CC 06-08-89
10300 'I\)kt<l:; AVENUE, CIJPERTINO, a>. 95014
TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505
AND 'IHE C1JPERl':IK) UNIaf saÐOL msnu:cr, JŒ[l) af
JUNE 8, 1989, aJPERl'IH) tJNIaf SQlX)L DISœIcr
'Ibe meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Courk::. Present:
Gatto, Kqpù, Rogers, Mayor Pluny
CoJnc. Absent:
}ofPmhørs of the FL......../L un1m High Sdxx:ù District:
Severene Bylin, President
C1aire Hctis
Lirœ l.at1teræn
Nancy Newta1
InJg sta'Ie
}oro:onIhers of the ~ un1a'l Sdxx:ù District:
TaImy Shwe, President
Joan Barr8m
steve 0Iell
SUSan silver
Elaine Mlite
staff PITTa,lt:
DŒ1ald D. Brawn, City Manager
Dr. Betty ~, SUperintendent of FUHSD
Dr. Yvette DelPrIIdo, SUperintendent of aJSI)
TcmIIy Shwe wel·· .....1 those }AL S_lt.
Mayor Pluny ~ "'-e«i his belief of the in¡xJrtanoe of
joint meetin;Js to r'li .,,,...... i $Elf..... of D.rt:ual o..........rn; such as
child care, drugs, arx1 the new }AL~- of "sc:hcols of
d1oice" .
CUSD Object-
City projects
Hwy 85
MINt1l'ES OF 'IHE JljNE 8, 1989, .lOINI' CIT'i a:xJNCIL MEETIN:;
Ms. Bylin presented copies of the F'lé.l......L Unim High School
District board's cbjectives W.1å1 iIx:l.ude: inprcNed
rY"'ftmInú.catiCX1S between the 9oaJ:d an:i the CY'I1'IIInú.ty as well
as retween the Board I'IJ'!d other school districts. She also
ment1a1E!d that the RJHSD will be havin;¡' sane key persamel
c::harrges in the near future.
Mr. ShIòe stated that many feel the aJSD is a well-to-do
me, b.rt; this is not tnIe. '!he district has used sane very
cre:stive finanein;¡' techniques to help fill sane of their
- è'I". An e:--n\,le of this is the a<Jl-=wc.nt the Distdct
has with the City of SUnnyvale for park maintenaroe. Mr.
Shwe is looJdn;J forward to cpmin; of high teå11111'-1D\ in
San Jose. He felt this oculd be a means of excitin;J local
children abo.¿t science. '!he District is also looJdn;J at
major ~-..,(ko'lin; of sd100ls socn as they are getting old.
He IIlIticipeted that this will cost $40-$50 mi1lim and
possibly up to $70 millim. An area of oalOerJ. """'}AL--ecI
was transportatim (bus fleet).
Mayor Pluny told these þL II mt that cw'LdIL major projects
goin; m in the City are the new rnmon'1ity Center, the
possibility of a major hotel by Marriott, the DeAnza
~ Club site, i.....:anoe of lx:nm to replace fUrxIs used
for the purd1ase of c:p!n <q"aOe, arx1 an _i I'\atim of
IIlIticipated i"l'"'ct of Highway 85.
A followed regarding the pl.>('uge and c:uaent
status of Highway 85. 0ptiCI1s are I::Iein;r -ir,ecl and &aile
preliminary 1IiIt'Iñt is I::Iein;r dcne. '!he Traffic Authority is
doin; an analysL CXI108%tÚnI] the possible c::pening of Mary
Averue. 'Ihe City expects a preliminaIy :t~L SCIIIStJme
this ",-.-. 'Ihe possible i....,...-t m HcmesteIId High SC:bool,
part1n·]arly m parking there, was 1DE!I1t:ia1ed. I'8rIdrq in
__moLAl is a prt:IblEID at high sd1oo1s. 'Ihe Ø::inta Vista High
SdIool allows parking I""""'its for juniors and seùara
a1ly. SaDe students at:tencUn:¡ HcmesteIId CCID8 fraD a lcn¡
distance and a bus trip WQ.Ùd J:."E!IJ.ÙrØ Oller Ql1 hcur.
It was pointed out that prior to arr¡ decisicn regardinq
c::pening of Mary Averoe, iJIpactecl parties WQ.Ùd be involved
in di.......,IpIim.
JUnior High Sd100l trcmsportaticn is I::Iein;r studied by the
District this year. '!he CY'I1'IIInú.ty will have to be involved
in the pI <,<""",a . If scl'Ior>l l;o's'OO are eliminated, the
MINUTES OF 'mE JUlIE 8, 1989, JOmr CI'IY cmNCIL MEFrm:;
streets wUl be brpacted. '!he School District suggested
that it may be r--'~¡o.ry to look at a JPA with the cities.
TransportatiCl'l is a major concern an:i school districts deal
with many cities.
Ann An;Jer, Menta Vista, stated that taxatim an:l
transpartatiCl'l have been her majar ooooerns. She ~"""tecl
that use of bicycles be enocuraged, similar to the method
used at uc DIvis.
She was inf..........d that sbx1ents atten:l:inJ school in the
district cannot drive their cars on """{"IS, b.rt: cert.ain1y
have the right to drive them to CéIIIp..1S.
other items were ñi......,,,aed as follows:
IMPACI' PL"-'\ Interventicn for cut-of-norm behavior.
'Ibis is a wellness Pl'CyLQlg Q'\ high school """"'PlSes; hav:in;J
a good time withcut drugs or alochel. Haw can the school
oo-<JP8rate and help to get ~ frail the Sheriff's
DepartJDent to participate? '!be broad nnmo"1ity norm 1II.ISt
be ~t we 8XpeL--t frail the students. 'Ibis }AL~"'" has a
different name at eaà1 school. Perhaps the City's Fublic
safety l" CCA.ù.d be of assistance; possibly there
CCA.ù.d be a I>..Wlic Official Day. Joint }AL"-Y.Lc:wa with the
Sheriff's Department CCA.ù.d result in mere effective
inter-actim betwEen depIties and yœth thraJghout t.'1e
nnmonúty .
Di SCl1aa1a1 of use of alochel at teen parties in QJpertino
followed. A¡, a.....""'ll laws give the Sheriff's
DepartJDent the authority they need to deal with this
ptå)lem. ¡fat steps can be taken to make teens and parents
mere socially respoosible?
'!be "druq free school" }AL"-'\:Law was ñi......,,,ged. 'Ibis is
cu...L""' hplemented in other states and could be enacted
here, possibly ucunty-wide. Kids now qo off-c"""I-»J to
SIIdæ arx1 are mere w1nerable.
Maintenarre and deve1,-¥,&"ll of school prcperty-open space.
~:¡or P1mx:w reviewed the Little League request for use of
KeiIlI&Jy: need 3 water famtains, major league cutfield
fence, trash enclosure, power at main backstq:ø, \Ieed
IMPACT Program
Teen a lcoho 1 us.
"Drug- free
MINt1l'ES OF 'IHE JUNE 8. 1989, JOrnr CIT'i ca.JNCIL ME:ETIN:;
'!his is an example of requests City is gettirg.. '!be peq>le
also want to keep cunent level of open space, which is
costly. '!he City pays the school district the same fees
anytI18 else wculd pey usirg school facilities. He stated
that the Camc:il wculd like to 1ò'Ork together with the
school districts to chan;Je this.
Discn"''''ion followed. regarclin;J the agl.&o::u.::.'lt between the
school district arx1 City of SUnnyvale. '!he district is
currently lookirg at fields arx1 c:p!n space in QJpertino;
maybe a maintenance a.:jLccw"..L could be reached with
OJpertino-a tiJDe-share open space. Also, perhaps the fee
sd1edule for use of school auditoril.DllS and other facilities
could be amenc1ecl so there are different tiers of rates.
Mayor Plun;¡y told the high school district board that Len
Batchelor of the City's Cable Television lIdvisory
l"nmIittee is willm;, to work with the high schools to help
iJ!pleme¡/t the Cable TV potential use. '!his is an area for
possible partnership.
student care is lW"il..hle at schools arx1 junior
high schools. '!his is for children in the QJpertino school
district. 'lbere is also ""WULWn1ty for a latch-key
}AL~- t:hrcugh the state; unfortunately, funds for the
}AL~- are not available at this time. '!he "student
Village" eX¡hcq,L and f'Undin;J far the p1:~_ were
Ii; CZC' _8«:1.
Parents usm;, the school c1istrict student care facility are
loo1dn¡ for quality and CCI1IIerÙ.ence. 'lbere is a quality
...~..1Ut....ul mechanism. tn-site v'..sits are made unanrnmoed.
Aßlle volunteers are linJœd by ~ to "children at
risk" . '!his is develcpm;, a mentor relatiŒ1Ship that is
benefittiJ'ç bath parties involved.
'lbere was further <'Ii"""'"im regardin;J the City's role in
child care am ather ..........nù.ty i.....__.
It was S\X,13E!Stecl that tN.! next joint IDEi!etin;J i1x:100e the
Foothill-DeAnza C'hmo"Uty =OUege Board of Directors arx1
SUpervisor Dianne !ot:Kenna.
(Prepared fran tape of 1DEi!etin;J.)