CC 01-04-88
10300 Torre AVIIIUI, Q.1pertino, CA ~~14
'1'elephane: (408) 252-4.'505
HEI.D (J{ JAlIJAR! 4, 1988, CXXH:IL œ........., Cl'lY HAU.
10300 'roKKri AVT.:2«JE, ~.uÐ, c:::AURRaA
At 5:35 p.m. the 1œ8t:1rx¡ was "'''ed to œd8r by City CJ.em
City Attorney OIarles CXI1V8rI8d the IIIII8tiD¡J to ~'Id
sessicn to t'li........... significant ~ to liti;at.1å\
(Gavemœnt COde Sect:icn !54956.9(b) (1), piçr..ay 85;
negctiatia1s for p.Il't'base, sale, --'"g8 or ]...... of real
property (Government COde Sect:icn 54956.8).
Ccuncil reconvened in ~ at 6:47 p.m.
CCUnc. ~-,nt:
Jå1nsa1, lfqpel, P1ungy, ~-a, Kayar Gatto
staff P1'esent:
City Manager Quinlan
City Clerk Oomelius
Assistant to the City Manager BraoIn
Director of Plannin¡ am Devoo\l., ..-.It, Q:w¡m
Director of Fi1'Iance Snyder
Director of Parfcs æxI R3c:r8at:ia1 DcwlJD¡
I'hmo"\it.' RelatialS Officer Kœy
Assistant. City ED)ineer llú.tten
City Attamey IW.ian
City Attomey IW.ian made tbe follcIw1n¡J anncuncEIIIIInt: - In
regard to significant evpcøuœ to litigat:ic:n - Higb.lay 85 _
Council has given staff c:tiNct:.iœ ~ the b. MIaY
~.........It being cIevelcped. n. c1œecl ru-i""1 pertainin¡
to negct:iat!cms for pm:'base¡saJ.e,lexchangø or h~III'Kt of real
prcperty was CICI1tinIed to the IIIII8tiD¡J of Janazy 19.
~ - Hale.
CERÐDIIAL Wa·.u:;aç) - ~ - Prr-'-t:ic:n of
appreciatial to Awl. 0CIIp.Jter Inc.
nus itaa was deferred.
loud sess ion
i¡hway 85
". -.
City Mgr.1
Counc 11
study session
Activity Re-
to) advisory
and Budget
Items removed
Consent Calen-
dar approved
1. Oral by staff 11_.1... and $I,hni-icn of written
~c¡AIL t.s.
City 1In~~.. 's 1kII··.l
aec:reat:ic:r1a n ~- survey - Council CXI1fi~ that: ice
sJcat1D¡ shall tie inc11Ü1d in the study.
Ann1al CcunciJ.,lCity Manager study sessicn - Ccuncil
scheduled this eessicn for 5:30 p.m., Jam.m:y 25 in the
city Hall.
2. M:I1t:hly Activity ~L - Navember, 1987.
Ccuncil received the l"'f:'ULL.
3. Oral ..~l regarãinJ çplicatia1s received for
a¡:poLtI........L to variaJs advisor:y boards.
By eXLBllsus, Counc1l set the a¡:poL.t.......IUJ to start at 6:30
p.m. with "'ß'1iœnt:s for Parfcs & Rb........atioo C'NIoni ....100
beinq interviewed first.
4. M:I1t:hly Tœasurer's Ril!pQ..L æxI Rri;JPt update, NoIrat-.,
Ccuncil received the ..~l as <::u........-tecl.
a::uaL ~ - No act:iCI1.
staff rEIIICMId Itaa No. 22: Ccunc. P1ungy rEIIICMId ltEIIB 10
and 18: Bogers rEIIICMId Itaa 14.
It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Jcimsa., seoct.ded by ():Junc. lb;ers
and p"-ncl \IrIa11imr:uIly to app..uv'8 the balan:8 of the
0... _ Il calenSar as subaittecl.
10. RBDr:MId.
ll. Applicat:ic:n 4-u-86 (Rsvised) - Praaetheus Devel"l-""""Il
cmp. : Requestj.n;J a¡:praval of a final J.aræ -"1" plan
for a previaJsly a¡:prcved 1IIiVDt'l use ...-..plex located at
the southeast ""-'L....r' of DeAnza BcW.evard æxI stevens
Creek BcW.evard. ~"""Ided for awroval.
12. Aßùicatia1 ASH:; 51,762.1 - Tandem Ck'IIp.1t8rS (Akagi
Design) : RecpIstiD¡ ~aval of an ~ of
sect:.iœ 17.20.010.D of the sign ordinm::1e to pendt an
off-site dJ.rect:j,œal IIIt'IIDIIIInt sign at the southeast
"-U.LI-=u. f1 Tantau AverIJe ard ftJrg8 Drive. R&:> _._.~I'xJed
for a¡:p:cI\7a1.
13. Request: frail Ias Madres '86 for oo-spcr........dhip by the
Parks & a.......__tia1 department.
14. RI!m:MId.
15. 1988-89 n-"\ity Devel~¡t Block Grant citizen
Partici.paticn P.L~"'" AuthDrizatia1 to d1an;Je
lY'OIOIII"\ity III!IEIt:Jn¡ date frail M:nZy, JarIJa%'Y 18, 1988,
to '1\" ~"'Y, JarIJa%'Y 19, 1988.
16. Resolut.i.œ No. 7391: "A Resolut.i.œ of the City ocuncil
of the City of QJpertino ~ Deteminaticnt and
Ag:IrcIv1nq the Annexatia1 of Territory Designated as
.~ AvenJ8 87-05:' ~....n-tely 0.46 J\cre I.ocated
at the North Side of ~ Aven.18 bet:uf - Byrne
Aveme and C>ran;e Avem1Ø, ~ (Am
17. Cl..i- for """n""'J9S: Jean.ine Madsen; James Bandes; H.
w. Jcmes. Reject.
18. RI!m:MId.
19. Resolut.i.œ No. 7393: "A Resolut.i.œ of the city ocuncil
of the City of QJpertino ~ IDt Line Adj.....t.-..IL
Be!bÆan Two F8rœls of land withca1t a P8rC8l HiIp in
Accardanc8 with Secticn 66412(d) of SUbdivisia1 HiIp Act
as A1Iø);Jecl JarIJa%'Y 1, 1984, Tract No. 1960, Hmr I.fIp
Drive. "
20. Resolut.i.œ No. 7394: "A Resolutioo of the City ocuncil
of the City of QJpertino J\ppravi.n:¡ IDt Line ~\aò""""'L
tJetwean Two Parcels of land W1thca1t a P8rC8l M!Ip in
Accardanc8 with sectioo 66412 Cd) of SU1:xtivisia1 HiIp Act
as Amended JarIJa%'Y 1, 1984, Tract No. 7694, creek1ine
21. Resolut.i.œ No. 7395: "A Resolut.i.œ of the City ocuncil
of the City of QJpertino J\ppravi.n:¡ Final Plan for the
~",,_d. of Fra1tage IDeated at ste1lin;J Reed:
Developer, st. Arm'ew Amenian 0n1rå1: Autharizin;J the
City Erqineer to Sign the Final Plan: and Autharizinq
Executioo of 1J.j.L.........IL in o.......ctiat '!hereWith."
ABC licenses
22. RiEIIDYed.
23. Resolutiœ No. 7397: "A Resolutiœ of the City camc1l
of the City of 0Jpertjn0 AllowiD¡ certain c·"'i_ and
DeIIIarœ Payable in the A1IDmts and fraD the I\mds as
Hereinafter Desc:ribecl for salaries and wages for the
Payroll Period Er1dirJJ NaYeaœr 24, 1987."
24. Resolutiœ No. 7398: "A Reso1utiœ of the City ocunc1l
of the City of 0Jpertjn0 AllowiD¡ certain C]..i- and
DeIIIarœ Payable in the A1IDmts and FJ:aD the !\1nds as
Hereinafter Desc:ribecl for General æxI Mi.sœ1J.aneaJS
Expenditures for the Period Er1dirJJ Dee: -.J-er 4, 1987."
25. Resolutiœ No. 7399: IIA Reso1utiœ of the City ocunc1l
of the City of 0Jpertjn0 AllowiD¡ certain C]..i- and
DeIIIarœ Payable in the A1IDmts æxI frail the !\1nds as
Hereinafter Described for salaries æxI wages for the
Payroll Period Er1dirJJ Dec-.¡.er 8, 1987."
26. Resolutiœ No. 7400: "A ResolutiCl1 of the City ocunc1l
of tlõe City of 0Jpertjn0 AllowiD¡ certain C]..i- and
DeIIIarœ Payable in the A1IDmts æxI FJ:aD the !\1nds as
Hereinafter Desc:ribecl for General æxI Mi.sœ1J.aneaJS
E:xperx:itures for the Period Er1dirJJ Dec-.¡-er 18, 1987."
27. Resolutiœ No. 7401: IIA Resolutioo of the City ocunc1l
of the City of 0Jpertjn0 AllowiD¡ certain l""I..i_ and
DEIIB1œ Payable in the A1Iømts and trail the !\1nds as
Hereinafter Desc:ribecl for salaries and wages for the
Payroll Period Er1dirJJ Dec-.¡ er 22, 1987."
YQ;§ ~.1...... of the City thDY'!i'
ADS: Jàmøon, Kqipel, P1ungy, RogaLa, Gatto
1Ðæ: Hale
ABSÐll': None
Þ.æ'mIN: None
10. Alcc:åolic Beverage CD1tro1 License çplicatiCl'1S: (a)
'1he Clinic, 10041-51 s. Blaney AverDJe. (b) Asian
Market, 10881 S. Blaney AverDJe.
It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Jå1nsa1, seoctlded by ():Junc. P1un;¡y
am l""-"i!d unanimcus1y not to à:>ject to either of these
MDI1ŒS OF 'DIE JANUAR\! 4, 1988 Cl'l'\( cx:urcn. MEE:l'IK; -
14. A¡:prcval of mec:hanism to allow Praœtheus D8Yel_d..
and Marriott co...~..ticn to satisfy the 0:n1itia1 of
A;proYal relatecl to the ao;¡uisiticn of a fire tlucJc for
Q..IL..<Ù Fire Protectioo District.
It was IIICMId by Ccunc. Ricgers, seoctkJad by O:unc. Jàmsa1
ani I"'''ged \IrIa11imr:uIly to ðWlOl/8 the staff rec' ..-.- idatiœ.
of fire truck
18. A;proYal of waiver of solicitatial fees: 'lbe united
states Missicn: American cancer Society: Nat1a1al
Acticn Against; Rape.
FollowinJ t'li..çn....1oo, Counc1l by ClClLE!I1SUS ag1:....d to
oc:aaider this at a later point in the meet.i.n;J.
22. Resolut.iat No. 7396: "A Resolutioo of the City Counc1l
of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡:prcvjn¡ the Final Map ani
~Uý8l.=oíl Plans of T.ract No. 8072 Located at Blaney
Aveme and Rcdrigues Aveme: D8Yelcper, DeI...:>(t,
a....~..tia1: Acceptinq cm:tain 1".Io--ILs: Autharizinl¡
signing of Final Map ani ~U\I""íL Plans: Autharizinl¡
the Exec::utia1 of ~.........It. in o.....-..'ticn 'Iberewith."
Assistant City Erçineer adtten requested that Counc1l
adqJt the œsolutioo with the understa11din:J that staff may
~ a L....nsitiœ of ..L..ðet width prior to :t.........dat:ic:n.
It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Jcimsa1, seoo..dtd b'.f i.b1n::. Plungy
æxI 1""-'!Id \1r1aJÚJIIaJs1y to adqJt ResolI!t.Ïa1 No. 7396 and to
<>t¥LU'18 that staff may GPiIluv'e :in adjusted transitiœ width prior to :r.........daticr..
Res. 7396
29. Weed abateœnt.
(a) Resoluticn No. 7392: "A Resolutioo of the City
CWrr...i1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 0:I:õerin¡ the
.AJ:at.eIIIent of Public NUisance PUrsuant to
Prc:wisia1s of Ordinance No. 724 and Resolutioo No.
It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Jcimsa1 æxI SE!OCIÙId by ():Junc.
P1un;¡y to close the public hearin].
A prcperty owner in the City of 0Jpertin0 inf~ Counc1l
that there is a ro&E ""'--rt: 00 his property ani it was
his feelinl¡ that this utility shcu1d share in the weed
abat.eme11t .
Public hearing
Cooncil ~"tecl that he CXI1tact ro&E ani get a cqJy of
the abatement ordinance frail the City.
Res. 7392
C>:Juncil dir8ctec1 staff to fŒWæ'd a copy of the letter
received traa JåIn V.i.davich to the camty Fire Marshal.
'Ihe IIIOtic:m to close the p.Jblic hearin1 was adc.pted
It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Plun;¡y, seoctÙliÙ by ():Junc. Jåmsa1
and p"--1r:1\1r1a11imr:u1ly to adept: Resolutiat 7392.
30. Hearin:J to 0ŒISider declaratia1 of a p¡blic misance,
01ristian QnJrch of 0Jpert.in0, 20075 BolliD;¡er Road.
(a) Resolutioo No. 7402: "A Re!K.lutioo of the city
Counc1l of the City of 0Jpertin0 orc1erin1
Abatement of Fublic Nuisance at 20075 BolliJxJer
Road. "
Assistant to the City Manager Broun reviewed the histaty of
the misanœ æxI variaJs att:eapts made by the Code
Enf.......__.L Officers to abate said nrlsance.
Rev. WillJur Garlick stated that the portion of BolliJxJer
1'raJt:in;J the ånm:::h is at a low level. water WO\ùd run
fraD the ..l......t a1to the ånD:àl 1-'L~ ac::rcss to the
neighbors. 'Iben the City iI1st.a1.1ed a stem drain. 'Ihe
flocxUlJ¡ st(ß)ed. A retainin.J wall was then tuilt 00 the
ånm:::h þL~t.y. He stated that the City had insisted 00
œcJcfill against that wall: however, he no 1a¡ger had the
letter 1Ihià1 stated that. Rev. Garlick told Ccuncil that
there had been no flocxUlJ¡ since the stem drain had been
Assistant to the City Manager Brown told Ccuncil that the
stam drains bad been iI1st.a1.1ed in 1981. 'Ihe neighbors
have told the City that there is still floodiIJ;J, 1:ut it is
not frcD Bol1.in3er Road.
Eleanor WIaner, 20076 IaRcda O:m:t, shewed slides and
¡DJtos of both ånm:::h ¡...~ l)' and her 1-'L~ li'. She told
Counc1l that she does have of a court case, IixIriD;J
VB. Garlick, Ÿ1ich was a result of Rev. Garlick's dirt
p1Sl'úD;J CNer Mr. Moorin:.J's fence. Slides taken of the
ånD:àl lot in 1981 shewed water ~1IIII,,,.tiœ and debris.
Mrs. Nemer eqbasized that these were taken after the
stam drains were installed. She also 1-'L S lilted ¡hJtcs
taken in 1982 and requested that the debris tie removed fraD
the ånm:::h lot.
Rœe Hinders, 10775 IaRcda Drive, said that the wall ö1laç
the ånm:::h 14-~ty was Wilt after she had IIICII8d in and is
made of hollow cin:Jer blocks with no reinfu..~It. A hole
was put into the wall to relieve the tuildup of water.
MIK11!S OF 'DIE ~ 4, 1988 CI'1Y auaL MEI!:l'IIÐ -
Rev. Garlick stated that delivmy t:ruckB hac! Jcncco"-' dawn
the wall. 'Ihe ccurt said HI:'. H::m'irJJ aJd the c::b.D:å1 wr.
to p1t up a steel re1nfarcecl wall. He said that hac! bem
dens. Rev. Garlick stated that the City hac! direc:t:ed
ho(-kfill and he was in tl18 1'1-' <:, n of doin:J that. He felt
than an :insufficient st.œ:m drain had been inBtalled aJd
therefore water drains CIJto their I'I-""",""LJ'. He said the
b......h drain beiD:J recpIStecl by the City will not solva the
Billie CLaUt., 20090 IaaxB CDJrt, told Counc1l she bas seen
lots of trucks brlnqin;J in dirt to the àmrch l'I-""",""lJ'.
She also stated there bas been floodin} SJme insta1laticr1
of the stom drain.
It was IIIJYed by ():Junc. Plungy, SéC::u.dtod by ():Junc. JåmBat
and p"'..eec:t unani:øws1y to close the p.Iblic hearin;J.
Public hearing
It was IIICII8d by O::unc. Plungy, ~&C1I:r;l by ():Junc. JobI1øa\
aJd 1"" e~ unani.IIa1s1y to adept: Resolutia1 No. 7402
....dt....1ø¡ aI:BteDent of rI1i.sance by Janazy 31 and directin;r
that a b......h drain be iœtalled æxI there tie a ~
of 00 site drains.
,L"J.UD RfJØ1ED ptQ( cx:tmm' CAU2IDo\.~ (ocnt.in1ecl)
18. ~ of waiver of solicitat:ia1 fees: 'Ihe tkdted
states Missicn: American Caooer SOCiety: Natia1a1
Actiœ Against Rape.
Res. 7402
It was JDYed by ():Junc. Plungy, ~.dtod by ():Junc. JåJnSa1
am P"'--1d \IrIa11imr:uIly to COWL""" the r-;p-.t: with hcurB of
solicl.tatia1Hmitecl to 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
RmLtC HF.ARDCS (ocntir&1ecl)
31. ~l of P1amin:¡ ChIoni_iœ COWL...nù of three-lot
snbdivisia1 - App1icat:icn 16-JDH7 (RøYisecl) (Warren
1I1aley) ; Roo........n Fagundes, "fP"'1l"'1t. Pl-+--Lj' 1cx:ated
00 the wst side of ClalDtcn Averut, 100 ft. north of
F11ntsbire SL.......ot.
Directar of P1amin:¡ and DeYel"l-""""4. Q:Iwan reviewed the
çplicatia1 am "fP""'1 with Counc1l.
Waivers of
license fees
Roo'"""'ra Fagundes, 21577 FJ.intshiro SL.......t, stated there are
two i__. 'Ihgy are 1Ò!ther not two st:œy houses sha1lð.
tie I:W.1t a~ the two existiJç Pine u. . She told Ccuncil
that the 1'I-'-I>OSed devel"¥"",,ll is an infill project and
would result in three flag lots in that area. Ms. Fagundes
stated that an arborist I s test stated that if any roots are
remc:JIIed frail the two Pine L... n, an ""Jut1 amount of crown
IIbwld tie rEIIICMId and the L... sha1lð. tie fertilized. She
Public hear in
appeal denied
also stated that the had said that even with these
-''''In!S, the L.. fir "O'11d die.
Mr. Irvin:¡, 21594 castlet:œ SL..-t near IDt 46, said that
Lots 46, 47 and 48 are lower than IDt 49 æxI........ reel
OOI1Ca.r.u regarð.in¡ two stories _..... of privacy. He
requestecl that œe stmy m1SBS tie allowed. Upon beiD]
as1œc1, he stated that he does live in a two stmy hcuse.
Krishna ØJrthy, IDt 22, rec;pIStecl that there tie no wimcwB
in the seoctld stories so that there woold be no intrusiœ
00 neighbors' privacy.
Rid1 Parker, IDt 52, rec;pIStecl that Counc1l net taJœ acticn
00 this çplicatia1 until the Planniß:J ChIoni ....i.a1 acts 00
the house size¡lot size issue. He also requested that aùy
œe stmy hcIlSlB tie allowed.
Warren tIha1ey, -.¡:p1 icant:, told Q:Imcil he has ~ very
hard to ensure privacy æxI lIIIIBliarate the non..... of
neighbors' 0...-.......
'l'aImy Sheo1, owner, said that in regard to the Pines, an
irrigatial area for the roots 1.....,1d tie provided. He also
stated that he wculd maintain the cu......../l shr\11::i)œ;y. Mr.
Sbeol told Council that the hcuse PL'-'l'=sad for the flag lot
will face Cla%bta1.
A relative of Mr. Sheol We will tie cxx::upyin;J the i"L' "Had
hcuse 00 IDt 3 told Ccuncil he - J """'d a two stmy hcuse.
His two dù.ldrs1 will tie livin;J in the haDe as wall as his
parents. He stat.ecl that Ms. Fagundes' hcuse will look dcwn
in his back yard. He said he has heard that œe of her
L.. died a fw years age. ~lld SCIIIBthi.rI:J 1JJœ this
happen aqain, the t:J:æ wculd fall 00 his house.
It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. P1ungy, seco..dt.d Jchnsa1 and P"-tId
UI'IIUÙ1IIOOsly to clœe the pJblic hearin;J.
It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Jàu1scn, seocrDed by ():Junc. Plurçy
æxI p"'8~'!!d unanimcus1y to deny the ~1 .
32. Applicatiœe 8-z-87 æxI 49-EA-87 - West Valley Sbcppin¡
Center located in the southwest quadrant, HaIIBsteBd
Road æxI DeAnza Ba1levard. Rezarl.n:] fraD ex; (Gensa::al
(\ ....-. cla1) to P (P1annecl DevelV}ÆlllOl1t with (. ....-. cia1
intent) . Applicatia1s 4S-u-87 æxI 49-EA-S7, Use P8mit
to 00I...L...x:t am cprate a 37,000 sq. ft. expansioo to
an exist.inq retail shq:pin¡ center with related site
iJIprovements. Envib.........d:al Dete.tminatioo: '!he
P!anning ChIoni -i.a1 NO ............œ the granti¡g of Negative
"e(-'''raticms. R&.. _..o.A.1ded. for a¡prcval.
MDI1ŒS OF 'DIE JANUAR! 4, 1988 CI'1Y a:uaL __.UG -
(a) First readinq of 0J:dinance No. 1434: "An
ordinance of the City Cœncil of the city of
Q]p&rtirIo A1IIIming Secticn 1 of ordinance No. 2 by
RezcrûJIq P'-_ ty t.raa a; Zcae to p Zcae; I.ccated
in the SaJt:hwest Quach.a1It, Hc.mesteeId lbå and
D*1za BcW.evard; A¡¢icat:ic:n 8-Z-87, west valley
~ Oenter."
Director of Planni.n;J and DeIIel"l-""""íl 0Jwan i4. s .Led his
..~t to C>:Juncil.
I)j ,,<,-ia1 follcweci reqardin:¡ a potential need for
:insta1laticn of a traffic signal at Franco a:mt and
IBs Meu, Gt.......".. Meu & Assodates, ..Q:h. ued CDJncil
regardin¡J the:rnnf"l i.. and parapet of the center as WEIll as
traffic. Be 1"8IJJBStecl diœc:t.icn t.raa Counc1l.
vic ~ of BartC1n-AsåmIIn Anodates, Inc...Q:h. ad
C>:Juncil regardin¡ his traffic ""¥"L l.
J. D. \Tan.1e¡;lBan ..~..d s .L1DJ IW SUpA. .....1"1œt and Mr. h..uco
told Ccuncil he wa.ùd not cbject to havin;J the app1icat.icn
a¡:prcved wit:1 the cc:rñitial pertainiD:J to the signal cc:aing'
back at a later
It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Jåmsa1, seccIÙ!d by ():Junc.
and p"'-eel\lrla11imr:ully to close the puN it! hearin;J.
It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Jåmsa1, ~d:.d by ():Junc. IÞ;Jers
and P"~ed unanimcus1y to ."....ut 3 Negative Declarat.ia1 far
A¡¢icat:ic:n 8-Z-87.
Public hearing
Negative Dec.
for 8-Z-87
It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. JOOrIlJt.1h, aéó by ():Junc. ~..
æxI pasaad \IrIa11imr:uIly to ClM'Luv'e App1icat:iœ 8-z-a7 with
the pn-ib]e 1nstal1atiœ of the signal at Franco CWrt and
Haœst:eëId to be retumed in two 1iIeelœ for exnlideratioo.
8'"Z-87 ap-
It was IIICII8d by Oa1I'1C. Plun;nr, secaùed by ():Junc. a...,.......
and P"'--sel unanimcus1y to read Ord!nanœ No. 1434 by title
CI1ly and the City CletX's l'eIiIdiJq to OCI'IStitute the first
:readm:J thereof.
First reading
of Ord. 1434
It was IIICJIÆd by ():Junc. Jåmsa1, seccIÙ!d by ():Junc. Ib)æ.s
and p"'ð~ unanimcus1y to ClM'LU'oIe 7.ßÙicatiœ 48-u-87 with
ocnsi.deratioo of installatim of a signal at Franco a:mt
æxI Haœst:eëId bein;J ocnsi.deled in two 1oIeeks.
signal at
Franco Ct.
to be con-
RÐ ~: 9:45-9:55 p.m.
MJ:N(JBS OF '!HE JANUAR\C 4, 1988 CIT\( c:œNCIL Mœl'IlC -
33. Applicatia18 9-Z-87 and 51-FA-87 - Fred Ra1ne11,
located at the east side of Blaney AvIn1e, tletnen
Regnart Creek an:! Bodrigues AvIn1e. ~ fraa city
Rl-10 (Single-family Res!dImtial, 10,000 sq. ft.
IIÚ.n1JII.1m lot size) to City Rl-6 (SiD;J:1e-t_i1y
Residential, 6,000 sq. ft. 1IÛJÚJIUI lot size) Za:I8.
Appl1cat!cms 21.JDHJ7 and 51-EA-87, T81tative Map to
subdivide 1.56 ""'...- acres :1nto 7 pIIrC8ls with lot
sizes rarging fraa 6,500 sq. ft. to 8,000 sq. ft. and
Envira1menta1 DBter:Ddnatial: 'lhe Plannin:¡ ChIoni_ilW1
:tee' ....-'1ds the qrant:inq of Negative DecJ.arat1.a:ts.
Pe.=· ····-rded for Cli¥Lwal.
(a) First reading of Ordinance No. 1435: "An
Ordinance of the City Counc1l of the City of
0Jpertin0 AIDend:inq Sect:icn 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by
Rezaú.ng P.L'¥".Llj' fraa Rl-10 Zate to Rl-6 Zate,
Ioœted 00 the Fast Side of Blaney AV11r1J8 œbJ1I en
Regnart Creek and Bodrigues AvIn1e; Applicat:ic:n
9-Z-87, Fred Ra1ne11."
Director of Plannin¡ and DeY8l"'t'"""'IL Q:Jwan t'li...... r:l his
l~L with Counc1l.
Marv Kirkeby, Civil Engineer 1.......1S_.Ung the "Iß!J1"""'1t,
stated that this i'L' ,.~ had been slightly revised si1x8
the Plannin¡ ChIoni ....100 had seen it.
Dj......, followed reqard:inq Wi1scn PaJX, Iots 6 æxI 7 of
the ~. ~<!Jer:I deve1"l-"""".L, fra1tage and parking.
Harry Q1eno told Counc1l that he å:Jjectecl to a ..L......t qoirq
a.........- the rear of his i&"""",,Lj'. 'Ibis ~ ~- the
1''''II},o.,. of lots he "",,1t'I -i'1 fraa that i&'¥".LLj'.
Council was .intu. ..-, that the çplicant does not Ft bIIv8
the a¡:praval of the em. -:Q for a to .... the
i&'¥".L lj'.
Dick aü.ldress, 11701 Regnart Cëmya1 Drive, SU),po-œd that
the tie located 00 the ~l District i&"""",,ty.
Fred Reine1l, çpliœnt, fslt that the ~~ adch. es
the OCh........ns of the staff, Plann:inq ChIoni~iœ and others.
He told Counc1l this was a difficult piece of property to
It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Rogm:s, secc:n:Jecl by ():Junc. Plungy
and 1"'''''''''' \IrIa11imr:uIly to 0CI1ti.nJe CXI1Sideratioo of this
çplicatial for two weeks and that staff oc:me back with a
park 1ayoot ~d1 'r'O"1t'I inc1\ñe the aw1iœnt's and Mr.
Ghomo's prc:perty and the prc:perty to the north of the park.
MDÐnS OF 'lHE J»IJARl 4, 1988 CI'1Y CXXH:::IL MEZJ.'IlG -
App1ica1:iaw 48-0-87 am 49-FA-87 - West Valley Slxg)frJJ
center - See Itøa No. 32.
App1icat.iaw 21.JIM-87 and 51-FA-87 - Freel RBine11 - See
Item No. 33.
34. Hale.
35. Hale.
36. Ox1sideratiœ of l'IoldiD¡ an 1!Idjœ.cnecl regular IIIII8tiD¡J
at 1b1r:Iay, Janmy 18, 1988 and œncelliD¡ the regular
IIIII8tiD¡J of 'Do "'Y, Jaramry 19, 1988.
By 0.... MlSUS, Council a¡:prcved that the IIIII8tiD¡J remain at
the regular day of Jaramry 19.
37. paq-t for .........wal of 0....1l..aCt: with oamt.y of santa
Clara Sheriff Department.
(a) REsclut.iœ No. 7403: "A ~n:J.ut.iœ of the City
Counc1l of the City of 0Jpertin0 AuthoriziD¡
ExBcuticn of Agl..........d.. a.t..reen the City of
01pertin0 and the santa Clara oamt.y Sheriff
Department for Provisia1 of I.æI Enfut..........d..
Services. "
It 'Was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Plungy, &eOC:IIÙod by 0:;;:.!11C. Jcbnsc:n
æxI p---.-;" \1r1iUÚJIIOOsly to adqJt Rasolut.iœ No. 7403.
38. App1ic:a1:iœ 2~-87 - paq-t to initiate a ~blic
hearin¡ to CXI'ISider læxI use c:banga within the Mt:I,"Jt;a
vista area loc:atecl north of Støwns Creek Bcul8ll8%tl,
east of Peninsula Aveme.
Rid1a%d sutherlæxl, attorney for Mr. ~1""A"', told Ccuncil
that the area }&' v: age! for the Plan ~It 'Was
nearly equally divided be.åIeeI. duplex \D'Üts æxI
sin::Jle-faadly \D'Üts/
It 'Was 1IICIIed by ():Junc. Jcbnsc:n, -......dt.d by ():Junc. P1\~.;¡y
ancll""-"'«l ~y to deny the I""']I-t.
Meetlng to
be Jan. 19
Res. 7403
. .
as permanent
use permit
f1 ve-year
use permit
Auth. purchase
of property;
adopted Res.
Fees. - Seven
SDr ings
MD«11'!S OF 'DIE J1\NUARY 4, 1988 Cl'lY CXXJNCIL MEI!:l'IlG -
39. ~ 26-u-86 - Rebert H. tee (M::i)il Oil) - six
mr::nth review of a¡:plicatiat. '!be i'L~Lf is located
at 21855 HaDestead Road.
It was IIICMId by <Dmc. Jåu1sa1, seoClnded by ():Junc. Roger5
and p"......A unaniD:JUsJ.y to "M'L...... Çlicat:ic:n 26-u-a6 all a
pel1IIII1'IØI1t use pemit.
40. Valley 01urå1 of 0Jpertin0 - Request.inq a +--'1' ...caty
h,i1d1rq pemit for a period of five yærs. 10885
Narth stellin) Road.
It was IIICMId by ():Junc. Rcgers, seoall:1ed by Plungy to
"M'L...... the request for a t...,~·...ary h, peDDit for a
period of five yærs.
OIarles ~, 01air of the R, ChIonittee, told
Counc1l that -- of the size of the youth pl~...... and
adult sunday Så1col i'L~"""" the ån1rd1 nr- :J:CaII to
expand. He told Counc1l that the ån1rd1 pays for their
b1i1din1s up fra1t in cash. 'lberefare saII8times it t.a]œs a 1a¡gex to b1i1d. He stated that the ~,-~nd
+-·1<R.øJ:y h,i1ðin) waùd not tie seen frail the ..t........t.
'!be IIDtia1 was ëIIIIeIÙ:1d to "M'L...... a cxn:iitia1a1 five-year
use peDDit Wiå1 will expiœ in two yærs if no çplicatia1
for the l""" .....'BIt installatiœ has been received with 18
1IICI1ths. '!be IIDtia1 was ~øt!'ed unarúmcus1y.
41. Request for authorizatiœ to exemise puràJase cpticn
for am (Below MaDœt Rate) ha1sing unit, 20701 OBleste
C:I.xt:le. A¡:p:cval of Resolut.icn No. 7390 ~
$97,410 frail the 'FI-:al tum for that p.JIpOS8.
It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. JchnscI'1, -"'*~ by ():Junc. a..gera
æxI P"Ø-¡r:I\IrIa11imr:uIly to authorize puràJase of i'L~ly 00
a CXI1tingency ...."is and to adept Resolut.icn No. No. 7390
~ $97,410 for that p.n-pose.
42. frail James E. Jadœa1 œ behalf of '!be Gi..~f
Gxwp - ,.,.,......iticn and COllectioo of Plan Review Fees
and :Emrgy Pemit Fees.
'!he City Attorney noc· ....-V'ded that Direc:tar of Plannin¡ and
Devel~ll 0Jwan oc:ntect Mr. Jadœa1 æxI tell tÙJII the
infœ::matiœ toIC'ùd. be forthcc:lllin:¡ in ate 1IIa"Ith.
Mayor Gatto ar1I'Ia1OOed that the City had received a plaque
frail united Way in a¡preclaticn of staff's participatiœ.
MDI1ŒS œ 'DIE JANUARl 4, 1988 CI'1Y OXJNCIL 1'IU1J.'.uG -
43. s-....:1 J:'82IdiJI¡ and enactment of ordinance No. 1431:
"An ordinance of the City 0C:Jurcll of the city of
QJpertino A1Dend1n¡ Q1apter 16.32.040, swiJaadn;J Pbo.1.s,
safety P-<:r,, of the 01pertin0 HmicipIÙ aùI."
It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Plungy, S80QIded by Q:Iunc. Bcg8l..
æxI p"'--ael \IrIa11imr:uIly to read Ordinance No. 1431 by title
a1ly and the City Clerk's I'8IIIdinq to OQU&titute the B8CCI1d
readirq u.....-..t.
It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. ~s, seo...dod by ():Junc. Jcinlt:M1
and p"--nt with Q:unc. P1ungy t'li-- ..Urç to enact: Ordinance
No. 1431.
44. S&c.....:1 J:'82IdiJI¡ and enactIIIant of Ordinance No. 1432:
"An 0rdJnanœ of the City Counc1l of the City of
QJpertino A1Dend1n¡ 01aptar 2.60.010 of the 01pertin0
MJraici~l aùI, Public Safety C'NIoni....too."
It was IIICMId by ():Junc. Plungy, eéOo...dod by ():Junc. ~.
and 1?"'--,eI unanimr:uI1y to read Ordinance No. 1432 by title
a1ly and the City Clerk's readin¡ to OCI1Stitute the B8CCI1d
reading ther6.Jf.
It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. ~.., ..ecx..æ.l by ():Junc. JahnscI1
and peE-,:1 \1I1IIrWacusly to enact Ordinance No. 1432.
45. s.o.....:1 I'8IIIdinq æxI enactment: of ordinance No. 1433:
"An ordinance of the City of 01pertin0 A1Dend1n¡ sect:.icr1
18-401.5 and 18-1.501.7 of the 01pertin0 lIJr'i"'ip"'l aùI
Reqarc:!ing Expiratial and Exts1sicn of An"":lrisicn
Maps. "
It ... JIDII8Cl by ():Junc. Plungy, SêOCidod by ():Junc. a.gars
and p"'--ad \IrIa11imr:uIly to read ordinance No. 1433 by title
a1ly and the City Clerk's I'8IIIdinq to oo.lDt1tute the -.......:1
reading thetf¡(Jf.
It 1II1II8 IIICII8d by ():Junc. Hcgers, -.AAdod by ():Junc. Plungy
and p---ec1 unanhr:œ1y to enact Ordinance No. 1433.
46. Na18.
At 11:45 p.m., Counc1l adjo.nned to closed sessiCl'l.
At 11:55 p.m., Counc1l recx:nvened in cpm sessiCl'l.
Second reading
of Ord. 1431
Ord. 1431
Second reading
of ord. 1432
Ord. 1432
Second reading
of ord. 1433
Ord. 1433
Closed session
,:r J
# I ~
. ";~ '.'
1Ulou'J.'m ,,,or.·:~ 4, 1988 Cl'.1Y ~ 1VòOU'.uG -
00-733 . ~,
(a) PIn!1n¡Jut.i.9åt'Jœ (aa......_L 00de Sectiœ 54956.9(a).
," ..
~~i ~ v. City of ~ et ale
Gregory Group It _ IlØUIIC! by Ccunc. Plungy, ____.ded by CCIuna. J<:ib..øcn
VS. City ard V- 11 ~y to autbarize IItaft to file an
rnt:mpì-'-' _i"", ard "'"V'-it .............n-tely $144,000
IIIiraIa .u......wy f-. with t:b8 ocurt.
o:Amcil aðjQJm8C1 to 6:30 p.m., Mr:nBy, JarIJEY 11, 1988
omt...__ Roell, No. 126.