CC 03-06-89
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
10300 '!U!<t(t; AVE1roE, aJPERITN:>, CAL:IR:RrrA
Legislative Review Ccmnittee - First Floor O:nfæ:enoe RI:x:ID
- 6:00 p.m.
Intervie'w"S and appoihUœ to Library l" .. First
Floor Conference Roan - 6: 15 p.m.
~layor Pluny called the meeteirq to order at6:45 p.m.
Came. Present:
Gatto, ~l, l\ogers, Mayor Pluny
Came. Absent: Johnsa1
staff Present:
City Manager Brown
Dep.rt;y city Clerk WOlfe
Director of Public Works viskavich
Assistant to the city Manager Brown
Director of lhmI"lity Devel"¥Ø=Jt Q:Iwan
Director of Finance ~
Director of Parks and ReG.l.e.atim Dowlin¡
l"nnmI1TIity RelatiŒlS Officer Rœy
AsSOC'iate Planner caughey
Dep.rt;y City Attorney lq)ez
rt was mavecl by Courk::. Gatto, seoa-àId by Ocun::. ICq:pel and
l"'~~9d unanimcus1y (4-0) to oc:atinue lteaø 20 and 30 to the
April 3, 1989 City Courk::il meeting.
Came. Kcwel requested that I~ 36 be rE!IIICJIIed fraD the
Item removed
Proclamation ha1orin¡ the DeAnza LiŒlS Club.
George Fernandez received the proclamatim. other LiCX1S
present introduced tl1_lves.
, "
Item removed
Consent Cal-
Wally Dean, DeAnza Q.¡pertino Aquatics, thanJœd Courk::i1 far
their SUW' \L L of Di\CA and presented T-shirts to Q:Juncil
!4o>n. .ers.
CCUnc. Gatto aJ'Il1CA.1D:Jec that Mayor PlUB1Y's birtb:1ay would
be celebrated dI.trin] break.
cx:HSENl' ~
Came. ~s remaved Item 15 frail the Ca1sent Calerxiar.
It was IIIaII8d by CCUnc. Rogers, seoc:rDed by Came. Gatto and
r-aa'!ld ~ly (4-0) to approve the balance of tho
0:I'1sent Calerxiar as snhftitted.
1. :Resolutia1 No. 7753: "A :Resolutim of the City Q:Juncil
of the City of Q.¡pertino ARmwin;¡' Ccntract 0wJae
Order No. 3 for Rainbow Drive and Stellin;¡' Rœd street
~",,_It. and Traffic Signal lbiificatia1, Project
2. :Resolutim No. 7754: "A Resolutim of the City Q:Juncil
of the City of Q.¡pertino ARmwin;J Final Plan for the
~""_ejt of Frart:age I.ccated m Scenic Ballevard,
Developer, Teny Brown ccnstIuctim CO., Inc., a
Cal1fŒnia Oxputatim, Authorizin;¡' the City En;Jineer
to Sign the Final Plan; and Authorizin;¡' Execut1m of
~-.uc:¡L in o.....-..tim 'Iherewith."
3. :Resolutia1 No. 7755: "A :Resolutiat of the City Q:Juncil
of the city of Q.¡pertino Acoeptin¡ Grant of F.:o--.L
for Roadway PUrposes FraIl Teny Brown 0a1st:rucI:ia1 CO.,
Inc. , a CalifŒnia a....1'ULatim, Calsistirq of
~.....i"""tely 0.003 Acres, Located Scenic Ballevant,
Lot 20."
4. :Resolutia1 No. 7756: "A :Resolutim of the city Q:Juncil
of the City of Q.¡pertino Acoeptin¡ Grant of F.:o-.... .L
for Roadway PUrposes FraIl Teny Brown Ca1stIuctim CO.,
Inc. , a Califomia CŒpotatim, Calsistirq of
~tely 0.023 Acres, I.ccated Scenic Ballevant,
Lot 26."
5. Resolutia1 No. 7757: "A Resolutia1 of the City Q:Juncil
of the City of O-Ipertino Acoeptin¡ Grant of F",~
for Roadway PuIposes frail 01ester J. Gabriel arx1
cynthia Gabriel, Co-Trustees of the '01ester J. arx1
M:rnUI'ES OF '!HE MARai 6, 1989 REQJIAR CIT'i O::WCIL MF.:ErnC
cynthia Gabriel, 1987 Trust', t8ted April 1, 1987,
Ca1sistiIq of Awroximately 0.006 Acres, Located Scenic
Boulevard, Lot 23A."
6. Resolutim No. 7758: "A Fesolutim of the City Camci1
of the City of D..1pertino Acoepti1qç, Deed and
Authorizatim for tJrx:1ergraJrxl Water Rights frail Terry
Brown Ca1struction Co., Ire., a CalifOInia Cœ.~..tim,
Scenic Boulevard, Lots 25, 26, 28."
7. Resolutim No. 7759: "A Resolution of the City Camci1
of the City of CUpertino lII:x:qJLiIq Quitclaim Deed and
Authorization for tJrx:1ergraJrxl Klter Rights frail Terry
Brown Construction Co., Ire., a California Oorporatim,
Scenic Eb.ùevard, Lots 20, 20A."
8. Resolutia1 No. 7760: "A Resolutia1 of the City Camci1
of the City of D..1pertino Acoepti1q Quitclaim Deed and
Authorizatim for tJrærgrcund Water Rights frail QxIster
J. Gabriel and cynthia Gabriel, as CD-'l'rustees of the
'Q1ester J. and cynthia Gabriel, 1987 Trust', ~ted
April l, 1987; Scenic BoulEMU:d, Lots 23, 23A, 24."
9. Resolutim No. 7761: "A Resolutim of the City Camci1
of the City of CUpertino ~Linq QJ.itc],.im Deed and
Autharizatim far tJndergrcund Water Rights frail niwin
A. Federspiel, Jr., arx1 Carol G. Federspiel, Scenic
Boulevard, Lot 19."
lO. Resolutim No. 7762: "A Resolution of the City Camci1
of the City of CUpertino Allowin] Certain Claims arx1
Demands Payable in the Amcunta and fraD the f\Inds as
Hereinafter Described for Salaries and wages for the
Pðy.roll Period EndiJ'ç Februa%y 14, 1989."
11. Resolution No. 7763: "A Resolution of the City Camci1
of the City of CUpertino Allowin] certain Claims and
Demands Payable in the Amcunta and FraIl the f\Inds as
Hereinafter Described for General and Mi.....,..llanecus
Expen:iitures for the Period EndiJ'ç Februa%y 24, 1989."
12. Request for ë\R)ICpriatiat fraa the General rum to the
Persamel Administration activity.
13. Resolutim No. 7764: "A Resolutim of the City COOncil
of the city of CUpe..>tino Setting t8te for Ca1sideratim
of ArInexin;J AIœ Designated 'Byrne Avenue 89-02 ' ;
PrqJerty Located on the West side of Byrne Avenue
Between Alcazar Avenue and Dolores Avenue,
Approximately 0.1653 Acres, Kenneth and pn.o...m..>y Manrao
(Am 357-12-030)."
approved as
1mmFS OF M ~~, lc}~C} ~ CJ'N cmNCIL MŒrm:;
14. Request for waiver of business license fee fileá by
Q...~LO.~"ticn of the United Sates Missicn.
15. ReIocM!d.
16. ~ of gzëIl1ts œo..........ded by the Cable Televisim
Advisory l"nmIittee.
17. Adq1t:1m of resolutim relatinq to hc:usinq assistance
for the City Manager arx1 ðWl"'1JLiatim frrD the
(a) Resolutim No. 7765: "A Resolutim of the City
Coorx::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~inq
Executiat of ~..........,l Regardinq Housinq
Assistance with I:kI1ald Brown."
(b) Resolutia'1 No. 7766: "A Resolutia'1 of the City
Courk::il of the City of CUpertino Autharizinq
~m of ~...........t. for PuråIue of land."
18. staff 1'""'1'i,.......l - J!l1ildin;¡' Division _ Requestinq
allocatim to increase the Wildin;¡' i.nspectiat staff by
1-1/2 positiCX1S.
YQ!;§ Mo.... era of the City CWncil
AYES: Gatto, k'ppel, Rcgers, Plvny
lQ!S: Na1e
ABSafI': J<i1nscn
Aæ'l7\IN: Na1e
15. Min1tes of the nIgU1ar meetinq of F8bruuy 21, 1989.
It was mc:N8d by counc. Rcgers, sGCxo:Jtd by Q:ux:. Gatto am
P"-ed l.1l'Ianimwøly (4-0) to a¡:proved the m1mt:eø 1111181d.4 as
Page 7, last paragra¡il, aài the followinq a1'ter the
thin! sent:eooe: "Infœ:mation requested includes VIIrt
new facilities will be Wilt (pool, gym, etc.) and the
projected timetable."
19. <:xn¡1deratim of a 1% increase in the City's transient
"OC'1pMCy tax (hot:.eljmot:el tax) fraa 7' to 8'.
(a) First reading of ordinance No. 1485: "An
Ordina."1Ce of the City <:oor.cil of the City or
0JpertiJ'10 1Imer£linJ Sectioo :3 .12 . 030 of the
0Jpertjn0 Mlmicipal Code, Transient 0Ca¡pancy Tax,
Inp:JSitim. "
Director of Finance Snyder presented a local survey of
transient 1"I('CI¡panc:y tax rates.
Dwid Babich, Regional Directo:!:" of arx1 MarketinJ for
Marriott, told Cameil that Marriott is currently
cansiderirq a 40o-roan hotel here. He said b.1Su---es are
tIyirq to keep travel and JDeetin;J costs cbm, so hotels
J:IJSt remain O·'letitive with their rates. Mr. Babidl
stated that a Finance Cal'lllittee meetin;J wwld be held in
~, o. c. durirq the week ë¡t which tilDe a """c'isia1
aba1t the 0Jpertjn0 hotel wwld be made. He said he felt
there is a 1cmq-tezm c:pportunity and they wwld have a
greater c:haIx:e of spcçeeo¡' if the tax rate remained 0CI1Stant
to give them a (\ ·'1 etitive edge in the market.
Mark Rroll, 0Jpertjn0 City Center AsSOC'iates, said that if
the tax is not rooi""':¡ the ~a-gp to hotel people ocW.d be
that Cameil is oooperating and wants first class hotels in
the City.
OIarles Newman, Director of Real Estate, Valloo ParK,
stated that Val100 owns the six·-ac:re site ~ Marriot
pl.",!,: 5"1:'S to build. He said there ocW.d be a $1 millim a
year revernJe fran the hotel. 'Ihe tu:kJet pmjectiCX1S shew
the tax bein;J I""Ii....,:¡ to lot in a few years. Mr. Newman
said the rate shculd stay at 7' to give 0Jpertin0 hotels a
Co ."1. oetitive edge. He SlXH---œd gøttin;J the hotels first
arx1 then doirq stlriies to see if raisirq the transis'lt
1'YY"I¡panc:y tax Wltld provide more reverI.I8.
It was m:wed by Courk::. Gatto, SEICXI'1decl by Courk::. Jq:pel and
I"'8<;¡ed 1.IJ1alÚJID]sly (4-0) to close the public hearin;J.
Followin;J di.....,~ia1, it was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto and
seoonded by Came. ~ to defer this i~ for a1Ø year.
'!he matiŒ1 arx1 e-.....d were withdrawn.
It was m:wed by Courk::. Gatto arx1 seconded by Courk::. Plurgy
to awrove the prq...,ead It~. 'Ihe matim was
defeated (2-2) with Courk::il }ofømhpt'S Gatto and ~s
clissentinJ .
It was m:wed by Came. Pluny and seconded by Came. Jq:pel
to defer actia1 m this matter l.D1til the first meetin;J in
JUly; at that tiE if no significant act1m Œ1 the part of
the hotels has t.aIœn place, the It increase in the
Public hear-
ing closed
Hotion to
defer for
one year
Motion to
approve 1%
Hotion to
defer action
unless hotels
take action
Continued to
meeting vf
jt:ly 3
8-2-88 con-
tinued to
A;.-.-il 3
MI:!lJI'ES OF 'IHE MARŒ! 6, 1989 :RFX;UIAR C1T"~ cnJNCIL ~
transient OCOIpëll'1Cy tax woold go into effect. 'l11e motioo
was defeated (2-2) with Camell ~..~ .ers Gatto arx1 Rcgers
dissentln;¡ .
It was m:wed by Mayor P1unJY, seconded by Came. ~l and
passÐd with Courk::. Gatto ñi"''f'entirq that the matter of the
in::rease in transient oocupancy tax be bro.Ight back to
Courk::il at the July 3, lq89 City Courk::il meeI:iJxJ.
20. ~licatim 8-Z-88 - I.an3mark Devel..."....,.,l - Rezaúnq
f:rcm P(R-3) Planned DevelC.pla:ut with residential
mlt1ple family intent to P Planned Devel..."....,.1t with
sirqle-family residential lO-20 dwel.L1n:] units per a.::re
int.ent. Applicatim 28-{J-88 - Use ~t to CXI'1StIUct
36 sirqle-family residential dwell~ as the first
¡ñase of a possible two ¡i1ase project. Awlicatim
14""'Df-88 - Tentative Map to subdivide five separate
parcals into 36 parcels with a1e additia1al lot to be
held in . , ..... "'1 ownership. Appliœtim 36-FA-88 - '1hd
Plannin;J o--i rec, .......rx!s the grð1'1t:irq of a
Negative Dec:laratim. sIte is located m Gardens1de
Lane, north of Rainl:x1", Drive. Reo:- ....-1'Òecl for
(a) First reading of ordinance No. 1486: "An
0Idinan0e of the City Courk::il of the City of
0Jpert.in0 A1reIñing Sect1m 1 of ordinance No. 2 by
Rezaúnq AwJ.a>ri1Mtely 2.6 Acres fraD P (R-3) ZcX'Ie
to P ZcX'Ie; Located a'1 Gardenside Lane North of
RainJ:x:M Drive (I.an3mark Devel"'PIOCI,l - 8-Z-88)."
PreviCAJSly oontinJed to the April 3, 1989 JIIE!I!tin;J.
21. File 81,004.130 - Private Rec:reatim (FP) ZcX'Ie - of a private rec::reatia1 zcme
iJ....orpœ:ating definitiCX1S, allowed uses and ZCI'Iin:¡
standards for private outdoor Iec.l:eatim uses.
Envh...........alal Determinatim: '!he PlaJ'1lÙn3 l"
I'e<:- ...,-."dB the gran1:in;J of a Negative n..r,"'-ratim.
Re0 .....-decl for Appraval.
(a) First reading of ordinance No. 1484: "An
ordinance of the city Courk::il of the Cit'.l of
0Jpertin0 Amendin:J ordinance No. 002 (d) as
Described in Sectim 2 Herein, and Establishin:.J an
ordinance Regulatirq Private Rec:reatim (FP)
Za1es. If
Associate Planner Caughey reviewed his report with
Cœncil. In SIIM""rizin;J the history of the item, Mr.
cau;¡hey statEd that Courk::il had directed that the A-ua
zonin:] ordinaooe be amended to 1) expan1 the allowable uses
oanstitutirg private recreation, with an E!II¡iIasis Q'1
ootdoor activities; 2) establish a perfOJ:man06 based
a¡:proach to ensure a <YWIf"'tib1e fit between a specific use
and its geogra¡tù.c-envh.........utal settin;J; and 3) eliminate
those materials which are redurñant with or CA..tIt....adictozy
to the provisiCX1S of the A or A-l zaún:;J ordinances.
Lirda Davis, President, League of WaDel. Voters of
Q¡pertino/SUnnyvale, read into the record a letter urqin:J
enactment of the }ALq.<¡¡OO ordinance.
It was IIDVed by Came. Gatto, seocrå!d by Came. Kqpù and
I"''''5OO unanbDcus1y (4-0) to close the pJbHc hearin;J.
It was IIDVed by Came. Gatto, seocrå!d by Came. Rcgers and
p""'aed unanbDcus1y (4-0) to grant a Neqative ""r.laratim
for the project.
It was IIDVed by Came. Gatto, seocrå!d by Courk::. Rcgers and
P""''''OO unanbDcus1y (4-0) to 0a'1duct first readin;J of
Ordinance No. l484 amended to clarify the
in1:erdJan;Jeability of the "i" (indoor) and "0" (outdoor)
zonin:] designatiCX1S and to IIICJV8 "Ioe or roller akatint'
fran the "0" to the "i" category.
22. ~l of Arålitectural and Site ~ l"nmI{ttee's
denial of ~icatim 51,822.l .. Mid-way Sign n-..p:.ny,
for a ground sign far Portal Plaza Center (~1 filed
by Ge..n.yo:s K. Y""""'nIni). 'Il1e Center is located at 19645
st:evf!ns creek Eb.ùEMUd, the northeast 001:1..... of
stavens creek Eb.ùevard and Blaney Aveme.
Director of C'hmo"1ity Devel~1t. COWan ¡,... ¡¡ .I;;.ecl his
Walter M::Intyre, Mid-way Sign Co., l~1:ecl 0' the distance
frail the si"'7Jalk of many of the signs alcn:J stevens creek
Boulevard near the shc.ß:Iin:J center in cpestim. He said
that it 't/OOld be costly for Mr. Yamaoka to mcve the sign.
It was IIDVed by Courk::. Gatto, secx:n3ed by Came. Rcgers arx1
passed unanbDcus1y (4-0) to close the pJblic hearin;J.
It was IIDVed by Courk::. Gatto, secx:n3ed by Courk::. ~l arx1
passed unanbDcus1y (4-0) to grant the iIß">'" OCX'1t:in]ent
upon the sign bein:J in a "Za1e" where it does nJt block
motorists' visibility of the sidewalk for 40' when they are
exitin:J the shq:pin:J center at the driveway adjaoent to the
Public hear-
ing closed
Negative Dec.
First reading
of Ord. 1484
Public hear-
ing closed
Policy re
distance of
signs from
28-V-88 and
continued to
April 3
N.ive Dec.
f 4-V-88
sign. If the sign does à:Jst.Iu::t the drivers' view at ~ts
p... s :Jj~ locaUoo, it IIIJSt be m:wed either laterally Œ" back
to provide visibility of the sidewalk.
Cameil directed staff to return with a policy 1oIhiå1 will
be more OCI1Sistent1y awlied by ASJttt; regardin;J distance of
signs fraD the sidewalk.
23. Awlicatia1S 28-U-88 and 14-'lM-88
Develcpœnt (please see I~ No. 20).
PreviCAJSly continued to April 3, 1989.
24. ~icatiŒ1S 34-U-88, 45-FA-88 - Abdul Ali SUrani - Use
PeJ:mit to allow a separate bar area and initiate tull
liquor service in an exi.stin;J restaurcmt. Site is
located at (:he sootheast quadrant of HaDestead RcIIId at
Stelling' RaId. Envircnœnta1 DeteJ:minatim: 'lbe
Pla1'1J'Ún1 l" NO:> .,.,-rds the gr¡mt:in;J of a
Ne;ative I"\o;!<:'laratim. PI$c:>····-·1decl for~.
It was IOCM!d by Courk::. Gatto, sec:x:nded by Courk::. Rogers and
p"....ed \1I'IaI1imwsly (4-0) to grant a Negative Decl.aratim
for Awlicatim 34-U-88.
It was IOCM!d by Courk::. Gatto, sec:x:nded by Courk::. Fq:.pel and
p"'i1Md \1I'IaI1imwsly (4-0) to a¡:prave AwJ,icatim 34-u-as per
Plannin;J l" Resolutim No. 4135.
25. None.
26. Awlicatim 1-GPA-88 - Jå1n vidovich - RFquest for a
General Plan Amen:iment to c:han;Je the. land use
designatim frcm Private Rec:reatim to O····-'cla1 to
allow the ooostJ:uctioo of a "residential" hotel for
property located 00 the northwest of stevens
creek Eb.ùevard arx1 Stelling' Road. Courk::il
OCI1Sideratioo of request to establish a date for a
p.lblic hearing' before the Pla1'1J'Ún1 Ccmnj RSiŒl.
Director of rnm.nrlty Devel"¥",,,nt Cowan reviewed his retJOrt
with Courk::i1.
MrnUrEs OF 'IHE HARaI 6, 1989 RmJIAR CIT'i cnJNC:ß MEETIN:;
Jà1n Vidovich, awlicant, said he feels a general plan
amerx:ling hearin:J is warranted for the site, espet::'blly in
light of tcnight's actic:n by Ccuncil regardin;J the private
rP.Creatic:n zaún;J ordinance.
Cheryl G\ÛJIa!t, League of Wanen Voters, stated the
organizatim's view that 1azxi currently bein;J used for
recreatic:n shcu1d be retained far that use. Ms. Q,i...-.,t
read a letter fran the League urg1n:J that a Y""'.....ðl plan
amerxhIent hearin:J not be scheduled.
Mich.ael M.ùcay, CUpertino resident, urged Courk::il to deny
the request for a GPA hearin:J. He said that 8,871 voters
for ~sure K said they were willin:J to pay as part of
their pt'q)erty tax to }AL SE!Ive reca:eatic:nal land. Mr.
~c.ay said that DeAnza Properties had balght the site
kn:Jwin;J that it is za1ecl for rec:t..atic:nal use, arx1 there is
no 1."ÐaSa'I that Courk::il shcu1d oon:luct a general plan
hearin:J to benefit a develc:per when voters said they want
to save c:p!n ~ and rec.....atic:nal land arx1 facilities.
Dr. JœE!¡ñ Brown, 20955 Pe¡:per Tree, stated the cpinim
that private <> ····-rcial sites sbco,Ùd be utilized to provide
revenues to iDprcve recIeatic:nal facilities.
Peg Goodriå1, 21132 i-atriot, a resident who lives adjacent
to the subject site, said the Gene ral Plan specified
reo:eatic:nal Za'Ù.l¥J for this pt'q)erty. No majority has
voted to reseW the oriqinal spirit of the Gneral Plan.
In fact, a majority of voters has manjated following the
plan by votin] for )CA>o""JI'e K.
Kent Clunie, 21081 Red Fir CCUrt, men's tennis 00!Iå1 at
DeAnza Cbllege, stated that there is a shortage of tennis
owrts. DeAnza uses 0CAIrts all day a'1 saturday and
SUnday. It is natural to have a sports facility at the
fcmær DeAnza RaaJJet Club site. 'Ihe City and college JDJSt
work together. He said there are no plans at this time to
expanj the DeAnza owrts. He couldn't speak as to ~
DeAnza wculd OOht....ib.Jt:e IIIt'n!Y toward the pm::hase of the
DARe site. He said c:p!n epaoe JDJSt be protected.
Dazwin ~, 22958 Cricket Hill, u~..,esL1tl.inq Citize:1S to
Save CUpertino Recreatim, said that he could ~ts
Mr. vidovich's ftustratic:n. He stated the cpinim that the
City shoold take actic:n to purchase the site. He had
tiE with staff azxi was aware of the bJdget CCC'IStraints
regaI'dinJ the City's purchase of the site, b.Jt said that
the City shcu1d seize this ~rtunity to add the pt'q)erty
to the Memorial P-ark oœplex.
l-GPA-88 -
Vidovich -
continued to
May 1
\m.~ QF 'mE\ (" 1~9~ mnJI». Cl'T'l croNCIL ~
Dennis ID.i, 7607 Peach Blossan Drive, a resident of tho
City since 1980, said that OJpf'..rtino is a well-run, dynamic
city. '!here has been intensive Wilding, and there is a
challen;¡e to maintain the quality of life. He ooac:hes
~ ani :runs at Hoover Park so the closure of the
racquet club did not directly affect him. 1bMYer, he
suworts Jœepin;J to the intent of the General Plan and the
new FP ordinance.
Hike Bames, 21005 lauretta, president of ClJpertino DeAnza
~tics, uzged CaJrx::il not to d1an:Je the General Plan t:ut
to get behind the l'Y'ftWIIi tmeut to save recIeatianal
facilities in the ~nùty.
Pat JacIæa1, Vice President for Government RelatiCX1S,
CUpertino ~r of ~roe, said the City na:1s to
CCI'ISider all éM'ilable sites that oaùd be used for
rec:reaticn. '!he pcsitim taken by the Q»nnhAr aver a year
ago would ~ 'L L a General Plan A1IIeOOment hearin;J.
Dixector cf Public Wo1:k& Viskovich answered council's
quest1CX1S ~ financin;J arx1 l~ fUrxiing. He
stated that these IIBtters would be CXl\S1dered at the
<nmcil meetin; sc:hedu1ed fer tœDrrOW night.
Dixector of Parks arx1 Recreatim DcMlin;r infOl:mecl Courk::il
that he (X''11d tell them in general terms a socp! of ~t
oaùd be at the site. He stated that in terms of natianal
standards, QJpertino has encugh tennis owrts. DaAnza
Racquet Club has beo ..... a site with the potential to
OCIIplen....L the ~nùty park (XX.......hlL at Memorial Park.
Followinq ili ",<"aaim it was IIIaII8d by CaJrx::. Gatto, seo.....:1t.d
by Courk::. Koppel and passed UT.aJ"li......JSly (4-0) to oc:ntirø.Ie
the issue to the meetin:] of May l, 1989.
~C;: 9:15-9:27 p.m.
27. RspuLL fraD the Fine A..>1:s - !tJral for City
I"nmonùty RelatiCX1S Officer Krey presented the l"'EI
Z"A . ........ datiCl'lS to CaJrx::il.
Deborah Arden, 0Jair of the Fine Arts l"nmIi, stated
that each of the finalists will sutmit a oa~l and color
palette after they have read the historical IIBterialS sent
to them.
MINl1l'ES OF 'IHE ~ 6, 1989 RmJlJ\R CI'IY <XXJNCIL :MEE::rl}C
I. was moved by Ca.Inc. Rogers, secorx:Ied by Ca.Inc. ~1
am P""sed unani:ma.tsly (4-0) to set a limit of
$20,000-$25,000 for the mral with the ~ that
each artist "",hftit drawiIx:Js of the OIIel"all ca~l arx1 that
there be saue p1.Ù':'eeS set up whereby the public can provide
~ prior to Cameil's final decision.
28. Request for ~ of tenpx"aIy st.onge ocntainer m
Syva site, 20400 Mariani Avenue.
It was moved by Came. Gatto, seoon:ied by Came. Rcgers arx1
I"'gsed unanimc:usly (4-0) to a¡:prove the rsquested r_.\. 'LaZy
storage ocntainer for a pericxl not to I!Oroeed a'Ie year with
the \.1lIderst.anli that the sits next to the wallllLlSt first
be awrcved by the adjacent school.
29. Disposition of interest payments for SPARK Fc:urxJatim
loan am other housiJç loans granted ~ the
SeniorjHarx:Ü.~ HcusiJç fund.
It was moved by Courk::. Gatto, secxnjed by Courk::. Rcgers and
P"",~ed unanimcus1y (4-0) to direct that interest payments
!ran the Spark Fc:urxJatim loan am other loans for seniors
am t'!i""'lbled haJaiJç projects be earmarked for the seniors
am Handicapped HcusiJç F\In:1, am that the first
interest-a1ly peyment already paid by Spark Fc:urxJatim be
allocated to that fund.
30. Review of a Juvenile Alc:xXlol Party ordi.rv.;'108.
PreviCAJSly 0CI'Itinued to the meetin;J of April 3, 1989.
31. CD1s1deratim of an oràinanoe to adjust Courk::il
ælaries as allowed by state law¡ to b«> ..... effective
upa1 next new teIm of office.
(a) First readin] of Ordinance No. l487: "An
Ordinance of the City Courk::il of the City of
Q.¡pertino Amerñinq 01apter 2.16 of the 0Jpertin0
ØJnicipal Code, City Ca.lncil - Salaries."
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, secaró!d by Courk::. ~l and
p"a-d unanimc:usly (4-0) to ~ Ordinance No. 1487 as
It was moved by Courk::. Rcgers, secxnjed by Courk::. Gatto and
P""sed unanimc:usly (4-0) to read 0J:àinan0e No. 1487 by
title a1ly arx1 the DEprt:y City Clerk's reaclirq to
constitute the first readÏ.n1 thereof.
City Hall
storage for
Interest on
housing loan
party ord.
First readin~
of Ord. l487
Water reduc-
tion program
public hearing
MINm'ES OF 'mE MARC! 6, 1989 REGlJI1o.R Cl'l"i cnJNcrl. ~
32. &:ttirq date of public hearinJ for p..¡rpot... of
efltablishirq water reduction þr'-YLðDl.
Director of PUblic Works Viskcvich pJ::! B "led his report to
It was moved by CWnc. Gatto, seoc;njec1 by Courk::. I<c.HJel and
r<''!'ged ~ly (409) to set the p,lblic hearing
regardirq the water reductim fG:~CIID for the Marå1 20,
1989 City Cameil meeting.
Came. Rogers said she wculd be absent at that tiE and
said that she ~d like to see the followin; item
addressed durinJ the hearinJ: 1) 1I41at can be dent with
gray water fraD the sanitary District; 2)
ocunter-productve enforcement; 3) ~ ar net to eapty
MeIoori.a1 Park pond; 4) rate increase.
33. Report on street SWeepinq,tParldng Restrictim SUJ:wIy.
Director of Public WoIiœ Viskoviål ...........'bed at the results
of the survey. staff was directed to print the breakècwn
in the Omertino SCene.
It was IIIaII8d by Cau1c. Gatto, seaaded by Oounc. ~.. and
pa'3Secl ~y (4-0) to direct that the }AL~GIB be
ocrrt:ira.Jed arxi expi!I1'œ1 if ~a~ry.
34. Ccns1de.ratim of a St........t and Traffic 'T1op'I<"'t Fee
Ass---¡t District.
(a) Resolutim No. 7767: "A Resolutim of the City
Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 DeteJ:mining to
tJrxiertaJœ ~. < -"1"¥JB Withcut PUrt:her J\ctia1 under
Divisim 4 of the streets am Highways Q:Ide, City
of ~ St........t and Traffic ~ Fee
Aseoo--·.l District."
(b) Resolutim No. 7768: "A Resolutkn of the City
Cameil of the City of 0Jpertin0 of Intentic:n to
Make 1\t'YJ,i"i.tia'lS and Ihtµ.~lbI, City of
(.\pertin:) street arxi Traffic ""'P""'t Fee Ass----...¡t
(c) Resolutim No. 7769: "A Resoluticm of the City
:n.n::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 AßJointin:J
Engineer and Attorneys, City of CUpertino St....e&t
anj Traffic T'T"ct Fee Assoo--rt: District. It
It was mcved by UJUnC. RLgers, secx:nBi by Came. Kqpel
arxil""l"':'ed ~ly (4-0) to adqrt: Resolution No. 7767.
MINUrE'S Of '!HE MlIRQi 6, 1989 RmJIÆ CITI o:uNCIL ~
It was IIIaII8d by Came.:Rogers, øeocrDed by CaJnc. KqJpel
am p"aaed unanimoos1y (4-0) to adept: Reso1utim No. 7768.
Res. 7768
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::.~, secxnied by counc. I!'qpel
am paE'tJed unanimoos1y (4-0) to adept: Resolutiat No. 7769.
35. Amer&.:..1t. to the PL· <Øn-al ()rdinarxe Regardinq
Plannin;J to brin;J the natificatim µ:.. ~ ø_ into
oœpli.anoe with new State law.
(a) First readin;J of Ordinance No. 1488: "An
Ordinance of tne City CaJncil of the City of
0Jpertin0 Amer1dinq sect.ia1 4.1(a) of City
Ordinance No. 652 Re1at.inq to PL·· ..ñ...... in
Amer1dinq the General Plan."
It was IIIaII8d by Cwnc. Gatto, 1I6O...a.dt..d by Came. Koppel and
r"a~':Id unani:øø.Jsly to read Ordinance No. 1488 by title a1ly
ani the Dep1ty City ClElIit's readin;J to ca~tute the first
readin;J thereof.
36. DÙJCI1e(Ii(Jf\ regarding loan of sa1lpture far displayin;J
in Civic center Plaza.
Res. 7769
First read in;
of Ord. 1488
Prev1CAJSly resaaved.
37. Na1e.
Mayor PlurJ]y L"¥'L tad that he had received a letter
tharùd.n¡ tbe City for its cc:ntril::JUtic to the vietnam
Ht......u.ia1 in sa......._Jto. He had also gotta'1 a letter frcm
Penny Iav8 (I.cs Altos) regarding that city's juvenile party
38. Na1e.
39. Na1e.
STAFF ~::i
40. oral ..~ls by staff -'~«B.
Director of Public Works viskovich annc:uncecl an infor.llltiona1 Hwy. 85
hearin;J to be oc.nductEd by the Traffic Authority m Marål meeting
23 in Courk::il Qurmher regarding the ~ellan and stellin;J
Read cvercrossin;Js arx1 Regnart creek (HigmoIay 85).
I .' ''I
<XXJNCIL 1<bu<J.::¡
Legislative Review l"nmIittee - It was IIIaII8d by Mayor
Pll.II'X3Y, secx:I1decl by Courk::. Gatto and I"'~aed \D'IIIJ1ÍJIIOOsy
(4-0) to take the followin;J actions re:]ardinq}AL' ~~'9d
leqislatim: . M Q:oe AB 498 (Polanco) , redevel~lt,
mandatory use of alternative f1nancirq before tax
inc:l"",.=uL; SB 89 (Torres) , wrkers' <' "\ ensatim, givirq
cancer presuøpt1m to peace offiœ.rs; mandatory medicare
OC\I'erage for all existing enployes (revenue q:¡t:ia1 beinq
<H""""a~ as part of this year's federa1l:u]get); and AB
160 (M:Ju:1tjoy), redeve1cpœnt, use of eminent cŸmoIi".
SUWOrt AB 363 (Bader), fines and forfeitures, eliminatim
of oamty diversim of city revenue in unsupervised S'.........-y
prà:latim ~ns; AB 312, water meterirq; and HR 876,
American Heritage Trust F\In:1. Direct staff to review
growth ~ ·-·It related leqislatiœ includin::J AB 35
(Eastin), cira1l.atim elEllleht; AB 40 (Eastin), EIR,
req1a1al transportatim; arx1 AB 471 (Katz); transport:atim
finance. Get ocpy of AB 452 (Wright), bill......rds, ban m
oamty ðW-LuYal in areas subject to iIu.n.~atim or
It was a1'IIDJI'ICed that the Courk::il meeti.rg' sdIeduled to be
held t.œaorrcw night will be held in cnux:i1 QumIhø,.. instead
of the oa'1fEQ;6.._ roan as originally announced.
At 10:15 p.m., the meetin;J was adjourned to 7:00 p.m.,
Mard1 7, 1989, City Hall Courk::il ~r, 10300 Torre
Averue, QJpertino for review of Five Year Forecast of
0perat1n;J ReverJJe, Expenditures arx1 capital ~uv_tls.
Y?~-¡¿¡ L {. JrUf-l
Deputy City Clerk