CC 08-07-89 " CITY OF aJPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 'TORRE AVE1roE, a;...~'il'IO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 0::-773 MINl1I'ES OF '!HE RE:GJIAR CIT'i CXXJNCIL MŒl'nG HElD CN AIX;(JS'I' 7, 1989, CXXJNCIL Œ1IMBER, Cl'lY HAIL, 10300 'I'CIFUŒ AVE1roE, aJPERTIN:>, c:AI.:IR:æNIA SAWI'E TO '!HE FU\G 'Ihe meetirq was called to order by Mayor Pluny at 6: 45 p.m. roIL CALL Counc. Present: Gatto, Jàmson, Keppel, Rogers, Mayor Pluny staff Present: City Manager Brown City Clerk comelius Director of Public R>Lk.. Viskovic:h Director cot I"rorwN 1TÚ.ty DeYel"¥"",, It CCMm Assistant to the City Manager Brown Director of Finance Snyder Director of Parks NXi Recr. '.tim Dcwlirq Public Informatim Officer Rrey City Attorney Kilian Fœ'I'FCtŒMENI'S It was m:wed by Came. Gatto, seoc:n:æd by counc. aJgers arx1 passed unaniJJø1sly to reDDVe I~ No. 21 frail the agen:m. c:::E:REM:N.IAL MA:J..!u<::> - PRESENrATIQœ Proclamatim in hmcr of sam Bruni, retirinI;r 0Jpertin0 union School District administrator. Mayor Plun;¡y presented Mr. Bruni with a prnt"'l-tim. Presentation to the City council fran the 0Jpertin0 ~r of Cam1erce in celebration of the annual OJpertino Camtry Festival. Betty BidlNell of the Q'I:onnho>r of C"nIIno>roe int....ob"""" Gary Mashtare anj Brian Bockman and pres _ttecl OCA.1l'ICil_ .eJ:S with a wine glass anj "sarsaparilla" tokens for the 1989 Country Festival. -1- MINUl'rn OF 'mE AImST 7, 1969, RmJIÞ.R C1T'{ <XL'NCIL MEE:l'm; (CC-773) ORAL CDMJNlCATIQlS Ann An:Jer, president of the Menta vista lJIprovement Association, told council that one of her tenants was havirg a prcblem with use of water am is goirg over the allocation assigned to her, '!be tenant wo.lld like to "'lP"" 1 . She feels that the water meter is incorrect; however, the City could !lot firxi do leak. Cculd the meter be wroI'Ç? '!he City Attorney stated that there is a pl.~'re coosistirg of sul:mittirg a form to the A£t-'ls eoard arx1 then it could cane to Cameil shalld the appellant choose to brirg it to tl1em. Mr. Viskovich stated that the tenant has gone to the ArI""" 1 S Board and the next step ww...d be to cane to the City Cameil. DiF<'o,,:aiat followed am it was decided that shwld Mrs. ArxJer's tenant wish to be heard by the Cameil, it wo.lld be oonsidered towards the em of the agerœ. Jeremiah O'Shea, 1:u¡ operator, residirg in santa cruz, addressed Courk::i1 regarciin;J alleged raclœteeriIT,¡ in the Transit District. He stated that there was featJ'w:n~i'1\J goirg a1 and requested a state...c./t fran the City Attorney sayinq that this wo.lld not be in the jurisdictim of the City Courk::il. City Attorney Kilian """t"'-~ed agreemeut with Joan Gallo and said that he will prepare a letter statirg this shoold Courk::il direct him to do so. By oa1SE!l1SUS, Courk::il directed the City Attorney to send a letter statirg that the U. S. Attorney, Crúnina1 Divisim is the }AL'¥"L ~"':I to review Mr. O'Shea's oarpla1nts. steven Haze, san JUan Read, ð.Jr.h: LSs'Bd Courk::il regardirg rem::wal of vegetatiŒ1 fran the hillside near his residence. 'lhis is a 40-50% slcp1 Œ1 neighborirç pIq)erty. Mr. Haze expressed the opWm that this ties into the City's tree ardinanoe. He stated that the developer :reucvecl trees fran his pIq)erty am pIq)erty owned by Mr. am Mrs. Heman:iez as.....ell. He -2- MINUl'ES OF 'IJŒ ArnJST 7 I 1989, RErnIAR CITY <IL'NCIL MœIllC (CC-773) exp~eed CCllIOeIT1 regarding potential landslide. It is his ~ that the developer, lobo is not the prcperty owner, will be asIdn:J the City to subdivide. '!t'.e developer is B & C Ca1stJ:uctim. He asked that the Ca.lrx::il review this as a "Public l"JI.lisaroell ar look at the ordinarre am not allow removal of trees en hillsides or specimen trees. Mr. Haze told Cameil he had spoken with Plannirq, Code EnfOI:œment and Public Works. '!be Director of Public Works was reqI.1O!Stecl to check on this ani to l'¥'LL back ac the next meetirq. '!he Ieport shaùd include the City Attorney's opinien regarding what authority the City has in this matter. Bà:> Krier, 7513 T""""".. Avenue, addressed Courk::il regarding Highway 85. Mr. viskovich said there will be a public hearin] sanetime in sept-~.e..., but it will be depen..1t:.1t. upcI1 City of san Jose actim. Mr. Krier urged that the Cameil net let it go too far to c:han3e . Di~'c¡J"im followed regarding a special meetin] at which renderirY;)s of views fraD within the neighborhood of the !JL' y:sed Rainbow interchan;¡e will be available. Helen walterstarff, 7504 I"""""" AverJJe, ........."'--~ed CCII1C8l1. regarding an 0YeEpUS. She wants Highway 85 ~-"'Bd thrcuþ;A.It Q.Jpertino. She was told that the fre1aiay c:annat be b.1i1 t under a flocc1plain,lcreek area. Levent Ersoy, 1320 Primrose way, told Courk::il that the 1-'L' 'i-' ....,1 being made was unacceptable. He was inf01.....d there is no 14· y.'6al at this time. Mr. Ersoy said that Highway 85 is dt:ta-~ed to stellin] ani in saratoga. It can be depressed arx1 circ:umvent the creek at that point, ..my can't it in his neighborhood.? He was infoLu.:d it is not depressed thrcuþ;A.It saratoga. Mr. Ersoy said that the 14'p:>sal is for the fl._.m.y to be 35 feet up ani he feels that the neighbOJ:hood is bein] treated as seoc.a.l class citizens. '!here are ways to ntild freeways under creeks. Mr. Ersoy stated that it had been -3- Highway 85 . . Consent Calendar . MINlJI'ES OF 'IHE AUGUST 7, 1989, RmJIAR CIT'i C'CXJNCIL MEZl'DC (0::-773) said that Highway 85 'NO.Ùd be depressed all the way thro.XJh CUpertino. '!be neighbortlcod is particularly sensitive to the Þ.ri1d:in:J of Highway 85 as it affects fæni1ies am lifestyle. Terry Jåms of san Jose and developer of prcp!rty near the area urær tii.......1Ssian, stated that the Þ.ri1dirq of an aqueduct for Calabazas creek had net been looked at. He also stated that the Traffic Authority does net knew hew JII.1Ch water flaws in the creek. Rå.Jert Merrill, 1586 ~ way, felt that the decisim regardin;J an O\f&\.òLOÞSi1¥;J at Rainbow and saratoga-sunnyvale Read was a financial decisim only. An erq1neer's study indicates there 'NO.Ùd be in::reased traffic an neighl:Jorhood streets in the area. Nan::y Black, 1468 Primrose Way, requested notice regardin;J any public heari1¥;J regardin;J highway. '!be Post Office does not always deliver the mail. Courk::il, by oansensus, sc:heclu1ed a public heari1¥;J for 'l'. ~"'Y, 5ept:.eDiJer 19, at 7:00 p.m. '!hey requested that the use of !b1ta Vista High 5chcol be e>cplarecl. Raffa Edwards, 21771 Meyertlolz coort, inquired abœt the }AL' .ceaa for Ie-::GtlSideratim of a water surc::hIL"'g8. Director of Finance Snyder told him that there is no allowance if the water is used. '!be ........L~ }ALooed)u:e if you wish recalSideratim or an adju..t.-alt. is to file with the Art-"'s BoaId. If you are net satisfied with the decisim of the Boam, a citizen oaIld then brin;J it to Cameil. City Manager told c:n.n::il that the ~,.. BoaId 89""- it does net have the authority to ~v... a surå1arge. '!be Cit:y Attorney said that his inteJ:pretatim of the ordinance is that the Boa1:d does have that authority. Mr. Kilian told Mr. Edwards to hold his water bill ani that his water will net lJe turned off 1ohi1e ooosideratim is beinq made. CX:Nsn,'l' ~ '!be City Clerk pointed art: that Page 4 of lteu No. 24, las'; paragra¡i1, shoold be amerrlecl to shaw the FoothilljDeAn1.a rhmI1T'lÌty College District Boênù of Directors. With tlrls c:::han:Je, it was !lOVed by coone. Gatto, secx:n:!ed by coone. Rogers and p"°seð unaninn1.s1y to a¡:prove the Cansent Calerdar as suJ::mi.tted. -4- MINt1l'ES OF ':mE 1>JJGUST 7, 1989, RmJlAR CITY <XXJNCIL MEE:I'ING (0::-773) 1. Resolution No. 7891: "A Resolution of the City co.mcil of the City of o¡pertino Allowirq Certain Claitœ and DemarDs Payable in the AItr:AInts an:i fran the F\Jnjs as Hereinafter DescribEd for salaries arx1 Wages far the Payroll Period En:lin::J July 18, 1989." 2. Reso1utim No. 7892: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the city of OJpertino All~ Certain Cla:iJœ and DemarDs Payable in the A!Inmts an:i fran the F\Jnjs as Hereinafter Described for salaries an:i Wages for the Payroll Period En:lin::J ~ 1, 1989". J. Reso1utim No. 7893: "A Resoluticm of the City Courk::il of the City of OJpertino All~ certain CléÚJIIS and D!3!Inarx:!s Payable in the A!Inmts an:i Fran the F\JOOs as Hereinafter DescribEd for General and M1sœllaneoos Expen:litures for the Period En:lin::J J\me 30, 1989." 4. Resolutim No. 7894: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of o.¡pertino All~ Certain CléÚJIIS and DemarDs Payable in the A!Inmts an:i Fran the F\JOOs as Hereinafter DescribEd for General arx1 Miscel1.al1ews Expenditures for the Period En:lin::J July 14, 1989." 5. Resolutim No. 7895: "A Resolutim of the city Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 All~ certain CléÚJIIS and DemarDs Payable in the A!Inmts an:i Fran the F\JOOs as Hereinafter DescribEd for GE..1E!ral and Misoellaneoos Expenditures for the Period En:lin::J July 28, 1989" . 6. Resolutim No. 7896: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizin1 Destructim of Certain ~ds (Parks & Rec:reatia1)." 7. su.........1S rights GéU1h..LL Receive. arx1 CCIIplaint for:invers£ cx:rœunatim, civil violatiCX1S and declaratory relief filed by outdoor rn.p.ny, Inc. of Northem Cùifœ:nia. 8. Reso1utim No. 7897: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of OJpertino Authorizin¡ Exec:ut1m of AyL........"ts for Allocatim of Fifteert"..h Year (1989-90) C"'rom!I"1ity Devel~tt Block Grant F\Jnjs for 'I\«) HUman Service Agencies." 9. Request fran OJpertino-saratoga Girls Club, eiSA, to sell foo:i and beverages in variœs City parks. 10. Claim :'or rurn..ges filed by ~ Perry. Reo ....-r1ded for rejrJCtim. -5- MIN!JI'ES OF 'mE AIJGJST 7, 1989, REGUIAR CIT'i CXXJNCIL MEFrIN:; (0::-773) 11. Awlication 1\S1IC 51,860.1 - Reel-Grabman & Associates - Request for mcxtificatia1S to two exist.in;J irxiustrial/office l:ui1dings located m the west side of 8Jtb Read, bet\Ieen McClellan Road an:l stevens er-k Boulevard. P.eo ··..-Jlded for A¡:prcval. 12. Approval of use of $750.00 fraD the sister City hlri;JPt for Au:Just 22 and 23 visit of:l¥ s ..l.atives fraD Toyokawa. 13. Approval of wi ver of $63.00 false alal.'1II fee for Kr.. Cà1en. 14. Rec:!uest fran Rebert A. Lerner, Fine Arts Chnmissim, far waiver of Rule No. 4 of Reso1utim No. 7571. 15. Request fran Rainbow Ià:i:Iy for extensim of waiver of b.lsiness license fees thrCA.Igh SepteaiJer, 1989. 16. RsiIolutim No. 7898: "A Resolutim of the City Camcil of the City of 0JpertirxI A¡:praving' CCI1tract Change order No. 5 for McClellan Read Wic:1enin], Project 4020." 17. ADoeptan::e of IlUIÚ.cipal ÙIprovements: a. Portal Plaza at 19755, stevens creek Boulevard. b. Classic 000rt at stelling' - DeIocor a.u~4tioo. c. Haœstead Shq:pinJ Center at Haœstead Rœd¡DeAnza Boulevard West Valley Shq:ping' Center (No tincl1IN>rftatioo J'leC"""'9tU:y.) 18. ADoeptan::e of city projects perfOImecl under cxntract: a. Han:l1cap Rëmp Installaticm, Project 89-4002, Bianchi CUlstructim b. Linda vista stœ:m Drain, Project 88-6014, Bian::hi Ca1struct1m c. Traffic Signal and street IDpravement at Proneridge and Wolfe, Project 4024, Collishaw Canstructioo (No documentation l"""""<>"<¡:ary.) 19. Resolution No. 7899: "A Reso1utim of the City Cameil of the City of CUpertino Authorizing' Execution of 1Igreement Between the City am Yourç Men's C1ristian Association of santa Clara Valley ProvidirJ;¡ for the TJn:iergroun:ii of utilities on a Deferred Basis at Alves Drive." -6- MINt1l'ES OF 'IHE AIX:;{JST 7, 1989, RÐ::;U1AR CIT'i CXXJNCIL MEZl'DC (œ-773) 20. Reso1utim No. 7900: "A Resolutim of the City Cameil of the City of C\Jpertim Aß>rovirg ParoeJ Map arx1 lI1p:cNement Plans of Property Located m Miller Avenue, Developer, D..1ra style 1bœs, Inc., Autb:>rizirg Ðœcut1m of D1provement h,¡Uoal....t; Authorizirg Si911in1 of Parcel Map and Inprovement Plans." 21. Resolutim No. 7901: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of ClIpertin::> Approvirg Parcel Map and Dtprovement Plans of Property Lcx:ated at 10760 Rae Lane, Develcper, B. S. Ihillm, Authorizirg EXBClltim of I:IIprcvemP.nt h,¡u."'...../t; Authorizirg Si911in1 of FdJ:Oel Map arx1 IJIprovement Plans." (Previously reDDVed fIall the agenja.) 22. Resolutim No. 7902: "A Resolutim of the City Ca.mcil of the City of C\Jpertim Ac:oepting Q..Iitclaim Deed for undergroon:i Water Rights fIall B. S. Ihillm, Rae Lane." 23. California Associatim of O:mnissicners and Bœu..1.._,¡ 4rB meetirg-request for ~""}ALiatim general fund. ParIæ-Rb.......atim I,).Iarterly BO!Ird of $500.00 from 24. Minutes of the joint meeting of City Cameil, FL........L unim High Sd100l District and QJpertino unim Så1col District held June 8, 1989. 25. Minutes of the joint JII88tin;J of City CCUnc:il, Foathill-DeAnza C'nmonúty COllege District held June 20, 1989. 26. Minutes of the regular City cnmcil meetirg of JUly 17, 1989. rrœs REXM:D FR:H aH>Em' CAIÐm1IR - Na1e. RJBLIC HEARI1«;S 27. Hearirg to CXl\S1der charges for weed abatEme./t. (a) Resolutim No. 7903: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of QJpertino Providing for Lien Ass-<DftA11ts and for the COllectim of same Resultirg frail the Abates.é..t of Public Nuisances." It was JDCJVed by Courk::. Jàmsa1, seoon::Jed by Courk::. Gatto and P"''''ed unan1moosly to close the public hearirg. -7- Weed abatement e I I I App. 4-U-89, I Peninsula Bib~,:, Church . Property acquisition, N. Stelling . MINUl'E5 OF THE ALGJST 7, 1989 I RmJIAR CIT'i axmClL MEF:rIN:; (œ-773) It was moved by~. Johnson, secx:n:ied by Came. Rogers am I"'~.,ed unaniJn::Jusly to adq;¡t 'the Resolution. 28. A£P>" 1 of PlëU'll1irq Chnmi "'Siœ awroval of 4-U-89, Peninsula Bible 01urch, 10060 North Blaney Avenue, Q.¡pertin:¡. l\rP"'Il filed by Barbara Kcwel on basis that adequate parjcin; is net available. Tim Versc:tnIyl, 3720 Greve Avenue, Palo Alto, architect, told C:Juncil that there WOOld be available parjcin; ~oes frail the neighborin:j bJsir--9S/parkin:J lots. He further stated that use had been authorized thrt:uJh letters, resultin:j in 60 <CJ""CeB plus the d1urch let. '!here is a smrt:tle frail the off-site lots to the ålurc:h. Peak deman:i is for the early SUnday setVice. It was moved by ~. Jahnson, secx:nded by Came. Gatto am I"'~-ed unanimously to close the pmlic hearin:j. It was moved by Cwnc. Jahnson to deny the aweal arx1 clirect staff to cx.me back with a status report in six DDrt:hs. Paul Winslow, pastor, told Council that in Palo Alto the c::hurå1 1nf0DllS the o...~""""t:.ia1 m a regular basis regaIdin¡ parking' an:l assigns a parXin] CXX>rdinatar. nw mctim to deny the aro-l was seooaldbd by Came. Gatto and I"'ø.fld unaniJIo.Js1y. City Attorney Kilian told Council he had reviewed the CI.u......1L water ordinance and that the ~,.. BOIu:d can adjust the allocatim or SIJrå1arge; however, in the practical sense, it is prc/:)!Ibly best that they a1ly adjust allocatia1S. In SituatiCX1S suå1 as a leak, it may be a good idea to c::harge the ordinance so the BOIu:d can ametd the allocatiœ an:l :ro:om>oe åJarges 1)ased œ that amealdbd allocatim. By CXX'ISenSUS, Council directed that the City Attomey }AL~ an ame¡duc.:1L to the Cl.u.ua1L water ordinance and ~L S 1L it to them at thdr meet:in;J of August 21. 29. DeteIm1natim of the need to acquire a partim of ~ located an North stellin:j RcOO, north of RD1te 280 (10855 North stellin:j Read) for Slt.......at widenin;J pulP<: 9S. -8- HINUI'ES OF 'IHE AIJGJST 7, 1989, RÐ:;UIAR CITY caJNCIL MEZl'DC (0::-773) (a) Resolutim No. 7905: "A Resolutiat of the City Courk::il of the city of OJpertino Acx:ept:.in¡ Grant of F.>I.......-¡t for Roadway P\npcsœ fraD Douglas R. P.'''''''IIII and Hazel B. Russum, Ca1s~ of 1q:praximately 0.039 Acres, Located at North stellin; Read." (b) Resolutiat No. 7906: "A Resolutiat of the City Cameil of the City of Q¡pertino Authorizin; Executim of A"L~,l Bet\..1een the City and Dc:ug1as R. Russum and Hazel B. P.1!99'.IIII Relative to Property m North stel1in; Read at the RaJte 280 Bridge. " HI'. Viskovidl told CameD.. that a settlement had been reac:hed in this instance and eminent rhMi 1'\ }J1.v.~! -~i 11gB were net ne<:' ft_.ry It was IIICJII8d by Came. Rogers, a..........dt.d by Came. Gatto and p-aaed unanimously to close the pWlic hearin;. It was IIICJII8d by Came. Rogers, seocn::Jed by Came. Gatto and p-aaed unanimously to êIdqJt Resolutim No. 7905 and 7906. PIANNn«; APPLICATICH> 30. A¡::plicatia1 No. 1Q-U-89 and 18-FA-89 - Mariani DeII8l......-«- - Use Pezmit to ~..t....uct and <XX:'lpy 195 units (revised fraD 176), 4-stoIy aparbDent stru...."'ture and l47 (revised frtm le2) zero lot line townhaDes with related site ~. ~............ty is located at the sart:heast ............... of DeAnza Bculevard and HaœsteIId IbId. EI'1vira1Dental Deteminatim: '!he Plann.i.n;J l"nmIi-im ~:ho,·""1ds the grantin:J of a Negative DK-"'ratiat. }II&(. ........1d&J for Denial. Director of """"""'1I'!ity Devel~,l Cowan reviaøi the revised plans with Courk::il. John nPl"",,>"8 of Mariani Devel~«-, 'N'el1t through the c:harJ;Jes that had been made. Blase I ooosists of 7st of the garden haDes, the main thoraJghfare and periD!ter road and a row of parkirq. H1ases II arx1 III, which will be b.últ together, will be the foor-stoIy oct1dos and the remainin;J garden haDes. For the garden haDes, the élR'roximate sellin; price will be $350-400,000; the cost of the oct1dos will be $175-200,000. -9- App. lO-U-89. lB-EA-89. Hariani MINt1l'ES OF 'IHE AInlST 7, 1989, REXVLAR CIT'i CXXJNCIL MEETIN:; (0::-773) DL"C"'i'dm followed regarclin;J the ¡:¥1ases of devel.....,....,ut, the entrance a1 HaDestead near DeAnza Boolevard and density. A oa.........Wal drawin::J suI:Jn1ttecl by staff was ti;~1c:!c:!OO. Art Pittock, 20299 Northlòest Square, Northpoint Hcmeowners AsSOC'iatim President, stated that the staff draw1rç looks like the Berlin Wall will be next to Northpoint. He urged that Cameil do sanethin;J. He stated that Northpoint is will1rç to have Mariani take the prq¡erty between the two de' Iel"¥"",, Its. Mr. Cowan said that the tentative map PJ:".'OOSe ca.ùd han::lle minor lot line adjust1nents. Mr. 111>1""...:'8 said that Mariani is doirq a livirq history wh1d1 will be given to the City. It was IIIaII8d by Came. Jå1nsa1, secc:med by Co.JD::. Gatto ani p"ea'9d l.IlIalUmous1y to grant the Negative Dec:laratim. It was 1IDVecl by Courk::. Jå1nsa1, secxn:iecl by Courk::. Gatto to ~ the applicatim per Pla1'1J1iD] Camdssim Resolutim No. 417l. Mr. Martinez, Director of Design with the project, said that they had irLUl.J:'ULClted the style of ardlitec:ture of the cxxd:;)$ into the garden haDe design. '!hey will be a terra cotta color with clay roof tile. 'Ihey will be two colors of stucco. Mayor Plun;w cxnmcte:i a straw vote m the mat1m (Plun;¡y arx1 Ifqpl, no: Gatto arx1 Johnsen, yes: Rcqers requested adju..t..-:.Jt to ¡iJas1rç) . Mr. 111>,_..... reviewed staff's plan am the ~. C""a Mariani Devel...........1t. had used to anive at its pt!S!lIt plan. He stated that they plan to do all perimeter trees as H1ase I and felt that &aile adjUDt.-...l to the Jñas1rç ocW.d be da1e. Mr. 111>11""..... said that in regard to senior affordable haJsirq, Mid Peninsula 1bJs1rç had stated that this devel,¥,o&1it is not suitable for low cost haJs1rç. Marilyn Norl1rç, 1Þ.1s1rç arx1 Services CDorclinatar, said that at the end of a meetirx¡ with Mid Peninsula, Mr. 111>1......... had said that he felt the project was too far almq to imorporate voluntary affordable IIDits. Ms. Norl1rç SlXJgeStecl that one of the <X8'Ido IIDits ocW.d be a voluntaIy affordable IIDit. '!he door was left q:¡en. -10- · MINUI'ES OF '!HE AIJGUsr 7, 1989, RffiUIAA CITY CXXJNCIL ME:EI'IOO (0:-773) Mr. Delmare said he did not wish to sell lard to Mid Peninsula HaJsin;1. He absolutely intends to I:W.ld the ccn:: os. He stated that as part of R1ase I, the preliminary excavation of R1ase II will be done. It was lOCIVed by Courk::. Jchnsa1, secan:Jed by Courk::. Gatto and passed 3-2, with Came. Kqp!l ard Mayor Pluny ñiasentin;1, to ðR)I'OVe the ðR)lications per oarxtitiCX1S Sl1hft{tted by staff revised as follows: 1. ::iTKIX!' IMF'RJ\1EMEm'S & DEDICATIct- · .... 'r ST.reet widenin1, :iJIpravements, ard dedicatiCX1S shall be in aocordanoe with City stan:1ards ard specifications am as required by the City EnJineer. 2. aJRB AND GUl'I'ER ~ CUrl:J6 ard gutters, sidewalks arx1 :related structures shall be installed in aooordance with grades and st.arœrds as specified by the city EnJineer. 3. LIGHrIN:; street lightinq fixtures shall be installed as directed by the City EnJinøer. All on arx1 off_ite lightinq shall be designed to in no way interfere with adjacent areas and shall be no higher than the _Yi...nn height permitted by the Za1e in Wlch the prcperty is located. ~. FIRE HYtWINl' Fixe hydrants shall be located as required by the City. 5. 'mAFFIC cx:NIH)L SIGNS Traffic ........jtJ.ul signs shall be placed at locatiCX1S specified by the City. 6. ~!~~ 'l~..~ street trees shall be planted wit.hin the public right of way and shall be of a type a¡:proved by the City in aooordance with 0rdinarxJe 125. 7. GRAD~ · Gradin;J shall be as awroved ani required by the City EnJineer in aocordance with Ot'àinance 214 Ca) . -11- . MIN!Jl'ES OF '!HE AIJGUST 7, 1989, RW.JIlIR CI'IY a:xJNCIL MEETIN:; (œ-773) 8 . œAIN1\GE Drainage shall be provided to the ~tisfactian of the city En;Jineer. 9. ~ UI'IL1.'!'~ '!he awlicant shall be responsible for oc:uplyirq with the raquirements of the tJrx:!ergrwrñ Utility Ordinance No. 331 ani other related ordinances ani regulatiCX1S of the city of CJpertino, ani shall make the ~a!,ry a.rrarqements with ti'.e utility ~TÙes involved for the installatim of said facilities. '!he awlicant shall sul:lnit a detailed plan showirq utility uOOergroon:i provisia1S. ('!his plan IIIJSt have prior ~ of the utility ~es and the City En;Jineer. ) 10. :rMPRJVEME:m' ~ t '!he awlicant shall be respousible for oæpletin;J the site as shown m awroved plot plan and shall be required to enter into an inprcveœnt ~_.t with the City of CJpertino pravidin¡ for payment of nI'" ~-~ry fees, inc1udin:;r b.1t not limited. to c::hec:Itinq and inspectim fees, storm drain fee, and ~ utility fee. Said ay..........,.¡L shall be exeaJtecl prior to the iesuance of a 00ildin;J permit. 11. 'lW\NSRRŒR ~ Electrical and telepxna transfomers shall be ..........lIød with fencin;J and lanisœpirq, or 1.II'1dergrourñ, such that they are not visible fran public ..t......et areas. 12. !':F.T~~ AND t:Iõr'ItDGIC HAZARœ '!he awlicant shall retain an en¡ineerin;J geologist to evaluate and mitigate potential ....i.....ic and geologic hazards. said geologic investigatim shall be oæpleted prior to release of buildin;J permits. 13. DEDlCATICN OF WATER LINES '!he develc.per shall dedicate to the City all waterlines ani a¡:pJrtenanoes installed to City standards and shall reach an a,: u:'''llIcnt with the awrcpriate water tvWI{"'ny for water service to the subject develcpœnt. . -12- · HINt1l'E') OF '!HE AIX;UST 7, 1989, REnJIAR CIT'i CXXJNCIL MEEl'TIt; (0::-773) 14. IN:õRESS~ E'ASEMENl'S '!he ðR>licant shall recuLd an ~'-¥Liate deed restrictim an::l ocvenant running with the land subject to awroval of the City Attorney, for all parcels ~ål share a ç......., private drive or private roadway with ere or more other parcels. said deed restrictim shall provide for ~~aIy reci~.........J. inp:e..s and ~ - A<I..........lts to an::l fran the affected parcels. said ""'''''''''"''1t.s shall be reaœ:ded at sud1 time as interest in ere or more of the affected parcels is initially sold or transferred to another party. 15. CXJoH)N ARFA '!he devel~1t rights to the (h...., Area shall be dedicated to the City of Q]pertino in advance of z........L..1atim of the final snlxtivisim map to ensure that ~ spaoe area is available to the entire deve1~.L. 16. PRIVATE :::>"11<1:2.'!::¡ t All ðR>licab1e 6'1beactiCX1S of Sec:ticns 13.5 and 13.6 of the RlC Ordinance (Ordinance No. 664) regardinq su-t iJIprovement requirements arx1 covenants shall a¡:ply to the subject devel~IL. 17. FIRE AlY"F..C::.C: IANæ :E:Iu=':J""'....-y fire .,..,..,.,a lanes shall be recœ.dt.d as fire lane ""'--·,Ls m the final map and shall meet Q.ut....<Ù. Fire District standa%ds. 18. H::IŒXHŒRS ASSOCIATIœ IXX1IŒNI'S 'Ihe ~ As........hltim .........-rrt:s, enabl~ '-'''''ratim an::l oadcWnium plan shlùl be a¡:praY8d by the Departmer:. of PlanrIin¡ and Devel"¥"",,IL arrl by the City Attorney prior tc recœ.ùatim. 19. ~'u<IAN FASEMENI' Pedestrian ""'~ over the sidewalk area shall be prepared by the developer, a¡:praY8d by the City Attorney and reaœ:dt.d against the subject prcperty prior to issuance of Wilci.in:J permits. þ -13- MINlJI'ES OF 'IHE AIJGUsr 7, 1989, RÐ::;UIAA c:r'IY CXXJNCIL MEE.TING (0::-773) 20. <XJNIX:MINIUM DIVISIOO 'Ihe prtp!rty may be divided into 356 or fewer =rrlaninium units at the ð.iscIetim of the developer or owner. 'l11ere shall be at least one (1) additiŒ1!Ù. lot held in ,. ..... ", ownership far each deve1'-'lA'"",rt; area. '!he exact pla""""""TJt of interiar partitions may be modified subject to staff awrcwal. 21. ABANInŒD WATER WELLS '!he prtp!rty owner shall seal aban:kned ar Ul'U1SE!d water wells if the city, after OŒ1SUltatim with the santa Clara Valley water District, detennines that said aban:kned or UlU.1SEd water wellu have a potential to CXl'rt:aminate the water SUW1y. 22. ~l:t<l:J:;!'~ on site and off site ..t........rt: iDprovements shall be iJlp1cwco,led as eraDDerated m the list below: 1) Signal1zatim at the intersectim of Blue Jay 0::m1: and HaDestead Road to be fully paid by t:ha develcp!l" . 2) Northbcurñ right turn lane shall be installed at the intersectim of DeAnza Eb.ùevard ani HaDestead Road. 3) 'Ihe develcp!l" shall dedicate right of way for three eastbound travel lanes for Hc:mestead Road and CXJnStruct two eastba1nd lanes. Sidewalks shall be located back fraD cuxb a sufficient dist.an::e to a<x> ..... date the third eastba1nd lane a1 Hc:mestead Road subject to the review arx1 ~ of the Public Works Department. 4) 'Ihe develcp!l" shall install 1III'rlbl'lS and l~in;J m Haœstead Road, east of DeAnza Eb.ùevard and m DeAnza Blvd. south of HaDestead Road to Highway 280, subject to the review arx1 a¡:proval of the Fublic Works Department. 5) 'Ihe develcp!l" shall install a 'tI'E!.Stboun:i right turn lane fraD Haoestead Road to northbourxi DeAnza Eb.ùevard if right of way pemits. 6) A laroc:œpAli 1III'rli",1'1 shall be installed a1 Blue Jay Drive. 'Ihe 1III'rli",1'1 design shall be ðR>roved by the Director of Fublic Works. 7) '!he Blue Jay Drive entrance to the project shall be designed so as to prevent right turn movements when exitin:] the project. -14- \ ~ MImJI'ES OF 'mE AInJS'I' 7, 1989, RmJlAR CIT'i <nJNCIL Mœl'ING (CC-773) CDNDITIONS AI:MINI::."!'!:.I<I:J.J BY 'IHE ~ DEPARIMEN'r 23. APPOOVED EXHIBITS '!he l""-'AI.....roatim of a¡:prcwal is based a'I Exhibits labeled site plan dated 6/23/89 and all other plans and elevations a(ü ·'t..,nying A¡:plicatia'l lO-U-89. 24. AroJSTICAL ~RR~ ~ '!he project developer shall install a solid a~,cal barrier (ma.scm:y wall) at the southern perimeter of the site adjacent to the Highway 280 right-of-way. said <'Ico.JStical barrier shall be CXI'IStruct:ed in aocordanoe with specificatiCX1S awroved by the Director of the Department of Planning and Devel~iL to be 0CI1S1stent with the height of the SCIUI'Xiwall planned almg the border of the Northpoint devel~iL arx1 the frealay right-of-way, GKqA the applicant may integrate the soondwall el........iL into the south wall of the garage stIUc:tures almg the south }AL"¥"Lty line. 'Ihe scuth swndwall shall teminate at the scut:hw8st 001.1.a: to IIIIÚJ1ta1n visibility in to the OuL.aer laro""""'l""' area frcm passing motorists m DeAnza Boolevard. 25. OOISE ATImJATICIf 'Ihe applicant shall iDpl_eul all of the noise atteralatim --.IreS detailed in the acoustical 1'¥N" L prepared by ~ L. Pack Ae-btes, dated May 23, 1989, to the extent that they agree with the aråútectural designs illustrated m the a¡:prowd exhibits. In instances TIhIre reo:. ...._IIdatiCX1S deviate fran the design, the Directar of P1annin:J and Deve1cpnent shall review the døviatia'l to determine if it is significant and may aw-<U"Ie the deviation or refer it back to the Planninq t'hIoni ""Sia'l for informal review arx1 approval. All residential units shall be subject to good quality OCI'1StrIJction practices and installatia'l of equ1pœ!tlt., inc11.ñin3 sealing of doors, wimcws and frames and casings to ensure that the interior average day/night noise level does not E!XC' ,:I 45 dBA Idn. -15- . MINt1l'ES OF 'THE J>JJG.JST 7, 1989, REX;U1.AR CIT'i roJNCIL MEEI'ING (0::-773) 26. M:>DIFlCATICN OF APPIUJED nFVF.Tn~ PlAN In the event that tbe awlicant or subsequent prq:¡erty owner shall desire to make any minor chan;¡es, alteratior.s or ameIdme1.t of the awrovecl develu¡.oœ:<l/t plan, a written req.JeSt or revised deve1,+",.e./t plan shall be sul:mittecl to the Director of Pl~ and Develcpoent. If the Director makes a f:iIxiin:J that the ~ are minor am do not result in a material affect upon the appearance or furx::tim of the project, said chan:Jes may be cert..ified m the revised plan. If approval of said ~ is witi1held, the applica."1t may <!lIt""" to the P1~ n-wnmi ....im. If the Director fims that the requested d1an; es are material, such ~ shall be referred to the Plannin:] Carmissim for approval. If the d1an; es are denied by the P1annin:] l"nmI; ....iŒ1, the awlicant may ~l to the City Cameil as provided in City Ordinance No. 652. . If said d1an; es are awrovecl by the Planning l"nmIi....iŒ1, an art'-' may be JœIde to the City Courk::il by any interested party. f\¡rther, any ~,.ner of the City Courk::il may request a hearin:] before the City Courk::il regardinJ said awroved å1an:]es. Said I""'}I-t shall be made within ten (10) days fraD the date of "WL....ral of said dIanges by the Planning n-wnmi....iŒ1. 27. FIUVA'lE œIVDlAY CXWE2Wfl' '1ho awlicant shall re.........d an ~"'¥Liate deed r-t....ictiŒ1 and CXM!I1ant runniJJ;J with the larxi for all parcels whiå1 share a ,. ..... r¡ driveway or private roadway with a18 or III:Ire other parcels as depicted m the Exhibits of this awlicatim. Said deed restrictiŒ1 shall provide for ~~ny reciprocal :iJ~....s/egress _....,OA. Its to and fraD the affected parcels. said --~·,ls shall be recorded at such tiE as interest in a18 or JIIJre of the affected parcels is initially sold or transferred to another party. 28. R:W) MAINInWa J\GRIÐŒm' A reciprocal maint:enance &:f1..........rt: shall be required for all parcels which share a 0·.... r¡ private drive or private roadway with ŒIe or Dm'e ather parcels within the tract. said ê1yL........./t shall be recorded in c:x:njunction with recoràatim of the final map, and shall be subject to prior atpraval as to form and content by the city Attorney. . -16- . MINtJl'ES OF '!HE AlnJST 7, 1989, REX;UIAR CIT'i a:xJNCIL MEP.rIN:; (0::-773) 29. FIRE ~') IANES Eme..~ fire ~~a laJws shall be :r:eo:n.Jed as fire lane .........·-·.ls m the final map and shall meet c-...L..a.l Fire District staroards. 30. ~ ASSOCIATICN ooctIMENI'S 'lbe }fo..~ Associatien oo.:,""""1ts, enablinq '-""'Tatim and cx:nXminium plan shall be ~ by the Department of Planninq and Devel..........tt and by the City Attorney prior to recordatien. 31. SOIAR 'lbe applicant shall install plUDi:>inq chases to facilitate future installatim of roof IIIa.IJ'Itecl solar water heatinq devices. Installatim of said devices is c¢ia1!Ù. . 32. I.ANœCAPE JŒ.VIÐi 'lbe applicant shall .."hnit a .............ebellsive lan;:'I~ p1ant.irx¡ plan for inf""""" review by the Ardútectural and site ~ l"nmIittse prior to iaauanoe of b1i1ding p"""""its. 33. !ID>"!I..KI.CAL INVæTIGM'ICN 'lbe applicants shall CCIIplete an investigatim of the histarica1 significanoe of the subject site and ~ the1:eon, and shall }AL~ a visual inventaty thrcu:]h phat:ogra¡irl.c or other means of the structures and t.... r- new }ALlsmt. said investigatim shall be}AL' ¡led in written form to the Department of Planninq and Devel~¡t prior to i..o::ua."'IOe of b.1i1din;J permits. 34. IÐDLITICN REXXJIRÐoIENl' All existinq stIuctures en the site shall be reIIICIY8d prior to or ~y with project oc.nstzuctim. 'lbe develcper shall "........... the re&pal&ibility to 00t:.ain all required demollti.:x1 permits in accordance with city 0Iàinanc:es. 35. HEIGHl' RATIO þ '!he applicant shall increase the setback to height ratio to achieve a 1 1/2 to ere relatiŒ1Sh1p alCDJ HcIDestead Read. -17- · MINtJI'rn OF '!HE AJX;UST 7, 19B9, RÐ:;UIJ\R CIT':! <XXJNCIL MEE1']}l; (0::-773) 36. NJRIH DE1INZA B:OIEVARD PARl<WAY '!be awlicant shall shift the sidewalk a1 Nort.'1 DeAnza BcW.evard inboaId at least 10 ft., to provide a land""""p" parkway enoc:IIpaSSing lawn area and a cb.1ble row of trees to provide a c:anc:v.f effect CXl\Sistent with the laro.,..,..p" design stamards for North DeAnza BcW.evard. !ob.mcling shall be gently sloped and shall not ~ 2 ft. in height. '!he final design shall be subject to staff appraval. 37. GARAGE OOOR OPmERS Each of the single-family duets in RIases I and III shall have an autanatic door c.peuer to ensure use of ganges for auto parJdn¡. þ 38. IANœCAPIN:;/LIGH!'DCJFENCI}«;/STTJF1on\.T K PIAN '!be applicant shall return to the Architectural and Site ~ l"nmIittee for formal appraval of the final land"'"'lping, l~, fencing, and si..-R1lJt plan. 39. PARKING A rec:4u.........l parJdn¡ agl.co=ðlt shall be prepared enabling residents/ownen. to jointly share and DBnIIg8 the row of p81:peudic:ular parJdn¡ stalls located a1 the wast side of the 0····· '. private rœd separatinJ the apartJDent¡exu:X1IIinium project frail the sinqle-family duet project. '!he City Attorney shall awrove the f011ll and 0CI1tent of the _-...It. 40. FIQJErl' RW;IB:; lhasinq shall be as per exhibit }AL Ii .¡led to Cømcil at their meetinq of August 7, with ¡:base III inc::reasecl to in::1ude cne additia1al row of houses (a¡:p1:Wi-tely 30%) of the units and that aúldin;J PeImits for HIase III will not be i c:m~ until the foorxSatians are pa¡recl for l'hase II. ~ '!be l'hase I laJ'YWœp1n;r strip a1 the Hanestead and DeAnza Eb.ùevard fra1tages shall be of sufficient width to a.:.:- ..... ·1ëIte a dcuble row of trees and sidewalk plan a¡:prcwed by the Ardùtectural an:i site l\R)roval Calmittee and City Courk::il 41. ŒIEI'ED ~~: 9:30-9:40 p.m. -18- MINUl'ES OF 'lliE AInJSl' 7, 1989, RmJIAR CI'lY <n.'NCIL MEE:l'nC (0:;-773) 31. Applicatim No. 2-V-e9 - Hebert Boles - Request for varian::1e frcm Sect1m 8.2 of Ordinance No. 1449 to allow an inc::rease in Floor Area Ratio to <!loX' ·····:&te an additicn to an exis1:in3 sin]le family dwallin]. located at Festival Drive, north of November Drive. Envh..........,lal Determinatim: 'Ihe Plannin] l"nmIi....icn rec' ····-·ds the grantin:J of a Negative Declaratim. Reo:> ....-...øi far Denial. App. 2-V-89 Rd::Jert Boles, 639 Baker st......at, San Francisco, ard1itect, stated that the ptq)erty owners œrre:ntly have four bedroaos in their haœ and wish to add c.ne be.h.......... and bathrcxm. }b¡t t.c.me& in the neighl:x:Œhood have five bedroaœ. He stated he cculd not see hoIi this 1òQÙd hurt pJblic health, safety or welfara in any way. He felt the FAR (floor area ratio) is an artifici.., rule arx1 sugge&ted that Cameil may wish to review that requirement. It was IIICIIIed by Came. Jàmøcn, eec....ded by Cwnc. Gatto am l""ø-9d unanJ.IIDJsly to deny the applicatim per PlanrUn] ChmIi....ia1 Rssolutiat No. 4188. ~ AND srm APFR:II1AL a:ftou:nu; APPLICATIœs 32. Na1e. UNF'INISHED BJSINESS 33. Na1e. Næ WSINESS 34. Fo:wJ~ trca the Q:Junty of Santa Clara far a¡p:tJYal of CHWMP a resolutim X90 .. .- ~ to the Boud of SUpervisors that the Q:Junty Hazamcus WUi:e ~ ,L Plan (aHIP) be adcpt:ed, an! findin¡ that the Final EIR pertaininq to the QHIP .i8 ""-;rate an! ~1ete. (a) Resolutiat No. 7890: "A Resolution of the City Cameil of the City of 0Jpertin0 certifyin] the Envh...........lal ~ ~L and the Q:Junty HazardaJs Waste Man...r-.-. it Plan arx1 Apprcvin] Said Plan." It was IIIaII8d by O:mx:. Rogers, seoaa]"d by Came. Gatto and I"'Iø~'9d l.Il'1iUÙJDoUsly to adept the Resolutim. 35. Request frail residents of New Haven a:.urt and Presidio Drive for P'"""'it parki1'x;J 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m., sdIool days a1ly. Permit Parking/ New Haven & Presidio -l9- I MINtJI'ES OF '!HE AImST 7, 1989, REX:;(JIAR CIT'i CXXJNCIL MEE:I'llC (0::-773) (a) Resolution No. 7907: "A Resolution of the City Courk::il of the city of CUpertino Designating streets Subject to Permit Parki.rg." Mr. Viskovich reviewed the request with O:AIrx:il. Brian ~..ll, 22663 Woodridge Calrt, st\x!ent Body President of M::nta vista High SchI::x:>l, told Courk::il that at !b'1ta vista there are a c.:!rtain )"IInnhø.r of stOOents arx1 sane will drive. ~tely 25 spaces have been "ñtWd in the parki.rg lot. Only juniors and seniors can park there; other stOOents need places to park. '!here has been no school 1:xJsiJ'ç such Pl,+,-,"itia.l 13 was passed. Permit parIdn:J does nat:hin;J more than charxJe the prci:>lem to another street. Pl,+,-,"ition 13 established a lack of n-nont1l'\ity suwort;; schools need t"nmIIm.ity SUR?Ort. If stOOents da'1't park in the driveways, there sho.1ld be no need to pràúbit parIdn:J. If students park further away, they will be late to class arx1 there is a safety hazard wa1Jd.n;J fra1l far away. He felt that it was really not the students who park who are causiJ'ç the prà:)lems in the neighL......l.......d; it is the students who l.A.II>, u""..te. Mr. ~, 1 stated that he had just received notificatiŒl of this i~ today and oaüd not gather many other students to cc.me. JUne 19 notificatim was sent to the school district. He requested that in the future, notificatim be sent directly to him. Mr. ~'l told Courk::il that the pcpùatim of M::nta vista High SChool is increasiJ'ç. He stated that if they are not 1nterferin;J with the residents, pezmit parIdn:J waùd not be fair. He ~ that the first step waùd be maki.rq sure that blcx::Jcin;J of driveways does hiçpen. Litter is caused by the students in the area, not the cars. '!here is more litter Œl Fort Baker and Presidio where pezmit parIdn:J is in effect. Eki Kawula, 920 New Haven Calrt, expr""'''''9d the opinim that high school kids dcn't walk a half a blcx::k they dcn't have to. '!here's lots of parIdn:J available m Providence Calrt. Mr. ~ll stated that litter probably is the maJn prà:)lem. He su;¡gested a task force look where there is pezmit parIdn:J arx1 where there is not pezmit parIdn:J. If the litter prà:)lem is the same, there's no point..n permit parIdn:J . DLc:rJ'....im follaæd regarding the possibility of p1aciJ'ç litter cans in the area. -20- MINtJl'ES OF 'DiE AIX;UST 7, 1989, REX:;UIAR CIT'i CXXJNCIL I'IU,"!.l.t1G (0:-773) .?at ~, 906 New Haven ccurt, said that most ot the !itu:B1ts are Okay. '!here are just a ffIM 1ot1o block driveways, litter, play lcui 1\IJSic and """,- prå)l8DS. Trees and a fenoe have been sprayed with paint and ci~ and matd1es have been fcurx1 ~ juniper plants. In Palo Alto Were she warks, bicycl_ are pcp1lar;~ sà100ls cnùd req.úre that students live a certain I1Iber of miles lNaY before they cnùd get a 1""""i t to park Q the gl'CU'Xi. Nancy Hertert, san JUan RaId, ~i:ed that students receive P.E. credit far wa1Jdn;J or biJdn;J to sà1ool. '!his would be dale m an hcnJr ~. Rashid I<han, 931 New Haven ccurt, has two children, ages 6 and 5. He stated that the five year old &a'I is devel"¥"""ttally delayed and SCIIIBtimes :runs off. He said residents of the area are aware of this and terñ to be quite careful; however, he ~*!i'ed ooooem that students drivin;J were net careful. It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, secxn:Jecl by Courk::. JctInsa1 and I""a--'l (4-1) with Came. Koppel t'liø-S<J.Jting, to "WLW8 pennit pm:idn;J as requested and ac:q,t Resolutim 7907. 36. Select1a1 of date for the annual Civic 8eJ:vioe Award presentatia1. By calßmsus, Courk::il selected Oc::tcber 12 for the annual Civic 8eJ:vioe Award. 37. Reqœst for diz'8ct:im regaxdbq the City's caì<:L.J.nium lcx::ated in Portal Plaza, øart:hwest ............ of Portal Averue and stevens creek Eb.ùØllll%d. It was JIØI8d by Courk::. Gatto, secxn:Jecl by CC1ur.c:. J<'.cRI8l and I""øa'9d unanimcus1y to "WLW8 staff No· ··,-mtiat. It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, l16C>Ciùed by Courk::. ~L6 and I"""''3ecl unanimcusly to authorize rent m a 12 mcr:th lease with ldllllJals annually until the Senior and Harñio ~l~ fblsin;J ~~_ has a project. Cameil indicated that there cnùd be a bridge of a month or two if nBC"""a"Iy. 38. RevifIM of 0JI1I'Ity General Plan Work PL""': LCWI. It was IIIaII8d ty Courk::. Jb]ers, secxn:Jecl by Courk::. !!'.oppel and I""a....... unan~ly to authorize the Mayor to sign the }AL' \<:>Secl letter with ~,¥áate =rrectiŒlS. -21- Civic Service Award Portal Plaza condominium C.)Unty General Work Program . Ord, 802 amendment BMR fee waiver for Forum Life Care . . MINlJI'E.S OF 'IHE 1>JJGJST 7, 1989, RmJlAR CIT'i axJNCIL MŒI'ING (CC-773) Marge Haramen, League of wanen Voters, CH.."...rded council action. 39. Request to initiate ame¡.JIoe¡/t of ordinance No. 802 regu.1ati1'g adult oriented ............rcial activities. It was JOOVed by counc. Jàmson, sec:JC) '}jed by Came. Kqp!1 an:l pas=ñ unaninrAJsly to authorize a p.lblic heari1'g to amerrl the adult oriented ~rcj.al activitip.s ordinance as suggested by staff. 40. DiSC"l<¡;.c:im of Below Market Pate (FMR) Fee Waiver far Forum Life Care facility. '!he City Attorney stated he did not believe that the permit could be c:han;Jed. Jctm vidovich told Cameil that he had received a use permit for oalojL~te care units in 5ept.eDi)er of 1985. El Camino Hospital received their use permit in Na\feni:)er of 1985. El Camino was OŒISidered """"'I't fran the FMR requirement ~\1Se of their nc:I'1 profit status and not because the It!R p1:~Law was bei1'g abolished. He asked hew Courk::il cou1d charge ooe develq¡er far It!R units an:l not amt:her. Equal treat::meht wa1ld require that FOrum pay their fair share. Mr. vidovich told Courk::il he had consulted legal staff an:l had been told that the requirement cou1d have been intx:nd by enactin;J an ordinance prior to i9""rlnJ the permit. He requested that Cameil ask Forum to pay vol\B'1tarily. 'Ihe City Attorney stated that more than an ordinance wa1ld be required. A General Plan Ame1..}¡uc"t perta~ to It!R units wa1ld be ----w'!, Devel<..poel/t of (hrm1l'1ity Developnent cowan told ocuncil that the original It!R ocn:1itim was illplementecl in 1982 m Mr. VidcNich's I.AJllojLðpte care project. '!he city Attorney asked if originally had it been a 1ft;"""" use devel"'¥""".t. He was informed that yes, originally office use had been planned as 'Nell. '!he City Attorney clarified that ë!R>l:q)riate construction fees for the FOrum facility will be rei11stated as it is no 1eJn3er non-profit. Beth I.eder-Pack of Mid Peninsula Citizens for Fair HaJsi1'g stated that the intent of the original waiver shoold not be overlooked. '!he æR program was not yet dismantled when the use permit was awraved. -22- MINUl'ES OF 'IHE AIJGUST 7, 1989, REJGUlAR CIT'i axJNCIL ME:E:rIN:; (0::-773) HI'. Kilian stated that if the Belew MarKet Rate }ALU<: LCUU were still in place, there woold be st:rcn:J groon:is far revocation; however, this is net a clean situation. Rcbert W. Q.ùnlan, rep~ Fo:rum Lifecare, told Cameil that if they were goin;r to be makin:.J a decision that night, he woold request a oantinuance of the matter. He stated that l!aIt of the units have been spaIœn for and down payments received. Rancho San Antonio Retirement Services is a non-profit COI:pOIation. Cameil stated that the nature of the project still s .... to be the same. Cameil requested informatim shcwin;r Wiit is different regarding cash flow and requested details m the stIuc:tures of both El camino Hospital Cantirn.ùn::J Care and Fo:rum Life Care. Ms. Isder-Pack stated that she realized it W\:W.d be difficult to request the units, however, in lieu fees oculd be paid. HI'. vidovich <-...........n that Fo:rum Life Care W\:W.d net get blild:in:J peDllits in the meantime. If so, the questim of in lieu fees or units is IOOOt. '!he City Attorney directed that blild:in:J peDllits net be i........,.¡ until this matter is resolved. By 0CI'ISenSUS (with Came. Rogers. ~ nd) , Courk::il oontinJed this matter to their mestinj of August 21 at which time they will dee'i M whether or net to oc:rxmct a public hearinq to CXl\Sider ~ the use peDllit. 41. Request fraD J. ccurtenay Heater for "WLU'Ial of grant a¡::plication for 'l11e Al¡:babet f\.,¿,..st. (a) Rssolutim No. 7908: "A Rssolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~in;r the Awlicatim for Grant F\Inds frail the UXban Forestry Grant PLU<: LGIB under the California Wildlife, Coastal, and Parkland Ca1servation Bc:n:i Act of 1988 for the Follcwinq Project: Trees - A Pro-Growth Pì.~QßI." J. Coortenay Heater, 1110 Milky Way, ð.lh. -~ed Courk::il regaIàinq the oarx:litiCX1S attached to any a¡::plicatim for the grant:. Fl.u'xis woold be for tree plar.tin::J a1ly m city 1,...rxi other than parks. -23- Alphabet Fore, grant app. . Tree ordi- .ce revie . MINUl'ES OF '!HE AIX;Usr 7, 1989, REX:;UIAR CITY axJNCIL MEF:I'ING (0::-773) It was moved by Ca.1I1C. Jd1nson, seoorxied by coorx:. ~ arx:l paS~ u:nani:ønIsly to adc¢ the resolutia1 an:l authorize an amo.mt not to exceed $500.00 to CXNer cost of awlicatia1 preparation. Mr. Heater will '-'OI'k with Mr. viskovich on the application. Nan::y Hertert told Courk::il that Rainbow Drive ca.1ld use sane trees in the JII"rl;"'1'1. She also stated that trees alcn;J FoathiH Boulevard in the ~;",1'1S an::l on stevens creek Boulevard at Foothill, as well as alon; ' stevens Canya1 Road, "IP"'r distressed because of lack of water. She su;¡gested that council use rec:J",i~ water durin;J this dr'c:Ju; ht. Mrs. Hertert may call the City's service Center an::l mantiCI'! the specific trees she had noticed. Followin;J ñi """'8e'ia'l regarding the types arx1 sizes of trees planted in different neighborb:xxJs, Mr. viskovich stated that with a variety of tL --, not all are destroyed sbculd one beo ..... ñi"-~~. Also, it did not force one particular type of tree m all of the residents of an area. 42. Review of Tree ordinance relative to remaval of trees on residential lots. J. O:1.Irtenay Heater, 1110 Milky Way, aàdI 1 "00 Cameil regardin;J the OOI'o.qJl of energy use in residences and sun-dimini.shin fo1i~. He ..t....eseed the ~ of i'Luwtin;J foliage growth to prevent heat islarXls. He urged that we pratect these life-¢vin;J creatures (trees), especially in this tiE of need. steven Haze stated that the City's 0Idinance 778 was }AL..llj good. He did ~: T" octìcern regardin;J Sect1m 6.1 ~d1 e:.-.\.Ls residential hillside areas. He felt that a heritage tree listin;J wa.ù.d be in the City's benefit. Mrs. HerrIIIOOez of Santa llICia Rœd, told Courk::il that \/hen remaval of vegetatiCX'1 results in dan;Jer to existinJ neighbors, CXl\Sideratim sbculd be given. Discnssim followed regarding slopin;J hillsides arx1 erosim as well as the c:uttin;J down of oak trees. It was moved by Courk::. Jd1nson, seoorxied by Courk::. Rogers an::l paesed 4-1 with Courk::. Kqp!l dissentin;J, to explore the definition of heritage trees an::l provide Cameil with informatim regarding same. Came. Kqp!1 dissented because she felt the pl'¥=6ð.l was not strin;Jent enough. coorx:il directed staff t.:> ¡x.¡rsue a review of the RHS ordinance regardirç vegetation an::l erosion. -24- MINlJI'ES OF TI:IE AIX;UST 7, 1989, RmJIÆ CITi roJNCIL ME:EI'TI«; (0::-773) 43. Consideration of revision to the regulatioos for solicitors. (a) First readin;J of ~ No. 1505: "An Ortiinan:'e of the City cooneil of the City of 0Jperti00 A11Ie\'xiin;J C1apter 5.20 of the CUpertino MJni.cipal COde Relatllq to the Regulatim of Solicitors. " It was nrwed by Courk::. Rogers, sec.xn::Jed by Courk::. Gatto and pas....n Ul'1allÌJIØJSly to read ~ No. 1505 by title aùy am the City Clerk's readin;J to oalStitute the first readin;J thereof. 44. Request for JOOdification to CUpertino MJni.cipal COde C1apter 3.24 regardin;J p.1Id1asin; durin; an ~. (a) First readin;J of ~ No. 1506: "An ordinarv::e of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpert.in0 A11Ie\'xiin;J 01apter 3.24 of the CUpertino MJni.cipal COde, Purchase of SUR>lies and EquipDeut, to Prcv1de for FUrå1asin; in Time of Declared Emergency." It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Rogers, sec.xn::Jed by Courk::. Gatto and I"'~....n \.II'Ial'liDø1sly to read ~ No. 1506 by title a1ly and the City Clerk's readin;J to Ca1Stitute the first reading thereof. 45. OX1sideratim of an ordinance 8IIIIIIñirç the s¡'Hd limit m Bo11in;Jer Road west of DeAnza Eb.ùevanl. (a) First reading of ordinance No. 1507: "An ordinarv::e of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpert.in0 A11Ie\'xiin;J 01apter 11.12.030 of the CUpertino MJni.cipal 0:Jde, Relatin; to FBt.ablishment of Prima Facie Speed Limits en BoUin;Jer Road, west of DeAnza Eb.ùevard." It was IIIaII8d by coone. Rogers, seoa).]e.J by Came. Gatto and I"'~ser1 ~ly to read ~ No. 1507 by title a1ly am the City Clerk's readin;J to ..........titute the first reading thereof. WRITl'EN CXHIJNICATIctG 46. Na'1e. -25- Solicitor's ordinance 1st reading Ord. lS05 Purchasing duri emergency 1st reading Ord. lS06 Speed limit- Bollinger/DeAn: 1st reading Ord. lS07 · 2nd rcading Ord, l503 Ord. l503 enacted · 2nd reading Ord. l504 Ord.. 1504 enacted · MINUI'ES OF 'IHE AIX;UST 7, 1989, REn1IAR CITY CUJNCIL MEE:rIN::; (0::-773) ORDrnANC::æ 47. 5eca1d readin;J arx1 ena",:UU..llt of Ordina."x::e No. 1503: "An Ordinance of the City Cameil of the City of Olpertino A1Den:lin:] Gecticn 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Rezaùn::J ~tely 5.2 Acres fraD Al-43 Za1e to æs Za1e; Located a1 the sœt:hwest Side of Regnart Read ~tely 2400 Ft. sooth of Lin:ly lane (Awl1catim 5-Z-89 - Hansen) ." It was IIIaII8d by Came. Rogers, sec:x::nied by Came. Gatto ani I""~~ed unanimously to read Ordinance No. 1503 by title a1ly and the City Clerk's t"8IIdin:J to cxn;titute the seoaud readinq thereof. It was IIIaII8d by Came. Gatto, sec:x::nied by Courk::. Rogers and I""a~ed unanimously to enact Ordinance No. 1503. 48. Seoaud readinq arx1 enactment of Ordinance No. 1504: "Än Ordinance of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpert.in0 A1Den:lin:] sectia1 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Rieza11n::J Aw1:aad-tely .39 Acres frail R2-4.25 Za1e to Rl-7 Za1e; Located m the west Side of Merri:man Read Northerly of santa IJx:i.a Read (AR;>1icatioo 6-Z-89 - Rsutzel) ." It was IIIaII8d by Came. Hogars, seoo.dt:d by Courk::. Gatto arx1 P"-ed unanimously to read Ordinance No. 1504 by title a1ly arx1 the City Clerk's readinq to .~,..",3titute the seoald readinq thereof. It was IIIaII8d by Came. Gatto, ~dt:d by Came. Rc9=s and I""--ed unanimously to enact Ordinance No. 1504. RESOwrIœs 49. Na'1e. STAFF ~'S 50. oral reports by staff ~-eIS - Na1e. Mr. Viskovich gave an update re;Jarding the ~ of Highway 85. It looJcs like north of 280 ooold be c:p!n in Dec;ømher of this year with the partim SOl1th of 280 c.pen in three years. 'Ihis ~d result in the widened Highway 85 exitin:; in D.Jpertino. -26- MINlJI'ES OF '!HE 1\IJGJST 7, 1989, RmJI1\R CIT\{ a:xJNCIL ~ (0::-773\ 51. Update on Highway 85: ~. saratoga-5unnyva1e Readl85 Cameil was inrvu.a..l that the san Jose etaff IRJR>01. ts Alternate No. 1 'oIhid1 is a partia].l_t....ictiem em Rz1inbcw in san Jose. '!his ~ ~ be goin:;¡ aver DeAnza Boolevard arx1 citizens are octloemed regardin;J the visual aspect. Courk::il ~ a L"",...b.inq sbowin:;¡ the ovezpass fran different l<x:atiCX1S in the area. Cameil also requested ~ wi t."'1 the ovmpass arx1 saD'Xi walls superh'lX sed. At 12:20 a.m., CaJ U l!Idjoozned to O:w1fe.."",aAS Rcc:m A for a Closed sessim per.aininq to '""'1',i ..itia1 of property- DeAnza Racquet Club site. At 12:25 a.m., Courk::il recxnvened in QumIho,... Came. Pres_IL: Gatto, Jàmsa1, ~, Rogets, Mayor Pl1.D1:1Y staff Pl SMJt: City Manager Brcwn City ClElIit O""...lius Director of Public Wœ1œ v:iskDlriål Director of n--11'\ity DøY8l......-ll cowan City Attorney Kilian ŒANZA R1itTI'n:oJ' I"'I'JIR It was IIIaII8d by Mayl ---¡ungy, 6eCCII'II:Jed by Ooorx:. Gatto arxi I""a"'«t UI'1a1'IiDø.1sly to institute pnwicus offer arxi r8ject the }AL_ty owner's 0 Ir. At 12:27 a.m., Courk::il . ljoumed. ~~0 City ClElIit -27-