CC 10-16-89 , ) CIT'i OF aJPERTIN:), STATE OF c::ALIR:IRNIA 10300 'ItI1<I<t; AVE1roE, aJPERI'IN:>, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 252-4505 MINtJI'æ OF '!HE R&;UIAR CI'lY CDJNCIL MEEl'IlG HElD eN OCl'OBER 16, 1989, CXXJNCIL CHAMBER, CI'lY HAIL, 10300 '!ut<I(t; AVEMJE, CIJPERl'IN), c::ALJ:FtRrrA 0::-778 SAIlJI'E TO 'IHE FIJ\G '!be meetin;J was called to order by Mayor Pluny at 6:45 p.m. ROLL CALL Came. 1>..:!! .IL: Gatto, Jà1nsa1, Kcß:Jel, Rogers, Mayor Pluny staff !'res_IL: City Manager Brown City ClElIit OorneJ.ius Director of Public Works Viakr:wich Director of ChrInI"1ity Devel___.L Q:Jwan Assistant to the City Manager Brown (leave 7:15 p.m.) Public Infœ:matim Officer Rrey Iblsing & services CXIordinator Norling (leave 7:45 p.m.) City Attorney Kilian ~ It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Rogers, ~.:1ad by Courk::. Jcbnsa1 arx1 p""".~ \II'1alÙJIDJs1y to :reDICIIIe I~ No. 22 and direct that the file be closed. c::ERDDŒAL Mkn~ - ~œs Prcclamatim in hcnJr of Flo Jå..-... m the """""'..icn of her retirement fraD the City of 0Jpertin0. Mayor Pluny }AL S 1 ¡led Ms. Jcbnsa1 with a proclamatic:r1 arx1 gift fran the City. Recogllitim of City of 0Jpertin0 Hcsting 1991 Westem Zc:I1e SWiJmn:iIg O1impionship. Wally Dean, Rce Davis, an:i Sharon Colman ..d:h."""sed Courk::il regardin;J the swim chant>ionship. -l- Western Zone SwilllDing Champ- ionship . Red Ribbon We'2k Regnart Crk, Safe Neigh- borhood Coa Ii t ion . Consent Calendar . MINUI'ES OF 'IHE ocroBER 16, 1989, REX;(JlArt CI'lY roJNCIL MEE:I'1N; (0::-778) Dean SJœels, of the CJpertino Parks an:! Rb.......atim CCmnissioo, gave Courk::i1 a brief LqA./Lt m the California AsSOC'iatim of Parks an:! Recreatim l"nmIi ....1m an:! Boa... 1..-"...ers CcnfererD! held in 0Jpertin0 the previCAJS weeJœnj. æAL <XHUIICATIOOS ~ fran OJpertino JUnior High Schcx:>l }AL s ,¡led Cameil with ribbons and pledges far a cb:u;J free week. 'Ihey also pnsl1 t.ed Courk::il with a proclamatim fraD the County BoaId of SUpervisors. Mayor Pluny presented them with a proclamatim ftan the City in ha10r of Red RiJ::ixm Week. Claire K:::I.aughlin: Results of the September 25, 1989 Regnart creek Safe Neigtù:x>rtlood Coalitioo meeti.rç. Ms. þft-T....¥Jhlin pnsmlted Courk::il with notes ftan an Oc:t:.cber 11 meeti1¥1 the group had held with Director of Public Works Viskovic.h. '!he coalitian requested that Courk::il ocnmct a public hearinq NaveIIi:Jer 20 regarciiJ'ç their ca¡c,..,llS; Ms. ~in ~"""tecl ~ 4 as an alternate date. In the meantime, the coalitioo an:! Mr. Viskavich 1òI':AÙd }ALq.ar8 a questia1l'll'liIe to go out to area residents. Courk::il """i'L- -ad infoxmal EII.JWOl:t for the coalitim goin;J ahead with the survey. Mr. Viskovich will 1IiIt'Iñt with the group in fcmll.Ù.atirç the questiCX1S to be asked. Cameil will CXl\Sider a p.lblic hearin;J at a later date. crNSmr ~ It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, s....u.&i..d by Courk::. aogers and r-aaed unaniJDcus1y to ðWLU1/8 the 0...,11 IL Calerñar as "",hftitted. 1. AßIroval of cable Televisioo Advisory l"nmIittee major grants. 2. Resolutioo No. 7930: "A Resolutim of the City Cameil of the City of OJpertino tJrgin;J the o...o.jL0:6S of the United states to Revise the cable ChIon11Ú.catim Policy lIct of 1984, an:! Expressin;J General 0:r10em Aboot the Need for Greater Local Government Regulatozy Authority. " -2- , MIN!lmì OF 'IHE OCIOBm 16, 1989, RmJù\R CI'lY amcrL MEETIN:; (0::-778) 3. Review of Aloà101 ic BevenIge Control awlicatim f'rc:m P.a1Se of lee, 10635 South Foat:hi11 Boulevard. 4. Resolutim No. 7949: "A Resoluticn of the City co.m::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Awrov1rY:J a HaJs1rY:J Assistance Plan for the Period of October 1, 1989, thrI:ugh september 30, 1990." þ 5. Resolutim No. 7950: "A Resolutiat of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin¡ Certain Claims and Deman:is Payable in the Amc:unts and fraD the F\In:Js as Hereinafter Described for salaries an:1 Wages for the Payroll Period ErxiiJç October 3, 1989." 6. Resolutim No. 7951: "A Resolutim of the City Camcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin¡ Certain ("I>oi.- and Deman:is Payable in the Amc:unts an:1 Fran the F\In:Js as Hereinafter Described for General and Misoe11anecus Experñitures for the Period ErxiiJç Sept:euœr 26, 1989." 7. Aß1roval of waiver of false alaJ:m fees in aDD.mt of $145.50, Elite Elec:t:J:aúcs. 8. Monthly Activity ~L, september, 1989. 9. Monthly Treasurer's and A"?t RlepuLL, september, 1989. 10. Resolutim No. 7952: "A Resolutiat of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡:provin;J ocnt:ract Qwge order No. 9 for ChmII"1ity Center adldingIMemariaJ. Park Expansim Project No. 2001." 11. Resolutim No. 7953: "A Ræsclutiat of the City Camcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡:provin;J Parcel Map of PL""l-""Lty IDeated at 21211 Rainbcw Drive; Developer, R1ar I.ðp Developeb5, A Califamia Limited PartnerBhip; Authoriz1rY:J ~m of ~l.ÑauaIjL A/;¡........cuL; Authorizirg Signin;J of Parcel Map." 12. Resolutim No. 7954: "A Resolutiat of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Apprcv1rY:J Parcel Map and ~VIIeouo:&It. Plans of PL""l-""LLt Itx:atecl at 10050 p.~ Averue; Developer, James Sisk; Authorizirg Exiec:utim of ~U'lES..e..L Aq1............L; Authariz1rY:J Signin:J of Parcel Map arx1 DIprovement Plans." 13. Resolutim No. 7955: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 1Ioceptin:¡ ~t.cl..i1ll Deed and Authorizatim for t1n::Jergroond Water Rights frcm pao:adena Devel"'lA""'1t. Groop, A California Limited Partnership; P<!~ Averue." -3- MINUl'Ð; OF 'mE OCIDBER Hi, 19ß9 , Rmrr.AR CI.T'i <:nJOCIL MEETIN:; (CC-778) 14. Aooepta:ooe of JD.micipal ~: (a) Trðct No. 7960, Mrlte Eagle, Foothill Boolevard (William Kinst). (b) Measurex Q.u.1-"-'Laticn, Results Way. (No ðoCI1IIIP11tatim r--aary.) 15. Minutes of the regular meetin;¡' of Sept_.¡.er 18, 1989. 16. Minutes of the regular meetin;J of Sept-rc 19, 1989. l7. Request for waiver of rule J'1I"""'".r 4 of Resoluticn No. 7571 far Pat Jadœa1 and Wayne Gcn1 of the Architectural and site A¡:prova1 Ccmnittee. 18. A¡:prova1 of p1:~ to allocate the rental }AL.......-i.. of a City-ownecl ocn:k:IDinium and inve.:.l..u.ult interest to the 5eniorjHan:liœwað Hcusin;J F\In:1. 19. Resolutim No. 7956: "A Resoluticn of the City Courk::il of the City of Q.Jpertino Declarin¡ Intent to CC'rùJct a Fublic Hearin;J a...........uiDJ a Nuisance at l0152 I.eJ:mø1 Drive." 20. Resolutim No. 7957: "A Resoluticn of the City council of the City of Q.Jpertino Declarin¡ Intent to CC'rùJct a Fublic HeariDJ a.............irq a Nuisance at 10lOO vista Drive." vote Jo'o-..¡ -ers of the City Oooncil AYES: N:)ES : ABSENl': AæTAIN: Gatto, Jàmscn, Koppel, RI:)geIs, Pluny Na1e Na1e Na1e l'IDIS REMJ\1ED PIQ{ cx:tISŒr ~ - Na1e. FUBLIC HE'.ARDIõS 21. Na1e. PIANNnG APPLICATIæ5 22. AR:Ilicatim 3-V-89 - Mehdi Naditrzad - Request for variance to 5ectim 10.61.2 of ~ No. 1450 to """""""'" the 20 ft. b.1i1din;J height limitatim far a structure located m an adjacent: ridgeline. 'Ihe 1:'L"¥SLtY' is located at 21620 Rainbow Drive. Envh..........íl.al Detezminatim: Categorically E>-.~,L. ~=!¡ -....ÞIÙed for Denial. (Previcusly rE!IWIfed frcm the agema.) -4- MINUl'ES OF '!HE OCIOBER 16, 1989, mnJIAR CI'1Y caJNCIL MEETING (0::-778) 23. Applicatim 13-'IM-89 - Mariani DevelUl'"U=lt. o..u.l-""Latim - Request far a¡:proval of tentative map to subdivide a1B lot of 18.02 çrcss acres into 147 tcwnhaDe lots, 1 lot to be held in 0 ..... r¡ and one lot of 5.38 acres far future ocnXIninium devel"¥"",,It.. '!he lA,+",",-ty is located at 10930 North DeAnza Ba.ù.evard. Envircnœntal DeteIminatim: '!he PlaI'II'Ùn;J I"'nnmi....im reo:- ····....œ the grar¡tin; of a Negative Declaratioo. Reo:' ····_'ded for denial. Follcwin;J }AL a:lrt:.atim by the Director of t"'romonú.ty Devel"¥"",,IL, Cameil ñi<=rllSSed the reduct1m of landso:~¡:.irç am potential wic1en.irq of Haœstead. '!hey requested that final a¡:praval be placed m the consent Calen3ar. Art Pittoc:k, Northpoint HaDeowners Associ "1tim, """t'L ~ed ",,¡œn. regardin;J autos 1eavirç the lA' y::sed devel~xt at Blue Jay. Northpoint roads are private roads and they have CXl\Siderecl closirç the Northwest Square entrance and installirç \A.IUt..LyUed gates. He expressed r'li~L l...=..L with ~t had ~!ed at the PlaI'II'Ùn;J l"nmIi....ia11111EMJtirxI and the t'Y"OIIIIIi....ia1ers' su¡:p:>rt far higher density. He stated that the Associatim will work oot their 0CI'Iœr11S with Mr. no.'_1"\! of Mariani, particularly transfer of a piece of prcperty to the Mariani devel"¥"""xt. It was DX:JYed by Courk::. Jå1nsa1, sec:x:njecl by counc. Gatto and pe~a9d unanimcusly to ~ the grantin;J of a Negative Dec1aratim. It was DX:JYed by Courk::. Jå1nsa1, sec:x:njecl by Courk::. Gatto am I"'a......., with Came. Koppel and Mayor Pluny r'li- "l.in;, to ~ Aßllicatim 13-'IM-89 as per OCI1ditiCX1S reo ····....ded by the t"'romonú.ty Devel"¥"""xt Department with OJnditioo No. 19 amended to delete the refE:L"",.,;)& in the seccni sentence to Parcels 1-14. 24. Aßllicatioo 13-U-88 (Amended) - Taroem CaIp.1ter - Minor Amendment of Use Permit to r-JI~ the '11~ of off-street parkin; e:paœs for a 300,000 ± sq. ft. Þ.1ildirr:]. alildirr:] is located 00 the northeast .:::urher of stevens creek Ba.ù.evard and Tantau Avenue. Envh....1IIC1at.al Determinatioo: Categorically ExBIpt. Riec:· ...._'rle:i for "WLU'IëÙ. It was DX:JYed by CaJnc. Gatto, seoon::led by Came. Jå1nsa1 am pas~ unanimously to aß'I'OVe the aß'lication per P1aI'II'Ùn;J l"nmIi....im Resolutim No. 4214 with OJnditim No. 1, which states the possibility of aàiitia1al parJdn:] requirement as a chùy noticed public hearirç, to be recorded so shalld there be future prcperty owners they will be aware of that OCI1dition. -5- App. 13-TM-89 App. 13-ij-88 . .sory Board Terms . KINl1I'ES OF 'IHE ocroBER 16, 1989 , RmJIA.~ CI'IY axJNCIL MEETING (0::-778) Ca.mcil directed that staff c:heck into 10hat can be dŒIe to make sure that the stxuc:ture is adequate far any anticipated c::han:Jes in code requirements. ARCHITECItJRAL AND SITE APPRJ\.IAL <X'tHrITEE APPLICATIœ5 25. None. UNFINISHED lÐSINESS 26. None. NDl lÐSINESS 27. Repo1.t a1 bid qJe1'ÚJ'J) and award of 0CX1tract, Int:.erca1nect SaDplin] Detectors, Pruner1dge at Wolfe Read, stevens creek Eb.ùevard at Stellin] Read and DeAI'1u\ Boulevard at I.azaneo, Project 110-996-953. It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, seoo...:1..d by Courk::. Koppel arx1 r-aaed unani:aDJs1y to reject all bids and authorize staff to use the informal bid pl' "::""""a. 28. Repo1.t crI advisory board tems tn:lin;J JaraJaZy 15, 1990, and establishin;r dates for filin] JXJt10e of intent and awlicatiCX1S arx1 settm;J date of interviews. It was 1IDIÆd by Courk::. Gatto, seoc.n:B:l by counc. Iqpl and r---gd unani:aDJs1y to establish NoveId:Ier 15 as the ..--.., ine fœ: :i1>n...I.....ls to file a notice of intent to awly for ~L.l..uo..Jt, to direct the City Clerk to ""Oept awJ.icatiCX1S fraD na.::-~ oft 1-2l arx1 to CXI'Iduct interviews at 7:00 p.m., .,._~ :lay, JaraJaZy 10, 1990, in Q:n!bL......... aoc:mø C and D. '1hese cpelÚ1xJS will be pmlicized in the NaIt...ø:..... arx1 [)e.=-'~.er i .......... of the n.......-t-i,."., Scene with the list of Ú'X'I1I.~ >QlIls fi.1Jnq JXJt10e of intent to 1:6 ðRåY to be placed in the I». -,1_- amertino SCene. 29. Review of resolutiCX1S for league of Califomia Cities COI'1fere1ICe. Cameil took no action. WRI'ITEN CXHIJNICATIœ5 30. Mayor Plun;y reviewed a letter he had received fraD SUpervisor »:::1{enna regaIàin;J the Camty's General Plan Review process. -6- MINUI'fS GF TIŒ œroBER 16, 1989, RmJI.Þ.R CIT'i ~ MEETIN:; (0::-778) ORDINANCES 31. Secx:n:l readin:J and eœct:ment of ordinance No. 1509: "An Ordinance of the City Cameil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amendinq 5ectiCl'l 1 of ordinance No. 2 by Reza'lin; Q1e Lot of 4.o± AI;.ns frail BI\ Za1e to Rl-6 Za1e; Located at 19900 Price Aveme (WilSCl'1 Så100l Site) (A¡:plicatim 8-Z-89 - QJpertino uniCl'l Sd100l District) . " It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Rr::x in:a, sec:x:mecI by Courk::. Gatto an:! l""a-eð. Ul'lalÚJJlaJSly to read Ordinaooe No. 1509 by title a1ly and the City Clerk's readin:J to o.......titute the seOChel readin:J thereof. It was IIIaII8d by Coone. Gatto, seocb:à.d by Courk::. ~a an:! rw-'8d UI1IIni:Dcusly to enact Ordinaooe No. 1509. 32. Seocllel readin:J and enactment of ordinance No. 1511: "An ordinance of the City CCIuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amendinq ProvisiCX1S of the Sign Ordinaooe (No. 746) Relating to Off-site Advertisirq (B1l1bo!lrds) ." It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. ~.., seoa.d.cl by Coone. Gatto and p"-- B ci unIIlÚJDcUsly to 0CI'Jt.in.Je the .........d readin:J and er...:t..-.L of Ordinaooe No. 1511 pertaininJ to rezaún;J of }AL~L)' to the next regular .'ØItinq. RESOWl'Iœs 33. Na1e. S'mFF ~::¡ 34. status ..~L - dra.Jght. HI'. Viskcvic:::h !nfL>, .._0) CCIuncil he will CXIIIe bIIck with a L~L and I-J--t for actia1 at the CCIuncil meetin;J to be held Nc7.....t-. 6. 35. status l~L - a:uts 85 c:p!nirq north of a:uts 280. Mayor Pluny arx1 Courk::. Gatto requested that staff arr2IlJ18 lor a IIIeE!tiIx] between them arx1 1:...... nntatives fraD CalTrans. staff was directed to take a1Ib elevatiCX1S in the area of Regnart creek and Highway 85. 36. oral L~ls by staff -..Iers - Na1e. -7- 2nd reading of Ord. l509 Ord. l509 enacted Route 85 . Res ident ia 1 landscaping . Closed Session DeAnza Racquet Club site . ~ OF 'M'. œroBm 1£" 1~~~, ~ em croNCIL MEETD«; (0:-778) 37. Rep.... t a1 residential 1andscapinJ requirements. Followin;J di.....-im regardirq initiatinJ hearinJs to CXl\Sider whether or not there was p.lblic SUwOl.l t!: enact an 0Idinance rø:]!U:ding Rl lar<:!aroapfn; nq.ú.namTœ, it was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto and seccn:Jed by Counc. Jc.~ for staff to ootain ocpies of Rl IIIIII'Idatary l.al'c:1~fn; ordinances ~ the state of California and retuxn to Courk::il with a ...~l within 60 days. Director of PI"" it'! w-:...^", Viskevich reviewed a letter received frail C21erry Walsh pert.aining to parkin] a1 Ann Amor by thœe usin) Memo.. ia1 Park tennis ooorts. Courk::il directed that a sign be p.1t up at Ann Amor and OIristensen with a c:IL..,µ...... showinq where Me........ia1 Park parXin;J is BV"i1..hle. Courk::i1 ~-œd that staff ocntact the 0Jpertin0 Tenüs Club and that the club give toummDent entries a flyer sbcwin:¡ the locatiŒ1 of parXin;J available for the ooorts. CXXJNCIL ~::¡ 39. Courk::. Gatto - Counc. Gatto ~-œd that a tcpic for the ""bee~ of the Peninsula Divis1m oculd be air quality and autc:lac:biles. IfY'Al gcy.............l cannot ........t....úl air <1-' ity and this shcu1d be han:U.ed at the fede1:al l8Y8l. At 9:12 p.m., CaJnci1 adjoumecl to 0:I1fererx:.ra RI:x:ID A for a closed sess1m. Courk::il l'8CXI'1Y8nIId in Cameil ~ at 9:43 p.m. Counc. Pl. i íL: Gatto, Joh.lIICI'1. JC'q:pel, a...,¡....s. Mayor Pluny staff PoL s .L: City Manager Bz:awn City ClElIit a....._l i... Director of P1h"¡t'! w-:...^", V.iskoviå!. Director of n. -uty DIMù_1t. Cowan City Attomøy Kilian DeAnza ~ Club - Jå1n ViMuiI"h. Neaotiator It was IIIaII8d by Came. Gatto, seccn:Jed by Courk::. Rogers and p:aeeed unanimously to ~\Ne in o........,:.oL a þl' ~1r8 for resolvfn; the 1__ of price. -8- MINUl'ES OF 'DIE ocroBER 16, 1989, REnJIAR CI'lY CXXJNCIL MEFrIN:; (CC-778) Courk::il directed the CiI':y ;\ttamøy to }AL.....,.re an ~.......... L follCJWin; resolutia1 of a !.flU _11 details. At 9:45 p.m., Courk::il adjoozned. 44'f ¿Þ:_ City ClElIit -9-