CC 01-11-88 · œ-733A CI'1Y OF CXJPERl'IN), 8'm1'E OF CAI.IFtRaA 10300 Torre Avenue, ClIpertino, CA 95014 Telep¡a¡e: (408) 252-4505 MDI1ŒS OF 'DIE AnJaJRNm RmUIAR CI'1Y CDJNCIL MEm'DG HEW œ J'ANU.'\R{ 11, 1988, CXJIFERENCE KXH, CI'l'! HAIL 10300 'l\.1t<tœ AVÐIJE, aJPERl'IlÐ, CALIRJRNIA Mayor Gatto called the meet.iD} to order at 6:33 p.m. R>IL CAIL CDmc. Pl. s _tl: Jcimsc:n, lfqpel, Plun;¡y, Rogers, Mayor Gatto staff Pi:S IL: City Clerk cornelius INl'ER\1nH; AND APiODmŒN1'S 'lO VARICXJS ArJV'ISŒfi Ea>IES Parfcs am Rec:reatiœ t'nIoni ....1.a1 - It was mcYed by a:.mc. P1ungy, SèlJ..ð.d by ():Junc. Jcimsc:n aM I"'ftftgd unanimcusly to appoint V. Dean SJœels to a f~ tem and fo1=oo11- Dean arxl JUdy lO.iIger to the other two ëlV"'n..hle tenB. It was IIIOIIecl by ():Junc. IL,,=öI, seocn::Jecl by ():Junc. Johnsen æxI I"'~ unanimcusly to appoint wallace Dæn to a four-year tem æxI JUdy lO.inJer to a partial tem ending J~, 1990. Fine Arts t'nIoni....1.a1 - It was JìI:J\/ecl by ():Junc. Plun;¡y, secx:..ð.d by ():Junc. Kqpl æxI I"''''--' unani.mcusly to a¡:point Deborah Arden, Valerie Ramsay, æxI Nancy Rcslunli. REX::ESS: 9:10-9:20 p.m. PI.1blic Safety ChIoni_icn - It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. PlUBF, seo...ð.d by ():Junc. Rogel.. aM p"ft...... unani.mcusly to a¡:point Francis It)J.lay, Marilyn sterliIq arxl Eleamr Wm:ner. Energy ~i ....100 - It was IIIOIIecl by ():Junc. P1un;¡y, se.caded by ():Junc. ~ and I"'ft...... unani.mcusly to appoint Hemy aJffalOli, Te1:l04.::.& Hines æxI RàJert Ru:t:tenberq. cable 'N AdvisoJ:y ChIonittee (City Clerk's Note: Roan) . It was IIIOIIecl by CDmc. P1un;¡y, seocn::Jecl by QJUrX:. Kq:pel arxl I"'''''''ed with ():Junc. Johnson absent to awoint William Fletdler arxl Michelle Mann. QJUrX:. Johnson left the caú''''''.....::.& -1- Parks and Recreation Fine Arts Public Safety Energy Cable TV Advisory ~ . , . .' March 21 mtg. cancelled. scheduled for March 15 . . MDI7l'ES OF 'JHE ~ 11, 1988 CI'1Y a:oa::n. .'I!Z1'DG (OQ-733A) Q:uIc. J~..on røtu:ned to the (City Cledt'a Hate: a..6..a:u. Rxm.) amtIZ OF IWŒ !œ RIDJaR CI'1Y a:oa::n. ME1'.TnG OF ImBœ 21, 1988 By .....__sœua, ocuncu CIIJ'V'D"ed the I88ting of MIIrå1 21 and Øf'I1MI,1 e.i it far '.l'- 1>.f, M!Irå1 15. 'Ibe IIIII8tiD¡J 1IIIS adjcmned at 10:30 p... &4¿.â -2-