CC 04-11-89 . . CIT'i OF aJPERI'INO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 'Iúf<¡(¡,; AVE1roE, CIJPERTINJ, CA TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 0::-765A MrnUI'ES OF 'IHE Sl'æ'IAL ~ OF 'IHE CITI' axJNCIL HElD 00 APRIL 11, 1989, <nJNCIL CElIMBER, CITI' HAIL, 10300 'IU<t<t; AVE1roE, C1JPERI'IN:), c::ALIFCRUA '!he meet.in:J was called to order by Mayor Pro ~u, Jà1nsa1 at 6:35 p.m. Came. Present: ~l, Rogers, Mayor Pro 'I\:up.>Le Jå1nsa\ O::unc. Absent: Gatto, Mayor Plun::w þ staff Present: City Clerk Comelius Director of Public Works Viskovicn Director of l'hrm11Úty Devel'-¥.""uL Ca.Ian Assistant City Attorney Leslie I.cpez RJBLIC HEARING 1. çlic.atim 8-Z-88 - landmark Devel"'P"""tt - Rezaù.n¡ frail P(R-3) Planned Devel"'P"""lt with residential mltiple family intent to P Planned Devel"'P"""IL with sÍlX]le-family residential l0-20 dwellÍlX] mdts per acre intent. çlic.atim 28-U-SS - Use Pemit to OCh,.t.....JCt 36 BÍlX]le-family residential dwellilçl as the first p¡ase of a possible ~ project. Aßùicatim 14-'1H-88 - Tentative map to El'1bd1vide five separate parcels into 36 parœls with me additia1al lot to be held in (> ..... '. ownership. çlicatim 36-FA-88 - 'Ihe P1annin::J ChrIIIi ....iat reo:> ........ ds the grant::.ing of a Negative n-lantim. Site is located a1 Gardens1de Lane, north of Rainbow Drive. (a) First Ieadin;J of or.:linanoe No. 1486: "An ordinance of the City Cameil of the City of OJpertino A1I1endin;J Sectim 1 of ordinance No. 2 by Rezonin;J Awl.",,-i""'tely 3.34 Acres fran P(R-3) Za'Ie to P Za'Ie; Located a1 Gardenside Lane North of Rainbow Drive (Ian:mIark Devel"'P""".t - 8-Z-88." -1- , · · · , , MINUI'ES OF '!HE AffiIL 11, 1989, SPECIAL CI'I"{ o::xJNCIL MEE:I'ING (0::-765A) '!he Director of o-vm1TÚ.ty Develq:ment pJ: es-mt.ed a brief review of l'LqJOSecl ¡;i1ases and general information abo.1t the project. A oClloern I"'Ii.-ñ at the PlaJ'D'ÚlY, (X::mni....icn :neetin;J was the rcute trucks 'onlld be usin¡ to leave the devel"'l-"""'tt durin¡ the canstzuctim phase. Neighbors preferred that trucks exit clirect1y alto RaiI1bcM and not (",ardenside. Mr. cowan stated that he believed ather D."J!""'..;erns have been resolved. Trish Hopkins, 20719 GaIàen Maoor coort, 1.~ S ¡tt1rq the Gardenview Terraoe Hanecwners Associaticn, told Cameil that the Associaticn does aw=ve of the density presente:l. She ED!pI'eSSE!d ë&wL.....iatim for the way in which the b.1ilder arx1 the board ~ with the neigh1::ortJood. DÍS<"',....im fo) l~ d regardinJ air ocn:iitiarlnq units for the dwellings t..at 'oItW.d be closest to Highway 85. Mr. cowan informed Courk::il that forced air venti1atim was required for these \mits. In respa¡se to Cameil questicn ~ any j .......... of which they may need to be sensitive regardin;J this devel"'l-"""'tt and Highway 85, Director of Public works viskovich stated that there was 1'1Othin] at this tiJDe¡ however, shQ.¡ld the }AL'i'Jsed s..cad stage oc:me up for a¡:praval, there may be SCIIIB ia........ at that tiJDe. He reviewed possible alternates for ent:erilYJ and exitirç the free1.,¡ay at Ralnbow. Director of n-om.nùty Devel.\··...·tt cowan stated there were four or five units in this ¡:i1ase that 'oItW.d be next to the freeway. Upa1 beiJq inf,,, ...ACt that win::Jcw air ocn:iitiaún;J \mits 'onlld be satisfactoty, Mr. Q1y stated t'-.at r.e 'oItW.d prcbably just put in ~'!te air cxniitiaún;J systems in these units shQ.¡ld ~ be required. It was maved by Courk::. lb;JEr1:s, -........dit.d by Came. Koppel and I"'aaø:l unanimously by those }AL B 1 It. to close the p.lblic hearin¡. It was moved by Coone. IO; ers, seccrIdecl by Courk::. Kq:pel and pa~<;ø:l unanimously by those pI!e~ltt to aw=ve the grantirx:J of a Negative Declaratim for AR>licatim No. 8-Z-88. It was moved by Courk::. IO; ers, seccrIdecl by Courk::. Koppel am passed unanimously by these pnsent to read 0Idinance No. 1486 by title a1ly and the City Clerk's readi.rJ:1 to constitute the first readi.rJ:1 thereof. -2- MINUI'ES OF'IHE AmIL 11, 1989, SPECIAL CIT'i CXXJNCIL MEXl'DI:; (œ-765A) It was m:wed by counc. RcgeI's, sec:xnied by Courk::. Vqpel and p-aøed unanimously by these }AL S lit to "WL....... 1\R)licatim No. 8-Z-88 per P1annirJ] n-om.i ....1m Resolutiat No. 4137. It was m:wed by Courk::. RcgeI's, sec:xnied by Courk::. lfq:peIl am I"'ø-eð UI'I8lÚ.IIIaJsly (3-0) to lIWIa1/8 the g:rantin¡ of a Negative r--'aratim for Awlicatim No. 28-u-B8. It was IIIaII8d by came. Rcgers, seoc:u:Jed by Courk::. ~] and p-a~ unanimaJsly (3-0) to Awlicaticn No. 28-u-B8 per plannin¡ l"nmIi ....ic.n Resolution No. 4138 with CaxU,tia1 No. 21 amended to rec;r.ùre air oaxtitiaúr¥3' of these units nut to Highway 85. It was IIICIV8d by counc. Rcgers, sec:xnied by Courk::. l(q:ipel and p"a....... un!IJ'1iJIIaJsly (3-0) to ~ the grantin;J of a Negative Dec']aratim for Awlicatim No. 14-'IH-88. It was IIIaII8d by Ocunc. Rcgers, sec:xnied by Courk::. l(q:ipel and p-a....... UI'I8lÚ.IIIaJsly by these }AL S ..l to "WLuv'8 Awlicatim No. 14-'IH-88 per Plannin¡ l"nmIi ....1m Reøolutiat No. 4139. '1he meetiJxJ was adjoozned at 6:45 p.m. -3-