CC 09-05-89 " þ CITY OF aJPERI'INO, STATE OF CAI..IF<:IOC[A 10300 'lU<l<t: AVÐIUE, C1Jfl.KL'LX>, C'A 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 0:-775 MINt.1æ) OF '!HE RmJIAR MEE:I'IN:; OF '!HE CI'lY CXXJNCIL HEID 00 SEPI'EMBER 5, 1989, CDJNCIL aÐ\MBI!:R, CIT'i HAIL 10300 'IOR:<t: AVENJE, aJPERI'INO, C'ALUORNIA SAllJI'E ro '!HE FIAG '!he meetin:J was called to order by Mayor Plun:¡y at 6:45 p.m. ROIL CAlL Cc:urx;. Present: Johnson, Kq:pe1, Regers, Mayor Pluny Cc:urx;. Absent: Gatto þ Staff Present: City Manager Brown City Clerk COJ:nelius Director of Public Works Viskovidl Director of C'hmo"Ùty Devel~Jt Q:Jwan Director of Finance snyder Assistant to the City Manager Brown Director of Parks and Rec::reatim Dcw1bq City Attœ:ney Kilian ~ - Na1e. ORAL <XHUIICATIaIS Donald am..LL, 729 stendhal Lane, 0Jpertin0.L"'}AL: s ..Lative for the Santa Clara Q:unty Bicycle .bscciatim, told Camcil that his group \IOJ:'ks to reIII:J\I8 r_t....ictiCX1S m bicyclbq arx1 to encourage b.:....ì'Clbq. '!be bicycle is a seriCAJS piece of t.ransport4tia1. '!be Bicycle Assoc:iatia1 PL........tes """"""'tim arx1 does have a film m hew to ride a bicycle COu......tiy. 'Ihey also þL.........te the wearirg of he:l:met:..., particularly with children. 0Jpertin0 is a good -l- MINUTES OF '!HE SEPI'DIBER 5, 1989, RIDJIAR CITY CCXJNCIL MEEI'ING (0::-775) city for bicycliIq. He ~d like to work with Public Harks Department am provide irplt. He stated that he has discovered one prcb1em with bike lanes goiIq west on stevens creek BcWevard; they su::Jdenly step on maney. rl Pl'-": LOW "Effective Cyclin:J Pl'-": LdIII" is available. Mr. a.u:nett was erx:a.¡raged to contact the schools regardin;J the bicycle safety pI'-": LdIII. Jàm Marshall, 11101 So.lth Ste11in:J Road, told Camcil he is not reœi vin:J answers to his CUPertino scene soorxi-offs. He specifically mentioned one regardin;J redwood L. -- at Jo11yman Park dyiIq. He called the Serlioe Center and was told that they had started waterin:J them and are hqJin:J to save them. Mr. Marshall also said that he had read in the OJpertino eoorier that Nick Szabo had requested certain information to be available in the City Hall. He felt that was a very good idea; people need to learn how carrlidates stan:i on the positions. Maybe there is low voter turnc:ut because people don I t know the candidates' positions. He asked what was ~ in regard to a Highway 85 exit to DeAnza COllege and was told that any final decisim in that matter had not yet been made. In regard to neighboIhood watch Pl'-": LOW, he said there is one at the RcuI'dt:ree c:::onXminium oœplex; however, when saœ }'OOIJ:1 people had junpecl the fence into the pool area, the Sheriff's Department ~d not CXIIIe out when they 'A'er8 called. In ic:......... regardin;J code enfuroement, Mr. Marshall said that he has seen the Code Enfœ:~lt Officers taJdn;J down garage sale signs, ka1t they don't take da.n election signs nor signs :recruitin;J paperboys. Mr. Marshall stated that COOs Enfon.....u....t shoold be enforcinq ather thin;¡s besides garage sale signs. CEREHIŒAL MA:L'!'~ - PRESENTATICNS ProclamatiCX1S ha1orin:J Patty Biss am Julie SChott, Recreatim T~TS. '!he Mayor presented proclamations to Ms. Biss am Ms. SChott. CXN;ENI' CAInmM. Came. ib;Jers rem::lll'ed Item No.5. It was DDVed by Came. Rogers, seconded by Came. Johnsa'1 am r<'a"'ed unanimcus1y (4-D) to ¡ç:prove the balance of the COnsent Calendar as sutm1ttecl. -2- MINUl'ES OF 'IHE SEPI'EMBER 5, 1989, REGJIAR crJ:'l CXXJNCIL ME:ETING (0::-775) 1. Resolutim No. 7919: "A Resolution of the City Cameil of the City of eupertim Allowin;1 Certain Claims an:l Denands Payable in the ~ arxi Fran the F\In:1s as Hereinafter Described for General arxi Miscellaneoos Expenlitures for the Period En:ii1J! A1J:3ust 25, 1989." 2. Request for waiver of false alarm fees for Slate's Auto Service. 3. Request for waiver of false alarm fee far John Biandrl. 4. Reso1utim No. 7920: "A Resolutim of the City Cameil of the City of CUpertino ApproIrin;1 C'roma111ity Devel~.t Block Grant o::ntract Beboieen the cnmty and the city of CUpertino far Fiscal Year 1989-90 arx1 Authorizin;1 Executim of A,¡Lðdbe1It." 5. Reuoved fran the O:n;ent Calerx:Jar. 6. AR>l1catim ASAC 51,874.1 - RåJert H. lee & Jlssociates (Si1ell Oil): Requestirq awroval of a new fence, exterior modificatiCX1S arx1 lightirq and mmif'icatiCX1S to a Planned Devel~1t sic¡n PL"':ILCIIII for an existing service station. Location: Northeast corner of stevens creek Eb.ùevard arxi stellin;1 Read. Rec· ....-. ided for approval. 7. Request for budget "WLV}ALiatioo of $4,160 for increase in ha.1rs for administratim of C'roma111ity Devel~1t Block Grant Hcusinq Rehabilitatioo Pì.~GIB 1989-90 fiscal year. 8. Review of AloohoJ.ic Beverage CGI1tro1 license a¡:plicatim for FiBtrini' s, 10122 Bandley Drive. 9. Resolutim No. 7921: "A Resolutim of the City OaJncil of the City of CUpertino Appro\Tin;J a:nt:ract 01an:Je Order No. 7 for C'romanrlty center a.d1ciirxy'Memorial PaIit Expansim, Project No. 2001." 10. Resolutim No. 7922: "A Resolutim of the City Cameil of the City of QJpertim ApproIrin;1 Parcel Map and IJIpravement Plar -- of Property Located at 10760 Rae Lane: Developer, B. s. J:tú.lloo: Authorizin;1 Executioo of Inpravement A,¡.............It: Authorizin;1 signin:J of Parcel Map arxi Inpravement Plans." -3- · MINUrES OF THE SEPI'E}ffiER 5, 1989, REX;U1.AR CIT'I <nJNCIL MEEl'ING (œ-77 5) 11. Acceptance of City project perfODDed under oartract: Ðlpire and Grand Street Inprovement Project 88-120 (Bellicitti and Pelliociotti). (No ñn(-I nnø1'!ts ~"azy.) 12. Resolution No. 7923: "A Resolution of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acx:epti.n;J Grant of ",.....--¡t for Roadway PIlzIxses frail Josep¡ F. McDa'Iiùd Ccndstin;r of Awrcodmately .063 Acre Located m P"'I.JDpect Road." 13. Resolution No. 7924: "A Resolution of the City Cameil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ARmwin;r the Awlicant far Grant F\mds Under the California Wildlife, Coastal, Park I.an:i Cmservation Act of 1988 for the Followin;J Project: Rebert W. ().1inlan C'rorm"1ity center, 0Jpertjn0. " þ 14. Review and approval of ñn(-Imvants pertaininq to 10346 Scenic Eb.ùevard. (a) Resolutim No. 7925: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizin;J ~cr. ':- the Mayor of Grant Deed frail City of 0Jpertin0 to Itself and D:nald D. arx1 Cheryl L. Brown. .1 (b) Resolutim No. 7926: "A Resolution of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizin;J ~m by the Mayor of FiIst Amendm&ilt to Ag1:..........IL Between City of 0Jpertin0 and Donald D. Brown re 1bISin;J ~..........IL." (c) Resolution No. 7927: "A Resolt..-t1m of the City a::uncil of the City of 0Jpertjn0 Acœptin;J pzrni <UJOry Note and Deed of Trust in the A1Ix:Junt of $239,000." (d) Resolutim No. 7928: "A Resolutim of the City Cameil of the City of 0Jpertjn0 Authorizin;J Notice of OaIpletion of CkI1struction at 10346 Scenic Boulevard." 15. Request for waiver of aminess License fees for ~, 1989 .."m,ittecl by Citizens for a Better Env1ra1ment. vote Ment>ers of the City Cameil AYES: Jàmsa1, ~, Rogers, Pluny None Gatto Na1e NOES: ABSEm': ABS'I1üN: -4- MINUTES OF 'IHE SEPI'EMBER 5, 1989, RmJIAR CIT'i CXXJNCIL MEE.T:rnG (0::-775) I'I'EMS REHJVE[) FR:M roNSENl' CAlENIIAR 5. Applicatim ASAC 26-U-88 - p;.~ Devel~.L: Requestinq ðþp.r.wal of buildinq materials and oolars, and finaJ. landscape plan for an offioejresiõential OOildinq. I.ocaticn: East side of p;.~ Averue, midway bea-n Granada AverI.Ie and stevens creek Eb.ùevard. Reo ····..rded for "WL..Nal. Director of l"rom'In'li.ty Devel"¥""'tt Cowan revieøl the ~L,-¥:-e-ed oolars. It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Rcgers, seoarvjed by Courk::. Jå1nsa1 and I"'~-ed unaninr::AJsly (4-0) to awrove Appllcaticn ASAC 26-U-SS per ASItC Rssolutim No. 1491. PUBLIC HFARDŒ 16. Na1e. PI.ANNIJtC APPLICATIæ8 l7. Na1e. ARCHITECltJRAL AND SITE APPRJIlAL C:Xaoru:J:J.12¡ APPLICATIæ8 18. Na1e. UNFINISHED !IJSINESS 19. Na1e. NÐi H.1SINESS 20. Designatim of vctin;J delegate far anr11IÙ I.eIIgue of California Cities OCZ1fereuoe, ()ctà)er 22-25, 1989. It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. ~'" seoonded by Courk::. lI'.oppel and I"''''E'ed unaninr::AJsly (4-0) to appoint Mayor Pluny as voting delegate and Mayor Fro ~e Jå1nsa1 as altemate. 21. Rq....-LL m bld ~ and award of oc:ntract, Traffic Signal Mcdificatim, MoClellan Read at stellin] Read, Project 90-l0l. It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Jå1nsa1, seocn:3ed by Came. Rogers and I'<\""'sed unaninr::AJsly (4-0) to award the oc:ntract to G1\B Canbtructim based m the lowest bid of $47,715.00 and to awrcve a 1St cx:ntin::Jerx:y for a tot:al of $54,872.25 with funds ~ :::ran the DeAnza AsS_~\-'lt District No. 66-1. -5- Mn¡UrES OF 'IHE SEPI'EMBER 5, 1989, ~ CITY CXXJNCIL MEETING (0::-775) 22. A¡;:proval of guidelines for banners for special occasions. Ann An;er, Nan=y 9.Jrnett of 729 sterr::1ahl lane, Barry 01an of Rosario Court, and D:Jn 9.lrnett all spoke in ~ of the banner say~ "Feace on Earth". It was m::we:i by Mayor P1un;w, secc:nBi by Came. Rogers and I"'aaed (3-1) with Came. Krß:>e1 dissent:irq, to the banner depictin;J a dove with "Feace on Earth" in full_ized letters at the tcp of the banner and "Fran Olpertino at the bottan of the banner with the word "fran" in half_ized letters. A star shall be reDX:IIIecl fraD the banner. Banners are to be installed on every pole and the tlu,i!me area shall be DeAnza Boolevard bet\.-n 280 and Bollinré'er and stevens creek Boolevard between stellin;J and Blaney, 'lhese banners are to be erected dur~ the ~... holiday 11--......,. Cameil a~ the ncn-city event crit""da aft pns_.Led in the staff L"¥'rt. 23. eonsideratim of ~............t regarding sant. ::lara Valley Nanpoint So.Iroe Pl"":lLaw." (a) Resolutian No. 7929: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of Olpertino Authorizin;J Exec::utia1 of 'Extension of J\o; 1.eeIuo:..«' fA0866 RIagartiilç Santa Clara Valley NcqJoint source Pl~aw', With santa Clara Valley Water District and Participating Agencies in Santa Clara ccunty." It was lIICJII't1è by Came. Jà1nsa1, seoo...J.,d by Came. K/::g)el arx1 passed unaniJInmly (4-0) to adept the Resolutim. 24. Designatim of votinJ delegates arx1 alternate votinJ delegates, AnrJJal o...~....s of Cities, November 25-29, 1989. It was IIIaII8d by Came. Rcgers, secxnBi by Ccunc. Jå1nsa\ and pas:s:ed unanimously (4-0) to awoint Barbara A. ~s as the vot~ delegate arx1 BaIDara ~l as the alternate. WRI'ITEN CXJoIMUNICATICH) 25. None. ORDINANCES 26. None. -6- MINtJl'ES OF 'mE ~ 5, 19B9, Rræl1\P. ClT'{ cmNCIL MEF..TING (0::-775) RESOIlJITOOS 27. Resolutim No. 7931: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::i1 of the city of CUpertino Erx!ors~ SF Bay - Delta Water Quality staroards to Protect Beneficial Uses of the san F'rëm::1sco Bay - Sacramento/san Joaquin Delta Fstuazy. II (Came. B. ~) It was IIIaII8d by Came. Jc:imsa1, secxn:Jed by Courk::. Rogers and f""'!'9ed unan:iI1nIsly (4-0) to adept the Resolutim. STAFF ~::¡ - None. CXXJNCIL ~::¡ 31. Came. Johnson - Iß;Jislative Review l"nmIittee - It was DM:JVed by Courk::. Johnson, seocn:!ec1 by Came. ~ arx1 f""a....... UI'1aI'IiJInJsly (4-0) to take the foll~ actiœ rergardin:J }AL'¥'Sed legislation: %JOSe }AL"¥=sed CDBJ reauthorizatiœ d1a1'xJes arx1 HR 2196; AB 1654 (Ca;ta), declicatia1S, reoonveyanoe to developer. SU¡:port AB 939 (5her), AB 80 (Killea) and SB 1261 (Bergescn), solid waste, recycl~ .......""D:'es, if amended; AB 30 (IG.ehs), California anti~ superfund. CaJncil directed that a letter be sent to Senator ~yat1 tl'Iankin] her for her ameJÙléul to SB 172 rEIIIICIr~ local government fraD the prcwisiCX1S of th6 bill. At 7:50 p.m., Cameil adjClUZTled. Çw ¿¿~ ci Cl -7-