CC 04-21-89
.. "
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
Came. I'reS'wt:
Gatto, Johnson, Keppel, Rcgers, Mayor P1uny
Staff Present:
City Manager Brown
Steve I<i.rçsford, Shannon Associates Consultant
1. Finances and Financial ccmdition:
- Insure city financial so.mdness/stability.
- Insl1r'9 a strong oontinuin:;r revenue stream to the city.
- Look at ways to diversify the city's revenue. For e:--"'l,le, hotels.
- Remain f~lly Oa1SeIVative in terms of the city's iIM-t..-IL and
expeOOiture policies.
- User fees are okay as lCII'¥J as they can be rellSCllably justified.
2. ExpectatiCX1S regardin;J entrepreneurial activities:
- Salle pro-active efforts ~. the city are okay.
- Need tn deDr::Ir...t.......te a clear benefit to the city arx1 a necessity far
the city's involveme1ll.
- Discoorage wheelin;J and dealin;J and deal "'1IIêIJdn;J just for the sake
of it.
3 . F\rt:ure Land Use:
- It's time to take another look lit the city's General Plan.
- '!he i"t"'rots of Highway 85 need to be folde:i into the Ger.aral Plan
assunptia1S .
- Staff should begin n:JW develq¡in.:J a time table arx1 initiatinq the
initial technical studies J"<"'"<>C'aary for a 9"""'" l'Y'ftWIIittee to be
- '!he outccme of the General Plan review should be very clear
statements that are easily urrlerstood by the average citizen.
- Traffic evaluation is a key element of the General Plan update.
- Arr:i additional square footages that might be OŒISidered in a
General Plan update \o1OUld have to reflect traffic mitigation.
- W!-.en reviewirq new projects, job generation should not be seen as
an oveM1e1ming positive. Rather return to the N'mtllnUty by virtue
of such things as financial benefits, open c;peœ am parks provided
maybe ¡r.:>re brportant than sheer rn.nnbers of jcà;.
- A continued use of the P.O. process in reviewirq specific projects
is e."'ICOOraged.
.' .
4. Housing:
-- Affordable hoosi11g is not possible in CUpertim without significant
gov;;"'._.:e!'1t subsidies.
- CUpertim's ability to pITIVide in any signifiœnt number aff~rdable
hoosi11g is prOOably not likely.
- 'll1e addition of higher density housi11g as mitigation measures to
iroustrW/,^""IU.erc:iðJ. develcpnents is not seen as a significant
mitigation factor.
5. Open Space:
- Continue errp¡asis on cpen space linkages. 'Ihat is, tie the
OCI!1IIIU:lity together with fairly well~ined, 1:ut not nlK""""'a~ily
large, sections of identifiable c:p!n spaœ. """"'Ples of this ~d
include lush IN'<'Ii,,1'\S and land..<Z<:"aped SE!t:l18dœ frcm develcp.¡ent.
- Retain lower profile I:W.ldin;Js in most of the nt"OIOIW11Ú.ty so that
landscapi11g, trees, arx1 hillsi:iæ remain within easy view.
- Retain open space and park a~ along the stevens creek flood
6. Description of the C'hnmt11Ú.ty arx1 How We want to Keep it:
- Nice residential neighborl1oods arx1 well planned ~ .......rcial
devel,¥"", Its.
- I.ow crime, security, arx1 canfort.
- Trees and cpen views.
- Stability of government.
- rats of choices for thirçs to do and plaoes to go.
- Keep small town feel with the high-tech city.
- Retain a mature ¡nysical PI seance.
- Retain a stron;J sense of lYOnmInúty.
- 'Ihe city oourx:il and city staff shcu1d facilitate the follCJWin¡:
- Good facilities
- Good lYOnmI11Ú.ty PI'-'::IL""" (seniors, :r:ecl:..atim)
- Invite feedback and inplt
- Co.l11Cil involvement in the nr0nr011Ú.ty
- Cameil and staff are a""'-"9ible
- A feeli11g that the city really does want irplt fraD its
citizens, arx1 that this not be seen as just lip service
- City staff shcu1d feel free to participate in the t'Y"OION11Ú.ty at
whatever level they feel l&WL"'¥Liate. 'Ihis shcu1d not be ~
as a requirement to be involved in certain activities.
7. CUltural Differences:
- City staff and City Cameil should be sensitive to cultural
- 'Ihe city shcW.d look for CJRXIrtunities to integrate different
cultures into city programs and activities.
-- City should be cpen to special requests arx1 m ~.. of variCAJS
8. OlstoJrer service:
-- 1ms is perceived as 1IOVi11g in the right direction.
-- Same more attention to p..¡blic relations training of those enployees
who work in the field and whose primary joo is not p..¡blic oontact.
· :.. .
9 . Contract Services:
- Regular reviews of current =ntract services shcu1d be un:::1ertaJœn.
- 'lbere shoold be no foregone conclusions tœ.t the city will either
retain or aban:}on cur o.n:rent oontxact arran;Jements.
- What ocunts is quality of service arx:l costsjbenefits.
10. Expectations of City Manager:
- Keep to an absolute miniJraJm the 1\nnhø..r of repetitive CCIIplaints
that are rot respc:n:1ed to.
- staff work shalld 0C41tinue to be of high quality arx:l CCIIplete.
- Try to avoid biasi1Y:J reo ·..,-tx:J.ations to the city co.mcil. C't1en
there's a close call as to staff's r'C'l.AAUO.....rlation, that shaùd be
noted as part of CXlU!'x:il' s review.)
- Clearly identify to the city co.mcil the pJZpOSe of public
hearin;¡s ;uñ 'What is byi1Y:J to be a.........u¡Jlished, Le. ''what do
you want?"
- less jargon, sin'p1er statemP.nts, shorter sentences.
- Attachments shalld be very clear arx1 self-expl1U1atoIy.
- City manager shalld clarify issues at co.mcil ~ if
there is sane confusion or doubt.
- City manager shalld feel canfortable to offer a seoo..:1 opinim
if he believes the city co.mcil's þA;on..ñ in the wrcn;r
- Cameil enjoys the manager's weekly notes arx:l fims them useful for
cunent information.
- 'lbere sho.ùd be at least an annual feedback session betwen the
council arx1 city manager probably in the April-May timeframe.
- City manager shalld provide quarterly Progl=8 l~Lts to city
co.mcil on key activities arx:l goals.
AdjOUITllllent: U:30 p.m.
City Ma