CC 05-15-89 þ CIT'i OF aJPERl:'INJ, STATE OF CALIFCAŒA 10300 '!ut<X,t; AVDIL"E, aJPERrn«>, CA 95014 '1'EIEPfDŒ: (408) 252-4505 0::-768 MINUI'ES OF 'mE REX:UIAR MEZl'DC OF 'IHE ClT\C CXX1NCIL HElD ctI' MAY 15, 1989, CXXJNCIL OWIBI!R, CI'lY HAIL 10300 '!UQ<t; AVE1roE, CIJPERTIN:>, CA:L.IP(RNIA '!be meetin;J IoPUI called to order by Mayer Pluny at 6: 47 p.m. SAIlJI'E TO 'IHE FIJ\G :roIL CAIL Counc. Present: Gatto, Johnson, J(qpel, Rogers, Mayor Pluny þ staff Present: City Manager Brown City Clerk cornelius Director of Public WOrks viskovich Director of ChIorInú.ty Devel~,L 0CWan Director of Finance Snyder Assistant to the City MaMger Brown ChIorInú.ty RelatiCX1S Officer R:rey Associate Planner caughey City Attorney Kilian ~ It was IIIaII8d by Came. a.."...,D, seoo.ded by counc. Johnson arx1 I"'a"'«1 unanim:Jus1y to l'EIIXMt I~ No. 7 traa the agerña am to oontin.Je I~ No. 2l to the meet1n;r of JUne 5. CEREM:tŒAL MA:J..!'= - PRESmrATIaIS Mayor PlUlXJY PI: S' "Led Courk::. RcgeJ:s with a birthday cake arx1 anncunoed that her birthday was 'l'- fJIq, May 16. ORAL CXlKJNICATIaIS Ann Arger, }b}t.a vista resident, CXIIp1ained about the 'IV lights in Cameil Q'\;o1nhør shinin:¡ into the Mviienoe. -1- þ · MINUI'ES OF 'IHE MAY 15, 1989, REn-'lAR CIT'i <XXJNCIL HEETIN:; (0::-768) Consent C~leod;¡r a:NSmI' ~ · It was JlDVed by COOrx:. Gatto, seoc:n::1Ed by Courk::. ~ arrl p."sc;ed unani:musly to awrove the ccnsent Calendar as suJ::mi ttecl. 1. Resolutim No. 7818: "A Resolution of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowirg Certain Claims arx1 Demands Payable in the Amounts arrl fraD the F\In:1s as Hereinafter Desct'ibed far Salaries and W!Iges far the Payroll Period ErxiiIg April 25, 1989." 2. Resolutim No. 78l9: "A Resolution of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin:J Certain O"i..... and Demands Payable in the Amounts and Frcm the F\mds as Hereinafter Described for General and M1øo&11aneoos Experd1tures for the Period ErxiiIg May 5, 1989". 3. Mc:nthly Activity Repœ:t - April, 1989. 4. Resolutim No. 7820: "A Resolution of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acceptirx:J Grant of ¡;o,,"""""It. for Roadway PuIpoE!9S fraD craiq A. Clark and Todd S. Myhre Ccr1Sistirç of ~(Jarh""tely . 03 Ao.-es, IDeated m the Nortñeast Corner of Byrne Avenue and Dolores Avenue." 5. Resolutim No. 782l: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acœptinq ()litclabn Deed and Aut:horizatiat for t1nderqraJnd Water Rights fraD Craiq A. Clark and Todd S. Myhre, Northeast Corner of Byrne A,,~ and Dolores AvenJe." 6. Resolutic.n No. 7822: "A Resolution of the City Courk::il of the city of 0Jpertin0 Approvin:J a...t....aet 0Iange 0J:t1er No. 1 for Traffic Signal Installatiat on Foothill Eb.ùevard at cristo Ray Drivejstarlin:J Drive, Project 5009. " 7. Reso1utim No. 7823: "A Resolution of the city Cameil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Approvin:J a...t......ct 0Iange 0J:t1er No. 5 far C'rIIIInm.1ty Center arllclirq/Melll:rla Pañ: Expansim, Project 2001." (PI'eviwsly removed frail the age¡œ. ) -2- · MINUI'ES OF 'IHE MAY 15, 1989, REX;UIAR CITY CXXJNCIL ~ (0::-768) 8. R&IOlut1a1 No. 7824: "A ResolutiŒ1 of the City O:urcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~iIg Parcel Map an:} IDpravement plaJø of Prq1erty Ilrated at the Southeast a...ud: of stevens creek Eb.ùevard and Torre Avenue, DevelqJer, Torre Avenue PJ:qJerties, AuthoriziIg Executim of ~ave.....Jt J\o,¡L...:uê"t; AuthoriziIg signin;¡' of Parcel Map and ~...NEmellt Plans." 9. Resolutim No. 7825: "A Resolutim of the City CaJncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 5ettiIg Date for CCr1sideratim of Ar1neXin:J Area Designated 'oran:Je Avenue 89-06', P.I."¥"Lty Ilrated m the East Side of oran:Je Avenue Between Alcazar Avenue arx1 Dolores Avenue; ~LU.';"""tely 0.224 Acre, Par1neh." 10. lob1thly Treasurer's and aJdget Report for the IIØIth of April, 1989. 11. Request for waiver of OOsiness license fees filed by California Natural Resooroes Federatim. u. Request for waiver of OOsiness license fees filed by united cancer REs",·rc:h society. 13. Request for waiver of OOsiness license fees filed by Rainbcii I.à::èy, Inc. 14. JII:plicatim ~ 3-t1-89 - IIIIoIallejstegner - REquest for informal revieIor of a use I'""nnit to ooa...t.....x::t a 5,000 sq. ft. DUlti -tenant retail ho,i' di n:J m the southeast oon1er of HaDestead Road and Blaney Avenue. Reo» ····.....ded for ~ with cx:n1i.tiCX1S. 15. Request frail Awle Q:cplter to install two (2) to_,,,. fi.ary stu..~ ccntainers in the parJdrq area at 10440 aJtb Road through August, 1989. 16. Resolutim No. 7826: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 ExpJ:: ain¡ ~L far the Foorth AIu'1ual I.e Tour du Val: CycliIg Tour." 17. MinJtes of the Special City Courk::il Meet:.in¡ of lIpril 21, 1989. 18. MinJtes of the Regular City Courk::i1 Meet:.in¡ of May 1, 1989. ITEMS REKMD FRQ{ cn1SENl' CAIENDi'.R - Na1e. -3- · App. 2-Z-89 t, 5-EA-89 · lst reading Ord. l494 App. 80,033 & 6-EA-89 - Home Occ. · MINtJI'ES OF 'IHE MAY 15, 1989, RmJIAR CITI <XXJNCIL MEFrIN:; (0::-768) RJBLIC HE1IRI1CS 19. Aß¡licatim No. 2-Z-89 and 5-EA-89 - Peninsula Bible Qum::h - Request for IeZ<XIin¡ or a 2.3 ac::re pIIrOIÙ frail City (A-l) (Agr1cultural,lResidentia1) to City BQ (Quasi-Public 9.Ji1di.rç), or sud1 ather Za18 as dr --~ ~V}ALiate by the Plannin;J l"nmIi ....iat or City Courk::il. Envi1............l.al Determinatia1: 'D1e Planning l"nmIi ...,im IE<> ····-rœ the grant:in:J of a Negative Declaratiat. 'D1e prcperty is located m the west side of Blaney Avenue, north of Cedar Tree Lane. Rec" -·.,·-rded for ~. It was m::IVecl by Came. Jc:::tmsan, sec:x:n8i by oounc. Gatto arx1 I""'!'s'Sd unaniJoously to close the p.¡blic heariIg. It was IIIaII8d by Came. Johnsa1, sec:x:n8i by Came. Rogers arx1 passed unaniJoously to a¡.prove the grant:in:J of a Negative Declaratien and a¡.prove the a¡:plicatim per Plël1'llÚJ'g C'rnImi ....ien Resolutien No. 4157. (a) First readinq of Ordinance No. l494: "An Ordinance of the City oouncil of the City of (). pertirx:¡ A1Den:Un¡ sectim 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Reza'Ú1'J3 2.3 Acres frail A-1 Za1e to BQ Za1e; located en the West side of Blaney Avenue North of Cedar Tree Lane." It was m::IVecl by Courk::. ~.., se:x:n:Bi by counc. Gatto and I"'!"'sed unaniJoously to read Ordinance No. 1494 by title a1ly and the City Clerk's readin;J to ò...Dtitute the first readinq thereof. 20. Aß¡licatim SO,033 and 6-EA-S9 - City of OJpertino - ~,-".osed llllleldoe1lt of the Heme 00c:upaticn Ordinance. Associate Planner Mark ca\X,Jhey reviewed the }AL' ¥=&ed ordinance with Cameil. Ann Anger, Pb1ta vista IDpravement Associatim President, stated that there has been a great need to update the Hcme Occupatien Ordinance. She expressed aouom.. regardin:¡ enfOIOE!IDel It. Howard Jc:::tmsan, 22560 Alcalde Rœd, expressed basic SlJRX)rt for the ordinance. He did express the cpinien that saœ thin1s were not fair. He asked why haDe œsir---æ were siIgled out for saœ of these restrictia1S. NoJ:mal -4- t t MINUl'ES OF T.Æ MAY 15, 1989, REX;(,'IAR CI'IY CXXJNCIL ~ (0::-768) neighborlxxxl mises such as lawn JOCJWerB can b.1 laJder and cause more disturbance than a haDe CIOC'1patian. Maids can still cane and clean the boose so there is still additia12Ù. traffic. He expressed the cpinim that it is unfair to tell pecple ..mat they can or cannot use their banes for. He stated he has m prà>lem with clarifyin;¡ the Cl.u.L...jL ordinance; however, he does feel that the floor area restrictiCX1S are net reasa1able. Mr. JetInsaI was infœ:n.e..l that a boose is far residential purposes, net o····-I"'Cial; therefore, ,..···-rcial shalld net take more roan than livin;¡ areas. Mr. JetInsaI expressed q:pJSitim to any law that is unenforcible. He expr-a..q oallcem that, therefore, it wo.ùd bec~ .... discriminatory. He believes that a person should be able to do anyth.irq as lcn;¡ as it does net hurt ~ else. Tan K1.ðwe<:r, 7669 Rainbow Drive, told Courk::il he had started a b.lsiness in his haDe; however, l'DI, he was located in an office. He requested that Courk::il cx:rrt:inue oansideratim of the ordinance as he had just seen it before the meetiJJ] started. He asJœd if Cameil wo.ùd CXl\Sic1er c:harçin;¡ sot of the floor area to 25\ far livin;¡ space. Mr. Jà1nsa1 lives in an apartment; it is liveable, bIt he does have his work all over the place. He doesn't want to break the law. Mr. I<:ramer light of apartment. urged <hmci1 look at the floor $p!Iœ j ssue in a sin;¡le person ~ b.lsiness in an I'hi1 Payne, 660 Santa Paula, SUnnyvale, secretary to a dnIrà1 board in 0Jpertin0, told <hmci1 he had written to them regardin:J the }AL~ ordinance. He requested delet1m of 9 and h of Sect1m 8.1 as inteIpretatim oculd restrict cal&tit:utia1a1 b.-". .... of rel1g1m. Eki Bloan, 22150 'io"O' bœ Drive, told Ocur1cil that prior to annexatim to the city, he had received ~ far his haDe oocnpatim fraD the cnmt:y. When he was annexed, he was told it would be legal. Now it appears it would d'Ian;Je. He asked if he ocW.d still c:arñuct his cuLL....L b.lsiness fran his heme. '!he City Attorney informed him that it would be a legal non-oantonnin:J use as lOIY:1 as it is net eJq)éU'rled or enlarged. -5- . þ ~ OF '!HE MAY 15, 1989, ~ CI'IY roJNCIL MEZl'DC (0:::-768) Mr. Bloem CAf:JL",-Q"3d OOh......."" for ethers also. He stated he believed that Courk::il did not want to kill a b.Js1ness, b.1t just wanted to make sure it did not iIr....erfere with neighbors. He stated that the City sha11d let weryooe know aJxut this oIdinance priar to enactin:] it. Director of C'nmIn'lity Devel'¥""'tt told Courk::il that they do go through the ordinanoe with all haDe <YT'!1patim applicants. J:arlene 'lhome, 20097 Jå1n Drive, said that people with haDe oocnpatiCX1S are d1arged the same fee as all ot.'1er b.Js:ineseæ. other !:JU!dJ~-æ wwld receive notice and these with haDe 00CI1patia1s request the same =tesy. She infœ:1b&.l Cameil that she had never been taken through the ordinance or told there was aJe. In regard to the restrict:.i.a1s m display, she was inf01......d it really referred to exterior displays. þ Ms. 'lhome inquired alx:ut her ~ ~ ............ cnce a mcnth for half a day. She was informed this wwld be permissible un:1er the ~. '1>csad ordinarx:e as it is not an eDployee, b.1t a ~ìt....act sezvice prcI\Tider. Ms. 'lhome inquired as to penalties. '!be City Attomey stated that it wwld prcbably be an infractia1 and civil actia1 oculd be filed for abat.......ìL. Ms, 'lhome asked q 1 i........JSines 1IIer8 r_t....ictecl and was infœ:n.ed it was to keep the residential à1aracter of the neighLuLl......d. Ms. 'It......... requested that Courk::il c:x:nt.ime this i~ and inform all these with haDe """'1{"\tim liceHUS. þ Todd Renegar, 20647 Craig owrt, Pastor of '!be New Life 0n.Irc:h of the Nazarene, told Courk::il that haDe bible stnrHes, fellowship groups arx1 similar gat:herinJs are very active. Cwld this ordinance spill cut into churà1 areas? In regard to sectim 8.leg), he asked if it wwld a1ly apply to d1urc:hes incorporated in the haDe. Mr. caughey inf01.1u&.l him that wwld probably be the case; the test wwld be "gainful euployment". In regard to meetiJ'q in a minli.ter's heme, Mr. caughey stated that wwld be tricky. '!be pastor is euployed at the d1urà1; tr.erefore, this ordinan.::e wwld not apply to his haDe. -6- MINUI'ES OF '!HE MAY 15, 1989, REX:;UIAR CIT'i 0X1NCIL NEE:l'ING (0::-768) '!he Minister Renegar eJqJreSSed =rx::ent regaIdin;J aJIi:Iiguity. He asked if the city cc:Wd say that nc:ne of the acts the c:hurc:h does in haDes, as lcn;r as they "'""'t"y regardinJ noise, etc., would be tror..bed by this orclinarx8. City Atton1ey Kilian requested thõ.t Cameil oontin..Je CXI1S1deratiOO of this ordinance and that he revise it to incl.xJe a penalty clause, a statement regardjn;J ~0J:1IIirg use, and more specific lan;¡uage. Mr. Kilia"1 also ~L...-eJed the desire to do JlDre ree~-rch regardin;J tha reliqiCAJS aspects of the ordinance. Courk::il eJqJreSSed c:orx:erns in the following areas: floor area allowed for bJsiness and how it would be """"'''''Jred, refezeuoe to display when exterior display is meant, natifiœtia1/~licity reqarclin;J the l'L' ~sed ordinance, more specific infœ:matian reqarclin;J bJsiness vehicles. Am An;Jer, !brt:a Vista, stated that heme lY'("I¡patim is separate fraD what the ~ is prcIIDtin;J. Mr. Caughey inf01.1Ièl Courk::il that staff had 1o'Orlœd with the ~ of C'nnrn001"Ce in developing this ordinance and had notified haDeawners associatiCX1S. Ellie Werner, I.a Rcda Ocurt, expI,*,Sed ocuoem regardjn;J enfuL..........IL of the p1.'~ ordinance. She stated that too many people d10cse net to CXI1fom with the vehicle r....t....ictiCX1S and suggested that there be no parKing m city tit....ðéts between the ho.Irs of 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. Courk::il requested infœ:matim reqarclin;J SUnnyvale's }AL~CIID dealinJ with abar1da1ecl cars. It was mcvecl by Courk::. Rcgers, seocn:1ed by Courk::. Gatto arx1 l"'a'!!'ed unani:mc:us1y to 0CI'ltinJe the public hearinJ to the meetin;J of J\Jne 19 to allow the City Atton1ey to redraft the ordinance which is to include a penalty clause making viol.atim an infractiat and directed that publicity in beth the Omertino SCene and m 01annel 53 be generated regarding the ordinance arx1 hearinJ. 21. consideratioo of adcpt1m of the 1987 Electrical Cede arx1 the 1988 arlldin;r, Fire, Ha.1sinJ, Mer-~cal arx1 PlumbinJ t'h'I..... (PreviaJSly continued to June 5.) PIANNIN:; APPLICATIœ5 22. None. -7- · Date set for Prelim. Budget Haz. Waste Mgmt. Plan and Draft ErR · Financing through LGFA · MINtJl'ES OF '!HE MAY 15, 1999, RroJIAR CIT'i CXXJNCIL MEFrIN:; (0::-768) ARCHI'I'EX:IURA AND SITE APPR:JI.1AL o::MŒ'ITEE APPLICATIOOS 23. Na1e. UNFINISHED WSIN&SS 24. Na1e. NF]o1 WSINESS 25. Request to set date for an adjoozned regular City Courk::il meetirg to review 1989-90 Prelbninazy 9~. It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, seoa1decl by Courk::. KGg:el and pa'$'~ unani:maJsly to set an adjourned regular meetirg to review the tui;¡et for JUne 6,1989,7:00 p.m., Lower Level Ccnf~.,¡_ Roans. 26. Review and ,)o····~·¡ls regardin;J the santa Clara County Hazarc:Ia.Is waste Management Plan and Draft Env1.l...........rt:al Thpoct Report. Mr. caughey reviewed his staff L~l with Courk::i1. Cameil requested that Courk::. ~a take (. ...._,¡ts back to the Tanner cnrmittee and expt ' Oed Sl.gX>.Ll for the oc....~¡l of the City haviD;J its own Hazardous Waste Manc..".:.."",.t Plan. It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto and seoa1decl by counc. JOOnscin to ocntira.Je oansideratioo of this i~ to the JII88tin;J of JUne 5. 27. Review and 0 ....-. .ts regardin;J matters pertaininq to finardng certain parks and qø\ ~ cbligatkns through the ~l GoYen1ment Finance Authority. (a) ~LìI..'IICI l of a Financi.a1 Advisor and UOOeIwriter for ;SSIJin¡ debt. (b) ~Lít-:. t of a Bonj Attorney for debt issue. (c) oral u'Y...rt 00 staff pt!S_.Latioo before the Ir.œ] Govemment F~ Authority regardin;J debt financirq. Director of Finance Snyàer infuUuè1 Courk::il that he had attended a meetirg of the IJ:nol GovE:L.......at Financirq Authority arx1 as a current --n..'[' of the Authority has awlied for the f'I.m:ls, Q¡pertino was no lcn;rer eligible to receive them. -8- MINUl'ES OF 'mE MAY lS, 1989, RmJI.1\R CITI roJNCIL MEF:l'nC (œ-768) It was IIDVed by Came. Jctmsa1, seoc.n:!ed by Came. Gatto and r-a~'3ed unanimcus1y to authorize the City Manager to execute ðgLe.:-:.tts with Rauscher, pierce, Refsnes, Inc. arx1 with Jooes, Hall, Hill and White. 28. Ca1s1deration of barmin:] the use of the steel jaw tnIp in the City of Q¡pertim. (a) First readin::J of Ordinance No. 1501: "An Ordinance of the City Courk::i1 of the City ~ QJpertino 1\à:li1'XJ 5ectim 8.08.525, 5teel~awed Traps Pràùbited, to the Q¡pertino Itmicipal O::rle. " It was IIIaII8d by Came. Gatto, seoc.n:!ed by Came. ~s and I"'a~ unani:œa1sly to read ordinance No. 1501 by title a1ly and the City Clerk's readin::J to OCI'IS'Citute the first readin::J therecJf. 29. Request for awroval of oolor sd1eme and materials for C'rImII !\'11ty center. Greg Hen) of the steinberg Group, 60 Pierce Averme, san Jose, reviewed the exterior materials planned for the l'hnnI"'1ity center. He stated that the Parks and Rec:t~tim l"nmIi....im had felt the roof tiles sugç¡...."""tecl were too orange. Upcn bein:J as""'-i by Courk::il, Mr. HeR> stated that the ool\Dll1S at the fJ:a1t of the center '-'OOld be painted 1oh1te. By OCI'ISE!I'ISUS, Courk::il ~ the materials and colors as ~....... Lecl and reft:L.L..d them to AIåú.tectural and Site Aß:Ircval l"nmIittee for review with the umerstan:lin:l that, basically at this point, they ocW.d not be å1an; ed. 30. status 1:~t m CXI\SOlidatim of variCAJS intercity activities and organizatiCX1S into CD! arganizatim. It was IIDVed by Courk::. Jàmsa1, seoc.n:!ed by OJUnC. Rogers and I"'a"«1 unani:œa1sly to EIUpp)1t the oalOqJL of CXI\SOlidatirx.J Inter City Courk::il, Mayors' Oc7.1fel:...._ and City Selectim cœmittee into a Santa Clara COOnty 5ectim of Peninsula Division. 31. Ca1s1deratian of AIåú.tectural and site ~ I"nnmittee request to review Public WoIiœ projects. -9- lst reading Ord. l50l Commu~ity Center color & material, Intercity activities ASAC request for Public Works projects · False alarm char ges · · MINt1l'ES OF 'IHE MAY 15, 1989, REX;UIAR CIT'i CCXJNCIL MEET'I}C (0::-768) Director of ChmI1T11ty Devel"¥"='1t COWan reviewed þ,S},C's request with Courk::il. Martin Miller, Arå1itect:ural and site 1\pI:IroWl Calmittee 0Iair, felt that since the l"nmIittee provides service and benefit with the røvieli of privats projects, they oould do the same with public projects. 'Ibis ocW.d he!Id oft potential a:nflicts. It was IIIaII8d by counc. Gatto, NOOIded by Came. Jàu1scn and I"'lI'eed unanimcusly to ~1.N8 the r-;p-t for ASH:: review of public warks projects and adept Arå1itsctural and site A¡:proval l"nmIittee Aesolutial No. l454, "Resolutia1 No. l454 of the Arå1itsctural and site 1\pI:IroWll"nmlittee of the City of 0Jpert.in0 Re<.,. ....-1'Jdin;J that the City Courk::il Require ASN:; RBviøw of Specified st........t ~~d.B, Ian:Wœpin] ~uy_d..s, and ",i'dingB m City Lard or in the Public Right~f-way." 32. Re<:. ····-·œtia1 to r-=ind å1argIIIs for false ..,..,."" Pizzeria uno, 19930 St8II8ns creek lØ1levard. It was mcMiId by Cbmc. Gatto, EoèOCoded by Courk::. Joonscn and l"'aagd unanimcus1y to rescim the àw:ges for $437.20. WRI'ITEN <XIHJNICATIæ8 33. Na1e. CIRDINANCES 34. Na1e. RESOIDrIœs 35. Na1e. STAFF ~::¡ 36. Oral L~ts by staff "_,J .ers. Director of Fublic works Viskovid1 }AL SM ted cnmcil with an update m water OCI'1Ser\'ð.tim ~"'9'...... 37. Repo1.t m reçp-t for joint meetin;¡ of Parks arx1 Recreatim and PlarInin¡ l"nmIi"""iCX1S. It was mcved by Courk::. Gatto, seocI1ded by Courk::. Jåmsa1 arx1 I"""E"OO UJ1alÙJIDJSly to authorize a joint meetin;¡ of Pañœ arx1 ReQ.eatim l"nmIi....im an:l Pl~ ChmIi",c;im. -10- MINtJl'ES OF '!HE MAY IS, 1989, REX;UIAR CIT'i CXXJNCIL MEF:rIN:; (0::-768) Follcrwirq di"ÇI''"Sim, Courk::il directed staff not to brinq such items to them unless it "Iß'A"'TS it ~d take a significant mIDmt of time and/or IIa'IeY for such 1œ8t.in3a. Cameil wo.lld just like to be Iœpt informed whIIn IIUå1 meetin;Js take place. CXXJNCIL REFORIS 40. Came. Jå1nsa1 - Legislative Review - It was IIICJII8d by Came. Jå1nsa1, sec:a:1ded by Courk::. Gatto and P"--8~ unan.J.JJnJsly to take the followin;¡' actiCX1S regardinq l.u.qœed legislatioo: ~ AB U90 (Hauser) , hoosin;J elements, ocurt invalidatim of local land use and hoosin;J pol i"1.: arx1 SB U79 (5eyDnD:), developer fees, restricticn 00 expeniiture S\.IW01:t N:A 6 (Klebs), and SCA 1 (Garamend1) , GarIn "WLVl'LiatiCX1S limit, revisiaw to allow greater growth in city ~Vl'LiatiCX1S; AB 701 (Frazee) , vehicles, radar and qpo=-'I limits: and seA 2 (Lea1ard), ge.....al obligatim ba1ds, reductim in vote requirement to siJlple majority. Courk::il directed staff to oantact the legislator re co-spcnsorship of HR 2265 (Matsui) , ~lic transit and to get a copy of AB 2032 (Margolin) , workers' (> '''1 ensatian, reform in benefit increases . City Attorney Kilian anncuncecl that Courk::il wœld meet in closed sessioo reganiinJ labor ~Li.atia1S, "C'p,i..i.tim of the Racquet Club, pJtential aoquisitiaylease of 0a1II81t:iat center m Valloo }AL""l""L ty arx1 an update m litigatim, BiandU. v. City of QJpertino. 1"Tn<:1ò'n sæslœ At 9:00 p.m., Courk::il adjaJrned to a closed sessioo. At 10:15 p.m., Courk::il recawened in QI;omho:>r. mIL CAIL Ccunc. PreE"1mt: Gatto, JàJnson, I<'.cßJel, Rogers, Mayor PlU!'XJY staff Fr,¡¡Cltt: City Manager Brown City Clerk Comelius City Attorney Kilian -11- Legislative Review Closed Session MINl1I'æ OF 'IHE MAY 15, 1989, RmJIAR CIT'i CDJNCIL JoIu;!J..I'G (0::-768) Biðnåù. v. city of n....-i"" city Attorney Kilian anncurre:1 that Courk::il hLd røoaived a pl'''-''::IL...... L~t in the matter of Bianåú. v. City of 0Jpert:irx). DeAnza Raoauet Club It was DDYed by Mayor Plungy, -.......dt.d by Courk::. Gatto an:! l"'a"'«1 Ul'IIIlÙJID..Isly to authari.ze staff to }AL. ·;u' with negctiatiCX1S. ~...m,iA' A/:xII,i"i.tim or T........ of CCI1v8ntim na.nt-.... m Valloo Procertv It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, s....u..dt.d by Came. ~18 and ~etl'9d Ul'IIIlÙJID..Isly to autharize the ~ of Ju ..h E. eo. ......, Jr. through the City Attarnsy'. office per Mr. eor-' letter of May 9, 1989. T Ann,. Nb..vl iAtiCX1S It was IIIaII8d by QJunc. ~18, -.......dt.d by counc. JåulllCl'l and p"a...... unarrlmously to direct staff to }AL. .c i as f"1-f IIO,Ø-ed. '!be meetm:J was adjcurnecl at 10:22 p... ëÆy~ p.:. City -12-