CC 06-20-89 CI'lY OF aJ.PERI'OO, smIE OF CALIFORNIA l0300 'IUtQ<t; AwroE, ClJPERl'INO, CA 95014 TELEPHoNE: (408) 252-4505 MINtJl'ES OF 'IHE RroUIAR MEETIN:; OF 'IHE CI'lY CXXJNcrL HElD œ JUNE 19, 1989, CXXJNcrL Œ1IMBER, CI'lY HAIL l0300 lU1<l<t; AVÐIUE, aJPERJ.'Il«), CALIR:RŒA CC-770 Mayor Plun;¡y called the meetin;¡' to order at 6:45 p.m. SAI.Ul'E TO 'IHE FI1IG roLL CALL Counc. PL =8 uL: Gatto, Jåu1sa1, ~l, Rogers, Mayor Pluny staff PresHtt: City MaMger Brown Dep.rt:y City ClElIit Wolfe Assistant to the City Manager Brown Director of ""'"-11Ùty Dev8l'¥'""".l. Cowan Director of Finance Snyder Assistant City ErJ;Jineer ~tten Associate Planner caughey ""'"-"1ity Ral.atiCX1S Officer I<:rey ~ It was J!DY8Cl by Came. ~s, secxxlde.l by O::iunc. Jå1nsa:I arx:l l""aø9d UI1aJ'1imcqüy to ccmtime lteIIIs 28 and 35 to the meetin;¡' of JUly 5 and to ccmtime I~ 25 to the secxni meetin;¡' in AJ.ÇJSt. Items con- tinued CEREH:HIAL ~.J.U<::) - :æESmIM'Iœs - Na1e. œAL <XHUIICATIœs - Na1e. cx:mmr ~ It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, secxxJr::å.d by Courk::. Jå1nsa:I an:1 I""'ø'\"ed unanimoosly to a¡:prove the CCI1sent Caleroar as "" 1ho,i ttecl. Consent Calen- dar approved 1. Resolutim No. 7823: itA Resolutim of the City Courk::i1 of the City of OJpertino MaJdn;J DeteIminatiCX1S arx:l Awroving the Annexatim of Territory Designated '0I'al'çe Avenue 89-06', ~~"""tely .0224 Acre Located CX'1 the East Side of 0I'an:Je AV8I'1Ie Beb.Æ! en Alcazar Aveme arx:l Dolores Avenue, Parineh (Am 357-19-008)." 2. Request far waiver of tusiness license fee filed by California Public Interest Res--1"C!1 GraJp. 3. Monthly Activity Report, May, 1989. / t MINt1l'ES OF 'IHE JUNE 19, 1989 CIT'i o::xJNCIL MEETIN:; (0::-770) 4. Review of Alcx:b:>lic Beverage Control license awlication for Jobnta vis"'..a Market, 10629 Foothill Boulevard. 5. ResolutiŒ1 No. 7833: itA Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of OJpertioo 5ettirq Date for Coos1deratim of Annex.in;J Area r.esignated ' Alcazar Avenue 89-07 I , Prc:perty Located North side of Alcazar Avenue BebMBh er-~ Avenue and Byrne Avenue; ~uþ"i""'tely 0.412 Þcr~, Dozier (Am 357-15-071)." 6. R6...-:.st far waiver of rosiness license fee filed by Soldiers of the cross of 01rist Evangelical InternatiŒ1iÙ C21urd1. 7. ~y Treasurer's and 91ñgPt RIepo1.t., May, 1989. 8. Reo· ·..·-r1datim fraD the Cable 'IV Jldvisœ:y l"nmIi ttee for award of grant. 9. Request for waiver of I::usiness license fee for Gr&a.'i- -- Actim. . 10. Resolutim No. 7850: "A Resolutim of the City Camci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin;J Certain c:1..i..... and DeIIIanjs Payable in the 1Imc:A.1nts and frail the F\IOOs as Hereinafter Desc:ribecl for salaries arx1 Wages far the Payroll Period Eminq June 6, 1989." 11. Resolutim No. 785l: "A Resolutim of the City Camci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin;J Certain Cl..i..... and DeIœu1ds Payable in the 1Imc:A.1nts arx1 FraIl the F\IOOs as Hereinafter Deøcribed for General arx1 MisoeJ.1aneaJS Expenditures far the Period Eminq June 2, 1989." 12. c".i", far .....-"""r filed by Jåm Tsin:]. Reo .....-.1C1t!d for rejectim. 13. Resolutim No. 7852: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Approvin¡ IDt Line Adju..t......jL Between 'l\Io Parcels of Land Withcut a Parcel Map in lIcoordanoe with Sectim 66412 (d) of Subdivisim Map Act as Amended JaraJaZy 1, 1984, BebJeen Lots 4 and 5, Tract No. 8126, villa Maria Calrt." 14. ResolutiŒ1 No. 7853: "A Resolutim of the City Camci1 of the City of O,¡pertino J\WL'CITin:] Ca1tract ~ oroer No. 5 for lhmonúty center Buildi1q/MeaDrial Park Expansim, Project No. 2001." þ -2- ) MINUl'ES OF '!HE JUNE 19, 1989 CIT'i cn,JNCIL MEETING (œ-770) 15. Acoeptarx:e of mmicipal llIpI"CNements: (a) Rd:Jert M:>k ~ et al. project on San Fe.."11ëIlrl:> Avenue (b) George Dai, Rainbow' Drive (c) 'l'ract No. 8016, 'lhIust IV, Foothill Boulevard arx1 Salem 15. Acoeptarx:e of city projects perfOZ1lled under oc:ntract: (a) Reocx1struction of an:tø, Gutters, am Sidewalks, Project 89-112 (Golden Bay Constructim) (b) Traffic Signal Modificatioo at Mazy Avenue am stevens creek Boulevard, Project 5005 (RcseOOin Electric) 17. Resolutim No. 7854: "A Resoluticn of the City Cameil of the City of QJpertirD Authorizing" ~Itim of A".._íL With 1<"i"""1:' oe.....íL a......uu.tim Prcvidin:¡ Far the City to Install ~""'''''''íls to StoI:m Drain Inlet, Westerly of T..1rx1a vista Drive." 18. Resoluticn No. 785~: "A Resolutioo of the City Courk::il of the City of Q.Ipertino Acœpt:in;J a Grant of F.:o_. IL for StoI:m Drain FI.n:l^-ses fra111<"iouar Ceme1/t COrporatim, Am 356-5-7, ILx:ated Westerly of Lin:ia vista Drive." 19. Resolutim No. 7856: "A Resolutioo of the City 00urx:i1 of the City of QJpertirD Authorizing" ~Itim of O::q,..¡::ative A"............JL with the City of I.œ Altos for COst Sharing" of Traffic Signal Installatim at Foathill.¡cristo Rey/starling" Drive." 20. Applicatim Þ.S},C 5l,850.1 - L. A. Ardlitects (Security Pacific Bank) - Applicatim to install a walk-up instant teller machine at an existinq bank located m the nartheast comer of DeAnza BoulElV&d and Pacifica AvenJe. p...~ -···-·Ided for a¡::prcwal. 21. Kinrt:.es of the regular meetinq of JUne 5, 1989. vote }.fo:>.,1 -exs of the City cnmcil AYES: Gatto, Jålnscn, Kq:pel, Rogers, Pluny OOES: Na1e ABSENI': None ABS'L\IN: Na1e ITEMS REKMD FlDI cœsmr CALENDAR - Na1e. -3- þ MINUl'ES OF WE JUNE 19, 1989 CIT'i caJNCIL MEEI'lliG (œ-770) PUBLIC HEARINGS 22. Awlicatim 80,033 arx1 6-FA-89 - City of CUpertino - PL· ~ æner..buo::.tt of the Hane ~'I"'tim Ordinance. (a) First readin;J of 0rdirw10e No. 1495: "An Ordinance of the City of OJpertino AIneJ'ñin;J Ordinance No. 32l as Described in sectim 2 Herein, and Providing Regu1at1CX1S for HaDe 0cCI ¡pations. " Associate Plamer Caughey reviewed tile history a.Yñ bacI<ground of the 0Idinance and the c:han3"es that had been requested. Darlene '!horne, 20097 John Drive, said that maybe the fire depðrtJœnt shculd inspect haDe bJsÚ"""'-'\!S for safety as is done for other b.1sÚ"""'-æ. A resident at 20104 I..aRcda CC:m't asJœd questions regardirq parJdn;J of l:uIiness vehicles. Mr. Caughey stated that the ontinance requized that such vehicles be in a garage. He was inf..........d that væ& 1oIŒI't fit in gaJ:ë!Ig8S with CIII8rt1ead doœ:s. þ Ann An:]er, President, H:r1ta Vista Inprcvement MSOC'iatim, said she was p1-~ with JOOSt of the ordinance. Her main ocuoe~n is enf.......--It. of viol.atiCX1S. '!here are ,:" .,.,....cia1 and :in:1ustria1 Za1S8 far l:uI!nee:;'!!S. '!he haDe oocupatia1 ontinance provides a ~i.., privilege, arx1 those We abJH ordinances IIIJSt be penalized to protect other þrwnoo. wnerB. Ms. Arqer said IIhø was pertio.ù.arly canoemed with Sect.ia1 10: she felt that an intractim was oot stra1q enoogh. Heward Johnsa1, 22560 Alcalde Read, said that ovetya18 - City staff, o.-...¡ .1 of t'nIonø'l'"OEl, libraJ:y - had been helpfUl and he wanted to ~é&:oS his thanks. He stated that the Plaru'Ú.n1 l"nmIi....ia1 has done an excellent jcb: hcw8ver, perhaps there had oot been enoogh fMdbë!('K frail residents. He shewed a publicat.ia1 and cited an article regardin;J a product originally tW.lt in a haDe arx1 I'IO!of marJœtecl worldwide. Mr. JåInsa1 read (....,-,rt;s fran Mario c::.''-''1'\, 11680 Regnart C'anya1 Drive. Mr. Q'~1'\ felt that the 'a""..... were (1) b.1siness auto parJdn:J, (2) limitatia'1 of floor space arx1 (3) ,............ of Elllployees. Mr. Johnsen said that th3 penalties sho.ùd be ver¡ real - maybe an infractim is too small a penalty. Laws that are unenforced shoold not be m the books. Mr. Johnsa1 said that he had received a notice regardin;J a readinq þl~LCIW, but notices were oot sent to all haDe b.1siness owners regaxdin:J this he.arirxI. þ An3ela }t)ffatt, ..~!Se'.htJ.n;J Mario Guzman, reiterated the three main c:::ax:ems ~"",~ed in the letter read by Mr. Johnsen. -4- MINIJ!'ES OF 'IHE JUNE 19, 1989 ClT'i axJNCIL MEETING (0:-770) Ta1I Kramer, 7699 RaÍ11!:o. Drive, said that he had started his l:usiness in his bane a.-d later moved to an office Þ.ùlc:tin:J. He said the City was verI oooperative when he get his l:usiness license. liP- had never had any c::œplaints fran his neighbo:r:s. Mr. Kramer ('> ...._1 Jtecl an the p,mlic hearinq prrv--a. Peq:>le speak of their self interest - Cameil has to look at i"""''''' thrcu;¡h the eyes of the whole lY'mIIInùty. 'lbere are benefits to the lY'mIIInùty fran haviIJ;J ros1M<;r.re8 in the haoe: in:lividuals dc.n't have to drive to work, thereby saviIJ;J IIICI1E!Y ard avoiding the hazards of driviJg; they have JOOre time to do productive work; they can be at haoe with their dlildren; there is less traffic m the streets; there is lower crime beca11Se the haDes aren't E!IIpty duriIJ;J the day; it relieves the gcvemment ard l:Jusi1-eees of the child care 00rden. '!he ordinance sha.ùd be directed against ~ that are inherently offensive to pec:ple. It shwld outlaw noise, traffic, pollutim, lD'1Sightly l:usir<>sses or signs - not rosin,~·"::1!S. Mr. Kramer said he is against parts of the ordinance and saDe of the~. '!he ordinance ................ there is saœt:hirq inherently offensive abcut rosinee!!1!S. Limitatim of floor &peIce and rn~ of enployees shculd not be part of the ordinance. '1he 0J:'diœnce shculd not stifle benefits to the """""'nùty Wid1 are derived frt:m rosir-'-1!S in haDes. Eleanor Werner, 20076 I.aRcda CkIurt, said Courk::il shculd look at Menlo Parlc's ordinance. She stated that 'P1bd1visian lawø and œ&Rs state that there shall be two cars allowed in the garage and two in the driveway - not in the ..t....ao:íI:s. Ms. Werner ,. ···,-·Ided CaIncil far tJ:yir¥J to make this ordina."1C8 workable. She said she wants to live ~ she can p... H~ her sanity. Ann An3er stated that cpinim that people shculd qo to a , . ····-"'Cial Za18 to start 1:Jusir--"!S ard asJœd CaIncil to cancel the hr::IIIe IYY"Jpt1m ordinance. Jm Garliepp, 11690 Regnart Canya1 Drive, said he lives next to Mr. t:I,71ftOI'1. He said there is JOOre traffic at his house than at the t:I,71ftOI'1'S because he has three SCX1S. He said he hcp!s his wife's haoe rosiness 1:0$<:' .,- SI""....,aful enaJgh to be able to hire an enployee. Rentin;J (. ····...1"'Cial space WOI'lld be pràrlbitive. He is oc:n::erned with the recluctim in the pañdrq of bJsiness vehicles. It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. JåU1, sec:a1ded by Courk::. Gatto and I""a~ed unani:øIoosly to close the public heariIJ;J. It was ~ that a quest1m regardin;J the use of hazardcus materials in a haoe bJsine= be ~ to the c:hecIc1ist used by the /"nmo1l"\ity Develcpœnt Department in reviewirq suå1 applicatiCX1S . -5- Public hear in closed . . Negative Dec. First reading of home occu- pation ord., No.. 1495, as a.ed MINlJI'æ OF 'IHE JUNE 19, 1989 CIT'i CXXJNCIL MEE:l'!N; (0::-770) Ra;¡arding penalties, city Attozney Kilian Ðlpl~ that after a "IInnhoo..r of infractia'JS, a violation of the ordinance Wl:W.d autanatically be a mi~J'X)r. Following di!Ol"llssion, Courk::i1 amerx:1ed the ~L'-'1':ØOO ordinance as follows: 5ectim 5, staroards: Delete tqJic entitled, "Floor Area." (Eliminates restrictim of floor area used by Wsiness. ) Secticn 5, "sales Activity", UOOer Specific standard, delet.e paragraph fan:". (Restiictim regardin:J storage of articles 10iJere heme <YY'!I1l'ðtim serves as agent œtum. aJStaDers and SlJR)liers of goods and sezvioes prrrlI'<'ed off site.) 5ectim 5, "Omulative Effects", UOOer Specific standard I'lllIe"ded to read, "nmll1'ative ÍlIp!Ct of each heme t'YY'I1l'ðtim shall not ~ the limits set forth in any partim of 5ectim 5 of this orc:linarre." 5ectim 5, "aJsiness Vehicle", UOOer Specific standard, first sentence, to read, "No more than one Wsiness vehicle may be parJœd per site." (Eliminates requirement that vehicle be in enclosed area when not in use.) 5ectim 7, Persa1s Dployed, first sentence,shall read, "Heme t'YY'I1paticnJ shall be carried m by ,,-,~ C'Io of the hcuseho1d occ:upyin;J the '-'1 irç, with not more than one additia1al persat eaployed m the pzwni -_ who is not a resident thereof." Secticn 9, NaH:ka1forminq Uses, was amerx:1ed to read, "Nobdt.hstarxtin;J the provisiCX1S of this Ordinance, all heme t'YY'I""tiCX1S Iob1ch exist as rar-o......torminq uses in any residential zone or in other areas 10iJere residential uses are allowed, shall be allowed to ocnt.ime as legal, J'ICI1--<::Q.tiJ:min;J uses subject to the City's Na1-oa1forminq Use 0:tI:tinance." It was IIIOIIed by Courk::. lC]ers, seoa'Ided by Courk::. Gatto arx1 1""""00 IJI'IaJ1iJoously to grant a Negative Declaraticn. It was IIIOIIed by Courk::. Rogers, seoa'Ided by Courk::. Gatto and 1"""0;-00 U1'1alIÍ1InJsly to read Ordinance No. 1495 by title cnly and the Deplty City Clerk's readin;J to constitute the first readin::J thereof, as amended. -6- MINUl'ES OF '!HE JUNE 19, 1989 CIT'i CWNCIL ~ (œ-770) 23. A¡:plicatim 4-Z-89 - Perry anl Jones Develq.we¡/t - Request for rezoning of 1. 7H acres iran Rl-I0 (Sin:Jle-Family, Residential, 10,000 sq. ft. minÙll.lllllot s~_ze) to æs (Residential Hillside). EnvhUlIWt:.I/tal DeteImination: '!he Plannin:1 l"nmIi....im :rec. ....-11ds the ~ of a Negative Declaration. 'Ihe prcp!rty is located an the SOIth side of Villa Maria cart, approximately 600 ft. 'WeSt of aJJ::t¡ Road. Reo ....-rxæd far A¡:proval. (a) First readin:J of 0rdinarxJe No. 1498: "An ordinance of the city Courk::il of the city of CUpertino A11IeI'ñiIx3 section 1 of ordinance No. 2 by Reza1in;J 1.711 Acres fran Rl-10 Za1e to RHS Za1e; Located m the South Side of villa Maria cart, West of aJJ::t¡ Road. Direc:tar of C'romI11Ù.ty Devel"¥'""'/t cowan reviewed the awlicatim and stated that the 0Idinan0e is CXl\S1stent with the General Plan. It was IIIaII8d by Came. Jà1nsa1, secxDBi by Courk::. Gatto and I""ee9d unaniDaJsly to close the public hearinq. It was IIIaII8d by Came. JahnsŒ1, SooI.A.aùecl by ccunc. Rogers and r-a....... \.1I'I2IlÛJIIœsy to grant a Negative Declaratim for A¡:plicatim 4-Z-89. It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Jàu'Isc:n, seoaldecl by ccunc. HogerB and r--ed \.1I'I2IlÛJIIœsy to "WL..Ne A¡:p1 i'""'tim 4-Z-89 per Plarmin.J l"nmIi....ia1 Resolutiat No. 4162. It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Rogers, seoaldecl by Courk::. Gatto and ra~~ un!IJ'1iJIIaJsly to read Ordinance No. 1498 by title a1ly and the Deplty city ClElIit's readinq to ~1Stitute the first readinq thA.reof. 24. A¡:plicatim 3-Z-89 arx1 3-EA-89 - SUnr'lyView I11theran HaDe Request far zcnin¡ of 1.02 acres fraD R-3 (JIIJltiple-family residential) to B;2 (quasi public b.1i1din;J) . Envh........../tal DeteIminaticn: 'Ihe Plannin;J l"nmIi....1m reo ····-.œ the grantinq of a Negative De<"' "1"8.tim. '!he prcpærty located at north side of 0Jpert.in0 Road, 400 ft. 'WeSt of Hillcrest Road. R1:o(. .....ÞVIdecl for A¡:prova1. (a) First readinq of 0rdinarxJe No. 1499: "An Ordinance of the City Courk::il of the City of CUpertino A11IeI'ñiIx3 Sec:ticn 1 of Ol.ùinanœ No. 2 by Reza1in;J l.02 Acres fran R-3 Za1e to B;2 zme; located m the North Side of Q¡pertim Road, West of Hillcrest Road." -7- Public hearin: closed Negtive Dec. 4-Z-89 approved First reading of Ord. 1498 . Public hear- ing closed Negative Dec. 3-Z-89 approved Fi rs t read- ing of Ord. 1499 . Westfield appeal con- tinued . MIN\JITS OF '!HE JUNE 19, 1989 CIT'i aJJNCL ME:E:l'm; (CC-770) D~..or of C"roTm1TÚty Devel'¥......L Cowan pl. santed his Lepart to Cameil. He stated that tile rezcniD; is to integrate tile prcp!rt.y with the overall devel,¥",""L. It was oovecl by Courk::. Jchnsa1, secan:1ed by Courk::. Rogers am pasß''9d unanimaJsly to close the public hearin¡. It was JOCNed by Came. Jahnsal, secan:1ed by Courk::. JCqpel am I""a9ed unaniJDcusJ.y to grant a Negative Dec'laratim for Application 3-Z-89. It was JOCNed by Came. JåU'Ison, secan:1ed by Courk::. Gatto and I""~~'9d unanimaJsly to awrove Applicatim 3-Z-89 per Plëll1l'lin;J Cœmission Resolution No. 4170. It was JOCNed by Courk::. Rogers, secan:1ed by Courk::. Gatto arx1 I"""eed unanimaJsly to read 0Idinanœ No. l499 by title a1ly arx1 the Dep.rt:y City Clerk's readiJ'q to canstitute the first I'E!2IdiJ'q thereof. 25. Cals1deration of an-' of Architectural and Site A¡:praval l'hronittee denial of request to wvYIif'y the planned deve1..~...."uL sign }AL~"'" far vanco Fashia1 Park; located at stevens creek Eb.ùevard and Wolfe Read. JIro-' filed by Jàm E. Erxlioott of Westfield, Inc. (Aß1ellant requests a 6o-day oontinuanoe.) PreviCAJS1y ocnt:irAJed to seoc:n:l JDeE!tiJq in ~ (Au:just 21, 1989. ) PIANNII«; APPLICM'Iœs 26. AßùicatiCX1S 12-u-89 and 12-FA-89 - COitccm - Use Femit to wvYIi f'y height and sectional st:arñards to P"""it installatim of a 60 ft. high micrcwave CXIIIIIIJr1icat tower, in accordaraI with Section 69.l of ordinance No. 220(q). '!he facility is located at l8922 Forge Drive, east of Tant:au Aveme. Envh..........tal Dete1:minatim: '!he Planning' l"nmIi ""im V'<~ ····-tds the grantinq of a Negative r--,..~tim. RBc:' .......1'1decl for A¡:praval. Director of lhnno1l'\ity Devel~¡t; cowan L~ted to Cameil, statinq that the City has no power to requlate frequencies and microwave transmissia1S. Tan Vaubel, 3835 Melody lane, santa Clara, asked about the power arx1 frequency of the transmissiCX1S arx1 ~ there might be arr¡ negative health effects. He was also ocncernecl with possible radio am television 1nterf&......... am whether the height of the tower wa.ùd affect property values. He stated that durin¡ off hours there are cars racin¡ in the park.iJq lot whidl cx:uld run into the tower. Noisy truc:1œ are also a prci>lem. -8- MINUl'ES OF 'THE JUNE 19, 1<;89 CITI CXXJNCIL MEE'rll{; (cx:-nO) JàJn Douglas L"'tJL S:I.tiIq Coitcan CaJm.micatian Specialists, installers of t-.he tower, said it woo.ld not interfere with any other transmissiŒ1S ar k.e.c.é~t.ian am that there were no h.annful -i"""ions. Many microwëM! links are }AL sently in use in the rnlllTlI1l'Úty. '!here is a d1ain link fEn» arcurxi the tower base. He said he will mentioo the car/noise prc:blems to Tandem - they are respousive. It was JDCYed by co.mc. Johnsa1, secx:nded by Came. Gatto and I""ð~ unanboous1y to grant a Negative Dec:laratim ~or lIpplicatioo 12-U-89. It was IIIaII8d by Came. Jåu1san, secx:nded by Courk::. Rogers am I""n-Bd UI'1aJ1i:anmly to ~ lIpplicatioo 12-U-89 per PlaJ'llÚnj l"nmIiRElion Resolutim No. 4168. 27. lIpplicatiCX1S ll-U-89 and lo-FA-89 - Valley 01urch - Use Permit to ex'....t......x:t a 7,200 sq. ft. activity center b.1i1dinq within an existin:;J àuJrd1 oœplex. '!he facility is located m the west side of stellin;r Read, 500 ft. scut:h of HcIDestead Read. Emrira"menta1 Determinatia1: '!he PlarInilg l"nmIi....ioo r""()o ····-.œ the grantin;r of a Negative Dec:laratiat. Reo ····....Idecl for Appraval. Director of C'hmo"1i.ty Devel"¥""'Jt Q:Jwan }AL e Slttecl the finilixJs of the Planninq l"nmI{....im to Courk::il. It was JDCYed by counc. JomlSGln, seoaldecl by Courk::. Gatto and I?"'a"""('l unaJÚJID.Isly to grant a Negative Dec:laratim for Applicatim ll-U-89. It was JDCYed by Courk::. Jà1...., -.......:1I.d by Courk::. Gatto and I?"'n-Bd unaJÚJID.Isly to "WLuv'e Applicatia1 ll-U-89 per Plar1r1in¡ l"nmIi....ia1 Ruolutia1 No. 4169. 28. lIpplicatiCX1S !H1-89 and l7-FA-89 - University of san Francisco Use Pm:mit to q¡el:ate a specb,izecl """......ticnù instit:uticn eI~:' ··\""RElin;r 5,200 sq. ft. of ~I"-,YYR area within an exist.iJ'ç office b.1i1dinq. '!he facility is located in the nart:hWIest quadrant of Boll1rxJer Read and DeAnza Boolevard. Envh...."..ental Determinatioo: '!he Plannin;r l"nmIi"""im rec> ....-11ds the grantin;r of a Negative Dec:laratim. Reo ·...-.Idecl for lIpprcYa1. Previrosly ocntinued to meeting of JUly 5, 1989. ~C;: 8:50-9:00 p.m. 29. lIpplicatioos lQ-U-89 and l8-FA-89 - Mariani Devel"¥""'Jt - Use Permit to canstIuc:t and oocupy a l76 unit, 4 story apad""""'ll structure and 182 zero lot line townhanes with -9- Negative Dec, 12-U-89 approved Negative Dec. ll-U-89 approved 9-U-89 continued . MrnUrES OF '!HE JUNE 19, 1989 CITI CDJNCIL ~ (0:::-770) r.elated site iIrpravements. '!he project is located at the scutheast =rner of DeAnza BcW.evard an:i HaDestead Road. Envh.....,u.=..t.al Determination: '!he Plannin:] rnnmi .....icn roc> ...,_, ds the granting of a Negative Declaratim. Fee- ··.....TIded for A¡:proval. ('rm"múty Devel"+"""'tt Director CcWcm highlighted the j .......... brcu;Jht up by the Plar1I1in; l"nmIi ....ion an:i the l"nmIi ....im' s rationale for their rec:. ·...-rmtiCl'1S. Jàm 1"1I>1"""Te, Mariani Devel~jt OOIporatim, thanked the City and neighbors of the }AL~eed devel<-pUt'l1t for their patience as theY have '-'OIJœd t:hrc:u;¡h the project. He presented a history of the project and described height and setbacks, as well as the gateway oOh..qJL and l~irç m the =rner. other items ment1a1ed by Mr. 1"1I>'-Te were emergency .~a, the Blue Jay Drive ~~a, and aooee9ibility of l..........atim and c:p!n space areas by residents in the saJtheast I.AALUI=r of the }AL.~sed project. He stated that ¡iIas~ is i~ to Mariani --...... of fiMnc~ and }AL'lJOssd that IX) ¡ilasing requirements be placed m the devel"+,,",,,.t. Mr. 1"1I>1"""Te answered quest1CX1S fraD Courk::il. þ Art Pittoc1t, President of the Northpoint HaDøcWnerB Assodatim, stated that he is hçpy with the 11E!1111est design snhftittecl by Mariani. Vil'ginia 'IbaDas, 20218 Northwest Square, Northpoint, ~èecl with Mr. Pittoc1t. Mark v.oozer, 20336 Northbrook Square, Northpoint, said it was a great plan with the e.. "'i'Lim of aooee'l of duet units to DeAnza Eb.ùevard. All residents may en1 up exitinq m Blue Jay. Griffith !IJrray, 20277 Northbrook Square, Northpoint, asJœd Courk::il to "WL....,¡e the project and urqecl Mariani to get started m it. ''Knc:i:1by" Nøo~--, 19889 Northsky Square, Northpoint, stated that it is a good project and he hqJecl council 1oIOUld ~ it. He was hag:Iy to see the density ~vWI. Courk::il ..-·"ers ~-~9d oc:n::ems regardin;J the fol1~: lack of parJcirç, inclu:lin] guest parJdn;J. Density . . Traffic, internal ciro.ùatim an:i a1to Blue Jay and Haœstead - duets need aooees to DeAnza BcW.evard: the plan needs work. -10- MINt1l'ES OF 'IHE JUNE 19, 1989 CIT'i COONCIL ~ (0:-770) R1asin:J - the fact that there are two separate projects requirin:J 1i1asin:J. Entire project shcW.d be I::W.1t at same time. Mass of ¡"ndin;p¡ m lots, need mare yard spaoe; ~""" size. q,en up apartments - maybe take cut the aparbamtts m the east and raise the height m DeAnza Eb.ù8llæd. Mr. nøl1M1"'8 respadecl to Courk::il's 0a1C8l.11S. He said the apartments can be separated as in an earlier plan. More visitor parkinq can be provided for apartments. ParIdn¡ stalls in the garden hœø area can be AMMI by takirJ;J cut sane units. Mr. f)o>'-re said t:he plan is to breIIk grcun:i for the garden haœs m 5ept:.eIIœr 1. If it all had to be I::W.1t at ŒICe it ~ be early 1990, then!by creatirg a prà:>lem with lenders. It was IIICM!d by Came. Bogers, seoctidad by c::nmc. Jcbnsa1 and l"'aaed unarú.maJsly to cxmt.inIe the i~ to JUly 5, 1989. ~ AND SI'lE APHU1AL CXMa'I'mE APPLICATIœs 30. Na1e. UNFINISHED IIJSINESS I~ 33 was CXl\Sidered cut of order. 33. R90 ...··-,-.Jatim fraD the Fine Arts thnIIi....ia1 regardinJ selectim of IIIlral for City Hall. n-o-"1ity RelaticnJ Officer I<'rey l.ét--l.oed m the becJcgrcurñ of the IIIlral project and told Courk::il the %1ISUlts of the vote. T. Scott Sayre shewed the new colors he '-'CUld use as wll as sauples of previous JIIJIëÙS he had painted. It was IIIaII8d by Came. Plungy, seoctidad by counc. ~ and l"'ftftoo unaniJDcus1y to t!I()("til the IIIlral Þ''''~] by T. scott Sayre, as reo::> ....-.Jded by the Fine Arts l"nmIi.uzitY1 and endorsed by the public majority; the exntitim ~-œd by the Fine Arts l"nmIi....im that the artist .o-;¡e. his colar palette woold a¡;ply. 31. ODJideratim of expenditure of $15,000 for brac:Jœt:s and banners. -11- lO-U-89 (Mariani) continued City Hall mural I \ I i Brackets and ¡',lnners I I I . Res. 7857 (Wilson Park acquisition) adopted . Investment of COP reserves Project 4002 continued Committee re business tax . MINU1'ES OF 'lEE JUNE 19, 1989 CITY CD.1NCIL MEEl'ING (0:-770) It was lOCNed by Cam:::. Pluny, by Cam:::. I<'q:pù ard P",,=ñ with Cameil mør.~ ers Gatto ard Rogers di.ssentin; to eJqJeId $7,500 thiø fiscal year to acquire the brackets and to b.ñ;¡et $7,500 in fiscal 1989-90 to acx;¡uire the bamers. N&1 WSINESS 32. Cans1deratia1 of Iinc'o""'"'lts pert.a.inin;J to aoquisitim of larxi adjacent to WllSa1 Park located at 19784 wintergreen at FOrtal. (a) Resolutim No. 7857: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 A{.provin;J, Autharizin;J arxi Di.rec:t:.in;J ~itia1 of cmtain T",," Fi.nancirç 1'h-I""'"'Its ard a Purchasin;J ~...........jL, Appravin;J a PIelimi.næy Offic'¡'" state-.jL, and Autharizi1Y:J ard Direct.irç Certain ActiCX1S with Ra Bl-ect 'Ihet~t.o." It was IIICII8d by counc. Rogers, seocmecI by Courk::. Gatto and p"ft-ed unaniJacus1y to adept Resolutia1 No. 7857. 34. ~-t for autharizatim to allow City TreII.surer to irMIst and reinvest: ba1d COIIenaI"It funjs beya1d five years. Dil:ectar of Finance SI1yàer infoI1DBd Courk::il of the advantages of the ~. ,. .....,. It was 1IIaII8d by 0CUnc. }I'rg)el, seocmecI by Courk::. Gatto an:! p"ft-ed unaniJacus1y to authorize the City Treasurer to inv8st Certificates of 1'artic:ipatia1 resm:ves beyañ five years. 35. ~L a1 bid c:peninq an:! award of .........t....aet for steYwIB creek Boulevard ~uv_d..a, Project 4002. Previcuùy ccnt.iraBi to J\ùy 5, 1989. 36. J\¡p)i..t....-jL of l"Y'WmIittee to r.:- ·,··-ù åIan;Jes to the EUsinesa Tax 0:Ide. It was IIICM!Cl by Came. Gatto, seocmecI by Came. Kt"g)el and p""a'l!d unanimcus1y to iIRJOint Rebert Booth (J. T. Mdfarts), Heward Johnsa1 (Pistàù ElectraU.c tool Q). ) , Frank strazzarino (Qumhor Director), City Manager Brown and Director of Finance SI1yàer to the CCIIIIIittee: to authorize the ~r of (\ ....-1"C8 to iIRJOint three 1I1ØI.~ -era fraD their l1.....J ership: to c:1irect the l'Y'ftWIIittee to return within 60 days with rE'(' ····...·ldatiCX1S re administratia1, equity and inc::reased revenues . -12- , MllItlI'ES OF 'IRE Jt'NE 19, 1989 CIT'í cnJNcrL MEEr!}I; (00-110) 37. CtrIs1deratim of 3 lI9h..b...../L to tl1e M.micipal a:de to reflect O:de Enforoea..../L authorizatia1 for ':.owirq vehicles as set forth in the Califamia Vehicle O:de. (a) First I'eIIIdin.J of Ordinance No. 1500: "An Ordinance of the City Courk::il of the City of QJpertino Amend.in:J Sectia1 1l.24.200, Removal of VeÞit"'es Fran SL..~, of the 0Jpertin0 M.micipal O:de." It was moved by Courk::. RcgL""S, BeOC:I1decl by Ccunc. Gatto and l""a~ unaninn.lsly to read ordinance No. 1500 by title a1ly and the Dep.Ity City Clerk's readin¡ to eu...t.itute the first readin;J thereof. 38. Report fran AR:Ile Daycare User l"nmIittee. It was moved by Courk::. Rcgers, BeOC:I1decl by Ccunc. Yq:pù and I"'~~«i UI1ëIlÚJDOOSly to fin! it Ul'lloec_a~ to 0CI'1tirue man:1atory user ,."...,."ittee meEItin;¡s and further l.~ls f!)O:~L prior to expansim into the seoo..:1 ¡i1ase. 39. RIpoLL regarciirq ~ '""l'.Lng plans far tre Iancbark Fl..........Lies site m Gardm1Side Iane. Cameil received the l.~L. ~'!.J.Uf CXHIJNICATIa¡s 40. Ann An:1er in:¡uirecI aI:x:ut a letter she bad ...,hftittecl to be p'--i m the agenda. She was info. .._1 that not all letters received by CWrx:i1 are agMdizecI. CIIDDWK:ES 41. se.........d I'eIIIdin.J and ena....t..-.L of Ordinance No. 1496: "An Ordinance of the City CWrx:i1 of the City of QJpertino Amendin¡ Sectia1 6.4 of Ordinance No. 652 of the City of QJpertino R8gu].at.j.nq Pol' «omres in the Hatter of Ocnditicnù. Use Permits." It was moved by Came. ~'S, seoc:n:]..,cl by counc. Gatto and l""aa'9d unanimaJs1y to read Ordinance No. l496 by title a1ly and the Dep.lty City ClElIit's I'eIIIdin.J to oOuatitute the seoo..d I'eIIIdin.J thereof. It was moved by Courk::. ~s, BeOC:I1decl by Ccunc. Gatto and l""~~ed unanimcus1y to enact Ordinance No. 1496. -13- First readin¡ of Ord. 1500 Apple day care Landmark land scaping Second readinl of Ord. 1496 Ord. l496 enacted . Second read- ing of Ord. 1497 Ord. l497 enacted . Legislative Review COlD. . MINlJI'ES OF'lJŒ JUNE 19, 1989 CIT'i a:uNCIL MEF:I'IlC (œ-nO) 42. Seû..ul reaclin:] arrl enactment of Ordinance No. 1497: "An Ordinance of the City Cameil of the City of Q¡pertino Amen:tinq Sectim 1.12.010 of the ØJnicipal Code to Provide that Violatia1s of the M..Inicipal Code ¡. hià1 ~d otherwise o....titute Infractia1s May, in the Discretim or the City Attorney, be Ow:ged as Misdemeanors urœr certain ccnlitiCX1S." It was JIOIIed by Courk::. ~s, s.e.cx..dt.d by Came. Gatto and l""e--1 UI'IalÙJIDJSly to read Ordinance No. 1497 by title a1ly ~ tl1Ø Dep.lty City ClElIit's readin;J to CXl\Stitute the see:....:1 readin;J thereof. It was JIOIIed by coone. Rogers, seca:.dt.d by Courk::. Gatto and l""~-ed unanimously to enact Ordinance No. 1497. RESOIDrIœs 43. Na1e. STAFF ~::¡ 44. orall~ts by staff -..c... City MaMger Brc:Mn reminded Courk::il of the 7:30 a.m. meetirg to be held June 20 with the DeAnza-Foothi11 l'hmo"1ity COllege District Board. 45. Referral fraa City of Santa Clara regardin:J deve1,¥"",,íL mlfi....ia1 COll.,. ,.,."... cooncil ~Led the ......-L. cx:uICIL 1Q!;tU(!;) 48. IAIgislative Rlwiew no-ittee. It was JIKM!d by counc. JåulSCln, DOOIoiU.dt.d by Ccunc. Gatto and pae-ed UT1al1iJInIsly to taJœ the followin¡ actiCX1S regardin;J }AL' '1' 19d legislatim: I I I I I I I I I I <H' "*' SB 1503 (Ayala), deve1qJer fees, payment prlar to a¡:plicaticn sutm1ttal; and SB 2019 (Harris), public recœ.ds, payment of penalty for failure to maJœ av>oilable. &\-1' ...L AB l032, \o'Orlærs' ('. ··'1-e1lSatim; SB 1418 (Boatwright) , SIIIOkinq, eatin;J establishments; and AB 1162 (P'ergusat), 6I1bdivisicns, parcel maps. Take no actia1 m AB 2032 (Margolin), \o'Orlærs' (10 '·1 -ellSatim. M'nc:'ED sæslœ At 11:28 p.m., Cameil adjcurned to a closed sessim (Iðbar negctiaticns, Government Code Secticn 54957.6). -14- KDVI'ES OF '!HE JUNE 19, 1989 CIT'i CXXJNCIL MEE:I'JXò (a::-770) At 11:56 p.m, Courk::il recx:nvened in ~r in open sessim. It was IIICIIIM by counc. ~&, eeocuded by Courk::. Gatto and {""-....... un!IJ'1iJIIaJsly to instruct staff to þt.~ the "WL"¥L1ate .........-,ts to be p'~ m the JUly 5 agerœ. whid1 wculd do the follc:lWin3: salaries to be increased by 4.5\ for the Public ~ unit effective 6-21-89; 5.5\ for all ~ ~,..-'W1t employees; City's cxa/t....ib1tia1 tcward --'1~' insurance shall be $341 for p¡blic 1oIIOrkB urJ.ts, $234 for remainin] fA' .....YWn1: Elllployees. Directed staff to JIIIIJœ "WL"¥Llate å1anI;Jes to R.ù.es and to Memoranda of U1'DtrBtanding to provide for PER9 rebate, wwYti ~ sick l_ paya¡t as .."........cl upa1 with employee grt:IUpB, and additim of four hours to flœtiJç holiday k'bedule with eliminatia1 of two hours ileA. ~k. time m Good Friday. At 11:57 p.m, ocuncil adjoorned to J'une 20, 7:30 a.m., DeAnza Ooller;J8 far -.tin;J with DeAnza-Foothill ChmInUty College District 1Dmi. ¿~~ Ddf- -15- Labor negot ia- tions , þ CIT'i OF aJPERI'IN), S'lATE OF CAI.IFCeUA 10300 'I'.JHIŒ AVEMJE, aJPERI'lN), CA 95014 TELEP.HaNE: (408) 252-4505 œ-77OA MINUl'ES OF '!HE JOINl' MEE:I'DG BEIWml '!HE CIT!( cnH:IL OF 'IHE CIT'i OF aJPERI'IN) AND FOOIHIIL-IEANZA CXHIJNI'1Y CX)T:r= msmrcr HElD œ JUNE 20, 1989, D:fi !WJI'ISTA R:XM, IEANZA (XIT:rJõr.E '!he ~ was called to 0Iàer 7:30 a.m. Courk::il rres~ t: Gatto, Johnsa1, Fi:lppe1, Rogers, Mayor Pluny Foothill-DeAnza f'romIonú.ty COllege District Board JL.¡ .ers: Dr. Rà:Jert Smithwick Alfred 01asuk Dr. Raynald Bacd1etti þ staff Presant: Da1ald D. Brown, City Manager Dr. 'IhaDas Clamens, President of Foothill COllege Dr. A. Ricbert DeHart, President of DeAnza COllege !9""..... t'li......'a-ro were the followin¡: COllsae District ExpIms1a1 plans of the college tech center stadium student center parkiJxJ garage ¡:ass:ible rør gyJII-St:tx1ent fees No in::rease in student enrol1:œnt is projected at this time. '!be District is oc:n:Jemecl ~ .."""""a to DeAnza COllege frail nort:hbcurñ Highway 280. 'Ihey have hired a traffic OCI1SlÙtant to examine the problem an::l will share the results with the City. -1- . ,[ I MINIJl'ES OF 'mE JUIŒ 20, 19&9, ~ RmJlAR CITi cœNCIL MŒI'ING (0::-770A) City Courk::il Review of City projects: RåA1.l W. Quinlan C'hIorI11Ùty center DeAnza ~Jet Club site Marriott Hatel amineøs Ramdtable IIIB8tirgs Higmey 85 General Plan update BannerjBrac:Jæts ('!he C'hIorI11Ùty COllege District may wish to use these for IllpeCb1 events such as DeAnza Days. ) Dr. DeHart in;¡uirecl aboot the possibility of use of r-'!""i..-. _ter in the ~..tive fountains a1 DeAnza ~. Next year's IIIeetirJj will be oc:IIiJ1ned with the joint QJpertirxI thia1 Sd100l District, FÀ...........l Unicn High Schcol District¡City Courk::il meet.iJ11. '!he IIIeetirJj was adjOImecl at 8:45 a.m. ~ ~/;J n.... ius, ty Clerk r---t IIIirutes ware preperecl frail notes taken at the JII88tin;J by other than City Clerk.) -2-