CC 03-20-89
10300 '!utQ(t; A~, aJPERl'IH), CAI..I.:FI:RŒA
TEI.EPH::IŒ (408) 252-4505
MMCI 20, 1989, CDJNCIL awœER, Cl'1Y HAIL,
10300 '!ut<I<I:; AvmJE, aJPERl'IH), CAI.IRRfIA
'!he meetirg was called to order at 6:50 p... by Mayor
Plun;r¡ .
0:Iunc. Pi s_1l:
Gatto, Johnsa1, }(qJpel, Mayor Pluny
0:Iunc. Absent:
stAff B. S_lt:
City Manager Brown
City ClElIit Cornelius
Director of Public 1I....k. vislcclrià1
Director of rn-nú.ty DIY8l___&L 0CWan
Director of Finance Snyder
Assistant to the City Manager Brcwn
Director of Parlcs and a......._ticn Dcw1irç
rn-nú.ty RelatiCX1S Officer ICr8y
City Attomey Kilian
~ - Na1e
certificates of appoLtL.-1t. to lWoIly a¡pñnt:ed and
~inted o-o-i ....ia1eJ:w.
Mayor Pluny iAL I .Led the certificates of A¡p)Ltt.-tt to
the l"nmIi....ia1ers and _ -'lid the Courk::il'. than1cII far
their service.
Mayor Pluny }AL! Itt.ed gifts frail the City to
L"'tJL swtatives of Pe.reslavl-zalessky. '!he three citizens
of Pereslavl-Zalessky prla )&led gifts to the City.
Mrnl1l'ES OF 'IHE MMDf 20, 1989, RfnJIAR CI'lY a:uNCIL MEE.TDC
Harriett and Rrl1 Gardner, OJperti11o citizerw ~ have
worke:l at establishirq a sister City relatimship with
Pereslavl-~essky, were introduced.
J. <:n1rtenay Heater asked if aIr d1i1dren will inherit an
enrid1ecl wrld. He offered this as a d1a1ltnJ8 to
CXH;Ðfl' ~
Director of f'rwnmI"1ity Devel"'¥'""'.L Cowan requested that I~
No. 11 be rEIIIICIYed.
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, secxn:Jecl by Courk::. Jåmøa1
an:i I""a-'!d unanimcusly (4-0) to a¡:prcY8 the balance of the
0c::I'Isent Calendar as snhfti ttecl.
1. Resolutim No. 7770: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il
of the City of 0Jpertin0 MaJcinq Dsteminatiaw and
J\¡:prcwing' the AnrBœtiat of Territœy Designated
'Dolons Avenue 88-13', ~....'i""'tely 0.60 Acre Located
m the SQUth Side of Dolor. AV8IUI Between Bym8
Avenue and orarge Avenue, Jb:xIa P\Jnk (AiN 357-14-016)."
2. Alcxilollc Beve1:age Cl...t....ul liocBe ðRÙ-icatim filed by
Ruggieri'. cafe, 21730 stevens creek Eb.ùewrd.
3. Pec:l-t far waiver of use fees and bBiness license
fees far Girl sccuts of santa Clara CDmty event to be
held in senior f'rwnmI"1ity center.
4. Matthly Activity Raot-L, FebI:uaIy, 1989. Receive.
5. Resolutim No. 7771: "A Resolutia'l of the City Courk::il
of the City of 0Jpertin0 J\mentinq Exhibit A of
Resolutia'l No. 6730, Ccnflict of Interest COde of the
City of 0Jpertin0 for officials and Designated
Ellployees. "
6. Matthly Treasurer's an::i 9.D;Jet Report, February, 1989.
MINUI'ES OF 'l1Œ ~ 20, 1989, REXX¡I~ CIT'i o:xJNCIL MEFrIN:;
7. RIIIIIolutim No. 7772: "A Reso1utiat ot the City Ca..lnCil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 AllowinJ certain ClaiJœ and
Demands Payable in the A1In.Ints and fraD the F\In:1s as
Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the
Payroll Period Erxting February 28, 1989."
8. RIIIIIolutim No. 7773: "A Resolutiat of the City Cameil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 All~ certain ClaiJœ and
Demands Payable in the A1In.Ints and Fran the F\In:1s as
Hereinafter Described for General and M1soellaneoos
Experñitures far the Period Endinq MarchlO, 1989."
9. MiraItes of the regular mee':ing of March 6, 1989.
10. ~1icatim ItSÞtC 51,840.1 - Marie Callender's - Request
for a.wrcval of two entry awnin:Js far a restaurant in a
1ILÙti-tenant retail oœplex located at the scuthwest
~18r of stAIY8ns creek Ibllevard and DeAnza
Ibllevard. Reo· ····-decl for awroval.
12. Resolutim No. 7779: "A Resolut1a1 of the City Courk::il
of the City of 0Jpert.in0 Authorizing ~1tim of
~ative 1."............1t. with RanåIO San Anta1io
Rstirement Hcusing carp., a Na1-Profit 0Xip, PravidiJ'ç
for the p.:.i-...._.L to ForI.DD. GrcAJp of Portim of cost
of Traffic signal Installatim at Foathill/cristo
Rsy/starling Drive."
13. Resolutim No. 7774: "A Resolut1a1 of the City Courk::il
of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ a....t......ct 01an;¡Ie
order No. 3 for McClellan Read widening, Project 4020."
14. Reqo--t for autborizatim to transfer funds to City
Hall and Service center activities.
15. It.. ,.·tance of 1II.Inicipal iJIprcYæ&1ts:
Bruce I. and DerLœ:ah C. Ba1field project at stelling
Rœd,IKizwin Lane.
(No 1I\..ow'''' tin; dor"t """"1t.atim neç a."Y. )
16. Resolutim No. 7775: "A Resolut1a1 of the City Courk::il
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizing ~Itim of
OOOperative 1." with the Camty of santa Clara
for cost Sharing of Traffic signal Installatim at
Foothill/cristo Rsy/starling Drive."
ASAC 5l,841.l
Water Re-
duc t ion
MDVmS OF 'IHE MARCH 20, 1989, REX:;UI)\R CIT'i CXXJNCIL hI:;I:;!'.u«;
17. RMoluticl'1 No. 7776: "A ResolutiCl\ of the city Courk::il
of the City of 0Jpertin0 J\WroViIg o...t....aet Cban;I8
Order No. 2 for Chmllnù.ty Center 9,i1ding./Me1Dorial Fark
Exp!In8im, Project. No. 2001."
18. Request for waiver of b.1siness license fees received
frail HaDestead Bard Boosters (HaIIestead High 5cmol) .
YQ!;§ !-fo-..¡ era of the City Cameil
Gatto, Jå1nsa1, ~l, Pluny
ITEH! R!XII1ED FR:M a::mmr ~
11. AR>licatim ASN; 51,841.l - Designers COllective (ARX»
- RIIcJ-t for "WLoval of modificatim to the north,
east and ~ elevatiC1\8 and to a PlanIwl D8Y8l___¡L
Sign P..~_ for a ser.rioe statim located m the
scutheast WVLnar of silverado AVWJJ8 and DeAnza
Eb.ùevard. ~. ....-wjed far ~.
Mr. cowan clarified that Q:niitiCl\ No. 13 sha1ld be _1deCI
to read, "'Ihe t.wo-foat deep metal Dundin¡ facia shall be
elbninated fraD the gas island cancpy."
It was IIIaII8d by Came. Johnsen, MoenJe.! by CaIne. Gatto
and panel un!IJ'1iJIIaJsly (4-0) to a¡:prtIII8 the a¡:plicatim 1m
per ASN; 8esoluUm No. 1452 as 1IIIII!!I1decI.
19. water rec1uctiat }AL~"'" for the City of 0Jpertin0 and
the city's ItJnicipal water Utility incluclin)
pràUbitim, allocatim, enforu!lll8r1t, ~,.. board and
effective date.
(a) ...._..i~ and enacbDent of Ut':J""JCy ordinance No.
1489: "An ordinance of the City Courk::il of the
City of 0Jpert.in0 Establishin;J Rboot....ictiC1\8 and
RsgulatiCX1S far the OXIservatim of Water, and
DedariIg the lli':J""¡CY '!hereof."
Director of Public WOrks Viskovic:h reviewed the need far
water CCI1SerVatim and acts that wculd be pràúbitedl.ll'Œr'
the UIge¡¡cy ordinance beirg reo:"'"'-,ded.
KINt1I'ES OF 'IHE MI\R:H 20, 1989, RmJIAR CIT'i a:x.JNCIL MEE."I'I}Ç
City Attorney Kilian stated that a violatim ot arr¡ of
those prå1ibitiCX1S IoOlld be a 1IIi............'1Or. Penalty 10ICUld
be a tine r.ct to e;){Ç_~ $500.00 and/or up to six Da1ths in
Mr. Viskovich clarified that the 25\ reo ...._, dad cutback
a¡:plies to ilñust:ry as well as residential and (h.._. ~~.
He infœ:med Cameil that a18 c:har¥Je in the 0Id1nar..:. is
bein:¡ :r:e-:' ....-. ded; that IoOlld be the effective date. 'Ihe
effective dats bein:¡ No> ....-decl at this time is April 15.
Cameil eop¡asized the need for clear, oax:ise and
CXl\S1stent infomatim tor the public and su;¡gestecl peIhap8
a special mailinq IoOlld be M"""""'a",:ry.
I"romonú.ty RelatiCX1S Officer l(rey told Courk::il that there is
SCIII8 ~ that has been saved for this i~ in the April
n..........inn Scene, 1:Jut a separate mailin;J is also œirç
DI!In1el !tJ1len, 862 Bette Averue, said that he receives san
Jose water District water; hcwøYer, he does live in
0Jpertin0. He has been exUletVin;J water for 15 years and
telt that a requirement for him to cut back an additicnü
25\ was not fair. He aslr..... questiaw regardinq the flow
restrict1m guidelines. He also u1rA1 if there were arr¡
breakd&:own m "P'}f regardinq water reoelttly p.u:à1ased,
i.e. , hallIL1å1 will be allowed for (. ···,-'"Cial, hallIL1å1 far
residential use, etc.
He was inf...........d that there is no such breakùcwn.
Rhoda Fry, 21920 Dolores Averue, as.1r""" if Courk::il 10ICUld
allow cust.aDers no limit prior to the April 15 effectj:v.
She was inft.. .._1 that IoOlld be cIr:me.
She incpirecl as to the~. oC"""'. of an-' of arr¡ assigned
allut....-It and the use of water for oc:nIt:ructioo. Upa1
asItin¡ the cost of recl"i- water, she was informed it was
not very expensive.
J::lliott Fax, l0872 CëI.nya1 Vista Drive, asked it all meters
IoOlld be read April l4.
He was infoxmed they IoOlld not, that the Ciq uses a
staI};Jerecl billin;J pIOC~~.
MINtJI'ES OF '!HE M1U<CH 20, 1989, REnlIAR CIT'i a:xJ'NC'lL ~
Clif~ord Mastenbrook, 10191 Camino Vista, said that he has
been OCDIerVirq water and felt that fUrther cutlJacJœ for
him wwld rot be fair. Also, t\«) years MJO (the year far
dstetmininq current allvt-...Jts), he was worJdn;J. He has
since retired arx1 is hcne mere; therefore, he uses mcre
water. He asked far a definitim of special ci=Imst.ancetJ.
Mr. Viskovidl stated that the aro-1 board wwld look at an
"R'""h,nt's past reoo1..I and events that may have charY:1ed.
Mr. Mastenbrook ~-œd that a !la.. rate wwld be mcre
equitable. He has been usirq water at rock bottan and new
the City is pùlirq the bottan em..
Miå1elle Wintol, 21875 Granada Averue, said that she has
lived ~ there was no water. She inquired as to \obat
wwld be da1e about c:ñarçes that had oocurrecl in families
at an ..:kh._ since t\«) years MJO.
She was told that this is the type of thin¡ that oculd be
brc:Iught to the "ß'""" board. In regazã to an additia1a1
questim she aa-, she was told that new lan;!~irq oculd
be installed; hcMIver, the water '--;)e III.1St stay within the
allocatim. It was..t.... lS'Bd that in the future, citizens
III.1St cx:nt.inJe to be aware of CXI1SeJ:Vin¡ water.
Walter Hsu, calprtlll, Inc., involved with the City Center
project, asked how the re..t....ictiCX1S wo.ùd IlRÙY to use of
water far paintirg dI'ywall, etc. , in the OCI1Structim
Mr. ViskDvidl int.........d him that the restrictiCX1S pertain to
CXl\Structim pulp;!., rot indoor paintinq, cleanirq of
brushes, etc. If the design cannot use rec]..i.-i water,
then it wwld prà:)ably be allCWBd to use potable.
Mr. Hsu stated that the ordinaroe -- 1ed to be clarified.
It was ment1a1ecl that a smaller meter oculd be installed at
ooostructim General guidelines wwld be harx!e:i em.
when a per&a'1 ar911ed for a permit.
Mr. Hsu statAld that a¡:praximately 50 tmits per matth are
used m the Cj,ty Center project arx1 as)rad if there ware Mrf
way to knew what the allut-...JL wa.ù.d be when the project
was oœpleted so installatim of lanèl~irq can be
It was menticnad that that particular site is 00IIered by
Cal am San J~ Water Districts.
Jcim Gachina, 2l8ll Herm:Jsa Ave!UIe, a land~pe ccntractor,
asked if the City 'oOlld be l~ at overall usage if
tl1ere is more than Œ1EI water meter.
He was informed that it 'oOlld. '!he City, as a o.:staDer,
will have to evaluate the use of water in MI!Iool ia1 Park
lake arx1 ather city facilities, the same as any ather
custœer .
Mr. Gad1ina asked if the ather water districts 'oOlld also
be Oltting back the same 2st.
He was infw......d that other cities aram::l the area sha.1ld be
Oltting back the same 2st.
Peter ('i~", Glenbrook Apartments, asked reganiinJ the
pcn:1s, waterfall, and brook at the site of the apartment
Mr. VisJa:Jvid1 said that the ~._. .t. 'oOlld have to
develq) a plan; if the tenants go CNer their all....l...../t.,
then the CXIIplex JIIJSt decrease laros~ing use.
Sue M1rd1-1Cr8t:sdmIan, 20568 B]-~ lane, 0Jpertin0, asked
aba1t the IeSpCI1Sibility of l8lldership in p].annin¡ growth.
Her 0..........1. is far next year; if growth CCI'1tinJes, will all
citizens be asJœd to a.1t back more?
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Jåmsa1, seo....:1bd by Counc. Gatto
and paø-ed UI'IIU1ÍIIØ.1Sly (4-0) to cl~ the public hearin;J.
Di '"<'''-im followed regardinq the need for careful, clear
definitim of }AL.' -"......, clear- of rules, "'R'""""
1:4'" -- for diff.n..~. the need to alllJW flexibility if
it can be shewn the custaDer has been CCII'1SetVir¥]. '!he
actual "'R'""'" þL(~'!' has not yet been established.
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, seccn:1ed by Courk::. K<:wel and
p"a....... UI'IIU1ÍIIØ.1Sly (4-0) to read Oxdinanoe No. 1489 by
title a1ly and the City ClElIit's readin;J to ........titute the
first readin:l thereof.
It was IIIaII8d by Counc. Gatto, sooa.:1bd by CCIunc. Jobnsa1
and pe''9Md unan1mcusly (4-0) to enact Oxdinanoe No. l489 to
Þeo:· ..... effective April 15.
Public hear ing
1st reading of
Ord. l489
Ord. 1489 enacte
Use of City
Bid opening
Block Grant
Li Vista
Sto Drain
MINUl'ES OF 'IHE MM.:::H 20, 1989. RmJlAR CI'lY a::uNCIL MEZl'DC
20. Na1e.
21. Nax>.
22. Na1e.
23. status of in-lieu fees for 11m ~'"':LC'.
ocunci1 had no questiCX1S and received the L,,¥>d.
24. Reo::- ····...'1datim far policy amer&:1Þc.¡ls far resident and
ncn-resident use of City picnic facilities.
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. JàInscn and secx:n:iecl by Courk::.
l'qIpe] to "WLU>18 the reo· ····....datiCX1S that outdoar
facilities Ullævatim policy be ameuded 80 residentll may
a¡:ply 90 c1ayB in advance of 8\I8I1ts, l:m. ncn-residentll 30
c1ayB in advaroI, th8re be no fee far resident use and a
$25.00 user fee far ncn-resident œservatim. 'Ih8
effective date shall be Sept_,J -er 1, 1989.
Rill. Ze1t1œn, 22907 criclœt Hill Rœd, asked why it was
nee -ry to wait until Sept-, 1 for iDplementatim.
He was informed that SCIIIB œservaticn awlicatiCX1S are
already in the pipeline.
'Ihe IIIX1m was adcpted unarúmcusly (4-0).
25. ~t. m bid cpenin¡, O"onrrInú.ty Block Grant &~_,
Dlpire Averue and Gran:i Avenue street ~..........Its,
Project 88-120, and award of ~jL..aCt.
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. JàInscn, seocuded by Courk::. l'qIpel
and ~a"- un!IJ'1iJIIaJsly (4-0) to award thø bid to Bellicitti
& Pelliociatti for the lcwst respculible bid received at
$192,039.80 and authorized a $13,500 c:x:nt:.i.n:JeI for a
total of $220,000.
26. Ra!p:ut m bid openin:¡, Lima Vista Park storm Drain,
Project 88-6014, arx1 award of cx:ntract.
MINl1l'ES OF 'mE ~ 20, 1989, REX:;UIAR CIT'i CXXJNCIL MEE:I'nG
It was m:wed by Courk::. Gatto, secaded by Courk::. JcX1nsa1,
am I"'''-ed \.IMlÙJIDJSly (4-0) to award the bid to Gau..yos
Bianchi CcnItructian far the lowest bid reoei ved at
$38,246.10 and authorized a 15\ ~ of $5,753.90
for a total of $44,000.
27. street and Traffic n.p.ct Fee ME'---·;t District
(a) Resolutim No. 7777: IIA Resolutim of the City
Courk::il of the City of 0Jpert.in0 Preliminarily
A¡:provin;J Enqineer's RIepo1.t, ~intinq Time and
Place of øearin;J Pretests and Direct:in;J Notice
'Ih8reof, and Describin;J ~. y:nd Bcundari_ of
ABe- -_.;t District am Directing Filin; of
lb.Indary Map."
It was DKMI:i by ocunc. Gatto, e..cCluded by Courk::. Fq:pel,
and paø-" UI'1IU'ÚJIØJSly (4-0) to adqJt Rl8t:lutim No. 7777
and set the public hearinq for May 1, 1989.
28. Rq...u. L m bid cpniD:J for traffic signal installat1a1
at Foat:hil1 Eb.ùevard and Cristo RIIIy/starlin;J, Project
5001, and award of ocntract.
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, seoc:rJded by Courk::. Fq:pel,
and peeaed unaniJDcusly (4-0) to award the bid to Heward
Electric in the amount of $64,497.00 "'a-.d m l~ bid
received and that the project be fumed by develq¡er's
0CI'1t:rib1t:ic until such tiE in the fUture ~ a
settl_;t is r-+-'I cuuClalg the govext'II81tal agencies to
:reiD:m'8e FonIm for their share of the 8ignal cost.
29. CCI'Isideratim of a reøolutia1 for r:ea::Nf!Ir'J of -__,,*y
...-pa_ coøt:a to neql1gent drivirç under the influence
and int:enticna1.L.....,¡t'Ul ccnduct.
(a) RI8olutia1 No. 7778: IIA Re8~utia1 of the City
Courk::il of the City of 0Ipsrtin0 Regaràirq the
Mcpt:ia1 of ~. ~'... to IDples...4lt the Neql1gent
Drivirç un::Jer the Influence and Intent1mally
Wl.....-::tt'Ul c::c:muct ÐDergen::y RaspCIIISe cost Reoavery
Pl.~CUII. "
Assistant to the
amœ.:boelJts to the
City Mar.ager Brown requested SCIIIB
resolutiŒ1 under CXl\Sideratim by
Res 7777 adopte(
Bid opening,
Response re-
covery program
Res. 7778
Bid opening,
~riani Ave.
2nd Reading
Ord.. l484
Ord. 1484
2nd reading
Ord.. i487
It was IIIIJY8d by Came. Gatto, .........:!ad by Came. Jobnøcn
and I""--ed \.II'I!I1'Ù (4-0) to adqJt RiMolutia1 No. 7778
with pI!Ig8 3, I~ 3, &..uded to delete, "i.e., laboratory
f_, ooøts of repairing or nplacinq City }AL_t)' ~
ar destroyed due to the persal's 0CII1duct"; ani It8D 5
~ to state ti'.at if the bill is not paid within 30
days after the initial bill is mailed by the City ar
allowances are not made far partial ~ durinq the 30
day period, then the bill will De CXl\S1dered del~ cmd
ref'1rrecl to the City's r~.."" ool1ectiCl1}AL' ~.....
30. Rq...u.t m bid cpeninq for DeAnza Boulevard and
r.azaneojMariani AV81U18 traffic signal, Projects 5004
and 50044, and award of oc:ntracts.
It was IIIIJY8d by counc. Jchnsa1, IWIoOOIIdDo1 by Courk::. Gatto
and p!'--Id UI'1B!ÚJIDJsly to award the project to steiny ani
0cIIpany for the lcwest respalSible bid in the IIIIIICUnt of
$68,570.90 and authorize a 15\ ~ in the IIIIIICUnt of
$11,429.20 far a total project of $80,000.00.
Wtu'.1·.1uf CXIIIJNI~CIB
31. Na1e.
32. Seoctd œa1inI¡ and ~L.u.:...jt of Ordinance No. l484:
"An ordinance of the City camcil of the City of
Q]p8rtino A1IB1d1n:¡ ordinance No. 002 (d) as Described in
sectia1 2 Herein, and Esta1:ù.ishinq an Ordinance
Regulat1nq Private a.......aatim (FP) Zaws."
It was IIIIJY8d by counc. Gatto, seoade.:l by 0U1c. Foppel ani
p----'9d UMIÚII:iUaly (4-0) to read Ordinance No. 1484 by
title CI1ly am the City Clerk'. œa1inI¡ to OCI'IStitute the r8IIIdirIg' tl'........f.
It wu IIIIJY8d by 0U1c. Gatto, MOOo..:J.,d by 0U1c. Jobnøcn
and J?"--1Jd UMIÚII:iUaly (4-0) to enact Ordinance No. 1484.
33. Seoctd œa1inI¡ and en....L.u.:...1L of Ordinance No. 1487:
"An Ordinance of the City Courk::il of the City of
0Jpertin0 A1IB1d1n:¡ Q1apter 2.16 of the 0Jpertin0
ø.micipal COde, City Courk::il, Sal.aries."
It was IIICIYecl by Courk::. Gatto, seccndecl by Courk::. Jåu'Isa'\
and peatl'9CI UI'1B!ÚJIDJsly (4-0) to read Ordinance No. l487 by
title CI1ly and the City ClElIit's reading to ÓoII...titute the
seocn:i reading thereof.
MINUl'ES OF 'lHZ w.:ROi 20, 1989, R!:GJlAR CI'N cmNCIl. 14EEl'DC
It __ IIICIII8d I::Iy Q:AJnc. Gatto, ..........d6d I::Iy Came. Jchnsa1
and )?""'II'1Id l.II'1II1ÙJID.Iy ( 4-0) to enact 0I:ttinIInce No. 1487.
34. SðOCtd reading and __,-",It. of ordinance No. l4Ð8:
"An orciinaooe of the City Courk::il of the City of
0Jpertin0 Amøn::lin;r sect:.ia1 4.1 (a) of City Ordinance No.
652 Relat!n¡ to PL· ~".... in 1\meI'1:ling' the General
It was IIIaII8d by counc. Gatto, e.:;.adlld by Came. JàInsa1
arx1 r---.... l.II'1II1ÙJID.Iy (4-0) to read ordinance No. l488 by
title a1ly and the City ClElIit'. reading to calStitute the
-.......:1 reading thereof.
It was IIIaII8d by counc. Gatto, ~Jded by Courk::. JOOIwa1
and l"'-...A unaniDI:Jusly (4-0) to enact Ordinance No. 1488.
35. Na1e.
S'mFF ~::¡
36. status of follc::JW-Up of ~_tia1 1T T'·...---- It
survøy .
By .....¿iHIIIUS, Courk::il "WL",.ad the r~ as ~ T alai.
37. oral ............ t.. by staff
. '9\.. and ..,.....i --ia1 of writt81
""-wúty Ra1aticnI Officer 1CI:8y ¡,.........ted a1 the City'.
swnc (student week in Gc:JY-.._,L) PL~_.
MIyar Pluny ""'"'1" .1JIBtt:8:l the DiJ:ectar of n-."Ùty
DiIYel., aL regardinq his ir~U1 leqislative ...........t..
CXXJtCL 1œt'\AU::¡
38. MIyar Plun;w - Sister City -Mayor Pluny anncunced that
April 8 was the date set for the City'. 01eny 81.,.--':11\
Festival. Mayor Tanaka and others trail 'l'oyåaIWa will
arrive April 7.
40. ocunc. JàInsa1 - Legislative RøYiw l"nmIittee - It was
.,..,..s by counc. Jchnsa1, -......oiId by ocunc. Gatto and
p"--1Id unan1mcu8ly (4-0) to take the follc:lWirq act:iaw
regardin;r }AL. ,.,clad leqislatia1: SUR> Ü AB 357 ~)
and SB 292 (1U.A1:ti) , lMIIIi-aut:clllatic \,- paw ban; AB
2031 (Nolan), m"'-"P-.....m stoIacJ8 tanks, federal
Ord. 1487
2nd reading
Ord.. l488
OTd. l488
Sister City
Closed Session
~0Z"JD!II'108; 5 5 (Dodd), AIr. c:tú1d :::are bill; Aa. 25
(Bndley), general obligation I:xrds, reductioo m "ct:.e
requirement; HR 1190 (Stark) , semi-autanatic assault
.,-,,[>N1S and large capacity ðlllll.ll'Útioo feedirq deviœs;
AB 452, (Wright), pràúbitin:J ocunty !ran ~in:¡ a
bilThoard in an area porpœed for annexatioo; 58 l03
(Robbins), insurance I'E!lIeI-h.; and S8 487 (Kq:p),
electraú.c - a~, facsimile transmissioo ("junk
fax") . ~)ØØ S8 998 (Presley) and S8 1059 (Rà:bins),
redeve1"¥,,,",lt, mandatory pass-tim::ugh ðgl.__.l
required by statute; 58 166 (Ayala) , fines and
forfeitures, dcublin:¡ amamt: of fine revenue diverted
for aloahol and dI1.Ig tests; N:A 23 (Jobnsa1),
requirement for voter a¡:praval of all new or increased
taxes (P...~itim 62) , }AL'Y......1 to place in
Cl..Dtitutim and maJœ it applicable to all cities and
require that arr:¡ tax JIIJSt be i~ 00 a Wlifam
basis: N:A 22 (Jobnsa1), pràúbitim of parcel tax; and
58 713 (L. a.........), ocn:1itiaw of appraval, 1imitatiaw
m za'Ún;1, general plan ar specific plan ~It.a.
Growth ~ _lit related leqislatiat: &a- .i,lv
.-.- S\Jpp(4 L plannin;J CXl\Sistency (with
qJalificatim) , reqiooal fees (if more detailed
infomatim is available to explain how fees wculd be
collected and spent) and vehicle license fees. ~
jobejhcusin:¡ aspect of urban service area oa~L, ~
and neighbarin:¡ """"""1ities, and city shared taxes with
oa.mty. Took no positim regardinq state plannin;J
policy, state plannin;J department, and a:JUnty service
areas. senate œckaae - ~ State review of General
Plans, allocatim of affordable hcusin:¡, AB 40
(Eastin) , EIR m reqiooal transportatim. SU¡pJrt land
use and tnnsportatim link (with qualificatim),
increased reqiooal oooperatim, arxi AB 35 (Eastin),
local gcv...........t. general plans. Get copies of AB l030
(Sher), urñeIgrcund storage tanks, federal Ca1fœ:mance:
and AB 628 (Kelley), local larxi use initiative, state
At 9:15 p.m., Ccuril adjOJmed to a Clceecl Sessioo to
ñi 11('-- two matters pertainin;J to negctiatiCX1S for
~, sale, exr:::bange or lease of real property, the
DeAnza Racquet Club and a portioo of Valloo.
At 10:40 p.m., Cameil reconvened in ~.
Courk::. PreS_It:
Gatto, Jåmsa'I, Kq.pel, Mayor P1ungy
Cc1urw;:. Absent:
(e) Negotiatiaw far purdIase, sale, ~, or lease ot
rMl )'' (GoveITJment COde secticn 54956.8) -
c.Anza ~wt Club.
It waa D:IIIWd by 0aJnc. Gatto, -.......:1oed by (Dmc. Jct¡,~
and P"',ed ur'IIIJ'ÚJIDJ8ly (4-0) to direct Mr. V.iskovich to
}AL' .~ with ~tiCX1S far the purdIase of DeAnza
Racquøt Club.
o:ucll gaw staff directicn regardin;J the pœsible
purdIase of a particn of Vallco.
'Ih8 meeti1'x¡ was adjoozned at 10:45 p.m.
City Cleã