CC 10-02-89
. ,.
10300 'Iut<l<t; AVE1roE, CIJPERI'IN), CA 95014
'l'EIEfH:NE: (408) 252-4505
l0300 '!1Jt(1(t; AVEMJE, aJFERl'IH:), c::AL:IFtAIIA
'n1e meeting was called to ozt)er by Mayor Plun;¡y at 6: 05
p.m. in O::nfmenoe RI:x:ID A.
Counc. p,¡, S .-IL:
Gatto, Johnsa1, Kqpù, ~.., Mayor Plun;¡y
staff PJ:: S iL:
City Clerk Con1elius
Interview of applicants far Ð1ergy l"nmIi and
8RIOiut.-..íL to office.
Camci1 interviewed BemIIrd lfalvo>l"9'", p.... '1 Mistry, and
JåIn statt.a1.
It was 1IICMId by Courk::. Gatto, seootìd6d by Courk::. Vqpel and
r--'1ed unaniJaaJs1y to 8RI01nt JåIn stat:ta:I to the 0Jpertin0
Energy l"nmIi ....ia1.
At 6:30 p.m., Courk::il adjoozned.
Cameil recx:nvened in the ocunci1 0.-...1« at 6:45 p.m.
Counc. PL s ~IL:
Gatto, JciIIIS(.b, J!'rIIpel, ~S, Mayor Plun;¡y
staff Pru íL:
City MIm!IIger Brown
City Clerk cmnelius
Director of Fublic Works Viskovich
Director of ('nr.nn"ity DeIIel"¥"",,IL 0::Jwan
Assistant to the City MaMger Brown
Director of Finance Snyder
Director of Parks arx1 Recreatim Dcwling
Fublic Infozmation Officer xrey
City Attomey Kilian
Energy Commiss iOI
Hwy 85/Rain-
bow inter-
It was IIDIIed by Came. Gatto, I3E!Oa'XB:i by Courk::. Jå1nsa1
arx1 I"'Iesed unaniJur::usly to oc:ntinue I~ No. 13 and 21 to
the regular¡ of Octt::¥:)er 16.
Proc:lamatiŒ1 dec1arin:¡ Octt::¥:)er, 1989 as Paratransit
SeJ:vic:es Mcnt:h.
Mayor Pluny}AL : .led the prcc1amatim to a l~ S Ullative
of 0Ut:reaål and E9... L.
Mayor Pluny L"'t""Llsd that he had received a letter frail
Wally Dean stat1n;r that in 1991, 0Jpertin0 will be the host
of the Western za. SWinmilx¡ ~iŒ1Bhip.
Dicit I.àmdller, 119l Stafford Drive, ~ ned his cpinJ.a1
regardin;J the 85jRainbow~: 1) 'lhe right of the
Rainbcw Drive residents is for the best (!I, .:~a p::ISSible
(Altemate No.1) with a ù-wl1ay right turn to Rainbcw. 2)
'lbere shcu1d be legitimate use of the ~ av>ti'Mle
to 0CIIIII.IteIB. 3) O:nIider the rights of the residents WBSt
of the ~. He .."hftittecl c:q>ies of a statEmè\jL to
city Cameil - . c...
Jere Kinnan, steerirg l"nmI~ttee, said he was dist:urbed that
it is bein:¡ said that the l'Y'OmIittee is for no a.....-.~. He
asked that the groop not be painted into a oonaer; they
want to be OO<'{.......Uve arx1 helpful.
Gw.dt.... Frolià1, 1202 Belknap Cblrt, ðrilh-~ cnmci1
regardin;J the public hearin:¡ held Sept"_.¡ er: 19, at 1I41idt
time he made re1'w,...._ to a diagram he had drawn. He
pointed art: an e:t.LUL and stated there actually was mare
traffic m stellin:¡ than he had ariginally said. He
"",hftittecl copies o~ his remarks regardin:¡ available cptiCX1S
far a sa.rt:NJeJul'ñ exit arx1 stated that everyŒIe S~ .... to
like Alternate E. He suggested that Courk::il OŒ1Sider
Alternate F ~ch consists of a depressed exit læp: also,
Alternate G which includes three signals.
Mr. Frolic:h tha."1Iœd Courk::il for the ungaIbage pickups.
MINUl'ES OF 'IHE ocroBER 2, 1989, CITi cnJNCIL ~
Dazwin 'Ibra1e, 22958 eric:kst H.',ll Read, aàh.,.,-aed Courk::il
regarciin:J the plaJ'lr1in; ~L' <-,a for I...::l.eatim. He said
that a low value In .... to 00 p,..rRI m re.....að.tim
facilities in Q¡pertino¡ however, their loss results in
deterioratim of the quality of life in the City. He
~ that if It of the inv....L.a.:..tL in residential ~,
estate were taIœn and invested in I.........að.tim, the value of
0Jpertin0 }AL~L.i wuld increase. He requested that
Cameil have L"¥L"S ..latives with rec:reatim interests
involved in develqlin:¡ B1ases II and III of the Ger....a.l
Plan. He offered his help as far as the ("~J" l"nmIittee,
Rid1ard H%risc:n, 1449 Pr:imrœe Way, ðddl -....... Courk::il
regarciin:J Highway 85. He stated that he is writin;J a
letter to Will KøIpta1¡ that Baratoga-Bunnyvale
Read be ~ -ed, that Highway 85 be fUlly ~""-agd, that
the watexway be diverted, that there be urban intert:harJ;es,
and that Rainbow Drive ~- be separated frca the
~ an:! net ........-.ted to the ~~ '"fY.
Direct:ar of PUblic ~ka Viskovich stated that these i~
are beiJq pn'BU8d.
City Manager BI:own told Courk::il that he will d1ec:k with Mr.
I<'.eIIpta1 to see if .1 f.........' letter frail the City¡
~ iteaB is J"AÇ -ry.
Ann An]er r8IpIStecl that I~ No. 9 be rEIIICIII8d. It was
IIICII8d by QuIc. a..,,-.., by QuIc. Gatto an:! p----T1
l.II'1alÚJIDJsly to ðt¥Luv'Ø the balance of the a.._ IL Calendar
as sutm1tted.
1. J\cxJeptaooe of Ar1nJal Affimative Aocticr1 ~ t..
2. P<>tl-t frca T-gue of ~I voters for 1IIIaiver of fees
for use of the senior n--núty center.
3. J\cxJeptaooe of municiI"'l iDprov&œnts: (a) Mariani-
southwII!Ist o..u...... of ~ Eb.ùevam. (b)
vidaviå1 -<hat.eau 0Jpertin0, Torre Aveme. (No
tŸIn..-rttatim r- ~ ~ My. )
4. J\cxJeptaooe of City ·rojects perfnrIIWI under .....1t....aCt::
Ca) Ar1nJal Slurry seal, Project 89-l06 ~lds).
(b) Traffic Signal Mod1ficatioo, Project 5008,
Rainbow/stellin:] ~). (c) AnrIJa1 OVerlay,
Project 89-l05 (Raisch). Cd) Pawmellt Restoratim,
Project 89-104 (laB). (No docl1mø'1tatioo ne<-"ary.)
Consent Calendal
I MI:}I{Jm; OF M œIDBFR 2, 1989, ClT'l a:JJNCIL MEEl'IlC
5. Resolution No. 7947: "A Resolution of the City c::amc::il
of the City of 0JpertiIx> AuthoriziIx1 Execut:im of
~u.=.....t Between the City of san Jose and the City of
CUpertino for MaintenaraI of Traffic Signals UI'r:!er
Joint JUrisdictim."
6. Reso1utim No. 7944: "A Resolution of the City c::amc::il
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Al1CJWin:;J Certain (',..~""" and
Demands Payable in the A1Inmts arx1 fran the F\.1ræ as
Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the
Payroll Period En:iirq Sept _.¡.er 12, 1989."
7. Resolutim No. 7945: "A Resolutim of the City Council
of the City of 0Jpert.in0 AllCJWin:;J Certain ClaiJœ arx1
Demands Payable in the A1Inmts and Frau the F\.1ræ as
Hereinafter Described for General an:} Misoe] lanecus
Experxtitures for the Period Endinq 5epteDi:)er 23, 1989."
8. AR>licatim ~ 5l,845.4 - Digital Equi.....t cmp. -
Requestin;J ðR'Lwal of plan to insta11 an ....i ....iCX1S
.......It....ul system Wiål includes a roof IID.II'1tecl stack for
an in:lustrial/offioe bl1i1t'l;rç located m Ridgeview
CIcurt, south of Pruneridge Avenue. Reo:, ····....ded for
9. Remaved fran the a... i IL Calerœr.
10. Resolutim No. 7946: "A Resoluticn of the City CJuooi1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Settirx.J D!te for CCI'1sideratim
of Annexin; Area Designated ,)t:Clellan RoIId 89-10' ,
PrqJerty I.ccated m the North Side of )t:Clellan RoIId at
Mira vista; ~....,n....tely 0.278 Acre, Haxsie (Am
357-05-0(2), an:} waiver of fees.
~ .,¡ «'ill of the City Courk::il
Gatto, Jà1nsa1, Koppel, Rogers, Pluny
I'IiH> RÐIJ\1ED F1Q( casmr CAIÐmI\R
9. AR>licatim ~ 51,857.2 - R1à1ard. C. Bensa1 -} approval of revised elevatiCX1S for a
previCAJSly ðR'roved 1,183 sq. ft. seccni story additim
an:} a l33 sq. ft. ent:zy addition to a duplex located at
21592 Missim Way, off Peninsula Avenue. Reo .....ÞYIded
for awravaJ..
App.. ASAC
MINt1!.'FS OF M CX!roBrn 2, 19M, CJT'i 0JJNC1L ~
Ann Arge:r, president of the Ma1ta vista IJipraYeIIIeI1t
Association, told o::uncil there is no street called Mission
Way any¡oore.
Director of cnrmnùty DevelU1A1ê1t Q:Nan said that he will
check with the post office. '!he awlicant had given that
as the address of the ~. ~a to the lot is trail
Peninsula Avenue.
Richard BenscI'1, VarDeIbilt Drive, San Jose, told Cameil
that the OJpertino Post Office does call it Missim way.
Also, the a'!'':''')t'''!IQr's parcel rnnnhoor refers to Mission way.
It was maved by Courk::. Gatto, seocniecl by Courk::. Koppel and
I"'~aed unanboc:u3ly to aw=ve the awlicatim per ~
Resolution No. l495 and that staff ~ the .......L...::t
11. ApplicatiCX1S 8-Z-89, 1C>-'IH-89 arx1 25-EA-89, 0Jpertin0
unim SàIool District - Reza1in;J cme lot of 4. o± acres
in the BÞ. (Public aill.din;) ZCI1e to Rl-6 (Residential
Sin;Jle-family, 6,000 sq. ft. mini:III.mIlot size) ZCI1e1
Tentative Map to divide me lot into l8 sin;Jle-family
lots ran;Jin;J in size frail 6,100 sq. ft. to lO,225 sq.
ft. (gross) . Located at 19900 Price Aveme (W1lsa1
SàIool Site) . Envira1menta1 Deteminatim: '!he
p~ l"nmIi ..1m reo -...-. ds the grantin;J of a
Negative Declaratim. Reo~· ...._'Ide:l far ~wal.
(a) First readin;J of ordinan::1e No. 1509: "An
ordinance of the City Courk::il of the City of
0Jpertin0 AIIIer1din] 5ec:tim 1 of ordinance No. 2 by
Rezc.rún:] Q1e lot of 4. o± J\c:res frail BÞ. Za1e to
Rl-6 Za1e1 Located at 19900 Price Aver1I8 (W1lsa1
SàIool Site) (Applicatim 8-Z-89 - 0Jpertin0 unim
SàIool District)."
Director of cnrmnùty Developnent Q:Nan reviewed the
awlications with Courk::il.
Director of Parks and RecreatiŒl D:Jwlin;J showed Courk::il the
~"'lœed baseball Iii""" rd laycut for the adjacent park.
Director of Public Works Viskovich reviewed the ~L~S9d
parkin; lot.
DiSC'1~"ion followed ~ a blffer road bebÆ!en the
park and banes to be used by city and emergen=y vehicles
App. 8-Z-89,
Geraldine steinberg, LqJL_entirg the School District,
reviewed the ~'!' to date.
Jåm Carlsen, 989 01apel Way, San Jose, stated he was
speaJcin;J far foor owners an Ft> '!bey are hamr with
the plans exc..~L they would like the lots next to the
existin; residential tmits to be sin;le-story.
steve 01ase, 19979 Rodrigues Averme, stated that he WCIIùd
like the street widened prior to c:xmstru:::tim start:ilç or
different çoeaa for OCI'1Structian worIœrs and troc:Jœ. He
requested that Hall COOrt be kept c:p!n and ""i-'L sd
oouoern regardin;J emergeœy vehicles and all traffic m
Rodrigues. He asked how the park will be used prior to the
..L.......t design and ""+,L-,,ed o:::lIIoern ~ parJti.nq
durin; ooostructioo.
Bill stearns, 19967 Rodrigues Averme, ~ a.... ....oI.....el.l.
~ the ëIIIO.Il1t of traffic. He stated that his
IespCllse fraD the City and the PlaJ"Ø'Ùn} l"nmIi ....ioo was that
this deve1'"'1........t was already planned. He stated that there
is a public policy to equalize traffic and asked ~ plans
the City has for parJdn;J durin; the deve1,¥,"",Jl of the
paJ:X. He was infOI1llecl by staff that this i .....18 had been
aeJo:h. --sd and they feel that parkin:;J will be adequate.
Director of Fublic WOrJæ Viskovidl stated that there will a
stagin; of dsvel"¥"'='Jt and parkiDJ. '!his will be sct-''''ed
so there will be parkin:;J available 1Id1en the existing
parJdn;J is nIII:IYed. Read and bay parJdn;J will be provided
prior to the hcIIIes m Price bein:¡ b.ú.lt.
Warren sticJc1, l0233 SOUth Portal, said that he has ccuntecl
1.50 cars m peak days. He does not oamt the cars in fra1t
of his hcuse as these are not a prå)lem. He knew that with
a park would oaoe the street parkin;J. He did request that
the hcIIIes closest to the existin:z residential units be
sin;le-story and that the Cuu...Jt I!~'!' road next to his
hcuse not be disturbed. He said that normal parkin] new is
"WLu..-i-tely 100 or IICre cars.
Geoff Brawn, 10213 Scuth Portal, said that he had bought an
interior :1.1....: ~ the haœs would be b.ú.lt back yard to
back yard. He also requested that the J'l':!W haœs next to
the haœs be restricted to one sto¡:y and he would
be hamr to restrict his hCJuse to the CU1.l~Jl one-story.
Ms. steinberg stated that there were no objectiCX1S
~ maJdn;J these foor lots sin;le-story.
MnmFS OF 'lBE œIOBER 2, 1989 I C1T'í cnJNClL MEEl'I}(;
Dick !tier, civil Engineer-in;, stated that the flag lot, Lot
16, does have flexibility an1 he cnùd arient the ha1se
with a larger setback than the USl21 size setback.
It was DDVed by Courk::. Jålnsa'I, secon:Ied by Courk::. ~l
an1 passed U1'1iU1iDx:uJly to close the public hearin:J.
It was DDVed by Came. Jålnsa'I, seccn:Jed by Came. Gatto
an1 I""~a'9d U1'1iU1iDx:uJly to grant the Negative Declaratim.
It was m:wed by Courk::. Jålnsa'I, secon:iecl by Courk::.
an1 pase'9d U1'1iU1iDx:uJly to approve the z~ awlicatim
per PlaJU'Ún:] l" Resolution No. 4203.
It was DDVed by Courk::. Rcgers, seocn:ù:d by Courk::. Gatto arx1
I"'~a'9d l.D'1alÚJIDJsly to read Oràinanoe No. 1509 by title a1ly
an1 the city ClerK's readinJ to constitute the first
reaclin3' thereof.
It was DDVed by Courk::. Gatto, S8OCII'X3ed by Courk::. Jå1nsa1
arx1 r""~aed \.IMJÚJIIcUs1y to approve the grantin:J of the
Negative "'"""'aratim for the t&1tative map.
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, secxn:Jed by Came. Jå1nsa1
and passed \.IMJÚJIIcUs1y to "WLuv'8 1~9 per Planninq
l"nmIi....ia1 Resolutiat No. 4209 with oarxiitia1S amended to
read as follows:
1. ::;-=.1'~
st........t widenirç, ~ and I'WIiœtiCX1S shall be
provided in ðCOI:IrdaD:» with City standards and
~ifJ.caticnl and 118 ~ by the City Ðçineer.
'!he døY8lcper shall be I'11Ipi:JlSible for the døY8l"¥""'.l
of a half sheet plus 10 feet ~'W1 the westerly
!:x:Iun:m:y of the "'1bdivisim and Blaney AvenJe. '!be
request includes the "'"J,i ..itim of right-of-way.
anœ and gutters, sidewallœ arx1 related stzucb.Ires
shall be installed in aocordanoe with ~codt:... and
standards as specified by the City En;Jineer.
3. ::;-=!' LIGHl'DC TIN1"JI.TJ'A'T'TŒ
st........t li.ghtinJ shall be installed arx1 shall be as
~ by the City Ðçineer. LightinJ fixtures shall
be pcsitia1ecl so as to prechñe glare and other fonœ
of visual interfeu..~ to adjoinin:J prqJerties, and
shall be 00 higher than the ....yilll1lll helght permitted by
the Za1e in which the site is located.
Public hear ing
1st reading of
Ord. l509
MINtJl'FS OF 'mE œIOBER 2, 1999, CITY cmNCIL ~
Fire hydrants shall be located as required by the City.
Traffic ocntrol signs shall be placed at locatiCX1S
specified by the City.
6. ::l!}<!:J:a' '.1}(..:..~
Street trees shall be planted within the Public Right
of Way and shall be of a type ~ by the City in
a=rdanoe with Ordinance 125.
GrëIdinJ shall be as ~ and required by the City
Erqineer in aocoràance with Ol:diname 125.
8. æAIlW;E
Drainage shall be provided to the satisfactia1 of the
City Erqineer.
SUrface flow across public sidewalks may be allCJWl8d in
the R-l, R-2 and R-3 Za1es Ul'Ùess storm drain
facilities are .. ~ r-:' -~"Y by the City EDJineer.
Devel...~_...l in all other zarln;J districts shall be
served by a1 site stœ:m drainage facilities ........-..'1:ecl
to the City stœ:m drainage system. If City stœ:m
drains are not 2IV"'ibhle, drainage facilities shall be
installed to the satisfactia1 of the City Ð1qineer.
9. tJt.t1":---.I~ tJI'TT.I".1""':S
'!he developer shall """'P'y with the requiJ:ements of the
undergraJnd utilities Ordinance No. 33l and other
related Ordinances and regulatiCX1S of the City of
0Jpertin0, and shall ooardinate with affected utility
providers for install.atim of UI1C1ergx'amd utility
devices. 'lhe developer shall snhftit detailed plans
shcMin;r utility UI1C1ergx'amd pravisiCX1S. said plans
shall be subject to prior awrcval of the affected
utility provider and the City Ð1qineer.
'!he project developer shall enter into a devel"'P""'lt
agleeho::lIt with the City of ClIpertino provic:ün] for
payment of fees, inc1udin3 but not limited to cl1ecIcin;r
ani iJ1spection fees, storm drain fees, park dedication
fees am. fees for undero:;r'amcii of utilities. Said
~u.="'" at shall be exec:utecl prior to issuance of
OCII'1Stzuction parmi ts.
Electrical tra"1Sfo:rmers, tel~ vaults an:'! simil...r
above ground equi~/L enclosures shall be s.............ed
with fencing and laroaœrÚ'XJ or located. 1.11'1dergro.n:
such that said equi}oUlC'/L is not visible frail p.mlic
street areas.
'!he No» ...·-rãation of ~ is based on tentative
map exhibit of 1<>-'IM-89, ~L as may be ëIIIIE!n:1ed by
the cax:litions oontainecl in this Resolution.
In the event that the applicant or subse::¡uent prcperty
amer shall desire to make any minor d1an:3es,
alterations or ~It. of the a¡:p:roved devel~jL
plan, a written request or revised devel~at plan
shall Œ snhfti tted to the Director of Planning and
Devel~.L. If the Director makes a fin:ling that the
d1an:3es are minor and do not result in a material
affect upa1 the a¡:pearanœ ar functia'l of the project,
said c:han;Jes may be certified m the revised plan. If
~ of said d1an:3es is witnheld, the applicant may
'''It'"'''''' to the Planning l"nmIi....ia'l.
If the Director finds that the requested d1an;es are
material, such d1an:3es shall be referred to the
Planning l"nmIi....i.m far ~. If the d1an:3es am
derùed by the Planning C'hnmi, the applicant may
'''It'"'''''' to the City Courk::il as provided in City
ordinance No. 652. If said åIarxJes are a¡:p:roved by the
Planning ChmIi....i.m, an aP.;)8al may be made to the City
Cameil by any interested party. F\1rther, any ......¡.er
of the City Courk::il may request a hearing before the
City Courk::il regæ:àing said a¡:p:roved åIarxJes. said
request shall be made within ten (10) days frail the
dats of ~ of said åIarxJes by the Planning
C'hnmi "'$ion.
14. 'IREE 1'KJ!1:A.:!'J.ON
'!he awlicant shall provide a plan for pl: r:~:rvatim of
the indicated specimen LL crI the subject prcperty.
Said plan shall include YL,..iúc depicticrl of protectim
devices to be installed alm; the dripline perimeter of
each tree for the duratim of OC8'1StnIctim activities.
All mcisting structures m the site shall be :remcved
prior to or cx:n:urrently with project cx:nstxuc:tim.
'n1e developer shall ....""MIl> the re&palSibility to å:Itain
all required dem:>litim pezmits in acoordanoe with City
'n1e permnent parIdn;J for the wilsat Parlt expansia1
shall be installed. prior to demolitim of¡
parIdn;J located m the så100l site.
'n1e initial hwse cx:nstxuc:tim (initial brlldin;J permit
arx1 subsequent final t'InO'lpMCy) for hOHS'1!!S m Lots 1,
16, 17, and 18 shall be limited to sirçle story.
IDl' l6
'n1e Director of Public WOrlœ rrøy "WLuv'e a real~......1t.
of lat lines in the eubdivisia1 to increase t:he
east¡west d.imensim of rat l6. 'n1e fra1t and rear yard
is to the west and east side of the lat.
19. ~TJC T'RCITr.N
'n1e ..t.......;t sect1cr1 for the }AL' ,.:......, op1bd1visia1 shall
include a parkway sidewalk design. 'n1e sidewalk shall
be separated fraD the cw:b by a stamard climensicmecl
plantiJ'J] strip.
'!he title sheet of the final map shall include the
followizç statement:
'''Ibe OŒIStructim or cx=.¡pancy of brll~ may be
subject to res""...rictions i"l<sed by the City of
0Jpertin0 m file in the Department of nrwm.TrÚty
Devel~iL. I'
MI:NtJIE:j OF 'lEE OCIDBffi 2 I 1989, Cl'I"i WJNCIL MŒI'11«i
ea.ux:il also ëICIqrt:.ed P1arming r'rorn; -im Reso1utim No.
4202 initiatin;¡' pL" -.;1jngs to çprave a vehicular ",~a
pla" for the WilSŒ1 Park site that includes a~8 t:hJ:'QJgh
Hall court arx1 Blaney Avenue.
Courk::i1 directed staff to carrt:act neighborin¡ cities
regardin; 1~I'in¡ requirements.
RE)'R<:S: 9:15-9:25 p.m.
12. ~licatian No. 9-Z-89 am 26-FA-89 - Jose¡:i1 Park
Assoc. - Reza1in:} one lot of 45,56o± sq. ft. in the
Rl-I0 (Residential, Sin;¡'le-family, 10,000 sq. ft.
miniJøJm lot size) zone to P(Planned Devel,-¥"",,.L,
Residential Intent) zone; Use PeJ:mit to allew the
devel...".....,.tt of 11 residential townhaDes; Tentative Map
to divide one lot into 11 townhcme lots plus one lot
held in . . ..... ... llx:ated at 10100 vista Drive.
Envh........"htal Det:.erminatim: '!he P1.annin;J l"nmIi....icn
No:' ·,··-rds the grantin;J of a Negative Declaraticn.
Reo:..···-"Ided for~.
(a) First readin:¡ of cm:linarXJe No. 1511: "An
Ordinance of the City Cameil of the City of
Q¡pertino Amendin;J Sectim 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by
Rezarln;J Q1e Lot of 45,560± Sq. Ft. fraD Rl-IO
Za1e to P ZOne; I.oc:ated at 10100 vista Drive
(~licatim 9-Z-89 - Jœ!pì Park Aesoc.)."
It was IIIaII8d by counc. Rogers, secouded by Courk::. Gatto and
pt8S'ed unanimoosly to close the public hearinq.
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Riogets, MOOided by counc. Gatto arx1
pelE'S'oo unarúmous1y to çpraII8 the grantinq of a ~LiV8
Declaratim for A¡:p1icatim No. 9-Z-89.
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. ~.., secx:I1decl by Courk::. Gatto and
~e"~ unanimoosly to ~1.Ñ8 A¡:p1icatim No. 9-Z-89 per
P1.annin;J l"nmIi....ia1 Resolutim No. 4201.
It was IIIaII8d by Ccurx:. Rogers, secx:I1decl by cwnc. Gatto and
ptaaed. unanim:Jusly to read cminanoe No. 1511 by title a1ly
arx1 the City Clerk's readin] to oa.stitute the first
readin;J thereof.
It was IIIaII8d )7y Cwnc. Rogers, seoadecl by Courk::. Gatto and
pteøed UI'1aJ'1i:øxJusly to "WL1.Ñ8 the grantinq of a Negative
Declaratim for ~licatian No. 2~-89.
It was IIICYecl by Courk::. Rogers, secx:med by Courk::. Gatto arx1
pt"'9ed \.1I'IanÍJIOJsly to a¡:prove A¡:pliœtian No. 2~-89 per
Plêll1IÚn} l"nmI; ASia'1 Resolution No. 4l99.
App. 9-Z-89,
Public hear ing
1st reading of
Ord. l511
Hu~a!1 Services
fund ing
MINt1I'ES OF 'lHE OCl'OBœ 2, 1989, CI'l"{ <nJNCIL W;l'lI«ì
It was mavecl by Came. Rogers, secc:I'Ided by Came. Gatto and
I"'aaed \.II'WÚmCUSly to "WLv-Je the grantin;J of a Negative
Declaratim for Applicatioo No. 11-'IH-89.
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Rogers, seoŒJded by Came. Gatto and
I"'a~ unani.DnJsly to aWlo.Je Applicatim No. 11-'IH-89 per
Plamúnq l"nmIi....ioo Resolutla1 No. 4200.
Applicatim l<>-'D1-89 - see I~ 11.
Applicatim 11-'IH-89 am 2o-tJ-89 - See I~ 12.
13. Applicatim 3-V-89 - Mehdi Naderzad - Rsquest for
variance to sectlm lO.61.2 of Ordinance No. l4S0 to
e:xc-'I the 20 ft. mildinq height limitatim far a
structure located m an adjacent r~ine. 'Ib8
}AL~ty is located at 21260 RainI::Jcw Driv..
EI'1vira1a8tt:a DBteminatim: Categarically trI .,t..
~ . - A."Iied for denial.
(Previously cx:.ntin.Bi to the meeting of CJctà:)er 16.)
14. Ncne.
15. Na1e.
16. Jloaq-t rrc:a tbI Pllll'lnirlq ""-i....ten to ~ite a
~Al Plan AlBd....t. hearlnq to CXI\Sider illoeutiv. to
enocuraga the 1'8t8ntia1 of Private
It was IIIaII8d by o:ux:. Gatto, se........c1t.d by Courk::. ~. and
I"'''"'!'ed \.Il1I!1IÛJIII:y to !I.RJl'OII8 PlarInin;J l"nmIi....i tw1
Resolutim No. 4204. staff was directed to 811hftit a wade
}AL~GIB inc1udin;J sc:~ arx1 tiE table. '!his was for
informatia1 ClÙy.
17.!'~ of nI':" -·ldatiaw fraD Ibœn Services P\Indin;I
l"nmIittee and "WL"'¥Liatim frail the <JE!II&è fund.
Rœerta Gaxdella of QJtreaål and Escxnt, stated that there
has been a US8 iJx:rease in 0Jpert.ir0 of 43' She asJœd it
Courk::il oc:W.d auglu=1t. the reç..,..-ùo..l $6,835.00, wculd they
please do so. She stated that requests f= rides are
prioritized with such itelrs as dialysis caning first. '!he
cost of inlividual trips has dL"'i-~ fran $11.00 to $9.00
It was JIDVed by C::CUOO. Jà1nsa1, sec:orx3ed by Counc. Kq:pli
arx1 passed 1.InalÚJInIsly to increase the 1989 Human Serviœs
l'\Jrrlin;J Ib3get to $35,000 and the CXltreach arx1 Escort
amount to $10,355.00: to "WL",¥l.iate $5,000.00 fran the
General F\In:1 to c::over this increase ani a~ other
disb.Jrs.!ments per l'Y'ftWIIittee I............""'ldation.
18. Ratificatim of by-la'NS for the santa Clara 0:u1ty
Cities Assodatim, a sec:t1m of the Peninsula Division
of the IBague of California Cities.
It was JIDVed by Came. ~'" sec:orx3ed by Came. XqJpel
ani I"'~'Md unanimously to ratify the by-la'NS with the
c:han;es per Courk::. Rogers' memo and m page l8-J, Sec:tim
3 (b) , the ~ "and act m" to be deleted. '!be roster
will not be inc1Wecl in the by-laws, b.1t will be i..';I1ecl by
the 1\ssodatim.
19. NcI1Iinatitl'lS far OJpertino's representative an:l
alternate to the North central arx1 Northwest Flood
o.....t....ul Za1e Mvisory l"nmIittees, santa Clara Valley
Water District.
It was mved by counc. Gatto, secc:med by Courk::. Rogers arx1
I"'c'"'ed unarúmcusly to re-naainate Barbara Iqpel as the
L"'t'L S:L..t.ative and Bert Viskovic:h as the alternate.
20. Acoeptance of Marilyn Sterl1n;J's resignatim frail the
Public Safety l"nmIi-im and setting date for
interviews to appoint a J:I'![Ila.:A.....'.L.
It was moved by counc. Gatto, EioéUÀ.dt.d by Courk::. Kq:ptl and
r<''ii'~ed unarúmcusly to }AL s_IL Ms. sterl1n;J with a plaque of
aWl.""",latim and to fill this tem at the time of the
regular interviews in JaraJaZy.
21. RE!potL m bid opening and award of ........t......ct,
Intercx:nnect 5ælpl1n;J Detectors, Pruneridge at Wolfe,
stevens creek Eb.ùevani at stell1n;J arx1 DeAnza
Boulevard at Iazaneo, Project 110-996-953.
(Previously c:x:ntinJed to the meetin;J of Octcber 16.)
22. None.
Ratification of
by-laws. Peninsul,
iv.. LCC
2nd reading
of Ord. 1505
Ord.. 1505
.åii. reading
.,rd. l5l0
Ord. l5l0
Res. 7948
MINIJl'ES OF '!HE ocroBER 2, 1989, CI'l"i cnJNCIL MI::El']R;
23. se.c:....d readin:J ani enacbœnt of Ordinaooe No. 1505:
"An Ordinance Of the city Courk::il of the City of
0Jpertim Amerdirr;J C1apter 5.20 of the 0Jpertin0
Mmic1pal Code RelatiIg to the REgu].atim of
It '->as IIIaII8d by Came. Rogers, secx:r1ded by Came. Gatto and
I""a.....' U1".aJ1;'ontJSly to read Ordinance No. 1505 by title a1ly
and the City Clerk's readin;J to oonstitute the seooud
readin;J tba..~f.
It was IIICMId by <h.œ. Gatto; secx:r1ded by Courk::. Rogers and
I""aaed unanimo.Js1y to enact Ordinance No. 1505.
24. 5eoc:Itd readin:J ani enacbDent of Ordinaooe No. 15l0:
"An Ordinanœ of the City Cameil of the City of
0Jpertim Amerdirr;J Existin:] Zaún;J Ccn:titim and
Allcwin:J a S1n1le Prc::prty owner to File a Map;
ARùicatiat 19-Z-67 (Amended - William Guerx;Jer1dl) ."
It was IIICMId by Courk::. Rogers, sec:x::mecI by Courk::. Gatto am
I""a-d url2lJ1iwrowly to read Ordinance No. 1510 by title a1ly
and the City Clerk's readin;J to CXI1St1tute the se.......d
readin;J the1.......f.
It was IIICMId by Courk::. Gatto, seoc:uJeJ by Courk::. ~s and
paa9'1!d UI'IIUÚJIrJUSly to enact Ordinaooe No. 15l0.
25. ~nolutim No. 794::1: "A Resolutiat of the City ocunci1
of the City of 01pertin0 Express1n1 suwo..t for the
PlannirIJ am cmservatim Iægue Ballot MAa'flJre Rail
Bcn:l Initiative."
It was IIICMId by a:ux:. ~'" sec:x::mecI by Courk::. Gatto and
I""aaed unanimo.Jsly to adept Resolutim No. 7948.
At 10: 15 p.m. , Courk::il adjoumed to a Closed sessim
pertaining to penr:lin:J litigatiat, ~0é0 VB. City of
Courk::il recc:nvened in Camcil Q\;omI'1ø1'" at 10:25 p.m.
Came. Pt'!l1 .It.:
Gatto, Jctmson, Kq:pel, Rogers, Mayor Pluny
KINu.ŒS OF '!HE 0C'r0BER 2, 1989, CI'lY CXXJNC:IL MEE'I'IN:;
staff p~ U íL:
City ~ Brown
City Cl8tit Oomelius
D1rectar of Public ~ko. Viskovich
City Attamøy Kilian
It was IIICMId by CDmc. Gatto, seoo..:iad by CDmc. ~.. and
p"a-t1! unanimcus1y to autharize a settl-'íL with HED of
$45,000 plus a $20,000.;,,) ~a1 with a tat:al of
$140,000.00 to &.......-.; $95,000 will CXIIIB frail the Gene1.cù
F\In:1 am the bùanoe will be the $45,000.00 frail HED.
At lO:30 p.m., the JII88tin;J was adjCU%11ecl.