CC 06-05-89 CITY OF aJPERI'IN), S'l7\TE OF CALIFt:.Rrn\, 10300 ~ AVE1roE, aJI"ERrllI), CA 95014 TElEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 MINUI'ES OF 'IHE RmJIAR MEE'l"D«õ OF '!HE Cl'lY CXXIICL HElD œ JUNE 5, 1989, CXXJNCIL amMBER, Cl'lY HAIL 10300 'IUI<I<I:; AVE1roE, aJPERl'IN:), CAL:IR:RIIA 0::-769 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pluny at 6:45 p.m. SAIIJl'E ro '!HE FI..N:; roIL CALL Came. PUS_It: Gatto, Jci'Insa1, ~, Rogers, Mayor Pluny staff I'rH :.It.: City Manager Brown City Clerk Cornelius Director of Public ~ viskovidl Director of cnm."1ity Dev8l.............t 0Jwan Director of Finance Snyder Director of Parks and Rscreatim Dowling Assistant to the City Manager Brown Chnmtnúty RelatiCX1S Office Krey Chief a1iJ.din3 Official Anta1ucci Aesociate Planner caughey City Attorney Kililan Fœ'I'FCtŒMENl'S It was IIKJ\/Bd by Courk::. Gatto, secc:rx8i by Courk::. lb; ers and r<'~~ed unarùmcus1y to remave I~ No. 9 fraD the agenda. CE:IIDDŒAL w.J:u~ - ~œs Recognition of 1N"ITI1.ers of the Special OlYDPics. Mayor Plurw presented proclamatiCX1S to thœe 1oibo had participated in the Special OlYDPics. Recognition of 01annel 53 in hc:I1or of their receiving the Bay Area Cable Excellence award. Rd:Jert Kim aoœpted the award for 01annel 53. -l- I t ~ I ( I' I MINtJl'ES OF 'IHE JUNE 5, 1989, RmJIAR CIT'i o::xJNCIL MEEI'll«õ (0::-769) Rec:ognitioo of Mart Yahn upcI1 his retirement. Mayor P1uny}AL B _/Led Mr. Yahn with taIœns of a¡:preciatim far his service to the City. ORAL o:JHJNICATIæ5 Brian Bcx::)cman of the CUpertino QumlhAI of """""">"08 pl8Y*1 a tape that will be heard m local radio statiCX1S praIICItinJ the IIShcp CUpertino" <"''''''t'''ign. A gentleman res~ at 11458 Garden TerrBcø Drb., aŒ1ressecl Courk::il regardin;J the new døvel~1t 00 Cleo and Gardens1de Lane. He stated that oak trees had been reIII:MId and the fact that they waù.d be reIII:MId had been miCli"Y"Omll"1ic&ted to the haDeowners "....,.,..,iatim. 'Iherefore, no "W""'1 was filed with the Courk::il. He stated that the trees goirq in will not replaoe tJxJSe t"8IIICIY8d. He requested that they be increased in size and l"'............. He told Courk::il that at least three of these t"8IIICIY8d were in geed oc:n::litim. Mayor Plungy tumed the meet:in;J CNer to Mayor Pro ~.. Jahnsan because of the prnvimity of the døvel~/t. to I'r. Pluny's heme. Director of Cœm.mity Devel~1t cowan said that the 15 galloo treM are the usual replac--.t size. '!he Pl.anniD¡ l"nmIi ....1m IœIde a OŒISCiCAJS decisim regarding the t.... a rellPVed. 'lbœe tL !B ~ not specimens. D1sçI,"'¡1100 follCMld regarding \/hat type of act1m, if~, oculd be taken at the meetin;J. '!he City Attorney stated that if the City Courk::il wants to make ~ åIanges, the matter shclÜ.d be referred to the PlanniJ'g I"roIonI....im for hearirq . Director of PlanniI:q arx1 Devel~1t cowan will talk to the developer to see if he will voluntarily increase the size and rn........... of tL sa. '!he matter was referred back to the t"romII"1ity Devel~/t Department. L:!rIy McReynolds, 10200 Hillcrest, representirq Citizens to Save CUpertino Racreatioo, requested that the eo.mcil set a .,.."ñl ine for OCIIpletion of negotiations for purchase of -2- MINt1l'ES OF 'IHE JUNE 5, 1989, REnJIAR CIT'i a:xJNCIL MEETIN:; (0::-769) DelInza Racquet Club. Shculd agœement not be ~ by that date, OOI'ñemnaticn Ðho.ùd (. ",,-,108. Mr. !i::Rsynolds stated he did not want the p.m::hase of the tœ:...... Raoquøt Club to be in the political arena. Mike Wilkens, 10837 Northridge Square, Sl1ßX)ct:ed the statements of Mr. M::Reynolds. He felt that the 0Jpertin0 Tennis Club wœld also suwort the statements. Mr. Wilkens stated it was not fair to Mr. Vidovich to drag this matter on. a::NSEm' ClI.IDmAR Courk::. Rogers requested that I~ No. 20 be I'8DOYecl. It was !lOVed by Came. Gatto, IJEIOa1ded by Courk::. Rogers and pass9d unanimously to arpraye the balarx:e of the 0:r1sent Calendar as ...,hftittecl. 1. Resolutim No. 7827: "A Resoluticn of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin1 CertaJn Claims and Demands Payable in the Amounts and fraD the F\Inds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period EI'xiin;J May 9, 1989." 2. Resolut.1a1 No. 7828: "A Resolut.1a1 of the City Cameil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin1 CertaJn l'"1"i""" and Demands Payable in the Amounts and fraD the F\Inds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period EI'XUn] May 23, 1989." 3. Resolutim No. 7829: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin1 CertaJn Cl"i""" and Demands Payable in the Amounts and fJ:aD the F\Inds as Hereinafter D;scribed for General and Misoe11anecus Expemit:ures for the Period Erxiirq May 19, 1989." 4. Resolutim No. 7830: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 MaJdn;J DeteIminatiCX1S arx1 A¡:pravin] the annexatim of Territory Designated 'Granada Avenue 89-03' , ~......-i1""'tely 0.259 Acre Located m the Sooth side of Granada Avenue Be/tween C>rim]e Avenue arx1 Byrne Avenue, Adzich (Am 357-16-025)." 5. Resolutim No. 7831: "A Resoluticn of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Makin] DeteIminatiCX1S arx1 Approvin] the annexaticn of Territory Designated 'Granada Avenue 89-05', ~rnvi1""'tely 0.150 Acre Located m the Sooth Side of Granada Avenue Between C>rim]e Avenue am Byrne Avenue, Parley;'Rcbertsa1 (Am 356-16-023)." -3- i ¡ Consent Calendar I i I I I i I I I I , ~ KINTJI'ES OF 'IHE JUNE 5, 1989, RmJIAR CIT'i caJNCIL MEZl'DC (0::-769) 6. Reso1utiŒ1 No. 7832: "A Resolution of the City Cameil of the City of CUpertino Makin:J DeteIminatiCX1S and A¡:provin; the Annexation of Territory Deaignated 'OIarge Avenue 89-04', ~tely 0.205 1Ic:re located m the East Side of 0Iarge Avenue BenIeen Alcazar Avenue arx1 Noonan Court, Martin (Am 357-l9-Q10)." 7. Resolw..im No. 7848: "A Resolution of the City Courk::il of the City of CUpertino Authorizing Executim of AJDenjed Aç¡l..........IL BenIeen City of CUpertino and Avmac Devel~ìt., Inc., McClellan Road." 8. Claim for ~ filed by Ra1 Be1..""tt.. Re(.........ded for rejection. 9. Resolutim No. 7833: "A Resolution of the City ocunci1 of the City of CUpertino Approvin; Contract Chan;Je Order No. 5 for C'nmIo"1ity Center arllc:iirqlMemorial Parle Expansion, ~ec:t No. 2001." (PreviCAJSly remavecl fran the agen:Ja.) 10. Reso1utim No. 7847: "A Reso1utim of the City Courk::il of the City of CUpertino Declarin; its Intent1m to Order Vacatim of a Portim of Rainbow Drive at the SCA.lthwest CJorner of Rainbow Drive and Villa Maria Court as Provided in Sect1m 8320 Et Seq. of the St........ts and Highways Code of the state of California, Fixizç Time arx1 Place for Public Hearin¡ and Prc:widin;J for Notice '!hereof. " 11. Resolutia1 No. 7834: "A Resolutim of the City ocunci1 of the City of 0Jpertjn0 Extendin;J the Exist.in3 Traffic Signal Maintenance 0::I1tract: and ~ Increases in Certain Rates." 12. Resolutim No. 7835: "A Resolution of the City ocunci1 of the City of CUpertino Ao::eptin;J Grcmt of baal_.IL for Roadway P.npœes fran Kinl Tsai 0X1sisti.'1q of Approximately .006 Acre Located m santa Clara Avenue." 13. Resolution No. 7836: "A Resolution of the City Courk::il of the city of CUpertino Acceptin; Quitclaim Deed and Author1zatim for tJndergrcurx:l Water Rights fraD Kinl Tsai, santa Clara Avenue." 14. Resolution No. 7837: "A Resolution of the City Courk::il of the City of CUpertino Authorizin; Exea.It1m of Inprovement Jlgree-:.IL of ~ Located at 21914 Granada Avenue; Devel~, craig A. Clark." -4- ~ MINUI'ES OF 'IHE JUNE 5, 1989, R:EX;UI1IR CIT'i a:UNCII, MEE:I'IlC (0::-769) 15. Resolution No. 7838: "A Resolutioo of the City O::unc:il of the City of QJpertino lIa;1eptinJ ~itclajm Deed arxi Authorizatim for tJndergroun:i Water Rights frail QJee wan Lee and CIaig A. Clark at 21914 Granada Avenue." l6. Resolutim No. 7839: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of QJpertino ADoeptin;J Grant of F>o_.t for Roadway P.u.,IJ<S'es frail 01ee Wëm Lee and craig A. Clark Q)nsistin:J of ~v..ri-tely .023 l\cre Located m Granada AvernJe." 17. Resolution No. 7840: "A Resolutioo of the City Courk::il of the City of QJpertino AR:JraIrin;J Parcel Map of Prcp!rty Located at 21835 and 21841 Dolores Averue; Devel~, CIaig A. Clark; Authorizin;J Exec:utia1 of lDp1.'CJ\len~ jt ~L""",....uL; Authorizin;J Signin; of Parcel Map." 18. Resolutioo No. 7841: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of QJpertino ADoeptin;J Quit-.c]"i1ll Deed an:i Authorizatim for tJfiJt.:L~w.nd Water Rights fraD Dzidra Silver, Dolores Averue." þ 19. Resolution No. 7842: "A Reso1utioo of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 AwrOVin;J o...¡t....aet ~ order No. 1 for am EllpirejGran:i SL....ðt IhpLOO"........¡l Project 88-120." 20. RemcIIecl frail the Ca1sent Calendar. vote Jof<>..~.ers of the City Cameil AYES: }DES: ABSENl': ABSTAIN: Gatto, Jà1nscm, Kq:ipel, Rcgers, Pluny Na1e Na1e Na1e ITEH3 REHJVED FR:M cx:tSÐfl' ~ 20. A¡:pra\ral of minutes of the Regular Meetin;J of nay 15, 1989. þ It was requested that the City Clerk review the tape of the 1IIE!etin3 in regard to the referral of the chnmnnity center to Architectural arx1 Site A¡:pra\ral o:mn1ttee. It was JIDIIed by Courk::. Rogers, sec:x:niecl by Courk::. Gatto and pas.~ \.1J1a!ÙlInJSly to ~ the minutes. -5- . )-GPA-89 & LJ-EA-89 . ¡. , I MINt1IES OF 'IHE JUNE 5, 1989, REX::UU\R CIT'i CXXJNCIL MEETIN:; (0::-769) RJBLIC HEARIN:;S 21. 1q:.plicatim 3-<;I>A-89 and 13-FA-89 - City of Q¡pertino - Public hearin:J to =ider an ameJ&h..:..,L of the IlIn:l Use n-.m.trtity 01aracter Eles"",,,L of the Cœprehensive General Plan to recognize the public and private benefits of a conventim facility to be located in a "core area b.1siness and office center." Envh...........t.al deteminatim: '!he Planning rhnmi""im reo> ...._,,ds the grantj.n; of a NEqative Declaration. Reç· .......,Ided for 1q:.proval. (a) Resolution No. 7843: "A Resolution of the City Courk::il of the City of Q.Jpertino Amenclin;J the land Use Chma1l'Ù.ty 0Jaracter Element of the Cœprehensbe General Plan, 1q:.plication 3-<;I>A-89." Dave Wheeler, President of the Q1;nnhI>r of ~1"Oe, spaJœ in suwo~ L of the City Manager havin:J the flexibility to 1IiIt'Iñt with the :representatives of the Marriott Hotel. Mr. Wheeler felt that this ~. v:sed hotel waùd be good for the n"WImItrtity and be used for trade shews, public infomatim seminars, ........1JVL..te meetin;Js, service grQJpS, state events, etc. It would add to the City's sales tax dollars. lie urged that Courk::il allow the City to negotiate arx1 let the results be c:p!n to public O:..,..-.(l. Paul BL...plY, 10144 South Blaney, . MJCsed any City cx:nt:ri1::A1t. to the}u.. 1« sed hote1¡cx:nventim center. He state he had met with City Manager Brawn arx1 DiIecto:r of Chmatrtity Devel""""""".t Cowan arx1 he still . u.cses the OOI-..qíL of usin:¡ the taxpayers' IDŒ1eY for a subsidy. He felt it was _u~less and would lead to additia1a1 IiA:ol.. for private devel..'i...~"t. He felt the extra roc:IIIS ~ would be filled by people who would be in other hotels in the n"Wlmlnú.ty and that this would have an adverse effect m the I:bJbleb...... project. He stated that projects b.úl.t "--- of subsidies fail. '!he shared parkin.] with 'l'alñem, e,,-·..,um fraD the 8-story limit and excludiJxJ the project frail traffic inp\ct studies were all subsidies. He urged Courk::il to say no to any cash c:x:ntrib1tim. '!his is a $40 millim project and a me or two mUlim dollar subsidy will not JDaJæ a differeuc... He asked where the IDŒ1eY was 0CIIÚl'g frail and if tl1ere was S4...... a big demand for a hotel, why is it ~~ary to subsidize it. Cameil should tell the Marriott tl1ere will be no subsidy. He asJœd if the City is goin:] to designate hotel banquet 'ro.:JI\S as quasi-pJblic. '!be ph'l^-sed hotel is not a public facility arx1 if it 13 a public benefit, then so is I1.Icky "jL~ stores and others. If Cameil a¡:proves the subsidy, the City will be payiIq for it for years to cane. -6- MINt1l'ES OF TrlE JUNE 5, 1989, RÐ:;UlAR CITi' CXXJNCIL ME:E:I'IlG (0::-769) It was IIICM!d by Courk::. Jàmsan, seoc:n:3ed by Coone. Gatto am I""ftftOO \.II'IëIlÚJID..ly to a¡:prove tbe grantirç of a negative declaratiŒ1. It was IIIaII8d by Came. Gatto, secx:rñsd by Courk::. Jahnsal and [""a....-! \.II'IëIlÚJID..ly to adopt Resolutia1 No. 7843. 22. Ca'lsideratim of adoptim of tbe 1987 Electrical Cb:Je and the 1988 a.rlJ.dinI, Fire, f{Q]s1n:J, Meå1anical and PlunÐÚJ1 1'rY1øa. (a) First readin] of Orclinan;,e No. l493: "An ordinance of the City Council of the city of OJpertinc Amenclin;J 0Iapter 16.04, 16.20, 16.24, l6.40 and 16.56 of the ClJpertino H.micipal Cb:Je, Adopting the arlform a.rlJ.dinI 0Jde, 1988 Ekiitim; the Naticnù Electrical Cb:Je, 1987 'Ekiitim; the Uniform PlunÐÚJ1 Q)de, 1988 Ekiitim; the Unifœ:m Mec:banica1 Q)de, 1988 Ekiitim; '!be uniform Fire Cb:Je, 1988 Ekiitia1; and the arlform HcusÚJ1 Q)de, 1988 Ekiitim; with ARn""lo'Ll.ate Excepticns 'Ihereto. II Cameil directed that 5ectim 16.04.048 of tbe _i_i... Safety Cb:Je be ci1arged to use the 1976 uniform a.rlJ.dinI Cb:Je as a st:an:IaJ:d. Dick ~, 22025 Regnart RJad, requested clarificatim of Sectia1 4.10lW3 of the Fire Q)de and requested that a stat.....-.L be AMooit at the end that reads, "... to the system 1It1ich was prøvicusly subject to 1"""""'i t. " Courk::il œp.......cl with this ....n--t1a1. Michael Kelly, aråùtectuxal OŒISUltant, stated that he had reviewed the coœ ~ for vallco ~, U:d. for ncn-resident.ia1. He had revie.Ied it in regard to cost with a P1al1tca h,i1ding. He is not ~1n:J the d1anges and does œp..... with them, lJut wants to point cut the cost i "t""'"t. He requested that any future code dIan:3es be ~ in advance so peq:lle can analyze them. He requested clearer notificatim. In StlOOa::ti.Œ1 10.301 of 16.40, Fire 0Jde, statin] that the Fire Department have b.ùlð.in:J ~ft for trainin;¡, he stated that this wwld be preferable in advance of i..""ùn;J the "OC'¡pat1Cy permit. Ik:Jug Sporleder, o...t....al Fire ProtectiŒ1 District, said that is perfect for the Fire District. Chief Sporleder stated that the city of ClJpertino 1oIOrks more with deve1qJerS than any ather city. -7- I Res. 7843 adopted · First reading Ord. 1493 · Res. 7844, 7845, 7846 adopred · MINUI'ES OF '!HE JUNE 5, 1989, REX:;UI/\R CIT'i axmCIL ~ (œ-769) It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Jcbnsa1, secc:n:Ied by co.mc. Gatto arx1 pae'S'ÐCÎ \II'1alÙJDCAJSly to close the public hearirg. It was JD:IIIed by Courk::. Rogers, secc:n:Ied by Courk::. Gatto and I"'a"'ed 1.Il'IalÚJIrAJs1y to :read Ol:dinance No. 1493 as IIIII8I'ñed by title a1ly and the City Clerk's reacli1x¡ to cx:nstitute the first read.i.rg thereof. PIANNn«; APPLICATIaIS 23. Na1e. ~ AND SITE API9J\TAL CXHŒTI'EE APPLICATIOOS 24. Na1e. UNFINISHED ElJ5INESS 25. Na1e. NEH ElJ5INESS 26. Callirg a general amicipell electia1 for NcIt....... 7, 1989, requestinq o....-.Jlidatim and canvass of vctes, and det:eJ:minirq ,.......... of wards for candidates sta't.cu.a ,ls. (a) Rssolutlm No. 7844: "A Rssolutlm of the City 000ncil of the City of QJpertino Callirg for a GerJexal ØJnici~ Electia1 to be Held Œ1 NcIt-·l4r 7, 1989." (b) Rssolut.ia1 No. 7845: "A RssolutlŒ1 of the City Courk::il of the City of QJpertino Request:1n;J the Registrar of Voters to C'aduct the Nav-·¡ -E<r 7, 1989 Electia1 and Canvass of Votes, and Requestin¡ O"'......lidatim. " (c) Resolutlm No. 7846: "A RssolutlŒ1 of the City Courk::il of the City of QJpertino DeteIminin:J 01.arges arx1 RsgulatiCX1S far carxli.dates stat.....é..l of ()JalificaticnJ arx1 other Mailir¥3s in 0a1nec::t.ia1 with the General !o1micipal Electim of NoveJi)er 7, 1989." It was JD:IIIed by Came. Rogers, secc:n:Ied by Came. Gatto and I"""'''- unaniJJoJsly to ~ Resolutlm No. 7844, 7845, and 7846. -8- MDVl'ES OF 'THE JUNE 5, 1989, REX;U1AR CITY <XUNCIL MEE:rIH; (0::-769) 27. Report an bid c.pening am cn.ard of cantract: Pavement Restoratioo, !-'rOject 89-104. It was IOCIVed by Came:. Gatto, secc:n:1e:i by O::ux::. Rcgers and [essed ~ly to awaIà t'.r.e cantract to RaIla Ca1st.roctian for $69,975.1;0 œ..sed m the lowest bid and authorized 5% oootirr..1eI'X:y for ð, total project of $73,500.00 28. Report an bid op...~ am awaIà of cantract: St....-t Maintenance-Sluny Seal, Project 89-106. It was IOCIVed by 0:Junc. Gatto, secc:n:1e:i by Came. Johnsat am l""'''''''ed unani:mc:usly to awaIà the OŒIt.ract to McReynolds Pavin:J for $l15,900.25 h:u;ed m the lowest bid and authorized a 5% oootin:Jency for a total project of $121,700.00 29. Request fran Sister City l"nmIittee to sell beverages at the July 4 celebratim. It was IIIaII8d by 0:Junc. Rogers, secc:n:1e:i by O::ux::. Johnsat and p"a.,~ unanimcusJ.y to çprcve the request and direct the organizatioo to å:Jtajn the ~"ë\rY pennits. '!be Courk::il re&t.dctecl sale frt:m noc:n to 5 p.m. 30. Referral fraD CCunty of Santa Clara regardinq ammidu....l to use permit of stevens creek Quarry. It was IOCIVed by 0:Junc. Johnsat, secc:n:1e:i by Courk::. ~1J arx1 l""aftoo unani:mc:usly to direct that a follClW'"1.lp letter be sent to the CCunty Pla1'1l'ÚlÇ l"nmIiasim expl:eœ.sin:J a::.mc:il's endcrsement of the <:> ....-'1ts made in the staff letter dated May 23, 1989. 31. Review and <' ····_·.ts reganij.ng Santa Clara CCunty Haza%åals waste Marðr .-'It Plan arx1 Craft Envh...........t41 n.p.ct: Report. (a) Resolutim No. 7849: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::i1 of the City of Q¡pertino Endars.in;J Adqd.oo of the Santa Clara CCunty Hazardous Waste Management Plan." It was IOCIVed by Courk::. Rogers, seoo..dtd by O::ux::. ICqpù arx1 l""'ao;ecl unaninnJsly to adept Rssolutim No. 7849. Courk::il scheduled a ñi ......'....im of a General Plan Amelldllleltt. establishin:J a hazardo.Js waste ~tt policy arx1 facility sitin;J criteria as part of the June 6 b.d;Jet meetin;J. O::ux::il also directed that the transmittal letter sent to the Board of SUperviso:r:s emo:r:sin:J the plan include qualifyin:J larguage that participatioo in the fun:liIx:J of -9- :Bid opening, Pa\ iment Restoration ! Bid opening, St. Maintenance/ Slurry Seal Sister City Amend. to Use Permit-Stevens Creek Quarry SCC Hazardous Waste Kgmt. Plan Res. 7849 adopted . First reading Ord. l496 . I I I ! I First reading I Ord. l497 , ! MINl1l'ES OF '!HE JUNE 5, 1989, RmJL\R CIT'i CXXJNCIL MFErm:; (0::-769) the Plan I s arDorsement a fundinq Cameil. illp1ementatien costs is not illplied in the actien and that participatioo will be hased en mechanism derived by the Intergovernmental Came. Gatto requested that Cameil rii"("l"'" Item No. 30 further. By coosensus, Courk::il ~ that a letter be sent frail the Mayor to the Board of SUpervisors expressin;r er.J.:u....emel It of the letter. 32. Regu1atin:] 1-'L..C....J1'1"'e& in the matter of ocn:titiŒlal use permits. (a) First readin;r of Ordinance No. 1496: "An Ordinance of the City Cameil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amen:lirç Sec:tim 6.4 of ordinawe No. 652 of the City of CUpertino Regu1atin:] PIOCAJ1n-es in the Matter of o:ntitiŒlal Use PeJ:mits." It was maued by Courk::. Roç w.s, seoc:med by 0:m1c. Gatto arx1 p"a....... Ul'WÚJllCUSly to read Ordinance No. l496 by title a1ly and the City Clerk's readin;r to Cù.o::ititute the first readin;r thereof. 33. AmeI.dI..,,,ut to the CUpertino K.In1cipal Code pertaininq to "cart:in.úzx:J code violatioo". (a) First readin;r of Ordinance No. l497: "An Ordinance of the City Courk::il of the City of CUpertino Amen:lirç sect:ia1 l.12.0l0 of the ltJnicipal Code to Provide that ViolatiCX1S of the Jlmicipal Code 1I11ch WcW.d otherwise Ca1stitute Infractia1s May, in the Discret.ia1 of the City Attorney, be 01arged as Misdemeanors t:Inder certain CCn:titiCX1S. " It was IIIaII8d by Came. Gatto, BeCXI1decl by Came. Rogers and p"aegd unarU.mc:uùy to read ordinance No. 1497 by title a1ly arx1 the City Clerk's readin;r to oaDtitute the first readin;r thereof. 34. Calsideratim of å1an;Jin;r date of JUly 3 City CameL meetin;J . It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, BeCXI1decl by 0:m1c. I<q:pel arx1 I"'aegd unarU.mc:uùy to change the first meet:irx] in JUly to JUly 5. .ness tax 35. Request for direc:tim m business license tax code revisions revisions. -10- MINllI'ES OF '!HE JUNE 5, 1989, :amJIJ\R CITY CXXJNCIL MŒrIN:; (0::-769) It was moved ~ Came. Gatto, seccnded ~ Counc. Johnsa1 am p'''''''ed UI'1alÚ1ID..ISly to direct that a cxmnittee fraD the blsiness O:mJIJI'Ú.ty work with City staff arx1 make J:eo~ ····-'X1atia."IS for administrative changes, equity adju..l.......rt:s or inc:reased revemæs. 'lbe CY·..II.dttee shall include a L"'}AL e:lltative ftan the bane occ:upatim ~atian. WRI'ITEN cnHJNICATIæ5 36. Na1e. ORDD1ANCE3 37. Seoand reading am enacbœnt of ~ No. 1501: "An 0rI:lil1ame of the city Courk::il of the City of Q]pertino Addin:J 5ectioo 8.08.525, steel-Jawed Traps Prchibited, to the aJpertjno M.micipal O:de." It was moved by Came. Gatto, seccnded by Courk::. Rogers and I"'"-ed unanimoosly to read Ordinance No. 1501 by title aùy arx1 the City Clerlt's readinq to OCI1Stitute the Bel - readinq thereof. It was moved by counc. Gatto, S8CXI'Idecl by Came. Rogers am I"'....'Bd Ul'IaJÙJIø.Isly to enact Ordinance No. 1501. 38. sec...d reading and enacbœnt of Ordinance No. 1494: "An 0rI:lil1ame of the City Courk::il of the City of Q]pertino A1IIendinJ sectiat 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Reza1irg 2.3 Acres ftan A-1 Za1e to BQ Za1e; I.oc:ated m the West side of Blaney AveraJe North of Cedar Tree lane. " It was moved by counc. Gatto, seccnded by Courk::. Rogers arx1 l""'!'~ Ul'IaJÙJIø.Isly to read Ordinance No. 1494 by title a1ly and the City Clerlt's readinq to OCI1Stitute the Sð<Md readinq thereof. It was moved by counc. Kqpel, seccnded by Courk::. Gatto arx1 I"'a....A Ul'IaJÙJIø.Isly to enact Ordinance No. 1494. RESOIDrIæ5 39. Na1e. STAFF ~::¡ 40. oral J::"¥-'Lls by staff mømhers. -11- I I ¡Steel-jaWed traps Second reading Ord. l50l Ord. 150l enacted Second reading Ord. 1494 Ord. l494 enacted . Water Consel'va t ion . Legislative Review Closed Session . KINl1I'ES OF 'IHE JUNE 5, 1989, REGUIAR CIT1{ a:xJNCIL MEZl'DC (0::-769) Director of Public Works Viskovic:h reviewed the status of water OCI'ISeJ:Vatim efforts and the pcni at ......dal Park. He infœ:mecl council that he was p1ann1nq to ~ water to place in the Mcwc:4: ial Park pcni to eliminate odor ani prevent it fraD becYftirg a health arx1 safety hazard. Dick aúJ.dress ~~ with that plan. He stated that devel~s pay park <XrlicatLill fees to Iœep parks up. He urged that the pcni be filled with iq:xIrted water. Qu ck J"~ stated that neighborin;J rYOIOI!Iwties have plenty of water and the drcu;¡ht is net statewide. He also ~ ted the p.u:chase of water to eliminate any potential safety hazard. It was IIIaII8d by counc. Jà1nsa1, seocn:Jed by Courk::. IC'q:ipel and l?"a....A with Courk::. Hogers dissentirg to authorize the p.u:chase of water to raise the level of the pcni 1 foot thraJghcut the ""_... and that the City maintain the 25\ cutback. 41. Fourth of J\1ly sd1edule of events. Courk::il received the sd1edule of events. CXXJNCIL ~::¡ 44. Courk::. Jcbnsa1 - Legislative Review n-..ittee - It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Jchnsa1, &eCXI'Idecl by Courk::. Gatto arx1 I"'1'iI....... unanimcusly to taJœ the follClolirJ] actia1 xegardin;J }ALU}1c F~ legislatia1: ~ AB 2371 (Hanni.gan), }AL"¥'L'ly tax reveme, give camties all of ptnIlties m delinquent }AL"¥'Llj' taxBs. S\.owuLt sa 1225 (Boatwright) , sptere of infll.lB'X», devel...........1t. within; AB 1358 (Fri7Alle), fines arx1 forfeiture J:'ØIÆßJ8, nIIICY&l of requirement for cities to peIy $lO penalty "p----rt: far no ccnvictim; and SB 235 (Alquist), state-1Dandated cost reimh¡rseme¡lt. Camci1 also dizecteda review of AB 1162. 46. Courk::. Rogers - Intergovemmenta Courk::il - Courk::i1 ___.0", an elected official to be a¡:p:>intecl to serve m their Alcd10lism Board. At 9:10 p.m., Cameil adjourned to a closed sessim regardin;J r~uLi.ations for p.¡rchase, sale, exchan;¡e or lease of ptq)erty - DeAnza Racquet Club. -12- MINUl'æ OF '!HE JUNE 5, 1989, REnJIAR CI'IY CXXJNcrL MEEI'DC (CC-769) At 9:40 p.m., Cameil .r'2OŒ1Velled in the Courk::il Q1;oml>er. Courk::. IlL I mt: Gatto, Jåmsa1, ~, Rogers, Mayor Pluny staff PoL S' dL: City MaMger Brown City ClElIit Cbmelius City Attomey Kilian It was IIICIIed by Courk::. ~8, seo::nJed by Q:Amc. Gatto and I""a-d unaniD::Ius1y to authorize staff to PL·': r:1 as ñi..... et! in closed sessia1 for the ""'l,i"itim of the DeAnza P--quøt Club. At 9:45 p.m., Camci1 adjcurnecl to 7:00 p.m., JUne 6, Lower Isv8l Ccnfm......... RI:x:ID. -13-