CC 11-16-89
. '
10300 'lut<KJ:; AvniUE, aJPER'I'IN:), CA 95014
'I'EŒFH:IŒ: (408) 252-4505
œ I«:IVEMBER 6, 1989, OXJNCIL awmER, CI'lY HAIL,
10300 'Ila<t<t; AVÐiUE, CDPERl'DI:>, CAUFI:RrrA
'Ihe meeting was called to order by Y.ayor Plungy at 6: 45
Courx::. B. S l..,t:
Gatto, Jàmsa1, Keppel, Rogers, Mayer Plungy
staff i'L"!!i!l it:
City Manager Brown
City Cleñt c.......dius
Director of Fublic ~b V.iskovic::n
Director of n-o-"1ity Devel..'!,.....uL Cowan
Director of Finance Snyder
Assistant to the city Manager Brown
Director of PaDcs arx1 Rec:reatim Dcwlin:]
Public Infomatim Officer Krey
City Attomey Kilian
~ - O:ntirue Itaa No. 26 to t"'" .¡ « 4, 1989.
It was IIICIIIed by Came. Gatto, seoo.dtd by CDJnc. ~ and
l""a"'«t unaniJDcus1y to 0CI'1tinJe CXl\Sideratia1 of I~ No.
26, franå1ise L"",_al for Heritage Cable 'IV to the regular
meetin:] of No\IeJIt)er 20.
Oath of office and certificate of J\RIOL.L...-.L for John
statta1, Energy l"
City Clerk Cbmelius administered the oath of office to Mr.
statta1 and Mayor Pluny presented him with the certificate
of ~ihbu..ut.
Proclamation to volunteers.
MEE:I'TIC (0::-779)
Mayor P1un;w presel'tecl prcx:lamatiCX1S to Dcr1 Faust arx:l Neal
Corbella for their respa1Se to an emergenc:y in the case of
a heme fire.
Proclamatim ha10rirXJ R1i1 Jàmsan far his sezvice an the
city Cameil.
Proclamatia'lS were presented by <l..>:J.L-~~" Q..Iac:.Iœr1aJS arx1
Mayor Plun;w.
'IhelIDa EþItejn ð..lh.-sed Courk::il regarclin;J t:b6 eartb;¡uaJœ.
She su;¡;;_-œd a block captain }AL"-';L- such as the a'Ie the
City of Bunnyvale has anI that residents have signs to
place in their win:k:Iws;J that everythin;J is okay.
She told Cameil that in the days i_btely after the
earthquake, Pacific Gas and Electric had been i"P"""sible to
ccntact and the City oculã not give Mrf alternative way for
get;tj.Iç in t:c:ud1 with them. Citizens c:alliIç into City
Hall need infcmœ.tiŒ1 m hell to get infcmœ.tim fraD ather
age¡ ...ies.
RåJert Haxsie aeJo:h. - Mad CaIncil regarding- tree
prescvaticn. He stated that ~ in the hairpin curve m
MaClellan Rœd need deep watering and feedin;J. He does not
want the City to lose those t.... .
cœsmr c:::AU2mAR
Courk::. Gatto rEIIIC/\/8d I~ No.6, Courk::. ~ rEIIIC/\/8d
Items 7 and lO, Directar of Pl1Þ'ic Wœ:ics Viskcvià1
requested that I~ No. 17 be CCI1tiraJed to the IIIBetin] of
NoI.....t...., 20. It was m:M!d by Courk::. Gatto, seca~ by
Courk::. Regel. and P"--ad unanimcus1y to ~u\18 the balance
of the <l.._ L Calemar as lII'hnittecl with I~ No.9, page
13, &800..:1 par_~, IllllelIded to state, "an "WL""¥L1atim
of $5,000.00."
1. Resolutiat No. 7958: "A Resoluticn of the City CaIncil
of the City of QJpertino Dec:J.ariIç .,~_.... GI'c:IWin} Œ1
certain Desc:ribed Prq¡erty to be a Public Nuisaooe."
2. Resoluticn No. 7959: itA Resoluticn of the City CaIncil
of the City of QJpertino Ratifyin;J Ccnf1naatim of
Actim by Director of ÐDa1:9\=1...-y services ProclaimiIg
Existence of a I.ocal Emezgency."
MEE:I'IN; (0:-779)
3. Resolutim No. 7960: itA Reso1utim of the City Cameil
of the City of OJpertino Makin;¡ DeteminatiCX1S lIlXi
A¡:provin] the Anne:xatim of TerritoI)' Designated
'M:JClellan Road 89-10', ~tely 0.278 Acre
Located 00 the North Side of M:JClellan Road at Mira
Vista, Hoxsie (Am 357-05-002 - 22337 M:JClellan Read) ."
4. Request for waiver of I::usiness license fees:
a) Girl SCoots of Santa Clara CWnty
b) Golden state Division, Toy Train c:þeratirg' ~iety
5. Request far waiver of fees filed by American Ya.rt:h
~r OIganizatim for use of 0Jpertin0 Senior
l"nmo"1ity Center for their ''Volunteer Recxyuitim
Night" on JëUUJary 5, 1990.
6. Removed fran the Ca1sent Calamar.
7. ReaDvecl fran the Ca1sent Calamar.
8. Resolutim No. 7961: "A Resolutim of the City 0:Juncil
of the City of Q.1pertino Establishinq Designatia1 of
City's Agent for c:tJt:ainin] Federal or state Financial
9. Mirart:es of the regular meetJ.n;J of 0ctà:1er 2, 1989.
10. Removed fraD the Ca1sent Calamar.
11. Resolutim No. 7962: itA Resolutim of the City 0:Juncil
of the City of Q.1pertino ~ lot Line Adj,-,I It.
Bt.L'Uh '1\«) Parcels of Iand Without a Pðrcel M!Ip in
Accardanoe with Sect:ia1 66412 (d) of ~'~visia1 Map Act
as AmQ..cJt,d Jaruary l, 1984, Tract No. 8098, Iota 366
and 367."
12. Resolutim No. 7963: "A Reso1utic:n of the City 0:Juncil
of the City of Q.1pertino ~ Final Plan for the
DIproYement of Fra1tage Located 1106l Sooth stel1in¡
Read; Developer, Rebert s. Sd1wartz arx1 w,i.. H.
Fisher, Authorizin¡ the City ErJ]ineer to Sign the Final
Plan; arx1 Authorizin] ~oo of Agl.........íL in
a.......tioo '1herewith."
13. Resolutic:n No. 7964: "A Resolutioo of the City 0:Juncil
of the City of OJpertino A/:x:ept:inJ Grant of R:o--íL
for Roadway R1zpcsæ fraD Rebert s. Sd1wartz ani 1."i..
H. Fisher, Ca1sistin:] of ~avi_tely 0.03 Acres,
Located Sooth stellin] Read."
MEE:I'ING (0::-779)
14. Resolutim No. 7965: "A Reso1utia'l of the City Courk::il
of the City of ().pertim Awrav~ Final Plan for the
IDpra\IemerIt of FrŒrt:age Located at the Sart:heast OomeQ,
of Haœst:ead Read am Blaney AvenJe; Deve1cper,
HCIIIestead. II ~sociates, a Califomia General
Partnership , Authoriz~ the City ErJ]1neer to Sign the
Final Plan; am Authoriz~ Execut1m of AgL.....u,,,&JL in
Cuu-..tim 'Iherew1th."
15. Resolutim No. 7966: "Ä Resolutia'l of the City Courk::il
of the City of 0Jpertin0 I\coeptin;J Grant of 1õ'.a....".. IL
for :Roadway Pw.1^-sas fraD Haœst:.e!Id II """sociates, a
California General Partnership, Ca'lsistiI.q of
~tely .005 Acres, Located Sa.1theast ();)rner of
Haœst:ead Read and Blaney AvenJe."
16. 1Icceptance of 1IL1I'1icipal i:øprovements: (a) Sisk Project
at San Felipe Rœd¡Meroedes Read. (b) Sisk Project at
1005 p..~ Avenue. (No doaJment.atim ~aary.)
17. (CCI1ti.r.uecl to }b,...ø...... 20, 1989).
18. Resolutim No. 7968: "A Resolutia1 of the City Courk::il
of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ cmtract 01ange
order No. 10 for ('r...nn,Úty center arllclinJ/Memarial
Park Expansim, Project No. 2001."
19. Resolutim No. 7968: "A Resolutim of the City CCAmci1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ 0:I1tract 01ange
order No. 7 far !t::Clellan Read WicIenilg, Project 4020.
20. Resolutim No. 7970: "A Resolutia1 of the City O:Juncil
of the City of QJpertino ~ 0:I1tract 01ange
order No. 1 for stevens creek Eb.ùevard ~~d...,
Oran;e Averue to libar Lap Drive, Project 4022.
21. Waiver of Rùe No. 4 of Resolutim No. 7571 for W:in:!ol
Martin, Parks and ReQ..atim l"nmIi....ia'l.
22. Resolutim No. 7971: "A Resolutia1 of the City CCAmci1
of the City of ().pertino settirq Date of Public Heari.rç
to O:I1sider a Rsvisim to QJpertino Kmicipal Q1apter
5.04 Pe.rtainin;J to BJsiness Lioe:._ as. "
23. Resolutim No. 7973: "A Resolutia1 of the City Courk::il
of the City of QJpertino AllCJlolin;J Certain Claims and
Demarrjs Payable in the Amolmts am frail the Funds as
Hereinafter Described for Salaries arx1 Wages for the
Payroll Period Erñin:;¡ 0ct.c::tJer 10, 1989."
MEE'~ (0::-779)
24. Resolutim No. 7974: "A Resolutim of the City Cameil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Al1owin;J Certain C'l",i""" and
Demanjs Payable in the Amounts am Fran the FUnds as
Hereinafter Described for General arx1 Mfs.t:,e11.anecg¡
Experñitures far the PFriod Enr:i:in¡ October 20, 1989."
25. Resolutim No. 7975: "A Resolutia1 of the City Courk::il
of the City of QJpertino Authorizing ~m of
COCp!rative h;¡L","""""iL No. æ with the Califamia
Department of 'l'ransportat.i for the RlIpose of
TIansferrinq FUnds to CalTrans for the SI.JRxn l of the
Peninsula Chmo>te Service Feeder Shuttle Project."
6. AlcàJolic Beverage cart:rol ðß)licatiCX1S filed by '!be
Clinic, lOOn-51 Blaney AverJJe and by Græxi D!Id
Liquors, 10885 South Blaney AverJJe.
It was mcved by Courk::. Gatto, seoak.1&J by cnmc. Rogers and
I"I9secl unaniDcus1y to c:x:nt:ime CXl\S1deratim of the ABC
license for '!be Clinic until IIICl'8 details are available and
state no cbjectim to the applicatim filed by Græxi DIId
7. Awraval of grants re.:. .,.,-."ded by the Fine Arts
It was IIICMId by Came. RlCy.dil, -.....cJ..d by Courk::. Gatto an:!
p"Ø-ed unaniDcus1y to apptwe the grants as follcwø: (a)
Hands m the Arts, santa Clara Q:Iunty Arts Q:Junci1_
$2,000, with Hands m the Arts to acknowledge OJpertino's
part1cipatim in all publicity arx1 provide œcœ:d of how
many 0Jpertin0 :r.idents participate in the 1990 festival:
(b) QJpertino Qunnlc Players (spring OCII.......t in 1t........ia1
Park) - $1,000: (c) 'lÞo ··I-E1'01l Trio (...,..t....., perfcmllU1C8S
and demc:r...t....atiCX1S of insb:IJments in 7 QJpertino såx:::ùs) _
$1,645: (d) QJpertino Public Libræ:y (painted DUral in
YOU!'Y;J Pecp1e's Roan) - $2,500 for a total of $7,145.00.
10. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 16, 1989.
It was IIIOY8d by Courk::. Rogers, seccn:Jed by Courk::. Gatto and
I"'''''ò'ed unani:moosly to ~ the min.Jtes as subnitted.
26. Renewal of franchise for Heritage Cable Televisim
(fcmnerly Gill Cable) in QJpertino. (Previously
cc:ntinued to the meetin;J of NoI/eui)er 20, 1989.)
ABC licenses
Fine Arts grants
Public hear-
ing closed
MEE:l'ING (0::-779)
27. A~s of Plamú.rq Oœmissi3'1 approval of Applicatim
12~89 - E1JDer aJxta1 - Tentative map to di',ide a
20,73o± sq. ft. lot into two lots of 10,796± arx1 9,932
± sq. ft. :r~--tively.. 'D1e prc:pnty is located at
11234 aJbb Read. ÞrI"""'s have been filed by J_ and
I.i.m.a Kelley, Donald ani Barbara Cleaver, ani Marian G.
Miller .
Director of I"romIImity Devel~.t COwan revia8i the
ðR>1icatiCl'1, P1annirg l'romIi ~iCl'1 actim ani the ~.-,..
with Cameil.
Marian Miller, 21543 Terrace Drive, a.l.h......sed Courk::il
quotin;J fraD c>mp"ign literature distr:ib.rt:.ed by Courk::.
Gatto ani Mayor Pluny reqardil'ç not avemrlJ.<:IinJ for the
size of lots.
Reger Griffin, Paragon Design Groop, L......: S' ..t.1rç F.1_
aJxta1 and Terry Brown, b.1i1der, reviewed the plans with
Cameil. He pointed wt that what was beinJ }AL'¥=ss:l is in
CXIIpliance with the rest of the area. He stated that Teny
Brown will voluntarily ao:""I.L review by the Aråù.tectural
site 1IRJrtwal l"nmIittee. He was then av>tilable for artf
questiCX1S by Courk::il.
Di.....'9sim followed regardin;J Mr. Brown's .........-..."t1a1 with
the deve1""1-"'='.L. Courk::il was told that Mr. Brown does have
a oattract to purchase the }AL"¥SL ty.
Mayor Pluny anncuncecl that he woold witbh"aw fi'aa artf
ñi '"<"""1m arx1 vote ~11_ of ocnfl1ct of interest. M!Iyar
Pluny tumecl the JDeE!tin} CNer to Mayor Pro To-,~. IL..
Di.....' followed reqardil'ç tree}4. S'mvatim.
It was IIIaII8d by Came. Rogers, by Courk::. Gatto and
l""aa'9d unanimoosly to close the public hearin;.
council ñi......~aed the }AL' 'I-.ossd ðR>licatim and the
~'s. Came. Gatto and Came. IC):g)el stated they were
not in favor of the ðR>1icatiCl'1.
It was 1IDVed by Courk::. Gatto, seocn:1ed by Courk::. Jl'q:pel to
u¡ñold the "'lP""'R filed. '!he motim was defeated with
Counc. Jå1nsa1 arx1 Came. Rogers dissent:iJ'g. (City ClElIit's
Note: Failure of the motiCl'1 resulted in ~ of
~1i:atiCl'1 12~89.)
MINUI'ES OF '!HE !UJ''':'..sER 6, 1989, RmJIAR CI'IY cx:uNCIL
MEE:rIN:; (œ-779)
Followin;J ñi Rl"11~im, Courk::il by 0CI'1Se11SUS diIec:tecl that
the DepartJDent of cnm.nrlty Devel"¥"""1t add to their 1IiIt'Iñt
µ~a.w, a "fine t::unin3" of residential land use
designatiCX1S and t.ightenin;J up of existin;l lan;Juaga in the
ordinance .
28. Awlicatim 13-u-89 arx1 14-EA-89 - Sà:1rato Devel..........iL
o-.rp:.nies - Awlicatim for Use Pennit to .-.., ish an
existing 570,000 sq. ft. in:1ustria1 ¡";,din;J and
oa.."LuJCt a 965,COO sq. ft. (785,000 þ&.. ~ nt.'l net floor
area) office structure, with related site
i:qIrc:Jyements. 'Ihe }AL"'t"'ILti' is located m the east side
of DeAnza Eb.ùevard bet:ueen Interstate 280 and Mariani
Avenue. Envh..........iLal DsterminatiCX1S: 'Ihe Plarmin:¡
l" Z'I$C'> ····.A·ùo the grantinq of a Negative
Declaratim. ~:- ····-ded for ÇPlV'lal.
Director of Chmonrlty Devel~1t 0::Jwan reviewed the staff
L~l and possible tmffic mitigatia1 ......."'UreS. In ansI._
to a quest1m, he told 0:Qx:i1 that the forJllJla for square
footage calculatiCX1S was reflected:into thI! table m page
28-10 of the ~~L.
[)j Rl"1,ssim followed regardiJ1g trip ocunt calculatiCX1S.
JåJn SdJrato, developer, clarified ha!ri the trip ends have
been deteIminecl.
Jorge ñ.oQ-....- reviE!IWIIId the calc:ulatim for det:emininq
square footage. FollClWin] ñiRl"1mJim, it was detemined
that an cutside stairœse is required and therefore, JIIJSt
be counted in the ""]I...... footage.
Jane B1erstadt of ~Asà1man, San Jose, a.:1:h. -ed
Courk::il regardiJ1g trip arx1 the traffic study for
the site.
Mr. SOOrato Pl e _¡Led slides shcwin] close-ups of the
project. He told Ocuncil that it is possible that silos m
the wtside of the ¡',i Min;Js could be el:lminated.
Cameil then reviewed the cirawin;Js of the }AL.....,c.!led
Mr. Sà:1rato stated that he had met with residenta of I.any
Way and the CX11CeITIS ~ -,''Ued ~ intrusim of tree roots
and the noise fran L::ø Altos Gamage C'nI{Iany oaninq early
in the mornin;r. He told the Courk::il that the planting
strips for trees ~ th:rlr call whether it is five, ten or
15 feet. He stated that 'IV suzveillance cameras in the
App. 13-U-89 £:.
MEZrm:; (0::-779)
parkin:J lot for security WQÙd intru:!e 00 ne1ghL...LI........d
privacy. Neighbors had requested that there be no wirrlcws
m the u¡:per floors of the b.1i1din3s, however, that can not
be da1e. As the b.1i1din3s are 420 feet <Nay, win:Jcws
sOOuld not he a prà:,lem.
Wayne Seln.::LL, Vice President, General Ma.-,ager of Motorola
CkIIp1ter Systems, said the fiJ:m does need new quarters.
SaIIB 1::IUi1din3s m the site have been c......:bu....d hAc&Jse of
the earthquake.
Mr. Sobrato reviewed the Wilding materials with Camcil.
'!he 1::IUi1din3s WQÙd be white pre-cast OCUCl:ete with BlllÙl
pel:i)les, soft ~........ m aluminum, with blU8/.".._.
semi-reflective, high performance glass. '1here WQÙd be an
atrium in the b.1i1di.n;¡s. Mr. Sobrato requested a lIa.A~y
guideline in regard to the OCI'rlitim aeJo:h. -8m;, plblic art
which was listed m page 28-11 of the ..~L to Camcil.
Mr. rlooQ-'!Ida stated that c:harx¡in;J frail exterior silos to
IIIEdwùca1 pertt:hooses, the lJ1.. ~ ssd pentha.ISes ......1ld be
integrated with the arå1itecture, not j~ ~ m.
Mr. Sobrato recp!Stecl foor changes to the No:' .....Jded
cxn:litiCX1S: 1) a te..1 year pezmit period, rathP.r than a
seven year: 2) back yard. setbac:It: 3) no reciprccal
in;1,-ø ..."..=8 with the ~_.,.i" driveway opening :into
the main drive: 4) an irrevccabJ.e offer of is
not ~pazy as a bcn::l is bein;J prt: up (page 28-3).
!tJtorola WQÙd like repla. """",,}t of the two ~.c1b......d
bni1ð.in;p1 for their use as quickly as possible: b:Mr.181::,
Mr. SCiLlcato stated, a deve1...........,l a."............L WO""" need to
be exec".1tecl first. He WQÙd like to start It:Jtarola '.
1::IUi1din;J by the sprin;J of 1990. ~1etia1 ......'ld ocx:ur
about l8 IID1ths later. He WQÙd like to I::IUi1d Œ18 ar two
1::IUi1ð.in;p1 in the next ooople of years. '!he DeAnza
BcW.eva:a:l iJJpravements WQÙd have to be da1e i_;"tely
with the bridge aver 280 oœpleted in a cnJple of years.
'1here will be un:Jergra¡n:1. parkin;J under the Motorola
b.1i1din;J .
Harold Jåu'sa1, 10511 Ian:y Way, asked \/here the duapJters
WQÙd be located am read a petitioo into the record.
Mr. Sobrato stated that the dunprt:er will be in back of the
Wildin;J awrax:imately 220-240 feet fran the residences.
MEE1'ING (0::-779)
Arm Arqer addressed Cameil arrl asked hew the roof
equ1pDe1IL 'tiI:W.d look.
Courtenay Heater, resident of Milky Way, i'L.......A.ed the
plantirxJ of trees witha.It intrusive roots. Trees ~ ..
heat, clean the air arrl E!I'1CD.JZ'age creativity. He asked if
the surface level parkiIr;J ccW.d be ~'!'ed arrl a parK
placed m tcp of it. Mr. Heater also su;¡gestecl œ.:. poolin::J
arrl th,q rec:yclin::J of printout paper and aluminum cans.
Marshall Goldman, 10401 Castine Avenue, ClCllplimented Mt.
scmato m magnificent roildin]s arx1 his work with the
neighbors, staff arx1 others. Mr. Goldman stated that the
fiIms sd1eduled to use the b.1i1din]s WCl!1d be an asset to
the .........."'1ity. He suggested that OŒ1Sideratim of this
a¡:plicatim be continued to allow that due cx::n;ideratim be
made and in order to absœ:b info:rmatim. He su;¡gestecl that
there Io.'erEI three major quest1Œ1S: 1) ClCllpliance with the
Master Plan; 2) traffic i'T"rt after ClCllpletim of the
devel..........,...L and road iIIproyements; 3) will this add to or
subtr8ct fraD OJpertino's quality of life. Mr. Marshall
stated that there s- -, to be a wiàe variety of
int:ezpretatim regarding the square footage, trips and
f1I........... of stories. He stated that the General Plan
..ckh---gs the f1I~ of stories, ~ not the height in
feet. He also questimed SŒIe of the amenities deducted
frail the gross square footage and that the existin:¡
bll1ildin:] had aba1t 10\ square footage disocmtted far
amenities Mlile the Pl"l" 9d b.1i1dings have aba1t 19%. Mr.
Goldman stated the belief that there will be a net in::rease
in traffic upcn ~''iltim of this project and that
althcugh it is an ~_ive project arx1 very attractive,
the traffic may not be in the best interests of the City.
IarIy McRœe, HillG.lcdt Road, said it locks like a planned
unit devel............L arx1 su:;,,.....-œð. that Courk::il detelmine
oc:n:litioos for the MIele project. He stated that it is a
nice lookinq devel...........IL, ~ felt it shcW.d be dale
01uc:k Zenith, 10698 Way, exþl6-....-! 0Œ1CeJ:TIS regardin;J
traffic arrl height of the b.1i1dings.
steve Prosser, 10699 IarIy Way, ~ current 0Œ1CeJ:TIS
regardin;J gazbage in the parkiIr;J lot and loiterin::J. He
requested that the duupsters be faced toward Highway 280
dJ1d that there be a 15 ft. plantin::J strip alcn;J the 1::ack of
the i'LqJOSed Mr. Prosser expressed oax::em
regardin;J traffic gridlock.
Regnart Creek i
l'Lt;!:;n,.r«; (0::-779)
Mr. SdJrato told Cameil that floor to floor heights have
in::reased over t.'1e years and t.~t in office l::WJ.~, the
qJeJ1 envh...........JL requires higher œilin:¡s. '!be in::reased
l1UIJi:Ier of c:::œprt:ers at desks require lime air cmiitiaún;J
wID d1 means bi~ ducts. He stated that a devel"¥"",, Jt
êø:¡Leemel1t will lock in all oc:nlitiatS.
IID~: lO:10-10:20 P.M.
Courk::il directed that the awl1cant oaDE! back at a later
date and adciress the follcwirç list of OCIICJeU,s:
Calculatim of square footage of l::WJ.din:3; appearance am
aJIIOOI1t of roof to be covered with roof""1lD.1l'ltec equipoent;
the possibility of a sculpture in fra1t of the devel"¥"""JL;
the aJIIOOI1t of esplanade in the rear of the devel"¥""".t;
traffic; sales tax; the oc:nlitim that the atrium never be
oawerted to office space; the 440 ft. fraD
resider.œs be placed m the site plan or listed as a
oc:nlitim; the possibility of havirg t.... -- back fraD the
prc.perty line; l::WJ.din:3 at grade or lower to minimize
height of the l::WJ.dirçs; p1acirg ci1mp:It;.erR m HWy 280
fra1t.age; integratin;J of fountains so that they will 'oICrk
into a my lam~ shaùd another drcu;Jht occur;
eliminatim of silos; listin;J of sequence of events s.1x:JwiD¡
¡:iwIes with as many ..t.......,;t iDprovements as early as
possible; no lr~....s/e.,¡... a with the ~l; ~
of the devel"¥""".L frcIII residenti.a1 windcwB as IIUå1 as
possible; a devel"¥"""Jt ¡i1asirg plan; the possibility of
shuttle service; a traffic review incl\.ld:in¡ the potential
i"t""'t fraD CCIIpletim of Highway 85 and the widenirç of
Highway 280; and the possibility of sales tax, ¡i1asirg,
etc., to be included in a devel"l-"""'Jt ~_Jt.
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Xcwel and seoaldeJ. by Courk::. Gatto
with counc. ~ and Came. Johnsen dissentin;J, to
CD1tinue ocnsideratiat of this awlicatim to the regular
meetin;J of NoI/eIt)er 20, 1989.
29. Na1e.
30. Ccnfirmatim of Courk::il 0CI1SelISUS regaIdin;J actim
taken m request by Regnart creek Safe Neighborhood
Q:¡¡ùitim ani neighborhood meetirg L,,¥,l t.
MEETIN:; (0::-779)
Mr. Peter Halle, 21167 Orograrrle Place, said the
survey as written oy the Coalitia1 and staff has BCIII8
significant rwni....iCX1S. '!be neighbors are oaú'used by the
survey and it does not give alternatives. Also, the ratin:j
format is 0CI'Ifusin:]. He has told the neighborhood to just
""'t'L a their q:¡inim.
Claire 1'i"T ;nYJhlin addr '!'1!d Cameil regardin;J the plannin;'
of det:c::urin:J traffic durin:] CXl\StIuctim of Highway 85.
Mr. Viskovidl, Director of Public WorKs, stated that there
is no intent to send tt--rcugh traffic into that neighl:xD:tKxx1
while the bridge is bein;J b.UJ.t.
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Johnsa1, seccniBd by Courk::. Kq:.pel
ani I"'aa'Bd 1.lI'IIIl1iIDCAly to review the survey respa 1'9' at
the meeting of I)ar.,-,¡.er 4.
31. Re(~ ····....œtim frail the 0Ipertin0 En8rgy l"nmIi....ia1 to
participate in the Glcbù Cities Project and
~"¥L1ate $500.00 for 11_.¡ oEu.ah1p (frail the
furñ) .
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, seca.dt.d by Came. JCrppe1 and
l""a-,:1 l.II12IIÚ.IIø.:y to ~"¥L1ate $500 frail the
furñ for participatim in the Glcbù Cities Project.
32. OCrIsideratim of revisim to œ:ùinance enacted in
respŒISe to drooght.
(a) Ut':l""iCY o.rc:tinaraa No. 1512: "An o.rc:tinaraa of the
City Courk::il of the City of 0Ipertin0 Resc1ndirJJ
sectiat 7 of o.rc:tinaraa No. 1489 Relat.iIr;J to Ex!
Use surc::barge Rate for 0Ipertin0 )b1it'!ipal water
Utility 0JstaDers ani Declaring the U....".......y
'lbereof. "
It was JIDII8d by Courk::. Gatto, ~.dt.d by Courk::. J<iInson
ani I"'aaed. unaniJacuùy to ~ the \£L':I""L;Y ordinance.
It was IIIaII8d by Came. ~"', seca1ded by Came. Gatto and
I"'~~ed. unanimc:usly to read ordinance No. 1512 by title a1ly
ani the City Clerk I s readin:] to CŒlStitute the readin:]
It was JIDII8d by Courk::. Gatto, ~ by Courk::. Roge1:s arx1
passed unaninr::AJsly to enact ordinance No. 15U.
Global Cities
Urg. Ord. l5l2
Res. 7972
to Gardenview
Jou:;¡:;!'.L.r«; (0::-779)
33. Review of "":fL............L far the aoquisitiŒ1 of real
property; oorthwest CuL....r of stevens creek Eb.ùevani
and stellin:] laid (DeAnza Raap!t Club.)
(a) ResolutiŒ1 No. 7972: "A Resolutia1 of the City
Council of the City of QJpertino Autharizin:]
ExeC'ttiŒ1 of ~...........jt BE.bJeen the City of
0Jpertin0 and DeAnza Residential SUites to
Establish a P1.' ()ØIiI'1"8 for Detemining a Fair and
Equitable Price far Pl~ty Located at the
Northwest Q)nlar of stevens creek Eb.ùevard and
stellin:] RoIIId."
Ann Arqer stated that DeAnza Racquet Club wculd not remain
a private club if the City shcW.d pJrå1ase it.
O1arles PeJ-" asJr-'I what fUnds have been At¥L..¥dated. He
stated that the City has been negoti.atin:J for salle time an::!
asIœd why this particular ~............L was -H~""', He ~
what the }AL'..:' _a wculd be for irplt when the price was
decided. He urged Courk::il to c:x:.ntinJe the }AL" -7 as it is
City Attarney Kilian ""'l'1'Üned the ~_......L be.inq
}AL s .,Led for ëÇprCIY&l.
Mr. NSI-'" urged Courk::il not to take actia1.
It was IIIaII8d by CcmK:. Jåmsa1, -....~ by Came. Gatto
and ~--'9d unanimcusJ.y to adept Resolutim No. 7972
authcrizin:] exBCUt.ia1 of an ~___It. with DeAnza
Residential SUites to establish a }AL' <)<10111'"8 for det:emininq
a fair and elpitable price for the }AL_L)'.
34. ~-=-t far rai1llh,n__.L to Jåm Rintala for
cx:rñemnatia1 }AL' <'eo "noe.
It was IIIaII8d by counc. Gatto, seocuded by Courk::. Jcbnøcn
and pelS'"'«i un!IJ'1iJIIaJsly to authorize return of $lO,3OO.OO
~<JSit to Gardenview Terrace.
Mayor Pluny stated Òat he had received letters fraD
the variCAJS Califomia paI'Jœ am I.........atiCX1S boiu:ås and
1'Y'ftWII;....iŒ1S thankin:¡ the City far their hcspitality far
their Ieoellt CXI'1feuu.....
MEErING (0::-779)
36. 5ecc:n:i readin;¡ and enactment of 0J:dinance No. lSll:
"An Ordinance of the City Courk::il of the City of
0Jpertin0 A1IIen::lirç Sect1m 1 of 0J:dinance No. 2 by
Reza1in;J CO! IDt of 45,56O;t Sq. Ft. fnD Rl-10 Za1e to
P Za1e: I..ocated at 10100 Vista Drive (ARù1catim
9-Z-89 - JOBlp. Park A9SOC'.)."
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Rcger&, EoðCaùed by Courk::. Gatto and
I"'a....... UI'1IU1ÍJIIOOSly to read Ordinance No. lSU by title ŒÙY
and the City Clerk's readin;r to ~øtitute the seo...tLl
reað.in;r thereof.
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. Gatto, seoc:I1decl by Courk::. ~D and
pae$ed unanimcusly to enact Ordinance No. lSU.
37. Na1e.
STAFF ~::¡
38. update m Tanner Bill.
It was IIICMId by Courk::. lfq:ipel, secaldecl by CDInc. ~
and I"'ftfted unanimcusly to authcrize the transmittal of the
letter }AL .!I tt.ed to Courk::il to the CQmty of santa Clara..
At U:35 p.m., Courk::il adjourned to 7:00 p.m., Nav....... l4,
City erk
2nd reading of
Ord. lSl1
Ord. lSl1 ena~te'