CC 07-17-89 l' ___ , . . CITi OF ~, STATE OF CM.IFæNIA 10300 'l~ AVENUE, aJPERl'INO, CA 950:'. TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 MINtJræ OF 'lEE REGUIAR CI'IY ro;~ MEZrIN:; HErD CN JULY 17, 1989, <XUNCIL Qf).MŒR, CI'IY HAIL 10300 'I~ AVEKJE, C1JPERI'IN:). CALIFœITA œ-1ì2 The JDeetin,J was called to order at 6: 00 p.m. in Ca1ferenœ Rcan A. ROIL CAlL 0Junc. Present: Gatto, .Jc::t1nsa1, Keppel, Rogers, May~r Plun;w staff Present: City Clerk OJrnelius H.:Jusin;J Rehabilitatim Ox>rdinator Norlin;J InteJ:view of a¡::plicants for sen10rjDisabled Hoosin;J F\m:i t'hrni ttee OJuncil intervi~ Rcc:helle BrocIœr, Alan ~s, and M1å1ael O'Quin. It was IIICMId by cwnc. Rogers, secaùId by 0Junc. Jåmsa1 and ("'....ed unanimcusly to appoint Mr. O'Quin to the t'YWmIi ttee. lID ~: 6:3C>-6:45 p.m. OJuncil reccnvened in cwncil ~. SAII1l'E 'lO 'lEE FUG ROIL CAlL 0Junc. !'res 1!!1d.: Gatto, Jåmsa1, ~, Rogers, Mayer Plun;w staff Present: City Manager Brown city Clerk OJrnelius Director of l'Ublic worJœ viskcvidl Director of ChmIonùty Devel.."....cuL Cowan l'Ublic Infozmatim Officer R:rey Cit'.l Attorney Kilian -1- MINUl'FS OF 'mE JU"LY 17, 1989, REX;U11IR CITI CXXJNCIL MEE'l'I}l; (œ-772) ~ It was lOOVed by O:o.mc. Gatto, seconded by Came. Rogers and ("''''õ''=Ci 1.II1ðI1iI1n1sly to rontinue Item No. 20 to the meet.ing of August 7. c:EREM::'tITAL MATI'ERS - ~CIIS - Na:1e. OI<AL cnHJNICATICIIS Noma Bradlyn, 22344 Riverside Drive, addressed OJuncil regart:lin;J the water restrictiCl'1S. She stated that she and her husbani had been practicin;J water oanseIVatim for several years and requested that OJuncil exclude them !ran the 25% IllélI'datory Oltback as they have already been c:ut:t.in1 back. Mrs. Bradlyn said that she is gettin;J less than half the water allvt...-It of her neighbors. She was infomed that there is a miniJmmI to the ort:back and she sha1ld not be gettinJ below that. In answer to her c:x::t'ICIem regart:lin;J future ort:backs, she was told that no additional c::utœcks were planned this time. Sally steinman, resident in the M:mta vista area, told cwncil it was good to be gettinJ t.~ roads fixed¡ hawoever, she was <XI1Cemed that there was no notificatim given the neighbort1OOd of the startin;J of the project in early Aprl1 nor in the length of time the project wculd take. She has a new haDe and lan:tc:capin;J is m hold at this time. Also, her prcperty line had been moved a few times. She ~-"ed oa-m that the City is not Jœepin¡ the area infomed. Salle pecple have lots that are higher than the sidewa1Jæ that were ¡:ut in¡ no retainin] walls have been I:ui1t. She asked when the project wculd be "'""'I"ete and requested that in the future, the City keep citizens infomed. '!he Director of l'Ublic Works stated that he believes the p"--oject prà:>lems have been solved and it sInlld be oœpleted this week or next week. 'lbere are two properties ",here small retainin] walls will be - '1M and the City shctl.l provide theI!!. Pacific Gas & Electric bad delayed the project six weeks. Durin¡ that time, the oantractor left, b.1t he will be oani'."¥,; ' back new. Mr. V1skavidl stated that there had been t.'..;c-way t'YWmOnUcatim by inspectors m the joo and via ~ calls, b.1t no mail notificatim had been da1e. -2- ------- ----... · MINUl'ffi OF 'mE JUIJ{ 11, 1~B9, ~ CITi <nJ1: CIL ~ (œ-772) OJuncil directed that he oansider formal natificatiŒl Œl major projects, statin;J when they are goin;J to start and inc1udirg a ~ '1I1mhø.r citizens may call with quest!CI1S. Rosa M:t1tijo, 10141 Enp1re Avenue, said she had been told the City might need 18 :ind1es of her prcperty¡ then she was told they wculd not. So, she did not m:we her tree and roses as it wculd not be ~sazy. She 1oIOke up CI1S IIIOr11Ìn'] and they were gme. Her fence was also D:JVed. '!he Director of l'Ublic Works will investigate this. Oliver Brandt, 10074 Santa Clara Avenue, told OJuncil the last four 1IIŒlths have been like livin;J in a war ZCI1e: t:Z\JcJts have been operatin;J at 2:00 a.m., he cannot get into his driveway, the new fence does not keep his dog' in, his eyes are bad fran the dust, his lan:t"""<\pin¡ has been r1Rm out. It "'R"""'~ that the new fence is in the exact spot as the old fence. Mr. Vi.skDviå1 stated that dust OCI'Itrol durin¡ a dra.Çrt: is DU::h more of a prà:>lem than usual. Water is bein;J truc:Iœd in and he apoloqizes for the amount of dust. c:œsmn' CAInmAR 0Junc. Regas reuDVed Item No. 16. It was moved by cwnc. Gatto, sec....dt.cl by 0Junc. Rogers and !"'....ed UI1aI'ÚJIIaJsly to ~ the balance of the Ca1sent Calendar as .,,,hnitted. 1. Resolut.ia1 No 7882: "A RssolutiŒl of the City cwncil of the City of QJpertino Allowin] certain 1"'1..-1_ and Demands Payable in the AmcImts and fran the P\Jnds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period Erxiin;J JUly 4, 1989." 2. Rssolut.ia1 No. 7883: "A ResolutiŒl of the City cwnci1 of the City of QJpertino Allowin] certain C]..i_ and Demands Payable in the Amc:J.mts and Fran the P\Jnds as Hereinafter Described for General and Mi..soeJJ.anea. Ðcpenditures for the Period Erxiin;J JUne 29, 1989." 3. !b1thly Treasurer's and BJdget Repœ:t - JUne, 1989. 4. Review of alcà10lic beverage oouLLul license applicatiŒl filed by Express Gift Basket Bootique, 10123 North Wolfe Road (Valloo Fashia1 Park) . 5. Claim for ~ filed by l{atie creegan. F"'O ....-.ùed for rejectia1. -3- Consent Calendar KI:NUæ; OF 'lEE JULY 17 , 1989 , RÐlJIÆ. CITY cmNCIL MŒI'IOO (œ-772) 6. Claim for ñ~ filed on behalf oi; Eric Hoffman. Reoamnended for rejection. 7. Monthly Activity Report - June, 1989. 8. Resolution No. 7884: "A Resolution of the City cwncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Awravin¡ COntract Ch!In;Je Order No. 1 for Handicap RaIIp InstallatiŒl, Project 89-4002." 9. ResolutiŒl No. 7885: "A ResolutiŒl of the City cwncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acx:ept:.jn;J ()rltclaim Deed am AuthorizatiŒl for th3erground Water Rights fran TerrY P. Craig and Jayne E. Craig, Palm Avenue." 10. ResolutiŒl No. 7886: "A ResolutiŒl of the City cwncil of the City of QJpertino Acx:ept:.jn;J Grant of F"......-.d. for Roadway PI.ü.}'Oses fran Terry P. Craig and Jayœ E. Craig Ccnsistin;J of ~ur"i_tely 0.005 J\c:res, Palm AvernJe, Parcel 1." 11. ResolutiŒl No. 7887: "A ResolutiŒl of the city cwncil of the City of QJpertino Acceptilq Grant of FA--./t for Roadway P\.u¡:ocses fran Terry P. Craig and Jayœ E. Craig Ccnsistin;J of AwruYi-tely 0.022 J\c:res, Palm Avenue, Parcel 2." 12. ResolutiŒl No. 7888: "A ResolutiŒl of the City cwncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ARXroVin¡ COntract ~ order No. 2 Traffic Signal InstallatiŒl Œl Foothill Boulevard at cristo Rey Drive/starlin¡ Drive, Project 5009." 13. Resolutla1 No. 7889: "A ResolutiŒl of the City cwncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Dec.1.arir¥J Its Intention to order Vacatim of a PortiŒl of a Slope FA............ .L within the City of 0Jpertin0 Pursuant to Sectiat 50430 Et seq. of the GaI............ít COde of the state of california, FixiD¡ Time and Place for Hearin¡ am Pravi.d.in1 for Notice 'D1ereof¡ 11300 Canya'\ View Circle." 14. Acceptance of 1IID'1i.cipal iJJpravements: a) Tract No. 8018, I1Ipar....1l Avenue - De1xx>x COrporatiŒl b) Ra.intxJw #3, Rainl:x:M and Ste1lin¡ - Eric surq (No ~ nnø'1ts I1A -~a:r:y . ) -4- MINUI'ES OF 'lEE JULY 17, 1989, ¡m:;!JIJIR CIT'i roJNCIL ~ (a;:-772) 15. Claim for ~ <;l1hnitted m behalf of Lei Van Nguyen. Rsc..···-·ded for rejectia1. 16. Remcved fran the Consent Calerxiar. 17. Mi.rutes of the regular JDeetin,J of JUne 19, 1989. 18. Minutes of the regular meetin;J of July 5, 1989. ITEMS REH)VE[) FR:JoI a::NSEtI.I' CAI.f2I:I:)AR 16. 1IR'licatim ASAC 51,845.2 Digital Equi_,L COt~...ð.tim - Add a roof mcunted smoJœstack to an existin:J imustrial/office 1:ui1din;J located m Ridgeview 0Jurt, south of Pruneriå;Je AverJJe. Peo" ····-·ded for A¡:prcval. 0Junc. Rogers expr ¡ neel caX:)8U. regarding the visibility and height of the stack. Kevin DŒ1Œme of Digital EnviJ:crmental Erçineeu, stated that the stack height is required by BM(JID. It was maved by O:o.mc. ~s, - . t.ded by 0Junc. Johnsen and ~_..«, unanimcusly to "W-"'1.d8 me a¡::plicatim per ASAC Resolutim No. 1478. RJBLIC HE'ARDG) 19. An-' of ASAC rest:rict.iat for +-.\.œ:ary sign size (6 ft. high x 8 ft. wide) for Forum Litecare¡ }'.L~Ly' located alcn;r Highway 280, north of Foothill BcW.evæd. Arr-' filed by Gerald J. Qmpisi, Speedy S1gn*A*Rama, USA. Director of I'hmoTl".ity DeYel,¥"",,d. cowan reviewed the a¡::plicat.i.cn and info"....., cwncil of ASAC's calC8D. regarding safety sInlld the sign be directed towards Highway 85. Tim AlŒlZO, Director of Sales, Lifecare Project, told OJuncil that the intent is to shew b.1yers where the ~ is. In fra!t of st. Jœ!i-I.'s seminary is an old, unused tennis court directly m the }'.L~ty line. 'Ihe plan is to pl..no a 50 sq. ft. sign there. OJuncil felt that the Wite and .,......,.'1 c::olors that ~ originally requested for the sign wculd be ~V}l.L1ate in that locatim. It was lOCIVed by 0Junc. Gatto, secx:rIded by 0Junc. JàJnsat and ("'~~'9d 1.II'IaIÚJIn1S1y to close the p.lblic hearin¡. -5- ASAC 51,8/,5.2 Speedy Sign*A*Ran appeal . App. 4-U-89 a ppea 1 App. 5-Z-89 & ll-EA-89 . Public hearing closed 1st reading Ord. 1503 . MINtJI'ES OF' 'lEE JULY 17, 1989, REGUIAR CITY <XXJNCIL MEZrIN:; (œ-772) It WüS II¥:IVed by 0Junc. Jàmsa1, sec::cn:ied by 0Junc. Gatto and ~E'seel unaniJncusly to awrove the awlicatim per /!SAC Resolutim No. 1471 with COnditim No. 13 amended to state that the sign sr.all be located m or near the 1JJ'U1SEId tennis ooort at st. Jose¡:tl's ~ and COnditim No. 14 ~ to state that the sign may be white and ': L=I1. 20. AlP>" 1 of Plannin:J o-mni ....im awroval of A¡:p1icatim 4-U-89, Peninsula Bible Omrdl, 10060 North Blaney Avenue, 0Jpertin0. AlP>"1 filed by Bazbara Keppel m basis that adequate parkin;J is not available. (Previwsly continued to the meetiD¡ of August 7, 1989.) 21. Application 5-Z-89 and ll-FA-89 - Ra1ald E. Hansen - Request for rezanin;J of an existirq 5.2 acre parcel fran Al-43 (Agricultural-Residential, 1 acre mir.b1um lot area) to RHS (Residential Hillside) ZŒle. 'lbe prqJerty is located m the sart:heast side of Regnart Road ~tely 2,400 ft. scuth of Lindy lane. Envil..:........&I.dl Detenninatim: The Plannin:J t'hrni....iat ze-:· ····-·Ids the grantin¡ of a Negative Declaratim. pø.. ~. -..._1 ded for Appn:Jval. I (a) First readin;J of 0J:àinan0e No. 1503: "An Ordinance of the City OJuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amendinq Sectim 1 of 0J:àinan0e No. 2 by Rezanin;J Approximately 5.2 1Ic:res!ran Al-43 ZŒ1e to RHS Z.one¡ Located m the Soothwest Side of Regnart Road ~uTi""'tely 2400 Ft. scuth of Lindy lane (AR;>licatioo 5-Z-89 - Hansen) . " Director of Chmonùty Devel'-'l'"""'IL Ccwan SI"""""..-ized his l."'I-"-"-l for OJuncil. It was moved by 0Junc. Jåmsa1, seoaxIed by 0Junc. Gatto and ("'....ed unan:iJDcusly to close the pmlic hearin;J. It was moved by Came. JebroSa'l, seoaxIed by 0Junc. Gatto and f'eI'5'sed 1.II1ðI1iI1n1s1y to grant the Negative Declaratim. It was lIICIled by Ca..Inc. Jàmsa'1, seoaxIed by co..n-.c. Gatto and ("''''Sed unanimcu'31y to a¡:p:ove the awlicatim per Plannin:J Camlissioo Resolutim No. 4181. It was lIICIled by 0Junc. Gatto, seocnied by 0Junc. Keppel and f'elssed unaniJncusly to read 0J:àinan0e No. 1503 by title only and the City Clerk's readin;J to ronstitute the first readin;J thereof. -6- MINt7I'ES OF 'l1iE JUIX 17 I 1989, RELUIAR CI'IY o::xJNCIL MEETIN:; (œ-772) 22. Aw1icatim 6-Z-89 - FN=olh;, Reutzel - Request f= rezatirq of .39 acres fran R2-4.25 (D.Jplex Riesidential) to Rl-7 (Sin¡le Family, 7,000 sq. ft. miniJIJ.om net lot area) . '!he prcperty is located m the ~ side of Harriman Road, northerly of santa T'Y'ia Reed. EnvL.........../Lal DeteminatiCX1: '!he Planl'lirq thrni....1.a1 I""'O ····-I1ds the grantin;J of a Negative nr..,]aratim. Reo.... ...._oded for Approval. (a) First read:Ïn3' of Ordinance No. 1504: "An Ordinance of the City Coon:i1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amenün:J Sectim 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Rezaúng Approximately. 39 Acres !ran R2-4. 25 ZŒ1e to Rl-7 ZŒ1e¡ I.oc:ated an the West side of Merriman Road Northerly of santa I1.Icia Road (AR>licatim 6-Z-89 - Reutzel) ." Director of t'hnno11'\Ìty Devel'¥.....1t Cowan 1-'L-E!1tted his L"'t"'Lt to cwncil. It was lDJ8d by Coon:. Jåmsa1, secaùId by cwnc. Gatto and passed \:I'IImimcusly to close the plblic heariD¡. It was moved by 0Junc. Johnson, seocnjed by cwnc. Gatto and ("'~~eel unanimously to grant the Negative ~"'ratim. It was IIICIYed by 0Junc. Johnson, seocnjed by cwnc. Gatto and ("'''-ad unanimously to ~ the a¡::plicatim per Planl'lirq n-.,i....iŒl Resolut:\.m No. 4180. It was IIICIYed by 0Junc. Gatto, seoc:r1ded by cwnc. Kqpal aM pa9sed unanimcus1y to read Ordinance No. 1504 by title Œlly and the City Cleric's readin:J to co....tit:ute the first readin;J th......'vf. PIANNIm APPLICATICIIS 23. Awlicatim 14-U-89 - Miltal Pagarls, D.D.S. - Use Permit to add a 1,000 sq. ft. bel-It to an exist.iø¡ 21,000 sq. ft. medical/dental office bni1diD¡. I.ocatim in Civic <::eW..er ProfessiŒllÙ. Gnq). EnvL.........../tal Deteminatim: categorically £>'-'1:,L. Rae:> ....-. ùed for Approval. Director of t'hnnonrlty Devel"¥'&"1t Cowan presented a review of his L"'t"'L L. Don Spenhoff, OCI15U1.tant, told OJuncil that he did follow the P1.annin;r rhrrni ....im' s reo ··..·...'1datiCX1 and is not takiD¡ any ~I"J(' !ran ups""..airs for downstairs. -7- App. 6-Z-89 Public hear i ng closed 1st reading Ord. 1504 App. l4-U-89 . App. lS-U-89 . App. 9-U-89 & 17-EA-89 . MINtJI'ES OF '!HE JULY 17, 1989, RmJIAR CI'IY CXXJNCIL MEE:I'IN:; (œ-772) It was IIICNed by Came. JOOnsa¡, secarrled by Came. Gatto and ("'''~ed UI'1alÚlIaIsly to awrove the a¡::plicatim per Plannin;J rnnni"",im Resolution No. 4183. 24. Awlicatim 15~-89 - David I-Hwa Yarq - Use Pezmit to oa...l.uJCt a 2,800 sq. ft. 2-story detached dwe1lin¡. I.ocated at 10249 p,,"""'¡ø:na Avenue. EnvL......._..lal Deteminatim: Categorically ~. Peo ........&Jed for ~. It was pointed out that Page 24-2, paragrapt 1, sInlld read, "7 feet" and not "5 feet". Jeff Quinta adh....sed OJuncil regaJ:àin;J t.'1e floor area ratio. He stated that .45 F1IR might inhibit the size of the b.ú..1dinJ so IIIJCh it wculd be too small to be lived in. A 273 foot reductim wculd leave only 1100 sq. ft. of livin¡ ~. Mr. CDoIan stated that the Plarmi.n;J rnnni ....im was tryin¡ to soften the 2-story element:. Mr. Quinta stated that the lot size is 2,913 sq. ft. ¡ a .45 F1IR 0 L..A- to 1311 sq. ft. and the awlicant is ~............in¡ 1,564 sq. ft. It was IIICM!d by Ccun:::. Gatto, EIeCXX1ded by cwnc. ~ and l"'ðfted ~y to a¡:prove the awlicatim per PJ.anniJJ¡ rnnni -iŒl Rrliclutim No. 4184, with the .45 F1IR and Ca1ditim No. 14 of the Plannirç rnnni -icn resoluticn cœ........."ted to read 7 ft. setback. 25. 1!rP'icatim 9-U-89 and 17-FA-89 - Ud.versity of San Francisco Use Petmi.t to operate a .,.,,-iJo'ized educatia1a1 irstitutia1 81')(:> ..!."''''''in¡ 3,200 sq. ft. of ..,la......VI..IU area with an existin:J office l:IUilding. '!be ~~L.i is located at the northwest ~ of Bollinger R:Jad and DeAnza Boulevard. Envircnaenta1 Determi.nati.at: '!be Planninq rnnni_ia1 reo· ····.....Ids the grantiJ'q of a Negative Declaratim. F»o ....-'Ided for ~. It was IIICM!d by Ccun:::. JOOnsa¡, seoarx3ed by 0Junc. Rcgers and l"'ð-ed ~ly to a¡:prove the grarttjn} of a Negative t)o;o(-laratim. It was moved by 0Junc. Jàmsa1, S8OC:'C1ded by 0Junc. Gatto an:l ~ssed I.II'IiU1iJoously to awrave the a¡::plicatim per Plannin;J rnnni"'''im Resolutim No. 4182, with CC:n:titim No. 3 éI!IIeI'Œ!d to shew that 50 parkin¡ places are required. -8- MINUI'ES OF '!HE JULY 17, 1989, RmJIAR CIT'i CDJNCIL MEE'I'D'G (œ-772) ARCHITEClURAL AND SrrE APFK:JVAL CXHœITEE APPLICATICNS 26. Awlicatim ASAC 36-U-86 (Revised) - DeAnza Prq)erties Infœ:mal review of arålitec:tura1 ~ to an awrcved apartment brl.ldin:J. Located Œ1 the SOlth side of stevens creek BcW.evard, east of Torre AverAI8. Rae· ·,··....ded for ~. Director of C"romInrlty Developænt cowan reviewed the ~ beiD¡ made. He r..ated that a side issue is the Q1ateau 0Jpertin0 parJdnq prà:>lem. Dennis Henmie, arålitect, San Frarx:isoo, told OJuncil that he did not add units to the podium. He is not prepared to aàch....ss parJdnq as the i...... is new to him. Not 00UI'Itin¡ Q1ateau 0Jpertin0, there are COWL...ud1Mtely 15 extra sp!I09S m the entire site. '1he metal roof as i4-V1JCsad matd1es that of the neaz:bo.l bank brl.ldin:J. Mr. Cowan suggæted that staff parJdnq for Q1ateau 0Jpt!rtin0 oculd be m the apartment site. It was moved by cwnc. ~', aeo....:1éd by ocunc. Gatto an:! P"'''~ unaniJDcA.1sly to COWLU1/8 Awlicatim ASN:: 36-u-86 (Revised) subject to elevatim exhibit dated J'uly 10, 1989, and sl1.....i....im of recipnx:al parJdnq _........¡t whidl ilcludes pravisiŒl for O1ateau QJpertino residents/staff to use up to 15 parJdnq spaces located m the apartment site. '1he _ -.L shall be ~ by the City Attorney prior to reoordat.ia1. UNFINISHED lIJSDŒSS 27. Na1e. ~ WSINESS 28. Request fran Northwest Branch, 'DCA of santa CJ'Sn Valley for WdÌver of caxtitim No. 9 of Awlicatim 24-U-88, undercjrcun:l utilities. '1he prqIert:y is located at 2OS03 Alves Drive. 0Junc. Gatto moved ·hat the 'DCA may sign a deferred _........nt regardin;J '.mdergra1n:1in. requirements and that the élyLçocur-.r¡t be recorded. 0Junc. ~] pointed Qlt that OJuncil had ..w.ved the urdergrcurdi.n: requirements for two d1urches and felt that this wœ.ld be similar. -9- App. ASA~ 36-U-86 (Revised) Northwest YMCA requegt · Waiver of fees for Seven Spr ings Fire Station Festiv<11 Drive extension · · Kn<UTES OF 'lEE JULY 17, 1989, RmJI.AR CIT'l roJNCIL ~ (œ-772) Kevin Olrrlin, Executive Director of the YM:7A, ñi.".,'....gct the matter with OJuncil. <nm:::. Jåmsa1, seccn: ed the previoos matim which ("'....eel unanimalsly. 29. Request:iIq waiver of l'Ublic Works Devel"¥'&"tt Fees, alildinq Department Permit Fees and CC81struc:tim Tax for the 1'L~ Seven Sprin;Js Fire statim. '1he project is located at 21000 Seven Sprin;Js Parkway. It was JIX:IIIed by 0Junc. Gatto, seccn: ed by 0Junc. Johnsa1 and l"""-'3C! unarúJDaJSly to waive the CX8'IStruct.im tax, and to waive c:heckinq, inspectiœ, and alildinq Department fees upcI'1 verificatim that the Centr.al Fire Protectim District waived inspectim fees for the City Hall l...... ñø,. 30. Petitim ''i-~iD¡ IÐeId. !ran neighbors surra.tI'Idin;J Regnart creek the extensim of Festival Drive to StelliD¡ Director of l'Ublic Work:. viskcvic:h poirited cut that the c::p!IÚD] of the extensim of Festival Drive to StelliD¡ RaId wculd not ocx:ur until Highway 85 is open, whim sha1ld be early 1993. Peter Houle, 21167 orograrœ, felt that c::p!IÚD] the ..t...-t wculd be a safety problem. Increased traffic wculd further clog the intersectim. He w:ged OJuncil to look at other cptiCl1S. He stated that he does realize .............. for fire troc:ks is a top priority. Mr. Houle questia1ed the traffic figures and the stat....u.c..L that the street is not used by 0CIIIII1ters. He requested that cwncil give the neighborhcod a chance to ñi """!S& i .....1P'" ¡ he w:ged them to have a public heariD¡. He is not looJdn;J for iDpravements with 85¡ he just hcpes thiD;p¡ will not be worse. Mr. Houle was infœ:-.I that 1'L SI!!1It plans in::1ude a stop sign m orograrœ. '1bere was ñi .".,'....im regardin;J the possibility of ~ the name of the small sectim of Festival that is separated !ran the larger part. 'Ihœe ocnoerned were infomed that details such as plaoin;J of stop signs, etc. , will need to be reviewed at a later date. 'Ihis will be pJblicized as it goes alCll'X] and before dec:isiCl'1S are made. It was JIX:IIIed by 0Junc. Jc::t1nsa1, seocnied by Came. KDppe1 and passgct unan.iJnœsly to reaffirm the current plan line. OJuncil directed that no further actim be taken at this time. -10- MINUI'ES OF 'lEE JULY 17, 1989, REGUIAR CI'IY CXXJNCIL ~ (œ-772) 3::'. Rt:¡.JvLL m traffic m Wildflower Way. It was moved by cwnc. Gatto, seooude..l by Counc. Jåmsa1 and I""'''<;ed UI'12IJÛJIIDIly to take no fUrther actim. 32. Rqxnt m bid q¡enin;J and award of o....LLaet for printiD¡ of the n_ri-ino Scene. l'Ublic Informatim Officer I<:rey showed cwncil a moc:k-up of the larger size as .......".:sed by CŒI of the biddtol.... '!he o....t:...CICt for printin;J of the n.......-+i....... SCene will be for two years. Vimal Rajdøv, President of VIP PrintiD¡, located at '!he oaJcs Sbq:pin¡ C81ter, said that their bid was for the 60' papm as per spec and based m the ~ EI_JL size of the public:atim. She urged cwncil to cxnI1der "Shcp Q¡pertino". She stated that the SO, paper, as bid by another printin;J fUm, ± was not requested in the OC£""Citic:at.ions. It was JIICIII8d by Mayer Plun;w, seoa.dt.d by cwnc. RogIert. and ("'-id with cwnc. ¡cqpel diøv ..LiD¡, to award the bid to VIP . ÑK.Ln'Ul CXHIJNI~QiIS ::1. NCI'1e CRJn.IANŒS 34. Second r8IIding and enactment of ordinance No. 1502: "An ordinance of the City cwncil of the City of Q¡pertino ~ Sect:iat 1 of ordinance No. 2 by Reza1inq At-...ri-tely .7 Acre fraa Rl-IO Zcna to Rl-7.5 Zcna; I.oc:ated m the South side of McClellan Rœd, 300 Ft. Nest of Kim SLL...t (Aß:Ilic:at.iat l-Z-89 _ COlley) . It was JIICIII8d by cwnc. aJge.rs, seccn::Jed by 0Junc. Gatto and passed l.IIWÚJID.ISly to read ominanoe No. 1502 by title Œlly and the City Cletk's reading to OŒ1Stitute the seoad reading thereof. It was JIICIII8d by cwnc. Rogers, seccn::Jed by 0Junc. Gatto and I"""""'d l.IIWÚJID.ISly to enact ordinance No. 1502. 35. Seoond reading and ena..:LucuL of ordinance No. 1485: "An ordinance of the City OJuncil of the City of CUpertino A1Den:lin} 01apter 3.12, Transient (1ryo,1[eJX:Y Tax, of the CJpertino Mmicipal .:ode." -11- Wildflower Way traffic Cupertin0 Scene contract Second reading Ord. 1502 Ord. 1502 enacted . Second reading Ord. 1485 Ord. 1485 enacted Closed Session . . MTh'Ul'ES OF 'I1iE JULY 17, 1989, REGJIAR ClT'i CXXJNCIL MEEl'DC (œ-772) It was]lOVed by cwnc. Rogers, seocniAd by cwnc. Gatto an:i f'<I'õsed unanim::usly to read Ordinance No. 1485 by title Œlly and the City Clerk's readin:J to CXI1Stitute the sec.....::l reacli.n:] thereof. It was IOC!IIed by cwnc. Rogel:s, SEICCI'XÙ!d by cwnc. Gatto and I""~~ed 1.Il'Ioa1ÚJIOJsly to enact Ordinance No. 1485. RESOII1l'ICIIS 36. NcI'Ie. S'I2\FF J<U'\JKJ.1:) - NcI'Ie. At 9:20 p.m., cwncil adjcun1ed to OCI1fEorahCa RealI A for a closed sessim pertainin:J to aoquisitim of )&"""'"" Ly, Fcntana VB. City of 0Jpertin0 and Pranetheus VB. City of 0Jpertin0. OJuncil I"eOCI'MII1ed in Q\....1C at 10:20 p.m. COJnc. PœSldL: Gatto, Jcbnsa1, Fqpl, Rcgers, Mayer Plun;w staff prn I,d.: City Manager Brown City Clerk o.......,dius City Attorney Kilian It was IIICMId by cwnc. Jåmsa1, secadtod by cwnc. Gatto am pal:lS'ed unanbr:Jusly to take the follow acticI'Is: Fa1t:ana VB. City of nmøri-'¡""" Authorized ..~ , ll4tives to offer a settlem..hL. Pl.l.,,"..d~m VB. City of n1nD,..p~'rV'\ Authorized staff 1::~ d..ative to reject their request regardi¡ç statute of limitatia'1S. Neaotiatia'1S for ..............-. sale. exchame. or lease of ......, ....L........rtv - DeA."~A 1lAt'nIJet Club staff )ft...~ as per Closed sessim. At 10:22 p.m., cwncil adjourned. £24 City Cl~ . -12-