CC 11-20-89
10300 'IORKI:; AVENJE. aJPERTIN:>, CA 951)14
'I'E!EHDŒ: (408) 252-4505
10300 Tut<I<t; AVENJE, aJPER1'IN:), c:::AI.I:FI:RlI
'!he meetin;¡' was called to order by Mayor Rogers at 6:45
R:>U, CAlL
Courk::. Present:
Goldman, J{q:pel, Sorensen, Szal:o, Msyor Rcga's
staff Present:
City Manager 8r'CM1
City Clerk Cornelius
Director of Public Wœ:Jœ VisJo::widl
Director of I'hmll1.u.ty Devel----="L 0Jwan
Assistant to the City ManaçJer Brown
Director of PaJjœ arx1 Rec:reatia1 DcwliIç
Public Informatim Officer Krey
Hcusin;J arx1 Services Coordinator NarlinJ
City Attorney Kilian
It was moved by Courk::. Goldman, ~.::1t.d by CaIne. Sú......_1!II1
and I"''!'s'9CÎ unanimaJsly to reIIIJ\/8 I~ Nos. 17, 23 and 24
frail the agenda.
CEREM'.:N.rAL M1u'~ - ~a.:;
Prr'v'!' .......tim dec1arin;J "Family Week" in 0Jpertin0.
Prtx::lamatim recxx,JlliziIç R'''+>e'r-i! JCrrpe1 arx1 Nicol Ie:;¡an for
earthquake relief efforts.
Prtx::lamatiŒ1 reoogllizin;J tlty of 0Jpertin0 Ellployees for
earthquake relief efforts.
Mayor Rogers presented the proc].......tia'lS.
MINtJID; OF 'mE lUJM!rn 20, 19B9, MælAR CIT'i a:xJNCIL
MEr:I'IN; (íÅ:-780)
a::mmr CAU2IDAR
ROOert Hoxsie requested that Item No. l3 be removed. It
was mcved by Came. Szabo, sec:on:3ed by Came. Goldman an:!
I"Issed I.I1'1a1'1:inJJly to ð~J}ALV\fe the balance of the 0:wIsent
Calen:3ar as sul::mitted.
1. Resolutia1 No. 7977: "A Resolutim of the City Cameil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin] Certain Claime and
Demarrls Payable in the ADDmts and FraIl the F\IrŒ¡ as
Hereinafter Described for General and HiscellaneaJS
Expe¡illt:ures for the Period Endin;r NoIreai:ÞeL 8, 1989."
2. Resolutim No. 7978: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il
of the City of 01pertino Allowin] Certain Chd.... and
Demands Payable in the ADDmts and fraD the F\Jnds as
Hereinat'ter Described for Salaries and Wages for the
Payroll Period Endin;r 0ct.c:àIr 24, 1989."
3. Request for _''i'datim of $l9,080.00 frcm the
general f'Urx:l for the p.u:pose of rai~Ir_..t to a
deve1cpar for installaticñ of a traffic signal.
4. Alocholic BeIret..".. Cl.!'.tul applicatiCX1S filed by '''Ihe
Clinic" an:! Hcuse of Iae.
5. RlrigPt update arx1 'l'œasurer's Repent, Oc::tc:ber, 1989.
6. Mcnth1y Activity ~t for 0ct.c:àIr, 1989.
7. p...;p-t fcor ~ of $100,000.00 for AOOOUI'It
l'I~ 110-223-743-000; settleme11t. of F.:ntana cl"i",.
8. Rejectim of cl..i", filed by Gladys and Carl KaIœ.
9. Receipt of SUD..... and O2Iplaint for n.....~ filed for
Anthct1y Trayer, a minor, by Carol T>nnhellini.
10. Appl1catim ASN:. 51.88l.1 - Sà>rato Deve1,¥,,=lt _
Request for awtUI/ëÙ of plans to relocate meå1anical
equipDent an:! install a o............te blocK. ~ wall for
an office building located m the east side of DeAnza
Boulevard, betwen Mariani Avenue an:! 1-280.
PAc:> ····_'kJed for ëIpprO\IëÙ.
MImJI'ES OF THE 1mD\BER 20, 1989, Rro:JIJ,R CT1"i cnJNCIL
"IEITING (0::-780)
11. Request for waiver of solicitor's fee filed by American
Carx::er Society.
12. Acœptame of IllmicipaJ. i:aprovements:
Cali Project, IbClel1an Rœd¡DeAnza Bo.ùevard
13. Jœm:wed frail the Ca1sent Calendar.
14. Resolutim ¡ie. 7979: "A Resolutim "f the City ca.n::il
of the City of CUpertino AI:x:eptirg Grant of Easement
for ~ PI.u.~Bee FraIl Ross JC<>i....r and Terry L.
Keiser, PL~ ty Located at the Northeast CoIner of
Peninau1a Eb.ùevard and Grand AveraJ8."
15. Resolutim No. 7980: "A Resolutim of the city Courk::i1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 hX',otin;J Quir","'im Deed and
Authorizatim for tJndeJ:groui'xi ~ter Rights fraD Ross
}CAiaAT" and Terry L. }CAi....r, Peninsula AveraJe."
l6. Resolutial No. 798l: "A Resolutim of the City Courk::il
of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ Final Plan far the
IDpra\Ise1t of Frontage at 10088 ard 10090
Peninsula Aven.Je: Developer, Ross Keiser and Terry L.
}CAi....r: AuthoriziIç the City ED3ineer to sign the Fin201
Plan, arx1 AuthoriziIç EXBcutimof JI.,µ in
CU........tian 'Iherewith.
17. An~l\."tim No. 7967: "A Resolutia'l of the City council
of the city of QJpertino AutharlziIç EIœcUtia1 of
GrcuIù T ........ for the teasiIç of Plq)erty to santa Clara
county Obut....CÙ Fire Protectia1 District to CU..LLI.1Ct
IIl'id Maintain a Fire statim at the Sc::uthwest a......... of
Stellinq ibid and Se\I8n Sprin]B ParlaoIay."
18. Resolutial No. 7983: "A Resolutial (,f the City Courk::i:'..
of the City of QJpertino ~ 0CI1tract 0wJ;e
OLdt.... No. 11 for t"'nmllTI'11ty Center arlldin;VMømoria1
Park Expansim Project No. 2001."
19. Resolutim No. 7984: "A of the City Courk::il
of the City of QJpertino ~iIç CCI1tract 01aD;Je
order No. 2 for a:ø:; EllpirejGrand street ~av~jt.
?reject 88-120, Requestinq ~"¥Li.atim."
20. Resolutim No. 7985: "A Resolutim of the city Courk::il
of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ Cart:A<.:t 0wJ;e
ordF...r No. 8 for McClellan Road widenin:J, Project 4020."
HEE'TI}«; (0::-780)
13. ADoeptance of city projects
Mc:Clellan Road Widenin:J, Project: 4020 (Raisch)
RàJert Hc:Dcsie expressed COIIDeJ:J1 regardin:J the need for
clean-up m the project.
Director of P.Wlic WOrks viskovidl stated that the final
payment will rot be made until the clean-up is dale.
It was mcved by Came. Szabo, seocn:ied by Came. Sorensen
am I""aðgd ~ly to ;,00E'f't the project.
Mayor Rogers anncunced that with the a¡:prova1 of council,
I~ No. 26 will be CXl\S1dered at this time.
26. A¡:plic:atim 3~6 (Revised) - DeAnza Pì."+",,,-ti_ - Use
PeDdt (revisian) to delete Pal....".....,l. 1 of Ocrditim
3 (b) of Use PeDdt 3~6 (Amended) to remove the age
l.....t....ictim en 51 apart:ment units and to designate ten
(lO) units within the 01ateau 0Jpertin0 Retirament
DøIIel...'!.dll1t for nrY'!1f"'nCY as affordable rental dwellin;J
units for senior citizens. Envh...uué.I/tal
Determinatim: categoric:ally E--'1.'L. Reo ·...-rded for
Proclamatim reocgllizin;J City of 0Jpertin0 eaployees for
earthquaJæ relief efforts. (C.A.R.E.S.)
A ."¥L '1lative of C.A.R.E.S. acœpted the proclamatim.
(A¡:plic:atim 3~6 (Revised) - DeAnza Properties)
Courk::. ¥qp!l stated that she ~ net be participatin;J in
the di ..,..,>aaim, nor vctin;J m the i~ because of <D1flict
of interest.
Director of o-.m.trrlty Devel"¥"""1t. Cowan am Ha.1sin;J and
services Coordinator Norlin;J reviewed the }AL'-l"JSal with
Jåm Vidavidl aàh.-~ed council giviIg a history of the two
DLc:n,c:aim follcwed regard:Ï1J;J the amcA.Il1t of park:in] place
am the locatian of those park:in] places for seniors.
MIN1Jl'ES OF 'mE OOVOO\ER 20, 1989, REælAR ClT! cnJNCIL
MEEI'm:; (0:-780)
Mr. Vidovich eJCP1ained why the iV""ed age restriction is
in¡JactiIJ;J the acquiriIJ;J of a loan for develVlA'""'ll. '!he
request for a designation of ten· d within O1ateau
CJpertino was selected because it waild not have a
financial iTrp.rt on other residents.
JëIJIIE!S Mehre, 10150 Torre Avenue, resident of O1ateau
CJpertino, expressed concen1 that cw'L"",jl residents 'oIalld
ultiInately subsidize those oaninq in urx:'Ier the }AL' ~eed
Eulalia Hauck, resident of O1ateau 0Jpertin0, asked who in
the long J:\m 'oIalld abscn:b the subsidy. She stated that
they had reoehlly had a rent increase at the O1ateau. She
also eJCpresSed CuAA<l11 regartÜl'q lacJc of parkinq facilities
for guests. Ms. Hauck requested a guarantee that current
residents 'oIalld not abscn:b the subsidies. '!he t-_..{.œ:ary
parkinq lot bein;r used m the triangle piece of gramd will
be gene, so IICX'8 parkin] places will be lost.
Barb ~, 7967 FolJœstcn! Drive, spoJœ in surp:ltt of ten
subsidized units. She stated that cw..."",.t. rents are frozen
until Januaxy 1, 1991 and dema1'xki IICX'8 parkinq close to
O1ateau 0Jpertin0, as the CU1..."",jt parkinq is inadequate.
Ms. ICq:¡pel stated that 0Jpertin0 t'hmonú.ty services 'oIalld
place 0Jpertin0 residents or these who have a family here
as the J"I~ cme priority far plaüØI·-·jl in O1ateau
0Jpertin0. ':!he names of the residents who ccme in urx:'Ier
the ~''i''Jsed p..~GIB 'oIalld be kept ocafidentia1.
Flœ:ellc:os Lewis, O1ateau 0Jpertin0, told Courk::il that she
has sane of the CXI1CeD1S that the other residents have
expressed. She believes the rents are frozen at this tbDe,
but that does not protect them in the future. She stated
that the City requires that a bend be filed for protectim
of trees and the resident of O1ateau 0Jpertin0 also need
protectim assurances. She asked for Courk::il
Sally Brennan, 0Jpertin0 t'hmonú.ty services, stated that
there is for the units arx1 the }AL g "tt residents.
She 'oIalld 1IiIt'Iñt hard to make sure that their rates do not go
up. She that ~ erent residents need assurance.
Harriet Shull, l0305 South Winchest:er BcW.evard, san Jose,
expr-':'ed ~.........jl with Ms. Brennan. She told Courk::i1
there was a lack of hrosiIJ;J for in-beb;een seniors, those
who are not la.-iuo....e but cannot afford regular hrosiIJ;J.
MINtJI'ES OF 'mE ~ 20, 19B9, mx::IJl.AR Cl'l"l croNCIL
MEFrIN:; (0:-780)
Michael O'C~J.ii1, 7863 Lily Calrt, mørnho>.r of the Hoosin;J
C"nnmittee, stated these are rent reductions, not
subsidies. Eoct ICIIIics will protect the current residents.
John Vidovich expressed the belief that the parJdng problem
will solve itself aver time.
Discussia'l followed regardin:J valet parJdng for aJateau
QJpertino. Cameil Iii "<"''''''ei1 p.tttin;J in writin::J that these
ten units will not affect the rent of current residents;
that those ten units be available for this l-'LV;¡LC1W for a
period of 20 years; that IIDre parJdng or parJdng closer to
the O1ateau n:-"", to be available and that the bookJœep~
for those ten units not be included with the other units.
In OCI'1Sider~ revision to the landscap~ to achieve 8-10
nrJre parJdng EIpaOes, it was decided that the landscapin;J in
fra1t of the O1ateau is j:øp:>rt:ant to the residents. Also,
parkin:¡ be.bieeJ. the 1:W.l~ cannct be dale because that
is a fire .."""""a lane.
It was 1IICM..:i by Courk::. Szabo, seoaded by Courk::. sorensen
and pe¡..aoo unanimously (4-0) to "WLW8 Applicatim No.
36-U-86 (Revised) as per staff L~t, deleting the age
J:_L..1ctim awlied to the apartment and designatin::J ten
units in O1ateau QJpertino as affordable rental units for
seniors per Plannin:J' C'hmIi Resolutim No. 4224 and per
Senior and Handi~ Hoosin;J ()"ImIittee rec> .......rmtiCX1S
with the additim of a statement that it is the policy of
the City of 01pertin0 that the cost of subsidies shall net
be ptlaa'9d m to other tenants in the fœ:m of rent increases
and this shall be OCI'1Sidered in arr¡ ~i ..tim. '!he
dsvelqJer shall prcwide valet parkin:¡.
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. sorensen, seccnied by Courk::. Szabo
and I"'a....... unanimcus1y (4-0) to direct staff to negotiate
with QJpertino t"rwIwno..uty Servioe£l to develc:p guidelines for
awlicants for affOI'dable rental units and tnplement.atim
of the }AL~aw. (City Clerk's Note: Courk::. Koppel
returned to her seat.)
2l. CCI1sideratim of renewal of frand1ise for Heritage
Cable Televisim (formerly Gill Cable).
(a) Resolutia'l No. 7986: "A Resolution of the City
Courk::i1 of the City of CJpertino Authorizin;J
Execlltion of Agreement Between Heritage
Cab1evision arx1 the City of CJpertino for Renewal
of Franchise."
MEEl'!N; (0::-780)
Dcnna Krey }AL-_Ited her L~t to Cameil.
steve Reitsdler of Heritage Cable told O:.w1Cil that
Heritage will start worki.n} m ~ cable d1annels 30 and
53 the first of J~.
It was IIIaII8d by Came. ~, secc:njed by counc. Sorensen
and ra"''''ed unalÚIIICAJSly to adept Reso1utim No. 7986.
22. çlic:atim !H;PA-89 - City of 0Jpert.in0 - Review of
the oc:œolidated text of the existirg 0Jpert.in0 Ger.æ.41
Plan and enactment of minor technical ðllae..(h.....¡ls to
said Plan. Envi.ra1menta1 Deteminatioo: '!he Plannin:¡
l"nmIi....i.a1 J:Ao... ¿PJds the gr¡mtin:;J of a Negative
Dec:laratim. Rec' ....-'1ded for "WLU'IIÙ.
(a) Ra&:-J.uticn No. 7988: "A Resolutioo of the City
Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 A~ the
o...-..lidated Text of the Exist.iJç 0Jpert.in0
Ger....a! Plan and Enactin:;J Minar Tedmical
Amer....d:s to Said Plan, ç1icatim !H;PA-89."
Director of ChIoIo"1ity Dev8l"¥"""&t cowan told Oamc:il that
the draft ."....aLa! plan bein;J pt B aI/tad basically CXl\Sists
of eclitin:J chan:Jes.
D~'~ia1 followed regarclin;J focaatim of a citizen gœl
(YWIOIIi ttee.
Ann An;Jer, Ma1ta Vista, ddh -....... Courk::il xegardin;J the
iDprtance of a luge ,."...ittee :t:.prl! "Un:J all cuog.,-.d:s
of the """""1ity and net J:UShin¡ the }AL''¡;: 8ft.
It was IIIaII8d by Came. s........._ 81':, seocnded by counc. Szabo
and r--1d unaniJaa¡sly to "WLu¥8 the grantin;J of a
Negative Dec::larati.a1.
It was IIIaII8d by Ccunc. Szabo, seocnded by counc. Kc:.ppel and
paf"~ed I.II'1alÙJIICAIly to approve ç1ic.atim 5-GPA-89 per
Plannin:¡ Resolutim No. 4217.
It was m:wed by Courk::. Szabo, seocnded by Courk::. ~l and
I"'''''''ed unaJÚJIICAJSly to adept Resolutioo No. 7988.
Diso' followed regardin;J the}AL' ~;Bed stage II
~IE! "led in the staff L~t. 'lbese itelœ were these that
were a¡:parently net ocntrcversial. others wculd be
reviewed by the <7""" ,."...ittee prior to 0CIIÚ1'g to Courk::il.
MINUl'ES OF 'IHE NC:!'.'ÐmER 20, l~e~, ~ C1T'l cnJNC!!L
MEEl'1}l; (0:-780)
Ccurtenay Heater, 1110 Milky Way, request:eä that an UJ:t::en
reforestatim ...........itment be NŸ1Ar'1 to the 1arxi use el.,.......t.
Ann Arçer told COOrx:i1 that times c::h.arçe; a gra1p ru.... to
be formed to go over the general plan, i~ by i~.
Nancy B.1n..LL, 729 stendhal Lane, ~-ted that bicyclirg
also be part of the txansportatim element.
Marcia Szabo, l0235 c:resta'I Drive, stated that there sho.ùd
be a clear policy and penalty to prevent the nIIICY&l of
exi.sdrY;J trees.
Harold Jå1nsa1, 10511 Iany way, stated that there are
problems with treee. 'Ihey get into sewer lines, cress
property lines, cause problems for these with allerg1_,
intrude into power lines ard ...,.,,- si"-Jalk tbo"-JI". If
Cameil shoJJ.d enact an orc:iinaooe, he urged that there be
salle flexibility to allow for rE!III:7\Tal of t....! causirg
By oalSellSUS, Cameil !IRJrCY8d the stage n as }ALiB 4.ed by
staff with the additim of uman reforestatim urœr the
land use el........L. Courk::. Goldman requested that Courk::il be
}AL S ,,1tOBd with alte:matives early in the }AL"~ T a SO they
11aY give directim to staff.
RE):.,..,c;: 9:15-9:30 P.M.
23. IfeariIç to CXl\Sider misance at l0152 I.ebana1 Drive.
(Abated; staff requests this i~ be J:8IIa\I8d fraD the
'agerœ..) (Prev1CAJSly J:8IIa\I8d fraD the agenda.)
24. Hearirg to CXl\Sider orderirJ;J abat.........íL of lUlltler
æc-lared a n.ùsance at 10100 Vista Drive.
(PreviCAJSly J:8IIa\I8d frail the agenda.)
25. Awlicatim 13-U-89 and 14-FA-89 - SCiJrato DeYel"¥"""tt
~TÚ.es - Awlicatim far Use PeImit to rlamnlish an
~ 570,000 sq. ft. industrial Wildin;J and
0ŒISt:ruct a 965,000 sq. ft. (785,000 }AL.~sed net floor
area) office stxuct:ure, with related site
inp:oYements. '!he property is located m the east side
of DeAnza Boulevard batween Interstate 280 and Mariani
Avenue. Envhu.....c..lal DetenninatiCl'lS: 'Ihe Plannin;J re.::. ....-.ds the grcmtin:J of a Negative
Declaratim. PAco····....1dad far a~. (o:ntfn.¡ecI
fram NOvember 6, 1989.)
MEErING (0::-780)
~ity Attorney Kilian stated tbat he UJ'1derstaOOs tbat Came.
Goldman was pre!! ilL at the meet~ when this applicatim
was heard an:1 Courk::. Szabo arx1 SOrensen had reviewed the
video tapes, so the three will be able to take action.
Director of CClrmmity Develq:ment Cowan told Cameil that
the applicant has presented a new site plan with a
calculation of the amenities space.
Jcim Sà:>rato reviewed the current oonfiguratim of tie
develq:ment an:1 the prq¡c:ced configuration. Mr. Sabrato
stated that the neighboI'S had ~ cx:n::ern regardin:J
privacy. He plans to expand the pl~ line alcn;r the
prc.perty where it joins the residential areas arx1 plant 36
in::h J'vnrM trees i-'li"'tely upon approval. In
appICO'i""'tely 2 to 2-1/2 years when the b.1ilclin:Js go in,
the trees sbc:uld be large enoogh to provide that privacy.
'!he dunpiter and truck doc:Iæ have been DCVecl away fraD the
residential units. '!he silos m the ariginal plan have
been eliminated. '!he mechanical equi~jL will be m the
roof an:1 the fra1t of the b.1ildings will be away fraD the
residences. '!he tree islarxis against the rear of the
devel"¥""".t ocW.d be eliminated if the residents dat't want
them. '!here will be a security system to detact
loiterers. '!he}AL' \..:!!9d devel"¥"",,íL oonforms with the
existing general plan. An ~ite coordinator will be
hired to develq> car pools: the goal is 15%. Mr. SdJrato
stated he will fund the cost of widenin;J DeAnza Ib.ùevanl
over Highway 280 and the full ca1Structiat tax. In reg¡m:l
to sales tax, Mr. Sabrato enpwsizecl that of the top ten
sales tax Þæ in QJpert:jro, "'........x CI1Ø is
Hewlett-Packard. '!his is thrcugh the use tax. Mr. s...ù::àto
wants to provide major users a place to grow and stay in
QJpert:jro. In reg¡m:l to square footage, with air speœ
eliminated there is """'tely 835,000 square feet. '!he
phas~ sd1edule ~d be part of a devel"¥""".t a.,¡............t.
Harold Jchnsa1 .........L-..ed CXI'1OeIT1S that the }AL' ~s9d
devel~ will be closer to the residential area and he
~d like t.... ,- alcn;r the prc.perty line: the choice of
trees woold be iD¡Jortant. Hoa stated that currently cars
are par)œd on Merritt Drive. People walk to the office
b.1ilclin:Js arx1 the church: however, these do not seem to be
a pIà:¡lem. He requested an aisle for delivery tI\x:Jœ
against the b.1ildin:]. Mr. Jchnsa1 said that the }AL'-¢sed
traffic pattern does bother him a bit. other than the air
an:1 heatin::J unit location, he preferred the first plan
presented an:1 believes tbat other neighboI'S feel this way
MINlJI'ES OF '!HE tvJEMBER 20, 1989, RmJIAA CIT'i a::uNCIL
MEE:I'm:; (0::-780)
Mr. Sobrato stated that he was not going to build according
to the previCAJS plan, bIt wtW.d keep \oñat was Cw.L<:.I,tly
there m the site or l::W.1d the plan Pl S.!'ljtecl this
evening. Mr. Sabrato said he understands that he owld ~
residential aparbnents or a small shq:ping center m that
site. He also stated that Los Altos Garbage ChIpony sha.1ld
not be using the parkirx:J lot for a staging area arx1 he will
check into it.
Nancy 9.u:nett told Cameil she likes the looks of the plan
Pl 6' ..led; however, she does have a oœ~ regarding
traffic. She asJœd if widenin;J the aveIpI!ISS wtW.d help and
if the extra traffic was figured in for the nortlù:x:AJn:l exit
fran 85 to DeAnza COllege.
Mr. Sobrato stated that bath before and after the widening,
there will be a D level of service for traffic. He
requested that cœncil give him directim regarding the
setbacks, grant the Negative no.-.laratim, a<x~L the square
footage as p... S.!'l.led and authorize that work start to final
the awlicatim.
Disn~im followed regarding updating traffic informatim
fran the 1983 Geuexcù Plan and the availability of more
recé"L informatim. other 0............1... ~_aed included an
analysis of amenities iti"'<'OUl1t previCAJSly given, a profile
of the}AL' ~lied l::W.1dings with the rest of DeAnza Eb.1levard
shadn] the relatia1ship this deve1___,L wculd have with
existinq 1:uildings am. the possibility of 0CI'1tiru1in:l the
awlicatim to Jaroazy 2.
D:irectar of Chmo"1ity Devel___.L COWan stated that 81m
study an:Jles can be prepared shcwin:J the tl an:i the
mlSes. 'lbese are 'W'''''''y dcne depicting JUne 21 and
Deo~""¡.er 21 at 10:00 a.m. arx1 2:00 p.m. 'Ihese perspective
drawin;¡s sha.1ld be dcne fraD eye level.
By CX'I1Sel1SUS, cœncil oart:in.Jecl the decisim regarding
setbacks to the meeting of I)Ai:'_.¡ -er 4 arx1 directed the City
Attorney to 0 "'.-'\Co:s with the writing of a deve1"1-"""".L
agl............L. Mr. Sobrato and Mr. 0CWan were directed to
tH "--h'oate the infozmatim to the ~"1ity.
27. Awlicatim ASAC 19-{]-89 - Jerry A. - Request for
~,roval of l::W.1din;J colors, roof materials, and
ll'¡J'1li""'ll'in;J for a III.Ù ti -tenant retail center to be
oonstructed m the southwest COl::1-=Z' of stevens creek
Eb.1levard and stellin;J Road. Fe<> ...,-~ for denial.
MEZl'DC (0::-780)
Jerry Kler}AL s ,¡tad color scmp1es of what the City Courk::il
had approved arx1 an alternate pl~1 frail ASAC.
It was mcved by Came. Goldman, sectI'Idecl by Courk::. KcP.;Iel
and pi!lfõ~ed unaniJIIœsly to ~ the colors :reo ....-œ.1 by
the Ardritectural ar.i site ~ l"nmIittee.
It was IIIaII8d by Came. Szabo, sectI'Idecl by Courk::. ~ and
pa"'....... unaniJoously to ~ the l~in;J as CI"hftittecl
with l~in;J alarg stevens creek Eb.ùevard áefULuod and
to be in cx:nfcmoance with the final plan for stevens creek
Eb.ùevard as approved by Courk::il.
28. Na1e.
29. Ca1sideratim
of an ozdinanoe regardinq water
(a) First raadinJ of Ordinance No. 1513: "An
Ordinance of the City Cameil of the City of
0Jpertin0 Establi.sl1inJ RboL..lctiCX1S and
Regul.atiCX1S far the O:nIervatim of Water."
It was IIIaII8d by Courk::. lfq:pel, seoaœl by counc. SOI::..~en
and pe't'-'!!d. unarûJlDJsly to read Ordinance No. 1513 by title
a1ly and the City Clerk's readiJç to "'-'o...titute the first
readiJç thereof.
30. A¡:poiuL.u.all of OCU'X:i 111_.¡ c'S to boards, l'Y'ftWIIi....:I.a1s
and l'Y'ftWIIi ttees.
l"nmIittee assi."......Jt.s were made as follows:
Mayor ~:
santa Clara camty Cities Associatim
lIdministrative O::mnittee - ABI\G
Int:ergcIIemmen c.amcil
Wt. st Valley Mayors and Manager
Ch..izpersa1, Iegislative and Government
organizatim O::mnittee - ABI\G
Natia'lal league of Cities Energy, Envh...........1t
arx1 Natia'lal ResaIrces ~1icy l"nmIittee
Biœntennia1 Camlittee
Exeo.1tive Board - ABI\G
wanen in M.micipal Government - Natia'lal
league of Cities
League of California cities Peninsula
Water conserva-
1st reading of
Ord. lS13
Appointment of
to boards
MEE:l'!N:; (0::-780)
League of California cities Public Safety
ccmni ttee
Came. KcßJel
Ca.mty l"nmIittee m Hoosin3 and ~"1ity
Block Grant P:~CWI
Santa Clara Valley Water C'nmIi
North central and Northwest Flood
Za1e Advisory CCmnittee
Intergcvernment Courk::il Alternate
Santa Clara Camty Transportatia1 n--i <UJim
League of California Cities, ÐIployee
Courk::. Goldman:
Traffic Reductim SU............ittee
LegislatJ...... Review CCmnittee
Envh,.u_ltal Review CCmnittea
'l'ri.ana1 Advisory CCmnittee
0:IJnc. SOrensen:
Emergency Medical Care CCmnittee
0Jpertin0 Droq AD.Ise Courk::il
Sister City l"nmIittee
Du=Y""'....y Preparedness (nœinee)
Came. Szabo:
Traffic Reductim SUJx· .....Ittee
League of California Cities 'l'ranspartatic
l"nmIi ttee
~ 85 Task Farce
Transpartaticn 2000 Task ~......
Advisœ:y Bœxd to Transit Authority
Legislative Rsviøor CCmnittee
J\esociaticn of Bay Area GoIIau_tl.
31. Settin¡ date for intetviewø and ~L.L-...LB to the
Planninq l" arx1 cxndderatim of an interim
It was IIIaII8d by counc. SOrensen, seocudtod by counc. Goldman
and peesed unan:imcus1y to ~ !ipp1icatiCX1S fraD [Ia.:
1-21 and ccn:hJct interviews at January 10, 1990.
It was IIIaII8d by 0:IJnc. Szabo, seOCb]¡"d by Courk::. S01.e.sen
and I""~......t unan:imcus1y to determine that an emaL<jo=&....,y
exists and make an interim ç of Sharat Blaine to
the Planning l"nmIi
Mn«1l!S (Jt 'IHB M:7mØIR 20, 1989, R!mIAR crlY CDK:IL
1'IUa'~ (00-780)
32. of cancellin¡ ar ~ date of ~d
~ in 0. "__.
It _ "'::'..t by Qu1c. &..... Tin, ........ðod by Qu1c. Szabo
and ~ Id ~y to calAÆl tœ -.t.inq ~ed for
~ J41 18.
33. Selec:ticn of votinq -1"'9"ta and altcnate for t.IIgue
of c::alitarn1a Citieø AInJal Ccnf....._, 1)10. J..1' l7-19,
It _ "'::'.a4 by Qu1c. S'·~, ~ðod by CD.Inc. &....._m
and p- :1 ~y to ~1nt JIIyar a-. tœ vot.tnq
delegate and Qu1c. J&1:pl al~.e.t:e.
34. CDwi~.4ic:n of pm::bI8e of SJ... ~_L¡ 1cœted a1
Mo(']a11.rt RcI8d.
Courk::il CXII1t.1Dm car-i,...... cd..ian of t:hia i~ until after
tœ t'1'Xë 1J---1~.
'6U:.ó.·mrt aJlaaCM'ICIIJ
35. Nc:irw.
36. Nc:irw.
37. Nc:irw.
t1I!ItPF -..uzt
38. oral ...........1.8 by .tart I "......
rT~ ~-~~ø Closed Session
At 11:20 p..., 0:ø¥:U adjCJUm&l to. ('].1:115 S ia1 to
~ . y-ih1. va1idaticn IIICt1œ and ocœJder it8IB
perta1niD¡ to tba p.....J u. of x.l ............L¡, tœ SiDIB
}AL_ty and tœ DIIAnza ~-t Cld), V1dcvich, ~... i-tar.
At 11:40 p..., ocunci1 ~ in ocunci1 O"-··J41.
Qu1c. p¿, T íL:
/"J\l'-", ~, &""..1111'1, Szabo, JIIyar Rcgc:.
Simms Prop.
MEE::I'nC (0::-780)
staff Present:
City Manager Brown
City Clerk o........lius
Director of Public Works Viskovich
City Attorney Kilian
34. Ccnsideratim of p..IrChase of simlll ~qJerty located m
ft::Clel1an Read.
(a) Resolutim No. 7982: "A Resolutim of the City
Courk::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizin¡
Exeort1m of Aq1.."..........l for Purchase of Real
l'rc:p!rty, Simlll l'rc:p!rty m ft::Clellan Read.
(b) Resolutim No. 7989: "A Resolutim of the City
C'a.lnc:il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acoeptin¡ a Grant
Deed of Real l'rc:p!rty fraD Clifford J. Simlll, Jr.
and Maria1 siDms Hart as Oo-Exøcutars of the will
arx1 Estate of Clifford J. SiDms, sr. :
AkJl"",-imootely 3.3 Acres, IDeated m !i:Clellan
Read. "
It was mewed by Mayor~, sec:xI1ded with Courk::. SoreϾ1
and I""'aa'9d unarùmcusly to adqJt Resolutim Nos. 7982 and
7989 and to direct staff to þL" rT~ with other altemates
as per Closed Ses8im.
JlAnntobtiCX1S far 1:JI.Irå1ase. ....'e. exå1an:Ie. or '-'!e of """',
...... . -·l.¡-DeAnza ~ Club (Vidovich).
It was mewed by Mayor 1b]ers, sec:xI1ded by Courk::. sorensen
and I""'a....... l1MJ'1iwr"'''ly to reject the offer and direct staff
to }AL.~ as per the written ~ðew$1d:..
R...~_a r.ioenAA Tax
It was anncunoed that there had been no ~isim made arx1
the ~lic hearinq will be ccnñIct:ed m De< -.¡ eJ: 4.
At 12:45 a.m., the meeting was adjoorned.
/2 // ~~