CC 07-05-89 . . . I CIT'i OF aJPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFC1RNIA 10300 'IORRE AVDroE, aJPERI'INO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 0::-771 MINUl'ES OF '!HE REX:;UIAR CI'lY axJNCIL l'IUò.uJ'C HElD JtIDi 5, 1989, CI'lY HALL axJNCIL awmER, 10300 'IORRE AVE1roE, aJPERI'D«), CAI.I:PœIIA SAllJI'E 'ro 'IHE FIJ;G '!he meetiIg was called to order by Mayor Pluny at 6: 50 p.m. roLL CALL COJrc. Present: Gatto, Johnson, Koppel, Rogers, Pluny staff Present: city Manager Brown City Clerk O:n:nelius Director of Public ~k.:. visJo:wi.ål Director of o-nmonù.ty Devel~¡t Cowan Director of Finance Snyder Director of Pin1æ arx1 Recreatim Dcli1.irq Public Infcmnatian Officer Rrey HcusiIg and 5eJ:v1ces coordinator Nor1.irq City Attomey Kilian ~ It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Rogers, seoc:n3ed by counc. Gatto and P"'''''ed unanimously to cxntinue I~ No. 32 to the regular meetinq of JUly 17. <:::EREM:IŒAL ~.!'J::OtC) - FRESENrATICtIS Cameil thanJœd the Depart:ment: of PaxU and ~etltim and the Department of Public Works for a 6'.. ¡-tul FaIrth of JUly oelebratim. '!he uirector of Parks arx1 Recreatim int,.. ......~ Courk::il that he wwld be evaluatinq this year's oelebratim, particularly in regard to the fireworiœ display and traffic generated fran the DeAnza COllege parkin:] lot and will be reportiIg back. -1- . HINUI'ES OF 'IHE JULY 5, 1989, ~~ CIT'i roJNCIL ~ (œ-771) ORAL a::tHJNICATIctIS steven C. Cà1en ~ Notice of Delin:¡uent Parkin;r Ticket citaticn. Consent C"lendar HI'. Cà1en was not present. CXJJSENl' CAIENIY\R It was IIIaII8d by Came. Gatto, secxniecl by Came. Rcgers and pa",....,o¡ una1Ú1IrJl1Sly to a¡:prave the Ca1sent Calerœr as sutmittecl. . 1. Resolution No. 7858: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the city of QJpertino Makin:J DeteIminatiŒlS arx1 Approvin;J the Annexatioo of Territory designated 'Alc-.zar Avenue 89-07', 1\Wrcorh""tely 0.412 Acre Located m the North Side of Alcazar Avenue BetweeI. ~ Avenue and Byrne Avenue; Dozier (Am 357-15-071 - 21911 Alcazar Avenue) ." 2. Resolutim No. 7859: "A Resolut1a1 of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 J\dqrt:iD] a Memoran:ñ1m of T.Jrœrst:.an:li Between the City of 0Jpertin0 arx1 the 0peratin:J ErY;Jineer's Local No.3." 3. Resolutim No. 7860: "A Resolut1a1 of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 J\dqrt:iD] a Memoran:ñ1m of T.Jrœrst:.an:li Between the City of 0Jpertin0 and the 0Jpertin0 Ðlplayees Associatim" 4. Resolutim No. 7861: "A Resolut1a1 of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 A:mIn:lin;J the Ccnfidentia1 o "1oE'1lSatim P1.~LCIIII." 5. Resolutim No. 7862: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 A:mIn:lin;J the Mar""':l""""'Jt o ·'1.eonsatim P"~L<W"" 6. Resolutim No. 7863: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Establishin] salaries for PositiŒlS Not Within a SChedule of Pay Grades.". 7. Resoluticn No. 7864: "A Resolutim of the City Camcil of the city of 0Jpertin0 A:mIn:lin;J the ~es m Corñitions of Enployment." . -2- · MINt1l'ES OF 'IHE JULY 5, 1989, REX;UIAR CIT'i cx:xJNCIL ME:E:rIN:; (0::-771) 8. Resolution No. 7865: riA Resolution of the City Council of the City of CJpertin:I FixiIx1 the Ell9?loyer I s Cantril:ution urær the Meyers~- state Enployees Medical am HJspital Care 1Ict." 9. Reso1utim No. 7866: "A Resolutim of the City Camci1 of the City of CUpertiIx> In::::reasim ADn1nt Paid 'I'cMard Insurance Premiums far Cameil ~." 10. Review of aRJlicatiŒ1 far alc::å1olic beverage license - Imahara I S Fresh Pr'N'b""", 19970 Hcmesteaå Road. · 11. Ratificatim of extensim of waiver of œsiness license fees for Rainbc:M I.ctiJy, In:::. U. Resolution No. 7867: "A Resolutim of tr.e City Council of the City of 0Jpert.in0 A1IIerxiirq Resolutim Nos. 6901, 5214, 7255 arx1 7540, City Attorney's O"'l.ensation. 13. ResolutiŒ1 No. 7868: "A Resolution of the City Courk::il of the City of Q.Jpert1¿10 Allawin;J Certain Claims and Demands Payable in the 1\IIn1nts and fraD the FuOOs as Hereinafter Descr:ilJecl for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Pericxl Erñinq.JUne 20, 1989." 14. Resolutim No. 7869: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the city of ClIpertino Allc:lWÚ'X1 Certain Claims and Demands Payable in the 1\IIn1nts and fran the FuOOs as Hereir..after Descr:ilJecl for Salaries and Wages far the Payroll Per1cxl Erñinq .JUne 29, 1989." 15. Resolut1cn No. 7870: "A Resolut1cn of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allc:lWÚ'X1 Certain CJ..i..... and Demands Payable in the Amamts and FraIl the FuOOs as Hereinafter Descr:ilJecl for GeneJ:al and Miscellaneous Expen.titures for the Per1cxl Erñinq .JUne l6, 1989". 16. Resolutim No. 7872: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of ClIpertino setti1g a Public Hearim to Detezmine the Public InteJ:est and ,.r... ~8ity to Acquire by Eminent n-on:.il'1 a Portim of Property I..ocated Œ1 North Stellim Road North of Ralte 280 far street Widenin;¡' Purpcs as. " 17. Resolution No. 7873: "A Resoluticn of the City Courk::il of the City of D.Ipertino Author1zin;J E!œcution of Inprovement ~u:'::II....jt Between the '=ity am Develc:p!r James H. Sisk, Mira Vista. Avenue, Am 357-04-26, 27." · -3- . . Public hearing closed Res. 7871 adopted App. l-Z-89 . MnmFS OF 'mE JUUi 5, 1989, RroJIJ>.R Cl'l"i croNCIL MEErIlC (0::-771) lB. Reso1uticn No. 7874: "A Reso1utim of the City Cameil of the City of 0Jpertin0 1Iooept:.irq Qui,"",..i... Deed and Authorization for Undergrt:urx:l Water Rights fraD Siak; IDeated m Mira vista Avenue." 19. Resoluticn No. 7875: "A Resoluticn of the City Courk::il of the City of CJpertinö 1Iooept:.irq Ii Grant of b--·jl for staDn Drain Fu1:¡x: ns from James H. siak, Located m Mira vista Avenue; A¡:praIdmately .013 Acre." 20. Resoluticn No. 7876: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ Grant of 1õ',......., ·jL for :Roadway PuIposes fraD James H. sisk ocnsistin:J of ARJraximately .023 Acre, IDeated m Mira Vista AvemJ8." 21. Resolutim No. 7877: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Awrovin¡ a..lt....aCt 0Ian:3e Order No. 1 for AnIUIa1 OVerlay, Project 89-105." 22. Min.ttes of the Jldjo.u:ned Regular Meet:inq of JUne 6, 1989. 23. Sl..u......1& and ~'!tint far ~--gpa filed m behalf of RcLe... t Rezendes arx1 I1Janne Rezendes. Receive. ITEH3 mÐ\IED F10I a:t5Em' CAInmAR - None RJBLIC HEARIN::S 24. Resolutic:n No. 7871: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 orderin] Vacatim of a Partia1 of RainI:x:M Drive at the 5a.tt:hwest Q.u..... of RIÚJiX t Drive and Villa Maria Q:Iurt as PmIridecl in sect:icn 8320 Et seq. of the St....éo:/ts arxi ~ 0CXSe of the state of Califami.a, and Retaininq it as a FI.1b11c utility 'P'.a1Ullll Il." It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, SEIOCIldecl by counc. JciJnson and l"'ft---d unaniJDcuely to close the ~lic hearinq. It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Jchnsat, SEIOCIldecl by counc. Gatto ani I"'I"'8«l unaniJna1Sly to adept Resolutim No. 7871. 25. Applicatim 1-Z-89 - Ba%bara COlley - Request for rezaún¡ of an existin::J .7 acre parcel fran Rl-lO (Residential, sin¡le-family, minbøJm lot area of 10,000 sq. ft.) to Rl-7.5 (Residential, sin¡le-family, minbøJm lot area of 7,500 sq. ft.). Said pIq)erty is located m the sart:h side of McClellan Read, 300 ft. west of Kim street. Envil:CUIU"..ttal Deteminatim: '!be P1.anniJ'ç l"nmIi....im rec",.,-IÙS the grantin:J of a Negative Declaration. Recx:mnen:!ed for Approval. -4- MDIUI'E:S OF 'IHE JULY 5, 1989, FŒX;UIAR CIT'i CXXJNCIL ~ (0::-771) (a) First readin3 of Ordinance No. 1502: "An Ordinarx=e of the city Courk::ll of the City of CUpertino Amen:lin;J Sectim 1 of 0Idinarx:e No. ::y Rezan1n;r Aau-() (i1Mtely .7 1\c:re frcm Rl-10 Za'Ie t<.. Rl-7.5 Zcne; Located m the Sa1th side of McClellan Road, 300 Ft. west of Kim St........t (A¡:plicatim l-Z-89 - COlley). Director of ChnmI111ity Develcpœnt COWan reviewed the application with Courk::il. Barbara COlley informed Courk::il she was available to answer arry questions. It was m:wed by Courk::. Jàmson, secxI'Œd by Courk::. Gatto and pa...~ unaniJlr:Jusly to close the public hearirq. It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Jàmsa1, secxI'Œd by Courk::. Gatto ani I"'a~ed 1.II'IalÚJIIcUùy to awrove the grantirq of a Negative Declaratim. It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Jàmsa1, EIEIOCOBl by Courk::. Gatto and P<'<¡,~'9d unaniJIøJs1y to "WL...... the awlicatim per Plal"Ø'1irq l"nmIi ....1m Reøolutim No. 4172. It was IIIaII8d by counc. Rcgers, secx:nSecl by Came. Gatto and I"'a....... un!IJ'1iJIIaJsly to read 0Idinarx:e No. 1502 by title a1ly arx1 the City Clerk's readirq to ct11Stitute the first readirq thereof. 26. A¡:plicatim l1-Z-SS - DeAnza Residential suites - Request for rezc:rú.ng frcm P (Planned DIMù~.t) with residenti.a1jrec:reaticmal and incic1enta1 c, .,.,_. cia1 activities intent as defined in sect1m 1 of Ordinance No. 677 refer:rirq to OCI'Iditim 16 of Plannirq ('t"wIwni ....im Rn'Ùutim No. 1403, to P (Planned Devel"-P""'tt) with fi····-rcial rec:reaticmal intent; A¡:plicatim 32~8, Use Pemit to 0CI...t....1.ICt and cp!rate an 87 space rec:reatim vehicle parle with related z..........aticnal activities. said facility is located at the ncrthwest .:::u\....r of stevens creek Boulevard and stellirq Road. Envh........etltal DeteIminatim: 'Ibe Plannirq C'nmIi....im re0 .".~Jds the grantirq of a Negative DeclaratiCl1. Ps0 .....Þ1'Jded for Denial. '!he Plannirq l"nmIi ....teon re.:. .,..-œ rezaúng said prqJerty to a Private Recreation (FP) zanin;r district. -5- Public hearing closed First reading Ord. lS02 App. ll-Z-88 MINl.ITIS 01' 'IHE JULY 5, 1989, REX:;UI.AR CITY o::xJNCIL MEE:I'1N:> (œ-771) (a) First nJéldin;J of Ol.dinance No. 1503: "An ordinance of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1ne"xiin::J Sect1m 1 of ordinance No. 2 by Rezaù.n;J PIqJerty fran P ZCne (Residential¡Rec::rE,atiŒ1al arrl Incidental C'nnmPTCial Activities) to P (I"hnrnATCial Recreational) Zone: Located at the Northwest Corner of stevens creek Eoulevard arrl stellin1 Road (lq:plication ll-Z-88 - DeAnza Residential suites) ." Director of I"'rm'nInrlty Develcpœnt Cowan presented the a¡:p1iœnt's PL' 'i-<6al to Courk::il. Upon bein1 asJœd by coon:i1 the validity of the prcposed use, Mr. Cowan told Courk::il that he believed the a¡:plicant was challen;rin1 the a~rent1y allowed uses. Jå1n Vidovich, applicant, reviE!wed the history of the property siIal he has had .......l1..Lvl of it. He told coonc:il that early in 1988, he met with Director of Public works viskovich regardin;J r-,.utiating for City ~ of the property. He subnittecl this applicatiat 10ihich the Plannirq l"romIi....im denied. '!be City CcI.n::il said they waù.d decide m the application after the results of a I.....:l..ation survey were kncwn. on July 12, the City CCUlx:il pIt a ballot '1"""""Jre m the NoveDi:Jer ballot pertainin;J to tx;:njs for the ~ of c:p!n <;["'''''' and I...........atim facilities. At that time, Mr. Vidovich Elnhftittecl anot:he= request and the City Courk::il said after the electim. In NoveDi:Jer, another request for a General Plan èlllll!J'Ùu&.lt was Elnhftittecl10ihich was deferred until the c:p!n ØP"'-'EI/I........oo4tion ZŒIinq ordinanoe was .... unted to the City Courk::il. '1his ............atim vehicle park was an allowed use. '1his applicatim has taken a very lcn;J tiE. Mr. vidovich stated that m Mard1 6 he as1r"':¡ for a General Plan hearinq and the :N.....eation vehicle park. '1his was oontin.Iecl to May 1. en Mard1 20, the City anhftittecl a written offer for the property. In May, staff requested that oc:ndderation of a General Plan ameudmeut be oantirJ.JACl as the City was negotiating for p.m::h.ase of the prc:p!rty. '!he City Courk::il denied the General Plan hearin1. Mr. vidovich stated that City officials negoti.atüq for the property also made many decisia1S regartlin:J the applications. He stated the q>1n1m that these officials were as fair as they oculd be '</hen 'oIear1n:] two hats. Mr. Vidalfich stated that he did not believe cwncil waù.d approve the a¡:plication taUght, rot expresseð ~ that sc:methinJ waù.d be decided. He said he is part of a general partnership arrl he has to do his best. -6- MINUI'ES OF 'IHE JULY 5, 1989, RmJIAR CITY o::xJNCIL ~ (0:-771) Mr. 0:Man said that recreation vehicle parks were in an early draft of the FP ordinarx:e, hcI.vever, this use was I"E!!II¥:I\fed prior to enac~rt:. R.alPl Q.Jalls, 21073 Patriot Way, told Courk::i1 that many residents of the (\ ..... r,s were here arx1 they are ooooeJ:ned. Dazwin 'n1ra1e, cricket Hill Road, of Citizens to Save CUpertino Recreatim, stated that Mr. Vidcvich ~d the land while it was in a recreation zooe am the City Cameil has no obligatiŒ1 to help him arx1 his partners gain m their irnIez.L.u.:.IL. He felt that an FP zooe was allr1ght am that his prqI8rty shaùd not be an IN park. He uI1;Jecl Cameil not to make any zon:in:J charx:Jes until r~tiCX1S are OCIIplete. Nancy am ""Lt, 729 Steroahl Lane, aà:lressed Courk::il regardin;J Ordinance No. 1503, E;11hftitted in the material for this item. She stated that it 'o.'Ql1d need to be modified prior to any enactment and suggested that updated emibits be used for future clarity Kent strcui, Senate Way, expressed ocu::ern regardin;J hcIII that }AL"+""Lty will be develcp3d. He stated that the neighbors do not want the Da'lStrcsity ~"l<sed and that Mr. Vidavidl is interested in making 'IlIlJC'B';/ m the }AL"+""L"ty and that he had bought it with full Ja1cwl~ of the zaU.n:J. I'hil Zeit:ml!ln, 22907 Cricket Hill, expressed pleasure with the JUly 4 œlolb....tim at ~ial Parle. He told Courk::il it was tDIe far them to t.aJœ actim, that the }AL~ty owner has a right to earn a livin;J whether it's deYelcp3d or the City purå1ases the}AL"+""L ty. He uI1;Jecl Courk::il to t.aJœ saD8 ac:t.ia1 and either J::uy, ca.dt:.u.., or rezcme the }AL"+""L ty . Mike H.ùcay, 10011 united Place, told Courk::il that he sees three cptiCX1S for Mr. Vidavich: use of the }AL~ty as a racquet club, sell the property to So"'" r¡e else, or sell it to the City. Na1e of these require rezŒ1in:J JŒ1 Kessler, 10090 united Place, told Courk::il that this was an ~ty for the City to make a mmicipal tennis center am uI1;Jecl Courk::il not to re?one the prqI8rty. It was IIIaII8d by Came. Gatto, seoan:1ed by coon::. Jå1nsa1 am P<'"......t unaniDnJsly to close the pJblic hearin;J. It was JD:JVecl by Courk::. Gatto, seoan:1ed by Courk::. Jå1nsa1 am pas'*"" unaniDnJsly to deny A¡:plicatiŒ1 ll-Z-88 as the use proposed is not in confonnanoe with the General Plan am is detriment:.a1 to uses permitted in the zone. -7- Public hearing closed App. ll-Z-88 denied e uilding codes . Public hearing! I closed i Second reading I I Ord. l493 ¡ Ord. l493 enacted Transient Occu pancy Tax Public hearing closed -. KINUl'ES OF 'mE JUUi 5, 1989, ~ em aIJNC!L MEErOO (0::-771) FollCMing discussion aver the potential of rezcnirrg this an FP Za1e, CQJncil stated that if Mr. Vidovich desires ~ sl1hftit a plan that is pennissible within the FP Za1e, he ocW.d do so rot it was not in::l1m}o-.e¡1t upon the City to prepare such a plan. (City Clerk's Note: Denial of ARJ1ication ll-Z-88 rerœrs ARJ1icatim 32-{]-88 JIDOt.) 27. Calsideration of adoption of the 1987 Electrical Code æñ the 1988 a.rl1dbg, Fire, Ha!s1n;J, Mechanical and P1\J11i)~ I"rrløc:. (a) 5eoond readinJ and enactment of ordfnarx: e No. 1493: "An ordfnarx: e of the City Cameil of the City of CUpertino AIDenr:iin;J 01apter 16.04, 16.20, 16.24, 16.40 arx1 l6.56 of the CUpertino }bÜcipal Code, lIdqrt:in] the uniform a.ù1dbg Code, 1988 Eklitim; the NatiCX'IIÙ Electrical Code, 1987 Eklitim; the Uniform PlUlÙ:)1n;J Code, 1.988 Eklitim; the uniform Mec::hanica1 Code, 1988 Editia1; the uniform Fire COde, 1988 Eklitim; and the Uniform HaJs1n;J Code, 1988 Eklitim; with Apprcpriate Exœpt1a1S 'IheIeto." It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Johnsa1, seoaxSed by Courk::. Rogers arx1 P"~-ed \malÙJDcA.Is1y to close the pJblic hear~. It was 1IICIYed by cmnc. Rogers, BeCXI1ded by cmnc. Gatto arx1 l""a~ed \malÙJDcA.Is1y to read Ordinance No. l493 by title a1ly and the City Clerk's reacUn; to OCI'IStitute the seooud readinq thereof. It was 1IICIYed by Courk::. ~s, secxnJ..,d by counc. Gatto and p-aaad unanimcus1y to enact Ordinance. No. 1493. 28. Calsideratim of increas1n;J transient ~1panCy tax (hatel,/Dl::Jtel tax) fraD 7\ to 8\ by amen:lin; 01apter 3.12 of the CUpertino ø.micipal COde. (a) First readinq of ordfnarx: e No. 1485: "An ordfnarx: e of the City Courk::il of the City of CUpertino AmelYUng OIapter 3.12, Transient ~lp<U'ICy Tax, of the CUpertino ø.micipal Code." It was DDVed by Came. Jàmson, sec:x:mded by Came. Gatto æñ P""""'" unan:iJroJs1y to close the pJblic hear1n;J. It was DICM!d by Courk::. Jàmson, sec:x:mded by Courk::. Gatto and P""=ð unan:iJroJsly to a¡:praye an increase in the Transient OCCUpancy Tax fran 7\ to 8\ with this increase to beoClue effective A1¥1USt 1. -8- ~ MINlJI'ES OF 'mE JULY 5. 1989, REX:;UIAR CITI axJNCIL MEZl'DC (0::-771) It was lIXJVed by Courk::. Rogers, secarrled by Courk::. Gatto arx1 I"'''='! unaniJlaJaly to read 0I'dir\arx:)e No. 1485 by title a1ly am the city Clerk's readirq to CCI'lStitute the first readirq thereof. Courk::il directed that the Transient 00c:11pëU"Cy Tax CCIIIB back far review and possible irx::rease the first meetin¡ in JaJ'1IJaI}', 1990. 29. Hearin] regardin;J use of Revenue sharin] fun:ls, Bettin} tax rate for ba'1ded imebtedness, ~m of fiscal year 1989-90 cperatin¡ hI"?t, establishing' é!wL,,¥LÍ.atim limit arx1 ðß)Z'CNin] the grantin;J of a Negative Declaratim for the Five-year capital IJIprcNement PL"": L_ (A¡:plicatiŒ1 20-FA-89) . (a) Resolutim No. 7878: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of QJpertino Establishing' an ~........iatim Limit for Fiscal Year 1989-90." (b) Resolutim No. 7879: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Adr:::ptin;J an ~tin¡ and OXIstructim b.1dget for Fiscal Year 1989-90 by Ratifyirq Estimates of Revenues to be Received in ElIch F\In:1 and A¡:prqJriatin¡!bù_ 'Ihererraa for Spec-ified p.,~CIW Activities and Acooonts and set:tin;J Forth CcnlitiCX1S of Administerin:¡ said ~"?t." (c) Resolutiat No. 7880: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Settin¡ Baded Debt Tax Rate far F~l Year 1989-90." Director of Finance snyder clarified that adcptim of Resolutim No. 7879 ~d include an additimal $15,000 for equi}oOllCl.l in Activity 801, the !tJnicipal Cable 'IV c:hannel. Courk::il inquired about the a¡prent 12% increase in the cost to the Sheriff's Department. '!be City Manager will review the City's contract with the Sheriff. Ann Arger, president of the !tJnt.a vista ~""'~ t Assodatim, mcpressecl 0CI1Oem regardin;J rec:reatim. She stated that many surrcunr:lin1 facilities are availabJ.8 thrcuJh bath Mid-Peninsula Re:Jimal Open Space District and co.mty parks. In additia1, DeAnza COllege am FL."....ut High School have rec:reatia1 facilities. She urged IOOI'e efficient use of tllese areas. -9- 'First reading Ord. l483 Revenue Sharin) funds . I hearingl I I Publ ic closed Res, 7878 adopted Res. 7879 adopted Res, 7880 adopted . App. 10-U-89 & 18-EA-89 Olar lani) e MINlJI'ES OF 'IHE JULY 5, 1989, REnJlAR CITY cnJNCIL MEE:I'IN:; (œ-771) It was lOC1ITed by Came. Jcònsa1, sec:x:n:3ed by ~. Gatto ani pa....'9d IJl'1alÚJ1rA]sly to close the public hearin;J. It was JOCJVecl by Courk::. Jà1nscn, sec:xnjed by Courk::. Gatto and ["'....'9d unani:øn.1sly to aäq,t Resoluticn No. 7878. It was IIIaII8d by Came. Jcònsa1, sec:xnjed by Courk::. Gatto and pa<;'sed I.D'IéUÙ:IIIOOsly to adept Resolutim No. 7879. It was IIIaII8d by Came. Jcònsa1, sec:xnjed by Came. Gatto and passed unani:øn.1sly to adq:rt: Resoluticn No. 788D. Courk::il clarified that their adcpt1cn of Resolutim No. 7879 does include the $15,000 amendmellt. It was IIIaII8d by Came. ~s, secx:n:Jed by Oounc:. Job:nsaI and ["'a"ed I.D'IéUÙ:IIIOOsly to approve the grantin:] of a Negative Declaratim for the Five Year capital IDprcNement P~~...... PIANNIN:; APPLICATIOOS 30. AR>l1catim 32-U-88 Please see I~ 26. 31. ARùications lQ-U-89 and 18-EA-89 - Mariani Dsvel"¥"'"'1t - Use FeJ:mit to oanstruc:t ani "ÇCI¡PY a 176 m1it, 4 story apartment stJ:ucbJre and 182 zero lot line townhaœs with related site~. '!be project is located at the so.rt:heast .............. of DeAnza Eb.ùewrd and HcIIIestsad Read. Envira1menta1 Determinatim: '!be Plar1r1in;¡' l"nmIiaeim Iec~ ........Jds the grantin:] of a Negative ~laratim. ~:- ····-Ided for l\WItMÜ. DeAnza Residential SUites: Director of C'romo"1ity Devel<p--·.L Cowan rev1E1W1Ed the plOp(:eed duet and apartment deve1,¥"",,IL with Cameil. Director of Public Works V.iskovich addressed. Courk::il regazàiIg traffic. He stated that with the new plans there "'l'P'""t"ed to be two issues. With the lessenin;¡' of traffic volume m Blue Jay, it may not meet the warrant for a signal. Also, the proposed traffic flow leaves traffic m major arterials lCD3E!I". He stated that it is better to have the traffic circulate within the project. Jåm n.o'''''''I'''e, Mariani Devel~It, said that they had looked at traffic arx1 feel there are no changes regardin;J delay or level of service. It is his ~ that there is a different oot equal use of Blue Jay: however, this could be revised if it is an àJstacle to awraval. '!here are 51 plarmed guest parkin:] places for the 200 -10- a !o\INlJl'ES OF 'mE JUl:i 5, 1989 , ~ CIT'{ roJNCIL MŒl'IN:ì (0::-771) units. In regard to questioos regardinJ security of the urrlerg1:"aIDj garage, he stated that it was secured ""'~ for the guest parking'. He felt it was possible to have a gate with call-in to the unit f3l"1InI'\<:ne is visit.inJ, b..1t he felt this was not !"""">""'ary. stats law requires that han:iiœp vans IIDJSt be .80:>..... dated. He was urged to have the ~ garage \o'ell lighted. D:iS<"l<;ctian followed regarding ¡:hasin;J the project. -""""" m ccn::erns ~ about the possibility that a1ly the duets ~d be Dri1t arx1 the apartments may not be Dri1t for sane tiE, Mr. n.>1"",,1"8 ~-tecl sane type of liquidated ~ or fine if the apartments are not started by a certa1n date. He requested that there be sane leeway allowed such as a 36 ......d.h window as the apartments will be Dri1t Wen the market allows. Mr. n.>1"",,1"8 said he had mst with l.~!s .ttatives of the Central Fire Protectia1 District and was told that 20 ft. wide driveways 1«IUld be acceptable to them. 'n1e driveways cxW.d be IDIIIde wider, b..1t he did not feel it was nec-a!,ty. 'l\rl block will be used in certa1n areas to allow Centra1 Fire .'"Çe<'<¡' all the way aroun:i the Dri1din;J. . Art Pittock, Northpoint HaIIeowners AssociatiCl'1, expu.......... suwort for the project. He ñi"""').. T with staff am feels that Blue Jay and HaDestead will still have the same """'"? that it had prior to the ~ of the devel"¥"'"'.t. Mr. OA'''''''re had ñi",<",''''~ the hcmecwners' ccnoerns with them. . Jane pierce, Bart:m-AsdmIan Associates, stated that as far as IIIIEMJtirxI the warrant for a traffic signal, in her opiniCl'1, there was no diffeIelìCé. Courk::il ~=9ed oouoem regarding parkin;J, ¡:hasin;J, integratiCl'1 of the devel"¥"'"'.t, density, traffic (cn-aite cira.ù.atim is preferable), infra-strucbJre, the "da1ut" beinq too restricted, the general cizc:u1atiCl'1 plan, dupliœtiCl'1 of roads. 'n1e opinim was eoq.4 .<>-"'9d that the project looks like it was designed as two projects. 'n1e City wants a guarantee that the apartments will be Dri1t. In aàlitiCl'1, any discrepancies between the plans and what central Fire Protectim District requires sha1ld be eliminated. Cameil ~ oalœm regardin:J the need for more open space. Jå1n Del"""1"8 stated that the ¡:hasin;J of the project. was cbvicusly ~rtant to Courk::il. He requested f...".)hock pertainirg to what theY ~d firñ acceptable. Mr. {'Io>l1Mre said that this is two projects a1ly for marJœtin;J pn:¡x:ses; ecalCllÙ.cally it is one project to the develc:per. Mr. n.>11M1"8 stated that theY had loolœd at p.ttt.1.m the -11- e MINUl'ES OF 'IRE JULY 5, 1989, RF..œIAR CI'lY CXXJNCIL l'IfXI'm:ì (0::-771) apart:¡œnts on the south side of develq:ment next to the freeway; however, they wo:W.d be in the sightline to the existin;J residents. '!he apartments were plaoecl m the comers that they felt were least desirable to a hcmecwner. Also, this way, the four-stories are away fraD existin;J residential areas. He stated that it was p::I8Sible to eliminate the dooble driveways arx1 rearran; e the internal traffic pattern. VariCAJS methods of E!1'1SUrln; the J::uildin:1 of the apartments was ili...,..."aaed, such as: 2/3 of the duets bein;J J::uilt, then a18 apartment mú.t arx1 then the rest of the duets. Mr. T1Pl"",,1"8 stated that cnüd be dcna, however it was not efficient ani they wculd lose the eocncmy of scale. Mr. T1P'''''''1''8 infOImecl Courk::il that they did plan m do1n;J the majority of the infrastzucture first: however, roads wo:W.d be J::uilt as mú.ts are J::uilt. Courk::il ......... -00 the opinion that the .......).....r no i.. to be the No. 1 design element. By 0Cf1SE!l1SUS, Courk::il stated that Mr. no.'-1"8 cnüd z-ñ....... the devel"'¥""'Jt density by 10%. . Mr. [)I:>'''''''1''8 then stated that the parJdn;J "'WId be aàh. aed by eliminatirg the barriers between the apartments and duets. He will aàh.....s the internal road i.....E. Courk::il requested a total infrastzucture site plan and iDpravement sd1edule. It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, sec:x:n:Jed by Came. JooJlsm and J?"a....... unaniJlr::AJsly to oant:irnJe CXl\S1deratim of this ë!RIlicatim to the meetirg of August 7. 32. ~icatim 3~-S6 (Amended) - DeAnza P.."'.....d;!es- Rsview a ~ fraD the ~ arå1itectural ~ of the apartments due to a previa¡sly çproved increased J'I'--- of mú.ts. said }AL_ty is located at stevens creek Bc:ulevard and T=... AV8'1J8. Envh..........¡l4l Deteminatim: 'lbe Planning l"nmIi....ia1 I-^" ····-·Ids the grantin;J of a Negative Declaraticn. Rec" _._..Ã. ded for Apprcval. (Previwsly ocnt:inJed to the meetin:j of J\1ly 17.) lID ~: lO:lQ-10:20 p.m. ARaiITECIURAL AND SITE APPR: IJAL CXHŒTl'EE APPLICATICH> 33. Na1e. . UNFINISHED HJSINESS 34. Na1e. -12- MINUæ) OF 'IHE JULY 5 I 1989, RmJIAR CI'lY a:xJNCIL l1EE'I'mi (0::-771) NBol ElJSDŒSS 35. Request fraD (1IM11h<>.r of t'nnmo>rce for City's assist:Mx:e far "CUpertino camtzy Festival". It was IIIaII8d by CaJn::. Gatto, seccn:!ed by Came. JCrt:pel and pa<;'S'ed \.II'IaIÙD:IUSly to authorize staff to provide assistarx::e as requested by the ~'t' of ~rce. 36. Report m bid ~ and award of ocntract, stevens creek Bœl.evard Inpra\reIIIe!nt, Project. 4002. Courk::il, by oansensus, decided to take this item later in the agerDa. 37. Request for ~ of General ~"":ILaw Description and ~int:ment of a City Cameil ..1ØI.""er arx1 a tY'Wll'l'lnUty "....¡ .ex for the seniors and Han:ii~ Hoosirg F\In:1 l"nmIi tt.ee. (a) Resolution No. 7881: "A Resolutia1 of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Ipertin0 Adcptirq General PL~_ Descriptim of the seniors and Han:ij~ Ha1sirg F\In:1 l"nmIi tt.ee. " It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. ~s, seccn:!ed by Courk::. Gatto and I""~-ed \.II'IaIÙD:IUSly to adept Resolutim No. 7881. It was IIIaII8d by counc. Gatto, seccn:!ed by Courk::. Jàmsa1 arx1 pelli"aed \.II'IaIÙD:IUSly to ~int Courk::. l{qpel as a "_.¡.er of the l'Y'ftWIIittee. Courk::il will CCI'1duct intezviews of interested citizens We have Ø',hftittecl awlicatiCX1S. 'lbese interviews will be held JUly 17, 6:00 p.m., in Q:I1ftjt,oI!!II:lC6 RI:x:ID A. WRITl'ÐI <XHUIICATICH> 38. Na1e. ORDINANCES 39. 5eoa1d readin:J and enactment of 0J:'dinan::Je No. 1500: "An 0J:'dinan::Je of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amer¥:li1'J:J section 11.24.200, Removal of vehicles Fran street, of the 0Jpertin0 !bùcipal o:de." It was m:wed by Courk::. Rogers, seccn:!ed by Courk::. Gatto and I"'eeed \.II'IaIÙD:IUSly to read 0J:'dinan::Je No. 1500 by title ŒÙY and the City Clerk's readirg to constitute the &eocu:l readin:J thereof. -l3- , I I ¡ Senior £. Hand ical I Housing Committe, Res. 788l adopted Second reading Ord. lSOO . Ord. 1500 enacted Second reading Ord. l495 . Ord. l495 enacted I I I I I Second reading I i Ord, l498 I , I Ord. 1498 enWd MINUI'E'5 OF 'IHE JULY 5, 1989, RÐ::;UIAA CIT'i <DJNCIL MEZl'DC (0::-771) It was lIOVed by Courk::. Rogers, secorrled by Courk::. Gatto and pa'\'s9d ~ly to enact 0rdinarx:Je No. 1500. 40. Secxn:l readirg and enactment of ordinance No. 1495: "An 0rdinarx:Je of the City Courk::il of the City of CUpertino AmP.ndin:J 0rdinarx:Je No. 321, HaDe ()ooI~tia1 0rdinarx:Je. ., It was nv:JVed by Came. Rogers, seoc:nded by Came. Gatto and I"""''''9d ~ly to read 0rdinarx:Je No. 1495 by title a1ly arx1 the City Clerk's readirg to ooostitute the seexul readirg thereof. Elly WeJ:ner, 20076 Ia Rcd.a Calrt, expressed oc.uce1.11S ~ her belief that the l'L,¥:eed 0Idinance will allow for JlCI'e prà:>lEIIIS ani will have an i"l"'ct a1 residential areas. She stated that right l10W there are prà>lEIIIS a1 Ia Rcd.a cnnt with vehicles and euployees of bane occ"pations. Pec.ple want to live in a residential ZCDe, not a t:A.1siness ZŒI8. Ms. Werner urged Cameil to r.",casider and tighten the 0Idinance: otherwise she requested that they keep the exist.in1law. Ann Arqer aàh'essed Courk::il statiIç she lives in a different area than Mrs. Werner. M:int.a vista is a blight area. It has 1DpIaved, cut the pEq)le who created the prà>lem still l.i..ve there. Ms. An:Jer stated that she is still oax:ernecl xegardin;J cede enfOIo...u...jL as she believes there is a lack of follcwup after Code EnfOI~Jt goes out to an area. She ~ ad the cpinicn that it is actually a privilege to CXI1duc:t tusiness in a residential area. It was nv:JVed by Courk::. Gatto, seca1ded by Courk::. Jà1nsa1 and rae9ed ~ly to enact 0rdinarx:Je No. l495. 41. Secxn:l readirg and enactment of ordinæx:e No. 1498: "An ordinance of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amenr:iin;J sectioo 1 of ordinæx:e No. 2 by Rezarlrg 1. 711 Acres frail Rl-10 Za1e to RHS Za1e : Lcx::ated on the South side of Villa Maria Calrt, West of B.ù:j) Read." It was nv:JVed by Courk::. Rogers, seccn:1ed by Courk::. Gatto and I"""'~ ~ly to read 0rdinarx:Je No. 1498 by title a1ly ani the City Clerk's readirg to constitute the seooud readirg thereof. It was lIOVed by Came. Rogers, secorrled by Came. Gatto ani pass9d ~1Sly to enact ordinanc::a No. 1498. -14- KINt7l'ES OF 'IHE JULY 5, 1989, ~ CIT'i CXXJNCIL MEE'l'IJG (0::-771) 42. Seccn:i readin;J and enact:œnt of orc:linaooe No. 1499: "An orc:linaooe of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 AmI!II'ñin;J Sec:tim 1 of orc:linaooe No 2 by R8Zaú.rg l.02 Ac:reø frail R-3 Za1e to BQ Za1e; Located CI'1 the North Side of 0Jpert.in0 Read, West of Hillcrest Read. " It was IIICY8d by counc. R:Jgers, wcaded by Courk::. Gatto and 1""a....... l.1I'IlUÚJIIcuùy to read ordinaJ'Da No. 1499 by title a1ly and the City ClElIit's I'8i!Ið.in¡ to CXI1Stitute the Beech:! readin;J thereof. It was IIICY8d by .:n.mc. a:x;,ers, seoaded by Courk::. Gatto and 1""8....... l.1I'IlUÚJIIcuùy to enact ordinaJ'Da No. 1499. NE)l IIJSINESS 36. Repu1.t m bid cpen1n:¡ and award of l.A.ut....aet, steY8ns creeIt Bcul8\lUd ~..",........«.s, Project. 4002. ~_~ It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Koppel, seoaded by Courk::. Jw1l'1Sa'1 and ~"89d (4-l) with counc. Gatto dia, _.~, to release wattU 0:nItIuct:icn frail their bid as a mistaJœ was made. 'Ihe City was notified and the mistaJœ made a substantial difr........c... 'Ihe project was then awarded to Raiså1 a:--y for their base bid and Alt. 1 for a total of $706,9l6.30, with the qJtiCI1 that the City may delete Item 28, ~ and award that partia1 of the project separately. 'Ihe Courk::il ala) appraved a 2M 0CI'JtirgBncy for a total project of $848,000 ($112,000 frail Account 7006 shall be OI:IIÐined with Account 4022). RESOII1rIœs 43. NCI'1e. STAFF ~::¡ 44. oral reports by staff ,,_,Ioers. CDJNCIL ~$ 45. Mayor Pluny anncunoed that the A1ç.1st 30 dinner meeting of the Peninsula Divisim of the League of Califomi.a Cities will be held in QJpertino. 47. Courk::. Jàu1sa1 - Legislative Review Qmni~ - It was IIICY8d by Courk::. Jå1nsa1, seocnJed by Q:Iunc. Gatto am 1""a......t unaniJIx:AJsly to take the followirq act1m regard.ùx]' !-'L'-¥;&ed leg1slatim: -15- Second reading Ord. 1499 Ord. l499 enacted Bid opening Project 4002 Legislative Review . Tree removal . . MINlJI'æ OF 'mE. JUUi 5, 1989, RmJl},R CIT'í o:n:crL ME:E'l'm; (0::-771) ~__ AB 2372 (Hannigan), prtJPerty tax revenue; SB 1258 (Bergesa1) , marrlatory ..oceptance of ca.mty awroved develc:pnent agreements for annexed areas; AB 145 (Costa), park l:x:n:i, haJs~ element link remains; SB 968 and SeA 19 (BEIl:g:S'~), reverP.Ie ~, amexatia1S. Camcil suwortecI SB 975 (Seymour) , ..L......t maintenance, formaticn of maintenance districts for streets, roads and highways un:Jer the lJJpravement Act of 1911 peDllittecl. 48. Came. ~1 - Came. ~1 told those.... S'_/L that she had received a P1cne call fraD a resident of 0Jpertin0 e:xpress~ oa1CeJ:T1 because a neighbor had remcved t.... - - incll.lClin; the street tree fraD the fra1t of their pI'q)erty. She SUr,¡yo::o"""tecl that staff might }AL~ an ordinance prohibitJ.n.J residents fraD remav~ L.. !S' fraD their pI'q)erty if they are either historical, of a certain size, etc. DiBl""....ia1 followed as to why a persa1 woold I"E!IOCJVe large trees ftaII their site. It was IIIE!l'IticI1ec that the City can require the l""'pl.... 'Elh,<ltt of a street tree. DiIectar of l"romonúty Devel,,¥:.e1tt COWan told Courk::il that the PlanninJ l"nmIi ....im was also interested in this i~; hc:wEIIIer it is not C\.u.Lè&/Lly in the 1IiIt'Iñt }AL~aw and shculd sud1 an i~ be sdv:dùed in, it .....,'<'1 mean either reprioritizatim of their 1oIOrk l'L~- for the next year or additialal staff or overtime. By .....L msus, Courk::il requested that Hr. COWan CXIIIe back to them with a shart .L~t of ~t ather cities are do~ in this pe.rticular area. Also, Courk::il directed that staff infam the D..Iæcwner to!1o had removed a .t....-t tree that the ..t.........t tree JIIJSt be replaced. At 11:20 p.m., Courk::il adjoozned to Ccnfmeuc& Roan A for a Closed sessim xegardin;J aIbitratim of the Amoroso claim. At 11:40 p.m., council reconvened in Courk::il QumIhoo.r. Came. PL S :Itt: Gatto, Jà1nsa1, ~l, Rogers, Pluny staff PL sent: Ci':.y Manager Brown City Clerk cmnel ius City AttonJey Idlian -16- MINtJI'E<3 OF '!HE JUI;i 5, 1989, REnJIAR CIT'i axJNCIL ME:EI'IN:; (0::-771) Mayor Pluny adjourned the DIEIetin1 at 11:40 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., July 17, Ccnf..a........... RI:x:ID A. ----- -17-