd always acquire mre infozmatim, however, peq>le are affected by the lack of a dec::isim. Mr. Goldman c. .,.._, üe.l Mr. viskovicb for his "--ibility. He stated that there is not a case to be made for massive traffic if the "no ~a" is awraved. It is just that the City has always had that particular ~a. He stated he has a gut fee1in;J that there woold be minimal i~. He suggested msthcds of mitigatim inc:lu:liD;¡' widaninq the bridge 0II8r 280 m DeAnza Eb.ùevard arx1 a "flyt:Jller" into DeAnza Qill.ege. He urged Courk::il to r......"..L Mary Aveme for now ard requested a1ly the ''no ~a" envira1IIIenta1 ".a--__.·jL. 'Ihen, if net' ~-!'ry, go back ard look at Mary AverJ.Je. R:oI1"h\ra lllowsky, 21363 Dexter, ð.lh-~9d Courk::il regardin;J It.em No. 6 in the Performance Agl,écauoaIL. 'Ibis i~ pertained to scurd walls. She stated that the attaåled map shews scurd walls a1ly m part of the ",t.........t alcrç the r.. suay. She had been told that the m1S9S need to be c1irect1y adjacent to the fi. N/aY for scurd walls. She stated that the area where Highways 280 and 85 cross is the area wit.'1 the greatest noise i"t"""'t. She urged that scurd walls be p.¡t all alcrç the roadway as per the exhibit she -2- MINUI'ES OF 'IHE JANUARY 24, 1989, ADJCXJRNED REX;UIAR CI'l"l o::xJNCIL MEETING (œ-760A) sukmitted. She said that she had been told the sam:i walls were negotiable and that Saratoga had sam:i walls all alcn:1 the way. She urged that Courk::il mcxli.fy the pE:... iœ:manœ ðyu:.::wcut before signin:¡' it. Judy Slana, 21398 Meteor Drive, said that hcmas are the pecple I s sanctuaries. She expressed OClloeln ragardln:J noise pollutim. She stated further that off-raap noises are not CXI'1Stant arñ, therefore, are more disrupting than the noise of a regular fl. ~/aY. She stated that qJality of life shculd be the first priority and m:winq traffic the seocni priority. She urged Cameil to guard the envh............tt of children. Jåm Vidovich, Mary Avenue, requested that Cameil nJœ a decision tcn1ght arñ that l'Ùa("isim should be to have a Mary Avenue off-nmp. He stated that SUnnyvale pecp1e want Mary Avenue 1:hroogh. '!be off-nmp ('Qùd prevent the need to ¡:Art: Mary 1:hroogh. He stated that an analysis will shaw that Mazy Avenue _u~.. to go thrc:u;¡h. A vote of the rnmonUty at large will make the decisim for the l'Y'ftOI'InUty as a whole. sœ-..e Patt, 21346 am.ford Drive, stated that truly it ~d not DO "no !looe<''1'", D.tt 75% acness. '!be i.....Je is Mary Avenue versus 75%. He stated that Mary AvenJe is not a 4- lane :ccad, D.tt is ac:tually 2-3 lanes. Mary oooùd handle the J.ncrease in traffic, D.tt can the neighboJ:b:xd? He felt that an in::rease is not desirable '!be i9SUe as he sees it is :incxrtvenience a1C8 a day. Mr. Patt '""'t'L: agd ootloeLll regarding traffic i"""ct m other ..t.........ts. DeAnza Boulevard is an 8-lane road in the area that ~ be affected: the traffic will decrease Wen 85 is l::ui1t. Mr. Patt stated œ ccuntecl the exit traffic frcm 85 to stevens creek Eb.ùevard mic:h was 340 cars per hair in the a.m.: 316 mid-œy: and 560, 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. He stated this was not encugh cars to warrant an exit. 'lhis 7'"1111....... of cars ~d rot have IIUc:h i"t"""t m DeAnza, D.tt a lot m Maxy Avenue. He stated that the prå)lEIII with the reo· .,..-.1datia1. is that an envira1ment:al i"""rot:. study~ be J-ro«! m projectiCX1S and assI.IIIptia1s. He ~-aOO the cpinim that that particular _~ft is not ns -iar). He has heard both "no solutiCX1S" and ''no cost-effective solutiCX1S" regardin;J right-of-way. He asJœd which was <::..u.u:....'"t arx1 what do they mean. He was in1'l,,,,,,,,,i that cost-effective pertains to viable oolutiCX1S for the price. In regard to the SUIC.1:JeBt1m that the off-nmp be one l.:me rather than two, Mr. Patt was informed that the projected volume requiJ:es two lanes. Withoot two lanes, the traffic ~d stack m the alts1de lane of 85 which ~d make ingress arx1 egress difficult. -3- MmJl'ES OF 'mE JANU1\RY 24, 19B9, ADJ~ RmJl},R c:rrí CXXJNCIL MEETIN:; (0::-7601\) Mr. Patt stated that when pEq>le talk abaIt cost, they should L-,-..J.er ..mo's pay~. '!be decrease in the hcIIIeowners' pJ:q)erty values is also a cost. He felt this was not reasonable. He felt that the City should insist that CalTrans try to ~ a1e lane frail 280 to 85 and Iœep the CU1.1E!ltt """,""",,,a c:p!n, see what héq:.pe!1S and Iœep evaluatirq the situatim. art Avery, of Avery O:I1stnIctim in }bmtain View and owner of Glenbrook AparcDents Œ1 Mary Avenue, stated that he OŒ1cun:'ed with the need far SCUI'Xl walls. '!be ..t......ot does not stq> any noise. FraIl casa DeAnza to the oaJœ Shq::p~ Center, a wall is _u-w:!. Mr. Avery said there will be 16 times more SCUI'Xl frail Mary than the freeway if there is a Mary Avenue off-rcmp. MiJœ 8.ù.lock, 21831 HeJ:mc6a, thanked Courk::il for dL"-M'in;J the M::C1ellan Road alternatives. He requested that Courk::il also drcp the Mary Avenue alternative. Mr. 8.ù.lock felt the City should rei:øb.m;e the expeMitures of the neighborhcod for sbYiies da1e. He stated he did see &aile prå)lEIIIS with the ''no a~a" alternative. He urged Courk::il not to sign any ðyL.........ILs right now arx1 that there is no:rea&a'l to SlJ¡:.pOSe settinq aside $2 millim will solve the prå)lem. He asked what projects the Cameil was agreein;J to; no project has been~. He """'i-'L -ad ocnfus1a1 regard:in;J the envh.........¡l.al "'~~-.......It and awleme11tal envh.........d.dl i"t""rot L~l. He stated in the past, CalTrans has da1e <!I~-r--·.ls that said no ..,1ft'l--·.l.al EIR is ne<'E!"..?'t)'. He did not want this to hø~~. again. Mr. 8.ù.lock """'i-'L-'5'ed ~-m regarc:lin;J the potential i"t""l't m DeAnza Eb.ùevard. He reviewed ~ies of a San Jose MeraIly News clippin;J ~ }AL"l.Csed deIrel..~_"ut. oc:mirg in 10 ,~ Valley and QJytJte Valley if Highway 85 is iDpl~d..e:i. Mr. 8.ù.lock stated that a SlJR)l~¡l.al Envh.........d..al T"t"""t Rq...u.llllJSt be da1e. It shaùd CXl\Sider traffic with Highway 85 tuilt and also with a no brl1d situatim. Jàm Sà:lrato, l0600 North DeAnza Eb.ùevard, said that industrial areas need ..~a, He synpathized with the Mary Avenue haDeowners arx1 ~..&J that this was a very E!IIDtiŒ1lÙ i~"'Je. Mr. Sà:lrato stated that Mary has the capacity far additia1iÙ traffic; it was oriqinally planned to go thra.1gh to SlInnyvale. He believed that the fun:is for that were diverted to the Tantau Averue 0IIel:'Cr0SSin;J when Valloo was tuilt. He felt Courk::il 11; .".. to give staff a pI'efer'n'd altemative. He urged Courk::il to make a decisiŒ1 so everya¡e cx:W.d make plans. -4- HINtJI'ES OF '!HE JANUþ.Ry 24, 1989, AIlJaJRNED RmJI.AR crI"i cnJNCIL ~ (0::-760A) Bill Geun; erich ot ~-aurex and resident of 0Jpertin0, stated that MeIssurex has ðWl.......i""'tely 900 8Iplayees: """"""a is of interest to the rYWIt"'TIY. He felt ther8 was no alternative to a Mary AveI'1..Ie off-ræp. He stated that such an off-rëmp wculd serve the entire t'Y'OIWIItnUty. Brian Bad1man, manager of Just Fresh, urged Cœncil t;.:) take a careful look at the \od1ole t'Y'OIWIItnUty. '!he restaurant's existeooe is threatened by lack of ~"""""a. Doug Bowie, stevens creek Bo.1levard, JMA P............Lt.ies, expressed BUß:'~ L for the Mary Averuæ off-ræp. He stated it was good pl.annin;J to have that ."""""a. I.i.roa Hayes of M.Jtorola also sua- ... Led the Mary Aver1.18 ."",,*,f.', as did Kathy Nunes, manager of '!he 0I!ùœ Shcg>ing Center . OIarles Ni'I-'1 of Vallco stated that .,..,..,.,. to steYww creek Bo.1levard was vital and SI~Led Mazy Aver1.18 &:> _a it no other is lIV"Ii lAhle. Den stebbins, Hewlett Packarã, expressed the cpiniat that it is bIp:n:tant to IID\Ie traffic in an efficient IIIIIJ1nBr and that stevens creek Eb.ùevard direct ."""""a is iDpartant. Mr. SObrato told Courk::il that they wculd liJæ to hear its prefea::ellOé tcrUght. Ernie Bcaelli, Nathanson Aver1.18 and an EIIplay8e of lfatlett Packarã, stated that the gent!eaan fraa Hewlett F8ckard was not speakiJ'q for all eaplayees. He told Courk::il that they ooold not get 100% of the infomatim: they PL·I...~y have 95%. 'Iberefare, he urged COun:il to 1IBke a '-'i.1a1. He stated that with a Mary Averue .,..,..,.,a, mare than 200 haIIes wcu1d be affected and suffer ~.....iatim. He said that Hewlett Packard is a lag way fraD Mary Averue. Mr. stebbins clarified that he was not here m a personal basis, but had been asked by the General MaMger to l~ Sb,LL Hewlett Packarã at the hearing. RàJelt owens, Meteor Drive, stated that "no """""'e" was not "no ".........'S'" . '!be questim is hew many going to ....-aurex and Valloo were really affected. He urged Cameil to decide at the "no ..,."....,a". later m, if it's -- ~M, Mary Avenue wculd still be there and ooold be investigated at that time. -5- MINl1I'ES OF '!HE .JANUARY' 24, 1989, ADJaJRNED RmJlAR CIT'i axJNCIL MEE.TIN:; (0::-760A) A..--tinq City Manager viskavich stated that if Oouncil looks a1ly at the "no ~a" alteznative, then finds ~ it does not 1IiIt'Iñt arx1 then looks at Mary AvenJe, it will lerqthen the priX -.n_. Mr. KBIpt:cn, frc.m the Traffic Authority, stated that the Authority owld ¡.4.' <-'d am c:p!n that port1m of the freeway apPhu..i-tely 1992-93 am see if there is an i"l""'"'t arx1 then look at sc.methin3 else. }bo....JN A expires in 1995 am the fun::iinq scurce ~d be jEq)ardized. In respcllSe to a quest1cn fran Cameil, Mr. Viskcvic::h stated that an Envh............tal T~ Rq...u.L owld adch. - soum levels, however, usually higher volume equals higher noise level. tJpa'I bein;J asJœd if anather Courk::il owld overnù.e the CU1.u,..L Cameil '-'iliJia1, the City Attorney respc:I'Ided that he was not awaœ of CalTrans' }AL. <-a; however, shculd anather Courk::il make a different ãecisim in the future, if it were not too late, he was sure that ðec-isim ~d be taken into consideraticn. RàJert DeHart, of DeAnza College, B.ated that the college had been planned for diIect a~'I' fraD øary Avenue and a widenin:¡ of stellinq Road. He stated he does not feel "no é!~9" is a soluticrn. Too many peq!1e are t.ryin¡¡ to get to DeAnza College, bath students and these attendinq t'Y"OmI1nity activities. A "flycver" wuld be advantagecus, ha.Iever, he has been told it was too expensive arx1 such things are not ocnstzucted for just cne institut1m. It was IIICIIIed by Courk::. Jåu1sal, seccndecl by Oounc:. Gatto and [""aaed unaJÚDDJsly to close the pJblic hearinq. lID ~xo;: 9:00-9:12 p.m. Courk::il di ~'esed the staff rec:> ........-.datim. The City Attorney informed Cameil that sb::Ju1d they make a decisim, the envira1menta1 ""-oo--¡t ~d still have to CXl\Sider "no "\<:."Ç''''e''!I" regardless of what that tiA(-isim may be. It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, seccndecl by Courk::. JÐ; ers and the DÐt1m I""""'9d with Came. ~l and Mayor P1uny clissentin] to delel.:e Mary Avenue as an alternative to be CCI'ISiderecl. Courk::il directed that a flyove.r into DeAnza College """"t"JS arx:l the ¡:ut:tin:J thrcugh of Mary AvenJe to SUnnyvale be stOOied. -6- MINUTES OF !HE JANUARY 24, 1989, ADJaJRNED REX;UIM CIT'i COONCIL MEE:l'JR; (œ-760A) Di""""1SSion followed regarding the ~'\,,-sed PerfODllal'De J\g1:e&..cuL. By 0CI'1SE!I'1SUS, Cameil stated that I~ No. 14 pertaining to mitigatim -"'IreS, shalld be maen::Ied to read: '''!he Traffic Authority ~L 'eE' to provide fUrñin¡ not to '""""eecl $3 million for related local street iDprcyements to replace the loss of ,.~a in a IIIltually acx...vlable manner. " In regard to samd walls (I~ No.6), Mr. KsIIpta'I of the Traffic Authority inf.., ..At'! Cameil that where samd ~.. 62 dB, the Authority will attEmpt to provide mitigatim. ~ detailed noise studies will be da1e. In Saratoga, preliminary studies shai that IIIX'e noise at:tenJation is required. It was suggested that the E!Jdúbit be augmented. Mr. KsIIpta'I stated that it may not oœpletely shai where samd walls JJIlJ.y occur, hcwever, he oculd not reo:. .,-'Vi to the Authority that they er :- their standards. Courk::i1 clarified they were not requestin; that. In regard to I~ No. 12 of the "":fL........../L, Mr. KøIpta1 stated that the Authority will endeavor to adhere to their sd1edule arx1 c:p!n each .....;j..-.l ocn::urrently. If that is not possible, he will CXIIIe back. However, if Courk::il wishes to p.xt in a stat:c...c..L that when the 8e'J..-..L thro.Igh 0Jpertin0 is da1e and the rest cannot be oœpleted m sd1edule, the 0Jpertin0 sect1m w::W.d be opened, he w::W.d not cbject as lmq it states that is the intent bIt not a l'Y'ftWIIitJDe¡tt. Mr. KøIpta1 inf... ...Ad Courk::il that in regard to I~ No. 15 of the ~.......... L, he believed that san Jose has signed that partim of the ~.......... L, bIt the kind of int:eråIarge still J1 g ~.. to be loolœd at. Actin:¡ City MaMger ViskDvid1 told Courk::il that in oertaJn areas of 0Jpertin0 there is a miniDJm 22 ft. -'1;"11. 'Iheøe areas will probably not have l~ping in the -'li"11 bIt just almq the ootside of the corridor. However, -'Ii..., lant1""""'l'in:J oculd be loolœd at if the city wishes it. Mr. KsIIpta'I eq:tIasized that there are restrictiCX1S m ~""Ire A funds fraD the ballot -""Jr8 and that any mitigating -o:ures III.ISt be directly related to Highway 85. Mr. Viskovich ini...........d council that in regard to I~ 15, the ~ CXI1figuratim of the interå1an:Je will be ~ S,IIted for final review. Mr. KsIIpta'I stated that the intent is that the interå1an:Je will not be funded until Courk::i1 a¡:proves the design. -7- MINUl'ES OF 'IHE J1\Nl1ARY 24, 1989, ADJaJRNED RmJIAR CI'IY axJNCIL MEETIN:; (œ-760A) Dj .U'''-im followed reç¡arc:1iJg wordinq that '-'OUld eazmark furK:1s for the ~; hcMeYer, Mr. ReIIpta1 stated that such wordinq '-'OUld prt: this as the most ~ item aIñ no other i """Ie has such wordin;J. It was m:wed by O::mx:. Jàu1sa1, secc:nBi by O::mx:. Kq:pù and I""'a_-eð unan:iJJøJs1y to I!Idq)t Reøolutim No. 7718 autharizin;¡' executim of the Perfœ:mance ~.........jl æœndecl as follows: I~ No. 12 to state that shcW.d the seccn:l "'"9'-. tt. be delayed in OCIIPletia1 for a time pericxi of fN8r six Da1ths, the first -cp-..l '-'OUld be open to traffic. I~ No. 14, first paragra¡n - deleted. 5eoad paragra¡il to state, "'D. Traffic Authority _ u to provide furñin) not to e,) }.' ~ $3 mill1m for related local ..t......et bproYements to repl- the loss of _~a in a DUtually a.~.lable manner." I~ No. 15, to clarify that the Traffic Authority _ r to fun.i an ~ at saratoga-sunnyvale Road ..men the City approves the ~ CQ1figuratim. It was IIIaII8d by COJnc. Gatto, eeocllded by Courk::. a.gers and I""aagd unani:aD.1sly to cd.¥l Rss:lutial No. 7717 autharizin;¡' e:xecutia1 of the n. v-y ~___.t. Mr. ReIIpta1 gave an CIII8rView of the tiE line far oœpletim of Hi.gtJ.1ay 85 and the remainin;J ¡.Ct.. <" -. 'Ihe IIIeE!tin:j was adjoozned at 10:30 p.m. /- / ,. /? -~/......,/..:. City ClElIit ' -8-