CC 03-07-89
10300 'IU1o<t; AVÐIUE, aJPERrIN:>, CA 95014
TELEP.HaNE: (408) 252-4505
10300 'lUl'Q(t; AvmtJE, aJPERI'IN:>., CALIFt:RŒA
'!he meetirq was called to order by Mayor Pluny at 7: 05
Came. PresE1IL:
Gatto, I<q:pel, Rogers, Mayor Plun;¡y
Came. Absent~
staff Pres!.JL:
City Manager Brown
City Clerk O:»:nelius
Director of Public WorXs Viskcviå1
Director of Chmo11'Ûty Devel..........IL Cowan
Director of Finarx:Ie Snyder
Director of Parks ani Recreatim Dcwlirg
Assisl:.ant to the City Manager Brown
I"'nmronrity 8Iõ1atiŒlS Officer Krey
City Manager Brown gave the sd1edu1e of pl. sE1d..atiCX1S.
Dira..-tor of Finance Snyder informed Camci1 that the state
legislature is CXK1Siderin:J SCIIIe c:harges to the IIIim:1.atoIy
~V}ALiatim limits. '!he City of QIpertino is well within
a~iatim limits. 'lhere is $8.9 millim in reseIVe; of
that, a¡:proximately $6.4 million is for larxi aoquisita1.
'!he fI.Irñs that \òQÙd be received t:hroogh "low t.a>ifno tax
city" fIJndin} deperx:ls on the Cwnty c:pt:j.Jg into the 1n-"":LCIIII
ani the state fIJndin} the plOÇLCIIII. '!he sales tax listed in
Five Year
Storm Drain
Human Service
<XXJNCIL MEE:rIN:; (0::-763A)
the five year fiscal forecast includes USC'I tax charged when
a c::arpany uses its own product rather than tuying aoot:her
product. 'lbe city gets a tax that is equivalent to the
sales tax. 'lbe trcmsient 1Y'('11[""'rx:y tax will actually be!
$64-65,000 less than projected beqinni.rç in 1989/90 as the
Courk::il did not enact an i1x:rease at the March 6 meeting.
Courk::il requested Mr. Snyder talk with Mr. Charles llel-"'1
arx1 Mr. Mark Kroll regarding the relatia1shi.p betueen a low
transient ""OC'1pImCy tax and ""OC'1pImCy rates in hotels.
Courk::il directed that Mr. Snyder L~t back within the
next six DaIths.
In regard to projected irnI....t..u....L ~, the 7' is a
<XrISE!XVative figure. Projected expe.&litures include 6
DaIths operatim of the new .........núty center. Mr. Snyder
clarified that the cost allocatim plan mentia1ecl in the
f~l is the same as a user f_ study.
Eki Hirschfield aslr"" if the Highway 85 resexve is in the $8
mi11im resexve tund. He was inf01.....d that it is.
Debt service F\IrDs
'Ibere is sufficient money in debt service tunds to retire
the original park and City Hall ta1ds. 'Iha Director of
Finance po.. -.dt04 the City do 80 and eliminate the tax:
it cann::It be used for anything else.
~i,,' tkwuDn.....
'Iha StoIm Drain fUnd will be P1ased out: hcw8ver, it my be
rep]"'Oed with sœ.thing else that will do the same thing.
'Iha Pa%it Dedicatiat fUnd doee not include the prcparty
cwnecl by the City in the sewn Sprin;s area: this }AL.......... t.y
is an asset.
Courk::il requested that in the actual h1tigPt there be a
f~t......te showing this.
In regard to ItJman Services, it was aalrad if groups -, '"ad
seed J1:ØW!!Y or mt.dú.n;J tunds" 'lhis will be t'li"""wMd in
June at the Þñ;JPt study sessim. Also to be CXl\S1dered is
whether or not the City will ccnt'.1nJe f\JrxUn;J ItJman service
agencies thrwgh the General F\In:1 a108 RsIIer11e Sharing is
gale. Perhaps there is a way tr, maJœ an ageJr:y more
effective am a way of mdifying t'.-s þL.,:--a so it wœld
not cost the City so JØJå1.
CXXJNCI1. MEErIN:; (0::-763A)
Director of Finance stated that revenues are rot keepin;¡'
pace with ........ñitures until such time as the "low¡no
tax" city fundin;J beo .....a available. Up until that time,
revenues are flat as the sales tax is flat. Projected
growth shown in the General F\In:1 ReseIve SUIIIIIary is
e:tpeCted to 0CIII8 frail interest eazTIin;s.
Fd Hirschfield as)ϖ 10Ihat the primaJ:y source of ir~ for
the City will be. since it is sales tax, he asJr-' if t:ha
\.II'Devel~ C' ...,_. ....ia1 that may dev8lcp had ~ taken into ¡o.¡,¡ wl1 as potential increases in Vallco Fash1m
Park sales tax '!os the ~, in;¡' is CCIIplete. He was
informed that .~" _·_·.A~cia1 dev8l~1t has not been AClal1'IftII:IIñ
nor was the CCIIpl.etia1 of OŒ1StnIct1m of Vallco
oonsidered. Mr. Hirschfield asked if sales tax had ch.. u.eJ.
durin;¡' ocnstructi.m and, t.'1.<!refore, shcW.dn't it l1CIIi be
increased. He was infnnrWI tl¡i,t the CCIIplet1m of Valley
Fair ~iD:] center had had an bIpact on Vallco; hcwøver,
it was also mted that the City has taken a conservative
attitude;J estimates.
Ent""1'"n1"'i - Funds
'!he Resan:oe RecoYexy F\In:1 may need another loan. 'Ihe
Water F\In:1 also may further decline arx1 there rray need to
be an increase in water rates. It was eIIIi1asized that
costs far maintenance of the Water Døpartment rsain t:ha
same even wh8n '--y is ~'<""'. 0Jpertin0 water utility
serves 37oo~.
Q1Uck JðI ('~ 1ft uJœð, in regard to low¡no tax city
turxtin;J, 10Ihat I"'"i"']e ~.. cxW.d occur regardinq the
flow in that fund and 10Ihat are the c:t1zImes of receiviD:]
those fUnds with no prcbltlllS. He was told that wa.1ld be
i"V""'"ible to predict.
O1arles NIII-" IItatecl the forecast shows that expenditures
are increasiD:] mare than revenues; therefore, it is cò,,o!CAJS
that either revenJes IIIJSt increase at a higher level or
expenditures JIIJSt be curtailed.
Director of Public Works Viskovich pr;sented the Five Year
capital IDproYement P1.~GIB to Courk::il. It was pointed cut
that the cost of land for ac:quisitim had increased and
that m page 3, urder Parks, the stocklJDeir prcperty had
been L......"""Ln...._1. It was clarified that m page 2,'X] to high sålIJ:)l sites, each site is a¡:pICOd-tely
12 acres. '!he City wculd purchase one shcW.d it beo '.IA
Resource Recover·
Five Year Capita]
Mr. Viskovich infonned Cameil that in regard to the
p..1Z"d1ase of the sillllls prcperty, it sha.1ld be closirg escrow
soon. P.Jrc:hase of the stcx::kl.meir property for open space
continues an cpen space chain. Monies =llected within one
park zone JII.JSt be spent within that zone. 'Ihe Za'1eS are
deteImined thrcu;¡h the General Plan. Projections shown in
the Capital IJrprovement PL~"'" are in 1989 dollars. With
total J::uildout in the City, the parX dedicatioo fun:i wculd
total $18.3 mil1ioo. However, there is no way of Ia'1cwir¥¡
wn.:>n that wculd occur. F..vo,µ.-...,....l projects equal $17
million with a¡:proximately $11 mil1ioo fran the General
F\In:1 and $6 millim fraD the parX dedicatioo fee.
Cameil was asIœd if the GelJeral F\In:1 sbculd be reiJIb.Irsed
ëW park dedicatim fees are =llected or sha.1ld these fUnds
be kept in parX aa¡uisitim and devel~1t fun:i. Mr.
viskovidl requsstecl that the Courk::il adc¢ a policy that
when the General F\In:1 adwnoes JIJOlWlIf, it be.;. ..* a lam and
is reinbJrsed. Mr.å1 stated that there may be a
priority chan:Je as far as acxpisitim goes.
Courk::il reviewed material regaxdin;J revemJeS that oc:W.d be
derived with the 1Dpl.........ltatim of utility tax. If a
utility tax were tied to a specific project, it wculd
require ~ of 2/3 of the vtJt:ers. If the JIJOlWlIf were
rot tied to a project, but was designated to qo into the
General F\In:1, it waùd rtq1ire a vote of a¡:praY'cÙ fraD the
majority of these votinq in the electioo. A property tax
waùd also require a 2/3 "WL.wal. A parcel tax waùd
require a majority vote.
Courk::. Rcgers requsstecl that staff return with a matrix
shcIorinq the different methods of fun:iinq, pres and CXI\S of
each methcd, patential effects and ramificatiCX1S.
Courk::. Gatto stated that he waùd rot ERJRX>It a utility or
arrf other tax at this time. 'Ihere was the potential of
$13-14 mill1m available far use CNer the lcn:J term. 'Ihere
- -~. to be a prioritizatia1 of cptiCX1S in terms of c:p!n
9peIC9 }AL"+",,,,-ties. He ~"""tecl that staff lOClk at a way of
usirg and 0CIIbinin::J rescurœs and 10Clk at various fun:iinq
sources sud1 as certificates of Participetim or other
lcn:J-tem financirg mec:hanisa& cut of the General F\In:1.
Came. ~ stated that she wculd also like to see the
~ matrix to help detemiJ'Ie the best way to qo.
Mayor P1uny expl"""'~'9d su~¥' u.t for a utility tax """'''''.Ire
which waùd allow the vtJt:ers to let the c:amcil kn::JIi their
wishes .
CXX1NCIL ~ (œ-763A)
Came. Rogers stated that she '«JlÙd vote no Œ1 a utility
tax if the vote were taken tonight. Priarities and method
of 1'Urñin:1 need 1001"8 clarificatim.
came. Gatto stated that he felt the need to give directim
at this time. '!here was no way to guarantee a utility tax
'«JlÙd be used to payoff the bcn:!s.
Courk::. Koppel stated she wculd like a matrix on 1'Urñin:1
pr; S Ellted at the April 3 meetin;J.
Mayor P1uny also requested costs and what the City '«JlÙd
be gettin;J wnen an acquisition was made.
D!sn,aaim followed regardin:;J the "park balance" within the
............"1ity. Cameil was infVL.....1 that this was ocnsiderecl
in the General Plan.
DiI8c:tor of ParD and ~..atia'1 Dcwlin:¡ informed Courk::il
that they did have reo· ····-'1datiCX1S fraD the Panes and
Rt...........átia1l"nm1i....ia'1 regardin:;J priorities .
O1arl_ }'- -" stated that Cameil has net identified what
has bec1 b',...... about. Be asked what the acreage of DBAnza
RaapBt Club is and SI.oH"'""""tecl that Courk::il should net be¡ JlØ'Il!tj f01: parks in areas Were the land costs
the mcst. 'lbB DeAnza RaoqIJet Club site is a high value
piece of }AL"¥"'L ty .
DiI8c:tor of Public tM.ka V.iskovidl stated that land with
various zaúl'ç designatiCX1S is }AL"1.1.}' WEIll equal in value
in __Jé1:al. 'lbB use of land in certain areas is restricted
heœJ1H "f surroun::linq uses. In regard to the DeAnza
Racquet Club, it has CXII8 up several times for purchase.
DiI8c:tor of Parks and Recreatim Dc;¡,¡lin:¡ told Courk::il that
he ocW.d infozm them regardin:;J possible uses of the DeAnza
RaapBt Club site and hoIor the ParIes and Recreatim
l" got to its reG- ·,··...'1datim.
Darwin 'lbrtme requested clarificatim regarding' the $17
milUm. since this JlØ'Il!tj is invested arx1 used as a source
of irr:xme, will it need to be rep]...,.ç? He was infOI1llecl by
Mr. snyder that expenditure of parts of that JlØ'Il!tj has been
CXl\Sidered in the figures in the forecast. on page 20 of
the Fiscal Forecast, the reserves are replenished frail
~Ielal funjs oanin:¡ in. 'lbB use of $11 mi11ia'1 is already
reflected in the figures.
MINm'ES OF 'mE MARŒ. 7 I 19a9, MlJCLTPl-!ED mn,JIJ.R CTI"í
CXXJNClL MEEI'Il«> (0::-7631'.)
Ð:i Hirschfield stated that since the General Plan was
established the view of priorities hM c:harxJed. It: is not
~a.."Y to OCI1Sider additional soorces of fUnd.irq. 'l11e
Parks ani Recreation CClDmission reo ·,.,-l1datim reordered
steve Dowlin:] stated that the Parks am Rec:reatioo
Cnnmh"'im is rec:- .,.....rnin;J that current c:p!n space
available should remain. Wherever aw~iats, exi.stin¡
re(;¡;..atioo c:p!n qpaœ zaniJçs should be maintained.
/'hnmi ....imers "'""'t"'red the survey results and exist.in1
facilities and found me:.':s. '!hey feel the locatim of
stevens Creek Boulevard and Stellin:] Read is an úperative
acquisitim. He ''walked throogh" the 6+ acres of DeAnza
R!Ia¡uet Club sits. Parks am Rec::reatim l"nmIi-ioo
reo:- ····-·àJs the additioo of cl 12,000 sq. ft. gymnasium, the
eliminatim of sœe of the exi.stin¡ tennis ocurts (Jœepin:]
12 ocurts) with a CY'OIOIII"1ity pool of 25 meters IIIiniDuD m
the ~ bcurdIu:y. With such additiCX1S, it ð~ that
exist.in1 perlcinq wculd be adEoquate. 'l11e use of the
exist.in1 bni1ding net3ds further study. A possible negative
is the effect increased intensity WCltld have m neartJy
residential areas. 'l11e ~ is pl~ a fitness facilit'.I
(to be bJilt soon), a pool (five year prcjectim), and a
gym (u.'t'Lujected at this time). 'l11e Y is IIIIII!I'IIIble to a
joint effort with the City. Also, DeAnza """""m wants to
expand their gym. 'Ihey are also IIIIII!I'IIIble to a joint
Mayor Pluny asJœð hcIi this site fits into the City's
overall plan. 'Ibis is infOJ:1D/1tia1 he is looJdn:¡ for. He
SUCJ;aoItecl that P8rD and R8creatim l"nmIi look at
p.¡ttin;J a pool 1oÒ8r8 the exist.in1 ocurts in Mb....... ia1 Puk
He was inf..· .._1 that shculd that be done, locker rocm
faci1iu.. .....,,,.. tie -----. there. Gatto _ rn~ the qlinicr¡ that the value of the
DeAnza ~J8t Club site is the land arx1 its locatim. He
~ -'!d SUß)...L for the staff l~t received fraD the
Director of Public WOñœ and felt that lteaø 1, 2 and 3 00
page 2 of that L~L oculd serve as salle directim as to
hcIi the prcperty wculd be purchased. He felt that there
shwld be a fI.Jrxlin;J mechanism that allows fI.Jrxlin;J aver a
period of time.
By oonsensus, Courk::il supported Items 1, 2, arx1 3 of the
MIN\Jl'ES OF WE ~ Î. lÇ¡~Ç¡, ArocrnaŒD Rm:"_lR ClT'í
CIXJNCIL MEE:I'm':; (0::-763A)
City Manager BrcM1 stated that starf OOlÙd ~~aa in sœa
acquisitiCX1S with ælClUl'lts in::1udin;J DeAnza Racquet Club and
return with reo ····_Jdatioos of hew to inplellBIt that
It was ~ that starf take a "DEBt guess" ~ price
of DeAnza Racquet Club bas«! m realistic EDCpeCtatiaw.
At 9:12 p.m., Courk::il adjoozned to a clœecl _im to
rer..eive an update on l""':<JL1atiCX1S for purt:tIasa of real
estate .
Cameil recx:nvened in at 9:15 p.m.
cnmc. ~ S .ilL:
~l, Rcgers, Mayor Plurv;w
cnmc. Absent:
Gatto, Jà1nsa'1
staff PL S I It:
City Manager Brown
City Clerk Q.,.......lius
Director of Public WœJas Viskcvich
Director of n-o-"1ity DIMI1~L CDiIIn
Director of Finance snyder
Director of P8rkB and Rscreatim DcwlJnr
Assistant to the City Manager BL...-..
n-o-"1ity Re1atiCX1S Officer l\:r8y
Mayor Pluny directed that lan:l '""'<J,i..itfat and
rehabilitatia1 of the land d8Y8l. ~ do far t2a D8AnZa
Racquet Club be p'''''' in the 1989/90 ¡H-1 Y..: capital
~UIt.,._..L PL~.... in the amount of $6 .i11im.
'nI8 Director of Public WarJcs was diX8ct.ed to devtiq¡ __
maintenance f~.
At 9:20 p.m., Courk::. Gatto arrived.
By oansensus, the purchase of stoc1l"_i.. }AL""-'ty.. IIICIII8d
into the ÙI¥L~-.._·_i column. ~ }AL""-'ty had beIm
~~...~........i at $2.5 millim. Shculd the }AL....-,-:Y }...,.o._....
available, Courk::il OOlÙd re-priaritize it. It was
requested that staff fini cut the _.....ri-t& -=amt of
Naylor funis ay>oilable for purchase of high øc:hool sites.
Wally Dean OOI."."tulated cnmcil for their }AL. OJ' i'1] of
the p.1I'chase of the DeAnza Racquet Club site am ~_eed
SURJOrt for Courk::il.
<nJNCIL MEErnC (0::-763A)
OJarles lJ. -'1'\ aà:1ressed Cameil regardin:J' bettAI!r
utilizatiŒ1 of existirg sites such as sd1cols, d1urc:hes,
ani the y. He ~ that the City look at lightin:J
mcre tennis ca.Irts arx1 otl1er methods that could be used
that \òOOld result in better utilizatim.
Arxirea Harris of 01pertin0 National Little League addressed
Council regarð.in] ycuth sports an::i expansiŒ1 of cunent
level. She requested that Council ccme up with a plan in
conjunc:tim with sd1ools. '!his was referred to the Parks
an::i Recreatim l"nmIi for a rA' -...-. datim.
Sharcn Colman ~~'i'ed thanks to Council m behalf of the
Parks and Ra.........stim l"nmIi ....iŒ1.
'Ihe Director of Public Works pointed cut that m page 3,
under Jollyman Park redøvel~lt, there was &aII8 à1ange of
wordinq and the project will be pushed back CI18 year
~IM of the drought. In the sect1m pertainin;J to
-'I;".., Rainbow trcm DeAnza to stelling has been ~.
'Ihe pouibility of .........Jnt A payinq a partim of that will
be investigated.
Courk::. IC'q:pel inpired about the possibilities of si1?~
alGn3 McClellan betwB8h stelling and Ba1ny. She was
informed that the City could not get right-of-way trcm
property owners and it \òOOld cost apprl))'i_tely $550,000 to
aoquirø the land. At this time, it is too costly for
benefit to be derived. It was ~"""tecl that pemaps this
was SCIIIIthinq that .....-....¡re A OO'ùd also furñ or it ocWd be
I~u,µ-"-'~ at a later date. In additim, the Menta vista
~ District listed Œ1 page 14 of the L~t OO'ùd
also be partially fI.uùId possibly fraD the :--....¡re A funds.
O1arles ,t~ -"', inpired about the extensiŒ1 of Mary AWr1"U8
over the .0. II rflY and aalr""ð if money shcW.d be in the Five
Year pt....".._ for that.
He was int,.. .._1 that there is $3 millim in an Cll:L..........!t
with the Traffic Authority for r--anry rœd iDprov&oenta
because of Highway 85. If n8':'e'\'8!,ry, funds could ccme fraD
Mr . N<JII---¡ said that such a plan is good as a strategy; he
\òOOld like the Mary Aveme extensiŒ1 I::iui1t within the next
five years and requested that Cameil not lose site of
1::iui1clin3 that. Also, in regard to the General Plan, he
m.q;¡estecl that Cameil - r - to readdress the circu1atiŒ1
element as 85 was not CXl\Sidereci in it.
cxuaL ~'.uG CCD-763A)
'Iha -.tin¡ wu 1IDII81 into the QunIi'1er at the last minute
-..."... o~ ~it"!ip"ted public participatim.
'Iha City ManagI8r stated that the possibility of
cable-castin:J will be investigated far the fut::ure.
'Iha IIIII8tin.1 was adjcumecl at 10:12 p.m.
d2~:~. !
Ci -I
erIt .