CC 05-01-89
10300 '!utQU:; AVE1roE, aJPf:RI'D«), CA 95014
TELEPHONE: (408)252-4505
10300 'lutQU:; AVENUE, aJPERl'DI), CALIFI:Rf"..A
'!he meetirq was called to order by Mayor Plurgy at 6: 52
COOJx:. Present:
Gatto, Jc:hnsa1, ~l, Rogers, Mayor Pluny
staff Pres ,It:
City Manager BrxM1
City Clerk Cmne1ius
Director of Public Warks Viskovich
Director of l"rwIonInúty Devel~1t. COwan
Director of Finance Snyãer
Assistant to the City Manager Brown
Director of Parks and Recreation Dcwlin:]
C'nmImity RelatiCX1S Officer Krey
City Attorney Kilian
By consensus, Item No. 33 was remcved fraD the aget'Xà.
CEREM::m:AL M1I:n~ - ~~
Proclamatim hcoorin:] Elliot MaJ:golies for his efforts
toward ~lic a~a televisim.
Mayor P1uny read the prncl"""'tim and Bill Fletd1er,
01air of the Cable 'IV Advisory Call1littee, expressed
appzeciation to Mr. Margolies.
Elliot Margolies ao .,,·led the prn<"'l......tion.
Proclamation honorinq Alana Hcwells, santa Clara camty
wt:starxiirg voltmteer.
Alana HcMells accepta:i the proclamation follcwin;J Uayor
Plurgy's read.i.n1.
Curbside re-
MINtJ1'ES OF THE Wo.Y 1, 19ß9, RmJI.}.R em cnJNcrL ~
Bob Nelscm of Los Al tœ Gamage rmp.ny told Courk::i1 that
the CUIbside recycl~ wa.ù.d start in CIpertino June 5.
Maureen O'RcrJœ showed sanples of "the Uß3ðIbage can".
'Ibese are oran]e bins 1rhrich will be used for recyclable
material. '!he bins will be distrililted] May 22 and
be picked up the ungarbage truck.
Between May 8 and 16, IAGCD will use door hangers to infODII
the citizens of the recycl~ A press conference
will be held May 24.
David Wheeler, President of the Q>;nnher of 0 ·,··-roe, read a
positim paper ~ ~lic purchase of highly valued
land. '!he paper states that the a.-...! -e1 did suwort
~""n:e K: hc7.Iever, in regard to the ~lic purchase of
highly valued private prcparty, the Qunri"!ø1'" reo:> .,.,.-œ
Cameil zeC>al&ider any purchase, until fUrther
cansideratim. Citizens who desire mere n.........atiCl'lal
amenities within the rYOmIInúty shalld be will~ to pay far
them directly. '!he paper urged that Courk::il shCAlld keep
highly valued land on the tax rolls.
Mr. COOen, 1111 WeynJm Way, San Jose, told Courk::il that a
0Jpertin0 COde EnfOlceme11t. Officer had ticJœtecl his car for
not hav~ cun:ent registratim. He shewed the officer
that he had paid the registratim: hcweIIer, he - ~añ to
get a SIIICIq certificate. Mr. COOen said that the Code
EnfOlceœht Officer had said "okay": however, Mr. COOen's
car was still towed.
AcoorciinJ to Mr. COOen, Officer Silva said that he had
received pressure fraD the Sheriff's ""P'" L.u.::..l and the
neighLothoo.l to have the car reur:Ned.
Mr. Cå1en is in the þL' ·:-eee of gettinq the c:art:IUretor
repaired arx1 the car would have been driven away the next
day. '!he autœr::i:>ile was towed April 24. He said that 00
one had been available for a hear~ arx1 the car is still
in storage.
'!he City Attorney questioned. "bat the car had not been
taken olt of storage arx1 Mr. Cd1en replied 00. With the
additiCl'lal expenses, it would not be worth pay~ to get it
alt. Mr. Kilian suggested that Mr. Cå1en get the vehicle
out and then have a hear~.
MIN\'J!'ES OF 'mE ~ 1, 1989, RmJI}.R Cl'l"i mJNcrr... MEE'r'ItC
Mr. COOen stated that wcW.d be a financial haråship.
'!he City Attorney told Courk::il that the a'Ily way the
heariIq owld take place at this time '«Uld be if there
were a 4/5 vote, that the matter was an emergency.
Assistant to the City Manager Brown told Ocuncil that Mr.
COOen feels that it was a ''bad tow". He had been advised
to get the car cut and to file a claim. Ms. Brown stated
that she wcW.d 1.............):1 the claim be denied as it is
staff's positim that it was a "good tow". 'Ihe
registratim m the vehicle was aver CI1e year cut of date:
the vehicle was incperative and had been left at that
locatim aver 72 hoors. On March 21, Mr. Qi)en was ghen a
caJrtesy warnirx.1. On March 22, Cbde Enf01............jL was told
that it '«Uld take just a ocuple of days to get t.'1e car
IUI' twenty-me days later, the City had the car towed.
Mr. Qi)en reiterated that the car was CUll...uLly registered
arx1 just did not have requ1J."8d smog certificate. He stated
Officer silva had not given a specific tiE in which the
car 1IIJSt be remcved.
Mayor Plun;¡y stated that it was general 0Œ1SenSUs amon~ the
Courk::il that it had been a good tow and adequate warnirx.1
had been given.
a:æmr CAUMIo\R
It was moved by Courk::. Gatto, secorx:1ed by Ocunc. Rcgers arx1
I"'aaed unanimously to ~ the 0:I1sent Calendar as
1. Repœ.L m certain ocniitiCX1S of a¡:proyaJ. for Aroo Oil,
~licatiCX1S 53-t1-87 and 56-FA-88, located m Fcothill
Boulevard, and _U>fiÙ of peI1IÚ.t.
2. Reso1utim No. 7799: "A Resolutim of the City Ocuncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 ProvidiIq for the Acquisitim
of Federal SUrplus PrqJerty."
3. Request for ~ of b.1siness license fee for
West Santa Clara Kiwanis Club.
4. Resolutim No. 7802: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il
of the City of 0Jpertin0 SettinI Date for O:I1s1deratim
of Annexinq Area Designated 'Granada Averue 89-03',
PrqJerty Located m the Sa.lth Side of Granada AvemJe
Between Oran;¡e AvemJe and Byrne Avenue: ~tely
0.259 Acre, Adzich."
Consent Calendar
MllIUI'ES OF 'mE MAY 1, 1989, Rrn.11Þ.R CIT'i roJNCIL MEF:I'DC
5. RLso1utior. No. 7803: "A Reso1utic:n of the City O:Juncil
of the City of QJpertiIlo Settin3' Dste far Cansideratic:n
of Annex:íIr:J Area Designated 'Granada Avenue 89-05',
PIqJerty Located m the sooth side of Gra.'1ada AverøJe
Between ~ Avenue an:l Byrne Avenue; AR>roximately
0.150 Acre, Par1eyjRdJertsan."
6. Resolution No. 7804: "A Resolutim of the City Cameil
of the City of CUpertino Settin3' Dste for Cans1deratim
of Ar1nexirq Area Designated '~ Avenue 89-04',
PIqJerty Located Œl the East side of ~ Avenue
Between Alcazar Avenue and Nocnan Calrt; AR>roximately
0.205 Acre, Martin."
7. Awlication ASAC 51,843.1 - InternatiŒ1al Baptist
0UJrch - Request for ~vval of Œ1-Site lightin;J for
an existin:J d1urch located m the southwest comer of
Prado vista Drive and stevens creek Boulevard.
~.....dec: for çproval with ocn:titiCX1S.
8. Resolution No. 7805: "A ResolutiŒl of the City Courk::il
of the City of CUpertino Al1cwin;J Certain Claims and
Demands Payable in the .AIID.mts and fraD the l"\1ms as
Hereinafter Described for salaries and Wages far the
Payroll Period Enc:iirq April 11, 1989."
9. Resolutim No. 7806: "A Resolutim of the City Cameil
of the City of CUpertino Allcwin;J Certain Claims arx1
Demands Payable in the .AIID.mts arx1 Fran the l"\1ms as
Hereir.after Described for Genexal arx1 Mjc:œ11aneoos
Experñitures for the Period Enc:iirq April 21, 1989."
10. Request for ~~latim transfer - Sister City
11. Resolution No. 7807: "A Hesolutic:rt of the City Q:uncil
of the city of CUpertino ~ Ca1tract Change
Order No. 4 for l'romonúty center alildin.J/Meloorial Park
Expansim, Project 200l."
12. Resolutim No. 7808: "A ResolutiŒl of the City Courk::il
of the City of CUpertino A¡:prcvinq o:mtract Change
0J:tier No. 1 for Reoa...t....\JCt1m of 0Jrt1s, Gutters, an:l
Sidewa1Jœ, Project 88-l12."
13. Resolution No. 7809: "A Resolutim of the City Cameil
of the City of OJpertino A¡:prcvinq Lot Line Adjustment
Between 'lW Parcels of Land Withcut a Parcel Map In
Accordance with section 66412(d) of SUbdivisiŒl Map Act
as AnIended Ja.~y 1, 1984, Betueen ~i.....r cement
corporation Property arx1 the Leonard arx1 King
Pl:q:Jerties, San Felipe Read; Nolte an:l A..c;sociates."
MINtJl'ES OF 'IHE ~ 1, 1989, RmJIAR CI'I'Y aX,1NCIL MEFrIN:;
14. Reso1utim No. 7810: "A Reso1utia1 of the City OCUncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~in:;J Final Plan for the
DIp':'OVeID8I'1 of FIa1tage Located m scenic Bc:W.evard;
DeYelcplI", Terry Brown Oc::I1structim l'rowpOny, Inc.,
Authorizin:;J the City En;J1neer to sign the Final Plan;
arñ Authorizin:;J ÐœçIrt:1m of Ayu'." in o............"tim
'1berewith. "
15. Resolutim No. 7811: "A Resolutia1 of the City Courk::il
of the City of 0Jpert.in0 ADoepti:n:J Q.ú.tclaim Deed and
Authorizatia1 for UOOergrcund Water Rights fraD Terry
Brown Constructim ~ny, Inc., Scenic Bculevard."
l6. Resolution No. 7813: "A Resolutia1 of the City Courk::il
of the City of 0Jpert.in0 A¡::provin:;J O::mract 01an;re
order No. 1 for Linda Vista Park stoJ:m Drain, Project
88-6014 and Requesting ~"¥Liatim."
l7. Minutes of the regular meetin;J of April l7, 1989.
18. Resolutim No. 7817: "A Resolutia1 of the City Courk::il
of the City of 0Jpert.in0 CcnfiJ:min;J Payment of ccst of
Abatement of AbïmXI1ecl Bni1din:;J Located at 22370
M:Clellan Read CAFN 357-5-l-) arx1 Releasin:;J Lien far
Said Payment."
vote Mt-..¡.eœ of the city council
Gatto, Jà1nsa1, l'qpl,, PlUD;JY
I'1'EX9 REMJ\1ED naf c:œsan' CAUmIAR
19. exms1deratim and deteminatim of establishin¡ a
street and traffic inpact fee ..e~tI"'~ district.
Ca) Resolutia1 No. 7814: "A Resolutia1 of the City
Cameil of the City of 0Jpertin0 0Yerrulin:;J
Protests to AoquisitiCX1S and ~uVŒIeltts and
Related Matters Pertainin:;J to City of QJpertino
street arñ Traffic IDpact Fee Aes-~
District" .
Str',et & Traffic
Impact Fee Assess
ment District
(b) Reso1utim No. 7812: "A Resolution of the City
Courk::il of the city of QJpertino Adc¢irxJ
Er¥;Jineer's Report, Confirming the Ass~"'"""1t and
orderin¡ Work ani AcquisitiCX1S for City of
0Jpertin0 street ani Traffic T1Ipoct Fee bl!'~'"'"'"'1t
District ani Directin:J ActiCX1S With Respect
'Iberet:o. "
Director of Public Works Viskovich reviewed the !JL~Sed
al!'(i'9'J'"'"'"'1t district with Courk::il.
It was IIIaII8d by Came. Johnson, SE!OCI'1ded by Came. Gatto
ani I""~~ una1'1.ÚIO.JSly to close the public hearin¡.
It was IIIaII8d by cnmc. Johnson, SE!OCI'1ded by Courk::. Gatto
and peeeed una1'1.ÚIO.JSly to adqJt Resolutim No. 7S14.
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Johnson, SE!OCI'1ded by Came. Gatto
arxi re'~~9d una1'1.ÚIO.JSly to adqJt Resolutim No. 7S12.
20. Awlicatim l~A-SS - Jàm Vidovich - Request for a
General Plan AIDen:JJœnt to dIange the larxi use
designatim fraD Private Rec:reatim to C'hmIø'"Cial to
allow the CXl\StJ:uc:tion of a "residential" hotel for
prcparty located on the northwest o.A....r of stevens
Creek Eb.ùevard ani stell1n:J Read. Courk::il
CXl\Sideratim of request to establish a date for a
public hearinq before the PlëU1l'ÙD:1l"nm1i....ioo.
Director of I"'ronInInúty Develv~,....:ut. 0Jwan reviewed the
history of the awlicatioo with Courk::il.
Jàm Vidaviå1, ptq)8rty owner, said eventually Courk::il
would have to make sane decision.
Oux:k J~, S147 Park villa Circle, told Cameil he
tho.Jght that a decisioo had been made and that the City was
goin¡ to buy the ptq)8rty. He asked Wi1t is the problem.
He was infoZ1DP.d it was still r--~uy to cane to a éSjL ~nle price for the prq¡erty.
It was m:wed by cnmc. Johnson and SEICCI'1ded by Courk::.
KDppe1 to CX'IJ'1tiJ'DJe consideratim of this item until
negotiations are CCIII'lete.
Mr. VidDlrich stated oojections to the delay.
It was moved by Ccwx:. Gatto am secxn:Ied by Counc. ICr{pel
that recreation is the aWLUl'Liate lard use arx1 to t'EIIIOIIe
this item fran the calendar. 'lbe substitute IIDtim p"a-.4
(4-1) with Courk::. Jà1nsan ni"'~in].
21. Þ.¡::plication 5-U-89 - ~-Yam - Request for Use Pæ:mit
to establish a da1ut shop with ~ service in a
900 sq. ft. tenant space within an existinq retail
center. Envh....W& Detenninatim: '!he P1.annin¡
Chnni ...sim :reo ....-æ the grantin;J of a Negative
Declaratim. Located m the scuthwest OOLI.... of
Haœstead Read and South DeAnza Bculevard. ~:> ....-rded
far awroval with cxnlitians.
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, secx:med by Courk::. Jå1nsa1
ani p"a'!'ed ~ly to grant a Negative Declaratim.
It was moved by Came. Gatto, secxn:Ied by Came. Jchnsa1
am passed ~ly to awrove the a¡:plicatim per
Planni.n] CCmnission Resolutim No. 4151.
22. A¡:plicatim No. 6-U-89 arx1 7-FA-89 - RàJert H. lee am
Associates - Request for Use Pemit to recx:.&figure fuel
dispensers am to establish a 200 sq. ft. cxnvenienoe
fooc:J,lmercharx sales area at an existinq service
station. Envh....W&:Illðl Detennination: 'lbe Plëll1l'Ú.n:J
Chnmi....ion reo ····-·œ the grantin;J of a Negative
Declaratim. Located m the southwest OOIl...r of Wolfe
Road ard HaIIestead Road. Reo ....-i'Òecl for ag:xroval with
It was moved by Courk::. Gatto, secx:med by Courk::. Jå1nsa1
arx1 P"",,,,ed Ul'1aJ1iJJaIsly to grant a Negative Peclaratim.
It was moved by Courk::. Gatto, seoa1decl by Courk::. Jåmsa\
ard p"....ed unanimously to a¡:prcve the ag¡1icatim per
Plann:in;J Chnmi"'CJ1a1 Resolutim No. 4152.
23. A¡:plicatim 2-GPA-89 - Westfield - Request to schedule
a hearin] to OCI'ISider an aJDe1'dme¡¡t of the land Use
Element of the General Plan to allow additia1al
b.1ildin:J area for Valloo Fashim Park.
It was moved by Courk::. Gatto, seoonded by Counc. Johr1sa1
am passed unanimously to refer the a¡:plicatim to the
P1ann:in;J CCmnissim to initiate public hearings.
App. 5-U-89.
App. 6-U-89 £.
7 EA-89, R.H. Le·
Landmark Dev.
Parks & open
space financ-
MINt~ OF 'mE ~ 1, 19a9, RmJIAR ClT'í 0JJNcrL Mœl'I}C
24. AppJ.1catim ASAC 28-{]-88 - landmark Devel.........L -
Request for ~ of l~ing am ardrlt:ecture
for a 35 \D'Út townhaJse project to be located m
Gardenside lane, lXIrth of RainJ.:x:Iw Drive. p.... ...,-&:Jio.d
for ~ with cxn::litiCl'ls.
Mayor Pluny tumecl the ~ over to Mayor Pro ~..
Jàmsa1 and ~ that he and Courk::. Gatto will abstain
and not take part in the iti.......""""im because of the
proximity of this }AL' op::5'oct devel.........L to }AL~ty they
It was IIICIIi'ed by Came. Rogers, seo...&:Jio.d by Came. J&ypel
and I""~aed un!IJ'1iJIIaJsly (3-0) to "WLU'/8 lI¡;plicatim ASAC
28-{]-88 per ASAC Resolutim No. 1462 Amended to requ1xe the
replaQOll·-tt of the ~ if it is nIŒ7.'ecl.
25. Na1e.
26. Rsvielor of City's inv....l......,L policy.
Director of Finance snyder reviewed the ~'~sad inv....~.L
policy with Courk::il.
Followin:'¡ t'li .......""""im durin;J ~ål &aDB Courk::il ..-t-...
e:xpl -'lid the desire to keep im.~~d..s"in house", as
wll as ..........-.11 regarding the IIIIDJnta invested at SIIVin3ø
and loans, Courk::il requested a fol1œ-up :I.~L regarding
the p"""""ibility of usirJ¡ IIII.21i8Y 1IIIINgerB.
It was JIICJY8Cl by counc. Bogers, seo...&:Jio.d by Ocunc:. Gatto and
p"a-'IId un!IJ'1iJIIaJsly to rEIIIC\I8 the cap m gcv....._IL
secm:i.ties i.m-....~,ls, delete reverse repJrCbue
ag1:óieluè.lls as an qJt!m, and return with infcn:matia1
regarding the possible use of IIIa1eY managers.
27. Request far authorizatim to finance certain}AL s .t
am,tor future parks and c:p!n fiiIP""'A cbligaticnJ thrcu;h
the Ir>œl GaYernment Fin:m:Je Authority.
(a) Resolutim No. 7815: "A Resolutim of the City
Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Dec::laring Its
Interest In Borrowin:J Maúes fraD the Inœl
GaIi..............L Finance Authority and certain Matters
Related 'Ihereto."
MINl'I'ffi OF '!HE MAY 1, 1989, RmJlAR CIT'i CœnCIL MœI'm;
Director of Finance Snyder recc:mtIE!OOed that shcW.d Cameil
be interest:e:i in borrt7.oiing monies fran local GoIIernment
Finanoe Authority that it be da1e at a fbœd rate. Upa1
being askEd by Courk::il, he stated that the bcn:ts c:a1'IOOt be
called within the first ten years.
Celeste Davis of Rauscher, Pierce, Refsres, Inc. told
comcil th't if they ~S'i1ed the resolutim, it sl1cMI intent
or interest. '!he nr:rrey œ:- ....... enc:uni:Ierecl ani this 10IaIld
prevent else fran getting the money. ~ 28 is
the end of the }AL~=. I.Gn has been a joint pc7A'!!rS
~ì.......,el1t fraD 1986. 'IWelve cities originally
participated; all tIere in Califom1.a. Sane cities have
relin:¡uished fIInds ani those are the fIInds that are
available. If the inI1estor is not given a ten-year call
protection, it is J'1Ie"'eSeary to charge a higher interest
rate. Ms. Davis stated that the City 10IaIld need a new bcni
rating. It is helpful to identify what projects 10IaIld be
f1naJred by this nr:rrey. ~ of the Authority vote en
who gets the nr:rrey if there are more awl1catiCX1S than
there are turxm. Ms. Davis stated that at this time it
looks like 0Jpertin0 10IaIld be the aù.y me biddin:] ŒI the
small ætnmt.
It was JOOVed by Came. Jà1nsa1, seoc:nB:l by Courk::. Rogers
ani I""~'!:'!d Ul'IalÚJIØJSly to adq:7t Resolutiat No. 7815.
28. Request to modify ...i <Iti_'1C!r }AL. 1!ßCUt1CX1S of
0CII'1tiruUn;J infractia1S.
Followin;r rli......,....ia1 with the City Attorney, it was IIICIIIed
by comc. Roger.., sec;u.Jt.d by Courk::. Gatto arx1 p"~nd
unani:maJsly to dir&ct staff to }AL~ an ordinance
allowin;r the }AL. ncutor to use cliscretim regardirxj
"ccnt:inuin;J cede violatiCX1S" as ...i ............'1CII'B.
29. Request far authorizatiŒl to install
sidewalk-perimet:er of I)eAllza O>llege m stelling ani
McClellan Road.
It was JOOVed by Came. Jåmsa1, seoarxieti by Courk::. Rogers
ani paseed I.1I'1aIÚ1IO.Isly to authorize the use of $lOO,OOO
fran DeAnza Aee-..--,rt; District 66-1 to install sidewalks
on stell1n;r Road arx1 HcClellan Read.
30. Report on bid ~ ani awaro of o...l1..Lact for the
annual overlay, Project 89-105.
I Res. 7815
Misdemeano~s &
continui:1g in-
Sidewalk in-
I Clellan
It was mcved by ecunc. JàJnson, seconded by CCJurc. Gatto
an:i I''''''sed unaniIIa..1s1y to award the project to Raisch
Roadway InproIrement ~ny, ba~ on the lowest: bid, for
$431,116.50 an:i awroved a 15\ c:x:rrt:in;Jerx for a total of
31. Rep:>rt m bid ~ an:l awaro of cootract, Traffic
Signal !t:dificatim: Pruner1dge at Hewlett-Packard
Driveway an:i Tantau Averroe, Projects 4026 an:i 5007.
It was mcved by ecunc. JOOrISa1, seccn:Jed by Came. Koppel
an:l pi!ls:sed \ll'1aI1ÌJDC:A1ly to awaro the project to C'romII11Ú.ty
Electric, bae.eð m the lowest: bid, for $92,350.00 and
a¡:proved a 15% CC1I"Itin:Jen= far 1\ total of $106,200.
32. Report CIl bid ~ am awaro of oantract, Han::licap
Ra:Dp Installatioo, Project 89-4002.
It was m:wed by Courk::. Rogers, seoCI1ded by Courk::. Jàmsa1
and pelE'aed unanimcusly to award the project to Geo.:ge
Biand1i CXX1structioo, ~- CIl the lowest bid, for
$25,340.00 and ~V}AL1.ated $2,600 fX'an the General p.m.
33. Ca'lsideratim of adcptim of a resolutim in BUrY u. L of
CIB; furñirx:J for self-help hcusin; located in the
s¡:tJere of influence of the City of Milpitas.
(a) Resol.Jt1oo No. 7816: "A Resolutim of the City
ecuncil ,f the City of 0Jpertin0 in ~L of
C'romIIn'\ity Devel"¥'&"1t Block Grant F\II'Idilç for
Self-Help Hcusirq."
('1his i~ was prev1CAJS1y remavecl fraD the agenda.)
34. Na1e.
35. Na1e.
36. Na1e.
STAFF ~::¡
37. oral lE!pOlts by staff ~.
Director of Public Works Viskovich reviewed definitiŒ1S of
oonstructiCll in regard to use of recycled water.
Cameil stated that there have been irquiries ~ oor
waterirq of the Civic Center P1ð.za ani felt citizens shalld
be made aware that tl1e City is cutting back 25% olierall.
38. status Repo~t an senior hcusirq project - infomatiŒ1
'lbe L"¥-'rt was received by Cameil.
39. status Report on requests far I.........Lds storage roan frail
variCAJS organizatiCX1S within 0Jperti00.
Nancy Hertert of the 0Jpert.in0 Historical SOCiety thanJœd
Cameil far tl1eir CXl\Sideratia1. She stated that they do
have space available for their IeCOIås; their big need is
for storage of larger items. Ms. Hertert ëU'1l'IOOnOecl that m
June 17, the Historical SOCiety will be holc:lirq a barbeoJe.
Cameil received the L~t.
40. RepoJ:t m prooese used far ncn-profit agen::y solicitors
City Attorney Kilian reviewed the status of the }AL" ~a
used for non-profit agencies solicitors' pemits aM
info:r:~ Oc:uncil that certain regulation is limited because
of state arx1 federal laws as wll as the constitutim.
It was IIIaII8d by Came. Gatto, seocnjed by Courk::. Jà1nsa1
ani paeøed \miVÚJID.1Sly that the City Attorney, City Manager
ani Assistant to the City Manager explore arr¡ practical
ways of iJIp:rcvirq the screenin;r }AL' <:'e"''1' used for ncn-profit
43. Courk::. Jc:tmscn - Legislative Review o:mnittee - It was
DX:IIIed by Came. Jc:tmscn, seconded by Courk::. Gatto arx1
I""~~ed unaniIInIsly to take the fo11awirq actiCX1S
regardiIq PL,-._Sed legisl.atioo: ~ 58 1267
(Dwis), mandatory reoordilç of closed sessions; 58 172
(Morgan), borx:l issue }ALUiA"'""ls, requirement to provide
all furxiirq arx1 redevel..........1t actions tied to halsirq
elemeht status: 58 1127 (Cecil Green), peace officers
ani firefighters, labor displte resolutioo pr<X"'"'hn-e,
n-mpllsory ani b:in:Un;J artJitratioo; 58 968 (Be..." am),
seA 19 (Bergesa'l), AB 2204 (cmtese), ACA 38 (cmtese)
ani AB 2205 (Cortese), revenue exd1an;¡es, annexatiŒ1,
easier for cnmties to dJtain city sales ani property
tax revenues by holc:lirq up annexations; 58 998
(Presley) , redevelcpœnt, mandatory pass-thrcu;¡h to
other taxirq entities; AB 1217 ( Hauser), developer
J:tiYiIS, restrictial aI i"I"""itim; AB 1552 (Calc1.;a:al),
reclevelcpœnt, law-inoaDe 1n1sin:¡; SB 967 (Be.." 131:11),
transportatial fundin:;J, priorities; AB 1530 (Katz),
landfills, lines requi.œd; AB 949 (Polanco), tm'glar
an:l fire allUJlB, ~itim aI local ""-o..y
mmitarin:¡; AB 1661 (costa), b.1i1dirY:J P""""its,
autanatic extensia1; SB 807 (Mello) , ~i.., i ...EJd
transportatim, unmet transit n 'I..; At::A 23 (JàU1øcn),
new ar increased taxes, OCI'1StitutiCl1iÙ requirement for
voter awraval; and SB 895 (Vuich), ~'-'l-""Lty tax shift
fraD cities to camties for cost of property tax
administratim. ~ and request lIIIII!I"Idme1tt of AB
2080 (Maxine Waters), redevel"¥"'='tL, 1n1sin:¡. S\..wuLL
AB 1611 (Eastin) , }AL"'¥"'L Licnù. LqAL E!: I itatim m
Met:rc:pJlltan Transportatim n-ni....ioo; SB 341
(Rà:bins), several liability for public entities; SB
300 (Kc.g», transportatim finance (SB 300); am SB 762
(C. Green) , iDmmity for fa1luœ to provide emergerx:y
ræcue services.
45. Courk::. Rogers - Assodatim of Bay Area GaverrJmBnt:.s -
ABAG has anncunoed a dues :in::rease for the oc:min:J year.
santa Clara CDmty HazanbJs Waste Advisory CCIIIIIittee -
'!he draft l.~t :fIcm the ..........ittee will CCIII8 to
Courk::il for 0,> .,.._, tt at their IIII!IetiD:l of May 15 or the
first meetin;J in JUne.
C'TN=:F.n sæ5IŒ
At 8:50 p.m., Courk::il adjwrned to a closed sessim
regardin¡ negotiatiCX1S far pm::hase, sale, exà1ar¥]IB, ar
lease of real }AL"'t"=ty. (City ClElIit's Note: '!he clœecl
sessioo sd1eduled for labor r~tiCX1S was canœlled.)
At 9:50 p.m., Courk::il rEIOCI1Yel1ed in Courk::il Qurnt1o>r.
Came. PoL s :::ltt:
Gatto, Jåmsa1, KqpEù, Rogers, Pluny
staff PIesent:
City Manager Brawn
City Clerk cornelius
City Attorney Kilian
MINtJl'ES OF 'IHE M1\Y 1, 1989, REnJIAR crr'i <nJNCIL ME:E:I'DC
It was IIDVed by Mayor Plurqy, sec:mded by Came. Rogers and
I""a-d unanimously to adjourn the ~ to May 15, 1989.
At 9:53 p.m., thia III98tin¡ was adjoozned.