CC 02-06-89 · CITY OF C1JPERI'IN:), STATE OF CA:LIFC:eITA 10300 'Iut<t<I:; A~, CIJPERl']N), CA 95014 TEIEFH:tŒ: (408) 252-4505 0:-761 MDVlES OF '!HE ~ CI'1Y CXXJNCIL ftUa"uG HElD FEERJ1I:æ{ 6, 1989, CIT'i H1úL CXXJNCIL aÐIMBER 10300 'IUt<t<t; AVEKJE, CDPERl'IH>, CAL1JItIIŒA '!he meetin;J was called to order by Mayor Plungy at 6:50 p.m. SAllJI'E 'ro 'IHE FIJoG !<OIL CAlL Came. Pi BeotJt: Gatto, JåInsa1, Mayor Pluny Counc. Absent: ~, Rogers · staff IlL silL: City Manager Da'1ald D. Brown City ClElIit eu.....lius Director of Public Works v.iskoviå1 Assistant to the City MaMger Brown Director of l"nmlmity Dev8l~1t. Ocwan Director of Finance snyder Director of Parks and Ra.........cltim Dcwlin::J City Attorney Kilian ~ - Na1e. -. CEREM::IIIAL K\nncs - ~Q S PIoclamatiCX1S ~ Ryam Taylor, I.am'a JllDiler aM Tc::I1y Barnes of DeAnza-Q.¡pertim Aquatics. '!he Mayor presented Weiler arx1 Ryam achievements . wally Dean of DeAnza-Q.¡pertim Aquatics LI1..L. .ilvWI Rewa Davis, the swimnin;J oœd1. ~] .......tiCX1S to Tc::I1y Bames, Laura Taylor in lêOOgllitim of their æAL <XHUIICATICH> JOBeIi1 Brown, D.V.M. , 20985 ~ 'I'J:8e Lane, aeJo:h. -ad Cameil regaItÏin:J the pr-_a for choosin::J the site for -1- · . MDIUI'ES OF 'IHE F'EI'RJARY 6, 1989, RmJIAR c:TY CXXINCIL ME:El'IN:; (CX::-7 61) DeAnza College (vehicular accessibility) am t.'1e Cuu....,L lack of i'rY'<>aa which will be heightened with the decisim regardin;J off raup;I fraD Higta./ay 85. Go..J.... Frolich, 1202 Belknap cnJrt, &lh-~oo cnmcl1 regarding Highway 85 northba.md to stevens cræk Eb.ùevard. He revil!ll'ecl his notes fraD the last Highway 85 PJt¡lic hear!."¥} arx1 his expezience Œ1 the l'Y'ftWIIittee reviewinq varioos~. He asIœd if Courk::i,.. I...... Jå1nsa1 and ~ wolld reoc....lder their votes --.--, clirect flycver to DeAnza """I"IS was not an c:ptiat. He ~ HI.ted a cqJy of his stat.......c..Ls for Courk::il. . DŒ1 Frolim, 22276 Hartmam Drive, urged that council reooll..ider the Mazy AveruJe optim delet1m. ~Te stated that his request was not r- ~'~~ri1y su¡:p:.l.t fa.: the ~, just the request for reo.......ideratiŒ1. Mr. Froliå1 felt there is an envh..........d..al i.....:¡e involved and urged that no doOJ:s be closed in fin:iinq a solutim. Arm Arqer, President of the Ib1ta vista ~u. It. "a~iatia1, also recpestecl that Courk::il rec::a...ider their actim. May Parr, 7412 Wildflawer Way, stated that at the Jli<I-Y 85 public heariJq conducted at Ib1ta vista High Så1ool, 8bø had received the 1,.... 1m that "no .~~" was not an optim. She ~ that Courk::il close Wildflawer at the point 10bere ther8 is C1u.L.../Uy a traffic å1oJœr. Ms. Parr stated that the area has bee> ..- a short 0It to avoid Saratoga-&.mnyvale lad and st:q>lights. '!he last traffic stu:iy was dale in 1985; ~ have occurred. CCUncil requested that staff 0CIIIIEi! back with a L~l ani that Ms. Parr be notified ~ this is sd1eclu1ed. cxmmr CAInIDrIR Conoent Calendar It was 1IICIIed by came. Gatto, s..c...dt.d by Courk::. JobueOaI arx1 I""......... unanimcusly (3-0) to ~ the a.. I Il Calendar as ..nhftittecl. . 1. ResolutiŒ1 No. 7719: "A Resolutim of the City 0:IuT.ci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowirg' certain O..i- ani Demands Payable in the AIInmts and Frc.m the f\D'ds as Hereinaft.eõ. Described for Genercù. '.nd Misoe1lanecus ExpeIili.tures for the Period Erñin;J J~ 13, 1989." -2- MINtJl'ES OF 'IHE FEBR11;RY 6, 1989, RmT.1l\R CIT\( CXXJNCIL ME:E:rm:; (0::-761) 2. Reso1utiat No. 7720: lOA Resolutia1 of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 AlJ.owin;J certain Claims and DI!IIBnds Payable in the Amamts and fraD the ~ as Hereinafter Described for salaries arx1 wages for the Payroll Per1cd Enr:iin; JarJ.JaIy l7, 1989. n 3. Resolutim No. 7721: "A Resolutia1 of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 AllCJWin] certain C·lAi.... and Dt!IIIIuùI Payable in the AmI:u1ts and FraIl tæ ~ as Hereinafter 1><W7:ibecl for General and MisoellaneaJs E>4-d.Jitures for the Period Ending JaraJaZy 27, 1989." 4. Request frca Friends of the Q.Ipertino Librazy for waiver of business license fees far 1989. 5. Resolutia1 No. 7722: "A Resolutia1 of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 MIIkinq Detmminatia'IB and Appravin;J the AnnBxatia1 of Territory Designated 'Granada Avwue 88-10', At¥L...rI-tely 0.21 Acre IDcabId m the south Side of Granada AvenJB !letbrean øym. Avwue an:} orarqe Avwue, Reqis L. Bciùin CAR{ 357-16-(22)." 6. Ccnfhmatim of namin;J the ""'-nüty C81t:er at Stellinq JbiId and Alves Drive the Rebert. W. Quinlan (nmo11Ú.ty oent:er . 7. Mill"" for A.....~ filed by Marian crum. R&>.-.-.-1ðecl for rejec:tia1. 8. (" ..i. for rt.'--.J8S filed by Jeannøtta H..A..... R9<> - àecl far rejec:tia1. 9. (" ..i. for ..t.... }II filed by JciIn 'lYler adt&alu:8h. po.. - ~ far rejec:tia1. lO. C'}..i. for ..t...._JIIS filed by Trc7f R. Jenkins. Reo:- -.dt.d far rejectim. 11. MirI1tes of the Regular Meetinq of JaøJary 3, 1989. 12. MirI1tes of the AdjaImecl Rsgular Meeting of JaJ"IJð%Y lO, 1989. 13. MirI1tes of the Regular Meetinq of Jar1IiRY l7, 1989. 14. MirI1tes of the AdjaImecl Regular Meeting of JaJ"IJð%Y 24, 1989. -3- MINt1l'ES OF 'IHE FEERlAR'i 6, 1989, REX;UIAR CI'lY CXXJNCIL MEETIN:; (0::-761) 15. Resolutim No. 7723: "A Resolutim of the City ccmx:il of the City of 0Jpert.in0 1\a::IeIpt:iJ'J Grant of --_..t for ~ Pu1pcs:'9S fraD Kenneth s. MzIr\rIIO and ~S'-""Y Ann MIInraO, OCI1Sistinq of ~..ui-tely .01 .!\ereS, Located m ø:clellan Read." 16. ßeøclutim No. 7724: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acoept.Uq OJivbim Deed and Authorizatim for ur.c1b.."",.....md water Rights trail Kto....-th S. MIInraO and øcø -""Y A. ManraO, IDeated m ø:clellan Read." 17. Fee':)}'Lltim N.:>. 7725: "A Reso1utia'1 of the City council of the City of 0Jpertin0 1\a::IeIpt:iJ'J Grant of -..........It for lbIdWay PuLi^-ies trail craig A. Clark and 0Iee wan Lee, CkrSistirg of ~.yI-te1y .02 Acres, IDeated m the Sa.1t:hwest Corner of orange Averut and Alcazar Averut." 18. Reso1utim No. 7726: "A Nssol\lt1a1 of the City ccmx:il of the City of 0Jpertin0 J\o....:",,1..in;J ()1iv,·dm Deed and Authorizatim for tJn::JørgJ:azrñ water Rights fraD craig A. Clark and Q1ee wan Lee, IDeated m the Sa.1t:hwest O""..,:á. of 0ran:JI! AverJJe and Alcazar AverJJe. II ~ 19. AI· ",.I..aooe of umicipal iDp:oYements: Tract No. 7993, seven ~ (No "'...V \L Lirg documerJt:atia1 nee 8a!irY.) 20. Rar-:Jutia'1 No. 7727: "A Resolutia'1 of the City ccmx:il of tbe City of 0Jpertin0 ~ Faroel Map and ~..,.._It. Plans of ~..,..erty IDeated at 19930 and 19936 St.e\IeIIS CI:8ek BculElllaI'd: DøYelcpr, st...¡i~ Gazzera, Jr. and Peq:Jy J. Gazzera, Autharizin¡ ExBc:uti.a1 of ~..,..--'It ~_ít: AJ.1t:harlz.irg signin;J of Faroel Map and ~uy........íL Plans." 21. Rsøoluticl1 No. 7728: "A Resoluticl1 of the City ccmx:il of the City of 0Jpertin0 1\a::IeIpt:iJ'J OJit~bi1ll Deed and Authorizatim for ~ water Rights trail stq.I.en Gazzera, Jr., south Side of stevens creek Baùevard, Fast of Blaney AverJJe." 22. Resolutim No. 7729: "A Resoluticn of the city ccmx:il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autharizin¡ ExeClItim of 'CIrIb:!Ictual PravisiŒ1S' with SàIaer AsBO"'iates, Inc. for Professicnù Services Relative to the Awœ:oøo Claim. " -4- MINtJI'ES OF 'IHE FEBR1JARY 6, 1989, RmJIAR CI'lY CXJNCIL MEE:rIN:; (0::-761) 23. Reso1utim No. 7731: "A Reso1utim of the City QJuncU of the City of CUpertino ~ing CattIact Ow¥; e Order No. 2 far ~ellan 1Ðad Widening frail Clutin1se lane to Mira Vist:I! Avenue, Project 4020." I'I'FH) REHJIJED FR:M ~1I' CAI»m.\R - Na1e. RJBLIC HFARn¡:;S 24. ~l of the decisim of the Envh.............La1 Review CcmnitteR to require pnparatiCl'1 of an Envil............Lal T"t""rot Repœ.L for a PL' ...<sed 87-spaoe recr_tia1al vehicle park at the northwest corner of Stevens creek Eb.ùevard and Stelling 1Ðad: A¡:plicatiCX1S ll-Z-88, 43-FA-88 and 32-tJ-88 - DeAnza Residential SUites. said arP""'" is pJrSUant to City Council Resolutim No. 6298. Director of ChmII"'Iity Devel..¥_uL COWan reviewed his L"¥,,,-L with Cameil. Di .......'a9im follcwecl regaràing the zaú.zJ;J a¡::plicatim's OCI'1fozmnoe with the General Plan as it CUlL""'Uy exists. John Vidav1ch, a¡:plicant, told Council that dealing with deve1"'l...cuL at that locatim has been a lCD] }AL..(......a. At PI': s _IL, the land is """".....ðl planned for private art:door rec:reatiCl'1 use. He has been W"...__1 such use oculd be for profit. In regard to cx:nt.raYersy, perhaps the type of CXXJtrcversy regarding deve1..........,L of that piece of pr'Cp!X"ty is the definitim whiå1 .....,1tt J:EICJ1ire an envira1aørt:al i"P"rot ..~L. Hr. Vidovich said that all vehicles have fuel. In the case of a ~ vehic1e park, exhaust is not prMl1œd as the vehicle is not 1IICIVing. In œgard. to ~- and use of fuel, that is also being dcne at the park. '!he noise potential .....,1tt rEICJ1im a l"¥,,,-L. In regard to aesthetics, the -ile vehic1e park 10ICUld be cJq...~-st:l witb berms. In œgard. to use pendt i__, Hr. Vidovich cited other large projects that did not need EIRs. '!be Plannirg ChmIi....im l"EIIICJ\/ed rec.leatiCl'1al wh1cle parks frail the Za1ing designatim as exists CI'1 this parcel after this a¡::plicatiCl'1 had been filed. Hr. Vidovich said that althaJgh the recreatim vehicle park is not his preferred use, it is the best use he can thin.1c of UOOer the CUll",uL General Plan designatim. It was IIIaII8d by Came. Jobnsa1, seocnded by Courk::. Gatto and I"''i'sed UJ1alÚJIIOOsly (3-0) to close the public hearing. -5- 11-Z-88, 43-EA-88, an, 32-U-88 (RV park) Public hearini closed . App, 3l-U-88, Donald Lucas . . MINt1l'ES OF '!HE FEBRUARY 6, 1989, RÐ::;()V,R CIT1l CXXINCIL MEZl'DC (œ-761) It was DDYØd by Ccu1c. Jc::tInsa1, secx:n:!ed by Came. Gatto am I"'a--.i Ul'1IUÚJIn1sly (3-0) to grant the 'IW""" and refer the project to the Envh..........,Lal RsviEllof l"nmIittee for f()CI1M"\ initial study aM.ù.b: -~in3 mitiga~ _IIIJreS as per staff L~ l. Came. Gatto stated far the ~d that he was actin;J with the a.ssuapt:ia1 that the awlicatim as }AL S .rt..ed was ðwLv¡.u.1ate acoordin;J to the exis'cirg General Plan. PIANNDG APPLICATICH> 25. Appl1catia'1 31-{]-88 - Dcnùd Tnt''''''' - Request for ~ of a use pezmit to ocnvert the prior savilçs and loan portica of an existin::J mildin:¡ of lO,OOO sq. ft. to administrative office use and to allow outdoor di"lplay of aut:c:m:lbiles for advertisin;J ~CS9S: located at the sart:hwest ............. of stevens creek Eb.ùevard and Finch AverJJB. EnvirtnDental DeteDdnatim: 'Ibe PlarInirg ~iaAia1 NI,,····_lm the grantin;J of a Negative Dec:'laratim. Reo· ·,··-ded far Appraval. Director of (hmo"Ú.ty Devel.."1.....ut cowan reviewed his L~L ani actia1s of the Plamin:¡ l"nmIi ....1m with the City Courk::il. D:n TIV">O", awl1cant, defined "leasing" for Courk::il arx1 the type of operatim he planned far that locat.iat. PapeJ:wadt in regard to the leasin;J of autc:mc:biles WOIùd be done at the ~ office. Mr. Tn....... ,«"ùd be willin;J to maJœ that ocnditim part of the ~wal. City Attamey Kilian reo··· -ded adding a ocnditim of "WLwal that the use pezmit is beinq ....~.....m subject to an..".. IL beinq eaœcutecl that lease ~ .ls are signed in the 0Jpertin0 office. Mr. T'V">09 clarified that the leasin;J part of his b.1sj---:le is a separate ~~ate stzucture. He infw..-:l Courk::il that he cculd ClÙY speak regardin;J l--Is that he is in ........t.......l of and can do within his financ:in;J stzucture. In these part1cul.ar situatiCX1S, the lease 00çI""""1ts will be signed in CUpertino. Mr. Tnt''''''' ðd:h.-aed C'curr.i1 regardin;J certain PllU1l1inq ChmIill$im ocnditiCX1S and requested c::i1an3es in ccnlitiCX1S 14, 15, am 18. Mr. Hollis Logue, arà1itect, requested d1arges to ccnlitials 20, 2l, and 25. -6- · MINt1l'ES OF 'IHE F"EI3RIARY 6, 1989, RÐ:;UIAR CIT'i CUJNCIL MEETIN:; (0::-761) MarX Wang', 10079 craft Way, CUpertino, President of the Vill.a Oo,,,Msae. Hc.meowners .~sociatia1, stated that he felt that the stOJ:y had chan;¡ed since the original applicatim had been filed and he questicned ~t the use of the ptq)E!rty will be. Mr. wen¡ ~ -~9d oa~ regardiJ'x) a reliable enfOI..............,L mechanism am. did not feel that the fines for viol.atiCX1S of cx:niitiCX1S wculd be high enc:u;¡h to keep viol.atia1S fraD J:eœx:m-rirq. He stated that there is a Plamecl Devel'-P"'"'Jt zatirq at that parcel arx1 it is BI+¥=roo to be office use. He felt that the leasirq of aut:cm:biles was beyand the zari.rJ; designatiat and ~ -~9d ocnoe:L~. regardin;J privacy am. noise intrusim. Mr. Wcrç stated that the oaÙl..a in the neighborin;J devel~Jt are three stories and b.1i1t right at the ptq)E!rty line. He did not feel that aut.cm::biles shculd be left in the lot as that is not 0CI'1S1stent with the area. He also felt the hoo.rs of operatim that were beirq ~:- ····_'Ided were too leD}. He urged that no business be allowed to be oc:nfucted m 5un:iayB. All cx:niitiCX1S shculd be subject to review at any tiE the neighbors OCIIplain. He did not see a ocrIditim that prohibited the clea."Ùn:J arx1 repairin; of autcmcbil_ at the site and requested sud1 a ocrIditim. Mr. Wcrç also expI:'~~9d .......lOEIll' regardirq autcmcbile al.aIm noise. In regard to OCI1ditim No. l6 pertainirq to lightirq, he did not know haw lightirq cwld be shit>'Mñ frail adjacent ~""l""Lt:y. He urged that l~irq aleD} the back of the }AL""l""Llý under rli......'a"'im not be d1an;Jed. Mr. Wcrç }AL s .¡led slides showin¡ the prnYi1llity of the c::aù:IIIiniums to the }AL""l""Llý. Also the t'Y'OIOIII"1ity swiJœdn:.J pool is next to the fence diviclirç the prcperties. Arnold Bakaler, lOO75 Craft Drive, said that the locatim under rli.....'-im is a'I8 block east of Wolfe and stevens creek Eb.ùevard and across fraD the Vallco Financial Center. He felt that tl1ese areas have very dignified office hni1din;p¡ and ~_..- eXb.-.h regardin;J the ~''l,:srd ~ b._. He also ~ -gd oa~ regardin;J the exteznal display of autaacbiles. t 0..-....... Kelly, l0065 Craft Drive, said the }AL''lJCsed activity is different fraD ~t residents I:x:A.Ight into. He felt there wculd be an i"P"ct at privacy and ~ a~ oa~ that in the future, ocniitiCX1S of 8RJI'CMÙ cwld be "upped" . þ Nancy B.In..,ll told Cameil she had just noticed this i~ at the agen1a and ~.....~'9d oa~ regardin;J a ~ of image for the neighWLl.......d, particularly rega.rdirq the cars that wculd be displayed in front of the b.1i1clin;J. -7- · · AI'''. l-V-89. Perr/ & Jones · MINtJl'ES OF 'IHE FEBRJARY 6, 1989, REnJIAR CIT'i CXXJNCIL ~ (0::-761) She did mt believe this would be a¡:praved were it a new !-Ini'din;¡ requestiJ'ç a¡:.praval for dsvel"¥",,,Jl. She e"i-'L 1i'õ'9Ci OCXIOBI'l'1 regard.ing the aesthetics. It was DDVed by cnn:::. Jàmsa1, secc:nied by Courk::. Gatto an:i pe~a.....t unanimcusly (3-0) to ~ the græItiJq of a Negative Declaratim. In regard to o:nli.tim 19, by oc:a'1S8l1SUS, Courk::il deteminød it shoold be worded as PI e . Jted: however, if the sepsrate garage had spaœ, arrÿ aut:aDàJiles in the back lot wculd preferably be stored OIIerTÚght there. It was DDVed by cnn:::. Jàmsa1, secc:nied by Courk::. Gatto and ¡-a....... 1.I1'Ial'ÚJDCUSly (3-0) to approve the awlicatim per Plannin:¡ rnnni....im Resolutiat No. 4128, c!Wlelded as follows: Cco:Utim No. 14 amerded to allow hcurø of b.1siness m Saturday to 5:00 p.m. and hcurs of b.1siness m sunday frail nocI'1 to 4:00 p.m.: o:nli.tim No. 18 amerded to allow fœ1: vehicles displayed: o:nli.tia1 No. 20, first par~at11, shall en1 after the words, "¡JarIdn;J aisle dimensiCX1S" : o:nli.tim No. 20, seooud. par~at11, shall read, "An alternate locatia"l for the st..4.age Wildin; may be identified. . .": o:nli.tim No. 25, add, "'Ihe ~ tl......e plan and arrÿ other ardrltectural c::han]e shall be fcmml1y rev! 9' v" by the Architectural ard site ~ l"nmIittee." Courk::il also -- CA:n:litia1 No. 26 that states, "'Ihe use I""""it is granted a1ly upc:n the ccntitim that all auto leasiD;¡' transact.ia'IS cx:nmctecl by the 8RÜicant shall occur in 0Jpertin0 p.n:suant to a written agl..........tt between the 8RÜ1cant and the City." o:n:titim No. 27 states, "'Ihe awlicant may net clean, }AL~ or service vehicles." 26. Applicatia1 1-V-89 - Perry and JŒ'18S - Reqo-t for "WLuv'2Ù. of a variance frail sect:.icn lO.3 of ordinance l450 to allCM a fra1t setbeIck depth of 15 ft. far a portia"l of the fiaT: yard of IDt 4 in lieu of the 20 ft. required: located a"I the north side of future Villa Haria COJrt, westerly of Rair.::ow Drive and westerly of aJI:b Road. Envh...........Jl.ðl Deteminatia1: categorically EJ.--'I."L. Reo _._.~1ded for A¡:proYa1. (a) Resolutim No. 7730: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::i1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡:proviD::J Variance to Perry and Jmes frail sectim 10.3 of ordinance No. 1450 to Allow a Frart: setback Depth of 15 Ft. for a Portim of the Frart: Yard of IDt 4 in Lieu of the 20 Ft. Required: located m the North Side of F\rt:ure Villa Maria COJrt' Westerly of R.ainbcw Drive an:i westerly of aJI:b Road." -8- MINUI'ES OF 'IHE FEERlARY 6, 1989, ~ CTIY CDJNCIL MEZl'DC (œ-761) It was IIICITEId by Ca.1nc. Jcbnscn, secxnied by Came. Gatto and passed ~ly (3' 0) to "WLU'Je the varian:» per P1aruúng l"nmIi ....im Resoluticn No. 4129 and adept Reøolutim No. 7730. ~ AND SITE APPROVAL CXHC:TI'EE APPLICATICfi9 27. Na1e. UNFINISHED IIJSINESS 28. Na'Ie. Nœ IIJSINESS 29. ~. oy.:nd ameI.œ.....íL to the Q)pertino cable televisim aràinanoe to allow Courk::il to supplement the terms of a CATV operator's fran::hise by a separate ~_ít. (a) First readin¡ of ordinance No. l48l: "An ordinance of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amendin;J sectia1 6.28.030 of the 0Jpertin0 ø.micipal o:œ, Frandùses for l'nIom"11ty Antenna Televisim ~." It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, secc.dod by Courk::. J..¡........ and l""a....... unanimcus1y (3-0) to œad ordinance No. 1481 by title a1ly and the City Clerk's read.in;J to cxnrtitute the first read.in;J thereof. 30. Dates for filiD¡ an ~ for appoinl..ua.ít. to the Library n-ni....ia1; date for interviews an1 appoi.íl..ua. IL. It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, ........decl by Courk::. Jù..-..n and p"---ed UI".aJ'li.....,..,y (3-0) that 8ß)licatiaw for appoi.d.....d:. to the Library l"nmIi....im be reoe1ved through the month of FebIU!u:y and that staff return at the next meetinq, at Ÿ'1iå1 time, date of intetviswB and appoi.íl..ua..l,a will be established. 31. ~-t for . . ····-·1Ls regardin;J CXI\SOlidatiD¡ intercity ~atim efforts into C21e r.ø:ganizatim and financial S'ut¥ \L L far sud1 an 0I'ÇJÐJÚZaticr.. By COIbE'UlSI.IS, Courk::il requested the Mayor to oaœ back with a rec:. ·,·,_·ldatia1. At sud1 time that reo· ·,·,-Idaticn ia sd1eduled m the agerIda, fI.:In:iiJ'g of the organizatim will be OCI1Siderecl. -9- Ii Res, 7730 adop~ed 1st reading Ord. l48l e 2nd reading Ord. l482 Jr g. Ord. 1482 ·eed lst reading Ord. l482 . MINUl'ES OF M ~ 6, 1989, RmJl}.R crT'i <mNCIL MEETIN:; (0:::-761) 32. Ca'laideratim of an \lL~.....Y ordinance re1ocatin¡ a three way step frail WeyJIr:M:h and Rainbow Drive to Rainbow Drive arx1 Yor!œhixe Drive. Go1:.L. Frolich, 1202 Bellmap Court, and George M::ßale, 1210 Belknap Court, requested that Cameil do add the þL' "",sed step sign, not delete the exi..stizç CI18. (a) ReadirJj and enactment of Orcl:inaooe No. 1482: "An Orcl:inaooe of the City Courk::il of the City of CUpertioo Amerñi.rxJ SectiŒl 11.20.030 All Direc:tia1a1 VeÞin'br step at Rainbow Drive an:! Weymcut:h Drive, and Rainbow Drive and YorIœhixe Drive and Declaring the UL~""'Y '!hereof." It was IŒWecl by Courk::. Gatto, seca&J..d by Courk::. Jchnsa1 and poIgeed unarWar:uùy (3-0) to read Orcl:inaooe No. 1482 by title a1ly the City ClElIit's readinq to CXI1Stitute the first r&IIIdin;J thereof. '!he ardinanoe was ammlde.J to add the step sign at Rainbow Drive and YorIœhixe a1ly. It was IŒWecl by 0:Junc. Gatto, seco.&J..d by 0:Junc. Jàu18cn and l""ft-~ unarWar:uùy (3-0) to enact the 1.u.__.....ý ordinance as amen:!ed. 33. o:Jnsideratim of an ardinanoe designatin¡ tH'"Cp1al parkin¡ m R1..l........d CaD:t. (a) First readinq of Orcl:inaooe No. 1483: "An Orcl:inaooe of the City Courk::il of the City of QJpertino A1B1diD¡ SecticI1 11.24.180 of the QJpertino JI.Jr1jcipell QJde Designatin¡ Diagcnal PfJJ:id.nq m RiåJwaxl CaD:t." It was IŒWecl by 0:Junc. Gatto, 1I8OI::Iw~ by 0:Junc. J.....-.ð and l""--ed unarWar:uùy (3-0) to read Orcl:inaooe No. 1483 by title a1ly and the City ClmX'. readinq to CXI1Stitute the first r&IIIdin;J thereof. WRI'ITEN CXHIJNICATIœ5 34. Mayor Pluny anncunoecl that he had received a ocpy of a procl"""'tim to Da1ald D. Brown frail amnner, Arlza1a. Mayor P1un;y weløl.....1 Mr. Brown to 0Jpertin0. '!he QJpertino DeOro Club also sent a letter to Camci1. '!his letter \oIaS in rega%d to b: f! near the site of a :road wi.deninq. }.Io...I.ers of the Club urged the City not to r&IICI\/8 the t.... Diœctor of FUblic ~ka V.iskovich stated that it wcW.d not be I""""""'o¡;ary to r&IICI\/8 the to. e i in ~ŒI. -10- Mrnt1IES OF 'IHE FEERJ1\RY 6, 1989, REGUlAR CI'lY OXJNCIL MEFrn«; (0.:-761) æDnw«::ES 35. Seoad readinq and enactment of Ordinance No. 1480: "An Ordinance of the City Camcil of the City of Q.Ipertino A1Der1din;J SooJctim 2.48.020, 0Iapt:er 2.48, ~ t-,/lal Organizatim, of the 0Jpertin0 ØJr11"ipell COde. " It was IIICMId by Came. Gatto, seo.....dad by Ocunc. Jcä.-... ani I""'?'s'9d unanimaJsly (3-0) to read Ordinance No. 1480 by title a1ly and the City ClElIit's readinq to oot.titute the secud readinq thereof. It was IIICMId by Came. Gatto, seo.:..dad by Ocunc. Jà'4-... and I""--ed unanimcus1y (3-0) to enact the ordinance. RESOwrralS 36. Na1e. STAFF 1œit'UU::i 37. oral L~ls by staff 111 J C.. and .."hfti_im of written l~ts. 38. Arn.Ial Financial Repu..L far year endinq JUne 30, 1988. D:iJ:ector of Finance snyder røviøwed the JBra.. -·IL letter frail the auditors and adch. T1Id Camcil regudin¡ cxmt.iruId use of JOG Main-II.Jrdam for next year's audit ar the possibility of ~Lin;r }AL.~1.. trcm other fiDB. By OCILSI'lSUS, Ocuncil directed. that Mr. snyder røœive a }AL' I' ""ðl frcm JOG Main-BJrdman and if the price inc:rease is net - -ive and the City Manager a¡:pt'CMIB the ~'I~l, it be IIIt"-ittecl to Camcil. 39. status L~ L a1 lot 1IIeI~ }AL"":fL...... Courk::il received the L~L. CXX1NCIL ~::i 41. Came. Gatto .."hftittecl the santa Clara cnmty Traffic Authority AnruJal Report for 1988 to staff. -11- I I \ 2nd reading Ord.. l480 Ord.. l480 enacted Financial Report . Le g is 1 a t i ve Review . . . MINt1I'ES OF 'IHE FEBR1ARY 6, 1989, REnJIAR Cl'lY cx:xJNCIL MEETIN:; (œ-761) 42. Courk::. JåJnsa1 - Legislative RBvisw l"nmIit;tee - It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Jcbnsa1, secaldtd by counc. Gatto and I""-nd unIII'ÚJIICUIly (3-0) to taka the followinq actiCX1S regarding }AL' ¥- nd legislatiau ~l sa 163 (Morgan) , lcx:al goIIau_íl finance, trial CXI.1rt turxiin¡: AB 58 ~-Allæ:d), DJI"Ij"'~pell and hazardous waste 1.ncinsratia1 f-.ci 1 ities, expended mtiœ an:! ErR ~; an:! AB 8 (Floyd), IIIa1'Œtmy motarc:ycJ.e he1JIIet:s: ....." d - 'U' '" l AB 55 (Hansen) , motarc:ycJ.e safety, a'Üy if the bill is amerDed to delete the age~. CU...... AB 160 (Mountjoy), use of eminent ~i,,: an:! 8.210 (HJyn1han) , mandatory ~;." Security for state and local 8IIployeeø. Cb.mcil referred AB 312 (Bcat::w:r:ight',), water JI8terin;J, .roatmy meters far new 1'8Bidentia1 and (. ....ia1 ~,i1.,ings after Jaruary 1, 1991, to staff. At 9:50 p..., Oamcil adjcumed to Cl...te1.__ Rxa A far a closed II' -i 1'W1. Courk::il reccrtWI18d in Q1.o\..J oQ¡. at lO: lO p.m. Ccunc. h J L: Gatto, J.Jà-..., Mayer P1uny staff P'- II' It.: City ~ Brown City Clck O""'...lius At lO: 12 p..., Ccunci1 adjcumed. \ ~~ d: ClElIit I I I , I I I I I 'I -12-